Michel Loïc, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Amand Louis, Arsenault-Pernet Eve-Julie, Bouriat Alize, Bousquet Jonas, Fuchs Sandra, Le Goff Corentin, Lepoint Gilles, Marinier Maxime, Meunier Valentine, Pernet Fabrice, Robbe Joëlle, Shillito Bruce, Therasse Logan, Tourolle Julie, Zbinden Magali, Menot Lenaick (2024). Dining In The Deep: Unraveling Energy Acquisition Strategies In Syntopic Cold-Water Corals . ZOOLOGY 2024 - The Benelux Congress of Zoology 2024 "Celebrating biodiversity between land and sea". December 12 – 13, 2024, Belgium .
Le Croizier Gael, Hoyos-Padilla Mauricio, Amezcua-Martinez Felipe, Aquino-Baleyto Marc, Besnard Lucien, Le Grand Fabienne, Le Loch Francois, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Munaron Jean-Marie, Ory Arthur, Sardenne Fany, Schaal Gauthier, Lorrain Anne (2024). Can biochemical tracers reveal ontogenetic trophic shift and individual prey selection in white sharks from Guadalupe Island, Northeast Pacific? Environmental Research , 262(Part 1), 119507 (10p.) .
Shipley J. Ryan, Oester Rebecca, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Parmar Tarn Preet, Kowarik Carmen, Ilíć Maja, Kainz Martin J., Martin-Creuzburg Dominik, Obrist Martin K., Graham Catherine H., Gossner Martin M., Matthews Blake, Twining Cornelia W. (2024). Consumer biodiversity increases organic nutrient availability across aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems . Science , 386(6719), 335-340 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Escartin Javier, Birard Tristan, Borremans Catherine, Fezzani Ridha, Durand Virginie, Feld Aurelie, Gaillot Arnaud, Guerin Charline, Ildefonse Benoît, Lallier François, Martini Séverine, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Sulpis Olivier (2024). UlyXDemo’24 test cruise . Preliminary report. v.2024/07/04 .
Biard Tristan, Durand Virginie, Martini Severine, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Sulpis Olivier (2024). Retour d’expérience sur l’école de PI. Mission ULYXDEMO. Atalante, 4-20 juin 2024 .
Besnard Lucien, Le Croizier Gael, Galván-Magaña Felipe, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Kraffe Edouard, Martínez-Rincón Raul O., Le Grand Fabienne, Bideau Antoine, Schaal Gauthier (2024). Resource partitioning in hammerhead shark species out-migrating from coastal ecosystems in the Gulf of California . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 732, 101-117 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Brosset Pablo, Sardenne Fany, Soudant Philippe, Le Grand Fabienne, Schull Quentin, Lebigre Christophe (2024). How membrane fatty acids influence sardine size across diverse marine environments . Progress In Oceanography , 221, 103209 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fehlinger Lena, Chaguaceda Fernando, Tirozzi Pietro, Tomas-Martin Marina, Jakobsson Ellinor, Chonova Teofana, Misteli Benjamin, Scotti Alberto, Henriques Jorge F., Rubio-Rios Juan, Morant Daniel, Marle Pierre, Kolar Vojtech, Stamenkovic Olivera, Mondav Rhiannon, Münzner Karla, Osakpolor Stephen E., Bonacina Luca, Nava Veronica, Drohan Emma, Fenoy Encarnation, Llorente Alfredo, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Halabowski Dariusz, Juvigny-Khenafou Noël P.D., Martelo Joana, Nash Liam, Fahy Julie C., Cunillera-Montcusí David, Balibrea David, Rimcheska Biljana . Nutrients on the Move: Investigating Large Scale Fatty Acid Exports from European Ponds Via Emerging Insects . Preprint IN PRESS . Open Access version :
Da Costa Fiz, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Le Grand Fabienne, Quéré Claudie, Markov Gabriel V., Wikfors Gary H., Soudant Philippe . Sterol Biosynthesis and Phytosterol Bioconversion in Crassostrea Gigas Larvae . Preprint IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ubiqus , Certain Gregoire, Hattab Tarek, Brind'Amour Anik, Schull Quentin, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Lassudrie Malwenn, Pérez Agúndez José A., Le Pivert Olivier, Petitgas Pierre (2024). Journées scientifiques sur les réseaux trophiques 10-11 janvier 2024 .
Brosset Pablo, Averty Alan, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Schull Quentin, Soudant Philippe, Lebigre Christophe (2023). Fish morphometric body condition indices reflect energy reserves but other physiological processes matter . Ecological Indicators , 154, 110860 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Le Grand Fabienne, Brosset Pablo, Lebigre Christophe, Soudant Philippe, Vagner Marie, Pecquerie Laure, Sardenne Fany (2023). Red muscle of small pelagic fishes’ fillets are high-quality sources of essential fatty acids . Journal Of Food Composition And Analysis , 120, 105304 (6p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Salgado-García Rosa L., Kraffe Edouard, Tripp-Valdez Miguel A., Ramírez-Arce Jose L., Artigaud Sebastien, Flye Sainte Marie Jonathan, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Sicard M. Teresa, Arellano-Martínez Marcial, Racotta Ilie S. (2023). Energy metabolism of juvenile scallops Nodipecten subnodosus under acute increased temperature and low oxygen availability . Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-molecular & Integrative Physiology , 278, 111373 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fehlinger Lena, Misteli Benjamin, Morant Daniel, Juvigny-Khenafou Noël, Cunillera-Montcusí David, Chaguaceda Fernando, Stamenković Olivera, Fahy Julie, Kolář Vojtěch, Halabowski Dariusz, Nash Liam N., Jakobsson Ellinor, Nava Veronica, Tirozzi Pietro, Cordero Pablo Urrutia, Mocq Julien, Santamans Alba Camacho, Zamora-Marín Jose Manuel, Marle Pierre, Chonova Teofana, Bonacina Luca, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Suarez Ena, Osakpolor Stephen E., Timoner Pablo, Evtimova Vesela, Nita Darmina, Carreira Bruno M., Tapolczai Kálmán, Martelo Joana, Gerber Rémi, Dinu Valentin, Henriques Jorge, Selmeczy Géza B., Rimcheska Biljana (2023). The ecological role of permanent ponds in Europe: a review of dietary linkages to terrestrial ecosystems via emerging insects . Inland Waters , 13(1), 30-46 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Závorka Libor, Blanco Andreu, Chaguaceda Fernando, Cucherousset Julien, Killen Shaun S., Liénart Camilla, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Němec Pavel, Pilecky Matthias, Scharnweber Kristin, Twining Cornelia W., Kainz Martin J. (2023). The role of vital dietary biomolecules in eco-evo-devo dynamics . Trends In Ecology & Evolution , 38(1), 72-84 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fehlinger Lena, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Pilecky Matthias, Parmar Tarn Preet, Twining Cornelia W., Martin-Creuzburg Dominik, Kainz Martin J. (2023). Export of dietary lipids via emergent insects from eutrophic fishponds . Hydrobiologia , 850, 3241-3256 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pilecky Matthias, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Závorka Libor, Fehlinger Lena, Winter Katharina, Martin-Creuzburg Dominik, Kainz Martin J. (2022). Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) obtain omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids via dietary supply and endogenous bioconversion in semi-intensive aquaculture ponds . Aquaculture , 561, 738731 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Soudant Philippe, Ventura Mariana, Chauchat Luc, Guerreiro Mauean, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Le Grand Fabienne, Simon Victor, Collet Sophie, Zambonino Infante Jose-Luis, Le Goïc Nelly, Lambert Christophe, Fernandes Fleuriane, Sillkina Alla, Fernandes De Souza Marcella, de La Broise Denis (2022). Evaluation of Aurantiochytrium mangrovei Biomass Grown on Digestate as a Sustainable Feed Ingredient of Sea Bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, Juveniles and Larvae . Sustainability , 14(21), 14573 (23p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Parmar Tarn Preet, Kindinger Alina L., Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Twining Cornelia W., Shipley Jeremy Ryan, Kainz Martin J., Martin-Creuzburg Dominik (2022). Fatty acid composition differs between emergent aquatic and terrestrial insects—A detailed single system approach . Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution , 10, 952292 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Pilecky Matthias, Twining Cornelia W., Martin-Creuzburg Dominik, Parmar Tarn Preet, Vitecek Simon, Kainz Martin J. (2022). Dietary availability determines metabolic conversion of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in spiders: a dual compound-specific stable isotope approach . Oikos , 2022(7), e08513 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pilecky Matthias, Kaemmer Samuel K., Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Wassenaar Leonard, I, Taipale Sami J., Martin-Creuzburg Dominik, Kainz Martin J. (2022). Hydrogen isotopes (delta H-2) of polyunsaturated fatty acids track bioconversion by zooplankton . Functional Ecology , 36(3), 538-549 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Shipley J. Ryan, Twining Cornelia W., Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Parmar Tarn Preet, Kainz Martin, Martin-Creuzburg Dominik, Weber Christine, Winkler David W., Graham Catherine H., Matthews Blake (2022). Climate change shifts the timing of nutritional flux from aquatic insects . Current Biology , 32(6), 1342-1349.e3 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Martin-Creuzburg Dominik, Twining Cornelia W., Parmar Tarn Preet, Hager Hannes H., Kainz Martin J. (2021). Taxonomic composition and lake bathymetry influence fatty acid export via emergent insects . Freshwater Biology , 66(12), 2199-2209 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Twining Cornelia W., Parmar Tarn Preet, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Kainz Martin J., Shipley Jeremy Ryan, Martin-Creuzburg Dominik (2021). Use of Fatty Acids From Aquatic Prey Varies With Foraging Strategy . Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution , 9, 735350 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Remize Marine, Planchon Frederic, Loh Ai Ning, Le Grand Fabienne, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Bideau Antoine, Corvaisier Rudolph, Volety Aswani, Soudant Philippe (2021). Fatty acid isotopic fractionation in the diatom Chaetoceros muelleri . Algal Research-biomass Biofuels And Bioproducts , 54, 102164 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Salin Karine, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Graziano Nicolas, Dubillot Emmanuel, Le Grand Fabienne, Soudant Philippe, Vagner Marie (2021). The relationship between membrane fatty acid content and mitochondrial efficiency differs within- and between- omega-3 dietary treatments . Marine Environmental Research , 163, 105205 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Couturier Lydie, Michel Loic, Amaro Teresa, Budge Suzanne M, Da Costa Elisabete, de Troch Marleen, Di Dato Valeria, Fink Patrick, Giraldo Carolina, Le Grand Fabienne, Loaiza Iván, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Nichols Peter D, Parrish Christopher C, Sardenne Fany, Vagner Marie, Pernet Fabrice, Soudant Philippe, Browman Howard (2020). State of art and best practices for fatty acid analysis in aquatic sciences . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 77(7-8), 2375-2395 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Le Grand Fabienne, Schaal Gauthier, Lluch-Cota Salvador E, Racotta Ilie S, Kraffe Edouard, Todgham Anne (2020). Specific regulations of gill membrane fatty acids in response to environmental variability reveal fitness differences between two suspension-feeding bivalves (Nodipecten subnodosus and Spondylus crassisquama) . Conservation Physiology , 8(1), coaa079 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Le Grand Fabienne, Schaal Gauthier, Kraffe Edouard, Lorrain Anne, Letourneur Yves, Lemonnier Hugues, Benoît Julie, Hochard Sébastien (2020). Assimilation of shrimp farm sediment by Holothuria scabra : a coupled fatty acid and stable isotope approach . Aquatic Living Resources , 33(3), 12p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Schaal Gauthier, Kraffe Edouard, Corvaisier Rudolph, Lebeau Oanez, Lluch-Cota Salvador E., Salgado García Rosa L., Kainz Martin J., Le Grand Fabienne (2019). Different particle sources in a bivalve species of a coastal lagoon: evidence from stable isotopes, fatty acids, and compound-specific stable isotopes . Marine Biology , 166(7), 12p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Kraffe Edouard, Le Grand Fabienne, Boens Andy, Bideau Antoine, Lluch-Cota Salvador E., Racotta Ilie S., Schaal Gauthier (2019). Trophic ecology of suspension-feeding bivalves inhabiting a north-eastern Pacific coastal lagoon: Comparison of different biomarkers . Marine Environmental Research , 145, 155-163 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mathieu-Resuge Margaux (2018). Ecophysiologie trophique des bivalves Nodipecten subnodosus et Spondylus crassisquama soumis à la variabilité environnementale dans la lagune d'Ojo de Liebre (Basse Californie, Mexique) / Trophic ecophysiology of Nodipecten subnodosus and Spondylus crassisquama bivalves submitted to environmental variability in the lagoon of Ojo de Liebre (Baja California, Mexico) . PhD Thesis , Université de Bretagne Occidentale .
Hochard Sebastien, Ducrocq Manuel, Lemonnier Hugues, Royer Florence, Hubert Morgane, Michaut Henri, Verge Raphael, Letourneur Yves, Lorrain Anne, Mathieu-Resuge Margaux, Schaal Gauthier, Kraffe Edouard, Legrand Fabienne, Burgy Laurent, Kuhn John, Kuhn Sandra, Queffelec Laurent, Millot Maxime, Le Rohellec Julien, Benoit Julie, Vanhuysse Charles (2016). Holothurie : Lien entre performances de production et de bioremédiation dans le contexte de la crevetticulture en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Projet Hobical . Rapport du programme Zonéco .