Pierre Labrosse



Ifremer, ODE/VIGIES (2023). Journées REPHY 2022. Nantes, 1er et 2 décembre 2022. Compilation des interventions et résumés . ODE/VIGIES/23-08 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00838/94981/


Costa Bernard, Labrosse Pierre, Meyer Jean-Yves, Raharivelomanana Phila (2022). 10e Colloque CIPAM & Cos. 19 - 23 novembre 2018 - Tahiti Polynésie française. Les Actes. Nature & culture : De la recherche à l'innovation, la vaorisation et/ou la présnetation. Éditions de l'Université de la Polynésie française.


Ifremer (2021). Autoévaluation de l'Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la MER. 2016-2020 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00795/90676/
Morin Dimitri, Francois Cyrille, Girardin Frederic (2021). Dossier de demande d'agrément zoosanitaire. Station Ifremer de La Tremblade . Agrément zoo-sanitaire (PDG-RBE-SG2M-PMMLT), version 3 .


Morin Dimitri, Girardin Frederic (2020). Guide d’utilisation des installations dédiées aux infections expérimentales (statut L2) . Instruction PMMLT_I.UL.5.08_V2 .


Ruppert Jonathan L. W., Vigliola Laurent, Kulbicki Michel, Labrosse Pierre, Fortin Marie-Josee, Meekan Mark G. (2018). Human activities as a driver of spatial variation in the trophic structure of fish communities on Pacific coral reefs . Global Change Biology , 24(1), E67-E79 . https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.13882


Colleter Mathieu, Dara Djibril Ahmed, Hosch Gilles, Labrosse Pierre, Yvergniaux Yann, Le Manach Férdéric, Pauly Daniel (2016). Djibouti . In D. Pauly and D. Zeller (Eds), Global Atlas of Marine Sciences : A Critical Appraisal of Catches and Ecosystems Impacts.2nd édition. ISBN-10 : 1610917693 ISBN-13 : 978-1610917698. Island Press, Washington, DC. pp.238 (Island Press) .


Carlier Antoine, Chauvaud Laurent, Van Der Geest Matthijs, Le Loc'h Francois, Le Duff Michel, Vernet Marc, Raffray Jean, Diakhate Djibril, Labrosse Pierre, Wague Abdoulaye, Le Goff Clement, Gohin Francis, Chapron Bertrand, Clavier Jacques (2015). Trophic connectivity between offshore upwelling and the inshore food web of Banc d’Arguin (Mauritania): New insights from isotopic analysis . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 165, 149-158 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2015.05.001 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00269/37999/


Clavier Jacques, Chauvaud Laurent, Amice Erwan, Lazure Pascal, Van Der Geest Matthijs, Labrosse Pierre, Diagne Ahmed, Carlier Antoine, Chauvaud Sylvain (2014). Benthic metabolism in shallow coastal ecosystems of the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 501, 11-23 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3354/meps10683 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00189/29987/


Clavier Jacques, Chauvaud Laurent, Carlier Antoine, Amice Erwan, Van Der Geest Matthijs, Labrosse Pierre, Diagne Ahmed, Hily Christian (2011). Aerial and underwater carbon metabolism of a Zostera noltii seagrass bed in the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania . Aquatic Botany , 95(1), 24-30 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.03.005


Coll Marta, Shannon Lynne J., Yemane Dawit, Link Jason S., Ojaveer Henn, Neira Sergio, Jouffre Didier, Labrosse Pierre, Heymans Johanna J., Fulton Elizabeth A., Shin Yunne-Jai (2010). Ranking the ecological relative status of exploited marine ecosystems . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 67(4), 769-786 . https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsp261
Jouffre Didier, Borges Maria De Fatima, Bundy Alida, Coll Marta, Diallo Ibrahima, Fulton Elizabeth A., Guitton Jerome, Labrosse Pierre, Abdellahi Khairdine Ould Mohamed, Masumbuko Bora, Thiao Djiga (2010). Estimating EAF indicators from scientific trawl surveys: theoretical and practical concerns . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 67(4), 796-806 . https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsp285
Shin Yunne-Jai, Shannon Lynne J., Bundy Alida, Coll Marta, Aydin Kerim, Bez Nicolas, Blanchard Julia L., Borges Maria De Fatima, Diallo Ibrahima, Diaz Erich, Heymans Johanna J., Hill Louize, Johannesen Edda, Jouffre Didier, Kifani Souad, Labrosse Pierre, Link Jason S., Mackinson Steven, Masski Hicham, Moellmann Christian, Neira Sergio, Ojaveer Henn, Abdallahi Khairdine Ould Mohammed, Perry Ian, Thiao Djiga, Yemane Dawit, Cury Philippe M. (2010). Using indicators for evaluating, comparing, and communicating the ecological status of exploited marine ecosystems. 2. Setting the scene . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 67(4), 692-716 . https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsp294


Gascuel D., Labrosse Pierre, Meissa B., Sidl M. O. Taleb, Guenette S. (2007). Decline of demersal resources in North-West Africa: an analysis of Mauritanian trawl-survey data over the past 25 years . African Journal Of Marine Science , 29(3), 331-345 . https://doi.org/10.2989/AJMS.2007.


Clua Eric, Legendre Pierre, Vigliola Laurent, Magron Franck, Kulbicki Michel, Sarramegna Sebastien, Labrosse Pierre, Galzin Rene (2006). Medium scale approach (MSA) for improved assessment of coral reef fish habitat . Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology , 333(2), 219-230 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jembe.2005.12.010
Kronen Mecki, McArdle Brian, Labrosse Pierre (2006). Surveying seafood consumption - a methodological analysis . The South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences , 24(1), 12-19 . https://doi.org/10.1071/SP06002
Ould Isselmou Cheikh Baye, Labrosse Pierre, Ould Bouzouma Mohammed El Moustapha (2006). Catalogue des engins de pêche artisanale en Mauritanie . IMROP.
Labrosse Pierre, Ferraris J, Letourneur Y (2006). Assessing the sustainability of subsistence fisheries in the Pacific: The use of data on fish consumption . Ocean & Coastal Management , 49(3-4), 203-221 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2006.02.006


Clua Eric, Beliaeff Benoit, Chauvet Claude, David Gilbert, Ferraris Jocelyne, Kronen Mekhi, Kulbicki Michel, Labrosse Pierre, Letourneur Yves, Pelletier Dominique, Thebaud Olivier, Leopold Marc (2005). Towards multidisciplinary indicator dashboards for coral reef fisheries management . Aquatic Living Resources , 18(3), 199-213 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1051/alr:2005026 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/716/
Kulbicki M, Bozec Ym, Labrosse Pierre, Letourneur Y, Mou-Tham G, Wantiez L (2005). Régime alimentaire de poissons carnivores des récifs coralliens de Nouvelle Calédonie / Diet composition of carnivorous fishes from coral reef lagoons of New Caledonia . Aquatic Living Resources , 18(3), 231-250 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1051/alr:2005029 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00608/71965/
Laurent Dominique, Yeeting Being, Labrosse Pierre, Gaudechoux Jean-Paul (2005). Ciguatera Field reference guide / Un guide pratique / Ciguatera Field reference guide / Un guide pratique . IRD éditions / SPC.


Leopold M, Ferraris J, Labrosse Pierre (2004). Evaluation de la fiabilité de la consommation de poisson comme indicateur des captures de poissons récifaux dans les petites îles du Pacifique : l’exemple de l’île d’Ouvéa en Nouvelle-Calédonie / Assessment of the reliability of fish consumption as an indicator of reef fish catches in small Pacific islands: The example of Ouvea Island in New Caledonia . Aquatic Living Resources , 17(2), 119-127 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1051/alr:2004020 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00608/71966/
Kulbicki Michel, Labrosse Pierre, Ferraris Jocelyne (2004). Basic Principles Underlying Research Projects on the Links between the Ecology and the Uses of Coral Reef Fishes in the Pacific . In Challenging Coasts: Transdisciplinary Excursions into Integrated Coastal Zone Development, edited by Leontine E. Visser, Amsterdam University Press, 2004. MARE Publication Series ; 1. ISBN 90-5356-682-1 JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt45kf21.10. Chap.6, pp.119-158 (Amsterdam University Press) . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00609/72083/
Randall John E., Williams Jeffrey T., Smith David G., Kulbicki M., Tham, G. Mou Tham, G. Mou, Labrosse Pierre, Kronen M., Clua E., Mann B. S. (2004). Checklist of the Shore and epipelagic fishes of Tonga . Atoll Research Bulletin , (502), 1-35 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00775630.502.1 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00608/71976/


Sadovy Y, Kulbicki M, Labrosse Pierre, Letourneur Y, Lokani P, Donaldson Tj (2003). The humphead wrasse, Cheilinus undulatus: synopsis of a threatened and poorly known giant coral reef . Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries , 13(3), 327-364 . https://doi.org/10.1023/B:RFBF.0000033122.90679.97


Labrosse Pierre, Kulbicki Michel, Ferraris Jocelyne (2001). Comptage visuel de poissons en plongée : conditions d'utilisation et de mise en oeuvre . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00609/72082/


Letourneur Yves, Labrosse Pierre, Kulbicki Michel (2000). Distribution spatiale des stocks de poissons récifaux démersaux d'intérêt commercial et effort de pêche en Province Nord de Nouvelle-Calédonie (Pacifique occidental) . Oceanologica Acta , 23(5), 595-606 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/S0399-1784(00)01114-2 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00323/43383/
Letourneur Y, Kulbicki M, Labrosse Pierre (2000). Estimation des stocks de poisson des lagons de Nouvelle-Calédonie : 1 – Structure et stocks des communautés des poissons de récifs. / Fish stock assessment of the northern New Caledonian lagoons: 1 - Structure and stocks of coral reef fish communities . Aquatic Living Resources , 13(2), 65-76 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/S0990-7440(00)00145-5 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00608/71968/
Kulbicki M, Labrosse Pierre, Letourneur Y (2000). Estimation des stocks de poissons des lagons de Nouvelle-Calédonie : 2 – Stocks des poissons de fond et des poissons associés aux récifs coralliens / Fish stock assessment of the northern New Caledonian lagoons: 2 - Stocks of lagoon bottom and reef-associated fishes . Aquatic Living Resources , 13(2), 77-90 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/S0990-7440(00)00144-3 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00608/71969/
Labrosse Pierre, Letourneur Y, Kulbicki M, Paddon Jr (2000). Estimation des stocks de poissons des lagons de Nouvelle-Calédonie : 3 – Pression de pêche, rendements potentiels et impact sur les options d’aménagement / Fish stock assessment of the northern New Caledonian lagoons: 3 - Fishing pressure, potential yields and impact on management options . Aquatic Living Resources , 13(2), 91-98 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/S0990-7440(00)00143-1 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00608/71970/
Labrosse Pierre, Fichez Renaud, Farman Richard, Adams Tim (2000). New caledonia . In Seas at the Millennium: An Environmental Evaluation Volume II 2000 C. Sheppard. ISBN 10: 0080432077 / ISBN 13: 9780080432076. Chap10. pp.723-736 (Elsevier Science Ltd) .


Letourneur Y, Labrosse Pierre, Kulbicki M (1999). Commercial fish assemblages on New Caledonian fringing reefs submitted to different levels of ground erosion . Oceanologica Acta , 22(6), 609-621 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/S0399-1784(00)88952-5 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00325/43586/


Virly S., Labrosse Pierre, Grandperrin R., Audran N., Fao B., Hoffschir C., Pantaloni L. (1998). Campagne « AMUSIUM 1 » de chalutages dans les lagons ouest de la zone économique de Nouvelle-Calédonie (N.O. ALIS, 3-17 juin 1998) .
Letourneur Y, Kulbicki M, Labrosse Pierre (1998). Spatial structure of commercial reef fish communities along a terrestrial runoff gradient in the northern lagoon of New Caldonia . Environmental Biology Of Fishes , 51(2), 141-159 . https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007489502060
Letourneur Y, Kulbicki M, Labrosse Pierre (1998). Length-weight relationship of fishes from coral reefs and lagoons of New Caledonia: an update . Naga, the ICLARM Quarterly , 21(4), 39-46 .

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