Melanie Principaud



Fauquembergue K., Mulder T., Reijmer J., Hanquiez V., Betzler C., Ducassou E., Recouvreur A., Principaud Melanie, Borgomano J., Wilk S., Poli E. (2024). Sedimentology of Modern Bahamian Carbonate Slopes: Summary and Update . Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems , 25(6), e2023GC011077 (21p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pelleter Ewan, Principaud Melanie, Alix Anne-Sophie, Boissier Audrey, Cheron Sandrine, Besson Florian, Altorffer Vincent, Guérin Charline, Gaillot Arnaud, Pierre Delphine, Rospabé Mathieu, Giunta Thomas, Grenet Lea, Cathalot Cecile, Cambon Marie-Anne, Fouquet Yves (2024). Diversity, spatial distribution and evolution of inactive and weakly active hydrothermal deposits in the TAG hydrothermal field . Frontiers In Earth Science , 12, 1304993 (25p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Fauquembergue K., Ducassou E., Mulder T., Reijmer J.J.G., Borgomano J., Recouvreur A., Hanquiez V., Betzler C., Principaud Melanie, Chabaud L., Fabregas N., Giraudeau J., Bout-Roumazeilles V., Moal-Darrigade P., Perello M.-C., Poli E. (2023). Quaternary sedimentary processes on the Bahamas: From platform to abyss . Marine Geology , 459, 107044 (23p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Mulder Thierry, Ducassou Emmanuelle, Hanquiez Vincent, Principaud Melanie, Fauquembergue Kelly, Tournadour Elsa, Chabaud Ludivine, Reijmer John, Recouvreur Audrey, Gillet Hervé, Borgomano Jean, Schmitt Anais, Moal Paul (2019). Contour current imprints and contourite drifts in the Bahamian archipelago . Sedimentology , 66(4), 1192-1221 .
Mulder T., Gillet H., Hanquiez V., Reijmer J. J. G., Droxler A. W., Recouvreur A., Fabregas N., Cavailhes T., Fauquembergue K., Blank D. G., Guiastrennec L., Seibert C., Bashah S., Bujan S., Ducassou E., Principaud Melanie, Conesa G., Le Goff J, Ragusa J., Busson J., Borgomano J. (2019). Into the deep: A coarse-grained carbonate turbidite valley and canyon in ultra-deep carbonate setting . Marine Geology , 407, 316-333 .


Principaud Melanie, Mulder Thierry, Hanquiez Vincent, Ducassou Emmanuelle, Eberli Gregor P., Chabaud Ludivine, Borgomano Jean (2018). Recent morphology and sedimentary processes along the western slope of Great Bahama Bank (Bahamas) . Sedimentology , 65(6), 2088-2116 .
Mulder T., Gillet H., Hanquiez V., Ducassou E., Fauquembergue Kelly, Principaud Melanie, Conesa G., Le Goff J., Ragusa J., Bashah S., Bujan S., Reijmer J. J. G., Cavailhes T., Droxler A. W., Blank D. G., Guiastrennec L., Fabregas N., Recouvreur A., Seibert C. (2018). Carbonate slope morphology revealing a giant submarine canyon (Little Bahama Bank, Bahamas) . Geology , 46(1), 31-34 .


Principaud Melanie, Ponte Jean Pierre, Mulder Thierry, Gillet Herve, Robin Cecile, Borgomano Jean (2017). Slope-to-basin stratigraphic evolution of the northwestern Great Bahama Bank (Bahamas) during the Neogene to Quaternary: interactions between downslope and bottom currents deposits . Basin Research , 29(6), 699-724 .
Mulder T., Joumes M., Hanquiez V., Gillet H., Reijmer J. J. G., Tournadour Elsa, Chabaud L., Principaud Melanie, Schnyder J. S. D., Borgomano J., Fauquembergue K., Ducassou E., Busson J. (2017). Carbonate slope morphology revealing sediment transfer from bank-to-slope (Little Bahama Bank, Bahamas) . Marine And Petroleum Geology , 83, 26-34 .


Principaud Melanie, Mulder Thierry, Gillet Herve, Borgomano Jean (2015). Large-Scale Carbonate Submarine Mass-Wasting along the Northwestern Slope of the Great Bahama Bank (Bahamas): Morphology, Architecture, and Mechanisms . Sedimentary Geology , 317, 27-42 .


Mulder Thierry, Ducassou Emmanuelle, Gillet Herve, Hanquiez Vincent, Principaud Melanie, Chabaud Ludivine, Eberli Gregor P., Kindler Pascal, Billeaud Isabelle, Gonthier Eliane, Fournier Francois, Leonide Philippe, Borgomano Jean (2014). First Discovery of Channel-Levee Complexes In A Modern Deep-Water Carbonate Slope Environment . Journal Of Sedimentary Research , 84(11), 1139-1146 .


Moretti I., Callot J. P., Principaud Melanie, Pillot D. (2013). Salt pillows and localization of early structures: case study in the Ucayali Basin (Peru) . Geological Society, London, Special Publications , 377(1), 43-58 .


Mulder T., Ducassou E., Eberli G. P., Hanquiez Vincent, Gonthier E., Kindler P., Principaud Melanie, Fournier Florent, Leonide P., Billeaud I., Marsset Bruno, Reijmer J. J. G., Bondu C., Joussiaume R., Pakiades M. (2012). New insights into the morphology and sedimentary processes along the western slope of Great Bahama Bank . Geology , 40(7), 603-606 .
