Direction of oceanographic cruises
Cruise | Boat | Date | Geographic coverage |
ESSIR2 | Suroit | 1997 | Zonex 05 09 |
ESSIR1 | Suroit | 1997 | Golfe St Tropez et 20 Miles au S |
ESSIR0 | Suroit | 1997 | Zone au Sud du Lavandou ZONEX 43 et 04 |
Serais Ophelie, Brodu Nicolas, Reynaud Yann, Rigaud Vincent (2025). Expertise pour la mise à jour des indicateurs relatifs à la qualité des eaux conchylicoles du tableau de bord de suivi du SDAGE Rhône-Méditerranée – version 2025 . Agence de l'eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse, Service Pollutions (agricole, Industrielle, urbaine) et Services Publics de l'EAu et de l'Assainissement, Département du Programme et des Interventions, Lyon , Ref. Expertise Ifremer n° 24-063 - votre courriel du 9 août 2024 , 7p.
Ifremer (2021). Autoévaluation de l'Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la MER. 2016-2020 .
Kastanidi Erasmia, Pagou Popi, Papandroulakis Nikos, Barbanti Andrea, Cappelletto Margherita, Ciappi Helena, Trincardi Fabio, de Lara Rey José, Herrouin Guy, Trujillo Quintela Abraham (2021). BLUEMED. Strengthening cooperation to consolidate and implement the SRIA . Deliverable Nr. 2.3 .
Raugel Ewen, Opderbecke Jan, Fabri Marie-Claire, Brignone Lorenzo, Rigaud Vincent (2019). Operational and scientific capabilities of Ariane, Ifremer's hybrid ROV . OCEANS 2019 - Marseille, 2019. ISBN:978-1-7281-1451-4, pp. 1-7 .
Brignone Lorenzo, Raugel Ewen, Opderbecke Jan, Rigaud Vincent, Piasco Romain, Ragot Sebastien (2015). First sea trials of HROV the new hybrid vehicle developed by Ifremer . OCEANS 2015 - Genova , pp.1-7, 18-21 .
Rigaud Vincent, Nicolas-Meunier Beatrice (2015). From manned to autonomous and hybrid underwater systems. A review of existing operational systems, development trends and IFREMER/DCNS cooperative projects . 2015 IEEE Underwater Technology (UT), Natl Inst Ocean Technol, Chennai, INDIA, FEB 23-25, 2015. pp.1-10 .
Khalighi Mohammad-Ali, Chadi Gabriel, Hamza Tasnim, Bourennane Salah, Leon Pierre, Rigaud Vincent (2014). Underwater Wireless Optical Communication; Recent Advances and Remaining Challenges . ICTON 2014 - 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Network, 6-10 July 2014, Austria, ISBN:978-1-4799-5601-2 pp.1-4 .
Gabriel Chadi, Khalighi Mohammad-Ali, Bourennane Salah, Leon Pierre, Rigaud Vincent (2013). Monte-Carlo based channel characterization for underwater optical communication . Journal Of Optical Communications And Networking , 5(1), 1-12 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gabriel Chadi, Khalighi Mohammad-Ali, Bourennane Salah, Leon Pierre, Rigaud Vincent (2013). Misalignment Considerations in Point-to-Point Underwater Wireless Optical Links . 2013 MTS/IEEE OCEANS - Bergen, Bergen, 2013, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-4799-0001-5 CD-ROM ISBN: 978-1-4799-0000-8 pp. 1-5.
Gabriel Chadi, Khalighi Ali, Bourennane Salah, Leon Pierre, Rigaud Vincent (2012). Optical communications systems for an underwater wireless sensor network . EGU General Assembly 2012, held 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna, Austria .
Rigaud Vincent (2012). Les robots dans les milieux extremes : l'emergence des robots sous-marins . Livret de l'exposition robot , 39-45 .
Ageron M., Aguilar J. A., Al Samarai I., Albert A., Ameli F., Andre Marc, Anghinolfi M., Anton G., Anvar S., Ardid M., Arnaud K., Aslanides E., Jesus A. C. Assis, Astraatmadja T., Aubert J. -J., Auer R., Barbarito E., Baret B., Basa S., Bazzotti M., Becherini Y., Beltramelli J., Bersani A., Bertin V., Beurthey S., Biagi S., Bigongiari C., Billault M., Blaes R., Bogazzi C., de Botton N., Bou-Cabo M., Boudahef B., Bouwhuis M. C., Brown A. M., Brunner J., Busto J., Caillat L., Calzas A., Camarena F., Capone A., Caponetto L., Carloganu C., Carminati G., Carmona E., Carr J., Carton P. H., Cassano B., Castorina E., Cecchini S., Ceres A., Chaleil Th, Charvis Ph, Chauchot Pierre, Chiarusi T., Circella M., Compere Chantal, Coniglione R., Coppolani X., Cosquer A., Costantini H., Cottini N., Coyle P., Cuneo S., Curtil C., D'Amato C., Damy Gilbert, Van Dantzig R., de Bonis G., Decock G., Decowski M. P., Dekeyser I., Delagnes E., Desages-Ardellier F., Deschamps Anne, Destelle J. -J., Di Maria F., Dinkespiler B., Distefano C., Dominique J. -L., Donzaud C., Dornic D., Dorosti Q., Drogou Jean-Francois, Drouhin D., Druillole F., Durand Delphine, Durand R., Eberl T., Emanuele U., Engelen J. J., Ernenwein J. -P., Escoffier S., Falchini E., Favard S., Fehr F., Feinstein F., Ferri M., Ferry S., Fiorello C., Flaminio V., Folger F., Fritsch U., Fuda J. -L., Galata S., Galeotti S., Gay P., Gensolen F., Giacomelli G., Gojak Carl, Gomez-Gonzalez J. P., Goret Ph., Graf K., Guillard G., Halladjian G., Hallewell G., Van Haren H., Hartmann B., Heijboer A. J., Heine E., Hello Y., Henry S., Hernandez-Rey J. J., Herold B., Hoessl J., Hogenbirk J., Hsu C. C., Hubbard J. R., Jaquet M., Jaspers M., de Jong M., Jourde D., Kadler M., Kalantar-Nayestanaki N., Kalekin O., Kappes A., Karg T., Karkar S., Karolak M., Katz U., Keller P., Kestener P., Kok E., Kok H., Kooijman P., Kopper C., Kouchner A., Kretschmer W., Kruijer A., Kuch S., Kulikovskiy V., Lachartre D., Lafoux H., Lagier P., Lahmann R., Lahonde-Hamdoun C., Lamare P., Lambard G., Languillat J-C, Larosa G., Lavalle J., Le Guen Yvon, Le Provost H., Levansuu A., Lefevre D., Legou T., Lelaizant G., Leveque Claude, Lim G., Lo Presti D., Loehner H., Loucatos S., Louis F., Lucarelli F., Lyashuk V., Magnier P., Mangano S., Marcel A., Marcelin M., Margiotta A., Martinez-Mora J. A., Masullo R., Mazeas Florence, Mazure A., Meli A., Melissas M., Migneco E., Mongelli M., Montaruli T., Morganti M., Moscoso L., Motz H., Musumeci M., Naumann C., Naumann-Godo M., Neff M., Niess V., Nooren G. J. L., Oberski J. E. J., Olivetto C., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Patioselitis D., Papaleo R., Pavalas G. E., Payet K., Payre P., Peek H., Petrovic J., Piattelli P., Picot-Clemente N., Picq C., Piret Y., Poinsignon J., Popa V., Pradier T., Presani E., Prono G., Racca C., Raia G., Van Randwijk J., Real D., Reed C., Rethore F., Rewiersma P., Riccobene G., Richardt C., Richter R., Ricol J. S., Rigaud Vincent, Roca V., Roensch K., Rolin Jean-Francois, Rostovtsev A., Rottura A., Roux Jean, Rujoiu M., Ruppi M., Russo G. V., Salesa F., Salomon K., Sapienza P., Schmitt F., Schoeck F., Schuller J. -P., Schuessler F., Sciliberto D., Shanidze R., Shirokov E., Simeone F., Sottoriva A., Spies A., Spona T., Spurio M., Steijger J. J. M., Stolarczyk Th, Streeb K., Sulak L., Taiuti M., Tamburini C., Tao C., Tasca L., Terreni G., Tezier D., Toscano S., Urbano F., Valdy Pierre, Vallage B., Van Elewyck V., Vannoni G., Vecchi M., Venekamp G., Verlaat B., Vernin P., Virique E., de Vries G., Van Wijk R., Wijnker G., Wobbe G., de Wolf E., Yakovenko Y., Yepes H., Zaborov D., Zaccone H., Zornoza J. D., Zuniga J. (2011). ANTARES: The first undersea neutrino telescope . Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment , 656(1), 11-38 .
Gabriel Chadi, Leon Pierre, Rigaud Vincent (2011). Channel modeling for underwater optical communication . GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2011 IEEE, pp.833-837 .
Rigaud Vincent (2011). ANTARES : Note d’organisation pour la 10ème opération NEUTRIVIC 10 . IMN/SM/11–150 .
Brisset Laurent, Rigaud Vincent (2011). Rapport d'activité 2010 - Département Systèmes Sous-Marins . IMN/SM/11-133 .
Leveque Claude, Rigaud Vincent (2011). AT Nautile 2011 - Plan de projet . DOP/DCM/SM/11-008 .
Leon Pierre, Drogou Jean-Francois, Chenot Damien, Leveque C., Martinossi Henri, Massol Alain, Rigaud Vincent, Santarelli Dominique, Valdy Pierre, Gojak Carl, Bernardet Karim, Hafidi Zouhir, Lenault Yannick, Mahiouz Karim, Deschamps Anne, Hello Y., Lefevre D., Tamburini C., Destelle J. J. (2011). A new open cableb infrastructure in MEDSEA . 2011 Ieee - Oceans Spain , - . Open Access version :
Gabriel Chadi, Khalighi Ali, Bourennane Salah, Leon Pierre, Rigaud Vincent (2011). Integration and validation networked and modular sensing and analyzing devices on an in situ biogeochemical payload for underwater ROV and observatories . Workshop SENSEnet, 4th-9th september 2011, Sylt, Germany .
Raugel E, Rigaud Vincent, Lakeman C (2010). Sea experiment of a survey AUV powered by a fuel cell system . 2010 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV 2010) Proceedings, pp.1-3 .
Rigaud Vincent (2009). Update on Ifremer technological developments and operational feedbacks with underwater systems . IEEE oceans 2009 .
Ratmeyer V, Rigaud Vincent (2009). Europe's Growing Fleet of Scientific Deepwater ROVs: Emerging Demands for Interchange Worflow Enhancement and Training . OCEANS'09 .
Mantoura F, Coppola Laurent, Cousin M., Antoine David, Beguery Laurent, Blain Stephane, Bouin Marie-Noelle, Cadiou Jean-Francois, Durrieu De Madron Xavier, Forget Philippe, Fraunie Philippe, Gojak Carl, Gorsky Gaby, Goyet Catherine, Lebaron Philippe, Lellouche Jean-Michel, Ludwig Hubert, Molcard Anne, Mortier Laurent, Petit De La Villeon Loic, Petrenko Anne, Piazzola J., Queguiner B., Raimbault Patrick, Rigaud Vincent, Sempere Richard, Tamburini Jean-Simon, Testor Pierre, Vuillemin Renaud, Zakardjian B. (2009). Moose: An integrated multi-sites observatory system in the NW Mediterranean sea . HYMEX 2009, 3rd HyMeX workshop 1-4 June 2009 Heraklion (Gournes), Crete-Greece .
Rigaud Vincent (2009). Innovation and Operation with Robotized Systems . MCMC 2009, 8th IFAC International Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft September 16-18, 2009, Casa Grande Hotel, Guarujá (SP), Brazil .
Ageron M, Aguilar J, Albert A, Ameli F, Anghinolfi M, Anton G, Anvar S, Ardellier Desages F, Aslanides E, Aubert J, Auer R, Barbarito E, Basa S, Battaglieri M, Bazzotti M, Becherini Y, Bethoux N, Beltramelli J, Bertin V, Bigi A, Billault M, Blaes R, de Botton N, Bouwhuis M, Bruijn R, Brunner J, Burgio G, Busto J, Cafagna F, Caillat L, Calzas A, Capone A, Caponetto L, Carmona E, Carr J, Castel D, Castorina E, Cavasinni V, Ceechini S, Ceres A, Charvis P, Chauchot Pierre, Chiarusi T, Circella M, Coail Jean-Yves, Colnard C, Compere Chantal, Coniglione R, Cottini N, Coyle P, Cuneo S, Cussatlegras A, Damy Gilbert, Van Dantzig R, Debonis G, de Marzo C, de Vita R, Dekeyser I, Delagnes E, Denans D, Deschamps Anne, Dessa J, Destelle J, Dinkespieler B, Distefano C, Donzaud C, Drogou Jean-Francois, Druillole F, Durand D, Ernenwein J, Escoffier S, Falchini E, Favard S, Fehr F, Feinstein F, Florello C, Flaminio V, Fratini K, Fuda J, Galeotti S, Gallone J, Giacomelli G, Girard N, Gojak C, Goret P, Graf K, Guilloux F, Hallewell G, Harakeh M, Hartmann B, Heijboer A, Heine E, Hello Y, Hernandez Rey J, Hossl J, Hoffman C, Hogenbirk J, Hubbard J, Jaquet M, Jaspers M, de Jong M, Jouvenot F, Kalantar Nayestanaki N, Kappes A, Karg T, Katz U, Keller P, Kneib J, Kok E, Kok H, Kooijman P, Kopper C, Kouchner A, Kretschmer W, Kruijer A, Kuch S, Lagier P, Lahmann R, Lamanna G, Lamare P, Lambard G, Languillat J, Laschinsky H, Lavalle J, Le Guen Yvon, Le Provost H, Van Suu A, Lefevre D, Legou T, Lelaizant G, Lim G, Lo Presti D, Loaec Gerard, Loehner H, Loucatos S, Louis F, Lucarelli F, Lyashuk V, Mangano S, Marcelin M, Margiotta A, Masullo R, Mazeas Florence, Mazure A, Megna R, Melissas M, Migneco E, Mongelli M, Montaruli T, Morganti M, Moscoso L, Motz H, Musumeci M, Naumann C, Naumann Godo M, Niess V, Noble A, Olivetto C, Ostasch R, Palanque Delabrouille N, Payre P, Peek H, Perez Amparo, Petta C, Piattelli P, Pillet R, Pineau J, Poinsignon J, Popa V, Pradier T, Racca C, Randazzo N, Van Randwijk J, Real D, Regnier M, Van Rens B, Rethore F, Rewiersma P, Riccobene G, Rigaud Vincent, Ripani M, Roca V, Roda C, Rolin Jean-Francois, Rostovtsev A, Roux Jean, Ruppi M, Russo G, Rusydi G, Salesa F, Salomon K, Sapienza P, Schmitt F, Schuller J, Shanidze R, Sokalski I, Spona T, Spurio M, Van Der Steenhoven G, Stolarczyk T, Streeb K, Sulak L, Taiuti M, Tamburini C, Tao C, Tasca L, Terreni G, Urbano F, Valdy Pierre, Valente V, Vallage B, Vaudaine G, Venekamp G, Verlaat B, Vernin P, Van Wijk R, Wijnker G, Wobbe G, de Wolf E, Yao A, Zaborov D, Zaccone H, Zornoza J, Zuniga J (2007). Studies of a full-scale mechanical prototype line for the ANTARES neutrino telescope and tests of a prototype instrument for deep-sea acoustic measurements . Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment , 581(3), 695-708 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ageron M., Aguilar J. A., Albert A., Ameli F., Anghinolfi M., Anton G., Anvar S., Ardellier-Desages F., Aslanides E., Aubert J-J., Auer R., Barbarito E., Basa S., Battaglieri M., Becherini Y., Beltramelli J., Bertin V., Bigi A., Billault M., Blaes R., de Botton N., Bouwhuis M. C., Bradbury S. M., Bruijn R., Brunner J., Burgio G. F., Busto J., Cafagna F., Caillat L., Calzas A., Capone A., Caponetto L., Carmona E., Carr J., Cartwright S. L., Castel D., Castorina E., Cavasinni V., Cecchini S., Ceres A., Charvis P., Chauchot Pierre, Chiarusi T., Circella M., Colnard C., Compere Chantal, Coniglione R., Cottini N., Coyle P., Cuneo S., Cussatlegras A-S., Damy Gilbert, Van Dantzig R., de Bonis G., de Marzo C., de Vita R., Dekeyser I., Delagnes E., Denans D., Deschamps Anne, Destelle J-J., Dinkespieler B., Distefano C., Donzaud C., Drogou Jean-Francois, Druillole F., Durand D., Ernenwein J-P., Escoffier S., Falchini E., Favard S., Fehr F., Feinstein F., Ferry S., Fiorello C., Flaminio V., Fratini K., Fuda J-L., Galeotti S., Gallone J-M., Giacomelli G., Girard N., Gojak C., Goret Ph., Graf K., Hallewell G., Harakeh M. N., Hartmann B., Heijboer A., Heine E., Hello Y., Hernandez-Rey J. J., Hoessl J., Hoffman C., Hogenbirk J., Hubbard J. R., Jaquet M., Jaspers M., de Jong M., Jouvenot F., Kalantar-Nayestanaki N., Kappes A., Karg T., Katz U., Keller P., Kok E., Kok H., Kooijman P., Kopper C., Korolkova E. V., Kouchner A., Kretschmer W., Kruijer A., Kuch S., Kudryavstev V. A., Lagier P., Lahmann R., Lamanna G., Lamare P., Lambard G., Languillat J-C., Laschinsky H., Lavalle J., Le Guen Yvon, Le Provost H., Van Suu A. Le, Lefevre D., Legou T., Lelaizant G., Lim G., Lo Presti D., Loehner H., Loucatos S., Louis F., Lucarelli F., Lyashuk V., Marcelin M., Margiotta A., Masullo R., Mazeas Florence, Mazure A., McMillan J. E., Megna R., Melissas M., Migneco E., Milovanovic A., Mongelli M., Montaruli T., Morganti M., Moscoso L., Musumeci M., Naumann-Godo M., Naumann C., Niess V., Noble T., Olivetto C., Ostasch R., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Payre P., Peek H., Perez Amparo, Petta C., Piattelli P., Pillet R., Pineau J-P., Poinsignon J., Popa V., Pradier T., Racca C., Randazzo N., Van Randwijk J., Real D., Van Rens B., Rethore F., Rewiersma P., Riccobene G., Rigaud Vincent, Ripani M., Roca V., Roda C., Rolin Jean-Francois, Rose H. J., Rostovtsev A., Roux Jean, Ruppi M., Russo G. V., Rusydi G., Salesa F., Salomon K., Sapienza P., Schmitt F., Schuller J-P., Shanidze R., Sokalski I., Spona T., Spurio M., Van Der Steenhoven G., Stolarczyk T., Streeb K., Sulak L., Taiuti M., Tamburini C., Tao C., Terreni G., Thompson L. F., Urbano F., Valdy Pierre, Valente V., Vallage B., Vaudaine G., Venekamp G., Verlaat B., Vernin P., de Vries-Uiterweerd G., Van Wijk R., Wijnker G., Huberts P. De Witt, Wobbe G., de Wolf E., Yao A-F., Zaborov D., Zaccone H., Zornoza J. D., Zuniga J. (2007). The ANTARES optical beacon system . Nuclear Instruments And Methods In Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment , 578(3), 498-509 .
Rigaud Vincent (2007). Innovation and operation with robotized underwater systems . Journal of Field Robotics , 24(6), 449-459 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Valdy Pierre, Ciausu Viorel, Moriconi Pascal, Rigaud Vincent, Hello Y, Charvis P, Deschamps A, Sillans C (2007). Deep Sea Net: an affordable and expandable solution for deep sea sensor networks . 2007 Symposium on Underwater Technology and Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables and Related Technologies, pp.172-175 .
Aguilar J. A., Albert A., Ameli F., Anghinolfi M., Anton G., Anvar S., Aslanides E., Aubert J. -J., Barbarito E., Basa S., Battaglieri M., Becherini Y., Bellotti R., Beltramelli J., Bertin V., Bigi A., Billault M., Blaes R., de Botton N., Bouwhuis M. C., Bradbury S. M., Bruijn R., Brunner J., Burgio G. F., Busto J., Cafagna F., Caillat L., Calzas A., Capone A., Caponetto L., Carmona E., Carr J., Cartwright S. L., Castel D., Castorina E., Cavasinni V., Cecchini S., Ceres A., Charvis P., Chauchot Pierre, Chiarusi T., Circella M., Colnard C., Compere Chantal, Coniglione R., Cottini N., Coyle P., Cuneo S., Cussatlegras A. -S., Damy Gilbert, Van Dantzig R., de Marzo C., Dekeyser I., Delagnes E., Denans D., Deschamps A., Dessages-Ardellier F., Destelle J. -J., Dinkespieler B., Distefano C., Donzaud C., Drogou Jean-Francois, Druillole F., Durand D., Ernenwein J. -P., Escoffier S., Falchini E., Favard S., Feinstein F., Ferry S., Festy D., Fiorello C., Flaminio V., Galeotti S., Gallone J. -M., Giacomelli G., Girard N., Gojak C., Goret Ph., Graf K., Hallewell G., Harakeh M. N., Hartmann B., Heijboer A., Heine E., Hello Y., Hernandez-Rey J. J., Hoessl J., Hoffman C., Hogenbirk J., Hubbard J. R., Jaquet M., Jaspers M., de Jong M., Jouvenot F., Kalantar-Nayestanaki N., Kappes A., Karg T., Karkar S., Katz U., Keller P., Kok H., Kooijman P., Kopper C., Korolkova E. V., Kouchner A., Kretschmer W., Kruijer A., Kuch S., Kudryavstev V. A., Lachartre D., Lafoux H., Lagier P., Lahmann R., Lamanna G., Lamare P., Languillat J. C., Laschinsky H., Le Guen Yvon, Le Provost H., Suu A. Le Van, Legou T., Lim G., Lo Nigro L., Lo Presti D., Loehner H., Loucatos S., Louis F., Lucarelli F., Lyashuk V., Marcelin M., Margiotta A., Masullo R., Mazeas Florence, Mazure A., McMillan J. E., Megna R., Melissas M., Migneco E., Milovanovic A., Mongelli M., Montaruli T., Morganti M., Moscoso L., Musumeci M., Naumann C., Naumann-Godo M., Niess V., Olivetto C., Ostasch R., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Payre P., Peek H., Petta C., Piattelli P., Pineau J. -P., Poinsignon J., Popa V., Pradier T., Racca C., Randazzo N., Van Randwijk J., Real D., Van Rens B., Rethore F., Rewiersma P., Riccobene G., Rigaud Vincent, Ripani M., Roca V., Roda C., Rolin Jean-Francois, Romita M., Rose H. J., Rostovtsev A., Roux J., Ruppi M., Russo G. V., Salesa F., Salomon K., Sapienza P., Schmitt F., Schuller J. -P., Shanidze R., Sokalski I., Spona T., Spurio M., Van Der Steenhoven G., Stolarczyk T., Streeb K., Stubert D., Sulak L., Taiuti M., Tamburini C., Tao C., Terreni G., Thompson L. F., Valdy Pierre, Valente V., Vallage B., Venekamp G., Verlaat B., Vernin P., de Vita R., de Vries G., Van Wijk R., Huberts P. De Witt, Wobbe G., de Wolf E., Yao A-F, Zaborov D., Zaccone H., Zornoza J. D., Zuniga J. (2007). The data acquisition system for the ANTARES neutrino telescope . Nuclear Instruments And Methods In Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment , 570(1), 107-116 .
Aguilar J. A., Albert A., Ameli F., Anghinolfi M., Anton G., Anvar S., Aslanides E., Aubert J. -J., Barbarito E., Basa S., Battaglieri M., Becherini Y., Bellotti R., Beltramelli J., Bertin V., Bigi A., Billault M., Blaes R., de Botton N., Bouwhuis M. C., Bradbury S. M., Bruijn R., Brunner J., Burgio G. F., Busto J., Cafagna F., Caillat L., Calzas A., Capone A., Caponetto L., Carmona E., Carr J., Cartwright S. L., Castel D., Castorina E., Cavasinni V., Cecchini S., Ceres A., Charvis P., Chauchot Pierre, Chiarusi T., Circella M., Colnard C., Compere Chantal, Coniglione R., Cottini N., Coyle P., Cuneo S., Cussatlegras A. -S., Damy Gilbert, Van Dantzig R., de Marzo C., Dekeyser I., Delagnes E., Denans D., Deschamps Anne, Dessages-Ardellier F., Destelle J. -J., Dinkespieler B., Distefano C., Donzaud C., Drogou Jean-Francois, Druillole F., Durand D., Ernenwein J. -P., Escoffier S., Falchini E., Favard S., Feinstein F., Ferry S., Festy D., Fiorello C., Flaminio V., Galeotti S., Gallone J. -M., Giacomelli G., Girard N., Gojak C., Goret Ph., Graf K., Hallewell G., Harakeh M. N., Hartmann B., Heijboer A., Heine E., Hello Y., Hernandez-Rey J. J., Hoessl J., Hoffman C., Hogenbirk J., Hubbard J. R., Jaquet M., Jaspers M., de Jong M., Jouvenot F., Kalantar-Nayestanaki N., Kappes A., Karg T., Karkar S., Katz U., Keller P., Kok H., Kooijman P., Kopper C., Korolkova E. V., Kouchner A., Kretschmer W., Kruijer A., Kuch S., Kudryavstev V. A., Lachartre D., Lafoux H., Lagier P., Lahmann R., Lamanna G., Lamare P., Languillat J. C., Laschinsky H., Le Guen Yvon, Le Provost H., Van Suu A. Le, Legou T., Lim G., Lo Nigro L., Lo Presti D., Loehner H., Loucatos S., Louis F., Lucarelli F., Lyashuk V., Marcelin M., Margiotta A., Masullo R., Mazeas Florence, Mazure A., McMillan J. E., Megna R., Melissas M., Migneco E., Milovanovic A., Mongelli M., Montaruli T., Morganti M., Moscoso L., Musumeci M., Naumann C., Naumann-Godo M., Niess V., Olivetto C., Ostasch R., Palanque-Delabrouille N., Payre P., Peek H., Petta C., Piattelli P., Pineau J. -P., Poinsignon J., Popa V., Pradier T., Racca C., Randazzo N., Van Randwijk J., Real D., Van Rens B., Rethore F., Rewiersma P., Riccobene G., Rigaud Vincent, Ripani M., Roca V., Roda C., Rolin Jean-Francois, Romita M., Rose H. J., Rostovtsev A., Roux Jean, Ruppi M., Russo G. V., Salesa F., Salomon K., Sapienza P., Schmitt F., Schuller J. -P., Shanidze R., Sokalski I., Spona T., Spurio M., Van Der Steenhoven G., Stolarczyk T., Streeb K., Stubert D., Sulak L., Taiuti M., Tamburini C., Tao C., Terreni G., Thompson L. F., Valdy Pierre, Valente V., Vallage B., Venekamp G., Verlaat B., Vernin P., de Vita R., de Vries G., Van Wijk R., Huberts P. De Witt, Wobbe G., de Wolf E., Yao A. -F., Zaborov D., Zaccone H., Zornoza J. D., Zuniga J. (2006). First results of the instrumentation line for the deep-sea ANTARES neutrino telescope . Astroparticle Physics , 26(4-5), 314-324 .
Aguilar Ja, Albert A, Ameli F, Amram P, Anghinolfi M, Anton G, Anvar S, Ardellier-Desages Fe, Aslanides E, Aubert Jj, Bailey D, Basa S, Battaglieri M, Becherini Y, Bellotti R, Beltramelli J, Bertin V, Billault M, Blaes R, Blanc F, de Botton N, Boulesteix J, Bouwhuis Mc, Brooks Cb, Bradbury Sm, Bruijn R, Brunner J, Burgio Gf, Cafagna F, Calzas A, Capone A, Caponetto L, Carmona E, Carr J, Cartwright Sl, Castorina E, Cavasinni V, Cecchini S, Charvis P, Circella M, Colnard C, Compere Chantal, Coniglione R, Cooper S, Coyle P, Cuneo S, Damy Gilbert, Van Dantzig R, Deschamps A, de Marzo C, Denans D, Destelle Jj, de Vita R, Dinkelspiler B, Distefano C, Drogou Jean-Francois, Druillole F, Engelen J, Ernenwein Jp, Falchini E, Favard S, Feinstein F, Ferry S, Festy Dominique, Flaminio V, Fopma J, Fuda Jl, Gallone Jm, Giacomelli G, Girard N, Goret P, Graf K, Hallewell G, Hartmann B, Heijboer A, Hello Y, Hernandez-Rey Jj, Herrouin Guy, Hossl J, Hoffmann C, Hubbard Jr, Jaquet M, de Jong M, Jouvenot F, Kappes A, Karg T, Karkar S, Karolak M, Katz U, Keller P, Kooijman P, Korolkova Ev, Kouchner A, Kretschmer W, Kuch S, Kudryavtsev Va, Lafoux H, Lagier P, Lahmann R, Lamare P, Languillat Jc, Laschinsky H, Laubier L, Legou T, Le Guen Yvon, Le Provost H, Van Suu Al, Lo Nigro L, Lo Presti D, Loucatos S, Louis F, Lyashuk V, Marcelin M, Margiotta A, Maron C, Massol Alain, Masullo R, Mazeas Florence, Mazure A, McMillan Je, Migneco E, Millot Claude, Milovanovic A, Montanet F, Montaruli T, Morel Jean-Pierre, Morganti M, Moscoso L, Musumeci M, Naumann C, Naumann-Godo M, Nezri E, Niess V, Nooren Gj, Ogden P, Olivetto C, Palanque-Delabrouille N, Papaleo R, Payre P, Petta C, Piatteli P, Pineau Jp, Poinsignon J, Popa V, Potheau R, Pradier T, Racca C, Raia G, Randazzo N, Real D, Van Rens Bap, Rethore F, Riccobene G, Rigaud Vincent, Ripani M, Roca-Blay V, Rolin Jean-Francois, Romita M, Rose Hj, Rostovtsev A, Ruppi M, Russo Gv, Sacquin Y, Salesa F, Salomon K, Saouter S, Sapienza P, Shanidze R, Schuller Jp, Schuster W, Sokalski I, Spurio M, Stolarczyk T, Stubert D, Taiuti M, Thompson Lf, Tilav S, Valdy Pierre, Valente V, Vallage B, Vernin P, Virieux J, de Vries G, Huberts Pd, de Wolf E, Zaborov D, Zaccone H, Zakharov V, Zornoza Jd, Zuniga J (2005). Study of large hemispherical photomultiplier tubes for the ANTARES neutrino telescope . Nuclear Instruments And Methods In Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment , 555(1-2), 132-141 .
Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Sarrazin Jozee, Cadiou Jean-Francois, Olu Karine, Desbruyeres Damien, Rigaud Vincent, Drogou Jean-Francois, Lecornu Fabrice, Rolin Jean-Francois, Vuillemin Renaud, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-Anne, Sauter E, von Juterzenka K, Boetius A, Santos Rs, Colaco Ana, Pascoal A, Oliveira Paulo, Shillito Bruce, Zal F, Schultz A, Taylor P, Lane D, Loke Rob, Du Buf H, Waldmann C, Cormack A, Sanfilippo L, Masson M (2004). EXtreme ecosystem studies in the deep OCEan: Technological Developments. EXOCET/D . Proceedings Of The Fourteenth (2004) International Offshore And Polar Engineering Conference, Vol 1 , 738-745 . Open Access version :
Boucher Jean, Bacher Cedric, Bechemin Christian, Bourillet Jean-Francois, Gentien Patrick, Guillaud Jean-Francois, Guyader Olivier, Herbland Alain, Lagardere Françoise, Lazure Pascal, Le Hir Pierre, Loizeau Veronique, Marchand Philippe, Morizur Yvon, Petitgas Pierre, Pelletier Dominique, Rigaud Vincent, Rochet Marie-Joelle, Talidec Catherine (2001). Chantier golfe de Gascogne - Définition du projet.
Mio Karine, Doisy Yves, Rigaud Vincent (1999). Underwater vehicle positioning with correlation sonar . Sea Technology , 40(3), 25-29 .
Coste-Maniere Eve, Wang Howard H, Rock Stephen M, Rigaud Vincent, Peuch Alexis, Perrier Michel (1998). Cooperative research in underwater robot mission-level programming methodologies . International Journal Of Systems Science , 29(10), 1099-1110 .
Lane David M, Rigaud Vincent (1998). Special, issue on underwater robotics: Mission programming and navigation of underwater vehicles . International Journal Of Systems Science , 29(10), 1027-1030 .
Lucido Laurence, Pesquet-Popescu B, Opderbecke Jan, Rigaud Vincent, Deriche R, Zhang Z, Costa P, Larzabal P (1998). Segmentation of bathymetric profiles and terrain matching for underwater vehicle navigation . International Journal Of Systems Science , 29(10), 1157-1176 .
Rigaud Vincent, Coste-Maniere E, Aldon Mj, Probert P, Perrier Michel, Rives P, Simon D, Lane D, Kiener J, Casals A, Amat J, Dauchez P, Chantler M, Union Team (1998). UNION: UNderwater intelligent operation and navigation . Ieee Robotics & Automation Magazine , 5(1), 25-35 .
Kapellos K, Simon D, Granier S, Rigaud Vincent (1998). Distributed control of a free-floating underwater manipulation system . Casals A., de Almeida A.T. (eds) Experimental Robotics V. 1998. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, vol 232. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Print ISBN 978-3-540-76218-8, Online ISBN 978-3-540-40920-5 pp.582-593 .
Rigaud Vincent (1992). La robotique sous-marine à l'Ifremer . Recherches marines , (1), 12-13 . Open Access version :