Dewi Langlet

Dewi Langlet

Contact form

Employer : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Postal address : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0002-2201-0897

ResearcherID : F-4427-2014

Research Interests

Characterization of the biogeochemical microhabitats

  • Benthic respiration
  • Hypoxia markers
  • Nitrogen cycle

Contribution of microfauna to benthic cycles

  • Aerobic and anaerobic metabolisms
  • Bioturbation
  • Symbiosis

Response anthropic pressures

  • Eutrophisation
  • Climate warming
  • Microplastic pollution




Langlet Dewi, Mermillod-Blondin Florian, Deldicq Noémie, Bauville Arthur, Duong Dwendoline, Konecny Lara, Hugoni Mylène, Denis Lionel, Bouchet Vincent M.P. (2023). Single-celled bioturbators: benthic foraminifera mediate oxygen penetration and prokaryotic diversity in intertidal sediment . Biogeosciences , 20(23), 4875-4891 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Amanuma Nobue, Zusman Eric, Langlet Dewi (2023). The relationship between female and younger legislative representation and performance on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) * . Environmental Research Letters , 18(5), 054018 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tachibana Kazuki, Shimanaga Motohiro, Langlet Dewi, Seike Koji, Miyazaki Masayuki, Yoshida Mitsuhiro, Nunoura Takuro, Nomaki Hidetaka (2023). Meiofauna in the southeastern Bering Sea: community composition and structuring environmental factors . Frontiers In Marine Science , 10, 996380 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Fontanier Christophe, Deflandre B., Rigaud S., Mamo B., Dubosq N., Lamarque B., Langlet Dewi, Schmidt S., Lebleu P., Poirier D., Cordier M.A., Grémare A. (2022). Live (stained) benthic foraminifera from the West-Gironde Mud Patch (Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic): Assessing the reliability of bio-indicators in a complex shelf sedimentary unit. Continental Shelf Research , 232, 104616 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Salonen Iines S., Chronopoulou Panagiota-Myrsini, Nomaki Hidetaka, Langlet Dewi, Tsuchiya Masashi, Koho Karoliina A. (2021). 16S rRNA Gene Metabarcoding Indicates Species-Characteristic Microbiomes in Deep-Sea Benthic Foraminifera . Frontiers In Microbiology , 12, 694406 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Deldicq Noemie, Langlet Dewi, Delaeter Camille, Beaugrand Gregory, Seuront Laurent, Bouchet Vincent M. P. (2021). Effects of temperature on the behaviour and metabolism of an intertidal foraminifera and consequences for benthic ecosystem functioning . Scientific Reports , 11(1), 4013 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Langlet Dewi, Bouchet Vincent M. P., Riso Riccardo, Matsui Yohei, Suga Hisami, Fujiwara Yoshihiro, Nomaki Hidetaka (2020). Foraminiferal Ecology and Role in Nitrogen Benthic Cycle in the Hypoxic Southeastern Bering Sea . Frontiers In Marine Science , 7, 582818 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Langlet Dewi, Bouchet Vincent M. P., Delaeter Camille, Seuront Laurent (2020). Motion behavior and metabolic response to microplastic leachates in the benthic foraminifera Haynesina germanica . Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology , 529, 151395 (6p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Deldicq Noemie, Seuront Laurent, Langlet Dewi, Bouchet Vincent M. P. (2020). Assessing behavioural traits of benthic foraminifera: implications for sediment mixing . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 643, 21-31 .
Richirt Julien, Riedel Bettina, Mouret Aurelia, Schweizer Magali, Langlet Dewi, Seitaj Dorina, Meysman Filip J. R., Slomp Caroline P., Jorissen Frans J. (2020). Foraminiferal community response to seasonal anoxia in Lake Grevelingen (the Netherlands) . Biogeosciences , 17(6), 1415-1435 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Cesbron Florian, Geslin Emmanuelle, Le Kieffre Charlotte, Jauffrais Thierry, Nardelli Maria P., Langlet Dewi, Mabilleau Guillaume, Jorissen Frans J., Jezequel Didier, Metzger Edouard (2017). Sequestered chloroplasts in the benthic foraminifer haynesina germanica: cellular organization, oxygen fluxes and potential ecological implications . Journal Of Foraminiferal Research , 47(3), 268-278 .


Langlet Dewi (2014). Réponse des foraminifères à l’anoxie dans les milieux côtiers : études in situ de l’écologie des foraminifères benthiques, expériences en laboratoire et analyse du métabolisme anaérobie . PhD Thesis , Université d'Angers .
Metzger E., Langlet Dewi, Viollier E., Koron N., Riedel B., Stachowitsch M., Faganeli J., Tharaud M., Geslin E., Jorissen F. (2014). Artificially induced migration of redox layers in a coastal sediment from the Northern Adriatic . Biogeosciences , 11(8), 2211-2224 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Geslin Emmanuelle, Barras Christine, Langlet Dewi, Nardelli Maria Pia, Kim Jung-Hyun, Bonnin Jerome, Metzger Edouard, Jorissen Frans J. (2014). Survival, Reproduction and Calcification of Three Benthic Foraminiferal Species in Response to Experimentally Induced Hypoxia . In Kitazato, H., M. Bernhard, J. (eds) 2014. Approaches to Study Living Foraminifera. Part of the Environmental Science and Engineering book series (ENVSCIENCE). Print ISBN978-4-431-54387-9 Online ISBN978-4-431-54388-6. pp.163-193 (Springer-verlag Tokyo) .
Langlet Dewi, Baal C., Geslin E., Metzger E., Zuschin M., Riedel B., Risgaard-Petersen N., Stachowitsch M., Jorissen F. J. (2014). Foraminiferal species responses to in situ, experimentally induced anoxia in the Adriatic Sea . Biogeosciences , 11(7), 1775-1797 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Metzger E., Viollier E., Simonucci C., Prevot F., Langlet Dewi, Jezequel D. (2013). Millimeter-scale alkalinity measurement in marine sediment using DET probes and colorimetric determination . Water Research , 47(15), 5575-5583 .
Langlet Dewi, Geslin E., Baal C., Metzger E., Lejzerowicz F., Riedel B., Zuschin M., Pawlowski J., Stachowitsch M., Jorissen F. J. (2013). Foraminiferal survival after long-term in situ experimentally induced anoxia . Biogeosciences , 10(11), 7463-7480 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Geslin E., Risgaard-Petersen N., Lombard F., Metzger E., Langlet Dewi, Jorissen F. (2011). Oxygen respiration rates of benthic foraminifera as measured with oxygen microsensors . Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology , 396(2), 108-114 .
