My research is focussed on the use microchemistry, in particular stable isotopes and trace metals, to determine the ecology of marine animals. Using sclerochronological and other samples in conjunction with biological and ecosystem data, I am interested in determining the location, ecology, and movements of animals in time and space to determine their behavior in relation to environmental factors such as temperature, etc. This information allows for the assessment of likely future vulnerability to changes in habitat, prey, and other stressors for different species, life stages, and functional groups.
Mahe Kelig, Matéos Aurélie, Poisson Caillault Emilie, Couette Sébastien, Laffont Rémi,
Mackenzie Kirsteen, Andrialovanirina Nicolas (2024).
Identification des poissons par leurs otolithes en 3D : Manche et mer du Nord . Editions Quae.
Haug T., Biuw M., Kovacs K.M., Lindblom L., Lindstrøm U., Lydersen C.,
Mackenzie Kirsteen, Meier S. (2024).
Trophic interactions between common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and their prey during summer in the northern Barents Sea .
Progress In Oceanography , 224, 103267 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Giraldo Carolina,
Cresson Pierre,
Mackenzie Kirsteen, Fontaine Virginie,
Loots Christophe, Delegrange Alice, Lefebvre Sebastien (2024).
A matter of size and season: insights into planktonic food web dynamics in a temperate coastal ecosystem . ICES/PICES 7th International Zooplankton Production Symposium. 17-22 March 2024, Hobart, Australia .
Bellodi Andrea, Carbonara Pierluigi,
Mackenzie Kirsteen, Agus Blondine, Bekaert Karen, Greenway Eleanor S. I., Follesa Maria C., Madia Manfredi, Massaro Andrea, Palmisano Michele, Romano Chiara, Sinopoli Mauro, Ferragut-Perello Francesca,
Mahé Kelig (2024).
Measurement of the Growth of the Main Commercial Rays (Raja clavata, Raja brachyura, Torpedo marmorata, Dipturus oxyrinchus) in European Waters Using Intercalibration Methods .
Biology-basel , 13(1), 20 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mahe Kelig,
Caboche Josselin, Cure Clemence, Cordier Remy,
Cresson Pierre,
Giraldo Carolina,
Girardin Raphael,
Halouani Ghassen,
Lefebvre Valerie,
Mackenzie Kirsteen,
Marchal Paul,
Loots Christophe, Denamiel Margaux,
Ernande Bruno,
Rouquette Manuel,
Travers-Trolet Morgane, Bracis Chloe, Denis Jeremy, Di Pane Julien,
Du Pontavice Hubert, Engler Alexandra, Joly Lea, Genu Mathieu, Gendrot Félix, Lheriau Alexandre, Lepretre Marie-Anais, Pernak Michele,
Timmerman Charles-Andre, Vallet Quentin, Werquin Sarah, Ito Maysa, Toomey Lola (2024).
Modélisation et approche empirique des réseaux trophiques en Manche-Est et sud mer-du-Nord et un focus sur l'effet du changement climatique sur le développement embryonnaire du hareng des Downs . In Observer le monde marin, de la ressource à l'assiette. Recherches marines et littorales en Côte d'Opale. 2024. François G. Schmitt, Anne Brisabois. ISBN 978-3-8416-7831-7 . pp.29-40 (Editions Universitaires Européennes) .
Mahe Kelig,
Mackenzie Kirsteen, Telliez Solene (2023).
Compte rendu de participation à l'atelier de travail du CIEM consacré à l'âgeage et les stades de maturité des espèces d'élasmobranches (WKARMSE). Cagliari, Sardaigne, Italie, 5-9 juin 2023 .
Andrialovanirina Nicolas,
Roos David, Gentil Claire, Telliez Solene, Dussuel Antoine,
Elleboode Romain,
Mackenzie Kirsteen, Poisson-Caillault Emilie, Couette Sébastien,
Mahe Kelig (2023).
Spatial structuring of the main demersal fish around Réunion Island (Western Indian Ocean) based on the external shape of their otoliths .
Cybium , 47(1), 43-57 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mahe Kelig,
Loots Christophe,
Dubroca Laurent, Andrialovanirina Nicolas,
Auber Arnaud,
Bled--Defruit Geoffrey,
Caboche Josselin, Charpagne Clea, Cordier Remy,
Cornille Vincent,
Cresson Pierre, Cure Clemence, Dussuel Antoine,
Elleboode Romain,
Foucher Eric,
Giraldo Carolina,
Girardin Raphael,
Halouani Ghassen, Koubbi Philippe, Le Meleder Anna,
Lebeurre Mathilde,
Lefebvre Valerie, Lescoute Guillaume,
Mackenzie Kirsteen,
Marchal Paul,
Martin-Baillet Victor, Merland Camille,
Parrad Sophie,
Schlaich Ivan, Telliez Solene, Thellier Marion, Toomey Lola,
Varenne Fanchon,
Vigneau Joel,
Vogel Camille (2023).
Rapport annuel 2022 de l’unité Halieutique Manche – Mer du Nord (HMMN) .
Mahé Kelig, Gentil Claire,
Brisset Blandine,
Evano Hugues, Lepetit Camille, Boymond-Morales Romane, Telliez Solene, Dussuel Antoine, Rungassamy Tévamie,
Elleboode Romain,
Mackenzie Kirsteen,
Roos David (2022).
Biology of exploited groupers (Epinephelidae family) around La Réunion Island (Indian Ocean) .
Frontiers In Marine Science , 9, 935285 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mackenzie Kirsteen, Lydersen C., Haug T., Routti H., Aars J., Andvik C.M., Borgå K., Fisk A.T., Meier S., Biuw M., Lowther A.D., Lindstrøm U., Kovacs K.M. (2022).
Niches of marine mammals in the European Arctic .
Ecological Indicators , 136, 108661 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mahe Kelig,
Mackenzie Kirsteen, Djamila Ider, Massaro Andrea, Hamed Oussama, Jurado-Ruzafa Alba, Gonçalves Patricia, Anastasopoulou Aikaterini,
Jadaud Angelique, Mytilineou Chryssi, Randon Marine,
Elleboode Romain, Morell Alaia, Ramdane Zohir, Smith Joanne, Bekaert Karen, Amara Rachid,
de Pontual Helene,
Ernande Bruno (2021).
Directional Bilateral Asymmetry in Fish Otolith: A Potential Tool to Evaluate Stock Boundaries? Symmetry-basel , 13(6), 987 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul,
Loots Christophe,
Cresson Pierre,
Girardin Raphael,
Auber Arnaud,
Cochard Marie-Laure,
Coppin Franck,
Dubroca Laurent,
Ernande Bruno,
Foucher Eric,
Giraldo Carolina,
Halouani Ghassen, Koubbi Philippe,
Lazard Coline,
Mackenzie Kirsteen,
Mahe Kelig,
Parrad Sophie,
Schlaich Ivan,
Verin Yves,
Vigneau Joel,
Vogel Camille (2021).
Rapport annuel 2020 de l’Unité Halieutique Manche – Mer du Nord (HMMN) . RBE/HMMN/21-01 .
Haug Tore, Biuw Martin, Gjosaeter Harald, Knutsen Tor, Lindstrom Ulf,
Mackenzie Kirsteen, Meier Sonnich, Nilssen Kjell T. (2021).
Harp seal body condition and trophic interactions with prey in Norwegian high Arctic waters in early autumn .
Progress In Oceanography , 191, 102498 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mackenzie Kirsteen, Longmore C., Preece C., Lucas C. H., Trueman C. N. (2014).
Testing the long-term stability of marine isoscapes in shelf seas using jellyfish tissues .
Biogeochemistry , 121(2), 441-454 .
Trueman C. N., Johnston G., O'Hea B.,
Mackenzie Kirsteen (2014).
Trophic interactions of fish communities at midwater depths enhance long-term carbon storage and benthic production on continental slopes .
Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-biological Sciences , 281(1787), 10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mackenzie Kirsteen, Trueman Clive N., Palmer Martin R., Moore Andy, Ibbotson Anton T., Beaumont William R. C., Davidson Ian C. (2012).
Stable isotopes reveal age-dependent trophic level and spatial segregation during adult marine feeding in populations of salmon .
Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 69(9), 1637-1645 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :