Yannick Gueguen

Yannick Gueguen

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Sete

Adresse postale : Station de Sète - Avenue Jean Monnet - CS 30171 - 34203 Sète Cedex

URL : https://annuaire.ifremer.fr/cv/16833/

ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0002-8749-9582

Jeux de données


REPHYTOX - French Monitoring program for Phycotoxins in marine organisms (2023). REPHYTOX dataset. French Monitoring program for Phycotoxins in marine organisms. Data since 1987 . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/47251
REPHY - French Observation and Monitoring program for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in coastal waters (2023). REPHY dataset - French Observation and Monitoring program for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in coastal waters. Metropolitan data . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/47248
Gawra Janan, De Lorgeril Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Escoubas Jean Michel, Petton Bruno, Morga Benjamin, Destoumieux-Garzon Delphine, Mitta Guillaume, Degremont Lionel, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie (2023). Genetic and epigenetic variations underpin rapid adaptation of oyster populations (Crassostrea gigas) to Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome (POMS). IFREMER. https://doi.org//10.12770/6a9d16eb-d269-4598-9fbd-e67f8bfa7baf


Dugeny Elyne, Dubreuil Christine, Huber Matthias, Le Roy Valerian, Quere Claudie, de Lorgeril Julien, Petton Bruno, Toulza Eve, Gueguen Yannick, Pernet Fabrice (2021). Microbiological and physiological data associated to Pacific oysters exposed to seaweeds and challenged with OsHV-1 under laboratory conditions . SEANOE . https://doi.org/10.17882/85142



Gueguen Yannick, Arzul Isabelle, Goulletquer Philippe (2024). Rapport Final GT HUITRE . https://doi.org/10.13155/104304
Dantan Luc, Carcassonne Prunelle, Degrémont Lionel, Morga Benjamin, Travers Marie-Agnès, Petton Bruno, Mege Mickael, Maurouard Elise, Allienne Francois, Courtay Gaelle, Romatif Oceane, Pouzadoux Juliette, Lami Raphaël, Intertaglia Laurent, Gueguen Yannick, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, Toulza Eve, Cosseau Céline (2024). Microbial education plays a crucial role in harnessing the beneficial properties of microbiota for infectious disease protection in Crassostrea gigas . Scientific Reports , 14(1), 26914 (21p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-76096-4 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00919/103054/
Montagnani Caroline, Morga Benjamin, Novoa Beatriz, Gourbal Benjamin, Saco Amaro, Rey‐campos Magali, Bourhis Marion, Riera Fabien, Vignal Emmanuel, Corporeau Charlotte, Charriere Guillaume, Travers Agnes, Dégremont Lionel, Gueguen Yannick, Cosseau Céline, Figueras Antonio (2024). Trained immunity: Perspectives for disease control strategy in marine mollusc aquaculture . Reviews in Aquaculture , 16(4), 1472-1498 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1111/raq.12906 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00889/100052/
Halm-Lemeille Marie-Pierre, Gueguen Yannick, Lefebvre Alain, Normand Julien, Chevé Julien, Piquet Jean-Come, Treguier Cathy, Bruneau Audrey, Antajan Elvire, Lagarde Franck, Brach-Papa Christophe, Lesaulnier Nadine, Dardanelli Julie, Demeule Carole, Mellor Alice, Trut Florence, Martin Daniele (2024). Rapport d'activité 2023 de l'Unité littoral . ODE/LITTORAL/24.01 .
Dantan Luc, Toulza Eve, Petton Bruno, Montagnani Caroline, Degremont Lionel, Morga Benjamin, Fleury Yannick, Mitta Guillaume, Gueguen Yannick, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, Cosseau Céline (2024). Microbial education for marine invertebrate disease prevention in aquaculture . Reviews In Aquaculture , 16(3), 1229-1243 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1111/raq.12893 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00878/98989/
Fleury Elodie, Petton Sébastien, Pouvreau Stephane (2024). Observatoire national du cycle de vie de l'huître creuse en France . Rapport annuel ECOSCOPA 2023. R.INT.BREST RBE/PHYTNESS 2024-1 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00899/101116/


Serais Ophelie (2023). Avis pour la réalisation systématique de prélèvements d’huîtres et de moules dans le cadre des alertes REPHYTOX « Lipophiles » dans la lagune de Thau. DDPP 34 - Direction de la Protection des Populations de l’Hérault, Unité Territoriale de Sète, Montpellier , Ref. Avis Ifremer n° 22-059 (ODE/UL/LER/LR - Dir. Station de Sète) , 11p., 12p. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00859/97043/
Serais Ophelie, Abadie Eric, Lemoine Maud, Gueguen Yannick, Neaud-Masson Nadine, Ruyssen Maria (2023). Expertise pour la réévaluation de la stratégie de surveillance REPHYTOX de la lagune de Thau sur la base des résultats du projet SECTOX et du REPHYTOX. DDPP 34 - Direction de la protection des Populations de l'Hérault, Unité territoriale de Sète, Montpellier , Ref. Expertise Ifremer n°03-003 - courriels du 8 février 2022 et du 14 février 2022 , 17p. https://doi.org/10.13155/97982
Serais Ophelie, Crottier Anaïs, Rocq Sophie, Gueguen Yannick (2023). Stratégie d’échantillonnage REMI en Occitanie - Année 2023. Reseau de surveillance microbiologique des zones de production de coquillages (REMI). Version 1 du 04/10/2023. ODE/UL/LER/LR/23.08 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00834/94560/
Oyanedel Daniel, Lagorce Arnaud, Bruto Maxime, Haffner Philippe, Morot Amandine, Dorant Yann, de La Forest Divonne Sebastien, Delavat François, Inguimbert Nicolas, Montagnani Caroline, Morga Benjamin, Toulza Eve, Chaparro Cristian, Escoubas Jean-Michel, Labreuche Yannick, Gueguen Yannick, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, de Lorgeril Julien, Petton Bruno, Degremont Lionel, Tourbiez Delphine, Pimparé Léa-Lou, Leroy Marc, Romatif Oceane, Pouzadoux Juliette, Mitta Guillaume, Roux Frédérique Le, Charrière Guillaume M., Travers Agnes, Destoumieux-Garzón Delphine (2023). Cooperation and cheating orchestrate Vibrio assemblages and polymicrobial synergy in oysters infected with OsHV-1 virus . Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America , 120(40), e23051951 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2305195120 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00840/95232/
Gawra Janan, Valdivieso Munoz Alejandro, Roux Fabrice, Laporte Martin, de Lorgeril Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Saccas Mathilde, Escoubas Jean-Michel, Montagnani Caroline, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine, Lagarde Franck, Leroy Marc A., Haffner Philippe, Petton Bruno, Cosseau Céline, Morga Benjamin, Dégremont Lionel, Mitta Guillaume, Grunau Christoph, Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie (2023). Epigenetic variations are more substantial than genetic variations in rapid adaptation of oyster to Pacific oyster mortality syndrome . Science Advances , 9(36), eadh8990 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.adh8990 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00853/96450/
Derolez Valerie, Bec Béatrice, Cimiterra Nicolas, Munaron Dominique, Foucault Elodie, Messiaen Gregory, Hatey Elise, Malet Nathalie (2023). OBSLAG 2022 - volet eutrophisation. Etat de la colonne d’eau et du phytoplancton des lagunes méditerranéennes (2017-2022). Indicateurs de tendance et de confiance. ODE/UL/LER‐LR/23.07 . https://doi.org/10.13155/95650
Serais Ophelie, Caillard Elise, Gueguen Yannick (2023). Strategie d'echantillonnage des lieux du REPHY Sanitaire et REPHYTOX en Occitanie - Année 2023 . Procédure de surveillance sanitaire des phycotoxines (contrôle officiel) v2 - Date d’application : 26/06/2023. ODE/UL/LER/LR/23.02 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00816/92831/
Serais Ophelie, Munaron Dominique, Crottier Anaïs, Rocq Sophie, Gueguen Yannick (2023). Evaluations de la qualité des zones de pêche et d'élevage de coquillages d'Occitanie. Période 2020-2022. Restitution des évaluations de la qualité des zones de pêche et d'élevage en région Occitanie - Résultats REMI et ROCCH sanitaire. 21 juin 2023, Sète .
Serais Ophelie, Crottier Anaïs, Gueguen Yannick, Rocq Sophie (2023). Evaluation de la qualité des zones de production conchylicole d’Occitanie. Période 2020-2022 . ODE/UL/LER/LR/23.06 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00839/95123/
Clerissi Camille, Luo Xing, Lucasson Aude, Mortaza Shogofa, de Lorgeril Julien, Toulza Eve, Petton Bruno, Escoubas Jean-Michel, Dégremont Lionel, Gueguen Yannick, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine, Jacq Annick, Mitta Guillaume (2023). A core of functional complementary bacteria infects oysters in Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome . Animal Microbiome , 5(1), 26 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1186/s42523-023-00246-8 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00835/94708/
Serais Ophelie, Gianaroli Camille, Crottier Anaïs, Rocq Sophie, Reynaud Yann, Gueguen Yannick (2023). Procédure de déclenchement des alertes REMI préventives « Pluviométrie » en Occitanie. Réseau de surveillance microbiologique des zones de production de coquillages (REMI) . Version 0 du 17/04/2023. ODE/UL/LER-LR/23.05 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00833/94521/
Serais Ophelie, Gueguen Yannick, Reynaud Yann, Rocq Sophie, Ruyssen Maria (2023). Avis sur la mise en place d’un classement alternatif dans la zone de pêche n°34.02 « Bande littorale de l’embouchure de l’Aude au Grau d’Agde » . DDPP34 - Direction de la Protection des Populations de l’Hérault, Unité territoriale de Sète, Montpellier , Ref. 22-058 Ifremer Sète - ODE/UL/LERLR , 16p. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00818/93027/
Fleury Elodie, Petton Sébastien, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Pouvreau Stephane, (coord.) (2023). Observatoire national du cycle de vie de l’huître creuse en France. Rapport annuel ECOSCOPA 2022 . R.INT.BREST RBE/PFOM/PI 2023-1 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00840/95240/


Serais Ophelie, Caillard Elise (2022). Cahier des clauses techniques particulières (CCTP) - Appel d’offre. Lectures de phytoplancton toxique dans le cadre du REPHY Sanitaire en Occitanie . ODE/UL/LER/LR/22.13 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00799/91128/
Serais Ophelie, Munaron Dominique, Caillard Elise, Cimiterra Nicolas, Gianaroli Camille, Lagarde Franck (2022). Qualité du Milieu Marin Littoral. Bulletin de la surveillance 2021. Région Occitanie - Départements des Pyrénées Orientales, de l’Aude, de l’Hérault, du Gard . ODE/UL/LER/LR/22.002 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00783/89500/
Serais Ophelie, Munaron Dominique (2022). Restitution des évaluations de la qualité des zones de production conchylicole période 2019-2021. Synthèse des suivis 2021. REPHY SAN/REPHYTOX. Région Occitanie / ROCCH - Réseau d'observation de la contamination chimique du milieu marin . Parlement de la mer. Restitution des évaluations des zones de production conchylicoles en région Occitanie - Résultats REMI, REPHY sanitaire, REPHYTOX, ROCCH. 21 juin 2022, Sète .
Fallet Manon, Montagnani Caroline, Petton Bruno, Dantan Luc, de Lorgeril Julien, Comarmond Sébastien, Chaparro Cristian, Toulza Eve, Boitard Simon, Escoubas Jean Michel, Vergnes Agnes, Le Grand Jacqueline, Bulla Ingo, Gueguen Yannick, Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie, Grunau Christoph, Mitta Guillaume, Cossau Céline (2022). Early life microbial exposures shape the Crassostrea gigas immune system for lifelong and intergenerational disease protection . Microbiome , 10(1), 85 (21p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-022-01280-5 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00753/86457/
Serais Ophelie, Gianaroli Camille, Cimiterra Nicolas, Munaron Dominique, Gueguen Yannick, Gautier Emeric, Grouhel-Pellouin Anne, Rocq Sophie (2022). Evaluation de la qualité des zones de production conchylicole. Région Occitanie. Edition 2022 . ODE/UL/LER/LR/22.03 - 107p. https://doi.org/10.13155/88103
Ifremer (2022). Rapportage annuel du LER/LR. 2021 . ODE/Unité LITTORAL/LER-LR .
Serais Ophelie, Caillard Elise, Gueguen Yannick (2022). Stratégie d’échantillonnage des lieux du REPHY Sanitaire et REPHYTOX pour la région Occitanie - Année 2022 . Procédure de surveillance sanitaire (contrôle officiel) - v1 - Date d’application : 28/04/2022. ODE/UL/LER/LR/22.01. 36p.
Dugeny Elyne, de Lorgeril Julien, Petton Bruno, Toulza Eve, Gueguen Yannick, Pernet Fabrice (2022). Seaweeds influence oyster microbiota and disease susceptibility . Journal Of Animal Ecology , 91(4), 805-818 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.13662 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00750/86228/
Pernet Fabrice (2022). Huîtres et algues : partenaires pour le meilleur et pour le pire dans un océan en mutation . The Conversation , 176322 (5p.) . Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00750/86214/
Paillard Christine, Gueguen Yannick, Wegner K Mathias, Bass David, Pallavicini Alberto, Vezzulli Luigi, Arzul Isabelle (2022). Recent advances in bivalve-microbiota interactions for disease prevention in aquaculture . Current Opinion In Biotechnology , 73, 225-232 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copbio.2021.07.026 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00723/83555/


Gueguen Yannick, Ruyssen Maria (2021). Expertise sur la possibilité de recycler les anciennes rames de tramway du réseau de Montpellier en récifs artificiels . ALSTOM, Saint-Ouen , Ref. Expertise Ifremer n° 21-086 , 2p.
Gawra Janan, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Saccas Mathilde, de Lorgeril Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Escoubas Jean Michel, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine, Leroy Marc A., Haffner Philippe, Morga Benjamin, Degremont Lionel, Petton Bruno, Grunau Christoph, Mitta Guillaume, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie (2021). Epigenetic and genetic determinants of resistance in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas : A case study in natural population . EEID 2021 - 18th Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases meeting. 11-14 june 2021, Montpellier, France .
Oyanedel Daniel, Lagorce Arnaud, Bruto Maxime, Haffner Philippe, Travers Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Toulza Eve, Chaparro Cristian, Pimparé Léa-Lou, Montagnani Caroline, Escoubas Jean Michel, Gueguen Yannick, Tourbiez Delphine, Le Roy Marc, Pouzadoux Juliette, Romatif Oceane, Mitta Guillaume, Le Roux Frederique, Charriere Guillaume, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine (2021). Killing or Cheating: two strategies to colonize an oyster . EEID 2021 - 18th Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases meeting. 11-14 june 2021, Montpellier, France .
Arzul Isabelle, Berland Chloe, Chollet Bruno, Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie, Serpin Delphine, Noyer Mathilde, Lecadet Cyrielle, Person Pauline, Degremont Lionel, Travers Agnes, Tourbiez Delphine, Nadeau Aurelie, Canier Lydie, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Mege Mickael, Gueguen Yannick (2021). Geographic Distribution of Haplosporidium costale in France . Technical Workshop on Parasites of the Genus Haplosporidium. 18 march 2021 .
Richard Marion, Rolland Jean-Luc, Gueguen Yannick, de Lorgeril Julien, Pouzadoux Juliette, Mostajir Behzad, Bec Beatrice, Mas Sébastien, Parin David, Le Gall Patrik, Mortreux Serge, Fiandrino Annie, Lagarde Franck, Messiaen Gregory, Fortune Martine, Roque D'Orbcastel Emmanuelle (2021). In Situ Characterisation of Pathogen Dynamics during a Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome Episode . Marine Environmental Research , 165, 105251 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105251 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00669/78063/


Le Moullac Gilles, Soyez Claude, Lyonnard Pierre, Chabrier Sébastien, Milhade Leo, Gueguen Yannick, Beliaeff Benoit (2020). Non‐invasive functional exploration techniques for bivalves with applications to pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera . Reviews In Aquaculture , 12(3), 1783-1791 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1111/raq.12409 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00599/71161/
Delmotte Jean, Chaparro Cristian, Galinier Richard, de Lorgeril Julien, Petton Bruno, Stenger Pierre-Louis, Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie, Destoumieux-Garzon Delphine, Gueguen Yannick, Montagnani Caroline, Escoubas Jean Michel, Mitta Guillaume (2020). Contribution of Viral Genomic Diversity to Oyster Susceptibility in the Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome . Frontiers In Microbiology , 11, 1579 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.01579 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00643/75533/
Dupont Samuel, Lokmer A., Corre E., Auguet Jean-Christophe, Petton Bruno, Toulza E., Montagnani Caroline, Tanguy G., Pecqueur D., Salmeron C., Guillou L., Desnues C., La Scola B., Bou Khalil J., de Lorgeril Julien, Mitta Guillaume, Gueguen Yannick, Escoubas Jean Michel (2020). Oyster hemolymph is a complex and dynamic ecosystem hosting bacteria, protists and viruses . Animal Microbiome , 2(1), 12 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1186/s42523-020-00032-w , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00627/73916/
Lafont Maxime, Vergnes Agnes, Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie, de Lorgeril Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Haffner Philippe, Petton Bruno, Chaparro Cristian, Barrachina Celia, Destoumieux-Garzon Delphine, Mitta Guillaume, Gourbal Benjamin, Montagnani Caroline (2020). A Sustained Immune Response Supports Long-Term Antiviral Immune Priming in the Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas . Mbio , 11(2), e02777-19 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1128/mBio.02777-19 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00614/72580/
Fleury Elodie, Montagnani Caroline, Morga Benjamin, Richard Marion (2020). Compte-rendu des journées Mollusques Marins et Conchylicultures .
Clerissi Camille, de Lorgeril Julien, Petton Bruno, Lucasson Aude, Escoubas Jean Michel, Gueguen Yannick, Dégremont Lionel, Mitta Guillaume, Toulza Eve (2020). Microbiota Composition and Evenness Predict Survival Rate of Oysters Confronted to Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome . Frontiers In Microbiology , 11(311), 11p. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2020.00311 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00621/73332/
de Lorgeril Julien, Petton Bruno, Lucasson Aude, Perez Valérie, Stenger Pierre-Louis, Degremont Lionel, Montagnani Caroline, Escoubas Jean Michel, Haffner Philippe, Allienne Jean-François, Leroy Marc, Lagarde Franck, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, Gueguen Yannick, Mitta Guillaume (2020). Differential basal expression of immune genes confers Crassostrea gigas resistance to Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome . Bmc Genomics , 21(1), 63 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-020-6471-x , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00602/71369/


Gueguen Yannick, Arzul Isabelle, Goulletquer Philippe (2019). Groupe de Travail « Huîtres » - Plan d’Action 2020-2023. Comprendre et prévoir l’évolution du socio-écosystème ostréicole dans le cadre du changement global . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00900/101196/
de Lorgeril Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Mitta Guillaume (2019). Comprendre et prédire les maladies multifactorielles de bivalves marins : le cas de l’huître . Les dossiers d'AGROPOLIS International. Compétences de la communauté scientifique en région Occitanie , (24), 47 . Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00487/59821/


de Lorgeril Julien, Lucasson Aude, Petton Bruno, Toulza Eve, Montagnani Caroline, Clerissi Camille, Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie, Chaparro Cristian, Galinier Richard, Escoubas Jean Michel, Haffner Philippe, Degremont Lionel, Charriere Guillaume, Lafont Maxime, Delort Abigail, Vergnes Agnes, Chiarello Marlene, Faury Nicole, Rubio Tristan, Leroy Marc, Perignon Adeline, Regler Denis, Morga Benjamin, Alunno-Bruscia Marianne, Boudry Pierre, Le Roux Frederique, Destoumieux-Garzon Delphine, Gueguen Yannick, Mitta Guillaume (2018). Immune-suppression by OsHV-1 viral infection causes fatal bacteraemia in Pacific oysters . Nature Communications , 9(4215), 14p. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-06659-3 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00461/57234/
de Lorgeril Julien, Escoubas Jean Michel, Loubiere Vincent, Pernet Fabrice, Le Gall Patrik, Vergnes Agnes, Aujoulat Fabien, Jeannot Jean-Luc, Jumas-Bilak Estelle, Got Patrice, Gueguen Yannick, Destoumieux-Garzon Delphine, Bachere Evelyne (2018). Inefficient immune response is associated with microbial permissiveness in juvenile oysters affected by mass mortalities on field . Fish & Shellfish Immunology , 77, 156-163 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsi.2018.03.027 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00433/54470/


Gueguen Yannick, Saulnier Denis, Santini Adrien, Magre Kevin, Garen Pierre, Bernagout Solene, Nohl Marine, Bouisset Patrick, Helme Herehia, Planes Serge, Le Moullac Gilles (2017). Response of the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera to cadmium and chromium: Identification of molecular biomarkers . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 118(1-2), 420-426 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.03.012 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00376/48707/
Rouze Heloise, Lecellier Gael J., Saulnier Denis, Planes Serge, Gueguen Yannick, Wirshing Herman H., Berteaux-Lecellier Veronique (2017). An updated assessment of Symbiodinium spp. that associate with common scleractinian corals from Moorea (French Polynesia) reveals high diversity among background symbionts and a novel finding of clade B . Peerj , 5, e2856 (1-22) . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.2856 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00365/47652/
Bachere Evelyne, Degremont Lionel, Piquemal David, Roman Bruno, Noguier Florian (2017). Signature d'expression de gènes, Marqueur prédictif de capacités de survie chez l'huître Crassostrea gigas . Rapport scientifique de l’action PREDIGENE Convention DPMA-Ifremer 2016-16/1212569 . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00434/54551/


Le Moullac Gilles, Soyez Claude, Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie, Belliard Corinne, Fievet Julie, Sham-Koua Manaarii, Lo-Yat Alain, Saulnier Denis, Gaertner-Mazouni N., Gueguen Yannick (2016). Impact of pCO2 on the energy, reproduction and growth of the shell of the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 182(Part.B), 274-282 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2016.03.011 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00321/43189/
Le Moullac Gilles, Soyez Claude, Latchere Oihana, Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie, Fremery Juliette, Saulnier Denis, Lo Yat Alain, Belliard Corinne, Mazouni-Gaertner Nabila, Gueguen Yannick (2016). Pinctada margaritifera responses to temperature and pH: Acclimation capabilities and physiological limits . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 182(Part.B), 261-269 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2016.04.011 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00332/44364/
Gueguen Yannick, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila, Lo Cedrik, Le Moullac Gilles (2016). Integrated management of pearl culture in French Polynesia in the context of global change: Synopsis of existing results . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 182(Part.B), 229-234 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2016.07.010 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00346/45698/
Latchere Oihana, Fievet Julie, Lo Cedrik, Schneider Denis, Dieu Stephanie, Cabral Philippe, Belliard Corinne, Ky Chin-Long, Gueguen Yannick, Saulnier Denis (2016). Effect of electrolysis treatment on the biomineralization capacities of pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera juveniles . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 182(Part.B), 235-242 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2016.06.014 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00343/45410/
Cardona Emilie, Gueguen Yannick, Magre Kevin, Lorgeoux Benedicte, Piquemal David, Pierrat Fabien, Noguier Florian, Saulnier Denis (2016). Bacterial community characterization of water and intestine of the shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris in a biofloc system . Bmc Microbiology , 16(157), 9p. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12866-016-0770-z , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00346/45694/
Destoumieux-Garzon Delphine, Rosa Rafael Diego, Schmitt Paulina, Barreto Caire, Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie, Mitta Guillaume, Gueguen Yannick, Bachere Evelyne (2016). Antimicrobial peptides in marine invertebrate health and disease . Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B-biological Sciences , 371(1695), 1-11 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2015.0300 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00341/45220/
Teaniniuraitemoana Vaihiti, Lepretre Maxime, Levy Peva, Vanaa Vincent, Parrad Sophie, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila, Gueguen Yannick, Huvet Arnaud, Le Moullac Gilles (2016). Effect of temperature, food availability, and estradiol injection on gametogenesis and gender in the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera . Journal Of Experimental Zoology Part A-ecological Genetics And Physiology , 325(1), 13-24 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1002/jez.1992 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00285/39638/


Cardona Emilie, Lorgeoux Benedicte, Geffroy Claire, Richard Pierre, Saulnier Denis, Gueguen Yannick, Guillou Gael, Chim Liet (2015). Relative contribution of natural productivity and compound feed to tissue growth in blue shrimp (Litopenaeus stylirostris) reared in biofloc: Assessment by C and N stable isotope ratios and effect on key digestive enzymes . Aquaculture , 448, 288-297 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2015.05.035 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00271/38242/
Cardona Emilie, Saulnier Denis, Lorgeoux Benedicte, Chim Liet, Gueguen Yannick (2015). Rearing effect of biofloc on antioxidant and antimicrobial transcriptional response in Litopenaeus stylirostris shrimp facing an experimental sub-lethal hydrogen peroxide stress . Fish & Shellfish Immunology , 45(2), 933-939 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsi.2015.05.041 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00270/38116/
Lemer Sarah, Saulnier Denis, Gueguen Yannick, Planes Serge (2015). Identification of genes associated with shell color in the black-lipped pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera . Bmc Genomics , 16(568), 1-14 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-015-1776-x , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00275/38627/
Gueguen Yannick, Czorlich Yann, Mastail Max, Le Tohic Bruno, Defay Didier, Lyonnard Pierre, Marigliano Damien, Gauthier Jean-Pierre, Bari Hubert, Lo Cedrik, Chabrier Sebastien, Le Moullac Gilles (2015). Yes, it turns: experimental evidence of pearl rotation during its formation . Royal Society Open Science , 2(7), 150144 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.150144 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00275/38598/
Simon-Colin Christelle, Gueguen Yannick, Bachere Evelyne, Kouzayha Achraf, Saulnier Denis, Gayet Nicolas, Guezennec Jean (2015). Use of Natural Antimicrobial Peptides and Bacterial Biopolymers for Cultured Pearl Production . Marine Drugs , 13(6), 3732-3744 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3390/md13063732 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00275/38599/
Teaniniuraitemoana Vaihiti, Huvet Arnaud, Levy Peva, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila, Gueguen Yannick, Le Moullac Gilles (2015). Molecular Signatures Discriminating the Male and the Female Sexual Pathways in the Pearl Oyster Pinctada margaritifera . Plos One , 10(3), e0122819 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0122819 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00256/36768/


Belliard Corinne, Blay Carole, Czorlich Yann, Demmer Jonathan, Fievet Julie, Garen Pierre, Gueguen Yannick, Ky Chin-Long, Latchere Oihana, Le Moullac Gilles, Le Pabic Lore, Levy Peva, Lo-Yat Alain, Magre Kevin, Maihota Mayalen, Parrad Sophie, Saulnier Denis, Sham Koua Manaarii, Soyez Claude, Teaniniuraitemoana Vaihiti, Tetaura Nono-Lewis, Tetumu Roger, Vanaa Vincent (2014). Marché négocié entre la Direction des Ressources Marines de Polynésie française et l'Ifremer relatif aux actions de recherches dans le domaine de la perliculture par le Centre Ifremer du Pacifique (CIF) de 2013 à 2014. Rapport final .
Le Moullac Gilles, Gueguen Yannick, Lo-Yat Alain, Saulnier Denis, Garen Pierre, Ky Chin-Long, Goguenheim Jean, Cuzon Gerard, Belliard Corinne, Fievet Julie, Levy Peva, Sham Koua Manaarii, Soyez Claude, Tetumu Roger, Vanaa Vincent, Tetaura Nono-Lewis, Maihota Mayalen, Czorlich Yann, Magre Kevin, Bardon-Albaret Agnes, Le Pabic Lore, Parrad Sophie, Blay Carole, Teaniniuraitemoana Vaihiti, Latchere Oihana, Cardona Emilie, Dufour Robert, Buchet Vincent, Demmer Jonathan (2014). Unité de Recherche Ressources Marines de Polynésie française. Rapport d'activités 2014 .
Chim Liet, Cardona Emilie, Lorgeoux Benedicte, Gueguen Yannick, Saulnier Denis, Goguenheim Jean, Wantiez Laurent, Cahu Chantal (2014). Biofloc technology applied to rear shrimp Litopenaeus Stylirostris broodstock: An integrated and development research project in New Caledonia and French Polynesia . Europe Aqauculture Symposium, October 14-17, San Sebastian, Spain . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00250/36084/
Lacoste Elise, Le Moullac Gilles, Levy Peva, Gueguen Yannick, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila (2014). Biofouling development and its effect on growth and reproduction of the farmed pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera . Aquaculture , 434, 18-26 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2014.07.012 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00201/31188/
Joubert Caroline, Linard Clementine, Le Moullac Gilles, Soyez Claude, Saulnier Denis, Teaniniuraitemoana Vaihiti, Ky Chin-Long, Gueguen Yannick (2014). Temperature and Food Influence Shell Growth and Mantle Gene Expression of Shell Matrix Proteins in the Pearl Oyster Pinctada margaritifera . Plos One , 9(8), e103944 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0103944 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00210/32095/
Belliard Corinne, Bichet Hervé, Blay Carole, Demoy-Schneider Marina, Fougerouse Angélique, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila, Garen Pierre, Gueguen Yannick, Herbinger Christophe, Ky Chin-Long, Lacoste Elise, Leduc Henri, Lemer Sarah, Le Moullac Gilles, Lo Cédrik, Lo-Yat Alain, Planes Serge, Saulnier Denis, Sham Koua Manaarii, Teaniniuraitemoana Vaihiti (2014). Préservation de la biodiversité des stocks d'huîtres perlières Pinctada margaritifera en Polynésie française pour une exploitation durable de la ressource en perliculture. Rapport final. Projet : BIODIPERL. Juin 2014.
Teaniniuraitemoana Vaihiti, Huvet Arnaud, Levy Peva, Klopp Christophe, Lhuillier Emeline, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila, Gueguen Yannick, Le Moullac Gilles (2014). Gonad transcriptome analysis of pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera: identification of potential sex differentiation and sex determining genes . Bmc Genomics , 15(491), 1-20 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2164-15-491 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00201/31194/
Gueguen Yannick, Saulnier Denis, Santini Adrien, Magre Kevin, Fievet Julie, Belliard Corinne, Soyez Claude, Garen Pierre, Bernagout Solene, Nohl Marine, Bouisset Patrick, Helme Herehia, Planes Serge, Le Moullac Gilles (2014). "BIOLOAG" : "Etablissement de BIOmarqueurs moléculaires pour le suivi de l'écosystème LAGonaire face aux changements globaux". Rapport final .
Lacoste Elise, Gueguen Yannick, Le Moullac Gilles, Koua Manaarii Sham, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila (2014). Influence of farmed pearl oysters and associated biofouling communities on nutrient regeneration in lagoons of French Polynesia . Aquaculture Environment Interactions , 5(3), 209-219 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.3354/aei00107 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00201/31193/
Gueguen Yannick, Mazouni Nabila (2014). A pearl of a partnership . International innovation : disseminating science, research and technology , (125), 21-23 . Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00188/29925/


Lo Cédrik, Penilla Y Perella Tiare (2013). Actes du « Séminaire recherche en perliculture ». Synthèse des résultats du GDR ADEQUA, présentation des programmes en cours et perspectives en matière de recherche pour la filière perlicole de Polynésie française . Actes du "Séminaire recherche en perliculture", 5-6 novembre 2013, Tahiti .
Belliard Corinne, Bernardino Rene, Buchet Vincent, Cardona Emilie, Coves Denis, Cuzon Gerard, Dufour Robert, Fievet Julie, Gasset Eric, Goguenheim Jean, Gueguen Yannick, Levy Peva, Lorgeoux Benedicte, Saulnier Denis, Terorotua Vaiarii (2013). Convention de collaboration n° 6957 MRM/DRM du 27 décembre 2012 entre la Direction des Ressources Marines et l’Ifremer relative aux «opérations de consolidation et de développement des filières aquacoles de crevettes et de poissons lagonaires en Polynésie française». Rapport final .
Belliard Corinne, Bernardino Rene, Buchet Vincent, Cardona Emilie, Coves Denis, Cuzon Gerard, Dufour Robert, Fievet Julie, Gasset Eric, Goguenheim Jean, Gueguen Yannick, Levy Peva, Lorgeoux Benedicte, Saulnier Denis, Terorotua Vaiarii (2013). Convention de collaboration n° 6957 MRM/DRM du 27 décembre 2012 entre la Direction des Ressources Marines et l’Ifremer relative aux «opérations de consolidation et de développement des filières aquacoles de crevettes et de poissons lagonaires en Polynésie française» .
Saulnier Denis, Santini Adrien, Magre Kevin, Levy Peva, Belliard Corinne, Fievet Julie, Simon-Colin Christelle, Bachere Evelyne, Gueguen Yannick (2013). Influence de l’utilisation d’exopolysaccharides (EPS) et de peptide anti-microbien (PAM) en tant qu’enrobage de nucleus sur la qualité des perles produites par l’huitre perlière Pinctada margaritifera .
Rosa Rafael Diego, Vergnes Agnes, de Lorgeril Julien, Goncalves Priscila, Perazzolo Luciane Maria, Saune Laure, Romestand Bernard, Fievet Julie, Gueguen Yannick, Bachere Evelyne, Destoumieux-Garzon Delphine (2013). Functional Divergence in Shrimp Anti-Lipopolysaccharide Factors (ALFs): From Recognition of Cell Wall Components to Antimicrobial Activity . Plos One , 8(7), - . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0067937 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00160/27077/
Saulnier Denis, Tayale Alexandre, Gueguen Yannick, Santini Adrien, Levy Peva, Belliard Corinne, Magre Kevin, Montagnani Caroline, Joubert Caroline, Fievet Julie (2013). Influence de la Hauteur de Découpe des Greffons (HDG) sur la qualité des perles produites par l'huître perlière Pinctada margaritifera .
Gueguen Yannick, Montagnani Caroline, Joubert Caroline, Marie Benjamin, Belliard Corinne, Tayale Alexandre, Fievet Julie, Levy Peva, Piquemal David, Marin Frederic, Le Moullac Gilles, Ky Chin-Long, Garen Pierre, Lo Cedrick, Saulnier Denis (2013). Characterization of molecular processes involved in the pearl formation in Pinctada margaritifera for a sustainable development of pearl farming industry in French Polynesia . In Recent Advances in Pearl Research—Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pearl Research 2011.Edited by Shugo Watabe, Kaoru Maeyama and Hiromichi Nagasawa. 2013. ISBN : 978-4-88704-158-5. pp.184-194 (Terrapub) . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00167/27840/


Marie Benjamin, Joubert Caroline, Tayale Alexandre, Zanella-Cleon Isabelle, Belliard Corinne, Piquemal David, Cochennec-Laureau Nathalie, Marin Frederic, Gueguen Yannick, Montagnani Caroline (2012). Different secretory repertoires control the biomineralization processes of prism and nacre deposition of the pearl oyster shell . Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America , 109(51), 20986-20991 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1210552109 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00118/22959/
Gueguen Yannick, Lo Cédric (2012). Amélioration de la qualité des perles de Pinctada margaritifera de Polynésie française. Rapport Final du GDR ADEQUA (2008-2012) .
Tayale Alexandre, Gueguen Yannick, Treguier Cathy, Le Grand Jacqueline, Cochennec-Laureau Nathalie, Montagnani Caroline, Ky Chin-Long (2012). Evidence of donor effect on cultured pearl quality from a duplicated grafting experiment on Pinctada margaritifera using wild donors . Aquatic Living Resources , 25(3), 269-280 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1051/alr/2012034 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00116/22757/
Schmitt Paulina, de Lorgeril Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Destoumieux-Garzon Delphine, Bachere Evelyne (2012). Expression, tissue localization and synergy of antimicrobial peptides and proteins in the immune response of the oyster Crassostrea gigas . Developmental And Comparative Immunology , 37(3-4), 363-370 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dci.2012.01.004 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00093/20382/
Gueguen Yannick, Demoy-Schneider Marina, Garen Pierre, Herbinger Christophe, Le Moullac Gilles, Lemer S., Lo-Yat Alain, Planes Serge (2012). Projet : REGENPERL "Ressources génétiques de la Perliculture polynésienne". Rapport final.
Marie Benjamin, Joubert Caroline, Belliard Corinne, Tayale Alexandre, Zanella-Cleon Isabelle, Marin Frederic, Gueguen Yannick, Montagnani Caroline (2012). Characterization of MRNP34, a novel methionine-rich nacre protein from the pearl oysters . Amino Acids , 42(5), 2009-2017 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00726-011-0932-0 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00077/18870/


Montagnani Caroline, Marie B., Marin Frederic, Belliard Corinne, Riquet Florentine, Tayale Alexandre, Zanella-Cleon I., Fleury Elodie, Gueguen Yannick, Piquemal D., Cochennec-Laureau Nathalie (2011). Pmarg-Pearlin is a Matrix Protein Involved in Nacre Framework Formation in the Pearl Oyster Pinctada margaritifera . Chembiochem , 12(13), 2033-2043 . https://doi.org/10.1002/cbic.201100216
Gueguen Yannick, Bachere Evelyne, Cuif Jean Pierre, Guezennec Jean, Gutierrez G., Ky Chin-Long, Lebel Jean-Marc, Lecellier G., Lemer S., Le Moullac Gilles, Marie Benjamin, Marin Frederic, Montagnani Caroline, Pavat C., Piquemal D., Planes Serge, Saulnier Denis, Serrar M., Simon-Colin Christelle (2011). GDR ADEQUA "Amélioration de la qualité des perles de Pinctada margaritifera de Polynésie française". Compte-rendu du Conseil de Groupement, 20 et 21 Septembre 2011, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France .
Chavez-Villalba Jorge, Soyez Claude, Huvet Arnaud, Gueguen Yannick, Lo Cedrik, Le Moullac Gilles (2011). Determination of gender in the pearl oyster pinctada margaritifera . Journal Of Shellfish Research , 30(2), 231-240 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.2983/035.030.0206 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00040/15100/
Linard Clementine, Gueguen Yannick, Moriceau Jacques, Soyez Claude, Hui Belinda, Raoux Aurore, Cuif Jean Pierre, Cochard Jean-Claude, Le Pennec Marcel, Le Moullac Gilles (2011). Calcein staining of calcified structures in pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera and the effect of food resource level on shell growth . Aquaculture , 313(1-4), 149-155 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2011.01.008 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00028/13907/
Thomas Yoann, Belliard Corinne, Garen Pierre, Gueguen Yannick, Montagnani Caroline (2011). Development of in situ hybridisation using 16S rRNA gene to monitor black-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera, larvae in plankton samples . Aquatic Living Resources , 24(1), 27-34 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1051/alr/2011108 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00035/14603/


Joubert Caroline, Piquemal David, Marie Benjamin, Manchon Laurent, Pierrat Fabien, Zanella-Cleon Isabelle, Cochennec-Laureau Nathalie, Gueguen Yannick, Montagnani Caroline (2010). Transcriptome and proteome analysis of Pinctada margaritifera calcifying mantle and shell: focus on biomineralization . Bmc Genomics , 11, 1-13 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2164-11-613 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00020/13154/
Bodoy Alain, Goguenheim Jean, Gueguen Yannick, Le Moullac Gilles, Gasset Eric, Lehartel Mathilde (2010). Département Lagons, Ecosystèmes et Aquaculture Durable en Polynésie française. Rapport d'activités 2009 .
David R., Treguier Cathy, Montagnani Caroline, Belliard Corinne, Levy Peva, Nedelec Georges, Joufoques Vaiana, Remoissenet G., Gueguen Yannick, Cochennec-Laureau Nathalie (2010). Molecular detection of betanodavirus from the farmed fish, Platax orbicularis (Forsskal) (Ephippidae), in French Polynesia . Journal Of Fish Diseases , 33(5), 451-454 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2761.2009.01136.x , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00003/11380/
Gueguen Yannick (2010). GDR ADEQUA "Amélioration de la qualité des perles de Pinctada margaritifera de Polynésie française". Compte-rendu du Conseil de Groupement, 17,18 et 19 mars 2010, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France .
Schmitt Paulina, Gueguen Yannick, Desmarais Erick, Bachere Evelyne, de Lorgeril Julien (2010). Molecular diversity of antimicrobial effectors in the oyster Crassostrea gigas . Bmc Evolutionary Biology , 10, 23 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2148-10-23 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00001/11182/


Gueguen Yannick, Montagnani Caroline, Le Grand Jacqueline, Belliard Corinne, Levy Peva, Soupe Marie-Estelle, Cochennec-Laureau Nathalie (2009). Etude des propriétés de nuclei commercialisés en Polynésie française (Phase II). Rapport final de la convention n°7.0030-MP/PRL du 2/05/2007 entre le Service de la Perliculture et l'Ifremer Tahiti.
Fleury Elodie, Huvet Arnaud, Lelong Christophe, de Lorgeril Julien, Boulo Viviane, Gueguen Yannick, Bachere Evelyne, Tanguy Arnaud, Moraga Dario, Fabioux Caroline, Lindeque Penelope, Shaw Jenny, Reinhardt Richard, Prunet Patrick, Davey Grace, Lapegue Sylvie, Sauvage Christopher, Corporeau Charlotte, Moal Jeanne, Gavory Frederick, Wincker Patrick, Moreews Francois, Klopp Christophe, Mathieu Michel, Boudry Pierre, Favrel Pascal (2009). Generation and analysis of a 29,745 unique Expressed Sequence Tags from the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) assembled into a publicly accessible database: the GigasDatabase . BMC Genomics , 10(341), 1-15 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2164-10-341 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/6770/
Gueguen Yannick, Montagnani Caroline, Treguier Cathy, Soupe Marie-Estelle, Belliard Corinne, Le Grand Jacqueline, Riquet Florentine, Levy Peva, Cochard Jean-Claude, Cochennec-Laureau Nathalie (2009). Optimisation de la greffe - Phase II - Complément du Rapport final de la convention relative à l’optimisation de la greffe – Phase II fourni en Novembre 2008 .
Yang Yinshan, Boze Helene, Chemardin Patrick, Padilla Andre, Moulin Guy, Tassanakajon Anchalee, Pugniere Martine, Roquet Francoise, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine, Gueguen Yannick, Bachere Evelyne, Aumelas Andre (2009). NMR Structure of rALF-Pm3, an Anti-Lipopolysaccharide Factor from Shrimp: Model of the Possible Lipid A-Binding Site . Biopolymers , 91(3), 207-220 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1002/bip.21119 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/6320/
Gueguen Yannick, Romestand Bernard, Fievet Julie, Schmitt Paulina, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine, Franck Vandenbulcke, Philippe Bulet, Bachere Evelyne (2009). Oyster hemocytes express a proline-rich peptide displaying synergistic antimicrobial activity with a defensin . Molecular Immunology , 46(4), 516-522 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molimm.2008.07.021 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/6232/
Gueguen Yannick, Montagnani Caroline, Treguier Cathy, Soupe Marie-Estelle, Belliard Corinne, Le Grand Jacqueline, Riquet Florentine, Levy Peva, Cochard Jean-Claude, Cochennec-Laureau Nathalie (2009). Optimisation de la greffe – Phase II . Convention N° 7.0007- MP/PRL .


de Lorgeril Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Goarant Cyrille, Goyard Emmanuel, Mugnier Chantal, Fievet Julie, Piquemal D, Bachere Evelyne (2008). A relationship between antimicrobial peptide gene expression and capacity of a selected shrimp line to survive a Vibrio infection . Molecular Immunology , 45(12), 3438-3445 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molimm.2008.04.002 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/4524/
Roberts S, Gueguen Yannick, de Lorgeril Julien, Goetz F (2008). Rapid accumulation of an interleukin 17 homolog transcript in Crassostrea gigas hemocytes following bacterial exposure . Developmental & Comparative Immunology , 32(9), 1099-1104 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dci.2008.02.006 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/4151/
Maamaatuaiahutapu Moana, Joufoques Vaiana, Tamata Thiery, Dupieux Sylvain, Teissier Alexandre, Rarahu David, Remoissenet Georges, Gasset Eric, Knockaert Camille, Gueguen Yannick, Coves Denis (2008). Maîtrise technique de la production de poissons lagonaires Rapport 2008 et annexes . https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00128/23887/


Gonzalez Marcelo, Gueguen Yannick, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine, Romestand Bernard, Fievet Julie, Pugniere M, Roquet F, Escoubas Jean-Michel, Vandenbulcke F, Levy O, Saune Laure, Bulet P, Bachere Evelyne (2007). Evidence of a bactericidal permeability increasing protein in an invertebrate, the Crassostrea gigas Cg-BPI . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 104(45), 17759-17764 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0702281104 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/3564/
Nicolas Jean-Louis, Gatesoupe Joel, Frouel Stephane, Bachere Evelyne, Gueguen Yannick (2007). Quelles stratégies alternatives aux antibiotiques en aquaculture ? INRA Productions animales , 20(3), 253-258 . Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00066/17704/
Gonzalez Marcelo, Gueguen Yannick, Desserre Geraldine, de Lorgeril Julien, Romestand Bernard, Bachere Evelyne (2007). Molecular characterization of two isoforms of defensin from hemocytes of the oyster Crassostrea gigas . Developmental & Comparative Immunology , 31(4), 332-339 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dci.2006.07.006 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/2331/


Gueguen Yannick, Garnier Julien, Robert Lorenne, Lefranc Marie-Paule, Mougenot Isabelle, de Lorgeril Julien, Janech Michael, Gross Paul S., Warr Gregory W., Cuthbertson Brandon, Barracco Margherita A., Bulet Philippe, Aumelas André, Yang Yinshan, Bo Dong, Xiang Jianhai, Tassanakajon Anchalee, Piquemal Piquemal, Bachere Evelyne (2006). PenBase, the shrimp antimicrobial peptide penaeidin database: Sequence-based classification and recommended nomenclature . Developmental & Comparative Immunology , 30(3), 283-288 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dci.2005.04.003 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/2332/
Gueguen Yannick, Herpin Amaury, Aumelas André, Garnier Julien, Fievet Julie, Escoubas Jean-Michel, Bulet Philippe, Gonzalez Marcelo, Lelong Christophe, Favrel Pascal, Bachere Evelyne (2006). Characterization of a defensin from the oyster Crassostrea gigas - Recombinant production, folding, solution structure, antimicrobial activities, and gene expression . Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry , 281(1), 313-323 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M510850200 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/2127/


Gonzalez Marcelo, Romestand Bernard, Fievet Julie, Huvet Arnaud, Lebart M, Gueguen Yannick, Bachere Evelyne (2005). Evidence in oyster of a plasma extracellular superoxide dismutase which binds LPS . Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications , 338(2), 1089-1097 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2005.10.075 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/3583/
Barracco Margherita, de Lorgeril Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Bachere Evelyne (2005). Molecular characterization of penaeidins from two Atlantic Brazilian shrimp species, Farfantepenaeus paulensis and Litopenaeus schmitti . FEMS Microbiology Letters , 250(1), 117-120 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.femsle.2005.06.055 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/3582/
de Lorgeril Julien, Saulnier Denis, Janech Michael, Gueguen Yannick, Bachere Evelyne (2005). Identification of genes that are differentially expressed in hemocytes of the Pacific blue shrimp (Litopenaeus stylirostris) surviving an infection with Vibrio penaeicida . Physiological Genomics , 21(2), 174-183 . https://doi.org/10.1152/physiolgenomics.00281.2004
Somboonwiwat Kunlaya, Marcos Mickael, Tassanakajon A, Klinbunga S, Aumelas A, Romestand Bernard, Gueguen Yannick, Boze H, Moulin G, Bachere Evelyne (2005). Recombinant expression and anti-microbial activity of anti-lipopolysaccharide factor (ALF) from the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon . Developmental & Comparative Immunology , 29(10), 841-851 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dci.2005.02.004


Rolland Jean-Luc, Gueguen Yannick, Persillon C, Masson Jean-Michel, Dietrich Jacques (2004). Characterization of a thermophilic DNA ligase from the archaeon Thermococcus fumicolans . Fems Microbiology Letters , 236(2), 267-273 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.femsle.2004.05.045
Munoz Marcello, Vandenbulcke F., Garnier Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Bulet P., Saulnier Denis, Bachere Evelyne (2004). Involvement of penaeidins in defense reactions of the shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris to a pathogenic vibrio . Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (CMLS) , 61(7-8), 961-972 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s00018-003-3441-9
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Munoz Marcello, Vandenbulcke F, Gueguen Yannick, Bachere Evelyne (2003). Expression of penaeidin antimicrobial peptides in early larval stages of the shrimp Penaeus vannamei . Developmental And Comparative Immunology , 27(4), 283-289 . https://doi.org/10.1016/S0145-305X(02)00102-7
Gueguen Yannick, Cadoret Jean-Paul, Flament Didier, Barreau-Roumiguiere C, Girardot Anne-Laure, Garnier Julien, Hoareau A, Bachere Evelyne, Escoubas Jean-Michel (2003). Immune gene discovery by expressed sequence tags generated from hemocytes of the bacteria-challenged oyster, Crassostrea gigas . Gene , 303, 139-145 . https://doi.org/10.1016/S0378-1119(02)01149-6


Henneke Ghislaine, Gueguen Yannick, Flament Didier, Azam Philippe, Querellou Joel, Dietrich Jacques, Hubscher Ulrich, Raffin Jean-Paul (2002). Replication factor C from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus abyssi does not need ATP hydrolysis for clamp-loading and contains a functionally conserved RFC PCNA-binding domain . Journal of Molecular Biology , 323(5), 795-810 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1016/S0022-2836(02)01028-8 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/675/
Dietrich Jacques, Schmitt P, Zieger M, Preve B, Rolland Jean-Luc, Chaabihi H, Gueguen Yannick (2002). PCR performance of the highly thermostable proof-reading B-type DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus abyssi . Fems Microbiology Letters , 217(1), 89-94 . https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1574-6968.2002.tb11460.x
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Gueguen Yannick, Rolland Jean-Luc, Lecompte O, Azam Philippe, Le Romancer Gisele, Flament Didier, Raffin Jean-Paul, Dietrich Jacques (2001). Characterization of two DNA polymerases from the hyperthermophilic euryarchaeon Pyrococcus abyssi . European Journal Of Biochemistry , 268(22), 5961-5969 . https://doi.org/10.1046/j.0014-2956.2001.02550.x
Zappa Sebastien, Rolland Jean-Luc, Flament Didier, Gueguen Yannick, Boudrant Joseph, Dietrich Jacques (2001). Characterization of a highly thermostable alkaline phosphatase from the euryarchaeon Pyrococcus abyssi . Applied and environmental microbiology , 67(10), 4504-4511 . Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1128/AEM.67.10.4504-4511.2001 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00000/1268/
Gueguen Yannick, Chemardin P, Arnaud A (2001). Purification and characterization of an intracellular beta-glucosidase from a Candida sake strain isolated from fruit juices . Applied Biochemistry And Biotechnology , 95(3), 151-162 . https://doi.org/10.1385/ABAB:95:3:151
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Querellou Joel, Gueguen Yannick, Barbier Georges, Dietrich Jacques (1999). Des enzymes pour l'industrie . Recherche , (317), 87-88 . Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00092/20334/


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