Nef Charlotte, Dittami Simon, Kaas Raymond, Briand Enora, Noël Cyril, Mairet Francis, Garnier Matthieu (2022). Sharing Vitamin B12 between Bacteria and Microalgae Does Not Systematically Occur: Case Study of the Haptophyte Tisochrysis lutea . Microorganisms , 10(7), 1337 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Nef Charlotte, Henry Céline, Nicolau Elodie, Bérard Jean-Baptiste, Hervé Fabienne, Caruana Amandine, Kaas Raymond, Mairet Francis, Garnier Matthieu (2020). Cobalamin Scarcity Modifies Carbon Allocation and Impairs DMSP Production Through Methionine Metabolism in the Haptophyte Microalgae Tisochrysis lutea . Frontiers In Marine Science , 7, 569660 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Nef Charlotte, Mairet Francis, Kaas Raymond, Garnier Matthieu (2019). How haptophyte microalgae manage vitamin B12 limitation . EPC7 - 7th European Phycological Congress. 25-30 August 2019, Zagreb .
Nef Charlotte, Jung Sebastien, Mairet Francis, Kaas Raymond, Grizeau Dominique, Garnier Matthieu (2019). How haptophytes microalgae mitigate vitamin B-12 limitation . Scientific Reports , 9(8417), 11p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Coulombier Noemie, Lebouvier Nicolas, Le Dean Loic, Nicolau Elodie, Picot Laurent, Hnawia E, Chavance Pablo, Nour Mohamed, Kaas Raymond, Chim Liet (2018). Evalutaion of antioxidant activity of microalgae selected in New Caledonia . CIPAM & Cos - Colloque international des plantes aromatiques, médicinales et cosmétopée : « Nature et culture : de la recherche à l’innovation, la valorisation et/ou la préservation ». 19-23 novembre 2018, Tahiti .
Mairet Francis, Baroukh Caroline, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Carrier Gregory, Charrier Aurelie, Garnier Matthieu, Kaas Raymond, Lukomska Ewa, Nicolau Elodie, Rouxel Catherine, Schreiber Nathalie, Saint-Jean Bruno, Bernard Olivier, Bougaran Gael (2018). Metabolic modelling of microalgae during nitrogen starvation . ICHA2018 - 18th International Conference on Harmful Algae "From ecosystems to socio-ecosystems". 21-26 october 2018, Nantes, France .
Nef Charlotte, Le Chevanton Myriam, Kaas Raymond, Grizeau Dominique, Mairet Francis, Garnier Matthieu, Bougaran Gael (2018). Bacteria-Microalgae interactions through nitrogen and cobalamin (B12): From Competition to mutualism . ALFF - ALgal Microbiome: Friends and Foes 2018 workshop. 16 august 2018, Szczecin .
Jung Sebastien, Nef Charlotte, Garnier Matthieu, Kaas Raymond, Bougaran Gael (2018). Analysis of Tisochrysis lutea (Haptophyceae) metabolic response during B12 limitation & repletion by qPCR approach . Journées Scientifiques de l'Université de Nantes. 1er juin 2018, Nantes .
Nef Charlotte, Jung Sebastien, Garnier Matthieu, Nicolau Elodie, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Lukomska Ewa, Mairet Francis, Kaas Raymond, Grizeau Dominique, Bougaran Gael (2018). Characterisation of Tisochrysis lutea metabolic response under B12 limitation (KN) . YAS 2018 - fourth edition of the Young Algaeneers Symposium. May 14-18 2018, Oban, Scotland .
Nef Charlotte (2017). Analyse des interactions entre une bactérie productrice de vitamine B12 et la microalgue Tisochrysis lutea . Journée des Doctorants Centre Atlantique de l'Ifremer. 17 octobre 2018, Nantes .
Baron Regis, Socol Marius, Kaas Raymond, Arhaliass A., Rodriguez Del Pino J., Le Roux Karine, Donnay-Moreno Claire, Berge Jean-Pascal (2017). Elements for optimizing a one-step enzymatic bio-refinery process of shrimp cuticles: Focus on enzymatic proteolysis screening . Biotechnology Reports , 15, 70-74 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Baron Regis, Maheo Valentine, Kaas Raymond, Arhaliass Abdellah (2017). Support for the establishment of future bio-refining scenarios by integrating existing data : the example of brown macroalgae . ISAP 2017 - 6th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology. 18th to 23rd June 2017, Nantes .
Nef Charlotte, Garnier Matthieu, Kaas Raymond, Grizeau Dominique, Bougaran Gael (2017). Selection of vitamin B12-producing bacteria for improvement of Tisochrysis lutea (Haptophyceae) cultures . ISAP - 6th Congress of the International Society for Applied Phycology. 18th to 23rd june 2018, Nantes .
Nef Charlotte (2017). Analyse des interactions entre une bactérie productrice de vitamine B12(cobalamine) et la microalgue Tisochrysis lutea (Haptophyceae) . Colloque annuel de la Société Phycologique de France (SPF). 28 mars 2017, Paris, France .
Serive Benoit, Nicolau Elodie, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Kaas Raymond, Pasquet Virginie, Picot Laurent, Cadoret Jean-Paul (2017). Community analysis of pigment patterns from 37 microalgae strains reveals new carotenoids and porphyrins characteristic of distinct strains and taxonomic groups . Plos One , 12(2), e0171872 (1-35) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Haberkorn Hansy, Saint-Jean Bruno, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Lukomska Ewa, Nicolau Elodie, Kaas Raymond, Schreiber Nathalie, Rouxel Catherine, Steyer Jean- Philippe, Sialve Bruno, Bougaran Gael (2016). Evaluating the potential of anaerobic digestates for marine microalgae production . OCEANEXT Interdisciplinary Conference, 8-10 juin 2016, Nantes .
Baron Regis, Socol Marius, Arhaliass A., Bruzac Sandrine, Le Roux Karine, Del Pino J. Rodriguez, Berge Jean-Pascal, Kaas Raymond (2015). Kinetic study of solid phase demineralization by weak acids in one-step enzymatic bio-refinery of shrimp cuticles . Process Biochemistry , 50(12), 2215-2223 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Juin Camille, Cherouvrier Jean-Rene, Thiery Valerie, Gagez Anne-Laure, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Joguet Nicolas, Kaas Raymond, Cadoret Jean-Paul, Picot Laurent (2015). Microwave-assisted extraction of phycobiliproteins from Porphyridium purpureum . Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology , 175(1), 1-15 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cadoret Jean-Paul, Bougaran Gael, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Carrier Gregory, Charrier Aurelie, Coulombier Noemie, Garnier Matthieu, Kaas Raymond, Le Dean Loic, Lukomska Ewa, Nicolau Elodie, Rouxel Catherine, Saint-Jean Bruno, Schreiber Nathalie (2014). Microalgues et Biotechnologie . In Valorisation et économie des ressources marines. Volume 4. Série Mer et Océan dirigée par André Mariotti sous la direction d'André Monaco et Patrick Prouzet. 2014. ISBN : 978-1-78405-003-0 . Chapitre 2, pp.65-112 .
Baudelet Paul-Hubert, Gagez Anne-Laure, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Juin Camille, Bridiau Nicolas, Kaas Raymond, Thiery Valerie, Cadoret Jean-Paul, Picot Laurent (2013). Antiproliferative Activity of Cyanophora paradoxa Pigments in Melanoma, Breast and Lung Cancer Cells . Marine Drugs , 11(11), 4390-4406 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Serive Benoit, Kaas Raymond, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Pasquet Virginie, Picot Laurent, Cadoret Jean-Paul (2012). Selection and optimisation of a method for efficient metabolites extraction from microalgae . Bioresource Technology , 124, 311-320 .
Bougaran Gael, Rouxel Catherine, Dubois Nolwenn, Kaas Raymond, Grouas Sophie, Lukomska Ewa, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Cadoret Jean-Paul (2012). Enhancement of neutral lipid productivity in the microalga Isochrysis affinis Galbana (T-Iso) by a mutation-selection procedure . Biotechnology And Bioengineering , 109(11), 2737-2745 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Antoine Loic, Lemoine Maud, Boulben Sylviane, Kaas Raymond, Laurans Martial, Viard Frédérique, Potin Philippe (2012). Emergence d'une filière de culture de macro-algues en Bretagne et problème relatif à une espèce non indigène, le wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) . DPMA , Ref. PDG/DCB/2012-055 , 2p., 14p.
Marchetti Julie, Bougaran Gael, Le Dean Loic, Megrier Cyril, Lukomska Ewa, Kaas Raymond, Olivo Erell, Baron Regis, Robert Rene, Cadoret Jean-Paul (2012). Optimizing conditions for the continuous culture of Isochrysis affinis galbana relevant to commercial hatcheries . Aquaculture , 326, 106-115 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Serive Benoit, Kaas Raymond, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Komprobst J.-M., Deslandes Eric, Fauchon M., Picot Laurent, Cadoret Jean-Paul (2012). Development and optimization of a metabolite extraction process for the high throughput screening of microalgal chimiodiversity . ICNPR 2012 - International Congress on Natural Products Research, July 28 – August 1, 2012, New York City .
Vauchel Peggy, Arhaliass Abdellah, Legrand Jack, Baron Regis, Kaas Raymond (2012). Extrusion-Assisted Extraction : Alginate Extracxtion from Macroalgae by Extrusion Process . In Lebovka, N. (Ed.), Vorobiev, E. (Ed.), Chemat, F. (Ed.). (2012). Enhancing Extraction Processes in the Food Industry. Boca Raton: CRC Press, ISBN 9780429108679 . Chap.11, pp.323-340 (CRC Press) .
Pasquet Virginie, Morisset Perrine, Ihammouine Said, Chepied Amandine, Aumailley Lucie, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Serive Benoit, Kaas Raymond, Lanneluc Isabelle, Thiery Valerie, Lafferriere Mathieu, Piot Jean-Marie, Patrice Thierry, Cadoret Jean-Paul, Picot Laurent (2011). Antiproliferative Activity of Violaxanthin Isolated from Bioguided Fractionation of Dunaliella tertiolecta Extracts . Marine Drugs , 9(5), 819-831 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pasquet Virginie, Cherouvrier Jean-Rene, Farhat Firas, Thiery Valerie, Piot Jean-Marie, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Kaas Raymond, Serive Benoit, Patrice Thierry, Cadoret Jean-Paul, Picot Laurent (2011). Study on the microalgal pigments extraction process: Performance of microwave assisted extraction . Process Biochemistry , 46(1), 59-67 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer, Université de Nantes (2010). Gestion globale des ressources marines et des risques dans les espaces côtiers. Gerrico. Volume 1 : rapport de synthèse. Volume 2 : Fiches actions par axe .
Baron Regis, Vauchel Peggy, Kaas Raymond, Arhaliass Abdellah, Legrand Jack (2010). Dynamical modelling of a reactive extrusion process: Focus on residence time distribution in a fully intermeshing co-rotating twin-screw extruder and application to an alginate extraction process . Chemical Engineering Science , 65(10), 3313-3321 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Serive Benoit, Kaas Raymond, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Picot Laurent, Patrice Thierry, Cadoret Jean-Paul (2010). Composition pigmentaire d’espèces phytoplanctoniques originales au moyen d’un procédé de déréplication CLHP-UV DAD . Colloque "ALGUES, Filières du Futur !", 17 au 19 nov. 2010, Parc Techno. Biocitech, Paris .
Bougaran Gael, Dubois Nolwenn, Rouxel Catherine, Grouas Sophie, Kaas Raymond, Lukomska Ewa, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Cadoret Jean-Paul (2010). Amélioration de la productivité lipidique de Isochrysis affinis galbana par un processus de sélection-mutation . Colloque "ALGUES, Filières du Futur !", 17 au 19 nov. 2010, Parc Techno. Biocitech, Paris .
Maheswari Uma, Jabbari Kamel, Petit Jean-Louis, Porcel Betina M., Allen Andrew E., Cadoret Jean-Paul, de Martino Alessandra, Heijde Marc, Kaas Raymond, La Roche Julie, Lopez P., Martin-Jezequel Veronique, Meichenin Agnes, Mock Thomas, Parker Micaela Schnitzler, Vardi Assaf, Armbrust E. Virginia, Weissenbach Jean, Katinka Michael, Bowler Chris (2010). Digital expression profiling of novel diatom transcripts provides insight into their biological functions . Genome Biology , 11(8), 1-19 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Chevanton Myriam, Bougaran Gael, Garnier Matthieu, Schreiber Nathalie, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Kaas Raymond, Saint-Jean Bruno, Fouilland Eric, Cadoret Jean-Paul (2010). Sélection de souches bactériennes d’intérêt pour la culture de microalgues . Colloque "ALGUES, Filières du Futur !", 17 au 19 nov. 2010, Parc Techno. Biocitech, Paris .
Vauchel Peggy, Le Roux Karine, Kaas Raymond, Arhaliass Abdellah, Baron Regis, Legrand Jack (2009). Kinetics modeling of alginate alkaline extraction from Laminaria digitata . Bioresource Technology , 100(3), 1291-1296 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vauchel Peggy, Kaas Raymond, Arhaliass Abdellah, Baron Regis, Legrand Jack (2008). A New Process for Extracting Alginates from Laminaria digitata: Reactive Extrusion . Food and Bioprocess Technology , 1(3), 297-300 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vauchel Peggy, Arhaliass Abdellah, Legrand Jack, Kaas Raymond, Baron Regis (2008). Decrease in dynamic viscosity and average molecular weight of alginate from Laminaria digitata during alkaline extraction . Journal of Phycology , 44(2), 515-517 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Robert Rene, Kaas Raymond (2007). Compte rendu de mission à Bergen (Norvège) du 19 au 22 juin 2007 .
Angeri S., Bougaran Gael, Connan Jean-Paul, Jouin Jean-Claude, Kaas Raymond, Le Dean Loic, Legrand J., Loubiere K., Lukomska Ewa, Olivo Erell, Picquet Marie-Lise, Pruvost J., Robert Rene (2007). Optimisation de la production en écloserie de mollusques : Mise au point d'un pilote industriel de production phytoplanctonique en continu et des techniques associées pour leur intégration en écloserie commerciale .
Moreau D, Tomasoni C, Jacquot C, Kaas Raymond, Le Guedes Roland, Cadoret Jean-Paul, Muller-Feuga Arnaud, Kontiza L, Vagias C, Roussis V, Roussakis C (2006). Cultivated microalgae and the carotenoid fucoxanthin from Odontella aurita as potent anti-proliferative agents in bronchopulmonary and epithelial cell lines . Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology , 22(1), 97-103 .
Vauchel Peggy, Baron Regis, Kaas Raymond, Arhaliass Abdellah, Legrand Jack (2006). A new model to predict residence time distribution in extrusion process . 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio Industry (FOODSIM 2006), Naples, ITALY, JUN 15-17, 2006 .
Givernaud T, Sqali N, Barbaroux Olivier, Orbi A, Semmaoui Y, Rezzoum Ne, Mouradi A, Kaas Raymond (2005). Mapping and biomass estimation for a harvested population of Gelidium sesquipeddle (Rhodophyta, Gelidiales) along the Atlantic coast of Morocco . Phycologia , 44(1), 66-71 .
Robert Rene, Chretiennot-Dinet Marie-Josèphe, Kaas Raymond, Martin-Jezequel Véronique, Moal Jeanne, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Bernard Eudes, Connan Jean-Paul, Le Dean Loic, Le Gourrierec Gaetane, Leroy Bertrand, Quere Claudie (2004). Amélioration des productions phytoplanctoniques en écloserie de mollusques : caractérisation des microalgues fourrage . DRV/RA/RST/LPI/2004-05 .
Bougaran Gael, Le Dean Loic, Picquet Marie-Lise, Lukomska Ewa, Kaas Raymond, Cadoret Jean-Paul, Robert Rene (2004). Continuous culture of microalgae for molluscs hatcheries . EAS Aquaculture Europe 2004. “Biotechnology for Quality”, Barcelona, 20-23 October 2004 .
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Kaas Raymond, Barbaroux Olivier, Muller-Feuga Arnaud, Fournier Philippe, Derlc William (2003). Exploitation de la ressource en algue rouge Gelidium sesquipedale de la Bidassoa à l'Adour. Evaluation de l'impact de la pollution par hydrocarbure faisant suite au naufrage du Prestige .
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Muller-Feuga Arnaud, Le Guedes Roland, Le Dean Loic, Kaas Raymond (2001). Influence du stress oxydatif sur l'activité SOD de la chlorophycée Chlorella sp . 04 2001 - R.INT.DRVNP/PBA 2001/002 .
Bougaran Gael, Le Dean Loic, Loizel Céline, Lukomska Ewa, Picquet Marie-Lise, Kaas Raymond, Muller-Feuga Arnaud (2001). Optimisation de l'enrichissement nutritif pour la culture d' Isochrysis galbana affinis Tahiti . R.INT.DRV/VP/PBA 2001/002 .
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Lukomska Ewa, Le Guedes Roland, Braud Jean-Paul, Kaas Raymond (2001). Comportement d' Odontella aurita en fonction de la température, de la salinité et de la photopériode . DRV/VP/PBA 2001 .
Crepineau Florent, Roscoe T, Kaas Raymond, Kloareg B, Boyen C (2000). Characterisation of complementary DNAs from the expressed sequence tag analysis of life cycle stages of Laminaria digitata (Phaeophyceae) . Plant Molecular Biology , 43(4), 503-513 .
Bougaran Gael, Decobecq Sophie, Le Dean Loic, Le Guedes Roland, Lukomska Ewa, Picquet Marie-Lise, Kaas Raymond, Muller-Feuga Arnaud (2000). Ecophysiologie et culture en continu de Isochrysis galbana affinis Tahiti . DRV/VP/PBA 2000/003 .
Kaas Raymond, Le Déan Loic, Hervé Annie, Le Guédes Roland, Gouygou Jean-Paul, Sevellec M. (2000). Contribution au développement des productions de microalgues sur eau salée souterraine . R.F.DRV/VP/PBA - 2000/001 .
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