Rene Robert



Da Costa Fiz, Gonzalez Araya Ricardo, Robert Rene (2023). Using combinations of microalgae to condition European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) broodstock and feed the larvae: Effects on reproduction, larval production and development . Aquaculture , 568, 739302 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Vignier J., Rolton A., Soudant Philippe, Chu F. L. E., Robert Rene, Volety A. K. (2019). Interactions between Crassostrea virginica larvae and Deepwater Horizon oil: Toxic effects via dietary exposure . Environmental Pollution , 246, 544-551 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vignier Julien, Volety Aswani, Soudnat Philippe, Chu Fu-Lin, Ning Loh Ai, Boulais Myrina, Robert Rene, Morris Jeffrey, Lay Claire, Krasnec Michelle (2019). Evaluation of the Toxicity of the Deepwater Horizon Oil and Associated Dispersant on Early Life Stages of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica . In Evaluating Water Quality to Prevent Future Disasters Edited by Satinder Ahuja. 2019. Separation Science and Technology. ISBN: 978-0-12-815730-5 ISSN: 1877-1718 : Volume 11, , Chap.8, pp.169-198 (Elsevier BV) .


Marchetti Julie, Da Costa Fiz, Bougaran Gael, Quere Claudie, Soudant Philippe, Robert Rene (2018). The combined effects of blue light and dilution rate on lipid class and fatty acid composition of Tisochrysis lutea . Journal Of Applied Phycology , 30(3), 1483-1494 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gonzalez-Araya Ricardo, Robert Rene (2018). Larval development and fatty acid composition of Ostrea edulis (L.) fed four different single diets from conditioning to pre-settlement . Aquaculture Research , 49(5), 1768-1781 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Robert Rene, Lefebvre Alain, Halm-Lemeille Marie-Pierre, Rollet Claire, Le Bec Claude, Cochennec-Laureau Nathalie, Bruneau Audrey, Oger-Jeanneret Helene, Fiandrino Annie, Brach-Papa Christophe (2018). Rapport d'activité 2017 de l'Unité Littoral . RST ODE/Littoral/18-01 .
Vignier Julien, Rolton Anne, Soudant Philippe, Chu Fu-Lin E., Robert Rene, Volety Aswani K. (2018). Evaluation of toxicity of Deepwater Horizon slick oil on spat of the oyster Crassostrea virginica . Environmental Science And Pollution Research , 25(2), 1176-1190 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Da Costa Fiz, Le Grand Fabienne, Quere Claudie, Bougaran Gael, Cadoret Jean-Paul, Robert Rene, Soudant Philippe (2017). Effects of growth phase and nitrogen limitation on biochemical composition of two strains of Tisochrysis lutea . Algal Research-biomass Biofuels And Bioproducts , 27, 177-189 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Holbach Marine, Robert Rene, Miner Philippe, Mingant Christian, Boudry Pierre, Tremblay Rejean (2017). Effects of hydrodynamic factors on Pecten maximus larval development . Aquaculture Research , 48(11), 5463-5471 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Robert Rene, Vignier Julien, Petton Bruno (2017). Influence of feeding regime and temperature on development and settlement of oyster Ostrea edulis (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae . Aquaculture Research , 48(9), 4756-4773 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Asmani Katia, Petton Bruno, Le Grand Jacqueline, Mounier Jerome, Robert Rene, Nicolas Jean-Louis (2017). Determination of stocking density limits for Crassostrea gigas larvae reared in flow-through and recirculating aquaculture systems and interaction between larval density and biofilm formation . Aquatic Living Resources , 30(29), 1-13 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vignier J., Volety A. K., Rolton A., Le Goic N., Chu F. -L. E., Robert Rene, Soudant P. (2017). Sensitivity of eastern oyster ( Crassostrea virginica) spermatozoa and oocytes to dispersed oil: Cellular responses and impacts on fertilization and embryogenesis . Environmental Pollution , 225, 270-282 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Barbier Pierrick, Meziane Tarik, Foret Martin, Tremblay Rejean, Robert Rene, Olivier Frederic (2017). Nursery function of coastal temperate benthic habitats: New insight from the bivalve recruitment perspective . Journal Of Sea Research , 121, 11-23 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Asmani Katia, Petton Bruno, Le Grand Jacqueline, Mounier Jerome, Robert Rene, Nicolas Jean-Louis (2016). Establishment of microbiota in larval culture of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas . Aquaculture , 464, 434-444 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vignier J., Soudant P., Chu F. L. E., Morris J. M., Carney M. W., Lay C. R., Krasnec M. O., Robert Rene, Volety A. K. (2016). Lethal and sub-lethal effects of Deepwater Horizon slick oil and dispersant on oyster (Crassostrea virginica) larvae . Marine Environmental Research , 120, 20-31 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Da Costa F., Petton Bruno, Mingant Christian, Bougaran Gael, Rouxel Catherine, Quere Claudie, Wikfors G. H., Soudant P., Robert Rene (2016). Influence of one selected Tisochrysis lutea strain rich in lipids on Crassostrea gigas larval development and biochemical composition . Aquaculture Nutrition , 22(4), 813-836 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kamermans Pauline, Blanco Ainhoa, Joaquim Sandra, Matias Domitilia, Magnesen Thorolf, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Petton Bruno, Robert Rene (2016). Recirculation nursery systems for bivalves . Aquaculture International , 24(3), 827-842 .
Kesarcodi-Watson Aditya, Miner Philippe, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Asmani Katia, Robert Rene (2016). Pathogenic threats and probiotic use in larviculture of the scallop, Pecten maximus . Aquaculture Research , 47(4), 1221-1230 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Vignier J., Donaghy L., Soudant P., Chu F. L. E., Morris J. M., Carney M. W., Lay C., Krasnec M., Robert Rene, Volety A. K. (2015). Impacts of Deepwater Horizon oil and associated dispersant on early development of the Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 100(1), 426-437 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Da Costa Gonzalez Fiz, Robert Rene, Quere Claudie, Wikfors Gary H., Soudant Philippe (2015). Essential Fatty Acid Assimilation and Synthesis in Larvae of the Bivalve Crassostrea gigas . Lipids , 50(5), 503-511 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Poulain C., Gillikin D. P., Thebault Julien, Munaron Jean-Marie, Bohn M, Robert Rene, Paulet Yves-Marie, Lorrain Anne (2015). An evaluation of Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and Ba/Ca ratios as environmental proxies in aragonite bivalve shells . Chemical Geology , 396, 42-50 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Holbach Marine, Robert Rene, Boudry Pierre, Petton Bruno, Archambault Philippe, Tremblay Rejean (2015). Scallop larval survival from erythromycin treated broodstock after conditioning without sediment . Aquaculture , 437, 312-317 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Francois Cyrille (2015). Bilan 2014 du réseau Repamo - Réseau national de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins .


Sorgeloos Patrick, Dhont Jean, Stael Mario, Kaushik Sachi, Robert Rene, Poline Olivier, Buck Bela H., Levai Ferenc, Otterstad Oddmund, Olsen Yngvar, Edvardsen Torgeir, Arantzamendi Leire, Speirs Walter, Martinez Iciar, Nunes Maria Leonor, Duncan Neil, Joyce Alyssa (2014). Visit to large-scale integrated coastal aquaculture in China. May 14-20, 2013. Trip report .
Francois Cyrille (2014). Prélèvements et expédition d'échantillons pour la réalisation d’analyses en pathologie . Journées de la Surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins, 15-17 décembre 2014, Nantes, France .
Francois Cyrille (2014). Surveillance de la santé des coquillages pêchés 1992-2014 . Journées de la Surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins, 15-17 décembre 2014, Nantes, France .
Robert Rene, Da Costa Gonzalez Fiz, Petton Bruno, Mingant Christian, Bougaran Gael, Cadoret Jean-Paul, Quere Claudie, Wikfors Gary H., Soudant Philippe (2014). Influence of one selected Tisochrysis lutea strain rich in lipids on Crassostrea gigas larval development and biochemical composition . Aquaculture Europe 2014, Meeting of the European Aquaculture Society - EAS: Adding value, 14-17 octobre 2014, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain .
Robert Rene, Holbach Marine, Miner Philippe, Mingant Christian, Boudry Pierre, Tremblay Rejean (2014). Optimization of Pecten maximus Flow-through larval rearing method . Aquaculture Europe 2014, Meeting of the European Aquaculture Society - EAS: Adding value, 14-17 octobre 2014, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain .
Vignier Julien, Rolton Anne, Volety Aswani, Robert Rene, Soudant Philippe, Le Floch Stephane, Guyomarch Julien, Chu F.L.E., Morris J.M., Carney M.W., Lipton J., Dacela D., Lay Claire, Krasnec Michelle (2014). Sublethal effects of deepwater horizon oil on Crassostrea virginica larvae using dietary pathways . Aquaculture Europe 2014, Meeting of the European Aquaculture Society - EAS: Adding value, 14-17 octobre 2014, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain .
Fleury Elodie, Jolivel Aude, Mazurie Joseph, Cochennec-Laureau Nathalie, Bedier Edouard, Robert Rene (2014). Spatio-temporal evolution of summer mortalities affecting spat of Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas in French farming areas . Aquaculture Europe 2014, Meeting of the European Aquaculture Society - EAS: Adding value, 14-17 octobre 2014, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain .
Anonyme (2014). PERLE. Programme d'expérimentation et de recherche sur l'huître plate Ostrea edulis. Rapport final de l'ensemble du projet 2011-2014.


Vignier Julien, Donaghy L., Denkert B., Soudant Philippe, Chu Fu-Lin, Morris J.M., Carney M.W., Lay C., Robert Rene, Volety Aswani (2013). Effects of acute exposure to Deepwater Horizon oil and dispersant on early life stages of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica” . Rencontres scientifiques RBE, 5-6 novembre 2013, Nantes .
Holbach Marine, Miner Philippe, Mingant Christian, Boudry Pierre, Tremblay Rejean, Robert Rene (2013). La sensibilité des larves de coquilles Saint-Jacques Pecten maximus aux conditions d’élevage . Rencontres scientifiques RBE, 5-6 novembre 2013, Nantes .
Mazurie Joseph, Bacher Cedric, Cugier Philippe, Gangnery Aline, Girard Sophie, Le Moine Olivier, Pernet Fabrice, Priour Daniel, Robert Stephane, Robert Rene, Roque D'Orbcastel Emmanuelle (2013). La conchyliculture vers le large : de nouvelles opportunités ? (producteurs, collectivité, Ifremer) . Rencontres scientifiques RBE. 5-6 novembre 2013, Nantes .
Asmani Katia, Petton Bruno, Le Grand Jacqueline, Robert Rene, Nicolas Jean-Louis (2013). The concept of holobiont: can it be applied to bivalve molluscs? 1st EMBO Conference on Aquatic Microbial Ecology : SAME13 , 8-13 September 2013, Stresa, Italy .
Petton Bruno, Pernet Fabrice, Robert Rene, Boudry Pierre, Alunno-Bruscia Marianne (2013). Influence of temperature on disease transmission associated with ostreid herpes virus OSHV-1 µVAR in relation to survival of juvenile Crassostrea gigas . Aquaculture Europe 13 "Making Sense of Science", 9-12 August 2013, Trondheim (Norway) .
Robert Rene, Marc Nicolas, Lebrun Luc, Petton Bruno, Ratiskol Dominique (2013). Continuous and semi-continuous cultures of three diatoms, Skeletonema marinoï, Chaetoceros gracilis and Thalassiosira weissflogii in outdoor conditions . Aquaculture Europe 13 "Making Sense of Science", 9-12 August 2013, Trondheim (Norway) .
Robert Rene, Petton Bruno, Mingant Christian, Le Souchu Pierrick (2013). Effects of flow renewals in a ras on Crassostrea gigas larval development and seawater quality . Aquaculture Europe 13 "Making Sense of Science", 9-12 August 2013, Trondheim (Norway) .
Gonzales Ricardo, Quillien Virgile, Robert Rene (2013). The effects of eight single microalgal diets on sex-ratio and gonad development throughout European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis L.) conditioning . Aquaculture , 400, 1-5 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Santerre Christelle, Sourdaine Pascal, Marc Nicolas, Mingant Christian, Robert Rene, Martinez Anne-Sophie (2013). Oyster sex determination is influenced by temperature - First clues in spat during first gonadic differentiation and gametogenesis . Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-molecular & Integrative Physiology , 165(1), 61-69 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchetti Julie, Bougaran Gael, Jauffrais Thierry, Lefebvre Sebastien, Rouxel Catherine, Saint-Jean Bruno, Lukomska Ewa, Robert Rene, Cadoret Jean-Paul (2013). Effects of blue light on the biochemical composition and photosynthetic activity of Isochrysis sp. (T-iso) . Journal Of Applied Phycology , 25(1), 109-119 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Robert Rene, Gonzales Ricardo, Queau Isabelle, Lebrun Luc, Mingant Christian, Petton Bruno, Quere Claudie (2013). Influence of diets assemblage on Ostrea edulis broodstock conditionning and subsequent larval development. Part 1 . Workshop on flat oyster hatchery - State of the art & identification of main constraints and opportunities, 31st January 2013, Yerseke, Holland .
Robert Rene, Gonzales Ricardo, Queau Isabelle, Lebrun Luc, Mingant Christian, Petton Bruno, Quere Claudie (2013). Effects of nutrition on Ostrea edulis (L.) larval development. Part 3 . Workshop on flat oyster hatchery - State of the art & identification of main constraints and opportunities, 31st January 2013, Yerseke, Holland .
Da Costa Gonzalez Fiz, Petton Bruno, Bougaran Gael, Cadoret Jean-Paul, Quere Claudie, Soudant Philippe, Robert Rene (2013). Les besoins nutritionnels des larves de C. gigas : pour qui somme le gras ? Journées conchylicoles Ifremer 2013, 23-25 janvier, Roscoff .
Sussarellu Rossana, Soudant Philippe, Fabioux Caroline, Hegaret Helene, Le Goic Nelly, Lambert Christophe, Long Marc, Daniel Jean-Yves, Quillien Virgile, Quere Claudie, Epelboin Yanouk, Mingant Christian, Petton Bruno, Baud Dominique, Queau Isabelle, Le Souchu Pierrick, Miner Philippe, Huelvan Christine, Le Delliou Herve, Le Gall Marie-Madeleine, Severe Armelle, Mazurais David, Zambonino-Infante Jose Luis, Pouvreau Stephane, Robert Rene, Corporeau Charlotte, Boudry Pierre, Huvet Arnaud (2013). Les microplastiques : sont-ils une menace pour la zone des 2 Mers ? Projet Interreg MICRO . Journées conchylicoles Ifremer 2013, 23-25 janvier, Roscoff .
Asmani Katia, Petton Bruno, Mercier Coraline, Le Grand Jacqueline, Robert Rene, Nicolas Jean-Louis (2013). Etude des populations bactériennes associées aux élevages larvaires de Crassostrea gigas en système d’eau recyclée. .Journées conchylicoles Ifremer 2013, 23-25 janvier, Roscoff .
Petton Bruno, Queau Isabelle, Le Souchu Pierrick, Mingant Christian, Lebrun Luc, Robert Rene, Pernet Fabrice (2013). Synthèse des expériences menées sur le déterminisme des mortalités d’huîtres creuses Crassostrea gigas à Argenton et déclinaison sur le terrain. Journées conchylicoles Ifremer 2013, 23-25 janvier, Roscoff .
Robert Rene, Sanchez Jose Luis, Perez-Paralle Luz, Ponis Emanuele, Kamermans Pauline, O'Mahoney Maria (2013). A glimpse on the mollusc industry in Europe . Aquaculture Europe , 38(1), 5-11 . Open Access version :
Petton Bruno, Pernet Fabrice, Robert Rene, Boudry Pierre (2013). Temperature influence on pathogen transmission and subsequent mortalities in juvenile Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas . Aquaculture Environment Interactions , 3(3), 257-273 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Robert Rene (2012). Introduction to oyster production and worldwide mortality events . Oyster World Congress/Congrès mondial de l'huître, Arcachon (France), 28 November-02 December 2012 .
Robert Rene (2012). A glance on the development of mollusks hatcheries worldwide . Oyster World Congress/Congrès Mondial de l'Huître, Arcachon (France), 28 November-02 December 2012.
Lallias Delphine, Boudry Pierre, Arzul Isabelle, Robert Rene, Lapegue Sylvie (2012). Genetics insights into flat oyster restauration programmes . International workshop : Feasibility of the restoration of the European flat oyster in the German Bight by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) at the International Academy for Nature Conservation organised by the Institute of Applied Ecology (IfAÖ), Neu Broderstorf , 15th to 16th November 2012, Isle of Vilm .
Robert Rene, Harache Yves (2012). Situation et futur de l’ostréiculture. Une vision globale de l’ostréiculture mondiale . Oyster World Congress 2012 ARCACHON, France, 28 nov-2 déc 2012 .
Gonzalez Ricardo, Mingant Christian, Petton Bruno, Robert Rene (2012). Influence of diet assemblage on Ostrea edulis broodstock conditioning and subsequent larval development . Aquaculture , 364-365, 272-280 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gonzalez-Araya Ricardo, Mingant Christian, Quillien Virgile, Queau Isabelle, Lebrun Luc, Robert Rene (2012). The effect of eight single microalgal diets on sex-ratio and gonad development throughout European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis L.) conditioning. Aqua 2012 "Global Aquaculture - Securing our Future", 02-05 September 2012, Prague, Czech Republic .
Robert Rene, Gonzalez-Araya Ricardo, Queau Isabelle, Lebrun Luc, Mingant Christian, Petton Bruno, Quere Claudie (2012). Effects of different microalgal assemblages on Ostrea edulis (L.) larval development . Aqua 2012 "Global Aquaculture - Securing our Future", 02-05 September 2012, Prague, Czech Republic .
Robert Rene, Sanchez Jose Luis, Perez-Paralle Luz, O'Mahoney Maria, Ponis Emanuele, Kamermans Pauline (2012). A glimpse on the mollusc industry in Europe . Aqua 2012 "Global Aquaculture - Securing our Future", Farmers Day, 02-05 September 2012, Prague, Czech Republic .
Robert Rene (2012). Advances in Crassostrea gigas larval feeding requirements. PHYSIOMAR12, 04-08 September 2012, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .
Asmani Katia, Petton Bruno, Le Grand Jacqueline, Robert Rene, Nicolas Jean-Louis (2012). Microbiota in recycling system : can it influence the performances of Crassostrea gigas larvae? PHYSIOMAR 12, a conference on physiology of marine molluscs, 04-08 September 2012, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .
Gonzalez-Araya Ricardo, Lebrun Luc, Quere Claudie, Robert Rene (2012). The selection of an ideal diet for Ostrea edulis (L.) broodstock conditioning (part B) . Aquaculture , 362-363, 55-66 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Bec Claude, Boulben Sylviane, Rollet Claire, Robert Rene (2012). Essais de pré-grossessement et de grossissement de post-larves de Pecten maximus et Chlamys varia en rade de Brest . DDTM 29 - Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer du Finistère, Quimper , Ref. LER/FBN/CC/12-177 , 6p.
Ifremer (2012). Les surmortalités des naissains d'huîtres creuses Crassostrea gigas. Journée d'information et d'échanges du 18 janvier 2012 . Les rencontres de l'Ifremer .
Kesarcodi-Watson Aditya, Miner Philippe, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Robert Rene (2012). Protective effect of four potential probiotics against pathogen-challenge of the larvae of three bivalves: Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) and scallop (Pecten maximus) . Aquaculture , 344, 29-34 .
Robert Rene, Bedier Edouard, Petton Bruno, Barret Jean, Renault Tristan, Arzul Isabelle, Boudry Pierre (2012). Oyster farming in France (2012) . Workshop sur l'huître plate, Program Nord-Orström meeting, Strömstadt (Suède), 24-25th April 2012 .
Marchetti Julie, Bougaran Gael, Le Dean Loic, Megrier Cyril, Lukomska Ewa, Kaas Raymond, Olivo Erell, Baron Regis, Robert Rene, Cadoret Jean-Paul (2012). Optimizing conditions for the continuous culture of Isochrysis affinis galbana relevant to commercial hatcheries . Aquaculture , 326, 106-115 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Robert Rene, Gonzalez-Araya Ricardo, Lebrun Luc, Quere Claudie (2011). An ecophysiological and biochemical approach to selecting the ideal diet for Ostrea edulis (L.) Broodstock conditioning (part B) . Aquaculture Europe 2011 "Mediterranean Aquaculture 2020", 18-21 Octobre 2011, Rhodes, Greece .
Nicolas Jean-Louis, Robert Rene, Boudry Pierre (2011). REPROSEED April 2010-March 2014 : REsearch to improve PROduction of SEED of established and emerging bivalve species in European hatcheries . Aquaculture Europe 2011 "Mediterranean Aquaculture 2020", 18-21 Octobre 2011, Rhodes, Greece .
Robert Rene, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Boudry Pierre (2011). Improvement of hatchery mollusk seed production: REPROSEED European project. Aquaculture Europe 2011 "Mediterranean Aquaculture 2020", 18-21 Octobre 2011, Rhodes, Greece .
Nicolas Jean-Louis, Boudry Pierre, Robert Rene, Corporeau Charlotte, Huvet Arnaud, Suquet Marc (2011). REsearch to improve PROduction of SEED of established and emerging bivalve species in European hatcheries . PFOM/LPI/EU .
Mazurie Joseph, Robert Rene, Miossec Laurence (2011). Rapport de mission CIEM / groupe WGMASC - Working Group Marine Aquaculture Shellfish Culture. Ifremer / La Trinité sur Mer, 5-8 avril 2011 . RST./LER-MPL/11-08 .
Gonzalez-Araya Ricardo, Queau Isabelle, Quere Claudie, Moal Jeanne, Robert Rene (2011). A physiological and biochemical approach to selecting the ideal diet for Ostrea edulis (L.) broodstock conditioning (part A) . Aquaculture Research , 42(5), 710-726 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Ben Kheder Rym, Moal Jeanne, Robert Rene (2010). Impact of temperature on larval development and evolution of physiological indices in Crassostrea gigas . Aquaculture , 309(1-4), 286-289 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Suquet Marc, Gonzalez Ricardo, Lebrun Luc, Queau Isabelle, Mingant Christian, Robert Rene (2010). Anaesthesia and gonad sampling in the European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) . Aquaculture , 308(3-4), 196-198 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Davenel Armel, Gonzales Ricardo, Hatt Philippe-Jacques, Suquet Marc, Quellec Stephane, Pouvreau Stephane, Robert Rene (2010). Individual monitoring of somatic and gonad development in three bivalves by in vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging . Aquaculture Europe 10 « Seafarming tomorrow », 5-8 October 2010, Porto, Portugal .
Holbach Marine, Tremblay Rejean, Boudry Pierre, Robert Rene (2010). Optimisation of Pectinid hatchery larval production by controlling flow-through system . PHYSIOMAR 10, 31 September-04 October 2010, Québec .
Robert Rene, Ben Kheder Rym, Quere Claudie, Moal Jeanne (2010). Effects of temporary food deprivation on Crassostrea gigas larval development and the evolution of physiological indices . PHYSIOMAR 10, 31 September-04 October 2010, Québec .
Robert Rene, Ben Kheder Rym, Quere Claudie, Moal Jeanne (2010). Diet effects on Crassostrea gigas larval development and the evolution of physiological indices . Aquaculture Europe 10 « Seafarming tomorrow », 5-8 October 2010, Porto, Portugal .
Ben Kheder Rym, Quere Claudie, Moal Jeanne, Robert Rene (2010). Effect of nutrition on Crassostrea gigas larval development and the evolution of physiological indices Part B: Effects of temporary food deprivation . Aquaculture , 308(3-4), 174-182 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Davenel Armel, Gonzalez Ricardo, Suquet Marc, Quellec Stephane, Robert Rene (2010). Individual monitoring of gonad development in the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis by in vivo magnetic resonance imaging . Aquaculture , 307(1-2), 165-169 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ben Kheder Rym, Quere Claudie, Moal Jeanne, Robert Rene (2010). Effect of nutrition on Crassostrea gigas larval development and the evolution of physiological indices. Part A: Quantitative and qualitative diet effects . Aquaculture , 305(1-4), 165-173 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rico-Villa Benjamin, Bernard Ismael, Robert Rene, Pouvreau Stephane (2010). A Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) growth model for Pacific oyster larvae, Crassostrea gigas . Aquaculture , 305(1-4), 84-94 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Poulain C., Lorrain Anne, Mas R., Gillikin D. P., Dehairs F., Robert Rene, Paulet Yves-Marie (2010). Experimental shift of diet and DIC stable carbon isotopes: Influence on shell delta C-13 values in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum . Chemical Geology , 272(1-4), 75-82 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchetti Julie, Jauffrais Thierry, Bougaran Gael, Lefebvre Sebastien, Saint-Jean Bruno, Lukomska Ewa, Robert Rene, Cadoret Jean-Paul (2010). Effet de la lumière bleue sur la composition biochimique et la réponse photosynthétique d’Isochrysis affinis galbana . Colloque "ALGUES, Filières du Futur !", 17 au 19 nov. 2010, Parc Techno. Biocitech, Paris .


Robert Rene, Chretiennot-Dinet Marie-Josèphe, Herve Annie, Guillou Laure, Cadoret Jean-Paul (2009). Contribution à la classification de petites diatomées marines utilisées en aquaculture, appartenant au genre Chaetoceros (Bacillariophyta). 28ème Colloque ADLaF - Association des Diatomistes de Langue Française, 7 au 10 septembre 2009, Banyuls-sur-Mer, France .
Robert Rene, Barret Jean (2009). Oyster farming in France (2009) . Second Dutch International shellfish conference, 24-25 September 2009, Yerseke, Holland .
Gonzalez-Araya Ricardo, Mingant Christian, Quere Claudie, Queau Isabelle, Lebrun Luc, Robert Rene (2009). An ecophysiological and biochemical approach ti selecting the ideal diet for Ostrea edulis (L.) broodstock conditioning . Larvi 2009, 5th fish and shellfish larviculture symposium, 7-10 September 2009, Gent, Belgium .
Gonzalez-Araya Ricardo, Quere Claudie, Mingant Christian, Queau Isabelle, Lebrun Luc, Robert Rene (2009). Ecophysiological and biochemical responses of Ostrea edulis broodstock fed four different single diets during conditioning . Aquaculture Europe 09 « New Research frontiers », 14-17 August 2009, Trondheim (Norway) .
Petton Bruno, Le Souchu Pierrick, Mingant Christian, Robert Rene (2009). Small volume flow-through containers for the larval rearing of bivalves . Aquaculture Europe 09 « New Research frontiers », 14-18 August 2009, Trondheim, Norway .
Suquet Marc, Donval Anne, Labbe Catherine, Brizard Raphael, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Quere Claudie, Robert Rene, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Haffray Pierrick (2009). Sperm quality in diploid and tetraploid Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas. Aquaculture Europe 09 « New Research frontiers », 14-17 August 2009, Trondheim (Norway) .
Robert Rene (2009). Review on molluscs hatchery nursery development in europe . Aquaculture Europe 09 « New Research frontiers », 14-17 August 2009, Trondheim, Norway .
Marchetti Julie, Olivo Erell, Bougaran Gael, Rouxel Catherine, Le Dean Loic, Robert Rene, Cadoret Jean-Paul (2009). Optimizing culture conditions for continuous production of Isochrysis affinis galbana in a new photobioreactor . Aquaculture Europe 09, 14-17 August 2009, Trondheim, Norway .
Magnesen Thorolf, Christophersen Gyda, Roman Guillermo, Robert Rene, Andersen Sissel, Perez-Paralle Luz, Sanchez Luis (2009). Bivalve conditioning and settlement : keys to competitive hatchery production. Research for the benefit of SMEs . 17th International Pectinid Workshop, 22nd to 28th April 2009, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .
Robert Rene, Mingant Christian, Petton Bruno, Le Souchu Pierrick, Lebrun Luc (2009). Production expérimentale de naissain d’Ostrea edulis. Collaboration Ifremer/Cepralmar pour une étude de faisabilité de la relance de l’huître plate en Méditerranée . Contrat N° 07/2.210 173/F .
Rico Villa Benjamin, Pouvreau Stephane, Robert Rene (2009). Influence of food density and temperature on ingestion, growth and settlement of Pacific oyster larvae, Crassostrea gigas . Aquaculture , 287(3-4), 395-401 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Loubiere K, Olivo Erell, Bougaran Gael, Pruvost J, Robert Rene, Legrand Jack (2009). A New Photobioreactor for Continuous Microalgal Production in Hatcheries Based on External-Loop Airlift and Swirling Flow . Biotechnology and Bioengineering , 102(1), 132-147 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Robert Rene, Pouvreau Stephane, Suquet Marc, Mingant Christian, Petton Bruno, Le Souchu Pierrick, Queau Isabelle, Lebrun Luc (2008). The Ifremer Station of Argenton, an experimental tool dedicated for molluscs study from larvae to adult, from hatchery to the surroundings . PHYSIOMAR 2008 - 2ème colloque international sur la physiologie de la reproduction, nutrition et croissance des mollusques marins, 01-04 septembre 2008, Brest .
Gonzales Ricardo, David Laure, Queau Isabelle, Lebrun Luc, Robert Rene (2008). Ingestion rate and absorption efficiency of four microalgae in Ostrea edulis (L.) . PHYSIOMAR 2008 - 2ème colloque international sur la physiologie de la reproduction, nutrition et croissance des mollusques marins, 01-04 septembre 2008, Brest .
Rico Villa Benjamin, Bernard Ismael, Pouvreau Stephane, Robert Rene (2008). Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model for larvae of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas . Physiomar 08, "Marine molluscs in a changing environment" 2nd marine mollusc physiology conference Brest, France, September 1-4, 2008 .
Marchetti Julie, Olivo Erell, Bougaran Gael, Loubiere Karine, Pruvost Jeremy, Robert Rene, Cadoret Jean-Paul (2008). Design and implementation of a new photobioreactor in a commercial hatchery of shellfish . Physiomar 08 "Marine molluscs in a changing environment" - 2nd marine mollusc physiology conference, September 1-4, 2008, Brest, France .
Robert Rene (2008). Alternatives molluscs cultures in France: past situation and perspectives . Symposium “"Allevamento di specie alternative nell'aquacoltura italiana: quali prospettive?", 20 June 2008, Rovigo, Italy .
Ponis Emanuele, Parisi G, Chini Zittelli G, Lavista F, Robert Rene, Tredici M. R. (2008). Pavlova lutheri: Production, preservation and use as food for Crassostrea gigas larvae . Aquaculture , 282(1-4), 97-103 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rico Villa Benjamin, Woerther Patrice, Mingant Christian, Le Piver David, Pouvreau Stephane, Hamon Michel, Robert Rene (2008). A flow-through rearing system for ecophysiological studies of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas larvae . Aquaculture , 282(1-4), 54-60 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Stachowski Haberkorn S, Quiniou Francoise, Nedelec M, Robert Rene, Limon G, de La Broise D (2008). In-situ microcosms, a tool for assessment of pesticide impacts on oyster spat (Crassostrea gigas) . Ecotoxicology , 17(4), 235-245 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Blanchard Michel, Pechenik J, Giudicelli E, Connan Jean-Paul, Robert Rene (2008). Competition for food in the larvae of two marine molluscs, Crepidula fornicata and Crassostrea gigas . Aquatic Living Resources , 21(2), 197-205 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ben Kheder Rym, Henocq Anne, Robert Rene (2008). Evolution of lipids during Crassostrea gigas development: a quantitative staining study . 100th NSA - National Shellfisheries Association Meeting, 6-10 April 2008, Providence, USA .
Robert Rene, Bougaran Gael, Cadoret Jean-Paul, Chatain Beatrice, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Petton Bruno, Pouvreau Stephane, Suquet Marc, Woerther Patrice (2008). Obtention de Juvénile de Qualité. Rapport d’activité 2007 .


Robert Rene (2007). Rapport de mission au Cawthron Institute de Nelson (Nouvelle Zélande) du 08/12/07 au 18/12/07 .
Gonzalez-Araya Ricardo, Petton Bruno, Mingant Christian, Lebrun Luc, Robert Rene (2007). Influence of diet assemblage on Ostrea edulis broodstock conditionning and subsequent larval development . 10th ICSR - International Conference on Shellfish Restoration, 12- 16 November 2007, Vlissingen,The Netherlands .
Ben Kheder Rym, Mingant Christian, Henocq Anne, Robert Rene (2007). Influence of starvation on C. gigas larval development . IOS2 - 2nd International Oyster Symposium, 26th-29th November 2007, Hangzhou, China .
Pouvreau Stephane, Davenel Armel, Mariette Francois, Quellec Stephane, Suquet Marc, Rambeau Marc, Foucat Louis, Robert Rene (2007). Investigation of marine bivalves morphology by in vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging . IOS2 - 2nd International Oyster Symposium, 26th-29th November 2007, Hangzhou, China .
Rico Villa Benjamin, Woerther Patrice, Mingant Christian, Pouvreau Stephane, Hamon Michel, Le Piver David, Robert Rene (2007). SILO: a new tool for molluscs larvae ecophysiological studies . IOS2 - 2nd International Oyster Symposium, 26th-29th November 2007, Hangzhou, China .
Ben Kheder Rym, Mingant Christian, Henocq Anne, Robert Rene (2007). Effect of transitory starvation on C. gigas larval development and physiological indices evolution . IOS2 - 2nd International Oyster Symposium, 26th-29th November 2007, Hangzhou, China .
Rico Villa Benjamin, Pouvreau Stephane, Queau Isabelle, Mingant Christian, Robert Rene (2007). Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model for Crassostrea gigas larvae : estimation of some bioenergetics parameters . 10th ICSR - International Conference on Shellfish Restoration, 12- 16 November 2007, Vlissingen, The Netherlands .
Suquet Marc, de Kermoysan Goulwen, Queau Isabelle, Lebrun Luc, Brizard Raphael, Mingant Christian, Robert Rene (2007). Anesthesia in Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) . IOS2 - 2nd International Oyster Symposium, 26th-29th November 2007, Hangzhou, China .
Robert Rene, Kaas Raymond (2007). Compte rendu de mission à Bergen (Norvège) du 19 au 22 juin 2007 .
Angeri S., Bougaran Gael, Connan Jean-Paul, Jouin Jean-Claude, Kaas Raymond, Le Dean Loic, Legrand J., Loubiere K., Lukomska Ewa, Olivo Erell, Picquet Marie-Lise, Pruvost J., Robert Rene (2007). Optimisation de la production en écloserie de mollusques : Mise au point d'un pilote industriel de production phytoplanctonique en continu et des techniques associées pour leur intégration en écloserie commerciale .


Robert Rene, Rico Villa Benjamin, Ben Kheder Rym, Mingant Christian (2006). Innovative approaches of C. gigas larval study development . International Workshop “Physiological aspects of reproduction and nutrition in molluscs", 6-8 November 2006, La Paz, Mexique .
Brizard Raphael, Boudry Pierre, Haffray Patrick, Labbe C., Suquet Marc, Robert Rene, Masse G., Pepin Jean-Francois, Saulnier Denis (2006). Mise au point d'outils de gestion des gamètes mâles d'huîtres creuses Crassostrea gigas diploïdes et tétraploïdes à des fins de conservation et de diffusion . 6ème Colloque BRG (Bureau Ressources Génétique) .
Knuckey R, Brown M, Robert Rene, Frampton D (2006). Production of microalgal concentrates by flocculation and their assessment as aquaculture feeds . Aquacultural Engineering , 35(3), 300-313 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pouvreau Stephane, Rambeau Marc, Cochard Jean-Claude, Robert Rene (2006). Investigation of marine bivalve morphology by in vivo MR imaging: first anatomical results of a promising technique . Aquaculture , 259(1-4), 415-423 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ponis Emanuele, Parisi G, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Robert Rene, Zittelli G, Tredici R (2006). Effect of the culture system and culture technique on biochemical characteristics of Pavlova lutheri and its nutritional value for Crassostrea gigas larvae . Aquaculture Nutrition , 12(4), 322-329 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rico Villa Benjamin, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Mingant Christian, Robert Rene (2006). Influence of phytoplankton diet mixtures on microalgae consumption, larval development and settlement of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) . Aquaculture , 256(1-4), 377-388 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ponis Emmanuele, Parisi Giuliana, Chini-Zittelli Giuliana, Robert Rene, La Vista Francesco, Tredici Mario R. (2006). Production and preservation of Pavlova lutheri. Influence of storage procedures on viability and on fatty acid composition . AQUA 2006 - Linking Tradition & Technology - Highest Quality for the Consumer, World Aquaculture 2006 - Aquaculture Europe 2006, 9-13 Maggio 2006, Firenze, Italia .
Robert Rene, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Connan Jean-Paul, Quere Claudie, Moal Jeanne (2006). Optimisation of phytoplanktonic production in mollusc hatcheries : Characterization by biochemical markers (Part B) . AQUA 2006, Linking Tradition and Technology, Highest Quality For The Consumer, 9-13 mai 2006, Florence, Italie .
Robert Rene, Le Gourrierec Gaetane, Martin-Jezequel Veronique (2006). Optimisation of phytoplanktonic production in mollusc hatchery : microalgae cytometric signatures (Part A) . AQUA 2006, Linking Tradition and Technology, Highest Quality For The Consumer, 9-13 May 2006, Florence, Italie .
Robert Rene (2006). Importance of seawater quality for the development of early stages in molluscs. Effects of heavy metal on larval growth . BEAD Worskhop, Aquaculture and Environment in Germany, France and Poland, 26-28 Avril 2006, Fouesnant .
Ponis Emanuele, Probert I, Veron Benoit, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Mathieu Michel, Robert Rene (2006). Nutritional value of six Pavlovophyceae for Crassostrea gigas and Pecten maximus larvae . Aquaculture , 254(1-4), 544-553 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ponis Emanuele, Probert Ian, Veron Benoit, Mathieu Michel, Robert Rene (2006). New microalgae for the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas larvae . Aquaculture , 253(1-4), 618-627 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Robert Rene, Rico Villa Benjamin, Mingant Christian (2006). Influence of sole and plurispecific diets on larval consumption and development of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) . Oyster Research Institute News , (18), 19-24 . Open Access version :


Rico Villa Benjamin, Mingant Christian, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Le Pennec Marcel, Robert Rene (2005). Influence of phytoplankton assemblages on larval development and settlement of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Part B) . ICSR05 - 8th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration, Enhancement and sustainability of shellfish resources, 2-5 October 2005, Brest, France .
Ponis Emanuele, Probert Ian, Veron Benoit, Connan Jean-Paul, Mathieu Michel, Robert Rene (2005). Nutritional value of six Pavlovophyceae for mollusc larvae . ICSR05 - 8th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration, Enhancement and sustainability of shellfish resources, 2-5 October 2005, Brest, France .
Ponis Emanuele, Probert Ian, Veron Benoit, Connan Jean-Paul, Mathieu Michel, Robert Rene (2005). New microalgae for mollusc hatcheries . Larvi 05 - Fish & Shellfish Larviculture Symposium, 5-8 September 2005, Gent, Belgique.
Ben Kheder Rym, Quere Claudie, Mingant Christian, Bejaoui Najla, Le Pennec Marcel, Robert Rene (2005). Evolution of condition indices during Crassostrea gigas larval development . Larvi 05, 5-8 September 2005, Gent, Belgique .
Rico Villa Benjamin, Mingant Christian, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Le Pennec Marcel, Robert Rene (2005). Influence of phytoplankton assemblages on larval development and settlement of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Part A) . 1st International Oyster Symposium, 13-14 July 2005, Tokyo, Japan .
Thouard Emmanuel, Buchet Vincent, Cahu Chantal, Coeurdacier Jean-Luc, Elie Pierre, Gerard André, Hussenot Jerome, Legendre Marc, Prou Jean, Robert Rene (2005). Compte-rendu de mission en Tunisie (13-17 Juin 2005). Atelier de travail sur les nouvelles perspectives de la recherche scientifique en aquaculture .
Robert Rene, Bougaran Gael, Brizard Raphael, Nicolas Jean-Louis (2005). Optimisation des Procédés et Produits d'Ecloserie. Rapport d'activité 2004 .


Robert Rene (2004). Rapport de mission au Québec du 13/11/04 au 22/11/04 .
Robert Rene, Chretiennot-Dinet Marie-Josèphe, Kaas Raymond, Martin-Jezequel Véronique, Moal Jeanne, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Bernard Eudes, Connan Jean-Paul, Le Dean Loic, Le Gourrierec Gaetane, Leroy Bertrand, Quere Claudie (2004). Amélioration des productions phytoplanctoniques en écloserie de mollusques : caractérisation des microalgues fourrage . DRV/RA/RST/LPI/2004-05 .
Brizard Raphael, Bernardi Maud, Boudry Pierre, Haffray Pierrick, Labbe Catherine, Maisse Gérard, Maurouard Elise, Robert Rene, Roger Jean-Luc (2004). Projet CRYOYSTER: Optimisation, standardisation et validation de la congélation de laitance d'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas à des fins de conservation et de diffusion génétique - Appel d'offre de l'OFIMER du 8 Novembre 2001 - Rapport final . Convention OFIMER n°009/03/C - Convention de partenariat Ifremer/INRA/SYSAAF n° 03:5 210 093 .
Bougaran Gael, Le Dean Loic, Picquet Marie-Lise, Lukomska Ewa, Kaas Raymond, Cadoret Jean-Paul, Robert Rene (2004). Continuous culture of microalgae for molluscs hatcheries . EAS Aquaculture Europe 2004. “Biotechnology for Quality”, Barcelona, 20-23 October 2004 .
Fabioux Caroline, Huvet Arnaud, Lelong C, Robert Rene, Pouvreau Stephane, Daniel Jean-Yves, Mingant Christian, Le Pennec M (2004). Oyster vasa-like gene as a marker of the germline cell development in Crassostrea gigas . Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications , 320(2), 592-598 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Robert Rene, Cazenave Rachel (2004). Semaine d’Enseignement 2004. Aquaculture & Environnement. Direction des Ressources Vivantes, Brest du 19 au 23 janvier 2004 .


Robert Rene (2003). Rapport de mission en Indonésie du 12/12/03 au 20/12/03 .
Brown Malcolm, Knuckey Richard, Robert Rene (2003). Microalgal concentrates prepared by flocculation are effective "off the shelf" hatchery diets for mollusks . Aqua Feed International , 6(2), 12-14 .
Ponis Emanuele, Robert Rene, Parisi G (2003). Nutritional value of fresh and concentrated algal diets for larval and juvenile Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) . Aquaculture , 221(1-4), 491-505 .
Barret Jean (2003). Semaine d'Enseignement 2003. Aquaculture & Environnement. Brest, 20-23/01/2003 .
Ponis Emanuele, Robert Rene, Parisi G, Tredici M (2003). Assessment of the performance of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) larvae fed with fresh and preserved Pavlova lutheri concentrates . Aquaculture International , 11(1-2), 69-79 .
Muller-Feuga Arnaud, Robert Rene, Cahu Chantal, Robin Jean, Divanach Pascal (2003). Uses of Microalgae in Aquaculture . In Live feeds in marine aquaculture. Edited by Josianne G. Stottrup ; Lesley A. McEvoy. 2003. chap.7 pp.253-299 (Blackwell Science) .


Robert Rene (2002). Rapport de mission de programme MOCEDIM. Hobart (Tasmanie) du 04/11/02 au 19/12/02 .
Cann Moisan Christine, Nicolas Laurence, Robert Rene (2002). Ontogenic changes in the contents of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin in larvae and postlarvae of the bivalve Pecten maximus . Aquatic Living Resources , 15(5), 313-318 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ponis Emmanuele, Parisi Giuliana, Robert Rene (2002). The use of microalgal concentrates as feeds for Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) larvae and juveniles . Aquaculture Europe 2002 - Seafarming Today and Tomorrow, 16 - 19 October 2002, Trieste, Italy .
Brown M, Robert Rene (2002). Preparation and assessment of microalgal concentrates as feeds for larval and juvenile Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) . Aquaculture , 207(3-4), 289-309 .
Robert Rene, Parisi Guilina, Pastorelli Roberta, Poli Bianca Maria, Tredici Mario (2002). The food quality of Tetraselmis suecica slurry for Crassostrea gigas spat . Haliotis , 31, 53-56 . Open Access version :
Ponis Emanuele, Parisi Guilina, Robert Rene (2002). Valeur alimentaire de Tetraselmis striata et T. chui pour les larves de Crassostrea gigas . Haliotis , 31, 57-62 . Open Access version :


Ponis Emanuele, Robert Rene, Parisi Giuliana, Tredici Mario (2001). Evaluation of fresh and preserved Pavlova lutheri concentates as larval feed for the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. LARVI 2001 - 3rd Fish and Shellfish Larviculture Symposium, Gent, Belgium, 3-6 September 2001 .
Robert Rene, Brown Malcolm (2001). The food value of microalgae concentrates for larvae and postlarvae of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. LARVI 2001 - 3rd Fish and Shellfish Larviculture Symposium, Gent, Belgium, 3-6 September 2001 .
Ponis Emanuele, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Robert Rene, Tredici Mario (2001). Caratteristiche di qualità delle Pavlova lutheri prodotte in batch o semi-continuo, come nei mangimi per Crassostrea gigas larve . Conferenza Internazionale “Where is Aquaculture going in Southern Europe”, Verona, Italia, 26-27 Aprile 2001.
Nicolas Laurence, Robert Rene (2001). The effect of food supply on metamorphosis and post-larval development in hatchery-reared Pecten maximus . Aquaculture , 192(2-4), 347-359 .
Robert Rene, Parisi G, Rodolfi L, Poli Bm, Tredici Mr (2001). Use of fresh and preserved Tetraselmis suecica for feeding Crassostrea gigas larvae . Aquaculture , 192(2-4), 333-346 .


Robert Rene (2000). Eléments de biologie larvaire et postlarvaire de mollusques bivalves en milieu naturel et conditions contrôlées . HDR.
Ponis Emanuele, Robert Rene (2000). Valeur alimentaire de Tetraselmis striata et T. chui pour les larves de Crassostrea gigas. 07/2000 . Malacologie 2000 - 11e Congrès de la Société Française de Malacologie, 2-5 juillet 2000, Caen .
Miner Philippe, Robert Rene (2000). Food value of continuous cultures of Isochrysis affinis galbana on crassostrea gigas larvae .
Robert Rene, Nicolas Laurence (2000). The effect of seawater flow and temperature on metamorphosis and postlarval development in great scallop . Aquaculture International , 8(6), 513-530 .
Roussot Odile, Cambon Bonavita Marie-Anne, Robert Rene, Barbier Georges (2000). Molecular characterisation of microalgae used as food in mariculture industry . IMBC'2000, 29/09-04/10/2000, Townsville, Australia .


Robert Rene, Nicolas Laurence, Moisan Christine, Barbier Georges (1999). Caractérisations morphologique et biochimique de la métamorphose de la coquille Saint-Jacques, Pecten maximus (Lamarck) . Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Iii-sciences De La Vie-life Sciences , 322(10), 847-853 .
Robert Rene, Hurel Sylvie, Marin Jean, Kalaydjian Regis, Griessinger Jean-Michel (1999). Direction des Ressources Vivantes. Publications 1998 .
Robert Rene, Gerard Andre (1999). Bivalve hatchery technology: The current situation for the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and the scallop Pecten maximus in France . Aquatic Living Resources , 12(2), 121-130 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Goulletquer Philippe, Robert Rene, Trut Gilles (1999). Manila clam Tapes philippinarum culture: Sediment-clam interactions . Aquatic Living Resources , 12(1), 45-56 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Le Pennec Marcel, Robert Rene, Avendano Miguel (1998). The importance of gonadal development on larval production in pectinids . Journal Of Shellfish Research , 17(1), 97-101 .
de Pontual Helene, Robert Rene, Miner Philippe (1998). Study of bivalve larval growth using image processing . Aquacultural Engineering , 17(2), 85-94 .
Soudant Philippe, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Marty Y, Moal Jeanne, Robert Rene, Samain Jean-Francois (1998). Incorporation of microalgae sterols by scallop Pecten maximus (L.) larvae . Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-molecular And Integrative Physiology , 119(2), 451-457 .
Robert Rene, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Conan Rony (1998). Action de l'érythromycine et de l'acide oxolinique sur le déveloloppement larvaire de la coquille St Jacques Pecten maximus . Haliotis , 27, 21-28 . Open Access version :
Robert Rene (1998). Nutrional inadequacy of Nannochloris atomus and Stichoccocucs bacillaris for the oyster Crassostre gigas (Thunberg) larvae . Haliotis , 27, 29-34 . Open Access version :
Nicolas Laurence, Robert Rene, Chevolot L (1998). Comparative effects of inducers on metamorphosis of the Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas and the great scallop Pecten maximus . Biofouling , 12Ni(1-3), 189-203 .


Robert Rene, Trintignac P (1997). Substitutes for live microalgae in mariculture: a review . Aquatic Living Resources , 10(5), 315-327 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Samain Jean-Francois, Saout Christelle, Soudant Philippe, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Seguineau Catherine, Quere Claudie, Connan Jean-Paul, Mazuret Michel, Miner Philippe, Muzellee Marie-Louise, Marty Yannick, Moal Jeanne, Paulet Yves Marie, Robert Rene (1997). Nutrition et reproduction des bivalves . Devauchelle Nicole, Barret Jean, Salaun Gilles (1997) La Reproduction naturelle et contrôlée des bivalves cultivés en France. Rapport de Groupe de Travail- IFREMER/Nantes/France, 14 et 15 novembre 1995.
Robert Rene, Trintignac Pascal (1997). Microalgues et nutrition larvaire en écloserie de mollusques . Haliotis , 26, 1-13 . Open Access version :
Gerard Andre, Goulletquer Philippe, Renault Tristan, Berthe Franck, Thebault Anne, Haffner Philippe, Chollet Bruno, Cochennec Nathalie, Lipart Cecile, Le Deuff Rose-Marie, Pichot Yves, Delsert Claude, Grizel Henri, Joly Jean-Pierre, Robert Rene, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Mazurie Joseph, Martin Anne-Genevieve, Baud Jean-Pierre (1997). Programme sur l'herpès-virus et sur les mortalités estivales pour 1997 .


Robert Rene, Miner Philippe, Nicolas Jean-Louis (1996). Mortality control of scallop larvae in the hatchery . Aquaculture International , 4(4), 305-313 .
Nicolas Jean-Louis, Corre S, Gauthier Gilles, Robert Rene, Ansquer Dominique (1996). Bacterial problems associated with scallop Pecten maximus larval culture . Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms , 27(1), 67-76 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Nicolas Laurence, Robert Rene, Chevolot Lionel (1996). Effect of epinephrine and seawater turbulence on the metamorphosis of the great scallop . Aquaculture International , 4(3), 293-297 .
Barret Jean, Mingant Christian, Robert Rene (1996). Preliminary results of rearing Japanese scallop in Atlantic conditions . Aquaculture International , 4(3), 299-302 .
Soudant Philippe, Marty Y, Moal Jeanne, Robert Rene, Quere Claudie, Lecoz Jr, Samain Jean-Francois (1996). Effect of food fatty acid and sterol quality on Pecten maximus gonad composition and reproduction process . Aquaculture , 143(3-4), 361-378 .
Dao Jean-Claude, Barret Jean, Devauchelle Nicole, Fleury Pierre-Gildas, Robert Rene (1996). Rearing of scallops (Pecten maximus) in France, from hatchery to intermediate culture, results of a 10 year programme (1983-1993) . Workshop on fish and mollusc larviculture, 1996 .
Robert Rene, Miner Philippe, Nicolas Jean-Louis (1996). Mortality control of sacllop larvae in the hatchery . Aquaculture International , 4, 305-313 .


Robert Rene (1995). Rapport de mission au CHILI : 3 Décembre au 17 Décembre 1995 .
Robert Rene, Miner Philippe, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Mazuret Michel, Connan Jean-Paul (1995). Etudes sur les mortalites larvaires de la coquille st Jacques Pecten maximus en ecloserie . RI/DRV 95-15 RA .
Dao Jean-Claude, Barret Jean, Carval Jean-Pierre, Connan Jean-Paul, Corre Christian, Devauchelle Nicole, Fleury Pierre-Gildas, Laurent Pascale, Mazuret Michel, Miner Philippe, Mingant Christian, Muzellec Marie-Louise, Robert Rene (1995). La production aquacole de coquille Saint-Jacques (Pecten maximus) et le soutien scientifique à l'operation pilote . 3e Rencontres Scientifiques Internationales du contrat de baie de la rade de Brest. Brest 14-16 mars 1995 .


Robert Rene (1994). Visite des trois écloseries industrielles de mollusques bivalves dans l'état de Washigton (E.U.) et en Colombie Britannique (Canada): rôle et importances . Equinoxe , (50), 19-31 .
Robert Rene, Miner Philippe, Mazuret Michel, Connan Jean-Paul (1994). Ecloserie expérimentale de mollusques d'Argenton, bilan et perspective . Equinoxe , (49), 20-33 .
Trut Gilles, Robert Rene, Laborde Jean-Louis (1994). Croissance et mortalite du petoncle noir Chlamys varia dans le bassin d'Arcachon, France . R.INT.DEL/94.04 R.INT.DRV/RA/94-05 .
Ifremer (1994). Contrat de Baie, Rade de Brest. Rapport d'activités IFREMER 1993 . R.INT.DEL/94.12 - R.INT.DRV/94.10 .
Robert Rene, Trut Gilles, Laborde Jean-Louis, Miner Philippe (1994). Bilan des essais d'élevage du pétoncle noir, Chlamys vria (Linné) dans le Bassin d'Arcachon France . Haliotis , 23, 155-168 . Open Access version :
Robert Rene, Moal Jeanne, Campillo Maria-José, Daniel Jean-Yves (1994). The food value of starch rich flagellates for Pecten maximus (Linné) larvae. Preliminary results . Haliotis , 23, 169-171 . Open Access version :
Robert Rene, Miner Philippe, Mazuret Michel, Connan Jean-Paul (1994). Observations on larval development and settlement of Patinofecten yessoensis in hatcheries . Proceedings of the 9th International Pectinid Workshop, Canada .


Robert Rene, Trut Gilles, Laborde Jean-Louis (1993). Growth, reproduction and gross biochemical-composition of the manila clam Ruditapes-philippinarum in the bay of Arcachon, France . Marine Biology , 116(2), 291-299 .
Robert Rene, Trut Gilles, Borel Michel, Maurer Daniele (1993). Growth, fatness and gross biochemical composition of the Japanese oyster, Crassostrea gigas, in Stanway cylinders in the Bay of Arcachon, France . Aquaculture , 110(3-4), 249-261 .


Robert Rene, Trut Gilles, Borel Michel, Maurer Daniele (1992). Growth, fatness and gross biochemical composition of the japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas in stanway cylinders in the bay of Arcachon, France . RA/PMDC/ 92-005 .
Robert Rene, Maurer Daniele (1992). Croissance de l'huitre japonaise Crassostrea gigas en cylindre rotatif Stanway. Premiers resultats en France . Actes de colloques. Ifremer Brest [ACTES COLLOQ. IFREMER.]. 1992 .


Robert René, Borel Michel, Pichot Yves, Trut Gilles (1991). Growth and mortality of the European oyster Ostrea edulis in the Bay of Arcachon (France) . Aquatic Living Resources , 4, 265-274 . Open Access version :
Chretiennot-Dinet Marie-Josèphe, Vaulot Daniel, Galois Robert, Spano Anna-Maria, Robert Rene (1991). Analysis of larval oyster grazing by flow cytometry . Journal of Shellfish Research , 10(2), 457-463 . Open Access version :
Pascual Marcela, Martin Anne-Genevieve, Zampatti Eduardo, Coatanea Denis, Defossez Jérôme, Robert Rene (1991). Testing of the Argentina oyster, Ostrea puelchana, in several French oyster farming sites . Acte du Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer, C.M. 1991/K:30 .
Robert René, Parra René (1991). Etude expérimentale de la prédation de la palourde japonaise, Ruditapes philippinarum, par la dorade royale, Sparus aurata, et le baliste, Balistes capriscus . Aquatic Living Resources , 4(3), 181-189 . Open Access version :


Robert Rene, Deltreil Jean-Pierre (1990). Élevage de la palourde japonaise Ruditapes philippinarum dans le bassin d'Arcachon. Bilan des dix dernières années et perspectives de développement . RIDRV-90.40-RA .
Robert Rene, Artiguenave F., Parra M. (1990). Prédation de la palourde japonaise Ruditapes philippinarum par le baliste Balistes capricus . Haliotis , 10, 191-193 . Open Access version :
Robert Rene, Pichot Yves, Comps Michel (1990). Essai de culture de l'huître plate Ostrea edulis dans le bassin d'Arcachon. Résultats préliminaires . IDRV-90.27-RA .


Robert Rene, Noel Thierry, Galois Robert (1989). The food value of five unicellular diatoms to the larvae of Crassostrea gigas Thunberg . Symposium EAS, Bordeaux, Special publication, n° 10, p. 215-216 .
His Edouard, Robert Rene, Dinet Alain (1989). Combined effects of temperature and salinity on fed and starved larvae of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas . Marine Biology , 100(4), 455-463 .


Robert Rene, His Edouard, Dinet A (1988). Combined effects of temperature and salinity on fed and starved larvae of the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis . Marine Biology , 97(1), 95-100 .
Robert René, His Edouard (1988). Observation on the feeding behaviour of Crassostrea gigas larvae in the bay of Arcachon (France) . Aquatic Living Resources , 1, 133-139 . Open Access version :


His Edouard, Robert Rene (1987). Comparative effects of two antifouling paints on the oyster Crassostrea gigas . Marine Biology , 95(1), 83-86 .
His Edouard, Robert Rene (1987). Impact des facteurs anthropiques sur le recrutement de l'huître : l'exemple du bassin d'Arcachon . Océanis , 13(5), 317-335 . Open Access version :
Robert Rene, Guillocheau N, Collos Y (1987). Hydrobiological parameters during an annual cycle in the Arcachon basin . Marine Biology , 95(4), 631-640 .
Robert Rene, Guillocheau N. (1987). Evolution spatio-temporelle des paramètres hydrobiologiques dans le bassin d'Arcachon (juillet 1984-juillet 1985) .
His Edouard, Borel Michel, Robert Rene, Laborde Jean-Louis (1987). Comparaison de deux méthodes de prélèvement pour le dénombrement des larves de Crassostrea gigas en zone conchylicole . Acte du Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la mer, CM 1987/K:52 .


His Edouard, Robert Rene (1986). Croissance des larves de Crassostrea gigas et de Mytilus galloprovincialis en présence d'algues monocellulaires isolées du tractus digestif des véligères du milieu naturel . Actes du Symposium, Rochefort sur Mer, 9-13 septembre 1986, Haliotis 16, pp. 383-391 .
Robert Rene, His Edouard (1986). Croissance et spectre de taille de trois algues en cultures non renouvelées, utilisées pour la nutrition de larves de bivalves en écloserie . Actes du Symposium, Rochefort sur Mer, 9-13 septembre 1986, Haliotis 16, pp. 393-402 .
Chretiennot-Dinet Marie-Josèphe, Robert Rene, His Edouard (1986). Utilisation des "algues-fourrage" en aquaculture . Annee Biologique , 25(2), 97-119 . Open Access version :


Robert Rene (1985). Interet du compteur de particules ZB-ZBI et de l'analyseur C1000 pour la numeration des algues unicellulaires de culture. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes , 49(3-4), 155-163 . Open Access version :
Robert Rene, His Edouard (1985). Croissance et spectre de tailles de six algues utilisees pour la nutrition de larves de bivalves en ecloserie, en culture non renouvelee . Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes , 49(3-4), 165-173 . Open Access version :
Robert Rene, His Edouard, Maurer Daniele (1985). Toxicité d'un désherbant, l'atrazine-simazine, sur les jeunes stades larvaires de Crassostrea gigas et sur deux algues fourrages, Isochrysis aff-galbana et Chaestoceros calcitrans . Actes du Congrès, Wimereux, 4-8 novembre 1985, Haliotis 15, pp 319-325 .
His Edouard, Robert Rene (1985). Utilisation des élevages larvaires de Crassostrea gigas en écotoxicologie marine . Actes du Congrès, Wimereux, 4-8 novembre 1985, Haliotis 15, pp 301-308 .
Robert Rene, His Edouard (1985). Combined effects of salinity and cadmium chloride upon embryos and larvae of the Japanese oyster . Marine Environmental Research , 15, 303-312 .
His Edouard, Robert Rene, Chretiennot-Dinet Marie-Josèphe (1985). Nouvelle méthode pour étudier la nutrition de jeunes larves de Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) en milieu naturel. Premières données expérimentales . Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Iii-sciences De La Vie-life Sciences , 300(8), 319-321 . Open Access version :
Robert Rene, His Edouard (1985). Combined effects of salinity and cadmium chloride upon embryos and larvae of the Japanese oyster, Crassostrea gigas . Marine Environmental Research , 15(4), 303-312 .
Samain Jean-Francois, His Edouard, Loeillet Christian, Moal Jeanne, Poulet Serge, Robert Rene (1985). Table ronde. Utilisation du compteur Coulter en milieu marin. Informations pratiques . Océanis , 11(5), 481-485 .


His Edouard, Maurer Daniele, Robert Rene (1984). Observations complementaires sur les causes possibles des anomalies de la reproduction de Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) dans le bassin d'Arcachon. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes , 48(1-2), 45-54 . Open Access version :
Maurer Danièle, His Edouard, Robert René (1984). Observations sur le phytoplancton du bassin d'Arcachon en période estivale. Rôle potentiel dans la nutrition des larves de Crasssostrea gigas . Communication Congrès International pour l'Exploration de la Mer, Comité de l'Océanographie biologique. CM 1984 N° L:14 .


Robert Rene (1983). Etudes sur les causes de la perturbation de la reproduction et du développement larvaire de Crassostrea gigas dans le bassin d'Arcachon . PhD Thesis , Université de Bretagne Occidentale .
His Edouard, Robert Rene, Maurer Daniele (1983). Recherches expérimentales sur les causes des anomalies de la reproduction de Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) dans le bassin d'Arcachon . ARCA/CM/LE N°366 - Contrat d'aide à la recherche n° 82 J.0657 .
His Edouard, Robert Rene (1983). Developpement des veligeres de Crassostrea gigas dans le bassin d'Arcachon. Etudes sur les mortalites larvaires. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes , 47(1-2), 63-88 . Open Access version :
Ugolini Bruno, Robert Rene, Mauri Moea (1983). Approche économique de la pêche bonitière en Polynésie française . Rapports Orero Pêche, 5 , 5 . Open Access version :
His Edouard, Maurer Daniele, Robert Rene (1983). Estimation de la teneur en acétate de tributyle étain dans l'eau de mer, par une méthode biologique . Bristish symposium on molluscs, 1983, 9 p.


Ugolini B., Robert Rene (1982). Dispositifs de concentration de poissons en Polynésie française (La Pêche Maritime) . La Pêche Maritime , 631-632 . Open Access version :
Ugolini Bruno, Robert Rene, Grand Simone (1982). Approche du développement de la pêche artisanale en Polynésie française . Rapports Orero Pêche , 2 . Open Access version :
Ugolini Bruno, Robert Rene (1982). Dispositifs de concentration de poissons en Polynésie française . Rapports Orero Pêche , 1 . Open Access version :


Robert René, His Edouard, Maurer Danièle (1981). L'unite d'ecophysiologie et de molysmologie larvaire des bivalves d'interet commercial du laboratoire I.S.T.P.M. d'Arcachon. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes , 45(3), 197-209 . Open Access version :
His Edouard, Robert René (1981). Le Danger des Traitements par le Sulfate de Cuivre en Zone Conchylicole : Toxicite vis-a-vis des Oeufs et des Jeunes Larves de Crassostrea gigas. Revue des Travaux de l'Institut des Pêches Maritimes , 45(2), 117-125 . Open Access version :
His Edouard, Robert Rene (1981). Effects of copper chloride on the eggs and D larvae of Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg). Preliminary results . ICES, 1981/F: 43, Mariculture committee .
Robert Rene, His Edouard (1981). Action de l'acétate de tributyle-étain sur les oeufs et larve D de deux mollusques d'intérêt commercial : Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) et Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lmk) . CIEM, CM 1981/F : 42, 16 p.


His Edouard, Robert Rene (1980). Action d'un sel organo-métallique, l'acétate de tributyle-étain sur les oeufs et les larves D de Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) . Communication Congrès International pour l'Exploration de la Mer, Comité de la Mariculture. CM 1980 N° F:27 .


Guillou J., Robert Rene (1979). Principaux aspects de la dynamique d'une population d'Ophiura texturata en Baie de Douarnenez . Proceedings of the European colloquium on Echinoderms, Brussels, 3-8 september 1979 .
