National and international programs
EU projects
National projects
Coordination of the Ifremer / Ecole des Mines de Nantes Tomofish project
Projects in progress
Coordinateur projet Ifremer FORESEA. Scénarios pour une pêche durable en France en 2050.
Coordination of the WeAMEC / région Pays de la Loire / Ifremer Ec(h)oSonde project
WP2 coordination, FFP DEFIPEL project
Research cruises
In charge of the PELGAS integrated survey
Direction of oceanographic cruises
Cruise | Boat | Date | Geographic coverage |
ECHOSONDE 2024-2 | Cotes De L | 2024 | Bay of Biscay |
PELGAS2024 | Thalassa | 2024 | Bay of Biscay |
ECHOSONDE 2024-1 | Cotes De L | 2024 | Bay of Biscay |
PELGAS 2023 | Thalassa | 2023 | Bay of Biscay |
PELGAS 2022 | Thalassa | 2022 | Bay of Biscay |
ECHOSONDE 2021-2 | Thalia | 2021 | Bay of Biscay |
ECHOSONDE 2021-1 | Thalia | 2021 | Banc de Guérande et ses environs |
PELGAS 2021 | Thalassa | 2021 | Bay of Biscay |
ECHOSONDE 2019-2 | Thalia | 2019 | Banc de Guérande et ses environs |
PELGAS 2019 | Thalassa | 2019 | Bay of Biscay |
ECHOSONDE 2019-1 | Thalia | 2019 | Banc de Guérande et ses environs |
ECHOSONDE 2018 | Thalia | 2018 | Banc de Guérande et ses environs |
PHOENIX 2018 | Thalassa | 2018 | Banc de Guérande et ses environs |
PELGAS 2018 | Thalassa | 2018 | Bay of Biscay |
ECHOSONDE 2017-2 | Thalia | 2017 | Banc de Guérande et ses environs |
ECHOSONDE 2017-1 | Thalia | 2017 | Banc de Guérande et ses environs |
PHOENIX 2017 | Thalassa | 2017 | Bay of Biscay |
PELGAS 2017 | Thalassa | 2017 | Bay of Biscay |
PELGAS 2016 | Thalassa | 2016 | Bay of Biscay |
PELGAS 2015 | Thalassa | 2015 | Bay of Biscay |
PELGAS 2014 | Thalassa | 2014 | Bay of Biscay |
PELGAS 2013 | Thalassa | 2013 | Bay of Biscay |
PELGAS 2012 | Thalassa | 2012 | Bay of Biscay |
PELGAS 2011 | Thalassa | 2011 | Bay of Biscay |
Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Panaïotis Thelma, Bourriau Paul, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Doray Mathieu, Dupuy Christine, Forest Bertrand, Grandremy Nina, Huret Martin, Le Mestre Sophie, Nowaczyk Antoine, Petitgas Pierre, Pineau Philippe, Rouxel Justin, Tardivel Morgan, Irisson Jean-Olivier (2024). ZooCAMNet : plankton images captured with the ZooCAM . SEANOE .
Hebert-Burggraeve Aurel, Doray Mathieu, Olmos Maxime, Authier Matthieu (2023). Modelled distribution of sardine in the Bay of Biscay at seasonal and annual scales . SEANOE .
Petitgas Pierre, Doray Mathieu, Boyra Guillermo, Duhamel Erwan, Sobradillo Bea, Martinez Urdane (2023). Maps of sardine and anchovy length distributions in the Bay of Biscay in spring and autumn . SEANOE .
Grandrémy Nina, Bourriau Paul, Daché Edwin, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Doray Mathieu, Dupuy Christine, Huret Martin, Jalabert Laetitia, Le Mestre Sophie, Nowaczyk Antoine, Petitgas Pierre, Pineau Philippe, Raphalen Elio, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2023). PELGAS Bay of Biscay ZooScan zooplankton Dataset (2004-2016) . SEANOE .
Boens Andy, Grellier Patrick, Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Lebigre Christophe, Bled--Defruit Geoffrey, Petitgas Pierre (2023). Otolith growth and individual parameters of anchovy and sardine in the Bay of Biscay . SEANOE .
Grandrémy Nina, Bourriau Paul, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Doray Mathieu, Dupuy Christine, Forest Bertrand, Huret Martin, Le Mestre Sophie, Nowaczyk Antoine, Petitgas Pierre, Pineau Philippe, Rouxel Justin, Tardivel Morgan, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2023). PELGAS Bay of Biscay ZooCAM zooplankton Dataset (2016-2019) . SEANOE .
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Sanchez Florence, Berger Laurent (2022). MOVIES3D example dataset . SEANOE .
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Boiron-Leroy Anne, Marchand Laetitia, Bled--Defruit Geoffrey, Petitgas Pierre (2022). Mean length and weight at-age of anchovy and sardine estimated during the PELGAS survey in the Bay of Biscay in springtime . SEANOE .
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Sanchez Florence, Grellier Patrick, Pennors Laurence, Petitgas Pierre (2021). Biomass and abundance at length of small pelagic fish estimated during the PELGAS survey in the Bay of Biscay in springtime . SEANOE .
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Masse Jacques, Petitgas Pierre (2020). Small pelagic fish biomass and abundance estimates from the PELGAS survey in the Bay of Biscay . SEANOE .
Cresson Pierre, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Bustamante Paco, Bănaru Daniela, Baudrier Jerome, Le Loc'h Le Loc'H, Mauffret Aourell, Mialet Benoit, Spitz Jérome, Wessel Nathalie, Briand Marine, Denamiel Margaux, Doray Mathieu, Guillou Guillou, Jadaud Angelique, Lazard Coline, Prieur Solène, Rouquette Manuel, Saraux Claire, Serre Sandrine, Timmerman Charles-Andre, Verin Yves, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille (2019). Trophic structure of fish assemblages in the Eastern English Channel, the Bay of Biscay and the Gulf of Lions . SEANOE .
Doray Mathieu, Pennors Laurence, Grellier Patrick, Raguenes Pierre, Lespagnol Patrick, Duhamel Erwan (2019). Biotic data collected during identification trawls on the PELGAS integrated survey in the Bay of Biscay . SEANOE .
Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Authier Matthieu, Duhamel Erwan, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jérôme, Sanchez Florence, Berger Laurent, Dorémus Ghislain, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Pennors Laurence, Masse Jacques, Petitgas Pierre (2018). Gridded maps of pelagic ecosystem parameters collected in the Bay of Biscay during the PELGAS integrated survey . SEANOE .
Blanluet Arthur, Doray Mathieu, Berger Laurent, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Le Bouffant Naig, Lehuta Sigrid, Petitgas Pierre (2016). "Characterization of sound scattering layers in the Bay of Biscay using broadband acoustics, nets and video" acoustics and biological Data . SEANOE .
Doray Mathieu, Daures Fabienne, Ernande Bruno, Girardin Raphael, Giraldo Carolina, Halouani Ghassen, Huret Martin, Lacroix Denis, Lapègue Sylvie, Lefebvre Sebastien, Pernet Fabrice, Marchal Paul, Travers-Trolet Morgane (2025). Rapport du projet FORESEA 2050 : scénarios de contribution des produits de la mer à la sécurité alimentaire française en 2050 . RBE/HALGO/EMH 25-03 .
Favreau Aurelien, Doray Mathieu, Spitz Jérôme, Le Mestre Sophie, Huret Martin (2025). Condition states in anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) revealed by energy and proximate composition relationships . Journal Of Fish Biology , 106(2), 465-480 .
Doray Mathieu, Lacroix Denis (2025). Scénarios pour la pêche et l’aquaculture en France en 2050 . Futuribles , (464), 55-75 .
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Huret Martin (2024). 2024 comparison of ICES WGACEGG acoustic and egg-based fish biomass indices . ICES WGACEGG 2024 working document. RBE/HALGO/EMH 24-04 .
Huret Martin, Lehuta Sigrid, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Doray Mathieu, Daures Fabienne, Travers-Trolet Morgane (2024). Rapport DEFIPEL. Développement d’une approche de gestion intégrée de la filière petits pélagiques française. R.RBE/HALGO/LBH-2024-02 .
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan (2024). Estimation of small pelagic fish biomass in the Bay of Biscay based on PELGAS 2024 survey acoustic-trawl data . RBE/HALGO/EMH 24-03 .
Doray Mathieu, Chevallier Adrien, Daures Fabienne, Dewals Jean François, Ernande Bruno, Girardin Raphael, Halouani Ghassen, Lapègue Sylvie, Lehuta Sigrid, Moullec Fabien, Pernet Fabrice, Petitgas Pierre, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Lacroix Denis (2024). Scénarios prospectifs : la pêche et l’aquaculture française en 2050 . RBE/HALGO/EMH 24-02 .
DFO (2024). Protocole visant à éviter les captures accidentelles de cétacés lors des opérations de chalutage par les navires de la Flotte Océanographique Française (FOF) . Note d'information. DFO 2024.37 .
Doray Mathieu, Cambreling Mathis, Ariza Alejandro, Le Bouffant Naig, Poncelet Cyrille, Veit Emeline, Berger Laurent, Ponchart Marie, Ducatel Cecile, Duhamel Erwan, Marchand Laetitia, Petitgas Pierre (2024). DELMOGES. Caractérisation hydroacoustique de la distribution des dauphins communs et des petits poissons pélagiques dans le Golfe de Gascogne en février 2023 et 2024 . WP2. Livrable L.222 .
Van Der Kooij Jeroen, McKeown Niall, Campanella Fabio, Boyra Guillermo, Doray Mathieu, Santos Mocoroa Maria, Fernandes Da Silva Joana, Huret Martin (2024). Northward range expansion of Bay of Biscay anchovy into the English Channel . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 741, 217-236 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Travers-Trolet Morgane, Herve Hugo, Doray Mathieu, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Daures Fabienne, Huret Martin, Lehuta Sigrid (2024). Tableau de bord d’indicateurs. Outil d’intégration, de suivi et de partage de connaissances autour du socio-écosystème de la filière française de petits pélagiques . AFH 2024 - 16ème colloque de l’AFH "Quels chemins pour une exploitation équitable et durable des ressources halieutiques ?". 26-28 juin 2024 – Ateliers 24-25 juin, à Sète .
Régimbart Amélie (2024). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques réalisée dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de la directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) - année 2023. ODE / VIGIES / 24-03 .
Grandremy Nina, Bourriau Paul, Daché Edwin, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Doray Mathieu, Dupuy Christine, Forest Bertrand, Jalabert Laetitia, Huret Martin, Le Mestre Sophie, Nowaczyk Antoine, Petitgas Pierre, Pineau Philippe, Rouxel Justin, Tardivel Morgan, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2024). Metazoan zooplankton in the Bay of Biscay: a 16-year record of individual sizes and abundances obtained using the ZooScan and ZooCAM imaging systems . Earth System Science Data , 16(3), 1265-1282 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ulrich Clara, Peltier Hélène, Spitz Jérôme, Petitgas Pierre (2024). Que sait-on sur les captures accidentelles de dauphins dans le golfe de Gascogne, et pourquoi est-il si difficile de les éviter ? The Conversation , 223890 (5p.) . Open Access version :
ICES (2024). Workshop on Assessing the Impact of Fishing on Oceanic Carbon (WKFISHCARBON; outputs from 2023 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(12), 63p. Open Access version :
ICES (2024). Joint ICES-PICES Working Group on Small Pelagic Fish (WGSPF - outputs from 2023 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(48), 40pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ubiqus , Certain Gregoire, Hattab Tarek, Brind'Amour Anik, Schull Quentin, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Lassudrie Malwenn, Pérez Agúndez José A., Le Pivert Olivier, Petitgas Pierre (2024). Journées scientifiques sur les réseaux trophiques 10-11 janvier 2024 .
Cuif Marion (coord.), Amouroux Isabelle, Bruneau Audrey, Deborde Jonathan, Devreker David, Herlory Olivier, Grouhel Anne, Hernandez Farinas Tania, Menet Florence, Mertens Kenneth, Carlier Antoine, Robert Alexandre, Bertignac Michel, Doray Mathieu, Fabri-Ruiz Salome, Fifas Spyros, Rouyer Tristan, Vaz Sandrine, Vogel Camille (2023). Observations de l’Ifremer sur le projet de cahier des charges pour la réalisation de l’état initial de l’environnement des zones de projets éoliens en mer qui seront identifiées à l’issue du débat public . Ministère de la transition énergétique, Direction Générale de l'Energie et du Climat, , Ref. PDG/APP-2023.12 , 19p.
Doray Mathieu, Chevallier Adrien, Daures Fabienne, Ernande Bruno, Girardin Raphael, Halouani Ghassen, Lapègue Sylvie, Lehuta Sigrid, Pernet Fabrice, Petitgas Pierre, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Dewals Jean François, Moullec Fabien, Lacroix Denis (2023). Quelle mer nourricière en 2050? Scénarios prospectifs pour la pêche et l'aquaculture en France . projet Foresea 2050 .
Pillet Marion, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Viricel-Pante Amélia, Doray Mathieu, Authier Matthieu, Huguet Antoine, Peltier Hélène, Faillettaz Robin, Dubroca Laurent, Gourguet Sophie, Ridoux Vincent, Lehuta Sigrid, Ulrich Clara, Petitgas Pierre, Spitz Jérôme (2023). DELMOGES. DELphinus MOuvements GEStion . Rapport intermédiaire 2023 .
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan (2023). PELGAS2023: acoustic biomass estimation of small pelagic fish near sea surface in the Bay of Biscay . ICES WGACEGG 2023 WD .
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Huret Martin (2023). Comparison of ICES WGACEGG acoustic and egg-based fish biomass indices . ICES WGACEGG 2023 Working Document .
Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan (2023). Compte rendu de participation au groupe de travail du CIEM WGACEGG. San Sebastian, Espagne, Visioconférence, 13-17 novembre 2023 .
Doray Mathieu, Hebert-Burggraeve Aurel, Olmos Maxime, Authier Matthieu (2023). DELMOGES. Cartes de distribution saisonnières et interannuelles des principales proies des dauphins communs dans le GdG à partir des données existantes . WP2 Livrable L.2.21 .
Cuif Marion (coord.), Carlier Antoine, Le Fur Ines, Bertignac Michel, Laurans Martial, Fifas Spyros, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Doray Mathieu, Allenou Jean-Pierre, Deborde Jonathan (2023). Observations finales de l’Ifremer sur les protocoles proposés pour la réalisation de l’état actuel de l’environnement de la zone de projet du parc éolien en mer de Bretagne Sud (AO5) . Ministère de la transition énergétique, Direction Générale de l’Energie et du Climat , Ref. PDG/APP-2023.04 , 10p.
Régimbart Amélie (2023). Bilan de l’optimisation des campagnes halieutiques réalisée dans le cadre du programme de surveillance de la directive cadre stratégie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM) - année 2022 . Rapport scientifique, Ifremer ODE/VIGIES/DCSMM, 40p.
Raisson-Victor Virginie (dir.), Charlot Antoine (dir.), Bechet Béatrice, Bertrand Jean-Louis, Chancibault Katia, Fleury-Bahi Ghozlane, Robin Marc, Rospars Claude, Schoefs Franck, Trenkel Verena, Vacher Pierre (2023). GIEC DES PAYS DE LA LOIRE. 2e rapport — Avril 2023 .
Menu Clara, Pecquerie Laure, Bacher Cedric, Doray Mathieu, Hattab Tarek, Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Huret Martin (2023). Testing the bottom-up hypothesis for the decline in size of anchovy and sardine across European waters through a bioenergetic modeling approach . Progress In Oceanography , 210, 102943 (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Grandremy Nina, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Dupuy Christine, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre (2023). Hydrology and small pelagic fish drive the spatio–temporal dynamics of springtime zooplankton assemblages over the Bay of Biscay continental shelf . Progress In Oceanography , 210, 102949 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pillet Marion, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Viricel-Pante Amélia, Doray Mathieu, Authier Matthieu, Huguet Antoine, Peltier Hélène, Faillettaz Robin, Dubroca Laurent, Gourguet Sophie, Ridoux Vincent, Lehuta Sigrid, Ulrich Clara, Petitgas Pierre, Spitz Jérôme (2022). DELMOGES. DELphinus MOuvements GEStion . Rapport intermédiaire 2022 .
Doray Mathieu, Carrera Pablo, Amorim Pedro, Moreno Anna, Duhamel Erwan, Boyra Guillermo, O'Donnell Ciaran, Santos Maria, Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Angelico Maria Manuel, Nunes Cristina, Rodriguez-Climent Silvia, Campanella Fabio, Ramos Fernando, Diaz Paz, Jimenez Paz, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin (2022). Anchovy and sardine springtime habitats in the European Atlantic area . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal .
Doray Mathieu, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin (2022). Combination of Continuous Underwater Fish Egg Sampler and acoustic data for estimating and mapping fish daily fecundity . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal .
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Hattab Tarek (2022). Space-time dynamics of size-structured clupeiformes communities in Atlantic and Mediterranean habitats . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal .
Dorand Marine (2022). Indices de variabilité spatiale et temporelle de la chlorophylle a et de la température par Fonctions Orthogonales Empiriques (EOF) dans le golfe de Gascogne . Rapport de stage Master 2 mention Biodiversité, Écologie, Évolution, parcours Modélisation en écologie (MODE), Université de Rennes .
Corrales X., Preciado I., Gascuel D., Lopez De Gamiz-Zearra A., Hernvann P.-Y., Mugerza E., Louzao M., Velasco F., Doray Mathieu, López-López L., Carrera P., Cotano U., Andonegi E. (2022). Structure and functioning of the Bay of Biscay ecosystem: A trophic modelling approach . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 264, 107658 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Menu Clara, Pecquerie Laure, Bacher Cedric, Doray Mathieu, Hattab Tarek, Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Huret Martin (2022). Decreasing trend in size for small pelagic fish across European waters : bioenergetic modeling to explore the underlying individual to population scale processes . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal .
Lindegren Martin, Huret Martin, Berg Florian, Boldt Jennifer, Cleary Jaclyn, Van Denderen Peter Daniel, Doray Mathieu, Hattab Tarek, Jacobsen Nis Sand, Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Kuriyama Peter, Ramos Fernando, Rincon Margarita R., Riveiro Isabel, Somarakis Stelios, Takahashi Motomitsu, Takasuka Akinori, Wise Laura (2022). A cross system comparison of internal and external forcing regulating growth of Small Pelagic Fish throughout ontogeny . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal.
Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Moreno Ana, Uriarte Andres, O'Donnell Claran, Nunes Cristina, Nogueira Enrique, Duhamel Erwan, Campanella Fabio, Ramos Fernando, Costas Gersom, Boyra Guillermo, Riveiro Isabel, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Ibaibarriaga Leire, Iglesias Magdalena, Santos Maria, Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Carrera Pablo, Diaz Paz, Jimenez Paz, Amorim Pedro, Petitgas Pierre, Nash Richard, Rodriguez-Climent Silvia, Dominguez Rosario, Angelicao Maria Manuel (2022). Pelagic Ecosystem Surveying in NE Atlantic Waters: WGACEGG Internationally Coordinated Surveys . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal .
Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Campanella Fabio, McKeown Niall, Boyra Guillermo, Doray Mathieu, Santos Maria, Huret Martin (2022). Northward range expansion of Bay of Biscay anchovy due to increased temperature envelope and population increase . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal.
Raisson-Victor Virginie (dir.), Charlot Antoine (dir.), Bechet Béatrice, Bertrand Jean-Louis, Chancibault Katia, Devisme Laurent, Fleury-Bahi Ghozlane, Habets Florence, Robin Marc, Rospars Claude, Schoefs Franck, Trenkel Verena, Vacher Pierre (2022). GIEC DES PAYS DE LA LOIRE. 1er rapport — Juin 2022 .
Guillemoles Jean-François, Retiere Nicolas, Azaïs Philippe, Ravel Guillaume (2022). Programme et Equipements Prioritaires de recherche sur Les Technologies Avancées des Systèmes Energétiques (TASE) / Priority Research Programme on Technologies for Advanced Energy Systems (TASE) . Strategic plan .
Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Daures Fabienne, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Alban Frederique, Duhamel Erwan, Hattab Tarek, Petitgas Pierre, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Lehuta Sigrid (2022). Fish quality impacts sardine fisheries through bottom-up and industry controls . International Symposium on Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science for Sustainable Management. 7-11 November 2022 Lisbon, Portugal.
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Huret Martin (2021). Space time analysis of a daily fecundity proxy for anchovy and sardine in the Bay of Biscay . ICES - WGACEGG 2021 meeting Working Document .
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Sanchez Florence, Bical Raphaël (2021). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS21 acoustic survey . Working Document for WGACEGG & WGHANSA. Online, 15-19 and 22-26 november 2021 .
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Huret Martin (2021). Comparison between acoustic and egg-based fish biomass indices . ICES - WGACEGG 2021 working document .
Maurice Alicia, Berger Laurent, Doray Mathieu (2021). First approach to unsupervised classification of broadband fisheries acoustic data for ecosystem monitoring . WGFAST 2021 - ICES Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology meeting. 19 – 23. April 2021 .
Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan (2021). Compte rendu de participation au groupe d'experts du CIEM consacré aux campagnes acoustiques et œufs des petits pélagiques (WGACEGG). Visio-conférence, 15-19 novembre 2021 . RBE/ederu/CRWG-2021-38 .
ICES (2021). Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology (WGFAST) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(72), 40p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2021). Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for small pelagic fish in NE Atlantic (WGACEGG; outputs from 2020 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(76), 706p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Boyra Guillermo, Van Der Kooij Jeroen (eds) (2021). ICES Survey Protocols – Manual for acoustic surveys coordinated under ICES Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Small Pelagic Fish (WGACEGG). 1st Edition. ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences , 64, 100pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Demaneche Sebastien, Berthou Patrick, Biseau Alain, Begot Eric, Leblond Samuel, Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Duhamel Erwan, Leblond Emilie (2021). Caractérisation et typologie des engins et de l’effort de pêche dans le Golfe de Gascogne en période d’échouage des petits cétacés . DPMA - Direction des Pêches Maritimes et de l'Aquaculture, La Défense , Ref. DG 2021-655 Saisine n° 21-16839 du 7 mai 2021 , 6p., 1p., 117p.
Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin (2020). Rationale for and examples of acoustic and egg indices comparison for quality control of fish-stock survey estimates . WGACEGG2020 Working Document .
Doray Mathieu, Coulon Noémie, Huret Martin, Le Bouffant Naig, Berger Laurent (2020). Did acoustic miss much spawning anchovy surface schools in the Bay of Biscay in spring 2019 ? WGACEGG2020 Working Document .
Coulon Noémie (2020). Bancs de surface de petits poissons pélagiques dans le Golfe de Gascogne : caractérisation et implication pour l’évaluation de la biomasse . Master Sciences de la Mer 1ère année. Université Sorbonne .
Cresson Pierre, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Bustamante Paco, Bănaru Daniela, Baudrier Jerome, Le Loch Francois, Mauffret Aourell, Mialet Benoit, Spitz Jérome, Wessel Nathalie, Briand Marine, Denamiel Margaux, Doray Mathieu, Guillou Gaël, Jadaud Angelique, Lazard Coline, Prieur Solène, Rouquette Manuel, Saraux Claire, Serre Sandrine, Timmerman Charles-Andre, Verin Yves, Harmelin-Vivien Mireille (2020). Primary production and depth drive different trophic structure and functioning of fish assemblages in French marine ecosystems . Progress In Oceanography , 186, 102343 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petitgas Pierre, Renard Didier, Desassis Nicolas, Huret Martin, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Doray Mathieu, Woillez Mathieu, Rivoirard Jacques (2020). Analysing Temporal Variability in Spatial Distributions Using Min–Max Autocorrelation Factors: Sardine Eggs in the Bay of Biscay . Mathematical Geosciences , 52(3), 337-354 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2020). Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology (WGFAST) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 2(70), 18pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2020). Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES areas 7, 8 and 9 (WGACEGG; outputs from 2019 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 2(44), 490pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Blanluet Arthur, Doray Mathieu, Berger Laurent, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Le Bouffant Naig, Lehuta Sigrid, Petitgas Pierre (2019). Characterization of sound scattering layers in the Bay of Biscay using broadband acoustics, nets and video . Plos One , 14(10), e0223618 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petitgas Pierre, Renard Didier, Desassis Nicolas, Huret Martin, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Doray Mathieu, Woillez Mathieu, Rivoirard Jacques (2019). Application des MAFs à l'analyse de la variabilité spatio-temporelle des frayères de sardine . XIVèmes Journées de Géostatistique 2019. 19-20 septembre 2019, Fontainebleau, France .
Antajan Elvire, Pitois Sophie, Coppin Franck, Lynam Christopher, Auber Arnaud, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Laffargue Pascal, Doray Mathieu, Jadaud Angelique, Hattab Tarek, Baudrier Jerome, Vaz Sandrine (2019). Monitoring gelatinous zooplankton: a cost-effective methodology during routine fishery trawl surveys . ASC 2019 - ICES Annual Science Conference. 9-12 September 2019 Gothenburg, Sweden .
Thomas Amandine, Baudrier Jerome, Gauthier Emilie (2019). Bancarisation des données planctoniques des campagnes halieutiques . Proposition de structuration des données planctoniques des campagnes optimisées pour une intégration dans le SI Quadrige². ODE/VIGIES/19/06 .
Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Couturier Christian, Doublet Sylvain (2019). Vers un développement durable de la pêche française ? Perspectives du scénario d’agriculture durable Afterres2050 . 14e colloque de l’AFH "Recherche Halieutique et Développement Durable". 26 au 28 juin 2019 , Université de Caen Normandie .
Lecordier Enora (2019). Bancs de surface de petits poissons pélagiques dans le Golfe de Gascogne : caractérisation et implications pour l’évaluation de biomasse .
Garric Sarah (2019). Évaluation du potentiel halieutique de la Zone Économique Exclusive française en 2050 .
Garric Sarah, Vermard Youen, Du Pontavice Hubert, Huret Martin, Gascuel Didier, Allain Gwenhael, Doray Mathieu (2019). Première évaluation du potentiel de production halieutique des eaux de la Zone Economique Exclusive française en 2050 . 14e colloque de l’AFH "Recherche Halieutique et Développement Durable". 26 au 28 juin 2019 , Université de Caen Normandie .
Blanluet Arthur (2019). Broadband acoustic evidences of the mesoscale distribution of gas-bearing siphonophores in the eutrophic Bay of Biscay . Working group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology (WGFAST). 29 April-2 May, 2019, Galway, Ireland.
Berger Laurent, Doray Mathieu (2019). Converting RAW data into HAC format using HERMES. Tutorial .
Doray Mathieu (2019). Manuel d'utilisation d'Echobase . RBE/EMH 13- 01 .
Ubiqus , Talidec Catherine, Petitgas Pierre (2019). Compte rendu des Journées scientifiques : approche écosystémique halieutique, Nantes, 17 et 18 janvier 2019 .
Lambert Charlotte, Authier Matthieu, Doray Mathieu, Doremus Ghislain, Spitz Jerome, Ridoux Vincent (2019). Hide and seek in the Bay of Biscaya functional investigation of marine megafauna and small pelagic fish interactions . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 76(1), 113-123 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petitgas Pierre, Renard Didier, Desassis Nicolas, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Woillez Mathieu, Rivoirard Jacques (2019). Inter-annual variability in fish spatial distributions as revealed by survey data and their space-time modelling . ACS 2019 - ICES Annual Science Conference 2019. 9-12 September 2019 Gothenburg, Sweden. ICES CM 2019/A:329 .
Petitgas Pierre, Gohin Francis, Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Schmidt Jörn, Voss Rudiger (2019). Use of satellite image products to understand variation in fish length: Anchovy in the Bay of Biscay . ASC 2019 - ICES Annual Science Conference. 9-13 September 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Huret Martin, Bourriau Paul, Doray Mathieu, Gohin Francis, Petitgas Pierre (2018). Survey timing vs. ecosystem scheduling: Degree-days to underpin observed interannual variability in marine ecosystems . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 30-40 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jerome, Authier Matthieu, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Doray Mathieu (2018). Ecosystem spatial structure revealed by integrated survey data . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 189-198 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jérôme, Berger Laurent, Dorémus Ghislain, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Massé Jacques, Sanchez Florence (2018). Data products for fish stocks and ecosystem assessment:the PELGAS survey example . ASC 2018 - ICES Annual Science Conference 2018. 24-27 september 2018, Hamburg .
Doray Mathieu, Angelico Maria Manuel, Iglesias Magdalena, Jimenez Paz, Marques Vitor, Ramos Fernando, Rodriguez-Climent Silvia, Santos Maria, Van Der Kooij Jeroen, Petitgas Pierre (2018). WGACEGG acoustic and egg-based survey products for monitoring anchovy and sardine populations in the European Atlantic area ecosystem . ASC 2018 - ICES Annual Science Conference 2018. 24-27 september 2018, Hamburg .
Lambert C., Authier M., Doray Mathieu, Doremus G., Spitz J., Ridoux V. (2018). Decadal stability in top predator habitat preferences in the Bay of Biscay . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 109-120 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Authier Matthieu, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jerome (2018). Monitoring small pelagic fish in the Bay of Biscay ecosystem, using indicators from an integrated survey . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 168-188 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Hervy Camille, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre (2018). Spring habitats of small pelagic fish communities in the Bay of Biscay . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 88-108 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jerome, Authier Matthieu, Sanchez Florence, Berger Laurent, Doremus Ghislain, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Masse Jacques (2018). The PELGAS survey: ship-based integrated monitoring of the Bay of Biscay pelagic ecosystem . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 15-29 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Authier Matthieu, Doremus Ghislain, Van Canneyt Olivier, Boubert Jean-Jacques, Gautier Gerard, Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Masse Jacques, Petitgas Pierre, Ridoux Vincent, Spitz Jerome (2018). Exploring Change in the Relative Abundance of Marine Megafauna in the Bay of Biscay, 2004-2016 . Progress In Oceanography , 166, 159-167 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Baudrier Jerome, Lefebvre Alain, Galgani Francois, Saraux Claire, Doray Mathieu (2018). Optimising French fisheries surveys for marine strategy framework directive integrated ecosystem monitoring . Marine Policy , 94, 10-19 .
Devreker David, Lefebvre Alain (2018). Optimisation du programme de surveillance DCSMM pour les descripteurs 5 - Eutrophisation et 1 - Habitats Pélagiques. Campagnes océanographiques à l'échelle des sous-régions marines. RST/LER.BL/18.06 .
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Sanchez Florence, Marie-Lepoittevin Theodore, Peltier Hélène, Autthier Matthieu (2018). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS18 acoustic survey . Working Document for WGHANSA (Working Group on Southern Horse Mackerel, Anchovy and Sardine). Lisbon, 26-30 June.2018 .
Marie Lepoittevin Theodore, Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu (2018). Participation des pêcheurs professionnels à la campagne PELGAS18. 4 mai - 24 mai 2018 . Compte rendu des opérations .
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Dupuy Christine, Spitz Jérôme, Authier Matthieu, Berger Laurent, Doremus Ghislain, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Masse Jacques, Sanchez Florence (2018). Fifteen years of data from the PELGAS integrated survey (2000-2015): what have we learned on the Bay of Biscay pelagic ecosystem? ISOBAY 16 - XVIth International Symposium of Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. 5-7 June 2018, Anglet, France .
Foucher Eric, Delaunay Damien (2018). Evaluation du descripteur 3 « espèces exploitées à des fins commerciales » en France métropolitaine. Rapport scientifique pour l’évaluation 2018 au titre de la DCSMM - R.RBE/HMMN/RHPEB-2018-01 .
Brind'Amour Anik, Delaunay Damien (2018). Evaluation de la composante de l’écosystème « Poissons et céphalopodes » du descripteur 1 « Biodiversité » en France métropolitaine. Rapport scientifique de l'Ifremer pour l’évaluation 2018 au titre de la DCSMM. R.RBE/EMH-2018-01 .
Berger Laurent, Doray Mathieu, Le Bouffant Naig (2018). Ten years of multibeam and multifrequency data acquisition during PELGAS surveys - what have we learnt ? Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology (WGFAST) . 20-23 March 2018 Seattle, USA.
Petitgas Pierre, Woillez Mathieu, Doray Mathieu, Rivoirard Jacques (2018). Indicator-Based Geostatistical Models For Mapping Fish Survey Data . Mathematical Geosciences , 50(2), 187-208 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2018). Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES Areas 7, 8 and 9 (WGACEGG) . ICES CM 2017/EOSG:04 .
ICES (2018). Interim Report of the Working Group on Ecosystem Assessment of Western European Shelf Seas (WGEAWESS). 5-9 March 2018. Nantes, France . ICES CM 2018/IEASG:02. 28 pp.
ICES (2018). Report of the Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES Areas 7, 8 and 9 (WGACEGG). 19-23 November. Nantes, France . ICES CM 2018/EOSG:03. 355pp.
Korneliussen Rolf J (2018). Acoustic target classification . ICES cooperative research report , (344), 104p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Sanchez Florence, Lespagnol Patrick, Doremus Gislain, Le Bourdonnec Pierre (2017). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS17 acoustic survey . Working Document for WGHANSA (Bilbao, 24-29 June.2017) .
Le Bourdonnec Pierre, Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu (2017). Participation des pêcheurs professionnels à la campagne PELGAS17. 28 avril - 14 mai 2017. Compte rendu des opérations .
Veron Matthieu, Lebigre Christophe, Bertignac Michel, Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Huret Martin, Pawlowski Lionel (2017). Evolution spatio-temporelle de la condition, de la structure en taille et en âge de la sardine Atlantique . 13ème colloque scientifique de l'AFH - 2017 "Pêches et Changements Globaux". 28 au 30 juin 2017, Ifremer Nantes .
ICES (2017). Report of the Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES Areas 7, 8, and 9. Capo, Granitola, Sicily, Italy 14-18 November 2016 . ICES / CIEM - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea/Conseil International pour l’Exploration de la Mer , Ref. ICES CM 2016/SSGIEOM:31 , 330p.
Trenkel Verena, Brind'Amour Anik, Biais Gerard, Doray Mathieu, Laffargue Pascal, Lorance Pascal, Vermard Youen (2017). Evaluation des ressources halieutiques de la façade Atlantique . Journées de la Societé Française d’Ichtyologie. 18-19 Mai 2017, Concarneau, France .
Petitgas Pierre, Woillez Mathieu, Doray Mathieu, Rivoirard Jacques (2017). Density-dependence in the spatial distributions of anchovy in the Bay of Biscay . ASC 2017 - ICES Annual Science Conference. 18–21 September 2017, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA .
Doray Mathieu (2016). Effect of Target Strength equation selection on PELGAS anchovy and sardine biomass estimates . WGACEGG 2016 working document. Meeting 14-18 November, 2016 .
Doray Mathieu, Berger Laurent, Le Bouffant Naig, Coail Jean-Yves, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, de La Bernardie Xavier, Moriniere Pierre, Lys Elisabeth, Schwab Romain, Petitgas Pierre (2016). A method for controlled target strength measurements of pelagic fish, with application to European anchovy ( Engraulis encrasicolus ) . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 73(8), 1987-1997 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Petitgas Pierre (2016). Estimates of biomass and abundance of mackerel, horse mackerel, blue whitting and boarfish in spring in the Bay of Biscay from the PELGAS survey, 2013-2016 . ICES WGWIDE Working Document .
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Sanchez Florence, Lespagnol Patrick, Doremus Ghislain, Lemerre Charlotte (2016). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS16 acoustic survey . Working Document for WGHANSA (Lorient, 24-29 June.2016) .
Lemerre Charlotte, Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu (2016). Participation des pêcheurs professionnels à la campagne PELGAS16. 29 avril - 2 juin 2016. Compte rendu des opérations .
Trenkel Verena, Berthou Patrick, Bertrand Jacques, Biais Gerard, Biseau Alain, Brind'Amour Anik, Dintheer Christian, Doray Mathieu, Fifas Spyros, Foucher Eric, Pawlowski Lionel (2016). Rapport du groupe de travail Campagnes halieutiques dans le golfe de Gascogne et en mer Celtique. Bilan et perspectives .
Petitgas Pierre, Woillez Mathieu, Doray Mathieu, Rivoirard Jacques (2016). A Geostatistical Definition of Hotspots for Fish Spatial Distributions . Mathematical Geosciences , 48(1), 65-77 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2016). Final Report of the Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology (WGFAST), 19-22 April 2016, Vigo, Spain . ICES CM 2016/SSGIEOM:21. 64 pp.
ICES (2016). Final Report of the Working Group on Target Classification (WGTC), 17- 18 April 2016, Vigo, Spain. ICES CM 2016/SSGIEOM:23. 14 pp.
ICES (2016). Report of the Workshop on the review of the ICES acoustic-trawl survey database design (WKIACTDB), 1-2 October 2015, ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark . ICES CM 2015/SSGIEOM:35. 17 pp.
ICES (2016). Second Interim report of the Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES Areas VII, VIII and IX (WGACEGG). 16-20 November 2015 Lowestoft, UK . ICES CM 2015/SSGIEOM:31 .
ICES (2016). Report of the Working Group on Southern Horse Mackerel, Anchovy and Sardine (WGHANSA). 24-29 June 2016 Lorient, France . ICES CM 2016/ACOM:17 .
ICES (2016). A metadata convention for processed acoustic data from active acoustic systems. Series of ICES Survey Protocols SISP 4-TG-AcMeta. 48 pp.
Wehde Henning, Triantafyllou Georg, Somarakis Stelios, Giannoulaki Marianna, Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Remond Barbara, Sourisseau Marc, Logemann Kai (2016). SEAMAN Spatially resolved Ecosystem models and their Application to Marine MANagement. 1.2 Manuscript on results of findings comparing the different observation methodologies .
Trenkel Verena, Doray Mathieu, Blanluet Arthur (2016). Compte rendu de participation au Working group on Fisheries Acoustic Science and Technology (WGFAST). Vigo, 19-22 avril 2016 . RBE/EDERU/2016/CRGT14 .
Giannoulaki M., Tsiaras K., Pyrounaki M.-M., Schismenou E., Petitgas Pierre, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Masse Jacques, Woillez Mathieu, Politikos Dimitrios, Logemann K., Marteinsdóttir G. (2016). SEAMAN Spatially resolved Ecosystem models and their Application to Marine MANagement. Deliverables D2.1, D2.2 and D2.3 Work Package II. Fish behaviour in response to environmental controls . SEAMAN Deliverables 2.1-2.2-2.3 .
Doray Mathieu (2015). Estimation of the depth effect on anchovy and sardine Target Strength, and implications for acoustic biomass assessment during the PELGAS survey . ICES WGACEGG Report 2015 Steering Group on Integrated Ecosystem Observation and Monitoring .
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Travers-Trolet Morgane (2015). First approach – small pelagics data from CGFS french bottom trawl survey in the Channel .
Petitgas Pierre, Woillez Mathieu, Doray Mathieu, Rivoirard Jacques (2015). Empirical analysis of continuity and discontinuity in spatial distributions using Min/Max autocorrelation factors (MAF): anchovy and sardine in the Bay of Biscay . XIVèmes Journées de Géostatistique 2019. 19-20 septembre 2019, Fontainebleau, France.
Bergot Patricia, Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu (2015). Participation des pêcheurs professionnels à la campagne PELGAS15. 29 avril - 2 juin 2015. Compte rendu des opérations .
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Sanchez Florence, Authier Matthieu, Bergot Patricia (2015). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS15 acoustic survey . Working Document for WGHANSA (Lisbon, 24-29 June.2015) .
Berger Laurent, Doray Mathieu, Schwab Romain, de La Bernarderie Xavier, Lys Elisabeth, Le Bouffant Naig (2015). Multibeam echosounder reveals fish swimming behaviour . ICES Symposium on "Marine Ecosystem Acoustics (Some Acoustics)- observing the ocean interior in support of integrated management". 25-28 May 2015, Nantes.
Doray Mathieu, Berger Laurent, Petitgas Pierre (2015). Multibeam echosounder reveals species-specific fish school features . ICES Symposium on “Marine Ecosystem Acoustics (Some Acoustics)– observing the ocean interior in support of integrated management”. 25-28 May 2015, Nantes .
Doray Mathieu, Berger Laurent, Coail Jean-Yves, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Petitgas Pierre (2015). Let's EROC ENROL! A method for controlled In-situ Target Strength measurement of pelagic fish . ICES Symposium on "Marine Ecosystem Acoustics (Some Acoustics)- observing the ocean interior in support of integrated management". 25-28 May 2015, Nantes.
Remond Barbara, Doray Mathieu, Lebourges-Dhaussy Anne, Berger Laurent, Petitgas Pierre (2015). Contribution of resonant backscatterers to phantom sound scattering layers in the Bay of Biscay . ICES Symposium on "Marine Ecosystem Acoustics (Some Acoustics)- observing the ocean interior in support of integrated management". 25-28 May 2015, Nantes.
Doray Mathieu, Badts Vincent, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Doremus Ghislain, Masse Jacques, Petitgas Pierre (2015). Guide du chef de mission de la campagne PELGAS .
ICES (2015). Second Interim Report of the Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology (WGFAST). 29 May 2015 Nantes, France . ICES CM 2015/SSGIEOM:21 .
Petitgas Pierre, Woillez Mathieu, Doray Mathieu, Rivoirard Jacques (2015). Empirical modelling of density-dependence in spatial distributions with a non-linear geostatistical approach: anchovy and sardine in the Bay of Biscay . ICES Symposium on ?Marine Ecosystem Acoustics (Some Acoustics)- observing the ocean interior in support of integrated management". 25-28 May 2015, Nantes, France .
Petitgas Pierre, Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Bourriau Paul, Lunven Michel (2015). Integrated understanding of initial conditions of early life stages using integrated ecosystem survey data . ICES 2015 Annual Science Conference. ICES CM 2015/C:17 .
Huse G., Mackenzie B. R., Trenkel Verena, Doray Mathieu, Nottestad L., Oskarsson G. (2015). Spatially explicit estimates of stock sizes, structure and biomass of herring and blue whiting, and catch data of bluefin tuna . Earth System Science Data , 7(1), 35-46 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2015). Report of the Working Group on Southern Horse Mackerel, Anchovy and Sardine (WGHANSA). 24–29 June 2015. Lisbon, Portugal . ICES , Ref. ICES CM 2015/ACOM:16 , 580p.
Chevalier Louise (2015). Caractérisation acoustique multifréquence de l'écosystème pélagique du Golfe de Gascogne .
ICES (2015). Second Interim Report of the Working Group on Target Classification (WGTC), 23-24 May 2015, Nantes, France . ICES CM 2015/SSGIEOM:23. 7 pp.
Marandel Florianne, Trenkel Verena, Lorance Pascal (2015). Evaluation de stock à données limitées : la raie bouclée du Golfe de Gascogne . 12ème colloque scientifique de l'AFH - Association Française d’Halieutique "Les écosytèmes marins dans tous leurs états". 1-3 juillet 2015, Montpellier .
ICES (2015). First Interim Report of the Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES Areas VII, VIII and IX (WGACEGG). 17-21 November 2014 Vigo, Spain . ICES CM 2014/SSGESST:21 .
Rider Mary (2015). Variance d'estimation géostatistique pour les campagnes acoustiques halieutiques .
Doray Mathieu (2014). WGACEGG2014 EchoR training course . R.INT RBE/EMH 2014-01 .
Petitgas Pierre, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Masse Jacques, Woillez Mathieu (2014). Modelling the variability in fish spatial distributions over time with empirical orthogonal functions: anchovy in the Bay of Biscay . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 71(9), 2379-2389 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Authier Matthieu, Gestin Thomas (2014). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS14 acoustic survey .
Gestin Thomas, Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Masse Jacques (2014). Participation des pêcheurs professionnels à la campagne PELGAS14. 29 avril - 24 mai 2014. Compte rendu des opérations .
Le Cornec Gilles, Doray Mathieu (2014). Caractérisation de la réponse acoustique individuelle des clupéidés du golfe de Gascogne: le projet TOMOFISH . Master 1 Sciences de l’Univers, Environnement, Ecologie – Spécialité Océanographie et Environnements Marins .
Doray Mathieu, Badts Vincent, Masse Jacques, Duhamel Erwan, Huret Martin, Doremus Ghislain, Petitgas Pierre (2014). Manual of fisheries survey protocols. PELGAS surveys (PELagiques GAScogne) . RBE/EMH 2014-01 .
Remond Barbara, Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Berger Laurent (2014). Multi-frequency characterization of the 3-dimensional, mesoscale spatial distribution of Biscay sound scattering layers (SSLs) . ICES Annual Science Conference 2014 - ASC 2014 : Sustainability in a changing ocean. A Coruna, Spain .
Remond Barbara, Doray Mathieu, Lebourges-Dhaussy Anne, Berger Laurent, Petitgas Pierre (2014). Bay of Biscay sound scattering layers composition . ASC 2014 - ICES Annual Science Conference 2014 : Sustainability in a changing ocean. 15-19 September 2014, A Coruna, Spain. ICES CM 2014/L:12 .
Petitgas Pierre, Woillez Mathieu, Doray Mathieu, Masse Jacques, Rivoirard Jacques (2014). Mapping the habitats of high fish concentrations with non-linear and multivariate geostatistics. GEOENV 2014 - 10th conference on geostatistics for environmental applications, 9-11 July 2014 .
ICES (2014). First Interim Report of the Working Group on Target Classification (WGTC), 3-4 May 2014, New Bedford, USA. ICES CM 2014/SSGESST:06. 15 pp.
Petitgas Pierre, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Dupuy Christine, Van Canneyt Olivier, Doremus Ghislain (2014). Spatial structure of the bay of Biscay pelagic ecosystem in spring as revealed by the survey series PELGAS . ICES Annual Science Conference 2014, 15 -19 September 2014, A Coruña, Spain .
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Masse Jacques, Huret Martin, Duhamel Erwan, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Dupuy Christine, Van Canneyt Olivier, Doremus Ghislain (2014). The PELGAS story: from target species biomass assessment to multidisciplinary pelagic ecosystem monitoring . ICES Annual Science Conference 2014, 15 -19 September 2014, A Coruña, Spain.
Fabri-Ruiz Salomé (2013). Caractérisation acoustique du macro-plancton et du micronecton dans l’estuaire de la Gironde . Soutenance de stage de Master 1 UPMC .
Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Huret Martin, Doremus Ghislain, Pengrech Alexis (2013). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS13 acoustic survey . Working Document for WGHANSA (Bilbao, June.2013) .
Masse Jacques, Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan, Huret Martin, Petitgas Pierre, Bourriau Paul, Grellier Patrick, Dupuy Christine, Van Canneyt Olivier, Doremus Ghislain (2013). Les campagnes écosystémiques PELGAS : Depuis le suivi des stocks exploités vers un monitoring de l’écosystème pélagique … .
Petitgas Pierre, Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu (2013). Coherence between Egg (BIOMAN) and Acoustic (PELGAS) survey estimates (Bay of Biscay anchovy). Working Document . ICES/ CIEM. WGHANSA, 21-28 June 2013 .
Berger Laurent, Doray Mathieu, Le Bouffant Naig, Petitgas Pierre, Remond Barbara, Trenkel Verena (2013). Compte rendu de participation au Working group on Fisheries Acoustic Science and Technology (WGFAST) et Topic Group on Metadata standards for ship of opportunity (TG-METADA) et Study Group on Calibration of Acoustic Instruments in Fisheries Science (SGCal), San Sebastian 15-20 avril 2013 . RBE/EDERU/2013/CRGT13 .
Doray Mathieu (2013). EchoR package tutorial . RBE/EMH/13-01 .
ICES (2013). Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES Areas VIII and IX (WGACEGG) by Correspondence and 25–29 November 2013 Lisbon, Portugal . ICES CM 2013/SSGESST:20 .
ICES (2013). Report of the Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics Science and Technology (WGFAST), 16-19 April 2013 San Sebastian, Spain . ICES CM 2013/SSGESST:09 .
Doray Mathieu, Masse Jacques, Huret Martin, Doremus Ghislain, Duhamel Erwan (2012). Rapport de la campagne à la mer PELGAS2012 . PDG-RBE-EMH/2012-01 .
Duhamel Erwan, Masse Jacques, Doray Mathieu, Baudiniere Estelle (2012). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS12 acoustic survey . CIEM / ICES , Ref. Working Document for WGHANSA (Horta, June. 2012) , 29p.
Berger Laurent, Doray Mathieu, Le Bouffant Naig, Petitgas Pierre, Trenkel Verena (2012). Groupe d’experts du CIEM on Fisheries Acoustic Science and Technology (WGFAST) et et Topic Group on Metadata standards for ship of opportunity, Brest, 23-27 avril 2012 . RBE/EDERU/CRGT10 .
Petitgas Pierre, Grellier Patrick, Duhamel Erwan, Masse Jacques, Doray Mathieu (2012). Variability and controls of otolith growth in the anchovy of the Bay of Biscay . ICES CM 2012/J:18 .
Petitgas Pierre, Massé Jacques, Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan (2012). Populations ichtyologiques de petits pélagiques. Sous-région marine Golfe de Gascogne. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. MEDDE, AAMP, Ifremer , Ref. DCSMM/EI/EE/GDG/32/2012 , 10p.
Petitgas Pierre, Massé Jacques, Huret Martin, Doray Mathieu, Duhamel Erwan (2012). Populations ichtyologiques de petits pélagiques. Sous-région marine Mers celtiques. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. MEDDE, AAMP, Ifremer , Ref. DCSMM/EI/EE/MC/30/2012 , 3p.
ICES (2012). Report of the Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology (WGFAST), 23-27 April 2012, Brest, France . ICES CM 2012/SSGESST:09 .
Doray Mathieu, Berger Laurent, Coail Jean-Yves, Vacherot Jean-Philippe, Bavouzet Gerard, Petitgas Pierre (2011). In-situ measurements of the individual acoustic backscatter of European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina Pilchardus), with concurrent optical identification . ICES Conference and Meeting (CM) Document CM2011-F07 19-23 septembre 2011, Gdansk .
Petitgas Pierre, Doray Mathieu, Masse Jacques, Grellier Patrick (2011). Spatially explicit estimation of fish length histograms, with application to anchovy habitats in the Bay of Biscay . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 68(10), 2086-2095 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Masse Jacques, Duhamel Erwan, Doray Mathieu, Haouchine Mohamed, Sanchez Florence (2011). Direct assessment of small pelagic fish by the PELGAS11 acoustic survey . ICES / WGANSA .
Mahevas Stephanie, Trenkel Verena, Doray Mathieu, Peyronnet Arnaud (2011). Hake catchability by the French trawler fleet in the Bay of Biscay: estimating technical and biological components . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 68(1), 107-118 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES WKACUGEO (2011). Report of the Joint AcousMed project/ICES WGACEGG Workshop on Geostatistics (WKACUGEO) . ICES , Ref. ICES CM 2011/SSGESST:01 , 113p.
Doray Mathieu, Berger Laurent, Petitgas Pierre, Trenkel Verena (2010). In-depth characterisation of Biscay surface pelagic fish communities with ME70 multibeam echosounder . ISOBAY XII : XIIème Symposium International sur l'Océanographie du Golfe de Gascogne .
Doray Mathieu, Masse Jacques, Petitgas Pierre (2010). Pelagic fish stock assessment by acoustic methods at Ifremer . R.INT. DOP/DCN/EMH 10- 02 .
Doray Mathieu, Mahevas Stephanie, Trenkel Verena (2010). Estimating gear efficiency in a combined acoustic and trawl survey, with reference to the spatial distribution of demersal fish . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 67(4), 668-676 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Masse Jacques (2010). Estimation de la biomasse de stocks de poissons par acoustique . R.INT. DOP/DCN/EMH 10- 02 .
Doray Mathieu, Le Bouffant Naig, Verin Yves (2010). Rapport sur l’utilisation du sondeur multifaisceaux ME70 lors de la campagne IBTS2010 . R.INT. DOP/DCN/EMH 10- 01 .
ICES WGACEGG (2010). Report of the Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES Areas VIII and IX (WGACEGG) . ICES , Ref. ICES CM 2010/SSGESST:24 , 210p.
Trenkel Verena, Berger Laurent, Bourguignon Sebastien, Doray Mathieu, Fablet Ronan, Masse Jacques, Mazauric Valerie, Poncelet Cyrille, Quemener Gael, Scalabrin Carla, Villalobos Hector (2009). Overview of recent progress in fisheries acoustics made by Ifremer with examples from the Bay of Biscay . Aquatic Living Resources , 22(4), 433-445 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doray Mathieu, Masse Jacques, Petitgas Pierre, Trenkel Verena (2009). Rapport sur l'utilisation du sondeur multifaisceaux ME70 lors de la campagne Pelgas09 . R.INT. DOP/DCN/EMH 09- 01 .
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Doray Mathieu, Petitgas Pierre, Masse Jacques, Trenkel Verena (2009). Rapport sur l'utilisation du sondeur multifaisceaux ME70 lors des campagnes Pelgas08 et Class08 . R.INT. DOP/DCN/EMH 08- 01 .
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Doray Mathieu, Mahevas Stephanie, Trenkel Verena (2008). Direct estimation of catchability in a combined acoustic-trawl survey, with reference to fish spatial distribution. ICES CM 2008/I:19 .
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Doray Mathieu (2006). L'agrégation de thons de sub-surface au sein du système [DCP ancré - macronecton - environnement - pêche] en Martinique : étude hiérarchique par méthodes acoustiques, optiques et halieutiques . PhD Thesis , Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Rennes (ENSAR) .
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Doray Mathieu, Stequert Bernard, Taquet Marc (2004). Age and growth of blackfin tuna (Thunnus atianticus) caught under moored fish aggregating devices, around Martinique Island . Aquatic Living Resources , 17(1), 13-18 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Reynal Lionel, Doray Mathieu, Carpentier Andre, Druault-Aubin Vomakassi, Taquet Marc, Lagin Alain (2002). Perspectives de développement de la pêche associée aux DCP ancrés dans la Caraïbe . Proceedings - Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, University of Miami , 53, 177-190 . Open Access version :