Jeux de données
Toucanne Samuel, Vazquez Riveiros Natalia, Soulet Guillaume, Blard Pierre Henry, Migeon Amandine, Rigalleau Vincent, Roubi Angelique, Chéron Sandrine, Boissier Audrey, Menviel Laurie, Bostock Helen (2025). Fiordland glaciers and the Subtropical Front (SW Pacific) during the last glacial period (core TAN1106-28, Solander Trough) . SEANOE .
Rinnert Emmanuel, Donval Jean-Pierre, Guyader Vivien, Cathalot Cecile, Mastin Manon (2024). Water column geochemistry data from REVOSIMA MAYOBS15 Cruise . SEANOE .
Martinez-Lamas Ruth, Toucanne Samuel, Debret Maxime, Riboulot Vincent, Deloffre Julien, Boissier Audrey, Cheron Sandrine, Pitel-Roudaut Mathilde, Bayon Germain, Giosan Liviu, Soulet Guillaume (2020). Linking Danube River Activity to Alpine Ice-Sheet Fluctuations during the Last Glacial (ca. 33-17 ka BP): insights into the continental signature of Heinrich Stadials . SEANOE .
Counts John, Jorry Stephan, Vazquez Riveiros Natalia, Jouet Gwenael, Giraudeau Jacques, Cheron Sandrine, Boissier Audrey, Miramontes Garcia Elda (2018). Data from marine sediment core MOZ4-CS09 . SEANOE .
Manoux Marine, Rabouille Chrisophe, Dumoulin Jean-Pascal, Bombled Bruno, Monvoisin Gaël, Chéron Sandrine, Boissier Audrey, Germain Yoan, Pastor Lucie, Rouxel Olivier, Cathalot Cecile (2025). Early stages impact of volcanism on sedimentary diagenesis: The case of the newly born volcano, Fani Maoré . Chemical Geology , 680, 122674 (15p.) .
Pelleter Ewan, Principaud Melanie, Alix Anne-Sophie, Boissier Audrey, Cheron Sandrine, Besson Florian, Altorffer Vincent, Guérin Charline, Gaillot Arnaud, Pierre Delphine, Rospabé Mathieu, Giunta Thomas, Grenet Lea, Cathalot Cecile, Cambon Marie-Anne, Fouquet Yves (2024). Diversity, spatial distribution and evolution of inactive and weakly active hydrothermal deposits in the TAG hydrothermal field . Frontiers In Earth Science , 12, 1304993 (25p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pelleter Ewan, Cathalot Cecile, Rospabé Mathieu, Giunta Thomas, Dupré Stéphanie, Maia Marcia, Boissier Audrey, Chéron Sandrine, Rovere Mickael, Germain Yoan, Guyader Vivien, Donval Jean-Pierre (2024). Hydrothermal processes at the Pompeii hydrothermal field: insights from the association of a large sulfide deposit and talc-rich hydrothermal mounds (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) . EGU General Assembly 2024. 14–19 April 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Pastor Lucie, Boissier Audrey, Burin Céline (2023). Data report: wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence in sediments from all IODP Expedition 385 sites in the Guaymas Basin . In Teske, A., Lizarralde, D., Höfig, T.W., and the Expedition 385 Scientists Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program Volume 385 : Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere Expedition 385 of the R/V JOIDES Resolution from and to San Diego, California (USA) Sites U1545–U1552 15 September–15 November 2019. ISSN: World Wide Web: 2377-3189 ISBN: 978-1-954252-77-6. 12p. (International Ocean Discovery Program) .
Alix Anne-Sophie, Cambon Marie-Anne, Cathalot Cecile, Cueff-Gauchard Valerie, Giunta Thomas, Pelleter Ewan, Pradillon Florence, Roussel Erwan, Ybert Sebastien (2023). Rapport annuel sur les activités menées par l’Ifremer dans le cadre du contrat d'exploration des sulfures polymétalliques conclu, au nom de la France, avec l'Autorité Internationale des Fonds Marins (AIFM). Période du 1er janvier au 31 décembre 2022 . REM/2023-003 .
Pelleter Ewan, Cathalot Cecile, Dupré Stéphanie, Rospabé Mathieu, Giunta Thomas, Boissier Audrey, Chéron Sandrine, Rovere Mickael, Bonnet Robin, Ferrand Paco, Leroy Laetitia, Germain Yoan, Guyader Vivien, Donval Jean-Pierre, Fouquet Yves (2023). Spatial association between talc-rich mineralization and sulfide-bearing deposits in a newly discovered inactive and weakly actie fields (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) . EGU General Assembly 2023. 24–28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria & Online .
Boulart Cedric, Rouxel Olivier, Scalabrin Carla, Le Meur Pierre, Pelleter Ewan, Poitrimol Camille, Thiebaut Eric, Matabos Marjolaine, Castel Jade, Tran Lu Adrien Y., Michel Loic, Cathalot Cecile, Chéron Sandrine, Boissier Audrey, Germain Yoan, Guyader Vivien, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, Bonhomme François, Broquet Thomas, Cueff-Gauchard Valerie, Le Layec Victor, L’haridon Stéphane, Mary Jean, Le Port Anne-Sophie, Tasiemski Aurélie, Kuama Darren C., Hourdez Stéphane, Jollivet Didier (2022). Active hydrothermal vents in the Woodlark Basin may act as dispersing centres for hydrothermal fauna . Communications Earth & Environment , 3(1), 64 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Staszak Paul, Collot Julien, Josso Pierre, Pelleter Ewan, Etienne Samuel, Patriat Martin, Cheron Sandrine, Boissier Audrey, Guyomard Yaël (2022). Origin and Composition of Ferromanganese Deposits of New Caledonia Exclusive Economic Zone . Minerals , 12(2), 255 (28p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chauveau Denovan, Authemayou Christine, Pedoja Kevin, Molliex Stéphane, Husson Laurent, Scholz Denis, Godard Vincent, Pastier Anne-Morwenn, de Gelder Gino, Cahyarini Sri Yudawati, Elliot Mary, Weber Michael, Benedetti Lucilla, Jaud Marion, Boissier Audrey, Agusta Vera Christanti, Aribowo Sonny, Budd Ann F., Natawidjaja Danny Hilman, Aster Team (2021). On the generation and degradation of emerged coral reef terrace sequences: First cosmogenic 36Cl analysis at Cape Laundi, Sumba Island (Indonesia) . Quaternary Science Reviews , 269, 107144 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ruffine Livio, Deusner Christian, Haeckel Matthias, Kossel Elke, Toucanne Samuel, Chéron Sandrine, Boissier Audrey, Schmidt Mark, Donval Jean-Pierre, Scholz Florian, Guyader Vivien, Ker Stephan, Riboulot Vincent (2021). Effects of postglacial seawater intrusion on sediment geochemical characteristics in the Romanian sector of the Black Sea . Marine And Petroleum Geology , 123, 104746 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pastor Lucie, Brandily Christophe, Schmidt S., Miramontes E., Péron Maela, Appere Dennis, Chéron Sandrine, Boissier Audrey, Jouet Gwenael (2020). Modern sedimentation and geochemical imprints in sediments from the NW Madagascar margin . Marine Geology , 426, 106184 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Martinez-Lamas Ruth, Toucanne Samuel, Debret Maxime, Riboulot Vincent, Deloffre Julien, Boissier Audrey, Cheron Sandrine, Pitel Mathilde, Bayon Germain, Giosan Liviu, Soulet Guillaume (2020). Linking Danube River Activity to Alpine Ice-Sheet Fluctuations during the Last Glacial (ca. 33-17 ka BP): insights into the continental signature of Heinrich Stadials . Quaternary Science Reviews , 229, 106136 (24p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Counts John, Jorry Stephan, Vazquez Riveiros Natalia, Jouet Gwenael, Giraudeau Jacques, Cheron Sandrine, Boissier Audrey, Miramontes Elda (2019). A Late Quaternary record of highstand shedding from an isolated carbonate platform (Juan de Nova, southern Indian Ocean) . Depositional Record , 5(3), 540-557 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fontanier Christophe, Dissard D., Ruffine Livio, Mamo B., Ponzevera Emmanuel, Pelleter Ewan, Baudin F., Roubi Angelique, Cheron Sandrine, Boissier Audrey, Gayet Nicolas, Bermell-Fleury S., Pitel M., Guyader Vivien, Lesongeur Francoise, Savignac F. (2018). Living (stained) deep-sea foraminifera from the Sea of Marmara: a preliminary study . Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies In Oceanography , 153, 61-78 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fontanier Christophe, Mamo Briony, Toucanne Samuel, Bayon Germain, Schmidt Sabine, Deflandre Bruno, Dennielou Bernard, Jouet Gwenael, Garnier Eline, Sakai Saburo, Lamas Ruth Martinez, Duros Pauline, Toyofuku Takashi, Sale Aurelien, Belleney Deborah, Bichon Sabrina, Boissier Audrey, Cheron Sandrine, Pitel Mathilde, Roubi Angelique, Rovere Mickael, Gremare Antoine, Dupre Stephanie, Jorry Stephan (2018). Are deep-sea ecosystems surrounding Madagascar threatened by land-use or climate change? Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers , 131, 93-100 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cheron Sandrine, Etoubleau Joel, Bayon Germain, Garziglia Sebastien, Boissier Audrey (2016). Focus on sulfur count rates along marine sediment cores acquired by XRF Core Scanner . X-ray Spectrometry , 45(5), 288-298 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :