Lionel Degremont

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : La Tremblade

Adresse postale : Station de La Tremblade - Avenue de Mus de Loup - Ronce les Bains - 17390 La Tremblade


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0001-6759-6791


Blue mussel
Oysters with a label or a pit tag
Green gills in the cupped oyster (Crassostrea [...]
Ifremer La Tremblade

Jeux de données


Degremont Lionel, Munusamy Ajithkumar (2024). Genotype and phenotype data of Mytilus edulis. IFREMER.
Dotto-Maurel Aurélie, Pelletier Camille, Degremont Lionel, Heurtebise Serge, Morga Benjamin, Chevignon Germain (2024). Evaluation of long-read sequencing for Ostreid herpesvirus type 1 genome characterization from host infected tissues, 2024. IFREMER.


Gawra Janan, De Lorgeril Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Escoubas Jean Michel, Petton Bruno, Morga Benjamin, Destoumieux-Garzon Delphine, Mitta Guillaume, Degremont Lionel, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie (2023). Genetic and epigenetic variations underpin rapid adaptation of oyster populations (Crassostrea gigas) to Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome (POMS). IFREMER.


Duperret Léo, Valdivieso Alejandro, Kunselman Emily, Petton Bruno, Morga Benjamin, De Lorgeril Julien, Degremont Lionel, Faury Nicole, Pouzadoux Juliette, Romatif Océane, Courtay Gaelle, Toulza Eve, Delisle Lizenn, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, Lagorce Arnaud, Mitta Guillaume (2021). Données de RNAseq pour l'étude de l'effet de la température et de la nutrition sur la permissivité de l'huitre Crassostrea gigas a la maladie du POMS. IFREMER.


Lapegue Sylvie, Huvet Arnaud, Quillien Virgile, Degremont Lionel, Batista Frederico, Boudry Pierre, Begout Marie-Laure (2019). Étude transcriptomique de la reproduction des huîtres du Pacifique et du Portugal. IFREMER.
Degremont Lionel, Maurouard Elise, Ledu Christophe, Benabdelmouna Abdellah (2019). Survival, growth and yield of diploid and triploid oysters Crassostrea gigas tested during the Plan de Sauvegarde from 2011 to 2014 . SEANOE .


Gagnaire Pierre-Alexandre, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Cornette Florence, Heurtebise Serge, Degremont Lionel, Flahauw Emilie, Boudry Pierre, Bierne Nicolas, Lapegue Sylvie (2018). Genome-wide differentiation patterns in native and introduced populations of the cupped oysters Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea angulata. IFREMER.



Dégremont Lionel, Boudry Pierre (2025). Inheritance and Temporal Plasticity of Simultaneous Hermaphroditism in the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea Gigas . Aquaculture , 599, 742106 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pelletier Camille, Faury Nicole, Mege Mickael, Degremont Lionel, Hattinguais Maele, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, Chevignon Germain, Jacquot Maude, Morga Benjamin . Experimentally mimicking 30 years of Magallana gigas infections with the OsHV-1 virus reveals evolution through positive selection . bioRxiv IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dotto-Maurel Aurelie, Pelletier Camille, Degremont Lionel, Heurtebise Serge, Arzul Isabelle, Morga Benjamin, Chevignon Germain (2025). Evaluation of long-read sequencing for Ostreid herpesvirus type 1 genome characterization from Magallana gigas infected tissues . Microbiology Spectrum , 13(3), 25p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Munusamy Ajithkumar, Dégremont Lionel, Garcia Celine, Ledu Christophe, Benabdelmouna Abdellah (2025). Response to selection for cytogenetic status and their relationship with mortality in Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis in France . Aquaculture , 597, 741912 (12p.) .
Valdivieso Munoz Alejandro, Morga Benjamin, Dégremont Lionel, Mege Mickael, Dorant Yann, Escoubas Jean Michel, Gawra Janan, de Lorgeril Julien, Mitta Guillaume, Cosseau Céline, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie (2025). DNA methylation landscapes before and after Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome are different within and between resistant and susceptible Magallana gigas . Science of The Total Environment , 962, 178385 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Enez Florian, Puyo Sophie, Boudry Pierre, Lapègue Sylvie, Dégremont Lionel, Gonzalez-Araya Ricardo, Morvezen Romain, Chapuis Hervé, Haffray Pierrick (2025). Strong genotype-by-environment interaction across contrasted sites for summer mortality syndrome in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas . Aquaculture , 595, 741501 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Munusamy Ajithkumar, D’ambrosio Jonathan, Travers Agnes, Morvezen Romain, Dégremont Lionel (2025). Genomic Selection for Resistance to One Pathogenic Strain of Vibrio Splendidus in Blue Mussel Mytilus Edulis . Frontiers In Genetics , 15, 1487807 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Dantan Luc, Carcassonne Prunelle, Degrémont Lionel, Morga Benjamin, Travers Marie-Agnès, Petton Bruno, Mege Mickael, Maurouard Elise, Allienne Francois, Courtay Gaelle, Romatif Oceane, Pouzadoux Juliette, Lami Raphaël, Intertaglia Laurent, Gueguen Yannick, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, Toulza Eve, Cosseau Céline (2024). Microbial education plays a crucial role in harnessing the beneficial properties of microbiota for infectious disease protection in Crassostrea gigas . Scientific Reports , 14(1), 26914 (21p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Gall Sarah (2024). Optimisation de l'élevage larvaire expérimental d'huîtres creuses, Magallana (ex Crassostrea) gigas, en vue de limiter le développement de communautés bactériennes pathogènes . Mémoire de fin d’études en Sciences halieutiques et aquacoles. Option Aquaculture. Institut Agro Rennes-Angers .
Munusamy Ajithkumar, Lillehammer Marie, Travers Agnes, Maurouard Elise, Aslam Muhammad Luqman, Dégremont Lionel (2024). Genetic parameters for resistance to field mortality outbreaks and resistance to a pathogenic strain of Vibrio splendidus in Mytilus edulis, Mytilus galloprovincialis and natural hybrid . Aquaculture , 590, 741034 (13p.) .
Montagnani Caroline, Morga Benjamin, Novoa Beatriz, Gourbal Benjamin, Saco Amaro, Rey‐campos Magali, Bourhis Marion, Riera Fabien, Vignal Emmanuel, Corporeau Charlotte, Charriere Guillaume, Travers Agnes, Dégremont Lionel, Gueguen Yannick, Cosseau Céline, Figueras Antonio (2024). Trained immunity: Perspectives for disease control strategy in marine mollusc aquaculture . Reviews in Aquaculture , 16(4), 1472-1498 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Romboli Valentina, Fotini Kokou, Degremont Lionel, Sipkema Detmer (2024). Nature’s Arsenal Unlocked: Next-Generation Screening Of Aquaculture-Derived Bacteria To Prevent Oyster Diseases . AQUA 2024. August 26 - 30, 2024 Copenhagen, Denmark .
Dantan Luc, Toulza Eve, Petton Bruno, Montagnani Caroline, Degremont Lionel, Morga Benjamin, Fleury Yannick, Mitta Guillaume, Gueguen Yannick, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, Cosseau Céline (2024). Microbial education for marine invertebrate disease prevention in aquaculture . Reviews In Aquaculture , 16(3), 1229-1243 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Morga Benjamin, Mege Mickael, Faury Nicole, Dégremont Lionel, Petton Bruno, Pépin Jean-Francois, Renault Tristan, Montagnani Caroline (2024). Antiviral protection in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea (Magallana) gigas against OsHV-1 infection using UV-inactivated virus . Frontiers In Marine Science , 11, 1378511 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Munusamy Ajithkumar, Dégremont Lionel, Garcia Celine, Ledu Christophe, Benabdelmouna Abdellah . Divergent Selection for Cytogenetic Quality in Mussel Species . Preprint IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Jourdan Antoine, Morvezen Romain, Enez Florian, Haffray Pierrick, Lange Adeline, Vétois Emilie, Allal Francois, Phocas Florence, Bugeon Jérôme, Dégremont Lionel, Boudry Pierre (2023). Potential of genomic selection for growth, meat content and colour traits in mixed-family breeding designs for the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas . Aquaculture , 576, 739878 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Oyanedel Daniel, Lagorce Arnaud, Bruto Maxime, Haffner Philippe, Morot Amandine, Dorant Yann, de La Forest Divonne Sebastien, Delavat François, Inguimbert Nicolas, Montagnani Caroline, Morga Benjamin, Toulza Eve, Chaparro Cristian, Escoubas Jean-Michel, Labreuche Yannick, Gueguen Yannick, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, de Lorgeril Julien, Petton Bruno, Degremont Lionel, Tourbiez Delphine, Pimparé Léa-Lou, Leroy Marc, Romatif Oceane, Pouzadoux Juliette, Mitta Guillaume, Roux Frédérique Le, Charrière Guillaume M., Travers Agnes, Destoumieux-Garzón Delphine (2023). Cooperation and cheating orchestrate Vibrio assemblages and polymicrobial synergy in oysters infected with OsHV-1 virus . Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America , 120(40), e23051951 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Munusamy Ajithkumar, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Chevignon Germain, Degremont Lionel (2023). Investigation Of Abnormal Mass Mortality (AMM) Of Mussels In France . Colloque des de 2e année. Université de La Rochelle. 21 septembre 2023 .
Gawra Janan, Valdivieso Munoz Alejandro, Roux Fabrice, Laporte Martin, de Lorgeril Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Saccas Mathilde, Escoubas Jean-Michel, Montagnani Caroline, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine, Lagarde Franck, Leroy Marc A., Haffner Philippe, Petton Bruno, Cosseau Céline, Morga Benjamin, Dégremont Lionel, Mitta Guillaume, Grunau Christoph, Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie (2023). Epigenetic variations are more substantial than genetic variations in rapid adaptation of oyster to Pacific oyster mortality syndrome . Science Advances , 9(36), eadh8990 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Degremont Lionel, Tourbiez Delphine, Kalaidji Samia, Guesdon Stephane, Maurouard Elise, Girardin Frederic, Lupo Coralie, Arzul Isabelle, Treilles Michaël (2023). Preliminary Study On Potential Impact Of Antibiotic Use In Oyster Hatchery . 21st EAFP International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 11th-14th September 2023, Aberdeen, UK .
Treilles Michaël, Tourbiez Delphine, Kalaidji Samia, Degremont Lionel, Guesdon Stephane, Maurouard Elise, Girardin Frederic, Lupo Coralie, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine (2023). Antibiotic Resistance In The Pacific Oyster Industry In France: A First Picture In A Local Production Area, The Charente Maritime. 21st EAFP International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 11th-14th September 2023, Aberdeen, UK.
Garcia Celine, Mesnil Aurelie, Jacquot Maude, Tourbiez Delphine, Degremont Lionel, Hocquet Juliette, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Nadeau Aurelie, Noyer Mathilde, Girardin Frederic, Meirland Antoine, Ricard Morgane, Rocroy Mélanie, Travers Agnes (2023). Dynamics of Vibrio aestuarianus in wild cockle beds of Hauts-de-France . 21st EAFP International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 11th-14th September 2023, Aberdeen, UK.
Mesnil Aurelie, Jacquot Maude, Garcia Celine, Tourbiez Delphine, Canier Lydie, Bidois Audrey, Dégremont Lionel, Cheslett Deborah, Geary Michelle, Vetri Alessia, Roque Ana, Furones Dolors, Garden Alison, Orozova Petya, Arzul Isabelle, Sicard Mathieu, Charriere Guillaume, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine, Travers Agnes (2023). Emergence and clonal expansion of Vibrio aestuarianus lineages pathogenic for oysters in Europe . Molecular Ecology , 32(11), 2869-2883 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Tourbiez Delphine, Mesnil Aurelie, Jacquot Maude, Degremont Lionel, Hocquet Juliette, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Nadeau Aurelie, Noyer Mathilde, Girardin Frederic, Devreker David, Meirland Antoine, Ricard Morgane, Rocroy Mélanie, Travers Agnes (2023). Dynamics of Vibrio aestuarianus in cockles in wild beds of Hauts-de-France . 2023 Annual Meeting of National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc Diseases.3-5th of May 2023 , La Tremblade, France .
Clerissi Camille, Luo Xing, Lucasson Aude, Mortaza Shogofa, de Lorgeril Julien, Toulza Eve, Petton Bruno, Escoubas Jean-Michel, Dégremont Lionel, Gueguen Yannick, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine, Jacq Annick, Mitta Guillaume (2023). A core of functional complementary bacteria infects oysters in Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome . Animal Microbiome , 5(1), 26 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sorée Marion, Le Meleder Anna, Maurouard Elise, Lozach Solen, Papin Mathias, Stavrakakis Christophe, Audemard Corinne, Hervio Heath Dominique, Dégremont Lionel (2023). Effect of ploidy level on accumulation and depuration of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas . Aquaculture , 563(Part 2), 738992 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Jourdan Antoine, Morvezen Romain, Haffray Pierrick, Boudry Pierre, Allal Francois, Maurouard Elise, Marquis Florent, Heurtebise Serge, Phocas Florence, Degremont Lionel (2022). First Characterization Of Genomic Architecture For Disease Resistance In Crassostrea Gigas To Single And Dual Exposition To OsHV-1 And Vibrio Aestuarianus . ISGA XIV - XIV International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture. 27 november-02 December 2022, Puerto Varas, Chile .
Dotto-Maurel Aurelie, Pelletier Camille, Morga Benjamin, Jacquot Maude, Faury Nicole, Dégremont Lionel, Bereszczynki Maëlis, Delmotte Jean, Escoubas Jean-Michel, Chevignon Germain (2022). Evaluation of tangential flow filtration coupled to long-read sequencing for ostreid herpesvirus type 1 genome assembly . Microbial Genomics , 8(11), 000895 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Mesnil Aurelie, Tourbiez Delphine, Degremont Lionel, Hocquet Juliette, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Nadeau Aurelie, Noyer Mathilde, Girardin Frederic, Devreker David, Meirland Antoine, Ricard Morgane, Rocroy Mélanie, Travers Agnes (2022). Dynamique de la bactérie Vibrio aestuarianus chez les coques dans des gisements exploités des Hauts-de-France . Journée de restitution du projet Mocoprege. 8 septembre 2022 .
Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Lupo Coralie, Noyer Mathilde, Tourbiez Delphine, Berland Chloe, Degremont Lionel, Travers Marie-Agnes (2022). First characterization of the parasite Haplosporidium costale in France and development of a real‐time PCR assay for its rapid detection in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas . Transboundary And Emerging Diseases , 69(5), E2041-E2058 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sorée Marion, Delavat François, Lambert Christophe, Lozach Solen, Papin Mathias, Petton Bruno, Passerini Delphine, Dégremont Lionel, Hervio Heath Dominique (2022). Life history of oysters influences Vibrio parahaemolyticus accumulation in Pacific oysters ( Crassostrea gigas ) . Environmental Microbiology , 24(9), 4401-4410 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Soree Marion, Delavat Francois, Lambert Christophe, Le Meleder Anna, Papin Mathias, Stavrakakis Christophe, Passerini Delphine, Degremont Lionel, Hervio Heath Dominique (2022). Gestion de la contamination par Vibrio parahaemolyticus chez l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas . JS 2022 - 15ème Journées Scientifiques de Nantes Université "La cellule face aux stimulations du monde marin". 3 juin 2022, Nantes .
Picot Sandy, Faury Nicole, Pelletier Camille, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Dégremont Lionel, Renault Tristan, Morga Benjamin, Picot (2022). Monitoring Autophagy at Cellular and Molecular Level in Crassostrea gigas During an Experimental Ostreid Herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) Infection . Frontiers In Cellular And Infection Microbiology , 12, 858311 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sussarellu Rossana, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Aminot Yann, Couteau Jerome, Loppion Geraldine, Dégremont Lionel, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Akcha Farida, Rouxel Julien, Berthelin Clothilde, Briaudeau Tifanie, Izagirre Urtzi, Mauffret Aourell, Grouhel Anne, Burgeot Thierry (2022). Differences in chemical contaminants bioaccumulation and ecotoxicology biomarkers in Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis and their hybrids . Environmental Pollution , 292(Part. A), 118328 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dégremont Lionel, Maurouard Elise, Jourdan Antoine, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Boudry Pierre (2022). SNP-based parentage analyses over two successive generations demonstrates the feasibility of efficient production of inbred lines in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) by self-fertilization of simultaneous hermaphrodites despite severe inbreeding depression . Aquaculture , 547, 737443 (5p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Mesnil Aurelie, Tourbiez Delphine, Degremont Lionel, Hocquet Juliette, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Nadeau Aurelie, Noyer Mathilde, Girardin Frederic, Devreker David, Meirland Antoine, Ricard Morgane, Rocroy Mélanie, Travers Agnes (2022). Dynamics of Vibrio aestuarianus in cockles in wild beds of Hauts-de-France . Marine Parasites Symposium: workshop on micro-parasites of marine molluscs .


Haure Joel, François Cyrille, Degremont Lionel, Ledu Christophe, Maurouard Elise, Girardin Frederic, Benabdelmouna Abdellah (2021). Physiological comparisons of Pacific cupped oysters at different levels of ploidy and selection to OsHV-1 tolerance . Aquaculture , 544, 73711 (7p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Soree Marion, Delavat François, Lambert Christophe, Papin Mathias, Petton Bruno, Degremont Lionel, Le Razavet Virginie, Passerini Delphine, Stavrakakis Christophe, Hervio Heath Dominique (2021). Suivi de l'accumulation et de la dépuration de Vibrio parahaemolyticus chez l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas par cytométrie en flux . SFM 2021 - 16e congrès national de la Société Française de Microbiologie « MICROBES ». 22 au 24 septembre 2021, Nantes.
Broquard Coralie, Saowaros Suwansa-Ard, Lepoittevin Mélanie, Degremont Lionel, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Morga Benjamin, Elizur Abigail, Martinez Anne-Sophie (2021). Gonadal transcriptomes associated with sex phenotypes provide potential male and female candidate genes of sex determination or early differentiation in Crassostrea gigas, a sequential hermaphrodite mollusc . Bmc Genomics , 22(1), 609 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Trotter Andrew J., Vignier Julien, Wilson Teresa K., Douglas Marianne, Adams Serean L., King Nick, Cunningham Matthew P., Carter Chris G., Boudry Pierre, Petton Bruno, Dégremont Lionel, Smith Greg G., Pernet Fabrice (2021). Case study of vertical transmission of ostreid herpesvirus‐1 in Pacific oysters and biosecurity management based on epidemiological data from French, New Zealand and Australian hatchery‐propagated seed . Aquaculture Research , 52(8), 4012-4017 .
Dégremont Lionel, Morga Benjamin, Maurouard Elise, Travers Marie-Agnes (2021). Susceptibility variation to the main pathogens of Crassostrea gigas at the larval, spat and juvenile stages using unselected and selected oysters to OsHV-1 and/or V. aestuarianus . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 183, 107601 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Morga Benjamin, Jacquot Maude, Pelletier Camille, Chevignon Germain, Dégremont Lionel, Biétry Antoine, Pepin Jean-Francois, Heurtebise Serge, Escoubas Jean Michel, Bean Tim P., Rosani Umberto, Bai Chang-Ming, Renault Tristan, Lamy Jean-Baptiste (2021). Genomic Diversity of the Ostreid Herpesvirus Type 1 Across Time and Location and Among Host Species . Frontiers In Microbiology , 12, 711377 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gawra Janan, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Saccas Mathilde, de Lorgeril Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Escoubas Jean Michel, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine, Leroy Marc A., Haffner Philippe, Morga Benjamin, Degremont Lionel, Petton Bruno, Grunau Christoph, Mitta Guillaume, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie (2021). Epigenetic and genetic determinants of resistance in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas : A case study in natural population . EEID 2021 - 18th Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases meeting. 11-14 june 2021, Montpellier, France .
Arzul Isabelle, Berland Chloe, Chollet Bruno, Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie, Serpin Delphine, Noyer Mathilde, Lecadet Cyrielle, Person Pauline, Degremont Lionel, Travers Agnes, Tourbiez Delphine, Nadeau Aurelie, Canier Lydie, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Mege Mickael, Gueguen Yannick (2021). Geographic Distribution of Haplosporidium costale in France . Technical Workshop on Parasites of the Genus Haplosporidium. 18 march 2021 .
Petton Bruno, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine, Pernet Fabrice, Toulza Eve, de Lorgeril Julien, Degremont Lionel, Mitta Guillaume (2021). The Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome, a Polymicrobial and Multifactorial Disease: State of Knowledge and Future Directions . Frontiers In Immunology , 12, 630343 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Leprêtre Maxime, Faury Nicole, Segarra Amelie, Claverol Stéphane, Degremont Lionel, Palos-Ladeiro Mélissa, Armengaud Jean, Renault Tristan, Morga Benjamin (2021). Comparative Proteomics of Ostreid Herpesvirus 1 and Pacific Oyster Interactions With Two Families Exhibiting Contrasted Susceptibility to Viral Infection . Frontiers In Immunology , 11, 621994 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Mesnil Aurelie, Tourbiez Delphine, Moussa Pouly Mirna, Dubreuil Christine, Gonçalves De Sa Amélie, Chollet Bruno, Godfrin Yoann, Dégremont Lionel, Serpin Delphine, Travers Marie-Agnes (2021). Vibrio aestuarianus subsp. cardii subsp. nov., pathogenic to the edible cockles Cerastoderma edule in France, and establishment of Vibrio aestuarianus subsp. aestuarianus subsp. nov. and Vibrio aestuarianus subsp. francensis subsp. nov. International Journal Of Systematic And Evolutionary Microbiology , 71(2), 004654 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Agnew M. Victoria, Friedman Carolyn S., Langdon Christopher, Divilov Konstantin, Schoolfield Blaine, Morga Benjamin, Degremont Lionel, Dhar Arun K., Kirkland Peter, Dumbauld Brett, Burge Colleen A. (2020). Differential Mortality and High Viral Load in Naive Pacific Oyster Families Exposed to OsHV-1 Suggests Tolerance Rather than Resistance to Infection . Pathogens , 9(12), 1057 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Friedman Carolyn S., Reece Kimberly S., Wippel Bryanda J.T., Agnew M. Victoria, Dégremont Lionel, Dhar Arun K., Kirkland Peter, Macintyre Alanna, Morga Benjamin, Robison Clara, Burge Colleen A. (2020). Unraveling concordant and varying responses of oyster species to Ostreid Herpesvirus 1 variants . Science Of The Total Environment , 739, 139752 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dégremont Lionel, Azéma Patrick, Maurouard Elise, Travers Marie-Agnes (2020). Enhancing resistance to Vibrio aestuarianus in Crassostrea gigas by selection . Aquaculture , 526, 735429 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cordier Clémence, Stavrakakis Christophe, Morga Benjamin, Degrémont Lionel, Voulgaris Alexandra, Bacchi Alessia, Sauvade Patrick, Coelho Franz, Moulin Philippe (2020). Removal of pathogens by ultrafiltration from sea water . Environment International , 142, 105809 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Clerissi Camille, de Lorgeril Julien, Petton Bruno, Lucasson Aude, Escoubas Jean Michel, Gueguen Yannick, Dégremont Lionel, Mitta Guillaume, Toulza Eve (2020). Microbiota Composition and Evenness Predict Survival Rate of Oysters Confronted to Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome . Frontiers In Microbiology , 11(311), 11p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Treilles Michaël, Lupo Coralie, Degremont Lionel, Tourbiez Delphine, Guesdon Stephane, Girardin Frederic, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine (2020). Projet Résistance aux antibiotiques en filière ostréicole (REGIS) . Rencontre avec le SENC. 28 Janvier 2020, Beauvoir sur Mer (85) .
Broquard Coralie, Martinez Anne-Sophie, Maurouard Elise, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Dégremont Lionel (2020). Sex determination in the oyster Crassostrea gigas - A large longitudinal study of population sex ratios and individual sex changes . Aquaculture , 515, 734555 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
de Lorgeril Julien, Petton Bruno, Lucasson Aude, Perez Valérie, Stenger Pierre-Louis, Degremont Lionel, Montagnani Caroline, Escoubas Jean Michel, Haffner Philippe, Allienne Jean-François, Leroy Marc, Lagarde Franck, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, Gueguen Yannick, Mitta Guillaume (2020). Differential basal expression of immune genes confers Crassostrea gigas resistance to Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome . Bmc Genomics , 21(1), 63 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Burge Colleen A., Reecez Kimberly S., Dhar Arun K., Kirkland Peter, Morga Benjamin, Degremont Lionel, Faury Nicole, Wippel Bryanda J. T., Macintyre Alanna, Friedman Carolyn S. (2020). First comparison of French and Australian OsHV-1 mu vars by bath exposure . Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms , 138, 137-144 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Divilov Konstantin, Schoolfield Blaine, Morga Benjamin, Dégremont Lionel, Burge Colleen A., Mancilla Cortez Daniel, Friedman Carolyn S., Fleener Gary B., Dumbauld Brett R., Langdon Chris (2019). First evaluation of resistance to both a California OsHV-1 variant and a French OsHV-1 microvariant in Pacific oysters . Bmc Genetics , 20(1), 96 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Picot Sandy, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Chollet Bruno, Dégremont Lionel, Travers Marie-Agnes, Renault Tristan, Arzul Isabelle (2019). A study of autophagy in hemocytes of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas . Autophagy , 15(10), 1801-1809 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Degremont Lionel, Maurouard Elise, Rabiller Manuella, Glize Philippe (2019). Response to selection for increasing resistance to the spring mortality outbreaks in Mytilus edulis occurring in France since 2014 . Aquaculture , 511, 734269 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Martenot Claire, Faury Nicole, Morga Benjamin, Degremont Lionel, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Houssin Maryline, Renault Tristan (2019). Exploring First Interactions Between Ostreid Herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) and Its Host, Crassostrea gigas: Effects of Specific Antiviral Antibodies and Dextran Sulfate . Frontiers In Microbiology , 10(1128), 13p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dégremont Lionel, Maurouard Elise, Ledu Christophe, Benabdelmouna Abdellah (2019). Synthesis of the “PLAN DE SAUVEGARDE” using selected all-triploid oysters to reduce the shortage of spat in France due to OsHV-1–associated mortality in Crassostrea gigas . Aquaculture , 505, 462-472 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pepin Jean-Francois, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Bierne Nicolas, Chasselin Leo, Degremont Lionel, Guesdon Stephane, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Le Moine Olivier, Normand Julien, Robert Stephane, Soletchnik Patrick (2019). Mortalités de moules bleues dans les secteurs mytilicoles : description et étude des facteurs liés, action – MORBLEU-2018 . RBE/SG2M-LGPMM-2019 .
Gueguen Yannick, Arzul Isabelle, Goulletquer Philippe (2019). Groupe de Travail « Huîtres » - Plan d’Action 2020-2023. Comprendre et prévoir l’évolution du socio-écosystème ostréicole dans le cadre du changement global .


Parizadeh Leila, Tourbiez Delphine, Garcia Celine, Haffner Philippe, Degremont Lionel, Le Roux Frederique, Travers Marie-Agnes (2018). Ecologically realistic model of infection for exploring the host damage caused by Vibrio aestuarianus . Environmental Microbiology , 20(12), 4343-4355 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chollet Bruno, Morga Benjamin, Degremont Lionel, Noyer Mathilde, Dubreuil Christine, Serpin Delphine, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine (2018). Les lésions tissulaires induites par le virus OsHV-1, µVar et leur évolution dans le temps . VIVALDI : Journées de restitution interne-Ifremer, 27 au 29 novembre 2018, Île de Tatihou, France .
Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Garcia Celine, Ledu Christophe, Lamy Pierre, Maurouard Elise, Degremont Lionel (2018). Mortality investigation of Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis in France: An experimental survey under laboratory conditions . Aquaculture , 495, 831-841 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
de Lorgeril Julien, Lucasson Aude, Petton Bruno, Toulza Eve, Montagnani Caroline, Clerissi Camille, Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie, Chaparro Cristian, Galinier Richard, Escoubas Jean Michel, Haffner Philippe, Degremont Lionel, Charriere Guillaume, Lafont Maxime, Delort Abigail, Vergnes Agnes, Chiarello Marlene, Faury Nicole, Rubio Tristan, Leroy Marc, Perignon Adeline, Regler Denis, Morga Benjamin, Alunno-Bruscia Marianne, Boudry Pierre, Le Roux Frederique, Destoumieux-Garzon Delphine, Gueguen Yannick, Mitta Guillaume (2018). Immune-suppression by OsHV-1 viral infection causes fatal bacteraemia in Pacific oysters . Nature Communications , 9(4215), 14p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gagnaire Pierre-Alexandre, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Cornette Florence, Heurtebise Serge, Degremont Lionel, Flahauw Emilie, Boudry Pierre, Bierne Nicolas, Lapegue Sylvie (2018). Analysis of genome-wide differentiation between native and introduced populations of the cupped oysters Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea angulata . Genome Biology And Evolution , 10(9), 2518-2534 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lapegue Sylvie, Bechemin Christian, Le Guyader Soizick, Stavrakakis Christophe, Rivet Florence (2018). Rapport d’activités 2017 de l’unité SG2M, Santé Génétique et Microbiologie des Mollusques . R.RBE/SG2M/2018-01 .
Pepin Jean-Francois, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Bierne Nicolas, Costes Louis, Degremont Lionel, Garcia Celine, Guesdon Stephane, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Le Moine Olivier, Morga Benjamin, Normand Julien, Robert Stephane, Saunier Alice, Soletchnik Patrick, Travers Marie-Agnes (2018). Mortalités de moules bleues dans les secteurs mytilicoles : description et étude des facteurs liés, action –MORBLEU-2017 . R.INT.RBE/SG2M-LGPMM-2018 .


Azema Patrick, Maurouard Elise, Brun Aurelien, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Morga Benjamin, Travers Marie-Agnes, Degremont Lionel (2017). Paramètres génétiques de la résistance à Vibrio aestuarianus et de la résistance à OsHV-1 . Journées techniques Sysaaf. 7 et 8 décembre 2017, Rennes .
Garcia Celine, Tourbiez Delphine, Dubreuil Christine, Goncalves De Sa Amelie, Chollet Bruno, Godfrin Yoann, Degremont Lionel, Travers Marie-Agnes (2017). Caractérisation de la bactérie Vibrio aestuarianus détectée chez les coques . Journées internes du projet européen Vivaldi. 6-7 décembre 2017, Ifremer Bouin, France .
Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Heurtebise Serge, Maurouard Elise, Lapegue Sylvie, Degremont Lionel (2017). Parentage assignation using SNP markers, application to Crassostrea gigas (Magallana gigas) . 27ème Journées Techniques de la section aquacole du SYSAAF. 7-8 décembre 2017, Rennes, France .
Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Degremont Lionel, Maurouard Elise, Lapegue Sylvie, Boison Solomon Antwi, Moghadam Hooman (2017). Experimental design to unravel the genomic determinants of resistance to OsHV1 infection. WP-3.1.1 . Journées internes du projet européen Vivaldi. 6-7 décembre 2017, Ifremer Bouin, France .
Morga Benjamin, Picot Sandy, Faury Nicole, Degremont Lionel, Renault Tristan, Lupo Coralie, Travers Marie-Agnes (2017). Does first barrier passage shunt matter in disease reproduction? Update from OsHV-1 infection in Pacific oyster,Crassostrea gigas . EAFP - 18th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 4-8 September 2017, Belfast, UK .
Picot Sandy, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Pelletier Camille, Degremont Lionel, Arzul Isabelle, Renault Tristan (2017). Monitoring of the autophagy pathway in C. gigas haemocytes during an experimental OsHV-1 infection . EAFP - 18th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 4-8 September 2017, Belfast, UK .
Gagnaire Pierre-Alexandre, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Cornette Florence, Heurtebise Serge, Flahauw Emilie, Degremont Lionel, Auge M.T., Boudry Pierre, Bierne Nicolas, Lapegue Sylvie (2017). Genomic patterns of differentiation in native and introduced populations of the cupped oysters Crassostrea gigas and Crassostrea angulata (and in hybrid progenies) . iMarCo2017 - 3rd International Marine Connectivity Conference. September 11-13, 2017, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium .
Travers Marie-Agnes, Tourbiez Delphine, Parizadeh Leila, Haffner Philippe, Kozic-Djellouli Angelique, Aboubaker Mohamed, Koken Marcel, Degremont Lionel, Lupo Coralie (2017). Several strains, one disease: experimental investigation of Vibrio aestuarianus infection parameters in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas . Veterinary Research , 48(32), 1-8 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Azema Patrick, Maurouard Elise, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Degremont Lionel (2017). The use of size and growing height to improve Crassostrea gigas farming and breeding techniques against OsHV-1 . Aquaculture , 471, 121-129 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Azema Patrick, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Boudry Pierre, Renault Tristan, Travers Marie-Agnes, Degremont Lionel (2017). Genetic parameters of resistance to Vibrio aestuarianus, and OsHV-1 infections in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, at three different life stages . Genetics Selection Evolution , 49(23), 1-16 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bachere Evelyne, Degremont Lionel, Piquemal David, Roman Bruno, Noguier Florian (2017). Signature d'expression de gènes, Marqueur prédictif de capacités de survie chez l'huître Crassostrea gigas . Rapport scientifique de l’action PREDIGENE Convention DPMA-Ifremer 2016-16/1212569 .
Pepin Jean-Francois, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Degremont Lionel, Guesdon Stephane, Le Moine Olivier, Morga Benjamin, Bierne Nicolas, Travers Marie-Agnes, Robert Stephane, Soletchnik Patrick (2017). Mortalités de moules bleues dans les secteurs mytilicoles charentais et vendéens : description et facteurs liés – MORBLEU . R.INT.RBE/SG2M-LGPMM .
Degremont Lionel, Maurouard Elise, Godfrin Yoann, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Benabdelmouna Abdellah (2017). Double résistance aux infections dues aux organismes pathogènes Vibrio aestuarianus et OsHV-1 chez l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas – DORE. Rapport scientifique final de l’étude DORE, convention DPMA-Ifremer 2016 . RBE/SG2M-LGPMM .


Pepin Jean-Francois, Travers Marie-Agnes (2016). Projet de recherche "MORBLEU". Environnement des écosystèmes mytilicoles et crises de mortalité récentes, quelles interactions? Etude des facteurs pouvant favoriser les surmortalités de moules bleues (Mytilus edulis) dans les pertuis charentais et en Vendée (2014-2016) . Journées ODE. 8-9 novembre 2016. Logonna Daoulas, France .
Azema Patrick, Travers Marie-Agnes, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Degremont Lionel (2016). Single or dual experimental infections with Vibrio aestuarianus and OsHV-1 in diploid and triploid Crassostrea gigas at the spat, juvenile and adult stages . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 139, 92-101 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Robert Stephane, Soletchnik Patrick, Pepin Jean-Francois, Le Moine Olivier, Guesdon Stephane, Travers Marie-Agnes, Garcia Celine, Degremont Lionel, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Osta Amigo Axel, Bierne Nicolas (2016). Mortalités massives de moules bleues (Mytilus edulis) sur les côtes françaises (2014-2016) : Eléments de connaissances (mai 2016). Rencontre avec des professionnels de la mytiliculture à Ifremer la Rochelle, le 20 mai 2016 . Rencontre avec des professionnels de la mytiliculture. 20 mai 2016, Ifremer La Rochelle .
Degremont Lionel, Ledu Christophe, Maurouard Elise, Nourry Max, Benabdelmouna Abdellah (2016). Effect of ploidy on the mortality of Crassostrea gigas spat caused by OsHV-1 in France using unselected and selected OsHV-1 resistant oysters . Aquaculture Research , 47(3), 777-786 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lapegue Sylvie, Renault Tristan, Bechemin Christian, Le Guyader Soizick, Stavrakakis Christophe, Rivet Florence (2016). Rapport d'activités 2015 de l'Unité SG2M : Santé, Génétique et Microbiologie des Mollusques .
Garcia Celine, Canier Lydie, Dubreuil Christine, Chollet Bruno, Baillon Laury, Arzul Isabelle, Travers Marie-Agnes, Godfrin Yoann, Dechamps Lucie, Lupo Coralie, Tourbiez Delphine, Degremont Lionel, Maurouard Elise, Haffner Philippe, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Billy Jean-Christophe, Brun Aurelien, Bodin Stephane, Phelipot Pascal, Laclau Tom, Schwerdtle Pascal, Girardin Frederic, Lamy Pierre, Lapegue Sylvie, Bechemin Christian (2016). Laboratoire National de Référence pour les maladies des mollusques marins. Bilan 2015 . Journée de la Santé des mollusques marins et Journées de l'Observation conchylicole, 02 au 04 février 2016, Ifremer, Nantes, France .
Dégremont Lionel, Morga Benjamin, Trancart Suzanne, Pépin Jean-Francois (2016). Resistance to OsHV-1 Infection in Crassostrea gigas Larvae . Frontiers in Marine Science , 3(15), 12p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Azema Patrick, Travers Marie-Agnes, de Lorgeril Julien, Tourbiez Delphine, Degremont Lionel (2015). Can selection for resistance to OsHV-1 infection modify susceptibility to Vibrio aestuarianus infection in Crassostrea gigas? First insights from experimental challenges using primary and successive exposures . Veterinary Research , 46, - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Degremont Lionel, Garcia Celine, Allen Standish K., Jr. (2015). Genetic improvement for disease resistance in oysters: a review . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 131, 226-241 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Degremont Lionel, Nourry Max, Maurouard Elise (2015). Mass selection for survival and resistance to OsHV-1 infection in Crassostrea gigas spat in field conditions: response to selection after four generations . Aquaculture , 446, 111-121 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Renault Tristan, Lapegue Sylvie, Le Guyader Soizick, Hatt Philippe-Jacques, Rivet Florence (2015). Rapport d'activités 2014 de l'Unité SG2M. Santé, Génétique et Microbiologie des mollusques .
Degremont Lionel, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Pepin Jean-Francois, Travers Marie-Agnes, Renault Tristan (2015). New Insight for the Genetic Evaluation of Resistance to Ostreid Herpesvirus Infection, a Worldwide Disease, in Crassostrea gigas . Plos One , 10(6), - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mersni-Achour Rachida, Ben Cheikh Yosra, Pichereau Vianney, Doghri Ibtissem, Etien Cedric, Degremont Lionel, Saulnier Denis, Fruitier-Arnaudin Ingrid, Travers Marie-Agnes (2015). Factors other than metalloprotease are required for full virulence of French Vibrio tubiashii isolates in oyster larvae . Microbiology-sgm , 161, 997-1007 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Degremont Lionel, Briaud Pierre, Maurouard Elise, Ledu Christophe, Benabdelmouna Abdellah (2015). Plan de sauvegarde 2013, 4ème édition : synthèse des résultats 2013-2014 .
Azema Patrick, Travers Marie-Agnes, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Degremont Lionel (2015). Genetic parameters for OsHV-1 and Vibrio aestuarianus resistance in Crassostrea gigas: first results using controlled challenges . 107th Annual Meeting National Shellfisheries Association , March 22-26 April 2015, Monterey, California, United States.
Azema Patrick, Travers Marie-Agnes, Degremont Lionel (2015). Genotype by size interaction for OsHV-1 resistance in Crassostrea gigas . 107th Annual Meeting National Shellfisheries Association , March 22-26 April 2015, Monterey, California, United States.
Azema Patrick, Travers Marie-Agnes, Degremont Lionel (2015). Evaluation of resistance to Vibrio aestuarianus throughout three successive challenges using Crassostrea gigas lines selected and unselected for their higher resistance in the field to OsHV‐1 infection . 107th Annual Meeting National Shellfisheries Association , March 22-26 April 2015, Monterey, California, United States.
Travers Marie-Agnes, Degremont Lionel, Azema Patrick, de Lorgeril Julien, Pernet Fabrice, Corporeau Charlotte (2015). Mortalités d'huîtres creuses adultes (Crassostrea gigas) et infection à Vibrio aestuarianus (suite) - AESTU + . R.INT.RBE/SG2M-LGPMM .
Azema Patrick, Travers Marie-Agnes, Degremont Lionel (2015). Genetic parameters for Vibrio aestuarianus and OsHV-1 resistance in Crassostrea gigas: first results using controlled challenges . 2015 Annual meeting of NRLs for Mollusc diseases and the technical workshop, 16-19 March 2015, Saintes, France .
Barranger Audrey, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Degremont Lionel, Burgeot Thierry, Akcha Farida (2015). Parental exposure to environmental concentrations of diuron leads to aneuploidy in embryos of the Pacific oyster, as evidenced by fluorescent in situ hybridization . Aquatic Toxicology , 159, 36-43 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Degremont Lionel, Benabdelmouna Abdellah (2014). Mortality associated with OsHV-1 in spat Crassostrea gigas: role of wild-caught spat in the horizontal transmission of the disease . Aquaculture International , 22(6), 1767-1781 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gagnaire Pierre-Alexandre, Cornette Florence, Flahauw Emilie, Heurtebise Serge, Degremont Lionel, Lapegue Sylvie (2014). High-density genetic mapping reveals regions of the cupped oyster genome involved in the resistance to spat summer mortality . Aquaculture Europe 2014, Meeting of the European Aquaculture Society - EAS : Adding value, 14-17 octobre 2014, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain .
Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Ledu Christophe, Heroin Debora, Maurouard Elise, Degremont Lionel (2014). Le plan de sauvegarde 2012 . Journées de restitutions auprès des partenaires institutionnelles : DPMA & DGAL, 10 septembre 2014, Nantes, France .
Segarra Amelie, Mauduit Florian, Faury Nicole, Trancart Suzanne, Degremont Lionel, Tourbiez Delphine, Haffner Philippe, Barbosa-Solomieu Valerie, Pepin Jean-Francois, Travers Marie-Agnes, Renault Tristan (2014). Dual transcriptomics of virus-host interactions: comparing two Pacific oyster families presenting contrasted susceptibility to ostreid herpesvirus 1 . Bmc Genomics , 15(580), 1-13 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Frank-Lawale Anu, Allen Standish K., Jr., Degremont Lionel (2014). Breeding and Domestication of Eastern Oyster ( Crassostrea virginica ) Lines for Culture in the Mid-Atlantic, Usa: Line Development and Mass Selection for Disease Resistance . Journal Of Shellfish Research , 33(1), 153-165 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lapegue Sylvie, Cornette Florence, Heurtebise Serge, Flahauw Emilie, Auge Marie-Thérèse, Bierne Nicolas, Degremont Lionel, Gagnaire Pierre-Alexandre (2014). Application of high-throughput sequencing to the detection of regions of the cupped oyster genome involved in the resistance to spat summer mortality . Annual Meeting of the NRLs for mollusc diseases, 25-26 Mars 2014, Nantes .
Degremont Lionel, Azema Patrick, Travers Marie-Agnes (2014). Spat and adult mortality related to Vibrio aestuarianus in Crassostrea gigas in France . National Shellfisheries Association 106th Annual Meeting, March 29 - April 2 2014, Jacksonville, United States .
Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Ledu Christophe, Maurouard Elise, Degremont Lionel (2014). Ploidy investigation on mortality related to OsHV-1 in spat Crassostrea gigas . National Shellfisheries Association 106th Annual Meeting, March 29 - April 2 2014, Jacksonville, United States .
Travers Marie-Agnes, Degremont Lionel, de Lorgeril Julien, Azema Patrick, Montagnani Caroline, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Le Roux Frederique (2014). Mortalités d'huîtres creuses adultes (Crassostrea gigas) et infection à Vibrio aestuarianus - AESTU . R.INT.RBE/SG2M-LGPMM .
Gagnaire Pierre-Alexandre, Cornette Florence, Flahauw Emilie, Heurtebise Serge, Degremont Lionel, Lapegue Sylvie (2014). High-density genetic mapping reveals regions of the cupped oyster genome involved in the resistance to spat summer mortality . National Shellfisheries Association 106th Annual Meeting, March 29 - April 2 2014, Jacksonville, United States .
Degremont Lionel, Maurouard Elise, Azema Patrick, Nourry Max (2014). Four generation of mass selection on survival in spat Crassostrea gigas in field condition: an easy way to get OsHV-1 resistant oysters . National Shellfisheries Association 106th Annual Meeting, March 29 - April 2 2014, Jacksonville, United States .
Degremont Lionel, Maurouard Elise, Connes Coralie, Ledu Christophe, Benabdelmouna Abdellah (2014). Plan de sauvegarde 2012, 3ème édition : synthèse des résultats 2012-2013 . Convention DPMA-IFREMER n° 2011/1/1219611 relative à la mise en place d’un plan d’approvisionnement de sauvegarde 2012 de la filière ostréicole.


Degremont Lionel (2013). Size and genotype affect resistance to mortality caused by OsHV-1 in Crassostrea gigas . Aquaculture , 416, 129-134 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Degremont Lionel, Guyader Tanguy, Tourbiez Delphine, Pepin Jean-Francois (2013). Is horizontal transmission of the Ostreid herpesvirus OsHV-1 in Crassostrea gigas affected by unselected or selected survival status in adults to juveniles? Aquaculture , 408, 51-57 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Schmitt Paulina, Santini Adrien, Vergnes Agnes, Degremont Lionel, de Lorgeril Julien (2013). Sequence polymorphism and expression variability of Crassostrea gigas immune related genes discriminate two oyster lines contrasted in term of resistance to summer mortalities . Plos One , 8(9), - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chavanne Herve, Maurouard Elise, Yonneau Caroline, Heroin Debora, Ledu Christophe, Degremont Lionel, Benabdelmouna Abdellah (2013). Plan de sauvegarde 2011 : synthèse de résultats 2011-2012 . Convention DPMA-IFREMER N°11/1219297 .


Flahauw Emilie, Quellec Stephane, Davenel Armel, Degremont Lionel, Lapegue Sylvie, Hatt Philippe-Jacques (2012). Gonad volume assessment in the oyster Crassostrea gigas: Comparison between a histological method and a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) method . Aquaculture , 370-371, 84-89 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lapegue Sylvie, Li Ronghua, Cornette Florence, Heurtebise Serge, Harrang Estelle, Morga Benjamin, Flahauw Emilie, Rohfritsch Audrey, Degremont Lionel, Haffray Pierrick, Bierne Nicolas, Boudry Pierre (2012). Recent advances in the developpement and use of molecular markers in oysters . World Aquaculture Society - Aqua 2012 - Prague, Czech Republic "Oysters, Pearl Oysters, Scallops, Clams, Abalone" - Monday, September 03, 2012 .
Flahauw Emilie, Davenel Armel, Quellec Stéphane, Quillien Virgile, Degremont Lionel, Lapegue Sylvie, Hatt Philippe-Jacques (2012). Evaluation of the gonad volume throughout magnetic resonance imaging in Crassostrea gigas and comparison with the histological method . PHYSIOMAR 2012, 4-9 Septembre 2012, International Meeting, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .
Pernet Fabrice, Barret Jean, Le Gall Patrik, Corporeau Charlotte, Degremont Lionel, Lagarde Franck, Pepin Jean-Francois, Keck Nicolas (2012). Mass mortalities of Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas reflect infectious diseases and vary with farming practices in the Mediterranean Thau lagoon, France . Aquaculture Environment Interactions , 2(3), 215-237 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Degremont Lionel, Garcia Celine, Frank-Lawale Anu, Allen Standish K., Jr. (2012). Triploid Oysters in the Chesapeake Bay: Comparison of Diploid and Triploid Crassostrea virginica . Journal Of Shellfish Research , 31(1), 21-31 .
Bernard Ismael, Lapegue Sylvie, Dumas Franck, Talarmain Eric, Cornette Florence, Degremont Lionel, Chavanne Herve, Pouvreau Stephane, Auby Isabelle, Maurer Daniele, Plus Martin, Le Moine Olivier, Boudry Pierre (2012). Etude de faisabilité d’opérations de ‘repeuplement orienté’ dans deux sites français de captage de l’huître creuse (Crassostrea gigas) . R.INT.BREST RBE/PFOM/PI 2012-2 .
IFREMER. Laboratoire Environnement-Ressources des Pertuis Charentais (2012). Projet DDPC « Développement Durable de la Pêche et de la Conchyliculture dans les Pertuis Charentais» - Rapport d'avancement général des travaux 2011 . Contrat de projets Etat-Région Poitou-Charentes 2007-2013 - Convention n° 08/RPC-A-29 du 19 mai 2008 .
Bigot L., Dubos M. P., Dheilly N., Favrel P., Kellner K., Lelong C., Martinez A. S., Riviere G., Santerre C., Sourdaine P., Degremont Lionel, Flahauw Emilie, Hatt Philippe-Jacques, Heurtebise Serge, Lapegue Sylvie, Azzouzi N., Galibert F., Boudry Pierre, Corporeau Charlotte, Fabioux Caroline, Guevelou Eric, Huvet Arnaud, Sussarellu Rossana (2012). Etude transcriptomique, génétique et fonctionnelle de la gamétogenèse chez l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas . Colloque AGENAE-GENANIMAL, La Rochelle, 20-21 Mars 2012 .
Vandeputte Marc, Labbe Catherine, Suquet Marc, Fauvel Christian, Goardon Lionel, Duclos Delphine, Danchin-Burge Coralie, Vergnet Alain, Rault Paul, Degremont Lionel, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Brizard Raphael, Haffray Pierrick (2012). Procédures d'échantillonnage pour la conservation des espèces aquacoles dans la Cryobanque Nationale . 3èmes Journées Recherche Piscicole, 3-4 juillet 2012, Paris .


Fleury Elodie, Normand Julien, Fabioux Caroline, Daniel Jean-Yves, Quillien Virgile, Degremont Lionel, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Boudry Pierre, Pernet Fabrice, Huvet Arnaud (2011). Identification de gènes associés à la survie estivale de l’huître Crassostrea gigas: perspectives pour la compréhension des mécanismes de résistance . Journées d'échange et d'information « Surmortalité des huîtres creuses », 29 et 30 novembre 2011, Nantes .
Saulnier Denis, Pepin Jean-Francois, Guesdon Stephane, Degremont Lionel, Faury Nicole, Haffner Philippe, Renault Tristan, Travers Marie-Agnes, Tourbiez Delphine, Geairon Philippe, Le Moine Olivier, Seugnet Jean-Luc, Soletchnik Patrick (2011). Mortalités massives de l'huître creuse - Rapport final du programme de recherche sur l'étude de la cinétique de détection d'agents infectieux associés à des épisodes de mortalités de naissains d'huîtres creuses Crassostrea gigas sur un site ostréicole de Marennes-Oléron (CIDAGINF 2009-2010) .
Pernet Fabrice, Barret Jean, Le Gall Patrik, Lagarde Franck, Fiandrino Annie, Huvet Arnaud, Corporeau Charlotte, Boudry Pierre, Quere Claudie, Degremont Lionel, Pepin Jean-Francois, Saulnier Denis, Boulet Hélène, Keck Nicolas (2011). Mortalités massives de l’Huître creuse: causes et perspectives . RST/LER/LR 11-013 .
Degremont Lionel (2011). Evidence of herpesvirus (OsHV-1) resistance in juvenile Crassostrea gigas selected for high resistance to the summer mortality phenomenon . Aquaculture , 317(1-4), 94-98 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Thebault Anne, Degremont Lionel, Arzul Isabelle, Miossec Laurence, Robert Maeva, Chollet Bruno, Francois Cyrille, Joly Jean-Pierre, Ferrand Sylvie, Kerdudou Nolwenn, Renault Tristan (2011). Ostreid herpesvirus 1 detection and relationship with Crassostrea gigas spat mortality in France between 1998 and 2006 . Veterinary Research , 42(73), 11 p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cochennec-Laureau Nathalie, Baud Jean-Pierre, Pepin Jean-Francois, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Soletchnik Patrick, Lupo Coralie, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Boudry Pierre, Huvet Arnaud, Pernet Fabrice, Bachere Evelyne, Bedier Edouard, Petton Bruno, Gaussem Florian, Stanisiere Jean-Yves, Degremont Lionel (2011). Les surmortalités des naissains d’huîtres creuses, Crassostrea gigas : acquis des recherches en 2010 . RST/LER/MPL/11.07 .
Soletchnik Patrick, Mazurie Joseph, Allain Gwenhael, Bedier Edouard, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Blin Jean-Louis, Bouquet Anne-Lise, Cochet Hélène, Degremont Lionel, Gaussem Florian, Gervasoni Erika, Glize Philippe, Petton Bruno, Roussel Pierre-Yves, Pernet Fabrice (2011). Les pratiques culturales peuvent-elles permettre de réduire la surmortalité du naissain d'huîtres creuses? Récapitulatif des essais d'élevage et expérimentations zootechniques menés sur le territoire français entre 2008 et 2010 . RST/LER/PC/LTB 11-02 .
Bechemin Christian, Soletchnik Patrick, Le Moine Olivier, Thomas Gerard, Biais Gerard, Girard Sophie (2011). Projet « Développement durable des Pertuis charentais». Rapport d'avancement général des travaux 2010 . Contrat de projets Etat-Région Poitou-Charentes 2007-2013 - Convention n° 08/RPC-A-29 du 19 mai 2008 .
Degremont Lionel, Maurouard Elise, Nourry Max, Seugnet Jean-Luc, Bedier Edouard, Fleury Elodie, Langlade Aime, Pernet Fabrice, Pouvreau Stephane, Le Souchu Pierrick, Normand Julien, D'Amico Florence, Rumebe Myriam, Cantin Christian, Barret Jean, Le Gall Patrik, Baud Jean-Pierre, Cochennec-Laureau Nathalie, Gervasoni Erika, Pelissier Pablo (2011). Suivi national des mortalités au stade naissain d'un lot témoin et d'un lot à survie améliorée pour Crassostrea gigas .
Degremont Lionel, Bordeyne Francois, Yonneau Caroline, Maurouard Elise, Nourry Max (2011). Evaluation de la survie du naissain de captage naturel chez l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas en fonction de la période des pontes à partir de lots sélectionnés pour les caractères de survie et efforts de reproduction . Contrat de projets Etat-Région Poitou-Charentes 2007-2013 - Convention n°08/PRC-A-29 du 19 mai 2008 .
Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Guyader Tanguy, Ledu Christophe, Laporte Philippe, Degremont Lionel (2011). Etude de la CINétique et DIffusion de la MORtalité (CINDIMOR) chez les juvéniles de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas . Contrat de projets Etat-Région Poitou-Charentes 2007-2013 - Convention n°08/PRC-A-29 du 19 mai 2008 - Projet "Développement durable des Pertuis charentais" .


Li Ronghua, Li Qi, Cornette Florence, Degremont Lionel, Lapegue Sylvie (2010). Development of four EST-SSR multiplex PCRs in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and their validation in parentage assignment . Aquaculture , 310(1-2), 234-239 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Degremont Lionel, Soletchnik Patrick, Boudry Pierre (2010). Summer mortality of selected juvenile pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas under laboratory conditions and in comparison with field performance . Journal Of Shellfish Research , 29(4), 847-856 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Degremont Lionel, Bedier Edouard, Boudry Pierre (2010). Summer mortality of hatchery-produced Pacific oyster spat (Crassostrea gigas). II. Response to selection for survival and its influence on growth and yield . Aquaculture , 299(1-4), 21-29 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Degremont Lionel, Boudry Pierre, Ropert Michel, Samain Jean-Francois, Bedier Edouard, Soletchnik Patrick (2010). Effects of age and environment on survival of summer mortality by two selected groups of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas . Aquaculture , 299(1-4), 44-50 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Delaporte Maryse, Soudant P, Lambert C, Jegaden M, Moal Jeanne, Pouvreau Stephane, Degremont Lionel, Boudry Pierre, Samain Jean-Francois (2007). Characterisation of physiological and immunological differences between Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) genetically selected for high or low survival to summer mortalities and fed different rations under controlled conditions . Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 353(1), 45-57 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
David Elise, Boudry Pierre, Degremont Lionel, Tanguy Amelie, Quere N, Samain Jean-Francois, Moraga D (2007). Genetic polymorphism of glutamine synthetase and delta-9 desaturase in families of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and susceptibility to summer mortality . Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 349(2), 272-283 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lambert Christophe, Soudant Phillippe, Degremont Lionel, Delaporte Maryse, Moal Jeanne, Boudry Pierre, Jean Frédéric, Huvet Arnaud, Samain Jean-Francois (2007). Hemocyte characteristics in families of oysters, Crassostrea gigas, selected for differential survival during summer and reared in three sites . Aquaculture , 270(1-4), 276-288 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Samain Jean-Francois, Degremont Lionel, Soletchnik Patrick, Haure Joel, Bedier Edouard, Ropert Michel, Moal Jeanne, Huvet Arnaud, Bacca Helene, Van Wormhoudt A, Delaporte Maryse, Costil K, Pouvreau Stephane, Lambert Christian, Boulo Viviane, Soudant Philippe, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Leroux Frederique, Renault Tristan, Gagnaire Beatrice, Geret Florence, Boutet Isabelle, Burgeot Thierry, Boudry Pierre (2007). Genetically based resistance to summer mortality in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and its relationship with physiological, immunological characteristics and infection processes . Aquaculture , 268(1-4), 227-243 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Degremont Lionel, Ernande Bruno, Bedier Edouard, Boudry Pierre (2007). Summer mortality of hatchery-produced Pacific oyster spat (Crassostrea gigas). I. Estimation of genetic parameters for survival and growth . Aquaculture , 262(1), 41-53 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Samain Jean-Francois, Degremont Lionel, Soletchnik Patrick, Ropert Michel, Bedier Edouard, Mazurie Joseph, Martin Jean-Louis, Moal Jeanne, Mathieu Michel, Pouvreau Stephane, Lambert Christophe, Escoubas Jean-Michel, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Le Roux Frédérique, Renault Tristan, Burgeot Thierry, Bacher Cedric, Boudry Pierre (2006). Nutrition and reproduction are key parameters in the interaction process leading to Crassostrea gigas oyster summer mortality in France . International Workshop on Reproduction and Nutrition of Mollusks. November 6–9, 2006, La Paz, Mexico .
Boudry Pierre, Degremont Lionel, Bedier Edouard, Pouvreau Stephane, Normand Julien, Ernande Bruno (2006). Genetic variation and trade-offs for reproduction and survival in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas . 1st International Workshop "Physiological aspects of reproduction and nutrition in Mollusks". November 6-9 2006 , La Paz, Mexico .
Boudry Pierre, Bedier Edouard, Ernande Bruno, Degremont Lionel (2006). Response to divergent selection for resistance to summer mortality in Pacific oyster spat : genetic parameters and correlated responses with subsequent survival and growth . International Workshop on Summer Mortality of Marine Shellfish. October 11-14 2006, Busan, South Korea .
Tanguy Arnaud, Boutet Isabelle, Boudry Pierre, Degremont Lionel, Laroche Jean, Moraga Dario (2006). Molecular identification and expression of the phosphoglucomutase (PGM) gene from the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas . Gene , 382, 20-27 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Boudry Pierre (2006). Défi MOREST - Mortalités estivales de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas - Caracterisation des facteurs de risques associés au mortalités estivales - Synthèse du thème IVA - Etude des bases génétiques de la mortalité estivale du naissain et des possibilités d'amélioration de la survie par sélection. (La Rochelle 14- 15 mars 2006) .


Degremont Lionel, Bedier Edouard, Soletchnik Patrick, Ropert Michel, Huvet Arnaud, Moal Jeanne, Samain Jean-Francois, Boudry Pierre (2005). Relative importance of family, site, and field placement timing on survival, growth, and yield of hatchery-produced Pacific oyster spat (Crassostrea gigas) . Aquaculture , 249(1-4), 213-229 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Degremont Lionel, Boudry Pierre, Soletchnik Patrick, Bedier Edouard, Ropert Michel, Samain Jean-Francois (2005). Effects of age and environment on the summer mortality in cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas during the first two years . 97. Annual Meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association (Pacific Coast Section) & Pacific Coast Growers Association, of the National Shellfisheries Association. 10-14 April 2005, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA .
Huvet Arnaud, Degremont Lionel, Labreuche Yannick, Daniel Jean-Yves, Dubrunfaut Thomas, Boudry Pierre, Haure Joel, Bedier Edouard, Ropert Michel, Herpin Amaury, Cunningham Charles, Moal Jeanne, Samain Jean-Francois (2005). The identification of genes from the oyster Crassostrea gigas that are differentially expressed between progeny exhibiting opposed susceptibility to summer mortality . IMBC 2005 - International Marine Biotechnology Conference. 2005 June 6-12, St John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada .
Degremont Lionel, Boudry Pierre, Soletchnik Patrick, Bedier Edouard, Ropert Michel, Samain Jean-Francois (2005). Effect of age and environment on the summer mortality in cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas during the first two years . 97. Annual Meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association (Pacific Coast Section) & Pacific Coast Growers Association. 10-14 April 2005, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA .
Barbosa Solomieu Valérie, Degremont Lionel, Vazquez Juarez R., Ascencio Valle F., Boudry Pierre, Renault Tristan (2005). Ostreid Herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) detection among three successive generations of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) . Virus Research , 107(1), 47-56 .


Huvet Arnaud, Herpin Amaury, Degremont Lionel, Labreuche Yannick, Samain Jean-Francois, Cunningham Charles (2004). The identification of genes from the oyster Crassostrea gigas that are differentially expressed in progeny exhibiting opposed susceptibility to summer mortality . Gene , 343(1), 211-220 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Boudry Pierre, Degremont Lionel, Taris Nicolas, McCombie Helen, Haffray Pierrick, Ernande Bruno (2004). Genetic variability and selective breeding for traits of aquacultural interest in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) . Aquaculture Biotechnology Workshop. 2004 May 11-12, St Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada .
Boudry Pierre, Degremont Lionel, Bedier Edouard, Samain Jean-Francois (2004). Selective breeding to improve resistance against summer mortality in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas : results after 3 generations . International triennial Meeting "Aquaculture 2004". Honolulu, Hawaii, USA .
Boudry Pierre, Degremont Lionel, Taris Nicolas, McCombie Helen, Haffray Pierrick, Ernande Bruno (2004). Genetic variability and selective breeding for traits of aquacultural interest in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) . Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada , 104(2), 12-18 . Open Access version :
Lapegue Sylvie, Bedier Edouard, Goyard Emmanuel, Degremont Lionel, Baud Jean-Pierre, Gerard Andre, Goulletquer Philippe, Boudry Pierre (2004). Apport d'un programme de génétique à une filière de production aquacole : l'exemple de l'ostréiculture . Styli 2003. Trente ans de crevetticulture en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Nouméa - Koné, 2-6 juin 2003. 2004. Gorarant C, Harache Y, Herbland A, Mugnier C. Ed. Ifremer, Actes de Colloque, n°38, pp.113-120 .
Degremont Lionel, Fortin Adeline, Boudry Pierre (2004). Base génétique des mortalités estivales: caractérisation sur estran et en laboratoire de familles en troisième génération . Contrat Region Poitou-Charentes 2000-2006. Convention 2003- RPG-A.114 "Genetique". Programme 3 : Gestion durable des productions ostreicoles : les apports de la genetique .


Degremont Lionel (2003). Etude des bases génétiques de la mortalité estivale et des relations avec la croissance chez les juvéniles de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas . PhD Thesis , Université de Caen/Basse-Normandie .
Degremont Lionel, Bedier Edouard, Soletchnik Patrick, Ropert Michel, Samain Jean-Francois, Boudry Pierre (2003). Summer mortality in juvenile cupped oysters : response to selection in the field and in laboratory . Conference Genetics in Aquaculture VIII .
Degremont Lionel, Fortin Adeline, Boudry Pierre (2003). Caractérisation sur estran et en laboratoire des 3 séries produites en troisième génération : G3SD - G3C1 - G3C2 . MOREST 2003 .
Sellos D., Moal Jeanne, Degremont Lionel, Huvet Arnaud, Daniel Jean-Yves, Nicoulaud S., Boudry Pierre, Samain Jean-Francois, Van Wormhoudt A. (2003). Structure of amylase genes in populations of pacific cupped oyster (Crassostrea gigas): Tissue expression and allelic polymorphism . Marine Biotechnology , 5(4), 360-372 .
Degremont Lionel, Boudry Pierre, Bedier Edouard, Ropert Michel, Soletchnik Patrick, Huvet Arnaud, Moal Jeanne, Samain Jean-Francois (2003). Genetic basis of summer mortality in juvenile cupped oysters . 95. Annual Meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association. 13-17 Apr 2003, New Orleans, LA, USA .
Moal Jeanne, Bedier Edouard, Fleury Pierre-Gildas, Langlade Aime, Le Coguic Yvette, Degremont Lionel, Boudry Pierre, Le Coz Jean-Rene, Pouvreau Stephane, Enriquez-Diaz M., Lambert Christophe, Quere Christele, Soudant Philippe, Samain Jean-Francois (2003). Genetic and reproduction strategy in Crassostrea gigas mortality . 95. Annual Meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association. 13-17 Apr 2003, New Orleans, LA, USA .
Soletchnik Patrick, Ropert Michel, Bedier Edouard, Costil K. S., Dubois Brice, Degremont Lionel, Bouget Jean-Francois, Martin Jean-Louis, Enriquez-Diaz M., Faury Nicole, Le Moine Olivier, Renault Tristan, Gagnaire Beatrice, Huvet Arnaud, Moal Jeanne, Samain Jean-Francois (2003). Characterization of summer mortalities of C. gigas oyster in France in relation to environmental parameters . 98 Annual Meeting National Shellfisheries Association. 26-30 Mar 2006, Monterey, CA, USA .
Delaporte Maryse, Moal Jeanne, Soudant Philippe, Lambert Christophe, Pouvreau Stephane, Enriquez Martha, Degremont Lionel, Soletchnik Patrick, Gagnaire Beatrice, Ropert Michel (2003). Effect of environmental and nutritive conditionings on defense mechanisms of oyster Crassostrea gigas during an annual cycle . National Shellfishery Association (NSA). 13-17 April 2003, New Orleans, LA, USA .
Degremont Lionel, Boudry Pierre, Bedier Edouard, Ropert Michel, Soletchnik Patrick, Huvet Arnaud, Moal Jeanne, Samain Jean-Francois (2003). Mortalités estivales et croissance du naissain de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas : étude de familles sélectionnées . Présentation - Journées Conchylicoles Ifremer, Nantes, 12-13 mars 2003 .
Samain Jean-Francois, Boudry Pierre, Degremont Lionel, Soletchnik Patrick, Pouvreau Stephane, Ropert Michel, Bedier Edouard, Thouard Emmanuel, Martin J.L., Haure Joel, Moal J., Huvet Arnaud, Van Wormhoudt A., Boulo Viviane, Mathieu M., Costil K., Kellner K., Heude C., Lambert Christophe, Soudant Philippe, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Le Roux F., Renault Tristan, Thomas H., Burgeot Thierry, Quiniou Francoise, Knoery Joel, Lelong C., Moraga Dario, Tanguy A., Bacher Cedric, Lefèbvre Sebastien, Mille D., Blin J.L., Pajot R., Haffray P., Dupé Francoise (2003). MOREST. MORtalités ESTivales de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas. Rapport 2003. Synthèse intermédiaire des résultats 2001-2002-2003 .


Degremont Lionel, Soletchnik Patrick, Doner Anne (2002). Caractérisation précoce de la mortalité des lignées divergentes de Crassostrea gigas (G2) . Présentation Séminaire MOREST, 13-15 novembre 2002, Brest .
Ernande Bruno, Haure Joel, Degremont Lionel, Bedier Edouard, Boudry Pierre (2002). Genetical basis of the plasticity of resource allocation in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) . 94th Annual Meeting of the National Shellfisheries Assocation. 2002 April 14-18 , Mystic, Connecticut, USA .
Degremont Lionel (2002). Etude des bases génétiques et physiologiques de la mortalité estivale et des relations avec la croissance chez l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas . Rapport annuel de thèse 2001-2002. Deuxième année .
Soletchnik Patrick (2002). Contribution du Laboratoire Conchylicole de Poitou Charente (LCPC) au programme national sur les MORtalités ESTivales (MOREST) de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas. Résumé des principales actions menées en 2001 . DRV/RA/LCPC 2002 .


Degremont Lionel, Moal Jeanne, Daniel Jean-Yves, Boudry Pierre, Van Vormhoudt A., Sellos D., Samain Jean-Francois (2001). Etude du polymorphisme des gènes de l'amylase chez Crassostrea gigas : relation avec les paramètres physiologiques de l'assimilation et croissance . Actes Journées Conchylicoles, Ifremer Nantes, 3-4 avril 2001 .


Degremont Lionel (2000). Etude du polymorphisme des gènes de l'amylase chez Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793). Relation avec les paramètres physiologiques de l'assimilation .

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