Toffin Laurent (2022). CHUBACARC. IFREMER.
Toffin Laurent (2022). GEOFLAMME. IFREMER.
Cornet Cas, Toffin Laurent, L'Haridon Stéphane, Corazzini Enola (2022). 16S rRNA metabarcoding characterization of microbial communities in sediments of the Black Sea for ABERS project, 2022. IFREMER.
Toffin Laurent, Bessette Sandrine (2018). CONGOLOBE_NGS. IFREMER.
Wagner Tristan, Toffin Laurent, Borrel Guillaume (2025). Methanogenic Archaea . In Biology of Archaea, Volume 1: Discovery, Evolution and Diversity of Archaea. 2025. Béatrice Clouet-d'Orval, Bruno Franzetti, Philippe Oger (Coords). ISBN: 978-1-789-45168-9. chap.5, pp.205-246 (Wiley ISTE) .
Aiello Ivano W., Höfig Tobias W., Riboulleau Armelle, Teske Andreas P., Lizarralde Daniel, Ash Jeanine L., Bojanova Diana P., Buatier Martine D., Edgcomb Virginia P., Galerne Christophe Y., Gontharet Swanne, Heuer Verena B., Jiang Shijun, Kars Myriam A.C., Kim Ji-Hoon, Koornneef Louise M.T., Marsaglia Kathleen M., Meyer Nicolette R., Morono Yuki, Negrete-Aranda Raquel, Neumann Florian, Pastor Lucie, Peña-Salinas Manet E., Pérez-Cruz Ligia L., Ran Lihua, Sarao John A., Schubert Florian, Khogenkumar Singh S., Stock Joann M., Toffin Laurent, Xie Wei, Yamanaka Toshiro, Zhuang Guangchao (2024). Mineralization kinetics of biosiliceous sediments in hot subseafloors . Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta , 380, 71-82 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ruffine Livio, Tang Anh Minh, O'Neill Nick, Toffin Laurent, Paris Jean-Daniel, Yang Jinhai, Georgiev Valentin, Fietzek Peer, Giustiniani Michela, Tinivella Umberta (2023). Environmental challenges related to methane hydrate decomposition from climate change scenario and anthropic activities: State of the art, potential consequences and monitoring solutions . Earth-science Reviews , 246, 104578 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fauvarque Olivier, Toffin Laurent, Henry Etienne, Rouxel Justin, Tardivel Morgan (2022). Expérimentation d'un fluorimètre dédié à l'observation des organismes méthanogènes dans les grands fonds océaniques . OPTIQUE Nice 2022 - Congrès de la Société Française d'Optique. 04-08 juillet 2022, Nice .
Fauvarque Olivier, Toffin Laurent, Henry Etienne, Tardivel Morgan, Rouxel Justin (2022). Expérimentation d'un fluorimètre dédié à l'observation des organismes méthanogènes dans les grands fonds océaniques . RBPGO9 - les 9èmes Rencontres Biologie-Physique du Grand Ouest 2022. 22-24 juin 2022, Brest .
Cozannet Marc, Borrel Guillaume, Roussel Erwan, Moalic Yann, Allioux Maxime, Sanvoisin Amandine, Toffin Laurent, Alain Karine (2021). New Insights into the Ecology and Physiology of Methanomassiliicoccales from Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments . Microorganisms , 9(1), 30 (31p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
L'Haridon Stephane, Haroun Hani, Corre Erwan, Roussel Erwan, Chalopin Morgane, Pignet Patricia, Balière Charlotte, La Cono Violetta, Jebbar Mohamed, Yakimov Michail, Toffin Laurent (2020). Methanohalophilus profundi sp. nov., a methylotrophic halophilic piezophilic methanogen isolated from a deep hypersaline anoxic basin . Systematic And Applied Microbiology , 43(5), 126107 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lelchat F., Dussauze M., Lemaire P, Theron M., Toffin Laurent, Le Floch Stephane (2020). Measuring the biological impact of drilling waste on the deep seafloor: an experimental challenge . Journal Of Hazardous Materials , 389, 122132 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Teske A., Lizarralde D., Höfig T.W., And The Expedition 385 Scientists (2020). Expedition 385 Preliminary Report: Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere . International Ocean Discovery Program.
L'Haridon Stephane, Toffin Laurent, Roussel Erwan (2020). Methanococcoides . In Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria (BMSAB). William B. Whitman (Superv.Ed.) Online ISBN: 9781118960608| DOI: 10.1002/9781118960608. 9p. (Wiley) .
Wang Xudong, Bayon Germain, Kim Jung-Hyun, Lee Dong-Hun, Kim Dahae, Guéguen Bleuenn, Rouget Marie-Laure, Barrat Jean-Alix, Toffin Laurent, Feng Dong (2019). Trace element systematics in cold seep carbonates and associated lipid compounds . Chemical Geology , 528, 119277 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
L'Haridon Stephane, Corre Erwan, Guan Yue, Vinu Manikandan, La Cono Violetta, Yakimov Michail, Stingl Ulrich, Toffin Laurent, Jebbar Mohamed (2018). Complete Genome Sequence of the Halophilic Methylotrophic Methanogen Archaeon Methanohalophilus portucalensis Strain FDF-1 T . Microbiology Resource Announcements , 6(3), e01482-17 (2p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Toffin Laurent (2017). Microbiologie du cycle du méthane dans les sédiments marins profonds soumis à des migrations de fluides froids . HDR.
Rabouille C., Olu Karine, Baudin F., Khripounoff Alexis, Dennielou Bernard, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, Babonneau Nathalie, Bayle Christophe, Beckler J., Bessette Sandrine, Bombled B., Bourgeois S., Brandily Christophe, Caprais Jean-Claude, Cathalot Cecile, Charlier K., Corvaisier R., Croguennec Chantal, Cruaud Perrine, Decker Carole, Droz L., Gayet Nicolas, Godfroy Anne, Hourdez S., Le Bruchec J., Saout Johan, Le Saout Marie-Helene, Lesongeur Francoise, Martinez P., Mejanelle L., Michalopoulos P., Mouchel Olivier, Noel Philippe, Pastor Lucie, Picot M., Pignet Patricia, Pozzato L., Pruski A. M., Rabiller Manuella, Raimonet M., Ragueneau O., Reyss J. L., Rodier Philippe, Ruesch Blandine, Ruffine Livio, Savignac F., Senyarich C., Schnyder J., Sen Arunima, Stetten E., Sun Ming Yi, Taillefert M., Teixeira S., Tisnerat-Laborde N., Toffin Laurent, Tourolle Julie, Toussaint F., Vetion G., Jouanneau J. M., Bez M. (2017). The Congolobe project, a multidisciplinary study of Congo deep-sea fan lobe complex: Overview of methods, strategies, observations and sampling . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 142, 7-24 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pastor Lucie, Toffin Laurent, Decker Carole, Olu Karine, Cathalot Cecile, Lesongeur Francoise, Caprais Jean-Claude, Bessette Sandrine, Brandily Christophe, Taillefert M., Rabouille C. (2017). Early diagenesis in the sediments of the Congo deep-sea fan dominated by massive terrigenous deposits: Part III – Sulfate- and methane- based microbial processes . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 142, 139-150 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bessette Sandrine, Moalic Yann, Gautey Sebastien, Lesongeur Francoise, Godfroy Anne, Toffin Laurent (2017). Relative abundance and diversity of bacterial methanotrophs at the oxic-anoxic interface of the Congo deep-sea fan . Frontiers In Microbiology , 8(715), 1-16 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
L’haridon Stéphane, Corre Erwan, Guan Yue, Vinu Manikandan, La Cono Violetta, Yakimov Mickail, Stingl Ulrich, Toffin Laurent, Jebbar Mohamed (2017). Complete Genome Sequence of Methanohalophilus halophilus DSM 3094 T , Isolated from a Cyanobacterial Mat and Bottom Deposits at Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay, Northwestern Australia . Microbiology Resource Announcements , 5(7), e01604-16 (1-2) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pastor Lucie, Toffin Laurent, Cathalot Cecile, Brandily Christophe, Olu Karine, Lesongeur Francoise, Decker Carole, Taillefert Martial, Rabouille Christophe (2017). When Organic-Rich Turbidites Reach 5000 m: “Cold-Seep Like” Life in the Congo Deep- Sea Fan . CBE6 - 6th International Symposium on Chemosynthesis-Based Ecosystems. August 27 - September 1, 2017, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA.
Cruaud Perrine, Vigneron Adrien, Pignet Patricia, Caprais Jean-Claude, Lesongeur Francoise, Toffin Laurent, Godfroy Anne, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-Anne (2017). Comparative Study of Guaymas Basin Microbiomes: Cold Seeps vs. Hydrothermal Vents Sediments . Frontiers In Marine Science , 4(417), 1-15 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vigneron Adrien, L Haridon Stephane, Godfroy Anne, Roussel Erwan, Cragg Barry A., Parkes R. John, Toffin Laurent (2015). Evidence of active methanogen communities in shallow sediments of the Sonora Margin cold seeps . Applied And Environmental Microbiology , 81(10), 3451-3459 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
D'Hondt Steven, Inagaki Fumio, Zarikian Carlos Alvarez, Abrams Lewis J., Dubois Nathalie, Engelhardt Tim, Evans Helen, Ferdelman Timothy, Gribsholt Britta, Harris Robert N., Hoppie Bryce W., Hyun Jung-Ho, Kallmeyer Jens, Kim Jinwook, Lynch Jill E., McKinley Claire C., Mitsunobu Satoshi, Morono Yuki, Murray Richard W., Pockalny Robert, Sauvage Justine, Shimono Takaya, Shiraishi Fumito, Smith David C., Smith-Duque Christopher E., Spivack Arthur J., Steinsbu Bjorn Olav, Suzuki Yohey, Szpak Michal, Toffin Laurent, Uramoto Goichiro, Yamaguchi Yasuhiko T., Zhang Guo-Liang, Zhang Xiao-Hua, Ziebis Wiebke (2015). Presence of oxygen and aerobic communities from sea floor to basement in deep-sea sediments . Nature Geoscience , 8(4), 299-304 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cruaud Perrine, Vigneron Adrien, Pignet Patricia, Caprais Jean-Claude, Lesongeur Francoise, Toffin Laurent, Godfroy Anne, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-Anne (2015). Microbial communities associated with benthic faunal assemblages at cold seep sediments of the Sonora Margin, Guaymas Basin . Frontiers In Marine Science , 2(53), 1-16 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vigneron Adrien, Cruaud Perrine, Pignet Patricia, Caprais Jean-Claude, Gayet Nicolas, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-Anne, Godfroy Anne, Toffin Laurent (2014). Bacterial communities and syntrophic associations involved in anaerobic oxidation of methane process of the Sonora Margin cold seeps, Guaymas Basin . Environmental Microbiology , 16(9), 2777-2790 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vigneron Adrien, Cruaud Perrine, Roussel Erwan, Pignet Patricia, Caprais Jean-Claude, Callac Nolwenn, Ciobanu Maria Cristina, Godfroy Anne, Cragg Barry A., Parkes John R., Van Nostrand Joy D., He Zhili, Zhou Jizhong, Toffin Laurent, Callac Nolwenn (2014). Phylogenetic and Functional Diversity of Microbial Communities Associated with Subsurface Sediments of the Sonora Margin, Guaymas Basin . Plos One , 9(8), e104427 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
L Haridon Stephane, Chalopin Morgane, Colombo Delphine, Toffin Laurent (2014). Methanococcoides vulcani sp nov., a marine methylotrophic methanogen that uses betaine, choline and N,N-dimethylethanolamine for methanogenesis, isolated from a mud volcano, and emended description of the genus Methanococcoides . International Journal Of Systematic And Evolutionary Microbiology , 64(6), 1978-1983 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Toffin Laurent, Alain Karine (2014). 4 Technological state of the art and challenges. Cultivation of marine subseafloor microorganisms: state-of-the-art solutions and major issues . In Microbial Life of the Deep Biosphere. 2014 Ed. by Kallmeyer, Jens / Wagner, Dirk. Series:Life in Extreme Environments. ISBN 978-3-11-030013-0. Chap.4, pp.83-99 .
Vigneron Adrien, Cruaud Perrine, Pignet Patricia, Caprais Jean-Claude, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-Anne, Godfroy Anne, Toffin Laurent (2013). Archaeal and anaerobic methane oxidizer communities in the Sonora Margin cold seeps, Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California) . Isme Journal , 7(8), 1595-1608 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lazar Cassandre, Parkes R. John, Cragg Barry A., L'Haridon Stephane, Toffin Laurent (2012). Methanogenic activity and diversity in the centre of the Amsterdam Mud Volcano, Eastern Mediterranean Sea . Fems Microbiology Ecology , 81(1), 243-254 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lazar Cassandre Sara, Dinasquet Julie, L'Haridon Stephane, Pignet Patricia, Toffin Laurent (2011). Distribution of anaerobic methane-oxidizing and sulfate-reducing communities in the G11 Nyegga pockmark, Norwegian Sea . Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal Of General And Molecular Microbiology , 100(4), 639-653 .
Lazar Cassandre Sara, Parkes R. John, Cragg Barry A., L Haridon Stephane, Toffin Laurent (2011). Methanogenic diversity and activity in hypersaline sediments of the centre of the Napoli mud volcano, Eastern Mediterranean Sea . Environmental Microbiology , 13(8), 2078-2091 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
La Cono Violetta, Smedile Francesco, Bortoluzzi Giovanni, Arcadi Erika, Maimone Giovanna, Messina Enzo, Borghini Mireno, Oliveri Elvira, Mazzola Salvatore, L Haridon Stephan, Toffin Laurent, Genovese Lucrezia, Ferrer Manuel, Giuliano Laura, Golyshin Peter N., Yakimov Michail M. (2011). Unveiling microbial life in new deep-sea hypersaline Lake Thetis. Part I: Prokaryotes and environmental settings . Environmental Microbiology , 13(8), 2250-2268 .
Lazar Cassandre Sara, L'Haridon Stephane, Pignet Patricia, Toffin Laurent (2011). Archaeal Populations in Hypersaline Sediments Underlying Orange Microbial Mats in the Napoli Mud Volcano . Applied And Environmental Microbiology , 77(9), 3120-3131 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lazar Cassandre Sara, Dinasquet Julie, Pignet Patricia, Prieur Daniel, Toffin Laurent (2010). Active Archaeal Communities at Cold Seep Sediments Populated by Siboglinidae Tubeworms from the Storegga Slide . Microbial Ecology , 60(3), 516-527 .
Li T, Wu T, Mazeas L, Toffin Laurent, Guerquin Kern J, Leblon G, Bouchez T (2008). Simultaneous analysis of microbial identity and function using NanoSIMS . Environmental Microbiology , 10(3), 580-588 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mangelsdorf K, Zink Kg, Birrien Jl, Toffin Laurent (2005). A quantitative assessment of pressure dependent adaptive changes in the membrane lipids of piezosensitive deep sub-seafloor bacterium . Organic Geochemistry , 36(11), 1459-1479 .
Toffin Laurent, Zink Klaus, Kato Chiaki, Pignet Patricia, Bidault Adeline, Bienvenu Nadège, Birrien Jean-Louis, Prieur Daniel (2005). Marinilactibacillus piezotolerans sp nov., a novel marine lactic acid bacterium isolated from deep sub-seafloor sediment of the Nankai Trough . International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology , 55(1), 345-351 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Toffin Laurent, Bidault Adeline, Pignet Patricia, Tindall Brian, Slobodkin Alexander, Kato Chiaki, Prieur Daniel (2004). Shewanella profunda sp nov., isolated from deep marine sediment of the Nankai Trough . International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology , 54(6), 1943-1949 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Toffin Laurent, Webster G, Weightman Aj, Fry Jc, Prieur D (2004). Molecular monitoring of culturable bacteria from deep-sea sediment of the Nankai Trough, Leg 190 Ocean Drilling Program . Fems Microbiology Ecology , 48(3), 357-367 .
Lucas S, Toffin Laurent, Zivanovic Y, Charlier D, Moussard H, Forterre P, Prieur D, Erauso G (2002). Construction of a shuttle vector for, and spheroplast transformation of, the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus abyssi . Applied And Environmental Microbiology , 68(11), 5528-5536 .