Simon Van Wynsberge

Simon Van Wynsberge

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Tahiti

Adresse postale : Centre Océanologique du Pacifique - Vairao - BP 49 - 98179 Taravao - Tahiti - Polynésie Française


Jeux de données


Le Gendre Romain, Soulard Benoit, Lalau Noemie, Bruyère Oriane, Van Wynsberge Simon (2020). Field observations of Hydrodynamics in a shallow coral reef lagoon : Poe lagoon - New Caledonia . SEANOE .



Van Wynsberge Simon, Quere Robin, Andréfouët Serge, Autret Emmanuelle, Le Gendre Romain (2024). Spatial variability of temperature inside atoll lagoons assessed with Landsat-8 satellite imagery . Remote Sensing Applications-society And Environment , 36, 101340 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Gendre Romain, Varillon David, Fiat Sylvie, Hocdé Régis, de Ramon N'Yeurt Antoine, Aucan Jérôme, Cravatte Sophie, Duphil Maxime, Ganachaud Alexandre, Gaudron Baptiste, Kestenare Elodie, Liao Vetea, Pelletier Bernard, Peltier Alexandre, Schaefer Anne-Lou, Trophime Thomas, Van Wynsberge Simon, Dandonneau Yves, Allenbach Michel, Menkes Christophe . ReefTEMPS: The Pacific Islands Coastal Temperature Network . Earth System Science Data IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mitta Guillaume, Van Wynsberge Simon, Lallement Stephane, Camus Thomas (2024). Des écosystèmes coralliens en bonne santé grâce à l’aquaculture restaurative . The Conversation , 239151 (4p.) . Open Access version :
Dijoux-Luneau Emilie (2024). Détermination de la taille à maturité sexuelle de deux espèces de poissons récifo-lagonaires exploitées en Polynésie française dans le but d’assurer la gestion durable des ressources (sécurité alimentaire, conservation et gestion de la biodiversité) . Rapport de stage de fin d’études. Cadre Technique Génie de l’environnement marin. CNAM Intechmer .
Van Wynsberge Simon, Antypas Florence, Brisset Maele, Desnues Anne, Jamet Léocadie, Lagourgue Laura, Payri Claude, Jauffrais Thierry, Lemonnier Hugues (2024). A new set of N isotopic reference values for monitoring Ulva green tides in coral reef ecosystems . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 200, 116152 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Raapoto Hirohiti, Monaco Cristián J., Van Wynsberge Simon, Le Gendre Romain, Le Luyer Jeremy (2024). Assessing regional connectivity patterns of bivalvia in fragmented archipelagos: Insights from biophysical modeling in French Polynesia . Ecological Modelling , 489, 110626 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Riquet Florentine, Horaud Mathilde, Dubousquet Vaimiti, Tiavouane Josina, Lopes Carmela, Raharivelomanana Phila, Berteaux‐lecellier Véronique, Planes Serge, Grulois Daphné, Andréfouët Serge, Van Wynsberge Simon, Borsa Philippe, Lecellier Gaël, Fauvelot Cécile (2023). Insights into the genetic makeup of French Polynesian peripheral populations of the small giant clam Tridacna maxima . Aquatic Conservation-marine And Freshwater Ecosystems , 33(12), 1514-1534 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ulrich Clara, Guyader Olivier, Blanchard Fabian, Baudrier Jerome, Bonhommeau Sylvain, Frangoudes Katia, Jac Cyrielle, Pawlowski Lionel, Pelletier Dominique, Tagliarolo Morgana, Van Wynsberge Simon (2023). Rapport de l’atelier – rencontre sur les pêcheries artisanales des Outre-mer intertropicaux. 5-6 décembre 2022 .
Evrard Andréa, Schaefer Anne-Lou, Bruyère Oriane, Van Wynsberge Simon, Soulard Benoit, Lemonnier Hugues, Jauffrais Thierry, Le Gendre Romain (2023). Découpage de l'espace marin en masses d'eau homogènes : une analyse de sensibilité aux paramètres de découpage, appliquée au Parc Naturel de la Mer de Corail, Nouvelle-Calédonie . Projet PRESENCE .
Brisset Maele, Lagourgue Laura, Antypas Florence, Chauveau Mathilde, Schaefer Anne-Lou, Lalau Noemie, Lopez Etienne, Gobin Siloë, Vandenberghe Sylvette, Bourassin Emmanuel, Bruyère Oriane, Majorel Clarisse, Bonneville Claire, Brouquier Armelle, Millet Laurent, Desnues Anne, Gérard Philippe, Jamet Léocadie, Andréfouët Serge, Coutures Emmanuel, Tessier Emmanuel, Soulard Benoit, Petton Sébastien, Jauffrais Thierry, Mardhel Vincent, Le Gendre Romain, Lemonnier Hugues, Payri Claude, Van Wynsberge Simon (2023). Echouages d'algues vertes à Poé-Gouaro-Déva: Identification des causes et développement d'outils d'aide à la décision . Rapport final du projet ELADE, Ifremer-IRD-BRGM-La Province Sud, Nouméa, 239 pp.


Ifremer (2022). Présentations de l’atelier - rencontre pêcheries artisanales des Outre-mer intertropicaux. 5-6 décembre 2022 .
Lalau Noemie, Van Wynsberge Simon, Soulard Benoit, Petton Sébastien, Le Gendre Romain (2022). A quick and cost-effective method for modelling water renewal in shallow coral reef lagoons . Coral Reefs , 41(6), 1611-1626 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Andre Laure Vaitiare, Van Wynsberge Simon, Chinain Mireille, Andréfouët Serge (2022). Benefits of collaboration between indigenous fishery management and data-driven spatial planning approaches: the case of a Polynesian traditional design (rāhui) . Fisheries Research , 256, 106475 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bruyère Oriane, Soulard Benoit, Lemonnier Hugues, Laugier Thierry, Hubert Morgane, Petton Sébastien, Desclaux Terence, Van Wynsberge Simon, Le Tesson Eric, Lefèvre Jérôme, Dumas Franck, Kayara Jean-François, Bourassin Emmanuel, Lalau Noemie, Antypas Florence, Le Gendre Romain (2022). Hydrodynamic and hydrological processes within a variety of coral reef lagoons: field observations during six cyclonic seasons in New Caledonia . Earth System Science Data , 14(12), 5439-5462 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Camus Thomas, Mitta Guillaume, Wallon Heifara, Van Wynsberge Simon, Lo-Yat Alain (2022). Rapport initial de la Convention N°08444 VP/DRM du 31 Octobre 2022 DIVAQUA Relative à l’étude intitulée « accompagnement des travaux en zootechnie sur les filières de production aquacole polynésiennes et sur la diversification . RBE/RMPF 2022 .
Lagourgue L., Gobin S., Brisset Maele, Vandenberghe Sylvette, Bonneville C., Jauffrais Thierry, Van Wynsberge Simon, Payri C.E. (2022). Ten new species of Ulva (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta) discovered in New Caledonia: genetic and morphological diversity, and bloom potential . European Journal Of Phycology , 57(4), 458-478 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lasne Grégory (coord.), Fernandez Jean-Michel, Laugier Thierry, Letourneur Yves, Payri Claude Elisabeth, Soulard Benoit, Tessier Emmanuel, Van Wynsberge Simon (2022). Guide pour le suivi de la qualité du milieu marin en Nouvelle-Calédonie Édition 2022 . 289 p. Programme Guide du milieu marin 2. [Tome Nickel et Environnement].
Jauffrais Thierry, Brisset Maele, Lagourgue Laura, Payri Claude E., Gobin Siloë, Le Gendre Romain, Van Wynsberge Simon (2022). Seasonal changes in the photophysiology of Ulva batuffolosa in a coastal barrier reef . Aquatic Botany , 179, 103515 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
André Laure Vaitiare, Chinain Mireille, Gatti Clémence M.I., Liao Vetea, Van Wynsberge Simon, Tedesco Pauline, Andréfouët Serge (2022). A systematic prioritization approach for identifying suitable pearl oyster restocking zones following a mass mortality event in Takaroa Atoll, French Polynesia . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 176, 113472 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vaitiere André Laure, Van Wynsberge Simon, Chinain Mireille, Mahana Iti Gatti Clémence, Liao Vetea, Andrefouët Serge (2022). Spatial Solutions and Their Impacts When Reshuffling Coastal Management Priorities in Small Islands with Limited Diversification Opportunities . Sustainability , 14(7), 3871 (24p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Faure Chloe, Sabinot Catherine, Bouard Séverine, Brouillon Jonas, Guillemot Nicolas, Van Wynsberge Simon, Wickel Antoine (2022). Evaluer et caractériser la pêche non professionnelle rurale en Nouvelle-Calédonie . Livrable B : Protocoles d'enquêtes proposés pour la phase 2 et synthèse des enquêtes préparatoires des sites pilotes. Objectif n°A4.3 de la phase IV du plan d’action local IFRECOR Nouvelle-Calédonie 2016-2020 .


André Laure, Van Wynsberge Simon, Chinain Mireille, Gatti Clémence Mahana Iti, Dempsey Alexandra, Andréfouët Serge (2021). A framework for mapping local knowledge on ciguatera and artisanal fisheries to inform systematic conservation planning . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 78(4), 1357-1371 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
André Laure, Van Wynsberge Simon, Chinain Mireille, Andrefouet Serge (2021). An appraisal of systematic conservation planning for Pacific Ocean Tropical Islands coastal environments . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 165, 112131 (20p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Brisset Maele, Van Wynsberge Simon, Andréfouët Serge, Payri Claude, Soulard Benoit, Bourassin Emmanuel, Le Gendre Romain, Coutures Emmanuel (2021). Hindcast and Near Real-Time Monitoring of Green Macroalgae Blooms in Shallow Coral Reef Lagoons Using Sentinel-2: A New-Caledonia Case Study . Remote Sensing , 13(2), 211 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Van Wynsberge Simon, Le Gendre Romain, Sangare Nathanaël, Aucan Jérôme, Menkes Christophe, Liao Vetea, Andréfouët Serge (2020). Monitoring pearl farming lagoon temperature with global high resolution satellite-derived products: An evaluation using Raroia Atoll, French Polynesia . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 160, 111576 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Mai Tepoerau, Toullec Jordan, Van Wynsberge Simon, Besson Marc, Soulet Stephanie, Petek Sylvain, Aliotti Emmanuelle, Ekins Merrick, Hall Kathryn, Erpenbeck Dirk, Lecchini David, Beniddir Mehdi A., Saulnier Denis, Debitus Cecile (2019). Potential of fascaplysin and palauolide from Fascaplysinopsis cf reticulata to reduce the risk of bacterial infection in fish farming . Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences , 22(1), 30 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Georget Stephane, Van Wynsberge Simon, Andrefouet Serge (2019). Understanding consequences of adaptive monitoring protocols on data consistency: application to the monitoring of giant clam densities impacted by massive mortalities in Tuamotu atolls, French Polynesia . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 76(4), 1062-1071 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Payri Claude E., Vidal Eric, (dir.) (2019). Biodiversité en Océanie, un besoin urgent d’action, Nouméa 2019 . Presses universitaires de la Nouvelle‑Calédonie (PUNC).


Kabbadj Lina, Van Wynsberge Simon, Andrefouet Serge (2018). Scaling tropical island conservation planning to the regional level can lead to unbalanced ecological representation and poor social equity among islands . Marine Policy , 93, 31-39 .
Ndrefouet Serge, Van Wynsberge Simon, Kabbadj Lina, Wabnitz Colette C. C., Menkes Christophe, Tamata Thierry, Pahuatini Michel, Tetairekie Iotefa, Teaka Iosua, Scha Teiki Ah, Teaka Taihopu, Remoissenet Georges (2018). Adaptive management for the sustainable exploitation of lagoon resources in remote islands: lessons from a massive El Nino-induced giant clam bleaching event in the Tuamotu atolls (French Polynesia) . Environmental Conservation , 45(1), 30-40 .
Van Wynsberge Simon, Andrefouet Serge, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila, Remoissenet Georges (2018). Consequences of an uncertain mass mortality regime triggered by climate variability on giant clam population management in the Pacific Ocean . Theoretical Population Biology , 119, 37-47 .


Van Wynsberge Simon, Andrefouet Serge (2017). The Future of Giant Clam-Dominated Lagoon Ecosystems Facing Climate Change . Current Climate Change Reports , 3(4), 261-270 .
Andrefouet Serge, Payri Claude, Van Wynsberge Simon, Lauret Olivier, Alefaio Semese, Preston Garry, Yamano Hiroya, Baudel Sophie (2017). The timing and the scale of the proliferation of Sargassum polycystum in Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu . Journal Of Applied Phycology , 29(6), 3097-3108 .
Van Wynsberge Simon, Menkes Christophe, Le Gendre Romain, Passfield Teuru, Andrefouet Serge (2017). Are sea surface temperature satellite measurements reliable proxies of lagoon temperature in the south pacific? Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 199, 117-124 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Van Wynsberge Simon, Gilbert Antoine, Guillemot Nicolas, Heintz Tom, Tremblay-Boyer Laura (2017). Power analysis as a tool to identify statistically informative indicators for monitoring coral reef disturbances . Environmental Monitoring And Assessment , 189(7), 311 (15p.) .
Van Wynsberge Simon, Andrefouet Serge, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila, Tiavouane Josina, Grulois Daphne, Lefevre Jerome, Pinsky Malin L., Fauvelot Cecile (2017). Considering reefscape configuration and composition in biophysical models advance seascape genetics . Plos One , 12(5), e0178239 (1-23) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Van Wynsberge Simon, Andrefouet Serge, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila, Wabnitz Colette C. C., Menoud Mathilde, Le Moullac Gilles, Levy Peva, Gilbert Antoine, Remoissenet Georges (2017). Growth, Survival and Reproduction of the Giant Clam Tridacna maxima (Röding 1798, Bivalvia) in Two Contrasting Lagoons in French Polynesia . Plos One , 12(1), e0170565 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Neo Mei Lin, Wabnitz Colette C. C., Braley Richard D., Heslinga Gerald A., Fauvelot Cecile, Van Wynsberge Simon, Andrefouet Serge, Waters Charles, Tan Aileen Shau-Hwai, Gomez Edgardo D., Costello Mark J., Todd Peter A. (2017). Giant clams (Bivalvia: Cardiidae: Tridacninae): A comprehensive update of species and their distribution, current threats and conservation status . Oceanography And Marine Biology: An Annual Review, Vol 55 , 55, 87-387 .


Van Wynsberge Simon, Andrefouet Serge, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila, Wabnitz Colette C. C., Gilbert Antoine, Remoissenet Georges, Payri Claude, Fauvelot Cecile (2016). Drivers of density for the exploited giant clam Tridacna maxima: a meta-analysis . Fish And Fisheries , 17(3), 567-584 .
Menoud Mathilde, Van Wynsberge Simon, Le Moullac Gilles, Levy Peva, Andrefouet Serge, Remoissenet Georges, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila (2016). Identifying Robust Proxies of Gonad Maturation for the Protandrous Hermaphrodite Tridacna maxima (Röding, 1798, Bivalvia) from Individual to Population Scale . Journal Of Shellfish Research , 35(1), 51-61 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Van Wynsberge Simon (2016). Approche comparée, intégrée et spatialisée pour la gestion d'une ressource emblématique exploitée en Polynésie fraçaise et Nouvelle-Calédonie le cas du bénitier Tridacna maixima : le cas du bénitier (Tridacna maxima) . PhD Thesis , Université de Polynésie Française .


Van Wynsberge Simon, Andrefouet Serge, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila, Remoissenet Georges (2015). Conservation and resource management in small tropical islands: Trade-offs between planning unit size, data redundancy and data loss . Ocean & Coastal Management , 116, 37-43 .


Andrefouet Serge, Van Wynsberge Simon, Fauvelot Cecile, Bruckner Andrew W., Remoissenet Georges (2014). Significance of new records of Tridacna squamosa Lamarck, 1819, in the Tuamotu and Gambier Archipelagos (French Polynesia) . Molluscan Research , 34(4), 277-284 .


Van Wynsberge Simon, Gilbert Antoine, Guillemot Nicolas, Payri Claude, Andrefouet Serge (2013). Alert thresholds for monitoring environmental variables: A new approach applied to seagrass beds diversity in New Caledonia . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 77(1-2), 300-307 .
Van Wynsberge Simon, Andrefouet Serge, Gilbert Antoine, Stein Arsene, Remoissenet Georges (2013). Best Management Strategies for Sustainable Giant Clam Fishery in French Polynesia Islands: Answers from a Spatial Modeling Approach . Plos One , 8(5), e64641 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Andrefouet Serge, Van Wynsberge Simon, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila, Menkes Christophe, Gilbert Antoine, Remoissenet Georges (2013). Climate variability and massive mortalities challenge giant clam conservation and management efforts in French Polynesia atolls . Biological Conservation , 160, 190-199 .


Van Wynsberge Simon, Andréfouët Serge, Hamel Mélanie A., Kulbicki Michel, Ferse Sebastian C. A. (2012). Habitats as Surrogates of Taxonomic and Functional Fish Assemblages in Coral Reef Ecosystems: A Critical Analysis of Factors Driving Effectiveness . PLoS ONE , 7(7), e40997 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

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