Direction of oceanographic cruises
Cruise | Boat | Date | Geographic coverage |
PLOOPS 2012 | Thalia | 2012 | Baie de Concarneau |
Gangnery Aline, Normand Julien, Duval Cyrielle, Cugier Philippe, Grangere Karine, Petton Bruno, Petton Sebastien, Orvain Francis, Pernet Fabrice (2019). Data from: Connectivities with shellfish farms and channel rivers are associated with mortality risk in oysters . SEANOE .
Grasso Florent, Jacquet Matthias, Cugier Philippe, Carlier Antoine, Gaffet Jean-Dominique, Androuin Thibault (2018). Experimental study of sediment-biota interactions under wave-current conditions: Application to the ecosystem engineer species Crepidula fornicata . SEANOE .
Clement Raphael, Marzloff Martin, Nunes Flavia, Rousseau Coralie, Becheler Ronan, Bajjouk Touria, Fournier-Sowinski Jérôme, Cugier Philippe (2024). Investigating the hydrodynamic connectivity of eelgrass Zostera marina population along French Atlantic coast to help management and conservation effort . AMEMR 2024 - 7th Conference of Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research. July 8 – 12, 2024, Plymouth, United Kingdom .
Jourdevant Youri, Cugier Philippe, Plus Martin, Regnier Brisson Laure, Le Moan Eline, Flye Sainte Marie Jonathan, Blanchet-Aurigny Aline (2024). Modelling the spatio-temporal variability of the variegated scallop Mimachlamys varia, in order to help restoration habitat effort in the bay of Brest (French Atlantic coast). AMEMR 2024 - 7th Conference of Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research. July 8 – 12, 2024, Plymouth, United Kingdom .
Regnier Brisson Laure, Blanchet-Aurigny Aline, Cugier Philippe, Breton Florian, Gaffet Jean-Dominique, Jean Frederic, Flye Sainte Marie Jonathan (2024). Effect of starvation on physiological and survival traits of Mimachlamys varia (Linneaus, 1758) . Journal Of Sea Research , 198, 102467 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bruneau Audrey, Guesdon Stephane, Garcia Celine, Blanchet-Aurigny Aline, Cugier Philippe, Pouvreau Stephane, Gueux Aurore, Le Fur Ines, Piraud Aude, Pepin Jean-Francois, Arzul Isabelle (2024). Expertise de recherche des conditions particulières associées aux fortes mortalités de pétoncles noirs dans les Pertuis Charentais . DDTM 17 - Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer de la Charente-Maritime, Pôle zoo-sanitaire Services des activités maritimes, La Rochelle , Ref. ODE/ LITTORAL/LER/PC-23-102, Ref Avis P9 : 23-102 - Lettre du 5 décembre 2023 , 23p.
Cugier Philippe, Thomas Yoann, Bacher Cedric (2023). Application of an oyster DEB model to assess the impact of rearing density, environment variability and mortality on oyster production in Bourgneuf Bay (French Atlantic coast) . DEB2023 - 8th International Symposium and Thematic School on Dynamic Energy Budget Theory for Metabolic Organization. School: 4-13 June 2023, Symposium: 14-16 June 2023, United States .
Regnier Brisson Laure, Le Moan Eline, Guyondet Thomas, Pecquerie Laure, Cugier Philippe, Blanchet Aurigny Aline, Jean Frederic, Flye Sainte Marie Jonathan (2023). Reconstructing the growth and feeding of the scallop Mimachlamys varia: a DEB inversion . DEB2023 - 8th International Symposium and Thematic School on Dynamic Energy Budget Theory for Metabolic Organization. School: 4-13 June 2023, Symposium: 14-16 June 2023, United States .
Regnier Brisson Laure, Le Moan Eline, Flye Sainte Marie Jonathan, Cugier Philippe, Blanchet Aurigny Aline, Breton Florian, Guyondet Thomas, Jean Frederic, Pecquerie Laure (2023). Parameter estimation for the variegated scallop, Mimachlamys varia, an exploited bivalve, for a better understanding of its life cycle . DEB2023 - 8th International Symposium and Thematic School on Dynamic Energy Budget Theory for Metabolic Organization. School: 4-13 June 2023, Symposium: 14-16 June 2023, United States .
Le Moan Eline, Regnier Brisson Laure, Pecquerie Laure, Fabioux Caroline, Jean Frederic, Cugier Philippe, Hegaret Helene, Flye Sainte Marie Jonathan (2023). Fast and slow depurators of amnesic shellfish toxin: a bioenergetic modelling approach to compare two pectinid species . DEB2023 - 8th International Symposium and Thematic School on Dynamic Energy Budget Theory for Metabolic Organization. School: 4-13 June 2023, Symposium: 14-16 June 2023, United States .
Grasso Florent, Carlier Antoine, Cugier Philippe, Verney Romaric, Marzloff Martin (2023). Influence of Crepidula fornicata on suspended particle dynamics in coastal systems: a mesocosm experimental study . Journal Of Ecohydraulics , 8(1), 26-37 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Fur Ines, Bruneau Audrey, Blanchet Aline, Cugier Philippe, Deleglise Margot, Derrien Amelie, Fabioux Caroline, Guesdon Stephane, Gueux Aurore, Hegaret Helene, Hess Philipp, Lassudrie Malwenn, Lemoine Maud, Neaud-Masson Nadine, Piraud Aude, Terre Terrillon Aouregan (2022). Expertise sur le retour d'expérience de la contamination ASP dans les Pertuis Charentais fin 2021 . DDTM 17 - Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer de Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle , Ref. ODE/LITTORAL/LER/PC-22.007 Expertise lfremer N° 22-010 , 34p.
David Carmen, Marzloff Martin, Knights Antony M., Cugier Philippe, Nunes Flavia, Cordier Celine, Firth Louise B., Dubois Stanislas (2022). Connectivity modelling informs metapopulation structure and conservation priorities for a reef‐building species . Diversity And Distributions , 28(10), 2056-2070 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cugier Philippe, Thomas Yoann, Bacher Cedric (2022). Ecosystem modelling to assess the impact of rearing density, environment variability and mortality on oyster production . Aquaculture Environment Interactions , 14, 53-70 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cugier Philippe, Blanchet-Aurigny Aline, Pouvreau Stephane (2021). Le pétoncle noir bientôt de retour en Bretagne ? The Conversation , 173772 (4p.) . Open Access version :
Savelli Raphael, Serôdio J., Cugier Philippe, Méléder V., Polsenaere Pierre, Dupuy C., Le Fouest V. (2021). Potential impact of photoinhibition on microphytobenthic primary production on a large intertidal mudflat . Journal Of Geophysical Research-biogeosciences , 126(9), e2021JG006443 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gourguet Sophie, Marzloff Martin, Bacher Cedric, Boudry Pierre, Cugier Philippe, Dambacher Jeffrey Mark, Desroy Nicolas, Gangnery Aline, Le Mao Patrick, Monnier Léa, Perez Jose, Thébaud Olivier (2021). Participatory Qualitative Modeling to Assess the Sustainability of a Coastal Socio-Ecological System . Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution , 9, 635857 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Macher Claire, Bacher Cedric, Bertignac Michel, Burdallet Jade, Caill-Milly Nathalie, Cugier Philippe, Marty Lea, Marzloff Martin, Pomade Adélie, Levain Alix, Rollet Claire, Savina-Rolland Marie, Thebaud Olivier, Ulrich Clara (2021). Synthèse de l’Atelier PARTAGE. Partage d’expériences de collaborations Science-Société à l’Ifremer. 3 au 5 novembre 2020 .
Savelli Raphael, Méléder Vona, Cugier Philippe, Polsenaere Pierre, Dupuy Christine, Lavaud Johann, Barnett Alexandre, Le Fouest Vincent (2020). Mapping the Intertidal Microphytobenthos Gross Primary Production, Part II: Merging Remote Sensing and Physical-Biological Coupled Modeling . Frontiers In Marine Science , 7(521), 15p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Guillam Morgane, Bessin Claire, Blanchet-Aurigny Aline, Cugier Philippe, Nicolle Amandine, Thiébaut Éric, Comtet Thierry (2020). Vertical distribution of brittle star larvae in two contrasting coastal embayments: implications for larval transport . Scientific Reports , 10(1), 12033 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Méléder Vona, Savelli Raphael, Barnett Alexandre, Polsenaere Pierre, Gernez Pierre, Cugier Philippe, Lerouxel Astrid, Le Bris Anthony, Dupuy Christine, Le Fouest Vincent, Lavaud Johann (2020). Mapping the Intertidal Microphytobenthos Gross Primary Production Part I: Coupling Multispectral Remote Sensing and Physical Modeling . Frontiers In Marine Science , 7, 520 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Travers-Trolet Morgane, Coppin Franck, Cresson Pierre, Cugier Philippe, Oliveros-Ramos Ricardo, Verley Philippe (2019). Emergence of negative trophic level-size relationships from a size-based, individual-based multispecies fish model . Ecological Modelling , 410, 108800 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garnier Josette, Riou Philippe, Le Gendre Romain, Ramarson Antsiva, Billen Gilles, Cugier Philippe, Schapira Mathilde, Théry Sylvain, Thieu Vincent, Ménesguen Alain (2019). Managing the Agri-Food System of Watersheds to Combat Coastal Eutrophication: A Land-to-Sea Modelling Approach to the French Coastal English Channel . Geosciences , 9(10), 441 (26p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gangnery Aline, Normand Julien, Duval Cyrielle, Cugier Philippe, Grangeré Karine, Petton Bruno, Petton Sebastien, Orvain Francis, Pernet Fabrice (2019). Connectivities with shellfish farms and channel rivers are associated with mortality risk in oysters . Aquaculture Environment Interactions , 11, 493-506 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bacher Cedric, Gangnery Aline, Cugier Philippe, Mongruel Remi, Strand Oivind, Frangoudes Katia (2019). Spatial, Ecological and Social Dimensions of Assessments for Bivalve Farming Management . In Smaal A., Ferreira J., Grant J., Petersen J., Strand Ø. (eds) Goods and Services of Marine Bivalves. Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-96775-2, ISBN 978-3-319-96776-9 (eBook) Chap.26, pp.527-549 (Springer Nature) .
Gourguet Sophie, Monnier Léa, Dambacher Jeffrey, Marzloff Martin, Bacher Cedric, Boudry Pierre, Cugier Philippe, Desroy Nicolas, Gangnery Aline, Girard Sophie, Le Mao Patrick, Perez Jose, Thebaud Olivier (2018). Eliciting Stakeholder Representations of a Marine Socio-Ecosystem: Participatory Modelling of Shellfish Aquaculture in the Normand-Breton Gulf, France . Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, Mazdak Arabi, Olaf David, Jack Carlson, Daniel P. Ames (Eds.) 9p.
Travers-Trolet Morgane, Coppin Franck, Cresson Pierre, Cugier Philippe, Oliveros Ramos Ricardo, Verley Philippe (2018). Emergence de patterns trophiques surprenant à partir d’un modèle écosystémique individu-centré . Journées scientifiques Manche-Mer du Nord 2018. 19-21/11/2018, Le Havre.
Gourguet Sophie, Marzloff Martin, Monnier Léa, Dambacher Jeffrey, Bacher Cedric, Boudry Pierre, Cugier Philippe, Desroy Nicolas, Gangnery Aline, Girard Sophie, Le Mao Patrick, Perez Jose, Thebaud Olivier (2018). Representations of a marine socioecosystem: participatory modeling of shellfish farming in the Normand-Breton Gulf, France . IIFET 2018 - International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade Conference. July 16-20, 2018, Seattle .
Ifremer (2018). Océan connecté, le défi de la transformation numérique . Rapport du groupe 3b - Réflexion stratégique 2017-2018 .
Le Goff Clement, Lavaud Romain, Cugier Philippe, Jean Fred, Flye-Sainte-Marie Jonathan, Foucher Eric, Desroy Nicolas, Fifas Spyros, Foveau Aurelie (2017). A coupled biophysical model for the distribution of the great scallop Pecten maximus in the English Channel . Journal Of Marine Systems , 167, 55-67 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Passy Paul, Le Gendre Romain, Garnier Josette, Cugier Philippe, Callens Julie, Paris Francois, Billen Gilles, Riou Philippe, Romero Estela (2016). Eutrophication modelling chain for improved management strategies to prevent algal blooms in the Bay of Seine . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 543, 107-125 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cugier Philippe, Thomas Yoann, Bacher Cedric (2016). Modelling the density effects of farmed oyster stocks (Crassostrea gigas) on growth performances in the bay of Bourgneuf (France) using a 3D ecosystem model . ISEM - International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2016. 8-12 May 2016, Baltimore, USA .
Bacq Nicolas, Cugier Philippe, Grasso Florent, Le Gendre Romain, Le Hir Pierre, Lemoine Jean-Philippe, Riou Philippe, Schulz Elisabeth, Thouvenin Benedicte, Verney Romaric (2015). Modélisation environnementale de l'estuaire de la Seine . 3ème colloque Biennal des Zones Ateliers, 15-16 octobre 2015, Paris, France.
Foucher Eric, Blanchard Michel, Cugier Philippe, Desroy Nicolas, Dreanno Catherine, Fauchot Juliette, Fifas Spyros, Guyader Olivier, Jean Frederic, Le Gallic Bertrand, Riou Philippe, Schapira Mathilde, Thiebaut Eric (2015). Le projet ANR-COMANCHE 2010-STRA-010. Interactions écosystémiques et impacts anthropiques dans les populations de COquilles Saint-Jacques (Pecten maximus) de la MANCHE. Rapport scientifique final .
Gangnery Aline, Cugier Philippe, Le Gendre Romain, Legendre Aurelie, Maheux Frank, Mary Charlotte, Normand Julien, Parrad Sophie, Pierre-Duplessix Olivier, Picoche Coralie, Pien Sebastien, Rabiller Emilie, Simon Benjamin (2015). Projet OGIVE. Outils d'aide à la Gestion et à la Valorisation des Ecosystèmes conchylicoles de Basse-Normandie. Rapport final de phase III (2011-2013) . RST LERN 15-02 .
Picoche Coralie, Le Gendre Romain, Cugier Philippe, Legendre Aurelie, Maheux Frank, Mary Charlotte, Simon Benjamin, Parrad Sophie, Gangnery Aline (2014). Influence des pratiques d’élevage des mytiliculteurs sur la capacité de support d’un écosystème ; étude par modélisation écologique. Rencontres scientifiques du Département RBE, 9-10 décembre, Nantes, France .
Stanisiere Jean-Yves, Mazurie Joseph, Bouget Jean-Francois, Langlade Aime, Gabellec Raoul, Retho Michael, Quinsat Kevin, Leclerc Emilie, Cugier Philippe, Dussauze Morgan, Menesguen Alain, Dumas Franck, Gohin Francis, Augustin Jean-Marie, Ehrhold Axel, Sinquin Jean-Marc, Goubert Evelyne, Dreano Alain (2013). Les risques conchylicoles en Baie de Quiberon. Troisième partie : le risque d’hypoxie pour l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas. Rapport final du projet Risco 2010-2013 . RST/LER/MPL/13.21 .
Mazurie Joseph, Bacher Cedric, Cugier Philippe, Gangnery Aline, Girard Sophie, Le Moine Olivier, Pernet Fabrice, Priour Daniel, Robert Stephane, Robert Rene, Roque D'Orbcastel Emmanuelle (2013). La conchyliculture vers le large : de nouvelles opportunités ? (producteurs, collectivité, Ifremer) . Rencontres scientifiques RBE. 5-6 novembre 2013, Nantes .
Picoche Coralie, Le Gendre Romain, Cugier Philippe, Legendre Aurelie, Maheux Frank, Mary Charlotte, Parrad Sophie, Simon Benjamin, Gangnery Aline (2013). Influence of shellfish farmer rearing strategies on the carrying capacity of an ecosystem through ecological modelling . ICES Annual Science Conference, 23-27 Septembre 2013, Reykjavik, Islande .
Romero Estela, Garnier J, Lassaletta Luis, Billen Gilles, Le Gendre Romain, Riou Philippe, Cugier Philippe (2013). Large-scale patterns of river inputs in southwestern Europe: seasonal and interannual variations and potential eutrophication effects at the coastal zone . Biogeochemistry , 113(1-3), 481-505 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rodriguez Julien (2013). Performances d'élevage de la moule (Mytilus edulis) en Manche/Atlantique. Recensement et interprétation. 1 : Synthèse et rapport . RST/LER/MPL/2013-05 .
Cugier Philippe, Legoff Clément, Lavaud Romain, Jean Frederic, Flye Sainte Marie Jonathan, Foucher Eric, Fifas Spyros (2013). Modelling the distribution of the Great scallop Pecten maximus in the English Channel: linking physical and biological processes to define scallop habitat. ICES CM 2013/K:3. - Theme Session K: Quantitative value of coastal habitats for exploited species. 2p.
Le Goff Clement, Lavaud Romain, Cugier Philippe, Jean Frédéric, Flye Sainte Marie Jonathan (2013). Growth and distribution of the great scallop (Pecten maximus) in the English Channel: a modelling approach. 3rd International Sclerochronology Conference, 18-22 May 2013, Caernarfon, North Wales, UK .
Gangnery Aline, Le Gendre Romain, Cugier Philippe, Normand Julien, Roudesli Sonia, Maheux Frank, Mary Charlotte, Parrad Sophie, Simon Benjamin (2012). Projet OGIVE. Outils d’aide à la Gestion Intégrée et à la Valorisation des Ecosystèmes conchylicoles de Basse-Normandie. Rapport final d'activités - Phase II (2008-2011) . RST LERN/12-11 .
Mazurie Joseph, Stanisiere Jean-Yves, Dreano Alain, Cugier Philippe, Dumas Franck, Charria Guillaume, Gohin Francis, Augustin Jean-Marie, Sinquin Jean-Marc, Ehrhold Axel, Quinsat Kevin, Leclerc Emilie, Bouget Jean-Francois, Langlade Aime, Retho Michael, Gabellec Raoul, Goubert Evelyne (2012). Massive oysters mortalities in Quiberon bay (France) : an hypoxia origin . ASC/ICES Bergen september 2012 .
Garnier Josette, Le Gendre Romain, Passy Paul, Paris Francois, Billen Gilles, Callens Julie, Cugier Philippe, Tronquart Olivier, Romero Estela, Riou Philippe (2012). NEREIS (Nutrient Export Role on Eutrophication. Indicators and model Scenarios) - Rapport Seine-Aval . Rapport Seine-Aval .
Cugier Philippe, Le Gendre Romain, Gangnery Aline, Roudesli Sonia (2012). A 3D hydrobiological model to study interactions between shellfish farming and primary production in the "baie des Veys" (Normandy, France) . 50th ECSA Conference: Today's science for tomorrow's Management, 3-7 june 2012, Venice, Italy .
Gangnery Aline, Cugier Philippe, Le Gendre Romain, Maheux Frank, Simon Benjamin (2012). Carrying capacity of the shellfish ecosystem of the Baie des Veys (Normandy, France): in situ measurements and hydrobiological modelling . Aquaculture Canada, 27-30 May 2012, Charlottetown, Prince-Edward Island, Canada .
Cugier Philippe, Passy Paul, Callens Julie, Garnier Josette, Riou Philippe, Billen Gilles, Le Gendre Romain, Paris Francois (2011). Coupling a watershed model of the Seine river with a 3D ecological model of the English Channel in order to study eutrophication problems . Symposium "Advavances in marine Ecosystem Modelling research", 27-30 juin 2011, Plymouth, UK.
Roudesli Sonia, Cugier Philippe, Le Gendre Romain, Gangnery Aline (2011). A three-dimensional ecological model to optimize shellfish culture in the baie des Veys (Normandy, France) . Advavances in marine Ecosystem Modelling research .
Cugier Philippe, Struski Caroline, Blanchard Michel, Mazurie Joseph, Pouvreau Stephane, Olivier Frederic, Trigui Jihane R., Thiebaut Eric (2010). Assessing the role of benthic filter feeders on phytoplankton production in a shellfish farming site: Mont Saint Michel Bay, France . Journal Of Marine Systems , 82(1-2), 21-34 .
Cugier Philippe, Frangoudes Katia, Blanchard Michel, Mongruel Remi, Perez Jose, Le Mao Patrick, Robin T., Fontenelle Guy, Mazurie Joseph, Cayocca Florence, Pouvreau Stephane, Olivier F. (2010). Impact des facteurs environnementaux et des pratiques conchylicoles sur la baie du Mont Saint-Michel et la production conchylicole. Etude de scenarii par modélisation. Programme Liteau 3. Rapport Final .
Cugier Philippe, Struski Caroline, Grangere Karine, Blanchard Michel, Frangoudes Katia, Robin T., Perez Jose, Mongruel Remi, Mazurie Joseph, Le Mao Patrick, Fontenelle Guy (2010). Impacts of environmental factors and shellfish practices on the Mont-St-Michel Bay ecosystem (France). A modelling study involving scientists, stakeholders and users of the bay . 5–8 July 2010, Ottawa, Canada .
Grangere Karine, Lefebvre Sebastien, Bacher Cedric, Cugier Philippe, Menesguen Alain (2010). Modelling the spatial heterogeneity of ecological processes in an intertidal estuarine bay: dynamic interactions between bivalves and phytoplankton . Marine Ecology-progress Series , 415, 141-158 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garnier Josette, Billen Gilles, Laverman Anniet, Amsaleg Céline, Tronquart Olivier, Martinez Anun, Mercier Benjamin, Riou Philippe, Le Gendre Romain, Cugier Philippe, Nedelec Florence (2010). Nutriment Export Role on Eutrophisation. Indicators and model Scénarios (NEREIS) .
Blanpain Olivier, Bailly Du Bois Pascal, Cugier Philippe, Lafite Robert, Lunven Michel, Dupont Jacky, Le Gall Erwan, Legrand Julien, Pichavant Pascal (2009). Dynamic sediment profile imaging (DySPI): a new field method for the study of dynamic processes at the sediment-water interface . Limnology and Oceanography methods , 7, 8-20 .
Vanhoutte Brunier Alice, Fernand L, Menesguen Alain, Lyons S, Gohin Francis, Cugier Philippe (2008). Modelling the Karenia mikimotoi bloom that occurred in the western English Channel during summer 2003 . Ecological Modelling , 210(4), 351-376 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ehrhold Axel, Hamon Dominique, Caisey Xavier, Gaffet Jean-Dominique, Le Gac-Abernot Chantal, Cugier Philippe, Dugornay Olivier, Philippon Xavier (2007). Compte-rendu des campagnes benthiques au large de Flamanville (09-23/06/07 et 03-06/10/07) . R.INT.DYNECO/EB/07-02 .
Mazurie Joseph, Le Mao Patrick, Camus Patrick, Bacher Cedric, Goulletquer Philippe (2007). Integration of shellfish farming activies in three French coastal environments : Mont Saint-Michel Bay, Gulf of Morbihan, and Marennes-Oleron Bay . International Symposium for Better Management of Coastal Wetland. 28-31 may 2007, Suncheon, Korea .
Even S, Billen G, Bacq N, Thery S, Ruelland D, Garnier Julien, Cugier Philippe, Poulin M, Blanc S, Lamy F, Paffoni C (2007). New tools for modelling water quality of hydrosystems: An application in the Seine River basin in the frame of the Water Framework Directive . Science of The Total Environment , 375(1-3), 274-291 .
Menesguen Alain, Cugier Philippe, Loyer Sophie, Vanhoutte Brunier Alice, Hoch Thierry, Guillaud Jean-Francois, Gohin Francis (2007). Two- or three-layered box-models versus fine 3D models for coastal ecological modelling? A comparative study in the English Channel (Western Europe) . Journal of Marine Systems , 64(1-4), 47-65 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Menesguen Alain, Cugier Philippe, Leblond I (2006). A new numerical technique for tracking chemical species in a multisource, coastal ecosystem applied to nitrogen causing Ulva blooms in the Bay of Brest (France) . Limnology and oceanography , 51(1 (part 2)), 591-601 .
Cugier Philippe, Menesguen Alain, Guillaud Jean-Francois (2005). Three-dimensional (3D) ecological modelling of the Bay of Seine (English Channel, France) . Journal Of Sea Research , 54(1), 104-124 .
Cugier Philippe, Billen G, Guillaud Jean-Francois, Garnier J, Menesguen Alain (2005). Modelling the eutrophication of the Seine Bight (France) under historical, present and future riverine nutrient loading . Journal Of Hydrology , 304(1-4), 381-396 .
Augris Claude (2005). Atlas thématique de l'environnement marin de la baie de Douarnenez (Finistère) .
Ifremer (2004). Contamination et décontamination des mollusques bivalves. Journées thématiques Nantes 26 et 27 mai 2004, Résumé des présentations .
Billen Gilles, Cugier Philippe, Garnier Josette, Menesguen Alain, Guillaud Jean-Francois, Durand I (2003). Modèlisation des transferts de nutriments dans le continuum "Seine, Seine Aval, Baie de Seine" .
Cugier Philippe, Le Hir Pierre (2002). Development of a 3D hydrodynamic model for coastal ecosystem modelling. Application to the plume of the Seine River (France) . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 55(5), 673-695 .
Hamon Dominique, Blanchard Michel, Houlgatte Eric, Blanchet Aline, Gaffet Jean-Dominique, Cugier Philippe, Menesguen Alain, Bassoullet Philippe, Cann Philippe, Domalain David, Haubois Anne-Gaelle (2002). La Crépidule : identifier les mécanismes de sa prolifération et caractériser ses effets sur le milieu pour envisager sa gestion (Chantier : Baie de Saint-Brieuc) .
Leblond Isabelle, Menesguen Alain (2002). Modélisation mathématique de la production micro et macro-algale en Rade de Brest. Application à l'étude de scénarios de réduction de la marée verte à ulves de l'Anse du Moulin Blanc . R.INT.DEL/EC 01.03 Brest .
Le Hir Pierre, Ficht Andre, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Lesueur Patrick, Dupont Jean-Paul, Lafite Robert, Brenon Isabelle, Thouvenin Benedicte, Cugier Philippe (2001). Fine sediment transport and accumulations at the mouth of the Seine estuary (France) . Estuaries , 24(6B), 950-963 .
Loizeau Veronique, Abarnou Alain, Cugier Philippe, Jaouen Agnes, Le Guellec Anne-Marie, Menesguen Alain (2001). A model of PCB bioaccumulation in the sea bass food web from the Seine estuary (Eastern English channel) . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 43(7-12), 242-255 .
Cugier Philippe, Ménesguen Alain, Guillaud Jean-Francois (2001). Modélisation écologique tridimensionnelle (3D) de la baie de Seine (Manche, France) / Three dimensional (3D) ecological modelling of the "baie de Seine" (English Channel, France) . Hydroécologie Appliquée , 13, 21-35 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Hir Pierre, Silva Jacinto Ricardo (2001). Courants, vagues et marées. Les mouvements de l'eau . Ifremer.
Cugier Philippe, Le Hir Pierre (2000). Three dimensional modelling of suspended matters in the eastern "baie de Seine" (English Channel, France). Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule A Sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes , 331(4), 287-294 .
Cugier Philippe (1999). Modélisation du devenir à moyen terme dans l'eau et le sédiment des éléments majeurs (N, P, Si) rejetés par la Seine en Baie de Seine . PhD Thesis , Université de Caen .
Ifremer (1999). Bulletin Marel-Seine n°2. Décembre 1997 - Décembre 1998 .
Ifremer (1999). Bulletin Marel-Seine n°3. Décembre 1998 - Décembre 1999 .