Direction de campagnes océanographiques
Mission | Navire | Date | Zone |
CCC2S-AUV | Jamescook | 2019 | Canyon sous-marin du Congo |
SOLVEIG VI | Europe | 2018 | Au large de Nice |
SOLVEIG V | Europe | 2017 | Méditerranée Bassin Occidental |
VOLT 2 RECUP | Thalassa | 2017 | Golfe de Gascogne |
VOLT 2 | Thalassa | 2016 | Golfe de Gascogne |
VOLT 1 RECUP LEG2 | Thalassa | 2016 | Canyon de Capbreton |
VOLT 1 RECUP LEG1 | Thalia | 2016 | Canyon de Capbreton |
SOLVEIG IV-2 | Europe | 2013 | Méditerranée Bassin Occidental |
SOLVEIG IV-1 | Europe | 2013 | Méditerranée Bassin Occidental |
SOLVEIG I | Europe | 2008 | Canyon du Var dans la Baie des Anges près de Nice |
Jeux de données
Brun Lénaïg, Garreau Pierre, Pairaud Ivane, Silva Jacinto Ricardo (2024). Modeling results of an upwelling in an idealized submarine canyon under different stratified conditions . SEANOE .
Brun Lenaig, Pairaud Ivane, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Garreau Pierre, Dennielou Bernard (2023). Hydrodynamic dataset from the UPCAST and CASSISED campaigns in the Cassidaigne canyon (NW Mediterranean Sea) . SEANOE .
Hermidas Navid, Eggenhuisen Joris T., Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Luthi Stefan M., Toth Ferenc, Pohl Florian (2016). Experimental clay-laden density flow velocity and deposit data from the Eurotank laboratory . SEANOE .
Adema P.H., Eggenhuisen J.T., Bleeker J., Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Miramontes E. (2025). Turbidity current flow structure and its modulation by contour currents: Insights from 3D flume experiments . Marine Geology , 480, 107469 (9p.) .
Baker Megan L, Baas Jaco H, Malarkey Jonathan, Silva Jacinto Ricardo . Using mixed-clay sediment gravity flow rheology as an indicator for flow velocity and run-out distance . ESS Open Archive IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Baker Megan L., Talling Peter J., Burnett Richard, Pope Ed L., Ruffell Sean C., Urlaub Morelia, Clare Michael A., Jenkins Jennifer, Dietze Michael, Neasham Jeffrey, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Hage Sophie, Hasenhündl Martin, Simmons Steve M., Heerema Catharina J., Heijnen Maarten S., Kunath Pascal, Cartigny Matthieu J. B., McGhee Claire, Parsons Daniel R. (2024). Seabed Seismographs Reveal Duration and Structure of Longest Runout Sediment Flows on Earth . Geophysical Research Letters , 51(23), e2024GL111078 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ruffell Sean C., Talling Peter J., Baker Megan L., Pope Ed L., Heijnen Maarten S., Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Cartigny Matthieu J.B., Simmons Stephen M., Clare Michael A., Heerema Catharina J., McGhee Claire, Hage Sophie, Hasenhündl Martin, Parsons Dan R. (2024). Time-lapse surveys reveal patterns and processes of erosion by exceptionally powerful turbidity currents that flush submarine canyons: A case study of the Congo Canyon . Geomorphology , 463, 109350 (22p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hage Sophie, Baker Megan L., Babonneau Nathalie, Soulet Guillaume, Dennielou Bernard, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Hilton Robert G., Galy Valier, Baudin François, Rabouille Christophe, Vic Clement, Sahin Sefa, Açikalin Sanem, Talling Peter J. (2024). How is particulate organic carbon transported through the river-fed Congo Submarine Canyon to the deep-sea? Biogeosciences , 21(19), 4251-4272 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Baker Megan L., Hage Sophie, Talling Peter J., Acikalin Sanem, Hilton Robert G., Haghipour Negar, Ruffell Sean C., Pope Ed L., Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Clare Michael A., Sahin Sefa (2024). Globally significant mass of terrestrial organic carbon efficiently transported by canyon-flushing turbidity currents . Geology , 52(8), 631-636 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hasenhündl Martin, Talling Peter J., Pope Ed L., Baker Megan L., Heijnen Maarten S., Ruffell Sean C., Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Gaillot Arnaud, Hage Sophie, Simmons Stephen M., Heerema Catharina J., McGhee Claire, Clare Michael A., Cartigny Matthieu J. B. (2024). Morphometric fingerprints and downslope evolution in bathymetric surveys: insights into morphodynamics of the Congo canyon-channel . Frontiers In Earth Science , 12, 1381019 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Wilckens Henriette, Eggenhuisen Joris T., Adema Pelle H., Hernández-Molina F. Javier, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Miramontes Elda (2023). Secondary flow in contour currents controls the formation of moat-drift contourite systems . Communications Earth & Environment , 4(1), 316 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Talling Peter J., Cartigny Matthieu J. B., Pope Ed, Baker Megan, Clare Michael A., Heijnen Maarten, Hage Sophie, Parsons Dan R., Simmons Steve M., Paull Charlie K., Gwiazda Roberto, Lintern Gwyn, Hughes Clarke John E., Xu Jingping, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Maier Katherine L. (2023). Detailed monitoring reveals the nature of submarine turbidity currents . Nature Reviews Earth & Environment , 4(9), 642-658 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Menot Lenaick, Tourolle Julie, Borea Louis Amand, Bajjouk Touria, Brandily Christophe, Chemel Mathilde, Edinger Evan, Ehrhold Axel, Fabri Marie-Claire, Fuchs Sandra, Galand Pierre, Hilario Ana, Lartaud Franck, Lagadec Jean Romain, Michel Loïc, Moreau Bertrand, Olu - Le Roy Karine, Pradillon Florence, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Shillito Bruce, Zbinden Magali (2023). ChEReef : A multi-disciplinary and multi-scale project to assess and predict the health of deep-sea corals in the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic) . 8th International Symposium of Deep Sea Corals. 29 may - 2 june 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland .
Brun Lenaig, Pairaud Ivane, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Garreau Pierre, Dennielou Bernard (2023). Strong hydrodynamic processes observed in the Mediterranean Cassidaigne submarine canyon . Frontiers In Marine Science , 10, 1078831 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Brun Lenaig, Pairaud Ivane, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Garreau Pierre, Dennielou Bernard (2023). Hydrodynamics of the Mediterranean Cassidaigne submarine canyon from observations . EGU General Assembly 2023. 23–28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Pohl Florian, Hildebrandt Lars, O'Dell Joey, Talling Peter, Baker Megan, El Gareb Fadi, La Nasa Jacopo, de Falco Francesca, Mattonai Marco, Ruffell Sean, Eggenhuisen Joris, Modugno Francesca, Proefrock Daniel, Pope Ed, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Heijnen Maarten, Hage Sophie, Simmons Stephen, Hasenhündl Martin, Heerema Catharina (2023). The submarine Congo Canyon as a conduit for microplastics to the deep sea . EGU General Assembly 2023. 24–28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Pope Ed L., Heijnen Maarten S., Talling Peter J., Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Gaillot Arnaud, Baker Megan L., Hage Sophie, Hasenhündl Martin, Heerema Catharina J., McGhee Claire, Ruffell Sean C., Simmons Stephen M., Cartigny Matthieu J. B., Clare Michael A., Dennielou Bernard, Parsons Daniel R., Peirce Christine, Urlaub Morelia (2022). Carbon and sediment fluxes inhibited in the submarine Congo Canyon by landslide-damming . Nature Geoscience , 15(10), 845-853 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Heerema Catharina J., Cartigny Matthieu J.B., Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Simmons Stephen M., Apprioual Ronan, Talling Peter J. (2022). How distinctive are flood-triggered turbidity currents? Journal Of Sedimentary Research , 92(1), 1-11 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Menot Lenaick, Tourolle Julie, Olu Karine, Lartaud Franck, Moreau Bertrand, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Shillito Bruce (2021). The ChEReef project: what threats on cold‐water coral reefs in the Bay of Biscay, how to monitor and how to predict them? 16th DSBS - Deep Sea Biology Symposium. September 12-17, 2021, Brest, France .
Palm Franziska A., Peakall Jeff, Hodgson David M., Marsset Tania, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Dennielou Bernard, Babonneau Nathalie, Wright Tim J. (2021). Width variation around submarine channel bends: Implications for sedimentation and channel evolution . Marine Geology , 437, 106504 (22p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Talling Peter, Baker Meg, Pope Ed, Cula Costa, Cartigny Matthieu, Faria Rui, Clare Michael, Simmons Steve, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Heijnen Maarten, Hage Sophie, Heerema Catharina, Ruffell Sean, McGee Claire, Hasenhündl Martin, Apprioual Ronan, Ferrant Anthony, Gaillot Arnaud, Wallace Dec, Griffiths Allan, Tshimanga Raphael, Bola Gode, Trigg Mark, Robertson Rick, Urlaub Morelia, Parsons Dan, Nunes Neto Ducerolde Carlos, Jorge Tresor Illola, Nambala Laldemira, Nunny Robert . Novel sensor array helps to understand submarine cable faults off West Africa . EarthArXiv IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Miramontes Elda, Eggenhuisen Joris T., Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Poneti Giovanni, Pohl Florian, Normandeau Alexandre, Campbell D. Calvin, Hernandez-Molina F. Javier (2020). Channel-levee evolution in combined contour current-turbidity current flows from flume-tank experiments : reply . Geology , 48(8), E508-E508 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Miramontes Elda, Jouet Gwenael, Thereau Estelle, Bruno Miguel, Penven Pierrick, Guerin Charline, Le Roy Pascal, Droz Laurence, Jorry Stephan, Hernández‐molina F. Javier, Thiéblemont Antoine, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Cattaneo Antonio (2020). The impact of internal waves on upper continental slopes: insights from the Mozambican margin (SW Indian Ocean) . Earth Surface Processes And Landforms , 45(6), 1469-1482 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Guiastrennec-Faugas Léa, Gillet Hervé, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Dennielou Bernard, Hanquiez Vincent, Schmidt Sabine, Simplet Laure, Rousset Antoine (2020). Upstream migrating knickpoints and related sedimentary processes in a submarine canyon from a rare 20-year morphobathymetric time-lapse (Capbreton submarine canyon, Bay of Biscay, France) . Marine Geology , 423, 106143 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Miramontes Elda, Eggenhuisen Joris T., Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Poneti Giovanni, Pohl Florian, Normandeau Alexandre, Campbell D. Calvin, Hernandez-Molina F. Javier (2020). Channel-levee evolution in combined contour current-turbidity current flows from flume-tank experiments . Geology , 48(4), 353-357 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Clare Michael, Lintern D. Gwyn, Rosenberger Kurt, Hughes Clarke John E., Paull Charles, Gwiazda Roberto, Cartigny Matthieu J. B., Talling Peter J., Perara Daniel, Xu Jingping, Parsons Daniel, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Apprioual Ronan (2020). Lessons learned from the monitoring of turbidity currents and guidance for future platform designs . In Georgiopoulou, A., Amy, L. A., Benetti, S., Chaytor, J. D., Clare, M. A., Gamboa, D., Haughton, P. D. W., Moernaut, J. and Mountjoy, J. J. (eds) 2020. Subaqueous Mass Movements and their Consequences: Advances in Process Understanding, Monitoring and Hazard Assessments. Geological Society, London, Special publications, 500, 605–634. (Geological Society of London) .
Hage Sophie, Cartigny Matthieu J.B., Sumner Esther J., Clare Michael A., Hughes Clarke John E., Talling Peter J., Lintern D. Gwyn, Simmons Stephen M., Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Vellinga Age J., Allin Joshua R., Azpiroz‐zabala Maria, Gales Jenny A., Hizzett Jamie L., Hunt James E., Mozzato Alessandro, Parsons Daniel R., Pope Ed L., Stacey Cooper D., Symons William O., Vardy Mark E., Watts Camilla (2019). Direct monitoring reveals initiation of turbidity currents from extremely dilute river plumes . Geophysical Research Letters , 46(20), 11310-11320 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Miramontes Elda, Penven Pierrick, Fierens Ruth, Droz Laurence, Toucanne Samuel, Jorry Stephan, Jouet Gwenael, Pastor Lucie, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Gaillot Arnaud, Giraudeau Jacques, Raisson François (2019). The influence of bottom currents on the Zambezi Valley morphology (Mozambique Channel, SW Indian Ocean): In situ current observations and hydrodynamic modelling . Marine Geology , 410, 42-55 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hermidas Navid, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Eggenhuisen Joris T., Luthi Stefan M. (2019). A new rheological model for thixoelastic materials in subaqueous gravity driven flows . Journal Of Non-newtonian Fluid Mechanics , 266, 102-117 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Minto'o Charlie Morelle Angue, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Bassetti Maria-Angela, Jouet Gwenael (2018). Paleo-depths reconstruction of the last 550,000 years based on the transfer function on recent and Quaternary benthic foraminifers of the East Corsica margin . Comptes Rendus Geoscience , 350(8), 476-486 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hermidas Navid, Eggenhuisen Joris T., Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Luthi Stefan M., Toth Ferenc, Pohl Florian (2018). A Classification of Clay-Rich Subaqueous Density Flow Structures . Journal Of Geophysical Research-earth Surface , 123(5), 945-966 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Baker Megan, Baas Jaco H., Malarkey Jonathan, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Craig Melissa J., Kane Ian A., Barker Simon (2017). The Effect of Clay Type On the Properties of Cohesive Sediment Gravity Flows and Their Deposits . Journal Of Sedimentary Research , 87(11), 1176-1195 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Payo-Payo Marta, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Lastras G., Rabineau Marina, Puig P., Martin J., Canals M., Sultan Nabil (2017). Numerical modeling of bottom trawling-induced sediment transport and accumulation in La Fonera submarine canyon, northwestern Mediterranean Sea . Marine Geology , 386, 107-125 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Duros Pauline, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Dennielou Bernard, Schmidt S., Martinez Lamas Ruth, Gautier Emeric, Roubi Angelique, Gayet Nicolas (2017). Benthic foraminiferal response to sedimentary disturbance in the Capbreton canyon (Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic) . Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers , 120, 61-75 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bonneau Lucile, Toucanne Samuel, Bayon Germain, Jorry Stephan, Emmanuel Laurent, Silva Jacinto Ricardo (2017). Glacial erosion dynamics in a small mountainous watershed (Southern French Alps): A source-to-sink approach . Earth And Planetary Science Letters , 458, 366-379 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Violeau D, Ata R, Benoit M, Joly A, Abadie S, Clous L, Martin Medina M, Morichon D, Chicheportiche J, Le Gal M, Gailler A, Hebert H, Imbert D, Kazolea M, Ricchiuto M, Le Roy S, Pedreros R, Rousseau M, Pons K, Marcer R, Journeau C, Silva Jacinto Ricardo (2016). A database of validation cases for tsunami numerical modelling . Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change: Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress (Liege, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016). 2016. Sébastien Erpicum, Benjamin Dewals, Pierre Archambeau, Michel Pirotton. CRC Press. ISBN 9781138029774. Chap. "Coastal aspects in the era of global change"pp.1-8 .
Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Duros Pauline, Simplet Laure, Dennielou Bernard, Gillet Hervé, Schmidt Sabine (2015). Volt - Velocity Observation with Longrange Profilers of Turbidity currents due to storms in the Capbreton submarine canyon. Premier rapport intermédiaire . REM/GM/LES 2015-01-A220504A .
Bonneau Lucile, Jorry Stephan J., Toucanne Samuel, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Emmanuel Laurent (2014). Millennial-Scale Response of a Western Mediterranean River to Late Quaternary Climate Changes: A View from the Deep Sea . Journal Of Geology , 122(6), 687-703 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Verhagen Iris Therese Elise, Baas Jaco Hugo, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, McCaffrey William Dale, Davies Alan Geoffrey (2013). A first classification scheme of flow-bed interaction for clay-laden density currents and soft substrates . Ocean Dynamics , 63(4), 385-397 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Khripounoff Alexis, Crassous Philippe, Lo Bue N., Dennielou Bernard, Silva Jacinto Ricardo (2012). Different types of sediment gravity flows detected in the Var submarine canyon (northwestern Mediterranean Sea) . Progress In Oceanography , 106, 138-153 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Silva Jacinto Ricardo (2012). Simulation numérique de l'impact des courants de turbidité dans le canyon de Capbreton . REM/GM/LES/RSJ-01-2012 .
Jorry Stephan, Jegou Isabelle, Emmanuel Laurent, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Savoye Bruno (2011). Turbiditic levee deposition in response to climate changes: The Var Sedimentary Ridge (Ligurian Sea) . Marine Geology , 279(1-4), 148-161 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Jorry Stephan, Toucanne Samuel, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Emmanuel Laurent (2011). How climatic changes and Southern Alps glaciers oscillations are recorded in the Var turbidite system? Association Sedimentologues Francais, 14-16 Novembre 2011, Dijon .
Jorry Stephan, Silva Jacinto Ricardo (2010). Turbiditic levee deposition in response to climate changes : the Var Sedimentary Ridge (Ligurian Sea) . 18th International Sedimentological Congress, 26 Sept - 1 Oct. 2010, Mendoza, Argentina .
Silva Jacinto Ricardo (2006). Rhéologie des vases naturelles : de l’expérience à la connaissance . 41ème Colloque Annuel du Groupe Français de Rhéologie "Rhéologie des suspensions : de l’environnement et de l’industrie ". 18-20 Octobre 2006, Cherbourg. Conférences invitées, Conf1, pp.1-4 .
Waeles Benoit, Le Hir Pierre, Silva Jacinto Ricardo (2004). Cross-shore morphodynamical modelling of an intertidal mudflat. Comptes Rendus Geoscience , 336(11), 1025-1033 .
Augris Claude, Du Gardin Béryl, Lemoine Michel, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Quiniou Francoise, Dreves Luc (2004). Avis de l'Ifremer sur la demande de concession de sables marins dite "Concession de dragage des sables de la zone d'évitage du port de Ouistreham" et demande d'autorisation domaniale . DRIRE de Basse-Normandie, Bureau Instruction Administrative, Hérouville-St Clair , Ref. Ifremer PDG/2004/093 - courrier JLC/FF-DAE/61/2004 du 26 janvier 2004 , 4p., 2p.
Dupont Jean-Paul, Guezennec Loïc, Lafite Robert, Le Hir Pierre, Lesueur Patrick (2004). Matériaux fins. Le cheminement des particules en suspension . Editions Ifremer.
Augris Claude, Du Gardin Béryl, Le Drezen Eliane, Normand Alain, Dreves Luc, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Veron Gerard, Piclet Guy (2003). Avis de l'Ifremer sur les résultats de l'étude et cartographie du banc de maërl des Glénan . Préfecture du Finistère - Direction de l'environnement, Quimper , Ref. Ifremer PDG-03/604 - votre courrier du 9 octobre 2003 , 8p., 1p.
Oger-Jeanneret Helene, Desaunay Yves, Silva Jacinto Ricardo (2003). Etude d'incidence des dragages d'entretien du PANSN - dossier provisoire d'avril 2002 . Port Autonome de Nantes Saint Nazaire, Nantes , Ref. 03.64/DEL/MPL/HJ/FB. - Votre courrier du 22/04/2003 , 4p.
Alzieu Claude, Andral Bruno, Bassoullet Philippe, Boutier Bernard, Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Huet Martial, Jestin Herve, L'Yavanc Jacky, Michel Pierre, Paulet Yves-Marie, Quiniou Francoise, Silva Jacinto Ricardo (2003). Réalisation d'un modèle de dispersion d'un rejet de dragage et des contaminants associés. Rapport définitif: contrat « LITEAU » 2ème phase .
Le Hir Pierre, Ficht Andre, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Lesueur Patrick, Dupont Jean-Paul, Lafite Robert, Brenon Isabelle, Thouvenin Benedicte, Cugier Philippe (2001). Fine sediment transport and accumulations at the mouth of the Seine estuary (France) . Estuaries , 24(6B), 950-963 .
Le Hir Pierre, Silva Jacinto Ricardo (2001). Courants, vagues et marées. Les mouvements de l'eau . Ifremer.
Alzieu Claude, Abarnou Alain, Bassoullet Philippe, Boutier Bernard, Chiffoleau Jean-Francois, Crenn Isabelle, Derrien Annick, Erard-Le Denn Evelyne, Gourmelon Michele, Guiliaud Jean-François, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Le Cann Pierre, Le Guyader Françoise, Le Hir Pierre, L'Yavanc Jacky, Mauvais Jean-Louis, Menard Dominique, Michel Pierre, Monbet Yves, Pommepuy Monique, Quiniou Francoise (1999). Dragages et environnement marin Etat des connaissances . Ifremer.
Thouvenin Benedicte, Billen Gilles, Even Stéphanie, Fischer Jean-Claude, Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Le Hir Pierre, Loizeau Veronique, Mouchel Jean-Marie, Olivier Caroline, Silva Jacinto Ricardo (1999). Les modèles. Outils de connaissance et de gestion . Editions Ifremer.