Thomas Lacour

Thomas Lacour

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Nantes

Adresse postale : Centre Atlantique - Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu - BP 21105 - 44311 Nantes Cedex 03


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0003-2295-6188

Jeux de données


Briand Enora, Garnier Matthieu, Lassudrie Duchesne Malwenn, Noel Cyril, Jauzein Cecile, Labry Claire, Lacour Thomas, Berard Jean-Baptiste, Nef Charlotte, Raimbault Virginie, Sibat Manoella, Schreiber Nathalie (2023). 16S sequencing of a synthetic bacterial community associated with microalgae (Alexandrium minutum and Prymnesium parvum). IFREMER.


Massicotte Philippe, Amiraux Rémi, Amyot Marie-Pier, Archambault Philippe, Ardyna Mathieu, Arnaud Laurent, Artigue Lise, Aubry Cyril, Ayotte Pierre, Bécu Guislain, Bélanger Simon, Benner Ronald, Bittig Henry C., Bricaud Annick, Brossier Éric, Bruyant Flavienne, Chauvaud Laurent, Christiansen-Stowe Debra, Claustre Hervé, Cornet-Barthaux Véronique, Coupel Pierre, Cox Christine, Delaforge Aurelie, Dezutter Thibaud, Dimier Céline, Dominé Florent, Dufour Francis, Dufresne Christiane, Dumont Dany, Ehn Jens, Else Brent, Ferland Joannie, Forget Marie-Hélène, Fortier Louis, Galí Martí, Galindo Virginie, Gallinari Morgane, Garcia Nicole, Gérikas-Ribeiro Catherine, Gourdal Margaux, Gourvil Priscilla, Goyens Clemence, Grondin Pierre-Luc, Guillot Pascal, Guilmette Caroline, Houssais Marie-Noëlle, Joux Fabien, Lacour Léo, Lacour Thomas, Lafond Augustin, Lagunas José, Lalande Catherine, Laliberté Julien, Lambert-Girard Simon, Larivière Jade, Lavaud Johann, Lebaron Anita, Leblanc Karine, Le Gall Florence, Legras Justine, Lemire Mélanie, Levasseur Marie, Leymarie Edouard, Leynaert Aude, Lopes Dos Santos Adriana, Lourenço Antonio, Mah David, Marec Claudie, Marie Dominique, Martin Nicolas, Marty Constance, Marty Sabine, Massé Guillaume, Matsuoka Atsushi, Matthes Lisa, Moriceau Brivaela, Muller Pierre-Emmanuel, Mundy C.J., Neukermans Griet, Oziel Laurent, Panagiotopoulos Christos, Pangazi Jean-Jacques, Picard Ghislain, Picheral Marc, Pinczon Du Sel France, Pogorzelec Nicole, Probert Ian, Queguiner Bernard, Raimbault Patrick, Ras Joséphine, Rehm Eric, Reimer Erin, Rontani Jean-François, Rysgaard Søren, Saint-Béat Blanche, Sampei Makoto, Sansoulet Julie, Schmidt Sabine, Sempéré Richard, Sévigny Caroline, Shen Yuan, Tragin Margot, Tremblay Jean-Éric, Vaulot Daniel, Verin Gauthier, Vivier Frédéric, Vladoiu Anda, Whitehead Jeremy, Babin Marcel (2019). The Green Edge initiative: understanding the processes controlling the under-ice Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom . SEANOE .



Boucher Clemence, Sibat Manoella, André Julie, Hubert Clarisse, Lacour Thomas, Hansen Per Juel, Mairet Francis, Réveillon Damien (2025). Prymnesium parvum: Correlation between lytic activity and prymnesin content, both increasing with phosphorus-depletion and lower cell density . Algal Research-biomass Biofuels And Bioproducts , 85, 103830 (9p.) .


Garcia Arevalo Isabel, Bérard Jean-Baptiste, Bieser Johannes, Le Faucheur Séverine, Hubert Clarisse, Lacour Thomas, Thomas Bastien, Cossa Daniel, Knoery Joël (2024). Mercury Accumulation Pathways in a Model Marine Microalgae: Sorption, Uptake, and Partition Kinetics . ACS ES&T Water , 4(7), 2826-2835 .
Joli Nathalie, Concia Lorenzo, Mocaer Karel, Guterman Julie, Laude Juliette, Guerin Sebastien, Sciandra Theo, Bruyant Flavienne, Ait‐mohamed Ouardia, Beguin Marine, Forget Marie‐helene, Bourbousse Clara, Lacour Thomas, Bailleul Benjamin, Nef Charlotte, Savoie Mireille, Tremblay Jean‐eric, Campbell Douglas A., Lavaud Johann, Schwab Yannick, Babin Marcel, Bowler Chris (2024). Hypometabolism to survive the long polar night and subsequent successful return to light in the diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus . New Phytologist , 241(5), 2193-2208 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pochic Victor, Gernez Pierre, Zoffoli Maria Laura, Sechet Veronique, Carpentier Liliane, Lacour Thomas (2024). Photoacclimation in the kleptoplastidic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum and its cryptophyte prey Teleaulax amphioxeia: phenotypic variability and implications for red tide remote sensing . Journal Of Plankton Research , 46(2), 100-116 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Lacour Thomas, Robert Elise, Lavaud Johann (2023). Sustained xanthophyll pigments-related photoprotective NPQ is involved in photoinhibition in the haptophyte Tisochrysis lutea . Scientific Reports , 13(1), 14694 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lacour Thomas (2023). Dt related NPQ relaxation in phytoplankton . EPC 2023 - 8th European Phycological Congress /8ème Congrès Phycologique Européen “Opportunités scientifiques pour une révolution globale dans le domaine des Algues”. 20-26 August 2023, Brest, France .
Boucher Clemence, Andre Julie, Sibat Manoella, Reveillon Damien, Lacour Thomas, Hansen Per Juel, Mairet Francis (2023). Prymnesium parvum, a bloom-forming haptophyte that use toxins to mediate food uptake, especially under P-limitation . EPC 2023 - 8th European Phycological Congress /8ème Congrès Phycologique Européen “Opportunités scientifiques pour une révolution globale dans le domaine des Algues”. 20-26 August 2023, Brest, France .
Boucher Clemence, Lacour Thomas, André Julie, Reveillon Damien, Hansen Per Juel, Mairet Francis (2023). Mixotrophic lifestyle of the ichthyotoxic haptophyte, Prymnesium parvum, offered different sources of phosphorus . Harmful Algae , 127, 102483 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mertens Kenneth, Retho Michael, Manach Soazig, Zoffoli Maria Laura, Doner Anne, Schapira Mathilde, Bilien Gwenael, Séchet Veronique, Lacour Thomas, Robert Elise, Duval Audrey, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Derrien Amelie, Gernez Pierre (2023). An unprecedented bloom of Lingulodinium polyedra on the French Atlantic coast during summer 2021 . Harmful Algae , 125, 102426 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Boucher Clemence, Lacour Thomas, Regaudie De Gioux Aurore, L Helguen Stephane, Maguer Jean-Francois, Reveillon Damien, Hansen Per Juel, Mairet Francis (2023). Quantification of trophic modes using stable isotope tracers (carbon and nitrogen) and flow cytometry in the ichthyotoxic microalgae Prymnesium parvum . Conférence annuelle GDR Phycotox - GIS Cyanobactéries 2023. 23-25 Mai 2023, Nantes .
Janin Sarah, Boucher Clemence, Mairet Francis, Lacour Thomas (2023). Characterization of phagotrophy in the mixotrophic microalga Prymnesium parvum . Conférence annuelle GDR Phycotox - GIS Cyanobactéries 2023. 23-25 Mai 2023, Nantes .
Ifremer, ODE/VIGIES (2023). Journées REPHY 2022. Nantes, 1er et 2 décembre 2022. Compilation des interventions et résumés . ODE/VIGIES/23-08 .
Gernez Pierre, Zoffoli Maria Laura, Lacour Thomas, Hernandez Farinas Tania, Navarro Gabriel, Caballero Isabel, Harmel Tristan (2023). The many shades of red tides: Sentinel-2 optical types of highly-concentrated harmful algal blooms . Remote Sensing Of Environment , 287, 113486 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pajot Anne, Lavaud Johann, Carrier Gregory, Lacour Thomas, Marchal Luc, Nicolau Elodie (2023). Light-response in two clonal strains of the haptophyte Tisochrysis lutea: Evidence for different photoprotection strategies . Algal Research-biomass Biofuels And Bioproducts , 69, 102915 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Boucher Clemence, Lacour Thomas, Andre Julie, Reveillon Damien, Hansen Per Juel, Mairet Francis (2022). Prymnesium parvum, a killer and eater of other microalgae . SPF 2022 - Société Phycologique de France. 6 & 7 décembre 2022, Nantes .
Boucher Clemence, Andre Julie, Reveillon Damien, Lacour Thomas, Hansen Per Juel, Mairet Francis (2022). Quantifying the growth and phagotrophic activity of the mixotrophic microalga Prymnesium parvum under different phosphorus conditions . Challenger 150: The Challenger Society Conference 2022. 6-8 September 2022, London .
Lacour Thomas, Larivière Jade, Ferland Joannie, Morin Philippe-Israël, Grondin Pierre-Luc, Donaher Natalie, Cockshutt Amanda, Campbell Douglas A., Babin Marcel (2022). Photoacclimation of the polar diatom Chaetoceros neogracilis at low temperature . Plos One , 17(9), e0272822 (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Croteau D., Lacour Thomas, Schiffrine N., Morin P.I., Forget M.‐h., Bruyant F., Ferland J., Lafond A., Campbell D. A., Tremblay J.‐e., Babin M., Lavaud Johann (2022). Shifts in growth light optima among diatom species support their succession during the spring bloom in the Arctic . Journal Of Ecology , 110(6), 1356-1375 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bonnefond H., Lie Y., Lacour Thomas, Saint-Jean Bruno, Carrier Gregory, Pruvost E., Talec A., Bernard O., Sciandra A. (2022). Dynamical Darwinian selection of a more productive strain of Tisochrysis lutea . Algal Research-biomass Biofuels And Bioproducts , 65, 102743 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sciandra Théo, Forget Marie-Hélène, Bruyant Flavienne, Béguin Marine, Lacour Thomas, Bowler Chris, Babin Marcel (2022). The possible fates of Fragilariopsis cylindrus (polar diatom) cells exposed to prolonged darkness . Journal Of Phycology , 58(2), 281-296 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Joli Nathalie, Lacour Thomas, Freyria Nastasia J, Royer Sarah-Jeanne, Babin Marcel, Lovejoy Connie (2021). Two versions of short-term phytoplankton ecophysiology and taxonomic assemblages in the Arctic Ocean’s North Water (Canada, Greenland) . Journal of Plankton Research , 43(2), 126-141 .


Morin Philippe‐israël, Lacour Thomas, Grondin Pierre‐luc, Bruyant Flavienne, Ferland Joannie, Forget Marie‐hélène, Massicotte Philippe, Donaher Natalie, Campbell Douglas A., Lavaud Johann, Babin Marcel (2020). Response of the sea‐ice diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus to simulated polar night darkness and return to light . Limnology And Oceanography , 65(5), 1041-1060 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lacour Thomas, Babin Marcel, Lavaud Johann (2020). Diversity in Xanthophyll Cycle Pigments Content and Related Nonphotochemical Quenching (NPQ) Among Microalgae: Implications for Growth Strategy and Ecology . Journal Of Phycology , 56(2), 245-263 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Massicotte Philippe, Amiraux Rémi, Amyot Marie-Pier, Archambault Philippe, Ardyna Mathieu, Arnaud Laurent, Artigue Lise, Aubry Cyril, Ayotte Pierre, Bécu Guislain, Bélanger Simon, Benner Ronald, Bittig Henry C, Bricaud Annick, Brossier Eric, Bruyant Flavienne, Chauvaud Laurent, Christiansen-Stowe Debra, Claustre Hervé, Cornet-Barthaux Véronique, Coupel Pierre, Cox Christine, Delaforge Aurélie, Dezutter Thibault, Dimier Céline, Dominé Florent, Dufour Francis, Dufresne Christiane, Dumont Dany, Ehn Jens, Else Brent, Ferland Joannie, Forget Marie-Hélène, Fortier Louis, Gali Marti, Galindo Virginie, Gallinari Morgane, Garcia Nicole, Gerikas-Ribeiro Catherine, Gourdal Margaux, Gourvil Priscilla, Goyens Clemence, Grondin Pierre-Luc, Guillot Pascal, Guilmette Caroline, Houssais Marie-Noëlle, Joux Fabien, Lacour Léo, Lacour Thomas, Lafond Augustin, Lagunas José, Lalande Catherine, Laliberté Julien, Lambert-Girard Simon, Larivière Jade, Lavaud Johann, Lebaron Anita, Leblanc Karine, Le Gall Florence, Legras Justine, Lemire Mélanie, Levasseur Maurice, Leymarie Edouard, Leynaert Aude, Lopes Dos Santos Adriana, Lourenço Antonio, Mah David, Marec Claudie, Marie Dominique, Martin Nicolas, Marty Constance, Marty Sabine, Massé Guillaume, Matsuoka Atsushi, Matthes Lisa, Moriceau Brivaela, Muller Pierre-Emmanuel, Mundy Christopher-John, Neukermans Griet, Oziel Laurent, Panagiotopoulos Christos, Pangazi Jean-Jacques, Picard Ghislain, Picheral Marc, Pinczon Du Sel France, Pogorzelec Nicole, Probert Ian, Queguiner Bernard, Raimbault Patrick, Ras Joséphine, Rehm Eric, Reimer Erin, Rontani Jean-François, Rysgaard Soren, Saint-Béat Blanche, Sampei Makoto, Sansoulet Julie, Schmidt Sabine, Sempere Richard, Sevigny Caroline, Shen Yuan, Tragin Margot, Tremblay Jean-Eric, Vaulot Daniel, Verin Gauthier, Vivier Frédéric, Vladoiu Anda, Whitehead Jeremy, Babin Marcel (2020). Green Edge ice camp campaigns: understanding the processes controlling the under-ice Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom . Earth System Science Data , 12(1), 151-176 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Lacour Thomas, Morin Philippe-Israël, Sciandra Théo, Donaher Natalie, Campbell Douglas A., Ferland Joannie, Babin Marcel (2019). Decoupling light harvesting, electron transport and carbon fixation during prolonged darkness supports rapid recovery upon re-illumination in the Arctic diatom Chaetoceros neogracilis . Polar Biology , 42(10), 1787-1799 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Lacour Thomas, Lariviere Jade, Ferland Joannie, Bruyant Flavienne, Lavaud Johann, Babin Marcel (2018). The Role of Sustained Photoprotective Non-photochemical Quenching in Low Temperature and High Light Acclimation in the Bloom-Forming Arctic Diatom Thalassiosira gravida . Frontiers In Marine Science , 5(354), 16p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

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