Christophe Brandily

Christophe Brandily

Contact form

Employer : Ifremer

Site : Brest

Postal address : Centre Bretagne - ZI de la Pointe du Diable - CS 10070 - 29280 Plouzané




Rassmann Jens, Eitel Eryn M., Lansard Bruno, Cathalot Cecile, Brandily Christophe, Taillefert Martial, Rabouille Christophe (2019). AMOR-Bflux porewater and sediment data . SEANOE .



Cambon Marie-Anne, Cathalot Cecile, Giunta Thomas, Pelleter Ewan, Pradillon Florence, Rospabé Mathieu, Roussel Erwan, Rouxel Olivier, Ybert Sebastien (2024). Rapport annuel sur les activités menées par l’Ifremer dans le cadre du contrat d'exploration des sulfures polymétalliques conclu, au nom de la France, avec l'Autorité Internationale des Fonds Marins (AIFM) – Période du 1er janvier au 31 décembre 2023 . REM/2024- 006 .
Fandino Olivia, Michalopoulos Panagiotis, Peyronnet Christophe, Donval Jean-Pierre, Brandily Christophe, Guyavarch Pierre, Gouriou Jeremie, Dugornay Olivier, Petsinsk Petar, Vasilev Atanas, Slabakova Violeta, Georgiev Valentin, Antonov Anton, Trukhchev Dimitar, Batchvarova Ekaterina, Kuzmanov Dilian, Krastev Anton, Ruffine Livio (2024). Monitoring Cold-Seep Emissions at the Shallow Bulgarian Coastal Shelf . EGU General Assembly 2024. 14–19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online .


Menot Lenaick, Tourolle Julie, Borea Louis Amand, Bajjouk Touria, Brandily Christophe, Chemel Mathilde, Edinger Evan, Ehrhold Axel, Fabri Marie-Claire, Fuchs Sandra, Galand Pierre, Hilario Ana, Lartaud Franck, Lagadec Jean Romain, Michel Loïc, Moreau Bertrand, Olu - Le Roy Karine, Pradillon Florence, Silva Jacinto Ricardo, Shillito Bruce, Zbinden Magali (2023). ChEReef : A multi-disciplinary and multi-scale project to assess and predict the health of deep-sea corals in the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic) . 8th International Symposium of Deep Sea Corals. 29 may - 2 june 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland .
Gautier Laurent, Brandily Christophe (2023). Chambre benthique - WP2.2 . DFO/SM/23-024 .
Brandily Christophe, Bignon Laurent, Rodier Philippe, Bombled Bruno, Rabouille Christophe (2023). Préleveur d’eaux interstitielles Rhizon sampler - WP2.5 . DFO/SM/23-027 .
Hubert Morgane, Brandily Christophe (2023). Bilan de l’utilisation du TRUMAC CNS LECO depuis sa mise en service en janvier 2019 . BEEP/LEP/2023.02 .
Brandily Christophe (2023). Avant-projet scientifique et technique du préleveur d’eaux interstitielles WP2.5 Rhizon sampler . Projet DeepSea’nnovation – n°ANR-21-ESRE-0042. REM/BEEP/LEP 2023.01 .


Giunta Thomas, Young Edward D., Labidi Jabrane, Sansjofre Pierre, Jézéquel Didier, Donval Jean-Pierre, Brandily Christophe, Ruffine Livio (2022). Extreme methane clumped isotopologue bio-signatures of aerobic and anaerobic methanotrophy: insights from the Lake Pavin and the Black Sea sediments . Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta , 338, 34-53 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Brandily Christophe, Gayet Nicolas, Cathalot Cecile (2022). Rapport des tests réalisés sur les capteurs Ulyx pendant la mission Ulyx22A . du (16 au 28 mars 2022) ; mesures pH, redox, oxygène, turbidimétrie, CTD .
Forget Amélie, Regnacq Matthieu, Orain Christophe, Touzé Ewen, Lelong Evan, Brandily Christophe, Bernard Hélène, Tripier Raphaël, Le Poul Nicolas (2022). Electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 in water by a C-functionalized Ni–cyclam complex grafted onto carbon . Chemical Communications , 58(48), 6785-6788 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Brandily Christophe, Le Cuff Nolwenn, Donval Jean-Pierre, Guyader Vivien, de Prunele Alexis, Cathalot Cecile, Croguennec Claire, Caprais Jean-Claude, Ruffine Livio (2021). A GC-SSIM-CRDS System: Coupling a Gas Chromatograph with a Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer for Onboard Twofold Analysis of Molecular and Isotopic Compositions of Natural Gases during Ocean-Going Research Expeditions . Analytica Chimica Acta , 1184, 339040 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Torelli Martina, Battani Anne, Pillot Daniel, Kohler Eric, de Azevedo Joel Lopes, Kowalewski Isabelle, Pastor Lucie, Brandily Christophe, Schmidt Sabine, Jouet Gwenael, Deville Eric (2021). Origin and Preservation Conditions of Organic Matter in the Mozambique Channel: Evidence for Widespread Oxidation Processes in the Deep-Water Domains . Marine Geology , 440, 106589 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Zindorf Mark Sebastian, Rooze Jurjen, Meile Christof, März Christian, Jouet Gwenael, Newton Robert, Brandily Christophe, Pastor Lucie (2021). The evolution of early diagenetic processes at the Mozambique margin during the last glacial-interglacial transition . Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta , 300, 79-94 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sánchez Nuria, Zeppilli Daniela, Baldrighi Elisa, Vanreusel Ann, Gasimandova Lahitsiresy Max, Brandily Christophe, Pastor Lucie, Macheriotou Lara, García-Gómez Guillermo, Dupré Stephanie, Olu Karine (2021). A threefold perspective on the role of a pockmark in benthic faunal communities and biodiversity patterns . Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers , 167, 103425 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Pastor Lucie, Brandily Christophe, Schmidt S., Miramontes E., Péron Maela, Appere Dennis, Chéron Sandrine, Boissier Audrey, Jouet Gwenael (2020). Modern sedimentation and geochemical imprints in sediments from the NW Madagascar margin . Marine Geology , 426, 106184 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bellec Laure, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-Anne, Durand Lucile, Aube Johanne, Gayet Nicolas, Sandulli Roberto, Brandily Christophe, Zeppilli Daniela (2020). Microbial Communities of the Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Vent Near Naples, Italy, and Chemosynthetic Symbionts Associated With a Free-Living Marine Nematode . Frontiers In Microbiology , 11, 2023 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rassmann Jens, Eitel Eryn M., Lansard Bruno, Cathalot Cecile, Brandily Christophe, Taillefert Martial, Rabouille Christophe (2020). Benthic alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon fluxes in the Rhône River prodelta generated by decoupled aerobic and anaerobic processes . Biogeosciences , 17(1), 13-33 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Brandily Christophe, Hubert Morgane, Bellec Laure, Pignet Patricia (2019). Analyses chimiques des eaux porales de la campagne Pioneer Naples 2017 - Golfe de Naples. CH4, H2S, Ions Majeurs . REM/EEP/LEP2019.06 .
Brandily Christophe (2019). Utilisation du capteur méthane Contross HydroC CH4 pour le couplage à une cloche benthique . Essais en circuit fermé, Mesure par GC-FID Headspace (CH4). REM/EEP/LEP 2019.01 .


Hubert Morgane, Brandily Christophe, Pastor Lucie (2018). Rapport Mission SYPOCO – LEP . Carottage par plongeurs le 5 juin 2018. Carottage par Kullenberg les 12 et 13 juin 2018 .
Gautier Laurent (2018). SOLESS. Compte rendu d’essais préparatoires à la mission SYPOCO . RDT-SIIM 18-R109 .
Gautier Laurent (2018). Mission SYPOCO. Compte rendu du déploiement de la station SOLESS . REM-RDT-SIIM 18-R108 .
Portail Marie, Brandily Christophe, Cathalot Cecile, Colaco Ana, Gelinas Yves, Husson Berengere, Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Sarrazin Jozee (2018). Food-web complexity across hydrothermal vents on the Azores triple junction . Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers , 131, 101-120 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pastor Lucie, Deville Eric, Battani Anne, Brandily Christophe, Le Gal Virginie, Noirez Sonia, Pillot Daniel, Vermesse Hélène, L'Equipe Pamela-Moz04 (2018). Rapport des analyses géochimiques . Livrable T9-L1 - PAMELA-MOZ04 .


Lahitsiresy Max Gasimandova, Pernet Marie Eve Julie, Aublet Erwan, Brandily Christophe, Khripounoff Alexis, Zeppilli Daniela, Fontanier Christophe, Noel Philippe, Dupre Stephanie, Jorry Stephan, Olu Karine (2017). Diversity of macrofauna in a deep-sea cold-seep environment along the North-Western margin of Madagascar . WIOMSA - 10th Scientific Symposium. 30 Oct-4 Nov. 2017, Dar es Salaam (Tanzania).
Gautier Laurent (2017). Compte rendu des essais de la station SOLESS en rade de Brest du 7 au 9 octobre 2017 . RDT/SI2M/17-073 .
Rabouille C., Olu Karine, Baudin F., Khripounoff Alexis, Dennielou Bernard, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, Babonneau Nathalie, Bayle Christophe, Beckler J., Bessette Sandrine, Bombled B., Bourgeois S., Brandily Christophe, Caprais Jean-Claude, Cathalot Cecile, Charlier K., Corvaisier R., Croguennec Chantal, Cruaud Perrine, Decker Carole, Droz L., Gayet Nicolas, Godfroy Anne, Hourdez S., Le Bruchec J., Saout Johan, Le Saout Marie-Helene, Lesongeur Francoise, Martinez P., Mejanelle L., Michalopoulos P., Mouchel Olivier, Noel Philippe, Pastor Lucie, Picot M., Pignet Patricia, Pozzato L., Pruski A. M., Rabiller Manuella, Raimonet M., Ragueneau O., Reyss J. L., Rodier Philippe, Ruesch Blandine, Ruffine Livio, Savignac F., Senyarich C., Schnyder J., Sen Arunima, Stetten E., Sun Ming Yi, Taillefert M., Teixeira S., Tisnerat-Laborde N., Toffin Laurent, Tourolle Julie, Toussaint F., Vetion G., Jouanneau J. M., Bez M. (2017). The Congolobe project, a multidisciplinary study of Congo deep-sea fan lobe complex: Overview of methods, strategies, observations and sampling . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 142, 7-24 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Croguennec Claire, Ruffine Livio, Dennielou Bernard, Baudin Francois, Caprais Jean-Claude, Guyader Vivien, Bayon Germain, Brandily Christophe, Le Bruchec Julie, Bollinger Claire, Germain Yoan, Droz Laurence, Babonneau Nathalie, Rabouille Christophe (2017). Evidence and age estimation of mass wasting at the distal lobe of the Congo deep-sea fan . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 142, 50-63 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pastor Lucie, Toffin Laurent, Decker Carole, Olu Karine, Cathalot Cecile, Lesongeur Francoise, Caprais Jean-Claude, Bessette Sandrine, Brandily Christophe, Taillefert M., Rabouille C. (2017). Early diagenesis in the sediments of the Congo deep-sea fan dominated by massive terrigenous deposits: Part III – Sulfate- and methane- based microbial processes . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 142, 139-150 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fontanier Christophe, Sakai Saburo, Toyofuku Takashi, Garnier Eline, Brandily Christophe, Eugene Thibaut, Deflandre Bruno (2017). Stable isotopes in deep-sea living (stained) foraminifera from the Mozambique Channel (eastern Africa): multispecies signatures and paleoenvironmental application . Journal Of Oceanography , 73(2), 259-275 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Brandily Christophe, Pastor Lucie (2017). LabexMER. Request for Proposals. Axis 3 “Geobiological interactions in extreme environments” - Proposal Information 'Coupling a methane sensor to a benthic chamber: to the 1st in situ measurement of METHane FLUXes in deep environments 'METH-FLUX' .
Pastor Lucie, Toffin Laurent, Cathalot Cecile, Brandily Christophe, Olu Karine, Lesongeur Francoise, Decker Carole, Taillefert Martial, Rabouille Christophe (2017). When Organic-Rich Turbidites Reach 5000 m: “Cold-Seep Like” Life in the Congo Deep- Sea Fan . CBE6 - 6th International Symposium on Chemosynthesis-Based Ecosystems. August 27 - September 1, 2017, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA.


Brandily Christophe, Battani Anne, Caprais Jean-Claude, Pignet Patricia, Dupre Stephanie, Croguennec Claire, Ruffine Livio, Khripounoff Alexis, Noirez Sonia, Deville Eric, Pillot Daniel, Sans-Jofre Pierre, Richet Nicolas (2016). Analyses Chimiques des Eaux Porales, de la Matière Organique et des Traces de Gaz Adsorbé sur le Sédiment des Campagnes Mozambique 2014 . Tâche 9, Convention Mozambique 2014 .
Fontanier Christophe, Garnier Eline, Brandily Christophe, Dennielou Bernard, Bichon S., Gayet Nicolas, Eugene Thibaut, Rovere Mickael, Gremare A., Deflandre B. (2016). Living (stained) benthic foraminifera from the Mozambique Channel (eastern Africa): Exploring ecology of deep-sea unicellular meiofauna . Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers , 115, 159-174 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Ifremer (2015). Plan projet. SOLESS. Système Observation Long terme Environnements Sédimentaires chimioSynthétique . REM/RDT/I²M/15.R051A .
Ruffine Livio, Germain Yoan, Polonia Alina, de Prunele Alexis, Croguennec Claire, Donval Jean-Pierre, Pitel-Roudaut Mathilde, Ponzevera Emmanuel, Caprais Jean-Claude, Brandily Christophe, Grall Celine, Bollinger Claire, Geli Louis, Gasperini Luca (2015). Pore water geochemistry at two seismogenic areas in the Sea of Marmara . Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems , 16(7), 2038-2057 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lelchat Florian, Cerantola Stephane, Brandily Christophe, Colliec-Jouault Sylvia, Baudoux Anne-Claire, Ojima Takao, Boisset Claire (2015). The marine bacteria Cobetia marina DSMZ 4741 synthesizes an unexpected K-antigen-like exopolysaccharide . Carbohydrate Polymers , 124, 347-356 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lelchat Florian, Cozien Joelle, Le Costaouec Tinaig, Brandily Christophe, Schmitt Sophie, Baudoux Anne-Claire, Colliec-Jouault Sylvia, Boisset Claire (2015). Exopolysaccharide biosynthesis and biodegradation by a marine hydrothermal Alteromonas sp. strain . Applied Microbiology And Biotechnology , 99(6), 2637-2647 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Brandily Christophe, Cathalot Cecile (2015). Mesure ex-situ des sulfures et analyse du méthane dans les eaux hydrothermales et eaux intersticielles, CT, PEPITO. Campagne Bicose. Ride médio-atlantique. Sites: Snake pit, TAG. Mesure par GC-FID Headspace (CH4) et colorimétrie (H2S) . REM/EEP/LEP/15-11 .


Battani Anne, Bayon Germain, Bignon Laurent, Birot Dominique, Blanc-Valleron Marie-Madeleine, Brandily Christophe, Caprais Jean-Claude, Croguennec Claire, Donval Jean-Pierre, Noirez Sonia, Pierre Catherine, Ruffine Livio, Vermesse Hélène, Dupre Stephanie (2014). Rapport préliminaire, études géochimiques, GAZCOGNE . GZ- n°13/1210620/BF .
Sarrazin Jozee (2014). Campagne BICOSE 2014 Pourquoi pas ?/Victor 6000. Rapport d'écologie . REM/EEP/LEP/14-02 .
Cambon-Bonavita Marie-Anne (2014). BICOSE - Biodiversité, Interactions, Connectivité et Symbioses en milieux Extrêmes. Rapport de campagne. Campagne réalisée du 10 janvier au 11 février 2014 . REM/EEP/LEP/LMEE/14-08 .


Brandily Christophe, Caprais Jean-Claude (2013). Mise au point d'une méthode d'analyse isotopique du delta 13C par CM-CRDS et application à des échantillons de tissus de gastéropodes - Campagne Futuna 3 . REM/EEP/LEP/13-34 .
Chalkiadakis Eletherios, Dufourcq R., Schmitt Sophie, Brandily Christophe, Kervarec N., Coatanea Denis, Amir H., Loubersac Lionel, Chanteau S., Guezennec Jean, Dupont-Rouzeyrol M., Simon-Colin Christelle (2013). Partial characterization of an exopolysaccharide secreted by a marine bacterium, Vibrio neocaledonicus sp nov., from New Caledonia . Journal Of Applied Microbiology , 114(6), 1702-1712 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
