Domaines de recherche
Domaines de recherches à LDCM: Développement de méthodes de diagnostic (HAB), Biofouling, biofilm
- Physiologie de la reproduction et du développement des organismes marins
Louault Romain, Podeur Christian, Courson Remi, Rommevaux Celine, Dreanno Catherine (2024). Un nouvel échantillonneur dédié à l’ADNe pour les écosystèmes profonds . AEI 2024 - Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation. 25-28 juin 2024, Rennes .
Revel Messika, Freund Carla, Mouloud Mohammed, Perrein-Ettajani Hanane, Métais Isabelle, Bruneau Mélanie, Yakovenko Nadiia, Le Roux Romuald, Caley Timothy, Alogbleto William, Verrier Valentin, Dreanno Catherine, El Rakwe Maria, Châtel Amélie (2024). Towards the understanding of the uptake and depuration of microplastic in the ragworm Hediste diversicolor: Field and laboratory study . Marine Environmental Research , 196, 106410 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cao Pengchao, Pichon Valérie, Dreanno Catherine, Boukerma Kada, Delaunay Nathalie (2024). Use of the dummy approach for the synthesis of ion imprinted polymers with Ni(II) or Zn(II) as template ion for the solid‐phase extraction of Cu(II) . Journal Of Separation Science , 47(6), 2300891 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dreanno Catherine, Rommevaux Celine (2023). Préleveur d’ADN environnemental - WP3.5 . DFO/SM/23-069 .
Ullah Irfan, Wagih Mahmoud, Sun Yixuan, Li Yi, Hajdu Kata, Courson Remi, Dreanno Catherine, Prado Enora, Komolafe Abiodun, Harris Nick R., White Neil M., Beeby Steve (2023). Wirelessly Powered Drug-Free and Anti-Infective Smart Bandage for Chronic Wound Care . Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Circuits And Systems , 17(5), 900-915 .
Malouch Dorsaf, Berchel Mathieu, Dreanno Catherine, Stachowski-Haberkorn Sabine, Chalopin Morgane, Godfrin Yoann, Jaffrès Paul-Alain (2023). Evaluation of lipophosphoramidates-based amphiphilic compounds on the formation of biofilms of marine bacteria . Biofouling , 39(6), 591-605 .
Cao Pengchao, Pichon Valerie, Dreanno Catherine, Boukerma Kada, Delaunay Nathalie (2023). Development of ion-imprinted polymers for the selective extraction of Cu(II) ions in environmental waters . Talanta , 256, 124295 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Centre Ifremer du Pacifique (Vairao). Département RBE/RMPF (2022). " MICROPLASTIQUES DANS LES LAGONS 2 " (MICROLAG 2) . Rapport intermédiaire 2 de la convention N°6509/VP/DRM du 05/10/2020 .
Deshoulles Quentin, Le Gall Maelenn, Benali S., Raquez J-M., Dreanno Catherine, Arhant Mael, Priour Daniel, Cerantola S., Stoclet G., Le Gac Pierre Yves (2022). Hydrolytic degradation of biodegradable poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) - Towards an understanding of microplastics fragmentation . Polymer Degradation And Stability , 205, 110122 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hajdu Kata, Leveque Manon, Courson Remi, Rouxel Justin, Chalopin Morgane, Coail Jean-Yves, Boukerma Kada, Dreanno Catherine, Prado Enora (2022). E-textiles for Antifouling Application . Workshop Biofouling Marin. 8 au 10 novembre 2022, Lorient .
El Rakwe Maria, Thomas Lena, Mazeas Florence, Dreanno Catherine, Halm-Lemeille Marie-Pierre, Gardon Tony, Amadeo Fabrice, Prado Enora (2022). Microplastic particles pollution in Ocean: an overview on their variability and analytical difficulties . 18th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium. September 26-28, 2022, Ulm Germany.
Malouch Dorsaf, Dreanno Catherine, Stachowski-Haberkorn Sabine, Berchel Mathieu, Jaffres Paul-Alain (2022). Amphiphilic Compounds as Potential Non-Toxic Antifouling Agents: A Study of Biofilm Formation Assessed by Micro-titer Assays with Marine Bacteria and Eco-toxicological Effect on Marine Algae . ICMCB 2022 - 16. International Conference on Marine Corrosion and Biofouling. September 20-21, 2022. Lisbon, Portugal .
Prado Enora, El Rakwe Maria, Thomas Lena, Mazeas Florence, Dreanno Catherine, Burger Victor, Duscare Edgard, Morin Bénédicte, Cachot Jerome, Lecomte Sophie, Maes Christophe, Amadeo Fabrice (2022). Anthropogenic particles pollution in (sub)surface water of THE Atlantic Ocean . 18th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium. September 26-28, 2022, Ulm Germany .
Malouch Dorsaf, Berchel Mathieu, Dreanno Catherine, Stachowski-Haberkorn Sabine, Jaffres Paul-Alain (2022). Phospholipid Cationic and Zwitterionic Compounds as Potential Non-Toxic Antifouling Agents: A Study of Biofilm Formation Assessed by Micro-titer Assays with Marine Bacteria and Eco-toxicological Effect on Marine Microalgae . ICMCFRT 2022 - International Conference On Marine Corrosion And Fouling Research Technologies. Istanbul, Turkey .
El Rakwe Maria, Thomas Lena, Mazeas Florence, Halm-Lemeille Marie-Pierre, Gardon Tony, Amadeo Fabrice, Dreanno Catherine, Prado Enora (2022). Les microfibres : une classe distincte de polluants? GDRPO2022 : Troisième rencontre du GDR Polymères et Océans 2022. 27-29 juin 2022, Brest, France .
Dreanno Catherine, Cocquempot Lucie, Compere Chantal (2022). Les usagers de la mer : nouveaux acteurs engagés de la recherche . Atelier Expérimentation et Instrumentation (AEI). 28 juin - 1 juillet 2022, Montpellier .
Burger Victor, Dusacre Edgar, Clerandeau Christelle, Morin Bénédicte, Cachot Jérôme, Villette Sandrine, Lecomte Sophie, Dreanno Catherine, Prado Enora, El Rakwe Maria, Maes Christophe, Amedeo Fabrice (2022). Identification et quantification des microplastiques dans les eaux de surface de l’océan Atlantique . GDRPO2022 : Troisième rencontre du GDR Polymères et Océans 2022. 27-29 juin 2022, Brest, France .
Hajdu Kata, Courson Remi, Rouxel Justin, Chalopin Morgane, Coail Jean-Yves, Prado Enora, Dreanno Catherine (2022). E-textiles for antifouling application . RBPGO9 - Les 9ièmes Rencontres Biologie~Physique du Grand-Ouest 2022. 22 au 24 juin 2022, Brest .
Rouxel Justin, Fauvarque Olivier, Tardivel Morgan, Guyader Gerard, Coail Jean-Yves, Beriet Patrick, Forest Bertrand, Le Mestre Sophie, Huret Martin, Danielou Marie-Madeleine, Dreanno Catherine, Romagnan Jean-Baptiste (2022). In-flow imaging ZooCAM system for zooplankton counting, identification and classification . RBPGO9 - les 9èmes Rencontres Biologie-Physique du Grand Ouest 2022. 22-24 juin 2022, Brest.
Deshoulles Quentin, Le Gall M, Dreanno Catherine, Arhant Mael, Priour Daniel, Le Gac Pierre Yves (2022). Chemical coupling between oxidation and hydrolysis in Polyamide 6 - A key aspect in the understanding of microplastic formation . Polymer Degradation And Stability , 197, 109851 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
El Rakwe Maria, Thomas Lena, Mazeas Florence, Halm-Lemeille Marie-Pierre, Gardon Tony, Amadeo Fabrice, Dreanno Catherine, Prado Enora (2022). Microfibres : une classe distincte de polluants? RBPGO9 - Les 9ièmes Rencontres Biologie~Physique du Grand-Ouest 2022. 22-24 Juin- Brest, France .
Urvoy Marion, Lami Raphaël, Dreanno Catherine, Delmas Daniel, L’helguen Stéphane, Labry Claire (2021). Quorum Sensing Regulates the Hydrolytic Enzyme Production and Community Composition of Heterotrophic Bacteria in Coastal Waters . Frontiers In Microbiology , 12, 780759 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Urvoy Marion, Lami Raphael, Dreanno Catherine, Daudé David, Rodrigues Alice M S, Gourmelon Michele, L'Helguen Stephane, Labry Claire (2021). Quorum sensing disruption regulates hydrolytic enzyme and biofilm production in estuarine bacteria . Environmental Microbiology , 23(11), 7183-7200 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Prado Enora, Rouxel Justin, El Rakwe Maria, Boukerma Kada, Fauvarque Olivier, Tardivel Morgan, Mazeas Florence, Dreanno Catherine (2021). Détection MIR de polluants dans l'eau salée au LDCM/Ifremer . 3èmes Rencontres du Moyen Infrarouge. 26 octobre 2021, Rennes .
Gardon Tony, El Rakwe Maria, Paul-Pont Ika, Le Luyer Jeremy, Thomas Lena, Prado Enora, Boukerma Kada, Cassone Anne-Laure, Quillien Virgile, Soyez Claude, Costes Louis, Crusot Margaux, Dreanno Catherine, Le Moullac Gilles, Huvet Arnaud (2021). Microplastics contamination in pearl-farming lagoons of French Polynesia . Journal Of Hazardous Materials , 419, 126396 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Prado Enora, Lefevre Coralyne, Courson Remi, Rouxel Justin, Fauvarque Olivier, Tardivel Morgan, Bocher Alan, Forest Bertrand, Dreanno Catherine (2021). Biotoxins detection with SPR imaging in situ system . GDRMNF 2021 - Journées plénières du GDR MicroNanoFluidique / Micro-Nano-Fluidics Meeting. September, 23-24 2021, Toulouse, France .
Deshoulles Quentin, Le Gall Maelenn, Dreanno Catherine, Arhant Mael, Stoclet G., Priour Daniel, Le Gac Pierre Yves (2021). Origin of embrittlement in Polyamide 6 induced by chemical degradations: mechanisms and governing factors . Polymer Degradation And Stability , 191, 109657 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fauvarque Olivier, Le Menn Marc, Kolodziejczyk Nicolas, Tardivel Morgan, Rouxel Justin, Dreanno Catherine (2021). Expérimentation d’un procédé interférométrique pour la mesure de la salinité absolue de l’eau de mer . Optique Dijon 2021 - 8ème édition du congrès de la Société Française d'Optique (SFO), 5 au 9 juillet 2021 .
Rouxel Justin, Lartigue Lionel, Moreau Julien, Hecquet Christophe, Fauvarque Olivier, Cao Pengchao, Tardivel Morgan, Courson Remi, Prado Enora, Delaunay Nathalie, Pichon Valérie, Dreanno Catherine (2021). Détection d’ions métalliques par imagerie SPR . Optique Dijon 2021 - 8ème édition du congrès de la Société Française d'Optique (SFO), 5 au 9 juillet 2021 .
Challier Lylian, Lemarchand Justin, Dreanno Catherine, Jauzein Cecile, Mattana Giorgio, Meriguet Guillaume, Rotenberg Benjamin, Noël Vincent (2021). Printed Dielectrophoretic Electrode‐Based Continuous Flow Microfluidic Systems for Particles 3D‐Trapping . Particle & Particle Systems Characterization , 38(2), 2000235 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Deshoulles Quentin, Le Gall Maelenn, Dreanno Catherine, Arhant Mael, Priour Daniel, Le Gac Pierre Yves (2021). Modelling pure polyamide 6 hydrolysis: influence of water content in the amorphous phase . Polymer Degradation And Stability , 183, 109435 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sauvey Aurore, Goberville Eric, Dreanno Catherine, Lamy Dominique, Niquil Nathalie, Leroy Bertrand, Goux Didier, Jolly Orianne, Fauchot Juliette (2020). PHENOMEN - Phenology and interannual variability in the diversity of toxic diatoms Pseudo-nitzschia: environmental control and influence on domoic acid concentrations in the Bay of Seine. Analysis of 10 years of observation and innovative approaches . PHYCOTOX 2020 - Conference annuelle du GdR Phycotox. 4-6 novembre 2020, Nantes .
Alligant Soline, Gasperi Johnny, Gangnery Aline, Maheux Frank, Simon Benjamin, Halm-Lemeille Marie-Pierre, El Rakwe Maria, Dreanno Catherine, Cachot Jerome, Tassin Bruno (2020). Microplastic Contamination of Sediment and Water Column in the Seine River Estuary . Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea. 2020. Maria cristina Cocca, Emilia Di Pace, Maria Emanuela Errico , Gennaro Gentile, Alessio Montarsolo, Raffaella Mossotti , Maurizio Avella (Eds). eBook ISBN 978-3-030-45909-3, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-030-45908-6, Series ISSN 2364-6934 Part of the Springer Water book series (SPWA). / Conference proceedings ICMPMS 2019 DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-45909-3 . pp.4-9 .
Urvoy Marion, Labry Claire, Delmas Daniel, Dreanno Catherine, Lami Raphael, Rabiller Emilie, L'Helguen Stephane (2019). Hydrolyse de la matière organique au sein des maximums turbides estuariens : rôle du Quorum sensing dans la régulation des activités enzymatiques bactériennes . AFEM 2019 - IXème colloque de l’Association Francophone d’Ecologie Microbienne. 5 au 8 novembre 2019, BUSSANG, France .
Challier Lylian, Geffroy Benjamin, Dreanno Catherine (2019). Méthodologie électrochimique pour le développement d’un aptacapteur marin à cortisol . Journées d’Electrochimie 2019. 1-4 juillet 2019, Toulouse .
Cachot Jerome, Clérandeau Christelle, Le Bihanic Florane, Vignet Caroline, Pannetier Pauline, Misurale Francesco, Pedriat Q., Morin Bénédicte, Revel Messika, Mouneyrac Catherine, Mouloud M., Châtel A., Perrein-Ettajani H., Bruneau M., Halm-Lemeille Marie-Pierre, Gangnery Aline, Galgani Francois, Begout Marie-Laure, Cousin Xavier, Dreanno Catherine, El Rakwe Maria, Thery J., Bialais C., Souissi Sami, Kazour Maria, Amara Rachid, Dutertre M., Coulaud R., Monsinjon Tiphaine, Xuereb Benoit, Alligant. Solène, Tassin Bruno, Gasperi Johnny (2019). Evaluation de la contamination et des effets écotoxiques des microplastiques en estuaire de Seine ; les premiers enseignements du projet Plastic-Seine . PO 2019 - Premières rencontres nationales du GDR Polymères et Océans. 24 - 26 juin 2019, Université Paris - Est Créteil.
Deshoulles Quentin, Le Gall Maelenn, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Davies Peter, Arhant Mael, Dreanno Catherine, Priour Daniel (2019). Compréhension de la formation des Microplastiques : Impact de l’hydrolyse du polyamide 6 sur les propriétés à la rupture . Premières rencontres nationales du GDR Polymères et Océans. 24 – 26 juin 2019, Université Paris-Est Créteil .
Gasperi Johnny, Clérandeau Christelle, Le Bihanic Florane, Vignet Caroline, Pannetier Pauline, Revel Messika, Mouneyrac Catherine, Mouloud M., Châtel A., Perrein-Ettajani H., Halm-Lemeille Marie-Pierre, Gangnery Aline, Galgani Francois, Begout Marie-Laure, Cousin Xavier, Dreanno Catherine, El Rakwe Maria, Thery J., Bialais C., Souissi Sami, Kazour Maria, Amara Rachid, Coulaud R., Monsinjon Tiphaine, Xuereb Benoit, Alligant. Solène, Tassin Bruno, Cachot Jerome (2019). PLASTIC-Seine research project: Microplastic Flux and Impact on biota in the Seine estuary . SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting "One Environment. One Health. Sustainable Societies". 26−30 May 2019, Helsinki, Finland .
Colas Florent, Compere Chantal, Delauney Laurent, Dreanno Catherine, Forest Bertrand, Rinnert Emmanuel, Tardivel Morgan (2019). Applications de la lumière à l'observation et la mesure en milieu marin . Journée BlueDay "Mer & Lumière" : pêche, environnement et photonique. 16 mai 2019, Lorient .
Cachot Jerome, Clérandeau Christelle, Le Bihanic Florane, Vignet Caroline, Pannetier Pauline, Misurale Francesco, Pedriat Q., Morin Bénédicte, Revel Messika, Mouneyrac Catherine, Mouloud M., Châtel A., Perrein-Ettajani H., Bruneau M., Halm-Lemeille Marie-Pierre, Gangnery Aline, Galgani Francois, Begout Marie-Laure, Cousin Xavier, Dreanno Catherine, El Rakwe Maria, Thery J., Bialais C., Souissi Sami, Kazour Maria, Amara Rachid, Dutertre M., Coulaud R., Monsinjon Tiphaine, Xuereb Benoit, Alligant. Solène, Tassin Bruno, Gasperi 6 Johnny (2019). O5/P2 : PLASTIC-Seine : une première évaluation de la contamination et de l’impact des microplastiques en estuaire de Seine . Colloque EcoBIM 2019 - 15ème édition du colloque international francophone en écotoxicologie aquatique. 1-3 Mai 2019, Sousse .
El Rakwe Maria, Boukerma Kada, Mazeas Florence, Dreanno Catherine, Compere Chantal, Galgani Francois, Rinnert Emmanuel (2018). Identification of microplastic particles and fibers using vibrational spectroscopy coupled to multivariate analysis . MICRO 2018 -International Conference "Fate and Impact of Microplastics: Knowledge, Actions and Solutions". 19-23 November 2018, Lanzarote .
Deshoulles Quentin, Le Gall Maelenn, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Davies Peter, Arhant Mael, El Rakwe Maria, Compere Chantal, Dreanno Catherine, Priour Daniel (2018). Study of Microplastic formation: Accelerated degradation of polyamide 6 in thermal and hygrothermal environment . MICRO 2018 -International Conference "Fate and Impact of Microplastics: Knowledge, Actions and Solutions". 19-23 November 2018, Lanzarote .
Compere Chantal, Dreanno Catherine, Colas Florent, Delauney Laurent, Henneke Ghislaine, Flament Didier (2018). In situ Biosensors and associated Diagnose Methods . ASIMO Workshop - Autonomous Systems for Integrated Marine and Maritime Observations in Coastal areas. 17-19 september 2018, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain.
Deshoulles Quentin, Le Gall Maelenn, Le Gac Pierre Yves, Davies Peter, Arhant Mael, Dreanno Catherine, Priour Daniel (2018). Etude de la formation des Microplastiques : Impact de la dégradation du PA6 sur les propriétés à la rupture . DEPOS28 - 28ème colloque National "DÉformation des POlymères Solides". 25-28 septembre 2018, la Bresse .
Quillien Nolwenn, Ameryoun H, Barillier A, Berhault Christian, Boukerma Kada, Bressy C, Briand Jf, Cayocca Kelly, Compere Chantal, Damblans Guillaume, Debout V, Dreanno Catherine, Dubois F, Félix-Henry A, Grenier A, Gueuné H, Jacob D, Leblanc V, Lejart M, Pagot Jp, Reynaud M, Schoefs Franck (2018). Towards improving biofouling knowledge within MRE environments . EIMR 2018 - Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewables conference. April 24, 2018–April 27, 2018, Kirkwall, Orkney, Scotland, UK .
Ifremer (2017). Bioressources marines . Rapport du groupe 1c - Réflexion stratégique 2017-2018 .
Dreanno Catherine, Koken Marcel, Compere Chantal, Lenaour Gwendal (2016). Application of green fluorescent protein as a viable marker in a pioneer marine species, Pseudoalteromonas sp. D41 for adhesion and biofilm dynamics analysis . ICMCF 2016 - 18th International Congress on marine Corrosion and Fouling. 19-24 June, Toulon, France .
Dreanno Catherine, Gas Fabienne, Baus-Largade Béatrice, Quere Julien, Chapelle Annie (2016). New Immuno-chromatography strips for the simple detection and quantification of the toxic marine microalgae, Alexandrium minutum . OCEANEXT. 8-10 June 2016, Nantes, France .
Gas Fabienne, Baus-Lagarde Béatrice, Quere Julien, Chapelle Annie, Dreanno Catherine (2016). Rapid quantification of the marine toxic algae, Alexandrium minutum, using a super-paramagnetic immunochromatographic strip test . Biosensors 2016 - 26th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors. 25-27 May, Gothenburg, Sweden .
Gas Fabienne, Baus Beatrice, Quere Julien, Chapelle Annie, Dreanno Catherine (2016). Rapid detection and quantification of the marine toxic algae, Alexandrium minutum, using a super-paramagnetic immunochromatographic strip test . Talanta , 147, 581-589 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Noyer Charlotte, Abot Anne, Trouilh Lidwine, Leberre Veronique Anton, Dreanno Catherine (2015). Phytochip: Development of a DNA-microarray for rapid and accurate identification of Pseudo-nitzschia spp and other harmful algal species . Journal Of Microbiological Methods , 112, 55-66 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Foucher Eric, Blanchard Michel, Cugier Philippe, Desroy Nicolas, Dreanno Catherine, Fauchot Juliette, Fifas Spyros, Guyader Olivier, Jean Frederic, Le Gallic Bertrand, Riou Philippe, Schapira Mathilde, Thiebaut Eric (2015). Le projet ANR-COMANCHE 2010-STRA-010. Interactions écosystémiques et impacts anthropiques dans les populations de COquilles Saint-Jacques (Pecten maximus) de la MANCHE. Rapport scientifique final .
Chapelle Annie, Le Bec Claude, Amzil Zouher, Dreanno Catherine, Guillou Laure, Klouch Khadidja, Labry Claire, Le Gac Mickael, Pineau-Guillou Lucia, Siano Raffaele, Abernot Chantal, Andrieux Francoise, Caradec Florian, Destombe Christophe, Dia A., Doner Anne, Duval Julia, Gouriou Jeremie, Lazure Pascal, Lebrun Luc, Le Gal Dominique, Malestroit Pascale, Petton Sebastien, Plus Martin, Quere Julien, Savar Veronique, Schmitt Sophie, Terre A., Youenou Agnes (2014). Étude sur la prolifération de la micro algue Alexandrium minutum en rade de Brest . R.INT.ODE/Dyneco/Pelagos 2014-07 .
Dreanno Catherine, Gas Fabienne, Baus Béatrice, Chapelle Annie (2014). A rapid and quantitative lateral-flow-immunoassay for Alexandrium minutum using superparamagnetic nanoparticles . ICHA 2014 - 16th International Conference on Harmful Algae : “Advancement Through Shared Science” . 27–31 October 2014, Wellignton City, New Zealand .
IFREMER (2014). Journées REPHY 2014. Nantes, 1er et 2 octobre 2014. Tome 2/2. Compilation des interventions pour la session sanitaire, surveillance et recherche . DYNECO/VIGIES 2014-10.02 .
Bienvenu Benoit, Goudenège David, Le Roux Frederique, Quintric Laure, Compere Chantal, Dreanno Catherine (2014). Genome sequence of a marine pioneer bacterium in biofouling formation . BioCare marine Symposium : Biomolecules of the sea for environmental remediation and healthcare. September 16, 2014 6 Océanopolis, Brest, France .
Sousa Celia, Compere Chantal, Dreanno Catherine, Crassous Marie-Pierre, Gas Fabienne, Baus Beatrice, Perrot Hubert (2014). Direct and fast detection of Alexandrium minutum algae by using high frequency microbalance . Journal Of Microbiological Methods , 103, 49-54 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Noyer Charlotte, Anton-Le Berre Véronique, Dreanno Catherine (2013). Phytochips : Une nouvelle biopuce pour l’étude de la biodiversité du phytoplancton . BiomInnov : la biologie moléculaire appliquée à l'environnement et au service de l'innovation industrielle. 9 décembre 2013, Romainville, France .
Chapelle Annie, Le Bec Claude, Le Gac Mickael, Labry Claire, Amzil Zouher, Guillou Laure, Dreanno Catherine, Pineau-Guillou Lucia (2013). Etude sur la prolifération de la micro algue Alexandrium minutum en rade de Brest. Projet Daoulex. Rapport d’avancement n° 1 : Novembre 2013 . ODE/DYNECO/PELAGOS 2013-02 .
Noyer Charlotte, Anton-Leberre Véronique, Dreanno Catherine (2013). A « phytochips »: a new tool to study the toxic phytoplankton diversity . Workshop "When genetics meets oceanography" .14-16 October 2013, Banyuls-sur-Mer, France .
Bienvenu B, Goudenege David, Le Roux Frederique, Quintric Laure, Compere Chantal, Dreanno Catherine (2013). Genome sequence of Pseudoalteromonas sp. D41, a pioneer bacterium in marine biofouling . Gordon Research Conference on Marine Molecular Ecology. August 11-16, 2013, Hong Kong, China .
Ritter Andres, Com Emmanuelle, Bazire Alexis, Goncalves Marina Dos Santos, Delage Ludovic, Le Pennec Gael, Pineau Charles, Dreanno Catherine, Compere Chantal, Dufour Alain (2012). Proteomic studies highlight outer-membrane proteins related to biofilm development in the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp D41 . Proteomics , 12(21), 3180-3192 .
Lazerges M., Perrot H., Rabehagasoa N., Compere Chantal, Dreanno Catherine, Mucio Pedroso M., Faria R. C., Bueno P. R. (2012). DNA hybridization mechanism in an interfacial environment: What hides beneath first order k (s(-1)) kinetic constant? Sensors And Actuators B-chemical , 171, 522-527 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Compere Chantal, Dreanno Catherine, Colas Florent, Henneke Ghislaine, Flament Didier, Delauney Laurent (2011). Biocapteurs in situ et méthodes de diagnose associées .
Schapira Mathilde, Le Gendre Romain, Fiant Liliane, Fauchot Juliette, Raimbault René, Dreanno Catherine, Claquin Pascal, Riou Philippe (2011). Tracking, understanding and predictingtoxic phytoplankton blooms and their effects scallops populations in the bay of Seine: the comanche projet . International Symposium on phytoplankton blooms in temperate coastal ecosystems, 19-21 september 2011, Wimereux, France .
Colas Florent, Crassous Marie-Pierre, Laurent Sebastien, Dreanno Catherine, Compere Chantal (2010). New Approach For The Detection Of Toxic Algae Species . 14th International Conference on Harmful Algae. Crete, Greece, 1–5 November 2010 .
Vedrine Christophe, Lazerges Mathieu, Perrot Hubert, Compere Chantal, Dreanno Catherine, Pernelle Christine (2009). How to Control Accessibility to Biosensor Probes? Sensor Letters , 7(5), 952-956 .
IFREMER (2009). Journées REPHY 2009. Nantes, 1er et 2 avril 2009. Compilation des interventions .
Colas Florent, Laurent Sebastien, Lehaitre Michel, Hamelin Muriel, Crassous Marie-Pierre, Antoine Elisabeth, Dreanno Catherine, Deuff Albert, Compere Chantal (2009). Toward in situ detection of algae species . Oceans 2009 - Europe, Vols 1 And 2 , 715-717 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Klein Geraldine, Soum-Soutera Emmanuelle, Bazire Alexis, Dreanno Catherine, Compere Chantal, Dufour Alain (2009). NOUBA Project Novel Natural Molecules Inhibiting the Development of Marine Bacteria in Biofilms . Day of Europôle Mer projects, L’Aber Wrac’h, France, November 2009.
Klein Geraldine, Soum-Soutera Emmanuelle, Bazire Alexis, Dreanno Catherine, Compere Chantal, Dufour Alain (2009). Bioactive Compounds Produced by Pseudoalteromonas Affect Marine Biofilm Formation . The 3rd Congress of European Microbiologists, Göthenburg, Sweden, June 28-July 2, 2009.
Cosson J, Groison A, Suquet Marc, Fauvel Christian, Dreanno Catherine, Billard R (2008). Marine fish spermatozoa: racing ephemeral swimmers . Reproduction , 136(3), 277-294 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cosson J, Groison A, Suquet Marc, Fauvel Christian, Dreanno Catherine, Billard R (2008). Studying sperm motility in marine fish: an overview on the state of the art . Journal of Applied Ichthyology , 24(4), 460-486 .
Dreanno Catherine, Kirby Richard R., Clare Anthony S. (2007). Involvement of the barnacle settlement-inducing protein complex (SIPC) in species recognition at settlement . Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology , 351(1-2), 276-282 .
Dreanno Catherine, Kirby Richard R., Clare Anthony S. (2006). Locating the barnacle settlement pheromone: spatial and ontogenetic expression of the settlement-inducing protein complex of Balanus amphitrite . Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-biological Sciences , 273(1602), 2721-2728 .
Dreanno Catherine, Kirby Richard R., Clare Anthony S. (2006). Smelly feet are not always a bad thing: the relationship between cyprid footprint protein and the barnacle settlement pheromone . Biology Letters , 2(3), 423-425 .
Dreanno Catherine, Matsumura Kiyotaka, Dohmae Naoshi, Takio Koji, Hirota Hiroshi, Kirby Richard R., Clare Anthony S. (2006). An alpha(2)-macroglobulin-like protein is the cue to gregarious settlement of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite . Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America , 103(39), 14396-14401 .
Inaba K, Dreanno Catherine, Cosson J (2003). Control of flatfish sperm motility by CO2 and carbonic anhydrase . Cell Motility And The Cytoskeleton , 55(3), 174-187 .
Suquet Marc, Dreanno Catherine, Fauvel Christian, Cosson J, Billard R (2000). Cryopreservation of sperm in marine fish . Aquaculture Research , 31(3), 231-243 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dreanno Catherine, Suquet Marc, Fauvel Christian, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Dorange G, Quemener Loic, Billard R (1999). Effect of the aging process on the quality of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) semen . Journal Of Applied Ichthyology-zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Ichthyologie , 15(6), 176-180 .
Dreanno Catherine, Cosson Jacky, Suquet Marc, Seguin François, Dorange Germaine, Billard Roland (1999). Nucleotide content, oxydative phosphorylation, morphology, and fertilizing capacity of turbot (Psetta maxima) spermatozoa during the motility period . Molecular Reproduction And Development , 53(2), 230-243 .<230::AID-MRD12>3.0.CO;2-H
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