Cristián J. Monaco

Cristián J. Monaco

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Tahiti

Adresse postale : Centre Océanologique du Pacifique - Vairao - BP 49 - 98179 Taravao - Tahiti - Polynésie Française


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0003-4057-5290

Jeux de données


Grihault-Barreiro Kilian, Benestan Laura, Moritz Charlotte, Ducatez Simon, Gaertner Jean-Claude, Le Luyer Jeremy, Monaco Cristián J. (2024). Marine and terrestrial species occurrence data for French Polynesia . SEANOE .



Sasaki Minami, Monaco Cristián J., Booth David J., Nagelkerken Ivan (2024). Ocean warming and novel species interactions boost growth and persistence of range‐extending tropical fishes but challenge that of sympatric temperate species in temperate waters . Journal Of Biogeography , 51(11), 2243-2258 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Andréfouët Serge, Bruyère Oriane, Le Gendre Romain, Sangare Nathanaël, Monaco Cristián J., Thomas Yoann, Lo-Yat Alain (2024). Comparison of in situ black-lipped oyster spat collection and larval dispersal modelling results in semi-closed pearl-farming lagoons of the Tuamotu Archipelago . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 206, 116779 (12p.) .
Raapoto Hirohiti, Monaco Cristián J., Van Wynsberge Simon, Le Gendre Romain, Le Luyer Jeremy (2024). Assessing regional connectivity patterns of bivalvia in fragmented archipelagos: Insights from biophysical modeling in French Polynesia . Ecological Modelling , 489, 110626 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer. Unité RMPF (2024). Rapport annuel 2023 de l’Unité de Recherche « Ressources Marines en Polynésie française » .


Marshall David J., Mustapha Nurshahida, Monaco Cristián J. (2023). Conservation of thermal physiology in tropical intertidal snails following an evolutionary transition to a cooler ecosystem: climate change implications . Conservation Physiology , 11(1), coad056 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer. Département RBE. Centre du Pacifique. (2023). Rapport annuel 2022 de l’Unité de Recherche «Ressources Marines en Polynésie française» .


Monaco Cristián J., Bellaird Corinne, Bisch Lauriane, Sham Koua Manaarii, Vigouroux Erwan, Orts Ameline, Lambard Alexandre, Basset Caline, Vanaa Vincent, Ky Chin-Long (2022). Innovation scientifique et technologique pour la relance potentielle d’une filière ostréicole (Saccostrea sp.) en Polynésie française. Acronyme : OstreaPol . Rapport intermédiaire #2. N°: 3764/VP/DRM .
Monaco Cristián J., Lemaitre Thomas, Orts Ameline, Belliard Corinne, Bernardino Kanihei, Basset Caline, Vanaa Vincent, Lo-Yat Alain (2022). FITNESS. Facteurs biotiques et abiotiques de la dynamique de recrutement des huitres perlières . Rapport Intermediaire #1. N°:02612/VP/DRM .
Lo-Yat Alain, Monaco Cristián J., Thomas Yoann, Czorlich Yann, Le Borgne Florian, Muylaert Morgan, Le Moullac Gilles, Vanaa Vincent, Beliaeff Benoit, Garen Pierre (2022). Mismatch between the ecological processes driving early life-stage dynamics of bivalves at two contrasting French Polynesian lagoons . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 183, 114099 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Monaco Cristián J., Mitta Guillaume (2022). Innovation scientifique et technologique pour la relance potentielle d’une filière ostréicole (Saccostrea sp.) en Polynésie française II Acronyme : OstreaPol II . Rapport Initial. N°: 5582/MCE/DRM .
Le Luyer Jeremy, Monaco Cristian, Milhade Leo, Reisser Celine, Soyez Claude, Raapoto Hirohiti, Belliard Corinne, Le Moullac Gilles, Ky Chin-Long, Pernet Fabrice (2022). Gene expression plasticity, genetic variation and fatty acid remodelling in divergent populations of a tropical bivalve species . Journal Of Animal Ecology , 91(6), 1196-1208 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Makherana Fhatuwani, Cuthbert Ross N., Monaco Cristian, Dondofema Farai, Wasserman Ryan J., Chauke Glencia M., Munyai Linton F., Dalu Tatenda (2022). Informing spread predictions of two alien snails using movement traits . Science Of The Total Environment , 811, 152364 (6p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Monaco Cristian, Sangare Nathanael, Le Moullac Gilles, Basset Caline, Belliard Corinne, Mizuno Keiichi, Smith Diane L., Lo-Yat Alain (2021). Dynamic Energy Budget model suggests feeding constraints and physiological stress in black-lip pearl oysters, 5 years post mass-mortality event . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 167, 112329 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Barker Cassandra, Monaco Cristian, McQuaid Christopher D. (2021). Exposure to fluctuating temperature increases thermal sensitivity in two lineages of the intertidal mussel Perna perna . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 668, 85-95 .
Monaco Cristian, Booth David J, Figuera Will F, Gillanders Bronwyn M., Schoeman David S., Bradshaw Corey J.A., Nagelkerken Ivan (2021). Natural and anthropogenic climate variability shape assemblages of range‐extending coral‐reef fishes . Journal Of Biogeography , 48(5), 1063-1075 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Monaco Cristian, Nagelkerken Ivan, Booth David J., Figueira Will F., Gillanders Bronwyn M., Schoeman David S., Bradshaw Corey J.A. (2021). Opposing life stage‐specific effects of ocean warming at source and sink populations of range‐shifting coral‐reef fishes . Journal Of Animal Ecology , 90(3), 615-627 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ndhlovu Aldwin, McQuaid Christopher D., Monaco Cristian (2021). Ectoparasites reduce scope for growth in a rocky-shore mussel (Perna perna) by raising maintenance costs . Science Of The Total Environment , 753, 142020 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Monaco Cristian, Ky Chin-Long (2020). Innovation scientifique et technologique pour la relance potentielle d’une filière ostréicole (Saccostrea sp.) en Polynésie française. Acronyme : OstreaPOL . Rapport initial n°3764/VP/DRM du 09/10/2020 .
Monaco Cristian, Bradshaw Corey J.A., Booth David J., Gillanders Bronwyn M., Schoeman David S., Nagelkerken Ivan (2020). Dietary generalism accelerates arrival and persistence of coral‐reef fishes in their novel ranges under climate change . Global Change Biology , 26(10), 5564-5573 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cuthbert Ross N., Dalu Tatenda, Wasserman Ryan J., Monaco Cristian, Callaghan Amanda, Weyl Olaf L. F., Dick Jaimie T. A. (2020). Assessing multiple predator, diurnal and search area effects on predatory impacts by ephemeral wetland specialist copepods . Aquatic Ecology , 54(1), 181-191 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Monaco Cristian, McQuaid Christopher D. (2019). Climate warming reduces the reproductive advantage of a globally invasive intertidal mussel . Biological Invasions , 21(7), 2503-2516 .
Ndhlovu Aldwin, McQuaid Christopher D., Nicastro Katy, Marquet Nathalie, Gektidis Marcos, Monaco Cristian, Zardi Gerardo (2019). Biogeographical Patterns of Endolithic Infestation in an Invasive and an Indigenous Intertidal Marine Ecosystem Engineer . Diversity-basel , 11(5), 75 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Monaco Cristian, Porporato Erika M. D., Lathlean Justin A., Tagliarolo Morgana, Sara Gianluca, McQuaid Christopher D. (2019). Predicting the performance of cosmopolitan species: dynamic energy budget model skill drops across large spatial scales . Marine Biology , 166(2), 14 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Monaco Cristian, McQuaid Christopher D. (2018). Applicability of Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) models across steep environmental gradients . Scientific Reports , 8, 16384 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Monaco Cristian, McQuaid Christopher D., Marshall David J. (2017). Decoupling of behavioural and physiological thermal performance curves in ectothermic animals: a critical adaptive trait . Oecologia , 185(4), 583-593 .
Daigle Rémi M., Monaco Cristian, Elgin Ashley K. (2017). An adaptable toolkit to assess commercial fishery costs and benefits related to marine protected area network design . F1000Research , 4, 1234 (21p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Monaco Cristian, Wethey David S., Helmuth Brian (2016). Thermal sensitivity and the role of behavior in driving an intertidal predator-prey interaction . Ecological Monographs , 86(4), 429-447 .
Helmuth Brian, Choi Francis, Matzelle Allison, Torossian Jessica L., Morello Scott L., Mislan K. A. S., Yamane Lauren, Strickland Denise, Szathmary P. Lauren, Gilman Sarah E., Tockstein Alyson, Hilbish Thomas J., Burrows Michael T., Power Anne Marie, Gosling Elizabeth, Mieszkowska Nova, Harley Christopher D. G., Nishizaki Michael, Carrington Emily, Menge Bruce, Petes Laura, Foley Melissa M., Johnson Angela, Poole Megan, Noble Mae M., Richmond Erin L., Robart Matt, Robinson Jonathan, Sapp Jerod, Sones Jackie, Broitman Bernardo R., Denny Mark W., Mach Katharine J., Miller Luke P., O'Donnell Michael, Ross Philip, Hofmann Gretchen E., Zippay Mackenzie, Blanchette Carol, Macfarlan J. A., Carpizo-Ituarte Eugenio, Ruttenberg Benjamin, Pena Mejia Carlos E., McQuaid Christopher D., Lathlean Justin, Monaco Cristian, Nicastro Katy R., Zardi Gerardo (2016). Long-term, high frequency in situ measurements of intertidal mussel bed temperatures using biomimetic sensors . Scientific Data , 3, 160087 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Toscano Benjamin J., Gownaris Natasha J., Heerhartz Sarah M., Monaco Cristian (2016). Personality, foraging behavior and specialization: integrating behavioral and food web ecology at the individual level . Oecologia , 182(1), 55-69 .


Monaco Cristian, Wethey David S., Gulledge Shadow, Helmuth Brian (2015). Shore-level size gradients and thermal refuge use in the predatory sea star Pisaster ochraceus: the role of environmental stressors . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 539, 191-205 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Toscano Benjamin J., Monaco Cristian (2015). Testing for relationships between individual crab behavior and metabolic rate across ecological contexts . Behavioral Ecology And Sociobiology , 69(8), 1343-1351 .


Monaco Cristian (2014). Thermal Ecology and Physiology of an Intertidal Predator-Prey System: Pisaster Ochraceus and Mytilus Californianus . PhD Thesis , University of South Carolina - Columbia .
Monaco Cristian, Wethey David S., Helmuth Brian (2014). A Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) Model for the Keystone Predator Pisaster ochraceus . Plos One , 9(8), e104658 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Burnett Nicholas P., Seabra Rui, de Pirro Maurizio, Wethey David S., Woodin Sarah A., Helmuth Brian, Zippay Mackenzie L., Sara Gianluca, Monaco Cristian, Lima Fernando P. (2013). An improved noninvasive method for measuring heartbeat of intertidal animals . Limnology And Oceanography-methods , 11, 91-100 .


Fly Elizabeth K., Monaco Cristian, Pincebourde Sylvain, Tullis Alexa (2012). The influence of intertidal location and temperature on the metabolic cost of emersion in Pisaster ochraceus . Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology , 422, 20-28 .


Monaco Cristian, Helmuth Brian (2011). Tipping Points, Thresholds and the Keystone Role of Physiology in Marine Climate Change Research . Advances In Marine Biology, Vol 60 , 60(Chap.3), 123-160 .


Gaymer Carlos F., Palma Alvaro T., Alonso Vega J. M., Monaco Cristian, Henriquez Luis A. (2010). Effects of La Nina on recruitment and abundance of juveniles and adults of benthic community-structuring species in northern Chile . Marine And Freshwater Research , 61(10), 1185-1196 .
Monaco Cristian, Brokordt Katherina B., Gaymer Carlos F. (2010). Latitudinal thermal gradient effect on the cost of living of the intertidal porcelain crab Petrolisthes granulosus . Aquatic Biology , 9(1), 23-33 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

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