Jeux de données
Boittiaux Clementin, Dune Claire, Ferrera Maxime, Arnaubec Aurelien, Marxer Ricard, Van Audenhaege Loic, Matabos Marjolaine, Hugel Vincent (2022). Eiffel Tower: A Deep-Sea Underwater Dataset for Long-Term Visual Localization . SEANOE .
Dune Claire, Laranjeira-Moreira Matheus, Boittiaux Clementin, Drupt Juliette, Filliung Martin, Ghader Bilal, Tortoricci Ornella, Gomez Cyrille, Morales M., Monti L., Hugel Vincent, Seillier Sabine, Richier Mathieu, Anthierens Cédric, Marxer Ricard, Arnaubec Aurelien, Ferrera Maxime, Boizot Nicolas, Viel Christophe, Comport Andrew (2024). Les câbles en robotique sous-marine. Faut-il couper le cordon ? Rendez-Vous Mer & Drones 2024. Décembre 2024, Les Arcs sur Argens, France.
Gao Jialin, Ong Bill, Lwi Darld, Ng Zhen Hao, Yee Xun Wei, Mak Mun-Thye, Ng Wee Siong, Ng See-Kiong, Teo Hui Ying, Khoo Victor, Bökman Georg, Edstedt Johan, Brodt Kirill, Boittiaux Clementin, Ferrera Maxime, Konev Stepan (2024). From 2D to 3D: AISG-SLA Visual Localization Challenge . Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Demo Track. Pages 8661-8664.
Borremans Catherine, Durden Jennifer, Schoening Timm, Curtis Emma, Adams Luther, Branzan Albu Alexandra, Arnaubec Aurelien, Ayata Sakina-Dorothée, Baburaj Reshma, Bassin Corinne, Beck Miriam, Bigham Katharine, Boschen-Rose Rachel, Collett Chad, Contini Matteo, Correa Paulo, Dominguez-Carrió Carlos, Dreyfus Gautier, Duncan Graeme, Ferrera Maxime, Foulon Valentin, Friedman Ariell, Gaikwad Santosh, Game Chloe, Gaytán-Caballero Adriana, Girard Fanny, Giusti Michela, Hanafi-Portier Mélissa, Howell Kerry, Hulevata Iryna, Itiowe Kiamuke, Jackett Chris, Jansen Jan, Karthäuser Clarissa, Katija Kakani, Kernec Maxime, Kim Gabriel, Kitahara Marcelo, Langenkämper Daniel, Langlois Tim, Lanteri Nadine, Jianping Li Claude, Li Qi-Ran, Liabot Pierre-Olivier, Lindsay Dhugal, Loulidi Ali, Marcon Yann, Marini Simone, Marranzino Ashley, Massot-Campos Miquel, Matabos Marjolaine, Menot Lenaick, Moreno Bernabé, Morrissey Marcus, Nakath David, Nattkemper Tim, Neufeld Monika, Obst Matthias, Olu - Le Roy Karine, Parimbelli Alexa, Pasotti Francesca, Pelletier Dominique, Perhirin Margaux, Piechaud Nils, Pizarro Oscar, Purser Autun, Rodrigues Clara, Ceballos Romero Elena, Schlining Brian, Song Yifan, Sosik Heidi, Sourisseau Marc, Taormina Bastien, Taucher Jan, Thornton Blair, Van Audenhaege Loic, von Der Meden Charles, Wacquet Guillaume, Williams Jack, Witting Kea, Zurowietz Martin (2024). Report on the Marine Imaging Workshop 2022 . Research Ideas and Outcomes , 10, e119782 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Boittiaux Clementin, Marxer Ricard, Dune Claire, Arnaubec Aurelien, Ferrera Maxime, Hugel Vincent (2024). SUCRe: Leveraging Scene Structure for Underwater Color Restoration . 2024 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), Davos, Switzerland, 2024, ISBN:979-8-3503-6245-9 / 979-8-3503-6246-6, ISSN: 2475-7888 / 2378-3826, pp. 1488-1497 .
Arnaubec Aurelien, Olu - Le Roy Karine, Ferrera Maxime, Escartin Javier (2023). LIDAR - WP1.4 . DFO/SM/23-036 .
Boittiaux Clementin, Dune-Maillard Claire, Ferrera Maxime, Arnaubec Aurelien, Marxer Ricard, Matabos Marjolaine, Van Audenhaege Loic, Hugel Vincent (2023). Eiffel Tower: A Deep-Sea Underwater Dataset for Long-Term Visual Localization . International Journal Of Robotics Research , 42(9), 689-699 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ferrera Maxime, Arnaubec Aurelien, Boittiaux Clementin, Larroche Inès, Opderbecke Jan (2023). Vision-based 3D Reconstruction for Deep-Sea Environments: Practical Use for Surveys and Inspection . OCEANS 2023 - Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, 2023, Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-3226-1 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-3227-8. pp. 1-7 .
Arnaubec Aurelien, Ferrera Maxime, Escartín Javier, Matabos Marjolaine, Gracias Nuno, Opderbecke Jan (2023). Underwater 3D Reconstruction from Video or Still Imagery: Matisse and 3DMetrics Processing and Exploitation Software . Journal Of Marine Science And Engineering , 11(5), 985 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Boittiaux Clementin, Dune-Maillard Claire, Arnaubec Aurelien, Marxer Ricard, Ferrera Maxime, Hugel Vincent (2023). Long-term visual localization in deep-sea underwater environment . ORASIS 2023 - 19ème édition des journées francophones des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur. 22-26 May 2023, Carqueiranne, France .
Schoening Timm, Dominguez Carrio Carlos, Morato Telmo, Bajjouk Touria, Ferrera Maxime, Petit Tristan, Arnaubec Aurelien (2023). New imaging and analysis approaches for marine species detection and classification . WP2. iAtlantic Deliverable 2.4 .
Kumar Peeyush, Gracias Nuno, Istenic Klemen, Garcia Rafael, Arnaubec Aurelien, Ferrera Maxime, Bajjouk Touria (2021). Combined use of a frame and a linear pushbroom camera for deep-sea 3D hyperspectral mapping . OCEANS 2021: San Diego – Porto, 2021, Electronic ISBN:978-0-692-93559-0, ISSN: 0197-7385. pp. 1-9 .
Ferrera Maxime, Eudes Alexandre, Moras Julien, Sanfourche Martial, Le Besnerais Guy (2021). OV2SLAM: A Fully Online and Versatile Visual SLAM for Real-Time Applications . Ieee Robotics And Automation Letters , 6(2), 1399-1406 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ferrera Maxime, Arnaubec Aurelien, Istenic Klemen, Gracias Nuno, Bajjouk Touria (2021). Hyperspectral 3D Mapping of Underwater Environments . Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, 2021, pp. 3696-3705 .