Philipp Hess

Philipp Hess

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Nantes

Adresse postale : Centre Atlantique - Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu - BP 21105 - 44311 Nantes Cedex 03


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0002-9047-1345

Activités d’enseignements

Enseignement d'un cours M2 sur les phycotoxines à l'Université de Nantes

Sites Web

Listen to my Webinar on the use of High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Marine Biotoxins:

(a simple inscription suffices to view the webinar)

Researcher ID

Projets nationaux ou internationaux


Collaborateur (EFSA) EuroCigua and EuroCigua 2

Atlantic Interreg (EU) ALERTOX-Net

ERANET 4 Climate Services (EU/ANR) CoCliME

Innovative collaboration (Yves Rocher - Ifremer, ANRT Cifre BlueLAB-MicroPeau)

CNC (FR) Detoxification of algal toxins in shellfish (DETOX)

AWI-Ifremer (FR-DE cooperation) METAFLOW

Jeux de données


Gaillard Sylvain, Hegaret Helene, Hess Philipp (2020). Review of global distribution of dinophysis shellfish toxin (DST) measurements in marine animals, in Dinophysis (culture and field sampling) and in SPATT . SEANOE .


Kilcoyne Jane, McCarron Pearse, Hess Philipp, Miles Christopher O. (2015). Supporting Information of effects of Heating on AZAs . SEANOE .



Gorse Léana, Plessis Loic, Wearne Stephen, Paradis Margaux, Pinilla Miriam, Chua Rae, Lim Seong Soo, Pelluz Elena, Toh Gee-Ann, Mazars Raoul, Bomfim Caio, Hervé Fabienne, Lhaute Korian, Réveillon Damien, Suire Bastien, Ravon-Katossky Léa, Benoist Thomas, Fromont Léa, Péricat David, Mertens Kenneth, Derrien Amelie, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Chomérat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Séchet Veronique, Carpentier Liliane, Fall Mamadou, Sonko Amidou, Hakim Hadi, Sadio Nfally, Bourdeaux Jessie, Cougoule Céline, Henras Anthony K, Perez-Oliva Ana Belen, Brehmer Patrice, Roca Francisco J, Zhong Franklin L, Common John, Meunier Etienne, Hess Philipp (2025). Portimine A toxin causes skin inflammation through ZAKα-dependent NLRP1 inflammasome activation . Embo Molecular Medicine , 17(3), 535-562 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pourdanandeh Milad, Séchet Veronique, Carpentier Liliane, Réveillon Damien, Hervé Fabienne, Hubert Clarisse, Hess Philipp, Selander Erik (2025). Effects of copepod chemical cues on intra- and extracellular toxins in two species of Dinophysis . Harmful Algae , 142, 102793 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ali Chirdon Mahamoud, Mertens Kenneth, Bilien Gwenael, Mahdi Ahmed Moussa, Hess Philipp, Hassan Ibrahim Nasri, Awaleh Mohamed Osman (2025). First observation of a Pyrodinium bahamense bloom in the Gulf of Aden, Djibouti: morpho-molecular characterisation and spatio-temporal abundance . European Journal Of Phycology , 60(1), 84-102 .
Brehmer Patrice, Fall Mamadou, Hess Philipp, Tagbé Camara Ousmane, Mertens Kenneth, Hakim Hadi, Plessis Loïc, Mbaye Adama, Sonko Amidou, Gorse Léana, Meunier Etienne (2025). Le mystère de la maladie des pêcheurs (2020-2021) sénégalais levé . Note Politique AWA, fdi:010093066, CSRPIRD, Dakar, 16 p.


Wu Xizhen, Wang Guixiang, Qiu Jiangbing, Li Aifeng, Hess Philipp (2024). Effects of Culture Systems and Nutrients on the Growth and Toxin Production of Karenia selliformis . Toxins , 16(12), 518 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaillard Sylvain, Small Hamish J., Carnegie Ryan B., Harris Thomas M., Tanniou Simon, Réveillon Damien, Hess Philipp, Reece Kimberly S. (2024). Sublethal exposure of eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica to the goniodomin‐producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium monilatum: Fate of toxins, histopathology, and gene expression . Journal Of Aquatic Animal Health , 36(4), 374-394 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaillard Sylvain, Small Hamish J., Ayache Nour, Tanniou Simon, Hess Philipp, Réveillon Damien, Harris Constance M., Harris Thomas M., Scott Gail P., Macintyre Alanna, Reece Kimberly S. (2024). Investigating the role of allelochemicals in the interaction between Alexandrium monilatum and other phytoplankton species . Harmful Algae , 139, 102706 (12p.) .
Grovel Olivier, Hess Philipp, Passerini Delphine, Delbarre-Ladrat Christine, Bertrand Samuel, Ruiz Nicolas, Briand Enora (2024). Interactions ISOMer-IFREMER pour l'analyse des interactions chimiques au sein du microbiome marin . Journée du Microbiome. Chaire Bleue Contaminants, Mer et Santé. 25 juin 2024, Nantes, France .
Yon Thomas, Réveillon Damien, Sibat Manoella, Holland Chris, Litaker R. Wayne, Nascimento Silvia M., Rossignoli Araceli E., Riobó Pilar, Hess Philipp, Bertrand Samuel (2024). Targeted and non-targeted mass spectrometry to explore the chemical diversity of the genus Gambierdiscus in the Atlantic Ocean . Phytochemistry , 222, 114095 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Biessy Laura, Pearman John K., Mertens Kenneth, Réveillon Damien, Savar Veronique, Hess Philipp, Hampton Hannah, Thompson Lucy, Lebrun Luc, Terre-Terrillon Aouregan, Smith Kirsty F. (2024). Sudden peak in tetrodotoxin in French oysters during the summer of 2021: Source investigation using microscopy, metabarcoding and droplet digital PCR . Toxicon , 243, 107721 (13p.) .
Clausing Rachel J., Ben Gharbia Hela, Sdiri Khalil, Sibat Manoella, Rañada-Mestizo Ma. Llorina, Lavenu Laura, Hess Philipp, Chinain Mireille, Bottein Marie-Yasmine Dechraoui (2024). Tissue Distribution and Metabolization of Ciguatoxins in an Herbivorous Fish following Experimental Dietary Exposure to Gambierdiscus polynesiensis . Marine Drugs , 22(1), 14 (22p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Shin Hyeon Ho, Li Zhun, Réveillon Damien, Savar Veronique, Hess Philipp, Mertens Kenneth Neil, Yoon Joo Youn, Shin Kyoungsoon, Lee Jihoon, Shin A-Young, Byun Eunjung, Yoo Yeong Du, Son Moon Ho, Lee Minji, Seo Min Ho (2024). Toxic dinoflagellate Centrodinium punctatum (Cleve) F.J.R. Taylor: an examination on the responses in growth and toxin contents to drastic changes of temperature and salinity . Harmful Algae , 131, 102559 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ubiqus , Certain Gregoire, Hattab Tarek, Brind'Amour Anik, Schull Quentin, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Lassudrie Malwenn, Pérez Agúndez José A., Le Pivert Olivier, Petitgas Pierre (2024). Journées scientifiques sur les réseaux trophiques 10-11 janvier 2024 .


Plessis Loic, Gorse Leana, Lhaute Korian, Paradis Margaux, Pinilla Miriam, Hervé Fabienne, Mertens Kenneth, Derrien Amelie, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Chomerat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Henras Anthony, Reveillon Damien, Bredif Stephanie, Brehmer Patrice, Meunier Etienne, Hess Philipp (2023). Portimine from Vulcanodinium rugosum induces severe pyroptosis in primary skin cells through ribotoxic stress response (RSR) . ICHA 2023 - 20th International Conference on Harmful Algae. November 5-10, 2023, Hiroshima, Japan .
Sibat Manoella, Mai Tepoerau, Tanniou Simon, Biegala Isabelle, Hess Philipp, Jauffrais Thierry (2023). Seasonal Single-Site Sampling Reveals Large Diversity of Marine Algal Toxins in Coastal Waters and Shellfish of New Caledonia (Southwestern Pacific) . Toxins , 15(11), 642 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer, ODE/VIGIES (2023). Journées REPHY 2022. Nantes, 1er et 2 décembre 2022. Compilation des interventions et résumés . ODE/VIGIES/23-08 .
Raisson-Victor Virginie (dir.), Charlot Antoine (dir.), Bechet Béatrice, Bertrand Jean-Louis, Chancibault Katia, Fleury-Bahi Ghozlane, Robin Marc, Rospars Claude, Schoefs Franck, Trenkel Verena, Vacher Pierre (2023). GIEC DES PAYS DE LA LOIRE. 2e rapport — Avril 2023 .
Gaillard Sylvain, Réveillon Damien, Mason P.L., Ayache Nour, Sanderson M., Smith J.L., Giddings S., McCarron P., Séchet Veronique, Hégaret Helene, Hess Philipp, Vogelbein W.K. (2023). Mortality and histopathology in sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) larvae exposed to pectenotoxin-2 and Dinophysis acuminata . Aquatic Toxicology , 257, 106456 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
FAO, IOC, IAEA (2023). Joint FAO-IOC-IAEA technical guidance for the implementation of early warning systems for harmful algal blooms . FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper , (690) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Turner Andrew D, Dean Karl J, Dhanji-Rapkova Monika, Dall’ara Sonia, Pino Florella, McVey Claire, Haughey Simon, Logan Natasha, Elliott Christopher, Gago-Martinez Ana, Leao Jose Manuel, Giraldez Jorge, Gibbs Ryan, Thomas Krista, Perez-Calderon Ruth, Faulkner Dermot, McEneny Hugh, Savar Veronique, Reveillon Damien, Hess Philipp, Arevalo Fabiola, Lamas J Pablo, Cagide Eva, Alvarez Mercedes, Antelo Alvaro, Klijnstra Mirjam D, Oplatowska-Stachowiak Michalina, Kleintjens Tim, Sajic Nermin, Boundy Michael J, Maskrey Benjamin H, Harwood D Tim, Jartín Jesús M González, Alfonso Amparo, Botana Luis (2023). Interlaboratory evaluation of multiple LC-MS/MS methods and a commercial ELISA method for determination of tetrodotoxin in oysters and mussels . Journal Of Aoac International , 106(2), 356-369 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Berry Olivier, Briand Enora, Bagot Alizé, Chaigné Maud, Meslet‐cladière Laurence, Wang Julien, Grovel Olivier, Jansen Jeroen J., Ruiz Nicolas, Robiou Du Pont Thibaut, Pouchus Yves François, Hess Philipp, Bertrand Samuel (2023). Deciphering interactions between the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum lima and the fungus Aspergillus pseudoglaucus . Environmental Microbiology , 25(2), 250-267 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Plessis Loic, Lhaute Korian, Gorse Leana, Cavallaro Arianna, Sechet Veronique, Hervé Fabienne, Reveillon Damien, Meunier Etienne, Bredif Stephanie, Hess Philipp (2023). From the ocean to the skin: exploring the cytotoxicity of phycotoxins and the inflammatory response in HaCaT and A549 cells . Conférence annuelle GDR Phycotox - GIS Cyanobactéries 2023. 23-25 Mai 2023, Nantes .
Plessis Loic, Reveillon Damien, Robert Elise, Raimbault Virginie, Hervé Fabienne, Prieux Roxane, Bordron Chloé, Le-Joly Charlène, Zozine Sophie, Bredif Stephanie, Hess Philipp (2023). From microalgae to cosmetic ingredients: bio-guided fractionation to highlight antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds . Cosm'ing 2023 - Cosmetic ingredients and biotechnology, 10ème édition. 5 au 7 juillet 2023, Saint-Malo.


Cavallaro Arianna Luciana (2022). The dinoflagellate Karenia brevis: toxin and pigment metabolites . Final Internship Report .
Ifremer (2022). Présentations de l’atelier - rencontre pêcheries artisanales des Outre-mer intertropicaux. 5-6 décembre 2022 .
Brehmer Patrice, Ndiaye Waly, Fricke Anna, Hess Philipp, Mertens Kenneth, Chomerat Nicolas, Sonko Amidou, Mbaye Adama, Ndour Ismaïla, Diedhiou Fulgence, Constantin De Magny Guillaume, Faye Saliou, Galgani Francois, Balde Bocar Sabali, Demarcq Hervé, Sechet Veronique, Hervé Fabienne, Plessis Loic, Reveillon Damien, Sow Ngom Fanbaye, Sadio Nfally, Derrien Amelie, Carpentier Liliane, Thiam Ndiaga (2022). Efflorescences toxiques et nuisibles au Sénégal : les cas d'Ostreopsis cf. ovata, Noctiluca scintillans et Vulcanodinium rugosum . International conference "Seaweed for blue economy, biodiversity and ecosystemic services an opportunity at sub regional level". 6-7 December, 2022. SRFC, Geomar, ISRA, IRD. Sub Regional Fisheries Commission, Dakar, Senegal .
Wang Guixiang, Qiu Jiangbing, Li Aifeng, Ji Ying, Tang Zhixuan, Hess Philipp (2022). Stability and Chemical Conversion of the Purified Reference Material of Gymnodimine-A under Different Temperature and pH Conditions . Toxins , 14(11), 744 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Fur Ines, Bruneau Audrey, Blanchet Aline, Cugier Philippe, Deleglise Margot, Derrien Amelie, Fabioux Caroline, Guesdon Stephane, Gueux Aurore, Hegaret Helene, Hess Philipp, Lassudrie Malwenn, Lemoine Maud, Neaud-Masson Nadine, Piraud Aude, Terre Terrillon Aouregan (2022). Expertise sur le retour d'expérience de la contamination ASP dans les Pertuis Charentais fin 2021 . DDTM 17 - Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer de Charente-Maritime, La Rochelle , Ref. ODE/LITTORAL/LER/PC-22.007 Expertise lfremer N° 22-010 , 34p.
Berry Olivier, Hervé Fabienne, Tanniou Simon, Bagot Alizé, Gutierrez Ruth Julianna, Chaigne Maud, Grovel Olivier, Hess Philipp, Briand Enora, Bertrand Samuel (2022). Tracking chemical signals inducing toxin production in the toxic dinoflagellate Prorocentrum lima by the fungus Aspergillus pseudoglaucus . Analytics 2022. September 5 - 8 2022, Nantes, France .
Gu Haifeng, Mertens Kenneth, Derrien Amelie, Bilien Gwenael, Li Zhen, Hess Philipp, Séchet Veronique, Krock Bernd, Amorim Ana, Li Zhun, Pospelova Vera, Smith Kirsty F., Mackenzie Lincoln, Yoon Joo Yeon, Kim Hyun Jung, Shin Hyeon Ho (2022). Unraveling the Gonyaulax baltica Species Complex: Cyst–theca Relationship of Impagidinium variaseptum, Spiniferites pseudodelicatus sp. nov. and S. ristingensis (Gonyaulacaceae, Dinophyceae), With Descriptions of Gonyaulax bohaiensis sp. nov, G. amoyensis sp. nov. and G. portimonensis sp. nov. Journal Of Phycology , 58(3), 465-486 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Darius Hélène Taiana, Revel Taina, Viallon Jérôme, Sibat Manoella, Cruchet Philippe, Longo Sébastien, Hardison Donnie Ransom, Holland William C., Tester Patricia A., Litaker R. Wayne, McCall Jennifer R., Hess Philipp, Chinain Mireille (2022). Comparative Study on the Performance of Three Detection Methods for the Quantification of Pacific Ciguatoxins in French Polynesian Strains of Gambierdiscus polynesiensis . Marine Drugs , 20(6), 348 (30p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hess Philipp (2022). Rapport sur la littérature en relation avec la détoxification des coquillages . Livrable dans le cadre du marché Désignation d’un prestataire scientifique pour participer à différentes actions portant sur les procédés de détoxification des coquillages. Référence dossier CNC : 2021-05 .
Hess Philipp (2022). Les microalgues toxiques et nuisibles : contexte, historique, défis et avancées . Académie Marine - Séminaire invité. 19 janvier 2022 .
Raisson-Victor Virginie (dir.), Charlot Antoine (dir.), Bechet Béatrice, Bertrand Jean-Louis, Chancibault Katia, Devisme Laurent, Fleury-Bahi Ghozlane, Habets Florence, Robin Marc, Rospars Claude, Schoefs Franck, Trenkel Verena, Vacher Pierre (2022). GIEC DES PAYS DE LA LOIRE. 1er rapport — Juin 2022 .
Nicolas Marina, Lavison-Bompard Gwenaelle, Caruana Amandine, Amzil Zouher, Hess Philipp (2022). Nos 8 domaines de collaboration : résultats et perspectives. Biotoxines Marines . Séminaire Anses-Ifremer "Surveillance sanitaire, zoosanitaire et protection du consommateur".
Plessis Loic, Reveillon Damien, Cassin Florence, Sechet Veronique, Hess Philipp (2022). Which toxins of Ostreopsis cf. ovata, Vulcanodinium rugosum and Karenia brevis are responsible for skin irritation? Phycotox. Conférence annuelle du GdR Phycotox. 31 mai -1 juin 2022, Plouzané, France .


Yon Thomas, Sibat Manoella, Robert Elise, Lhaute Korian, Holland Wiliam C, Litaker R Wayne, Bertrand Samuel, Hess Philipp, Reveillon Damien (2021). Sulfo-Gambierones, Two New Analogs of Gambierone Produced by Gambierdiscus excentricus . Marine Drugs , 19(12), 657 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Darius Hélène Taiana, Revel Taina, Cruchet Philippe, Viallon Jérôme, Gatti Clémence Mahana Iti, Sibat Manoella, Hess Philipp, Chinain Mireille (2021). Deep-Water Fish Are Potential Vectors of Ciguatera Poisoning in the Gambier Islands, French Polynesia . Marine Drugs , 19(11), 644 (24p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tang Zhixuan, Qiu Jiangbing, Wang Guixiang, Li Ying, Hess Philipp, Li Aifend (2021). Development of an Efficient Extraction Method for Harvesting Gymnodimine-A from Large-Scale Cultures of Karenia selliformis . Toxins , 13(11), 793 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Réveillon Damien, Savar Veronique, Schaefer Estelle, Chevé Julien, Halm-Lemeille Marie-Pierre, Hervio-Heath Dominique, Travers Marie-Agnes, Abadie Eric, Rolland Jean-Luc, Hess Philipp (2021). Tetrodotoxins in French Bivalve Mollusks—Analytical Methodology, Environmental Dynamics and Screening of Bacterial Strain Collections . Toxins , 13(11), 740 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Yon Thomas, Sibat Manoella, Réveillon Damien, Bertrand Samuel, Chinain Mireille, Hess Philipp (2021). Deeper insight into Gambierdiscus polynesiensis toxin production relies on specific optimization of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography High Resolution Mass Spectrometry . Talanta , 232, 122400 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mazzeo Antonia, Varra Michela, Tartaglione Luciana, Ciminiello Patrizia, Zendong Zita, Hess Philipp, Dell'Aversano Carmela (2021). Toward Isolation of Palytoxins: Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Low- or High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the Study on the Impact of Drying Techniques, Solvents and Materials . Toxins , 13(9), 650 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Estevez Pablo, Castro David, Leão-Martins José Manuel, Sibat Manoella, Tudó Angels, Dickey Robert, Diogene Jorge, Hess Philipp, Gago-Martinez Ana (2021). Toxicity Screening of a Gambierdiscus australes Strain from the Western Mediterranean Sea and Identification of a Novel Maitotoxin Analogue . Marine Drugs , 19(8), 460 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaillard Sylvain, Réveillon Damien, Danthu Charline, Hervé Fabienne, Sibat Manoella, Carpentier Liliane, Hégaret Helene, Séchet Veronique, Hess Philipp (2021). Effect of a short-term salinity stress on the growth, biovolume, toxins, osmolytes and metabolite profiles on three strains of the Dinophysis acuminata-complex (Dinophysis cf. sacculus) . Harmful Algae , 107, 102009 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Séchet Veronique, Sibat Manoella, Bilien Gwenael, Carpentier Liliane, Rovillon Georges-Augustin, Raimbault Virginie, Malo Florent, Gaillard Sylvain, Perrière-Rumebe Myriam, Hess Philipp, Chomérat Nicolas (2021). Characterization of toxin-producing strains of Dinophysis spp. (Dinophyceae) isolated from French coastal waters, with a particular focus on the D. acuminata-complex . Harmful Algae , 107, 101974 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gago‐martinez A., Leão J.M., Estevez P., Castro D., Barrios C., Hess Philipp, Sibat Manoella (2021). Characterisation of ciguatoxins . EFSA Supporting Publications , 18(5), EN-6649 (37p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Canals Ana, Martínez Carmen Varela, Diogène Jorge, Gago‐martínez Ana, Cebadera‐miranda Laura, de Vasconcelos Filipa Melo, Gómez Inmaculada León, Sánchez Elena Vanessa Martínez, Alférez Rocío Carmona, Núñez Domingo, Friedemann Miriam, Oleastro Mónica, Boziaris Ioannis, Rambla Maria, Campàs Mònica, Fernández Margarita, Andree Karl, Tudó Angels, Rey Maria, Sagristà Nuria, Aguayo Paloma, Leonardo Sandra, Castan Vanessa, Costa Jose Luis, Real Fernando, García Natalia, Rodríguez Antonio Jesús Fernández, León Francisco Martín, Costa Pedro Reis, Soliño Lucia, Rodrigues Susana, Silva Alexandra, Godinho Lia, Marques Antònio, Kanari Popi, Stavroulakis Georgios, Papageorgiou Georgios, Chrysanthou Elina, Aligizaki Katerina, Nikolopoulou Iliana, Kaliwra Agoritsa, Leão J.M., Estevez P., Castro D., Barrios C., Hess Philipp, Sibat Manoella (2021). Risk characterisation of ciguatera poisoning in Europe . EFSA Supporting Publications , 18(5), EN- 6647 (86p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Moreira-González Angel R., Comas-González Augusto, Valle-Pombrol Aimee, Seisdedo-Losa Mabel, Hernández-Leyva Olidia, Fernandes Luciano F., Chomérat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Hervé Fabienne, Rovillon Georges-Augustin, Hess Philipp, Alonso-Hernández Carlos M., Mafra Luiz L. (2021). Summer bloom of Vulcanodinium rugosum in Cienfuegos Bay (Cuba) associated to dermatitis in swimmers . Science Of The Total Environment , 757, 143782 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Brehmer Patrice, Ndiaye Waly, Mbaye Adama, Fricke Anna, Hess Philipp, Mertens Kenneth, Chomerat Nicolas, Ndour Ismaïla, Diedhiou Fulgence, Constantin De Magny Guillaume, Sonko Amidou, Faye Saliou, Galgani Francois (2021). Découverte de la présence d’une toxine ayant un effet sur la santé humaine, émise par une micro-algue marine sur la presqu’ile du Cap-Vert (Sénégal) . Pollution marine, dégradation des habitats marins et effets du changement climatique en Afrique de l’ouest . Note Politique AWA. 13p.


Shin Hyeon Ho, Li Zhun, Réveillon Damien, Rovillon Georges-Augustin, Mertens Kenneth, Hess Philipp, Kim Hyun Jung, Lee Jihoon, Lee Kyun-Woo, Kim Daekyung, Park Bum Soo, Hwang Jinik, Seo Min Ho, Lim Weol Ae (2020). Centrodinium punctatum (Dinophyceae) produces significant levels of saxitoxin and related analogs . Harmful Algae , 100, 101923 (6p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Longo Sébastien, Sibat Manoella, Taiana Darius Hélène, Hess Philipp, Chinain Mireille (2020). Effects of pH and Nutrients (Nitrogen) on Growth and Toxin Profile of the Ciguatera-Causing Dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus polynesiensis (Dinophyceae) . Toxins , 12(12), 767 (22p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chinain Mireille, Mahana Iti Gatti Clémence, Ung André, Cruchet Philippe, Revel Taina, Viallon Jérôme, Sibat Manoella, Varney Patrick, Laurent Victoire, Hess Philipp, Taiana Darius Hélène (2020). Evidence for the Range Expansion of Ciguatera in French Polynesia: A Revisit of the 2009 Mass-Poisoning Outbreak in Rapa Island (Australes Archipelago) . Toxins , 12(12), 759 (30p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaillard Sylvain, Le Goïc Nelly, Malo Florent, Boulais Myrina, Fabioux Caroline, Zaccagnini Lucas, Carpentier Liliane, Sibat Manoella, Réveillon Damien, Séchet Veronique, Hess Philipp, Hégaret Helene (2020). Cultures of Dinophysis sacculus, D. acuminata and pectenotoxin 2 affect gametes and fertilization success of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas . Environmental Pollution , 265(Part B), 114840 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pisapia Francesco, Sibat Manoella, Watanabe Ryuichi, Roullier Catherine, Suzuki Toshiyuki, Hess Philipp, Herrenknecht Christine (2020). Characterization of maitotoxin‐4 (MTX4) using electrospray positive mode ionization high‐resolution mass spectrometry and UV spectroscopy . Rapid Communications In Mass Spectrometry , 34(19), e8859 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Aráoz Rómulo, Barnes Paul, Séchet Veronique, Delepierre Muriel, Zinn-Justin Sophie, Molgó Jordi, Zakarian Armen, Hess Philipp, Servent Denis (2020). Cyclic imine toxins survey in coastal european shellfish samples: Bioaccumulation and mode of action of 28-O-palmitoyl ester of pinnatoxin-G. first report of portimine-A bioaccumulation. Harmful Algae , 98, 101887 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mertens Kenneth, Adachi Masao, Anderson Donald M., Band-Schmidt Christine J., Bravo Isabel, Brosnahan Michael L., Bolch Christopher J.S., Calado António J., Carbonell-Moore M. Consuelo, Chomérat Nicolas, Elbrächter Malte, Figueroa Rosa Isabel, Fraga Santiago, Gárate-Lizárraga Ismael, Garcés Esther, Gu Haifeng, Hallegraeff Gustaaf, Hess Philipp, Hoppenrath Mona, Horiguchi Takeo, Iwataki Mitsunori, John Uwe, Kremp Anke, Larsen Jacob, Leaw Chui Pin, Li Zhun, Lim Po Teen, Litaker Wayne, Mackenzie Lincoln, Masseret Estelle, Matsuoka Kazumi, Moestrup Øjvind, Montresor Marina, Nagai Satoshi, Nézan Elisabeth, Nishimura Tomohiro, Okolodkov Yuri B., Orlova Tatiana Yu., Reñé Albert, Sampedro Nagore, Satta Cecilia Teodora, Shin Hyeon Ho, Siano Raffaele, Smith Kirsty F., Steidinger Karen, Takano Yoshihito, Tillmann Urban, Wolny Jennifer, Yamaguchi Aika, Murray Shauna (2020). Morphological and phylogenetic data do not support the split of Alexandrium into four genera . Harmful Algae , 98, 101902 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaillard Sylvain, Charrier Aurelie, Malo Florent, Carpentier Liliane, Bougaran Gael, Hégaret Helene, Réveillon Damien, Hess Philipp, Séchet Veronique (2020). Combined effects of temperature, irradiance and pH on Teleaulax amphioxeia (Cryptophyceae) physiology and feeding ratio for its predator Mesodinium rubrum (Ciliophora) . Journal Of Phycology , 56(3), 775-783 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tibiriçá Carlos Eduardo Junqueira De Azevedo, Sibat Manoella, Fernandes Luciano Felício, Bilien Gwenael, Chomérat Nicolas, Hess Philipp, Mafra Luiz L. (2020). Diversity and Toxicity of the Genus Coolia Meunier in Brazil, and Detection of 44-Methyl Gambierone in Coolia tropicalis . Toxins , 12(5), 327 (25p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Roué Mélanie, Smith Kirsty F., Sibat Manoella, Viallon Jérôme, Henry Kévin, Ung André, Biessy Laura, Hess Philipp, Darius Hélène Taiana, Chinain Mireille (2020). Assessment of Ciguatera and Other Phycotoxin-Related Risks in Anaho Bay (Nuku Hiva Island, French Polynesia): Molecular, Toxicological, and Chemical Analyses of Passive Samplers . Toxins , 12(5), 321 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Estevez Pablo, Sibat Manoella, Leão-Martins José Manuel, Tudó Angels, Rambla-Alegre Maria, Aligizaki Katerina, Diogène Jorge, Gago-Martinez Ana, Hess Philipp (2020). Use of Mass Spectrometry to Determine the Diversity of Toxins Produced by Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa Species from Balearic Islands and Crete (Mediterranean Sea) and the Canary Islands (Northeast Atlantic) . Toxins , 12(5), 305 (21p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Estevez Pablo, Sibat Manoella, Leão-Martins José Manuel, Reis Costa Pedro, Gago-Martínez Ana, Hess Philipp (2020). Liquid Chromatography Coupled to High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for the Confirmation of Caribbean Ciguatoxin-1 as the Main Toxin Responsible for Ciguatera Poisoning Caused by Fish from European Atlantic Coasts . Toxins , 12(4), 267 (7p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer. ODE/VIGIES (2020). Journées REPHY 2020. Nantes, 5 et 6 février 2020. Compilation des interventions et résumés . ODE/VIGIES/20-04 .
Ji Ying, Che Yijia, Wright Elliott J., McCarron Pearse, Hess Philipp, Li Aifeng (2020). Fatty acid ester metabolites of gymnodimine in shellfish collected from China and in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) exposed to Karenia selliformis . Harmful Algae , 92, 101774 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Nascimento Silvia M, Neves Raquel Af, De'Carli Gabriela Al, Borsato Geovanna T, Da Silva Rodrigo Af, Melo Guilherme A, de Morais Agatha M, Cockell Thais C, Fraga Santiago, Menezes-Salgueiro Adriana D, Mafra Luis L Jr, Hess Philipp, Salgueiro Fabiano (2020). Ostreopsis cf. ovata (Dinophyceae) Molecular Phylogeny, Morphology, and Detection of Ovatoxins in Strains and Field Samples from Brazil . Toxins , 12(2), 23p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sosa Silvio, Pelin Marco, Cavion Federica, Herve Fabienne, Hess Philipp, Tubaro Aurelia (2020). Acute Oral Toxicity of Pinnatoxin G in Mice . Toxins , 12(2), 87 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
FAO, WHO (2020). Report of the Expert Meeting on Ciguatera Poisoning. Rome, 19–23 November 2018 . Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Landrigan Philip J., Stegeman John J., Fleming Lora E., Allemand Denis, Anderson Donald M., Backer Lorraine C., Brucker-Davis Françoise, Chevalier Nicolas, Corra Lilian, Czerucka Dorota, Bottein Marie-Yasmine Dechraoui, Demeneix Barbara, Depledge Michael, Deheyn Dimitri D., Dorman Charles J., Fénichel Patrick, Fisher Samantha, Gaill Françoise, Galgani Francois, Gaze William H., Giuliano Laura, Grandjean Philippe, Hahn Mark E., Hamdoun Amro, Hess Philipp, Judson Bret, Laborde Amalia, McGlade Jacqueline, Mu Jenna, Mustapha Adetoun, Neira Maria, Noble Rachel T., Pedrotti Maria Luiza, Reddy Christopher, Rocklöv Joacim, Scharler Ursula M., Shanmugam Hariharan, Taghian Gabriella, Van De Water Jeroen A. J. M., Vezzulli Luigi, Weihe Pál, Zeka Ariana, Raps Hervé, Rampal Patrick (2020). Human Health and Ocean Pollution . Annals Of Global Health , 86(1), 151 (64p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hess Philipp (2020). Harmful Algae 2018 – From Ecosystems to Socioecosystems. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Harmful Algae, 21-26 October 2018, Nantes, France . International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae (ISSHA), Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (Ifremer), Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(IOC/UNESCO)..


Longo Sebastien, Sibat Manoella, Viallon Jérôme, Darius Hélène Taiana, Hess Philipp, Chinain Mireille (2019). Intraspecific Variability in the Toxin Production and Toxin Profiles of In Vitro Cultures of Gambierdiscus polynesiensis (Dinophyceae) from French Polynesia . Toxins , 11(12), 735 (23p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer (2019). Journées Internes 2018 REPHY-HYDRO-REPHYTOX. Nantes, 27-28-29 novembre 2018. Compilation des présentations . ODE/VIGIES/19/18 .
Gaillard Sylvain, Charrier Aurelie, Carpentier Liliane, Malo Florent, Bougaran Gael, Irisson Jean-Olivier, Sourisseau Marc, Hegaret Helene, Sechet Veronique, Hess Philipp (2019). Culture of prey organisms of Dinophysis sp. helps explain why its occurence along the french Atlantic coast does not show trends over a 20-years period . EPC7 - 7th European Phycological Congress. 25-30 august 2019, Zagreb .
Tibiriçá Carlos Eduardo J. A., Leite Isabel P., Batista Talita V. V., Fernandes Luciano F., Chomérat Nicolas, Herve Fabienne, Hess Philipp, Mafra Luiz (2019). Ostreopsis cf. ovata Bloom in Currais, Brazil: Phylogeny, Toxin Profile and Contamination of Mussels and Marine Plastic Litter . Toxins , 11(8), 446 (22p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gaillard Sylvain, Charrier Aurelie, Carpentier Liliane, Malo Florent, Bougaran Gael, Reveillon Damien, Hegaret Helene, Hess Philipp, Sechet Veronique (2019). Culture of prey organisms of Dinophysis helps explain why its occurrence along the French Atlantic coast does not show trends over a 20-year period . Oceanext 2019 Interdisciplinary Conference «Building the future of marine and coastal socio-ecosystems / Construisons le futur des socio-écosystèmes marins et littoraux». 3-5 juillet 2019, Nantes .
Schaefer Estelle, Reveillon Damien, Robert Elise, Cheve Julien, Rollet Claire, Mary Charlotte, Halm-Lemeille Marie-Pierre, Travers Marie-Agnes, Rolland Jean-Luc, Hervio Heath Dominique, Hess Philipp (2019). Looking for tetrodotoxins in France: analytical development and screening of mollusks (oysters and clams) and marine bacteria within the ALERTOX-Net project. Phycotox 2019 - Conférence nationale sur les algues toxiques GdR PHYCOTOX, 14–17 mai 2019, Plouzané .
ANSES (2019). Risques liés aux pinnatoxines dans les coquillages . Direction générale de l’alimentation (DGAL) et Direction générale de la santé (DGS), France , Ref. Avis de l’Anses. Rapport d’expertise collective. Saisine « 2016-SA-0013 » Pinnatoxines , 136p.
Briand Enora, Reubrecht Sébastien, Mondeguer Florence, Sibat Manoella, Hess Philipp, Amzil Zouher, Bormans Myriam (2019). Chemically mediated interactions between Microcystis and Planktothrix : impact on their growth, morphology and metabolic profiles . Environmental Microbiology , 21(5), 1552-1566 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pelin Marco, Kilcoyne Jane, Florio Chiara, Hess Philipp, Tubaro Aurelia, Sosa Silvio (2019). Azaspiracids Increase Mitochondrial Dehydrogenases Activity in Hepatocytes: Involvement of Potassium and Chloride Ions . Marine Drugs , 17(5), 276 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Gaillard Sylvain, Charrier Aurelie, Carpentier Liliane, Malo Florent, Bougaran Gael, Hegaret Helene, Hess Philipp, Sechet Veronique (2018). Influence of temperature, irradiance and pH on the physiology of Teleaulax amphioxeia . ICHA2018 - 18th International Conference on Harmful Algae "From ecosystems to socio-ecosystems". 21-26 october 2018, Nantes, France.
Mondeguer Florence, Souard Florence, Guitton Yann, Allard Pierre-Marie, Elie Nicolas, Sibat Manoella, Latimier Marie, Quere Julien, Wolfender Jean-Luc, Siano Raffaele, Hess Philipp (2018). Innovative metabolomic workflows to study growth kinetics dinoflagellate cysts revived from modern and ancient sediments . ICHA2018 - 18th International Conference on Harmful Algae "From ecosystems to socio-ecosystems". 21-26 october 2018, Nantes, France.
Sibat Manoella, Garcia-Portela Maria, Hess Philipp (2018). First identification of a C9-diol-ester of okadaic acid in Dinophysis acuta from Galician Rías Baixas (NW Spain) . Toxicon , 153, 19-22 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sibat Manoella, Herrenknecht Christine, Darius Helene Taiana, Roue Melanie, Chinain Mireille, Hess Philipp (2018). Detection of pacific ciguatoxins using liquid chromatography coupled to either low or high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) . Journal Of Chromatography A , 1571, 16-28 .
Siano Raffaele, Lassudrie Duchesne Malwenn, Delebecq Gaspard, Jauzein Cecile, Hess Philipp, Labry Claire, Le Gac Mickael, Mertens Kenneth, Mondeguer Florence, Sibat Manoella (2018). Paleoecology of marine protists : community dynamics and population adaptations revealed by ancient DNA metabarcoding and physiology of revived dinoflagellates . ISOP / PSA joint meeting. July 29th – August 2nd, 2018, Vancouver, University of British Columbia (Canada).
Clausing Rachel J., Losen Barbara, Oberhaensli Francois R., Darius H. Taiana, Sibat Manoella, Hess Philipp, Swarzenski Peter W., Chinain Mireille, Bottein Marie-Yasmine Dechraoui (2018). Experimental evidence of dietary ciguatoxin accumulation in an herbivorous coral reef fish . Aquatic Toxicology , 200, 257-265 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Darius Ht, Viallon J, Gatti Cm, Chinain M, Roué M, Sibat Manoella, Amzil Zouher, Hess Philipp, Vandersea Mw, Litaker Rw, Tester Pa (2018). Contribution of marine invertebrates to Ciguatera poisoning : the case study of French Polynesia . Harmful algae news , (60), 6-7 . Open Access version :
Mondeguer Florence, Souard Florence, Guitton Yann, Latimier Marie, Quere Julien, Sibat Manoella, Hess Philipp, Siano Raffaele (2018). First insight on metabolomics workflows and differences between dinoflagellate: characterization and discrimination of modern and ancient strains and their algal growth . 11èmes Journées Scientifiques du Réseau Francophone de Métabolomique et Fluxomique (RMFM). 23-25 mai 2018, Liège, Belgique .
Garcia-Portela Maria, Reguera Beatriz, Sibat Manoella, Altenburger Andreas, Rodriguez Francisco, Hess Philipp (2018). Metabolomic Profiles of Dinophysis acuminata and Dinophysis acuta Using Non-Targeted High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry: Effect of Nutritional Status and Prey . Marine Drugs , 16(5), 143 (25p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Roue Melanie, Darius Helene Taiana, Ung Andre, Viallon Jerome, Sibat Manoella, Hess Philipp, Amzil Zouher, Chinain Mireille (2018). Tissue Distribution and Elimination of Ciguatoxins in Tridacna maxima (Tridacnidae, Bivalvia) Fed Gambierdiscus polynesiensis . Toxins , 10(5), 189 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Darius Helene Taiana, Roue Melanie, Sibat Manoella, Viallon Jerome, Gatti Clemence Mahana Iti, Vandersea Mark W., Tester Patricia A., Litaker R. Wayne, Amzil Zouher, Hess Philipp, Chinain Mireille (2018). Toxicological Investigations on the Sea Urchin Tripneustes gratilla (Toxopneustidae, Echinoid) from Anaho Bay (Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia): Evidence for the Presence of Pacific Ciguatoxins . Marine Drugs , 16(4), 122 (21p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kilcoyne Jane, McCarron Pearse, Twiner Michael J., Rise Frode, Hess Philipp, Wilkins Alistair L., Miles Christopher O. (2018). Identification of 21,22-Dehydroazaspiracids in Mussels ( Mytilus edulis ) and in Vitro Toxicity of Azaspiracid-26 . Journal Of Natural Products , 81(4), 885-893 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hess Philipp (2018). Algal toxin discovery, management and regulation over the last 25 years . Harmful algae news , (59), 15-16 . Open Access version :
Darius Helene Taiana, Roue Melanie, Sibat Manoella, Viallon Jerome, Gatti Clemence Mahana Iti, Vandersea Mark W., Tester Patricia A., Litaker R. Wayne, Amzil Zouher, Hess Philipp, Chinain Mireille (2018). Tectus niloticus (Tegulidae, Gastropod) as a Novel Vector of Ciguatera Poisoning: Detection of Pacific Ciguatoxins in Toxic Samples from Nuku Hiva Island (French Polynesia) . Toxins , 10(1), 2 (1-22) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pelin M., Kilcoyne J., Nulty C., Crain S., Hess Philipp, Tubaro A., Sosa S. (2018). Toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) after acute oral exposure of azaspiracid 1, −2 and −3 in mice . Toxicology Letters , 282, 136-146 .
Siano Raffaele, Mondeguer Florence, Latimier Marie, Quere Julien, Sibat Manoella, Le Gac Mickael, Hess Philipp (2018). Dinoflagellate adaptation to coastal ecosystem variations revealed through metabolomic analyses of revived strains . ICHA2018 - 18th International Conference on Harmful Algae "From ecosystems to socio-ecosystems". 21-26 october 2018, Nantes, France .
Briand Enora, Reubrecht Sébastien, Mondeguer Florence, Sibat Manoella, Hess Philipp, Amzil Zouher, Bormans Myriam (2018). Chemically mediated interactions between Microcystis and Planktothrix: impact on their growth and metabolic profiles . ICHA2018 - 18th International Conference on Harmful Algae "From ecosystems to socio-ecosystems". 21-26 october 2018, Nantes, France .
Doucette Gregory J, Medlin Linda K, McCarron Pearse, Hess Philipp (2018). Detection and Surveillance of Harmful Algal Bloom Species and Toxins . In Harmful Algal Blooms: A Compendium Desk Reference. 2018. Sandra E. ShumwayJoAnn M. BurkholderSteve L. Morton (Eds). ISBN:9781118994672 |DOI:10.1002/9781118994672. Chap.2, pp.39-114 (John Wiley & Sons) .


Hess Philipp, Villacorte Loreen O, Dixon Mike B, Boerlage Siobhan Fe, Anderson Donald M, Kennedy Maria D, Schippers Jan C (2017). Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and Desalination: A Guide to Impacts, Monitoring and Management . In Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and Desalination: A Guide to Impacts, Monitoring and Management.2017. Edited by: Donald M. Anderson, Siobhan F.E. Boerlage, Mike B. Dixon. Manuals and Guides 78. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. IOC/2017/MG/78. Chap.2, pp.53-88 (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission) .
Soltani Alex, Hess Philipp, Dixon Mike B, Boerlage Siobhan F.E., Anderson Donald M, Newcombe Gayle, House Jenny, Ho Lionel, Baker Peter, Burch Michael (2017). World Health Organization and international guidelines for toxin control, harmful algal bloom management, and response planning . In Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and Desalination: A Guide to Impacts, Monitoring and Management.2017. Edited by: Donald M. Anderson, Siobhan F.E. Boerlage, Mike B. Dixon. Manuals and Guides 78. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. IOC/2017/MG/78. Chap.8, pp.223-250 (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission) .
Mondeguer Florence, Sibat Manoella, Reubrecht Sébastien, Amzil Zouher, Bormans Myriam, Hess Philipp, Briand Enora (2017). Preliminary metabolomic approach on cyanobacterial co-cultures: Chemically mediated interactions between Microcystis and Planktothrix . SMMAP 2017 - Mass Spectrometry, Metabolomics and Proteomic Analysis. 2-5 octobre 2017, Paris .
Litaker R. Wayne, Holland William C., Hardison D. Ransom, Pisapia Francesco, Hess Philipp, Kibler Steven R., Tester Patricia A. (2017). Ciguatoxicity of Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa species from the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico . Plos One , 12(10), e0185776 (1-19) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zendong Suzie Zita, Sibat Manoella, Herrenknecht Christine, Hess Philipp, McCarron Pearse (2017). Relative Molar Response of lipophilic marine algal toxins in liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry . Rapid Communications In Mass Spectrometry , 31(17), 1453-1461 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Siano Raffaele, Mondeguer Florence, Latimier Marie, Quere Julien, Sibat Manoella, Guillou Laure, Hess Philipp (2017). Metabolomic differences between modern and ancient dinoflagellates in phosphorous-limited culture conditions . DINO11 - 11th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates. 17 to 21 July 2017, Bordeaux (France) .
Pisapia Francesco, Sibat Manoella, Herrenknecht Christine, Lhaute Korian, Gaiani Greta, Ferron Pierre-Jean, Fessard Valerie, Fraga Santiago, Nascimento Silvia M., Litaker R. Wayne, Holland William C., Roullier Catherine, Hess Philipp (2017). Maitotoxin-4, a Novel MTX Analog Produced by Gambierdiscus excentricus . Marine Drugs , 15(7), 220 (1-31) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hess Philipp (2017). Intoxikation durch marine Biotoxine . Bundesgesundheitsblatt-gesundheitsforschung-gesundheitsschutz , 60(7), 757-760 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pardo Sophie, Hess Philipp, Simon Elodie, Barille Laurent, Geslin Emmanuelle, Cognie Bruno, Martin-Jezequel Véronique, Sechet Véronique, Herrenknecht Christine, Baron Regis, Bourseau Patrick, Amzil Zouher, Masse Anthony, Vandanjon Laurent, Dumay Justine, Lebeau Thierry, Turpin Vincent, Mondeguer Florence, Petitgas Pierre, Trouillet Brice, Mercier Denis, Guillotreau Patrice, Guineberteau Thierry, Mahevas Stephanie, Schoefs Franck (2017). COSELMAR. Compréhension des socio-écosystèmes littoraux et marins pour la prévention et la gestion des risques. Bilan scientifique 2013-2017 .
Siano Raffaele, Mondeguer Florence, Latimier Marie, Quere Julien, Youenou Agnes, Sibat Manoella, Guillou Laure, Hess Philipp (2017). Mini projet GDR. MEDINA 2016-2017. MEtabolomics of ancient populations of DInoflAgellates in phosphorous-limited conditions . Phycotox2017 : conférence annuelle GdR Phycotox - GIS Cyano 2017. 14-16 mars 2017, Gif sur Yvette .
Briand Enora, Reubrech Sébastien, Mondeguer Florence, Sibat Manoella, Hess Philipp, Amzil Zouher, Bormans Myriam (2017). Chemically mediated interactions between Microcystis and Planktothrix: Impact on their physiology and metabolic profiles . Phycotox2017 : Conférence annuelle Gdr Phycotox - GIS Cyano 2017. 14-16 mars 2017, Gif sur Yvette, France .
Pisapia Francesco, Holland William C., Hardison D. Ransom, Litaker R. Wayne, Fraga Santiago, Nishimura Tomohiro, Adachi Masao, Nguyen-Ngoc Lam, Sechet Veronique, Amzil Zouher, Herrenknecht Christine, Hess Philipp (2017). Toxicity screening of 13 Gambierdiscus strains using neuro-2a and erythrocyte lysis bioassays . Harmful Algae , 63, 173-183 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
IFREMER (2017). Journées REPHY 2016. Nantes, 30 novembre et 1er décembre 2016. Tome 1/2. Compilation des interventions pour la session environnementale, surveillance et recherche . ODE/VIGIES/17-05 .
Botana Luis M., Hess Philipp, Munday Rex, Nathalie Arnich, Degrasse Stacey L., Feeley Mark, Suzuki Toshiyuki, Van Den Berg Martin, Fattori Vittorio, Gamarro Esther Garrido, Tritscher Angelika, Nakagawa Rei, Karunasagar Iddya (2017). Derivation of toxicity equivalency factors for marine biotoxins associated with Bivalve Molluscs . Trends In Food Science & Technology , 59, 15-24 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hess Philipp (2017). Biogeography and Diversity of Micro-Algal Toxins and Metabolites . 24th Meeting of the French Society of Toxinology (SFET) "Toxins: Biodiversity, Environment and Evolution". 7 et 8 Décembre 2017, Institut Pasteur, Paris .


Reguera Beatriz, Wells Mark, Zingone Adriana, Fraga Santiago, Azavedo S., Magalhaes V., Jenkinson Ian, Rodriguez-Hernandez Francisco, Anderson Don M., Hallegaeff Gustaaf, Davidson Keith, Hess Philipp, Hegaret Helene (2016). Highlights of the XVII International Conference on Harmful Algae . Harmful Algae News , 2016(55), 1-8 . Open Access version :
Smaal A.C., Poelman M., Van Den Heuvel-Greve M. (2016). Report of an expert meeting on Tetrodotoxin in marine bivalves . Wageningen Marine Research report C111/16 .
Reveillon Damien, Sechet Veronique, Hess Philipp, Amzil Zouher (2016). Production of BMAA and DAB by diatoms (Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Chaetoceros sp., Chaetoceros calcitrans and, Thalassiosira pseudonana) and bacteria isolated from a diatom culture . Harmful Algae , 58, 45-50 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zendong Suzie Zita, Bertrand Samuel, Herrenknecht Christine, Abadie Eric, Jauzein Cécile, Lemee Rodolphe, Gouriou Jeremie, Amzil Zouher, Hess Philipp (2016). Passive Sampling and High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Chemical Profiling of French Coastal Areas with a Focus on Marine Biotoxins . Environmental Science & Technology , 50(16), 8522-8529 .
Mondeguer Florence, Lepinay Alexandra, Capiaux Hervé, Turpin Vincent, Baron Regis, Hess Philipp, Lebeau Thierry, Boug (2016). First metabolomic approach of the epiphytic bacteria-marine diatom Haslea ostrearia relationships . OCEANEXT, Interdisciplinary Conference. 8-10 juin 2016, Nantes, France .
Poyer Salome, Loutelier-Bourhis Corinne, Tognetti Vincent, Joubert Laurent, Enche Julien, Bossee Anne, Mondeguer Florence, Hess Philipp, Afonso Carlos (2016). Differentiation of gonyautoxins by ion mobility - mass spectrometry; a cationization study . International Journal Of Mass Spectrometry , 402, 20-28 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zendong Suzie Zita, Kadiri Medina, Herrenknecht Christine, Nezan Elisabeth, Mazzeo Antonia, Hess Philipp (2016). Algal toxin profiles in Nigerian coastal waters (Gulf of Guinea) using passive sampling and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry . Toxicon , 114, 16-27 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Abadie Eric, Muguet Alexia, Berteaux Tom, Chomerat Nicolas, Hess Philipp, Roque D'Orbcastel Emmanuelle, Masseret Estelle, Laabir Mohamed (2016). Toxin and Growth Responses of the Neurotoxic Dinoflagellate Vulcanodinium rugosum to Varying Temperature and Salinity . Toxins , 8(5), 136 (1-18) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Reveillon Damien, Sechet Veronique, Hess Philipp, Amzil Zouher (2016). Systematic detection of BMAA (β-N-methylamino-L-alanine) and DAB (2,4-diaminobutyric acid) in mollusks collected in shellfish production areas along the French coasts . Toxicon , 110, 35-46 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Berdalet Elisa, Fleming Lora E., Gowen Richard, Davidson Keith, Hess Philipp, Backer Lorraine C., Moore Stephanie K., Hoagland Porter, Enevoldsen Henrik (2016). Marine harmful algal blooms, human health and wellbeing: challenges and opportunities in the 21st century . Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom , 96(1), 61-91 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Abadie Eric, Muguet Alexia, Berteaux Tom, Chomerat Nicolas, Hess Philipp, Masseret Estelle, Laabir Mohamed (2016). A study of Vulcanodinium rugosum (dinoflagellate producer of pinnatoxins) developping in the Mediterranean lagoon of Ingril . ICHA2016 - The 17th International Conference on Harmful Algae. 09–14 October 2016, Brazil .
Lassus Patrick, Chomerat Nicolas, Hess Philipp, Nezan Elisabeth (2016). Micro-algues toxiques et nuisibles de l’océan mondial. COI Manuels et Guides, 68 / Toxic and Harmful Microalgae of the World Ocean. IOC Manuals and Guides, 68 .
FAO/WHO (2016). Technical paper on Toxicity Equivalency Factors for Marine Biotoxins Associated with Bivalve Molluscs .


Kilcoyne Jane, McCarron Pearse, Hess Philipp, Miles Christopher O. (2015). Effects of Heating on Proportions of Azaspiracids 1–10 in Mussels ( Mytilus edulis ) and Identification of Carboxylated Precursors for Azaspiracids 5, 10, 13, and 15 . Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry , 63(51), 10980-10987 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zendong Suzie Zita, McCarron Pearse, Herrenknecht Christine, Sibat Manoella, Amzil Zouher, Cole Richard B., Hess Philipp (2015). High resolution mass spectrometry for quantitative analysis and untargeted screening of algal toxins in mussels and passive samplers . Journal Of Chromatography A , 1416, 10-21 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mondeguer Florence, Abadie Eric, Herve Fabienne, Bardouil Michele, Sechet Veronique, Raimbault Virginie, Berteaux Tom, Zendong Suzie Zita, Palvadeau Hubert, Amzil Zouher, Hess Philipp, Fessard Valérie, Huguet Antoine, Sosa Silvio, Tubaro Aurelia, Aráoz Rómulo, Molgó Jordi (2015). Pinnatoxines en lien avec l’espèce Vulcanodinium rugosum (II) .
Abadie Eric, Kaci Lamia, Berteaux Tom, Hess Philipp, Sechet Veronique, Masseret Estelle, Rolland Jean-Luc, Laabir Mohamed (2015). Effect of Nitrate, Ammonium and Urea on Growth and Pinnatoxin G Production of Vulcanodinium rugosum . Marine Drugs , 13(9), 5642-5656 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Reveillon Damien, Abadie Eric, Sechet Veronique, Masseret Estelle, Hess Philipp, Amzil Zouher (2015). β-N-methylamino-l-alanine (BMAA) and isomers: Distribution in different food web compartments of Thau lagoon, French Mediterranean Sea . Marine Environmental Research , 110, 8-18 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mondeguer Florence, Guitton Yann, Herve Fabienne, Abadie Eric, Dechamps Lucie, Raimbault Virginie, Berteaux Tom, Bardouil Michele, Zendong Suzie Zita, Palvadeau Hubert, Wilson Johanna, Taggart John B, Sechet Veronique, Amzil Zouher, Hess Philipp (2015). Profilage métabolique et contrôle d’hypothèses à travers des cinétiques d’accumulation ou d’élimination des métabolites secondaires associés à la phycotoxicité de bivalves filtreurs . 9èmes Journées Scientifiques du Réseau Français de Métabolomique et Fluxomique (RMFM). 9-11 juin 2015 , Lille, France .
Kilcoyne Jane, Twiner Michael J., McCarron Pearse, Crain Sheila, Giddings Sabrina D., Foley Barry, Rise Frode, Hess Philipp, Willdns Alistair L., Miles Christopher O. (2015). Structure Elucidation, Relative LC–MS Response and In Vitro Toxicity of Azaspiracids 7–10 Isolated from Mussels (Mytilus edulis) . Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry , 63(20), 5083-5091 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Brissard Charline, Herve Fabienne, Sibat Manoella, Sechet Veronique, Hess Philipp, Amzil Zouher, Herrenknecht Christine (2015). Characterization of ovatoxin-h, a new ovatoxin analog, and evaluation of chromatographic columns for ovatoxin analysis and purification . Journal of Chromatography A , 1388, 87-101 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mondeguer Florence, Abadie Eric, Herve Fabienne, Dechamps Lucie, Bardouil Michele, Sechet Veronique, Raimbault Virginie, Berteaux Tom, Zendong Suzie Zita, Palvadeau Hubert, Amzil Zouher, Hess Philipp (2015). Pinnatoxine-G: méthodologie analytique, distribution et accumulation dans les moules: Mytilus edulis et Mytilus galloprovincialis . Conférence nationale du GdR PHYCOTOX et GIS Cyano. 31 mars au 2 avril 2015, IUEM, Brest .
McCarron Pearse, Giddings Sabrina D., Reeves Kelley L., Hess Philipp, Quilliam Michael A. (2015). A mussel (Mytilus edulis) tissue certified reference material for the marine biotoxins azaspiracids . Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry , 407(11), 2985-2996 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hess Philipp, Geiger Marie, Brochard Solene, Lepretre Thomas, Fessard Valerie, Antignac Jean-Philippe, Dupont Jacques, Sechet Veronique, Vanel Faustine, Mondeguer Florence, Herve Fabienne, Leborgne Sabrina, Deslanglois Gwenaëlle, Marshall Lindsey, Rounds Lucy, Guitton Yann, Amzil Zouher, Grovel Olivier, Ruiz Nicolas, Pouchus Francois (2015). COLNACOQ. Composés lipophiles naturels dans l’environnement des coquillages. Rapport final .
Poyer Salome, Loutelier-Bourhis Corinne, Coadou Gael, Mondeguer Florence, Enche Julien, Bossee Anne, Hess Philipp, Afonso Carlos (2015). Identification and separation of saxitoxins using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled to traveling wave ion mobility-mass spectrometry . Journal Of Mass Spectrometry , 50(1), 175-181 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hess Philipp, Twiner Michael J, Kilcoyne Jane, Sosa Sylvio (2015). Azaspiracid Toxins: Toxicological Profile . In Marine and Freshwater Toxins : Marine and Freshwater Toxins. 2015. Editors: P. Gopalakrishnakone, Vidal Haddad Jr., William R. Kem, Aurelia Tubaro, Euikyung Kim ISBN: 978-94-007-6650-1 (Online) DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6650-1_20-1 pp.1-19 (Springer Science + Business Media) .


Fan Lin, Sun Geng, Qiu Jiangbing, Ma Qimin, Hess Philipp, Li Aifeng (2014). Effect of seawater salinity on pore-size distribution on a poly(styrene)-based HP20 resin and its adsorption of diarrhetic shellfish toxins . Journal Of Chromatography A , 1373, 1-8 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zendong Zita, Herrenknecht Christine, Abadie Eric, Brissard Charline, Tixier Celine, Mondeguer Florence, Sechet Veronique, Amzil Zouher, Hess Philipp (2014). Extended evaluation of polymeric and lipophilic sorbents for passive sampling of marine toxins . Toxicon , 91, 57-68 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kilcoyne Jane, Nulty Ciara, Jauffrais Thierry, McCarron Pearse, Herve Fabienne, Foley Barry, Rise Frode, Crain Sheila, Wilkins Alistair L., Twiner Michael J., Hess Philipp, Miles Christopher O. (2014). Isolation, Structure Elucidation, Relative LC-MS Response, and in Vitro Toxicity of Azaspiracids from the Dinoflagellate Azadinium spinosum . Journal Of Natural Products , 77(11), 2465-2474 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Reveillon Damien, Abadie Eric, Sechet Veronique, Brient Luc, Savar Veronique, Bardouil Michele, Hess Philipp, Amzil Zouher (2014). Beta-N-Methylamino-L-Alanine: LC-MS/MS Optimization, Screening of Cyanobacterial Strains and Occurrence in Shellfish from Thau, a French Mediterranean Lagoon . Marine Drugs , 12(11), 5441-5467 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
IFREMER (2014). Journées REPHY 2014. Nantes, 1er et 2 octobre 2014. Tome 2/2. Compilation des interventions pour la session sanitaire, surveillance et recherche . DYNECO/VIGIES 2014-10.02 .
Fleming L. E., McDonough N., Austen M., Mee L., Moore Michelle, Hess Philipp, Depledge M. H., White M., Philippart Katja, Bradbrook P., Smalley A. (2014). Oceans and Human Health: A Rising Tide of Challenges and Opportunities for Europe . Marine Environmental Research , 99, 16-19 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Brissard Charline, Herrenknecht Christine, Sechet Veronique, Herve Fabienne, Pisapia Francesco, Harcouet Jocelyn, Lemee Rodolphe, Chomerat Nicolas, Hess Philipp, Amzil Zouher (2014). Complex Toxin Profile of French Mediterranean Ostreopsis cf. ovata Strains, Seafood Accumulation and Ovatoxins Prepurification . Marine Drugs , 12(5), 2851-2876 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hess Philipp, Schwartz Jean-Louis (2014). Biotoxines marines et santé publique - Interactions avec les systèmes membranaires et élucidation de leurs mécanismes d'action aux niveaux cellulaires et moléculaires .
Jauffrais Thierry, Sechet Veronique, Truquet Philippe, Amzil Zouher, Herrenknecht Christine, Hess Philipp (2014). Effect of Dilution Rate on Azadinium spinosum and Azaspiracid (AZA) Production in Pilot Scale Photobioreactors for the Harvest of AZA1 and -2 . In Molluscan Shellfish Safety : Proceedings of the 8th ICMSS, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, June 12–17, 2011. Gilbert Sauvé (Ed.). ISBN: 978-94-007-6587-0. Chap.17, pp.197-204 (Springer Netherlands) .
Kilcoyne Jane, Jauffrais Thierry, Twiner Michael J., Doucette Gregory J., Aasen Bunaes John A, Sosa Sylvio, Krock Bernd, Sechet Veronique, Nulty Ciara, Salas Rafael, Clarke Dave, Geraghty Jennifer, Duffy Conor, Foley Barry, John Uwe, Quiliam Michael A, McCarron Pearse, Miles Christopher O., Silke Joe, Cembella Allan, Tilmann Urban, Hess Philipp (2014). AZASPIRACIDS – Toxicological Evaluation, Test Methods and Identifcation of the Source Organisms (ASTOX II) . Marine Research Sub-Programme (NDP 2007-2013) Series .


Hess Philipp, Abadie Eric, Herve Fabienne, Berteaux Tom, Sechet Veronique, Araoz Romulo, Molgo Jordi, Zakarian Armen, Sibat Manoella, Rundberget Thomas, Miles Christopher O., Amzil Zouher (2013). Pinnatoxin G is responsible for atypical toxicity in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and clams (Venerupis decussata) from Ingril, a French Mediterranean lagoon . Toxicon , 75, 16-26 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Geiger Marie, Guitton Yann, Vansteelandt M., Kerzaon I., Blanchet Estelle, Du Pont T. Robiou, Frisvad J. C., Hess Philipp, Pouchus Y. F., Grovel Olivier (2013). Cytotoxicity and mycotoxin production of shellfish-derived Penicillium spp., a risk for shellfish consumers . Letters In Applied Microbiology , 57(5), 385-392 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Geiger Marie, Desanglois Gwenaelle, Hogeveen Kevin, Fessard Valerie, Lepretre Thomas, Mondeguer Florence, Guitton Yann, Herve Fabienne, Sechet Veronique, Grovel Olivier, Pouchus Yves-Francois, Hess Philipp (2013). Cytotoxicity, Fractionation and Dereplication of Extracts of the Dinoflagellate Vulcanodinium rugosum, a Producer of Pinnatoxin G . Marine Drugs , 11(9), 3350-3371 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Jauffrais Thierry, Sechet Veronique, Herrenknecht Christine, Truquet Philippe, Savar Veronique, Tillmann Urban, Hess Philipp (2013). Effect of environmental and nutritional factors on growth and azaspiracid production of the dinoflagellate Azadinium spinosum . Harmful Algae , 27, 138-148 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hess Philipp, Mondeguer Florence, Glauner Thomas, Wust Bernard, Sibat Manoella, Zendong Suzie Zita, Herrenknecht Christine, Sechet Veronique (2013). Metabolomic Analysis of Marine Microalgae Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Taxonomic Comparisons and Screening of Marine Biotoxins . ASMS 2013 - 61st American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) - Minneapolis (USA) , June 9-13, 2013 .
Mondeguer Florence, Antignac Jean-Philippe, Guitton Yann, Monteau Fabrice, Le Borgne Sabrina, Hess Philipp (2013). Stratégie de mesure non ciblée de type métabolomique (couplage LC-HRMS ) pour identifier différents groupes de composés bioactifs accumulés dans les mollusques bivalves . 6e Journées Scientifiques du Réseau Français Métabolomique et Fluxomique (RFMF) : Echanger, partager au sein de la communauté d'acteurs de la métabolomique et de la fluxomique - 21-23 mai 2012, Nantes .
Poyer Salomé, Loutelier-Bourhis Corinne, Mondeguer Florence, Coadou Gaël, Hubert-Roux Marie, Enche Julien, Bossee Anne, Hess Philipp, Afonso Carlos (2013). Identification of paralytic shellfish poisons using liquid chromatography / ion mobility - high resolution mass spectrometry . EuPA conference (EUropean Proteome Association) - Saint Malo (FRANCE), October 14-17, 2013 .
Moore Michael N., Depledge Michael H., Fleming Lora, Hess Philipp, Lees David, Leonard Paul, Madsen Lise, Owen Richard, Pirlet Hans, Seys Jan, Vasconcelos Vitor, Viarengo Aldo (2013). Oceans and Human Health (OHH): a European Perspective from the Marine Board of the European Science Foundation (Marine Board-ESF) . Microbial Ecology , 65(4), 889-900 .
Jauffrais Thierry, Kilcoyne Jane, Herrenknecht Christine, Truquet Philippe, Sechet Veronique, Miles Christopher O., Hess Philipp (2013). Dissolved azaspiracids are absorbed and metabolized by blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) . Toxicon , 65, 81-89 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zendong Suzie Zita, Herrenknecht Christine, Mondeguer Florence, Hess Philipp (2013). Metabolomic approach for the analysis of micro-algae : direct analysis versus passive sampling . 4th International Symposium On Marine & Freshwater Toxin Analysis and AOAC Task Force Meeting, 5-9 May 2013, Baiona, Spain.


Jauffrais Thierry, Contreras Andrea, Herrenknecht Christine, Truquet Philippe, Sechet Veronique, Tillmann Urban, Hess Philipp (2012). Effect of Azadinium spinosum on the feeding behaviour and azaspiracid accumulation of Mytilus edulis . Aquatic Toxicology , 124, 179-187 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hess Philipp, Goulletquer Philippe (2012). Toxic Microalgae – Algal toxins. Know and emerging threats to seafood consumers and the marine environment . Key environmental issues for marine coastal ecosystems, 5th Sino-French SEED Seminar, October 2nd & 3rd 2012, Montpellier .
IFREMER (2012). Journées REPHY 2012. Nantes, 26 et 27 septembre 2012. Tome 2/2. Compilation des interventions pour la session sanitaire, surveillance et recherche . DYNECO/VIGIES 12-08.2 .
Aune Tore, Espenes Arild, Aasen John A. Bunaes, Quilliam Michael A., Hess Philipp, Larsen Stig (2012). Study of possible combined toxic effects of azaspiracid-1 and okadaic acid in mice via the oral route . Toxicon , 60(5), 895-906 .
Hess Philipp, Herve Fabienne, Abadie Eric, Sechet Veronique, Molgo Jordi, Amzil Zouher, Fessard Valerie (2012). Pinnatoxines en lien avec l’espèce Vulcanodinium rugosum . R.RBE/EMP/PHYC 12-05 .
Jauffrais Thierry, Marcaillou-Le Baut Claire, Herrenknecht Christine, Truquet Philippe, Sechet Veronique, Nicolau Elodie, Tillmann Urban, Hess Philipp (2012). Azaspiracid accumulation, detoxification and biotransformation in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) experimentally fed Azadinium spinosum . Toxicon , 60(4), 582-595 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hess Philipp, Bavouzet Gerard (2012). Information sur les intoxications potentielles dues à la consommation d'organismes marins autres que les mollusques bivalves en juillet 2012 . Capitainerie du Port de Plaisance de Lorient (Morbihan-56) , Ref. STALO/E12_084 , 2p., 3p., 2p.
Jauffrais Thierry, Kilcoyne Jane, Sechet Veronique, Herrenknecht Christine, Truquet Philippe, Herve Fabienne, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Nulty Ciara, Taylor Sarah, Tillmann Urban, Miles Christopher O., Hess Philipp (2012). Production and Isolation of Azaspiracid-1 and -2 from Azadinium spinosum Culture in Pilot Scale Photobioreactors . Marine Drugs , 10(6), 1360-1382 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Jauffrais Thierry, Herrenknecht Christine, Sechet Veronique, Sibat Manoella, Tillmann Urban, Krock Bernd, Kilcoyne Jane, Miles Christopher O., McCarron Pearse, Amzil Zouher, Hess Philipp (2012). Quantitative analysis of azaspiracids in Azadinium spinosum cultures . Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry , 403(3), 833-846 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mondeguer Florence, Antignac Jean-Philippe, Guitton Yann, Monteau Fabrice, Le Borgne Sabrina, Hess Philipp (2012). Nouvelle stratégie de caractérisation non ciblée de type métabolomique au service de l’identification de composés bioactifs accumulés dans les mollusques bivalves . Spectra Analyse , (284), 24-33 . Open Access version :
Kilcoyne Jane, Keogh Adela, Clancy Ger, Leblanc Patricia, Burton Ian, Quilliam Michael A., Hess Philipp, Miles Christopher O. (2012). Improved Isolation Procedure for Azaspiracids from Shellfish, Structural Elucidation of Azaspiracid-6, and Stability Studies . Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry , 60(10), 2447-2455 .


Salas Rafael, Tillmann Urban, John Uwe, Kilcoyne Jane, Burson Amanda, Cantwell Caoimhe, Hess Philipp, Jauffrais Thierry, Silke Joe (2011). The role of Azadinium spinosum (Dinophyceae) in the production of azaspiracid shellfish poisoning in mussels . Harmful Algae , 10(6), 774-783 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Aasen John A. B., Espenes Arild, Miles Christopher O., Samdal Ingunn A., Hess Philipp, Aune Tore (2011). Combined oral toxicity of azaspiracid-1 and yessotoxin in female NMRI mice . Toxicon , 57(6), 909-917 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
McCarron Pearse, Emteborg Hakan, Nulty Ciara, Rundberget Thomas, Loader Jared I., Teipel Katharina, Miles Christopher O., Quilliam Michael A., Hess Philipp (2011). A mussel tissue certified reference material for multiple phycotoxins. Part 1: design and preparation . Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry , 400(3), 821-833 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tong Mengmeng, Kulis David M., Fux Elie, Smith Juliette L., Hess Philipp, Zhou Qixing, Anderson Donald M. (2011). The effects of growth phase and light intensity on toxin production by Dinophysis acuminata from the northeastern United States . Harmful Algae , 10(3), 254-264 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lawrence Jim, Loreal Henri, Toyofuku Hajime, Hess Philipp, Iddya Karunasagar (2011). Assessment and management of biotoxin risks in bivalve molluscs . FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 551 .


Hess Philipp, Nicolau Elodie (2010). Recent developments in the detection of phycotoxins . Actes de Colloque: Avancées et nouvellles technologies en toxinologie, éditeurs: Julien BARBIER, Evelyne BENOIT, Pascale MARCHOT, César MATTEI, Denis SERVENT .
Fux Elie, Gonzalez-Gil Sonsoles, Lunven Michel, Gentien Patrick, Hess Philipp (2010). Production of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning toxins and pectenotoxins at depths within and below the euphotic zone . Toxicon , 56(8), 1487-1496 .
Aasen John A. B., Espenes Arild, Hess Philipp, Aune Tore (2010). Sub-lethal dosing of azaspiracid-1 in female NMRI mice . Toxicon , 56(8), 1419-1425 .
Perez Ruth A, Rehmann Nils, Crain Sheila, Leblanc Patricia, Craft Cheryl, Mackinnon Shawna, Reeves Kelley, Burton Ian W., Walter John A., Hess Philipp, Quilliam Michael A., Melanson Jeremy E. (2010). The preparation of certified calibration solutions for azaspiracid-1,-2, and-3, potent marine biotoxins found in shellfish . Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry , 398(5), 2243-2252 .
Hess Philipp (2010). Contributions to the characterisation of risks posed by marine biotoxins . HDR.
Hess Philipp (2010). Requirements for screening and confirmatory methods for the detection and quantification of marine biotoxins in end-product and official control . Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry , 397(5), 1683-1694 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mondeguer Florence, Elie Nicolas, Truquet Philippe, Savar Veronique, Dupuy Beatrice, Lassus Patrick, Haure Joel, Amzil Zouher, Hess Philipp (2010). Etude de l'effet d'un traitement oxydant (H2O2) sur la décontamination de moules contaminées DSP . RST 2010.01PHYC .
Gaignon Jean-Louis, Ryckaert Mireille, Hess Philipp, Nezan Elisabeth, Chomerat Nicolas (2010). Opportunité d'autoriser le transfert de juvéniles d'huîtres creuses au départ du littoral du département de Charente-Maritime . DDTM 17 - Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer de Charente Maritime, La Rochelle , Ref. D/CN - 2010.67 , 1p., 2p.
Jauffrais Thierry, Sechet Veronique, Herrenknecht Christine, Tillmann Urban, Krock Bernd, Amzil Zouher, Hess Philipp (2010). Growth and toxin production of Azadinium spinosum in batch and continuous culture . Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Harmful Algae. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO 2012, Crete, pp. 90-92 .
Rossini Gian Paolo, Hess Philipp (2010). Phycotoxins: chemistry, mechanisms of action and shellfish poisoning . In Molecular, clinical and environmental toxicology : Volume 2. Clinical toxicology (Birkhauser Boston) .
Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (2010). Scientific Opinion on marine biotoxins in shellfish - Emerging toxins: Ciguatoxin group . European Commission , Ref. EFSA-Q-2009-00955 , 38p.
EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (2010). Scientific Opinion on marine biotoxins in shellfish - Emerging toxins: Brevetoxin group . European Commission , Ref. EFSA-Q-2006-065I , 29p.
EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (2010). Scientific Opinion on marine biotoxins in shellfish - Cyclic imines (spirolides, gymnodimines, pinnatoxins and pteriatoxins) . European Commission , Ref. EFSA-Q-2006-065F , 39p.
EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (2010). Statement on further elaboration on consumption figure of 400 g shellfish meat on the basis of new consumption data . European Commission , Ref. EFSA-Q-2010-00155 , 20p.


Stewart Linda D., Hess Philipp, Connolly Lisa, Elliott Christopher T. (2009). Development and Single-Laboratory Validation of a Pseudofunctional Biosensor Immunoassay for the Detection of the Okadaic Acid Group of Toxins . Analytical Chemistry , 81(24), 10208-10214 .
Hackett Jeremiah D., Tong Mengmeng, Kulis David M., Fux Elie, Hess Philipp, Bire Ronel, Anderson Donald M. (2009). DSP toxin production de novo in cultures of Dinophysis acuminata (Dinophyceae) from North America . Harmful Algae , 8(6), 873-879 .
(2009) Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a request from the European Commission on Marine Biotoxins in Shellfish - Summary on regulated marine biotoxins . European Commission , Ref. The EFSA Journal (2009) 1306, 1-23 , 23p.
(2009) Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a request from the European Commission on marine biotoxins in shellfish - domoic acid . European Commission , Ref. The EFSA Journal (2009) 1181, 1-61 , 61p.
Gerssen Arjen, McElhinney Mairead A., Mulder Patrick P. J., Bire Ronel, Hess Philipp, de Boer Jacob (2009). Solid phase extraction for removal of matrix effects in lipophilic marine toxin analysis by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry . Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry , 394(4), 1213-1226 .
Hess Philipp, Butter Tim, Petersen Andrew, Silke Joe, McMahon Terry (2009). Performance of the EU-harmonised mouse bioassay for lipophilic toxins for the detection of azaspiracids in naturally contaminated mussel (Mytilus edulis) hepatopancreas tissue homogenates characterised by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry . Toxicon , 53(7-8), 713-722 .
(2009) Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a request from the European Commission on marine biotoxins in shellfish - pectenotoxin group . European Commission , Ref. The EFSA Journal (2009) 1109, 1-47 , 47p.
(2009) Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a request from the European Commission on Marine Biotoxins in Shellfish - Saxitoxin Group . European Commission , Ref. The EFSA Journal (2009) 1019, 1-76 , 76p.
(2009) Statement of the Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a request from the European Commission on the Influence of processing on the levels of lipophilic marine biotoxins in bivalve molluscs . European Commission , Ref. The EFSA Journal (2009) 1016, 1-10 , 10p.
Fux Elie, Bire Ronel, Hess Philipp (2009). Comparative accumulation and composition of lipophilic marine biotoxins in passive samplers and in mussels (M. edulis) on the West Coast of Ireland . Harmful Algae , 8(3), 523-537 .
McCarron Pearse, Kilcoyne Jane, Miles Christopher O., Hess Philipp (2009). Formation of Azaspiracids-3,-4,-6, and-9 via Decarboxylation of Carboxyazaspiracid Metabolites from Shellfish . Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry , 57(1), 160-169 .
(2009) EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM); Scientific Opinion on marine biotoxins in shellfish - Palytoxin group . European Commission , Ref. EFSA Journal 2009; 7(12):1393 , 38p.
Lassus Patrick (ed.), Abarnou Alain, Arnich Nathalie, Amzil Zouher, Biré Ronel, Frémy Jean-Marc, Hervio Heath Dominique, Hess Philipp, Massé Anthony, Pommepuy Monique (2009). Proceedings of the seventh International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety - ICMSS09. Nantes, France, 14-19 June 2009 .
Lassus Patrick (ed.) (2009). ICMSS 2009 - 7th International Conférence on Molluscan Shellfish Safety. Nantes, France, 14-19 June 2009. Conference handbook .


(2008) Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Contaminants in the Food chain on a request from the European Commission on marine biotoxins in shellfish - yessotoxin group . European Commission , Ref. The EFSA Journal (2008) Journal number, 907, 1-62 , 62p.
Alfonso Carmen, Rehmann Nils, Hess Philipp, Alfonso Amparo, Wandscheer Carolina B., Abuin Maria, Vale Carmen, Otero Paz, Vieytes Mercedes R., Botana Luis M. (2008). Evaluation of Various pH and Temperature Conditions on the Stability of Azaspiracids and Their Importance in Preparative Isolation and Toxicological Studies . Analytical Chemistry , 80(24), 9672-9680 .
Fux E, Marcaillou-Le Baut Claire, Mondeguer Florence, Bire R, Hess Philipp (2008). Field and mesocosm trials on passive sampling for the study of adsorption and desorption behaviour of lipophilic toxins with a focus on OA and DTX1 . Harmful Algae , 7(5), 574-583 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vale Paulo, Bire Ronel, Hess Philipp (2008). Confirmation by LC-MS/MS of azaspiracids in shellfish from the Portuguese north-western coast . Toxicon , 51(8), 1449-1456 .
Twiner Michael J., Rehmann Nils, Hess Philipp, Doucette Gregory J. (2008). Azaspiracid shellfish poisoning: A review on the chemistry, ecology, and toxicology with an emphasis on human health impacts . Marine Drugs , 6(2), 39-72 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
McCarron Pearse, Kilcoyne Jane, Hess Philipp (2008). Effects of cooking and heat treatment on concentration and tissue distribution of okadaic acid and dinophysistoxin-2 in mussels (Mytilus edulis) . Toxicon , 51(6), 1081-1089 .
Twiner Michael J., Ryan James C., Morey Jeanine S., Smith Kent J., Hammad Samar M., Van Dolah Frances M., Hess Philipp, McMahon Terry, Satake Masayuki, Yasumoto Takeshi, Doucette Gregory J. (2008). Transcriptional profiling and inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis in human T lymphocyte cells by the marine toxin azaspiracid . Genomics , 91(3), 289-300 .
Fux E., Rode D., Bire R., Hess Philipp (2008). Approaches to the evaluation of matrix effects in the liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis of three regulated lipophilic toxin groups in mussel matrix (Mytilus edulis) . Food Additives And Contaminants Part A-chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment , 25(8), 1024-1032 .
Rehmann Nils, Hess Philipp, Quilliam Michael A. (2008). Discovery of new analogs of the marine biotoxin azaspiracid in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) by ultra-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry . Rapid Communications In Mass Spectrometry , 22(4), 549-558 .


Fux Elie, McMillan Daniel, Bire Ronel, Hess Philipp (2007). Development of an ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the detection of lipophilic marine toxins . Journal Of Chromatography A , 1157(1-2), 273-280 .
Larsen Kristofer, Petersen Dirk, Wilkins Alistair L., Samdal Ingunn A., Sandvik Morten, Rundberget Thomas, Goldstone David, Arcus Vickery, Hovgaard Peter, Rise Frode, Rehmann Nils, Hess Philipp, Miles Christopher O. (2007). Clarification of the C-35 stereochemistries of dinophysistoxin-1 and dinophysistoxin-2 and its consequences for binding to protein phosphatase . Chemical Research In Toxicology , 20(6), 868-875 .
McCarron Pearse, Kotterman Michiel, de Boer Jacob, Rehmann Nils, Hess Philipp (2007). Feasibility of gamma irradiation as a stabilisation technique in the preparation of tissue reference materials for a range of shellfish toxins . Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry , 387(7), 2487-2493 .
McCarron Pearse, Burrell Stephen, Hess Philipp (2007). Effect of addition of antibiotics and an antioxidant on the stability of tissue reference materials for domoic acid, the amnesic shellfish poison . Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry , 387(7), 2495-2502 .
Hess Philipp, McCarron Pearse, Quilliam Michael A. (2007). Fit-for-purpose shellfish reference materials for internal and external quality control in the analysis of phycotoxins . Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry , 387(7), 2463-2474 .
McCarron Pearse, Emteborg Hakan, Hess Philipp (2007). Freeze-drying for the stabilisation of shellfish toxins in mussel tissue (Mytilus edulis) reference materials . Analytical And Bioanalytical Chemistry , 387(7), 2475-2486 .
Ronzitti Giuseppe, Hess Philipp, Rehmann Nils, Rossini Gian Paolo (2007). Azaspiracid-1 alters the E-cadherin pool in epithelial cells . Toxicological Sciences , 95(2), 427-435 .
Bogan Y. M., Bender K., Hervas A., Kennedy D. J., Slater J. W., Hess Philipp (2007). Spatial variability of domoic acid concentration in king scallops Pecten maximus off the southeast coast of Ireland . Harmful Algae , 6(1), 1-14 .
Bogan Y. M., Harkin A. L., Gillespie J., Kennedy D. J., Hess Philipp, Slater J. W. (2007). The influence of size on domoic acid concentration in king scallop, Pecten maximus (L.) . Harmful Algae , 6(1), 15-28 .
Bogan Y. M., Kennedy D. J., Harkin A. L., Gillespie J., Vause B. J., Beukers-Stewart B. D., Hess Philipp, Slater J. W. (2007). Variation in domoic acid concentration in king scallop (Pecten maximus) from fishing grounds around the Isle of Man . Harmful Algae , 6(1), 81-92 .
Aune Tore, Larsen Stig, Aasen John A. B., Rehmann Nils, Satake Masayuki, Hess Philipp (2007). Relative toxicity of dinophysistoxin-2 (DTX-2) compared with okadaic acid, based on acute intraperitoneal toxicity in mice . Toxicon , 49(1), 1-7 .


Wilkins Alistair L., Rehmann Nils, Torgersen Trine, Rundberget Thomas, Keogh Myra, Petersen Dirk, Hess Philipp, Rise Frode, Miles Christopher O. (2006). Identification of fatty acid esters of pectenotoxin-2 seco acid in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) from Ireland . Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry , 54(15), 5672-5678 .
Kulagina Nv, Twiner Mj, Hess Philipp, McMahon T, Satake M, Yasumoto T, Ramsdell Js, Doucette Gj, Ma W, O'Shaughnessy Tj (2006). Azaspiracid-1 inhibits bioelectrical activity of spinal cord neuronal networks . Toxicon , 47(7), 766-773 .
Hess Philipp, Grune Barbara, Anderson David B., Aune Tore, Botana Luis M., Caricato Paolo, Van Egmond Hans P., Halder Marlies, Hall Sherwood, Lawrence James F., Moffat Colin, Poletti Roberto, Richmond John, Rossini Gian Paolo, Seamer Catherine, Vilageliu Jorge Serratosa (2006). Three Rs approaches in marine biotoxin testing - The report and recommendations of a joint ECVAM/DG SANCO workshop (ECVAM workshop 55) . Atla-alternatives To Laboratory Animals , 34(2), 193-224 .
Bogan Ym, Kennedy D, Harkin Al, Gillespie J, Hess Philipp, Slater Jw (2006). Comparison of domoic acid concentration in king scallops, Pecten maximus from seabed and suspended culture systems . Journal Of Shellfish Research , 25(1), 129-135 .[129:CODACI]2.0.CO;2
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Hess Philipp, Nguyen L, Aasen J, Keogh M, Kilcoyne J, McCarron P, Aune T (2005). Tissue distribution, effects of cooking and parameters affecting the extraction of azaspiracids from mussels, Mytilus edulis, prior to analysis by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry . Toxicon , 46(1), 62-71 .
Colman Jr, Twiner Mj, Hess Philipp, McMahon T, Satake M, Yasumoto T, Doucette Gj, Ramsdell Js (2005). Teratogenic effects of azaspiracid-1 identified by microinjection of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) embryos . Toxicon , 45(7), 881-890 .
Twiner Mj, Hess Philipp, Dechraoui Myb, McMahon T, Samons Ms, Satake M, Yasumoto T, Ramsdell Js, Doucette Gj (2005). Cytotoxic and cytoskeletal effects of azaspiracid-1 on mammalian cell lines . Toxicon , 45(7), 891-900 .
Hess Philipp, Morris S, Stobo La, Brown Na, McEvoy Jdg, Kennedy G, Young Pb, Slattery D, McGovern E, McMahon T, Gallacher S (2005). LC-UV and LC-MS methods for the determination of domoic acid . Trac-trends In Analytical Chemistry , 24(4), 358-367 .


Jaime E, Hummert C, Hess Philipp, Luckas B (2001). Determination of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins by high-performance ion-exchange chromatography . Journal Of Chromatography A , 929(1-2), 43-49 .
Hess Philipp, Gallacher S, Bates La, Brown N, Quilliam Ma (2001). Determination and confirmation of the amnesic shellfish poisoning toxin, domoic acid, in shellfish from Scotland by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry . Journal Of Aoac International , 84(5), 1657-1667 .
Campbell Da, Kelly Ms, Busman M, Bolch Cj, Wiggins E, Moeller Pdr, Morton Sl, Hess Philipp, Shumway Se (2001). Amnesic shellfish poisoning in the king scallop, Pecten maximus, from the west coast of Scotland . Journal Of Shellfish Research , 20(1), 75-84 .
Hess Philipp, Wells De (2001). Evaluation of dialysis as a technique for the removal of lipids prior to the GC determination of ortho- and non-ortho-chlorobiphenyls, using C-14-labelled congeners . Analyst , 126(6), 829-834 .


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