Sites Web
Bellanger Manuel, Dudouet Benjamin, Gourguet Sophie, Thébaud Olivier, Ballance Lisa T., Becu Nicolas, Bisack Kathryn D., Cudennec Annie, Daurès Fabienne, Lehuta Sigrid, Lent Rebecca, Marshall C. Tara, Reid David, Ridoux Vincent, Squires Dale, Ulrich Clara (2025). A practical framework to evaluate the feasibility of incentive-based approaches to reduce bycatch of marine mammals and other protected species . Marine Policy , 177, 106661 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
European Marine Board (2025). Navigating the Future VI: The Ocean's role in addressing global crises . EMB Policy Brief , (13), 8p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bensebaini Meriem, Certain Gregoire, Gourguet Sophie, Thébaud Olivier, Hattab Tarek, Billet Norbert, Jadaud Angelique, Fromentin Jean-Marc (2025). Identifying statistical interaction networks in marine communities using multivariate time series analysis: An application in the Gulf of Lions . Fisheries Research , 281, 107177 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thebaud Olivier (2025). CIEM WKWIND. Vers des directives en matière d'évaluation des compromis entre éolien en mer et pêcheries à l'aide d'une approche socio-écologique. 19/04/2024-2/05/2024, Copenhague. Compte rendu de participation .
ICES (2025). Workshop to develop guidelines on how to approach the ecological, economic and social trade-offs between offshore renewable energy developments (wind farms) and fisheries (WKWIND) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 7(8), 47pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
European Marine Board (Ed.) (2024). Navigating the Future VI: Placing the Ocean within the wider Earth system . Position Paper 28 of the European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium. 116pp. ISSN: 0167-9309 ISBN: 9789464206265 .
Beckensteiner Jennifer, Villasante Sebastian, Charles Anthony, Petitgas Pierre, Le Grand Christelle, Thebaud Olivier (2024). A systemic approach to analyzing post-collapse adaptations in the Bay of Biscay anchovy fishery . Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences , 81(8), 1154-1173 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thébaud Olivier, Boschetti Fabio (2024). A tale of two sectors: Offshore wind and fisheries out for a row in the ocean . Journal Of Environmental Management , 359, 121060 (4p.) .
Veytia Devi, Airoldi Laura, Claudet Joachim, Cooley Sarah, Magnan Alexandre, Barclay Vicky Marti, Neill Simon, Sumaila U. Rashid, Thébaud Olivier, Voolstra Christian R., Williamson Phillip, Bonnin Marie, Langridge Joseph, Comte Adrien, Viard Frédérique, Shin Yunne, Bopp Laurent, Gattuso Jean-Pierre . Ocean-related options for climate change mitigation and adaptation: A machine learning-based evidence map protocol . Preprint IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Crommelynck David, Leprince Matthieu, Thebaud Olivier (2024). Protected Areas And Municipality Finances: Evidence From France . Annals of Economics and Statistics , (156), 167-206 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2024). Joint ICES-PICES Working Group on Small Pelagic Fish (WGSPF - outputs from 2023 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(48), 40pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2024). Workshop on mixed fisheries fleets (WKMIXFLEET). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(41), 23pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2024). Working Group on Economics (WGECON). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 6(28), 81pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bellanger Manuel, Dudouet Benjamin, Gourguet Sophie, Thebaud Olivier, Ballance Lisa T., Becu Nicolas, Bisack Kathryn D., Cudennec Annie, Daures Fabienne, Lehuta Sigrid, Lent Rebecca, Marshall C. Tara, Reid David, Ridoux Vincent, Squires Dale, Ulrich Clara (2023). Report of the Workshop Potentialities of incentive-based approaches to reduce dolphin bycatch in the Bay of Biscay organized in Brest on 16-17 March 2023 . DELMOGES project, Ifremer, 46 p.
Thebaud Olivier, Macher Claire, Charrier Gregory, Alban Frederique, Philippe Manuelle (2023). Marine protected areas as living labs : lessons learned & future perspectives . HOPOPoP project - International Workshop Report .
Le Floc h Pascal, Merzéréaud Mathieu, Beckensteiner Jennifer, Alban Frederique, Duhamel Erwan, Thébaud Olivier, Wilson James (2023). Explaining technical change and its impacts over the very long term: The case of the Atlantic sardine fishery in France from 1900 to 2017 . Research Policy , 52(9), 104864 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Macher Claire, Peuziat Ingrid, Charrier Gregory, Bommel Anton, Bacher Cedric, Le Grand Christelle, Philippe Manuelle, Alban Frederique, Querrec Ronan, Mahieux Pierre, Ruault Riwalenn, Kernec Maxime, Leonardi Sophie, Thebaud Olivier (2023). Réunion des partenaires du PROJET HOPOPoP - 28 septembre 2023 PNBI . HOPOPoP - The future of Humans and fish pOPulations fOstering transdisciPlinarity and interdisciPlinarity for sustainable marine social ecological systems. 28 septembbre 2023, plouzané .
Recuero Virto Laura, Daures Fabienne, Guyader Olivier, Chauvaud Laurent, Maes Christophe, Huvet Arnaud (2023). Objectif de développement durable n°14 sur l’océan. Quelques éclairages sur les subventions à la pêche, le bruit et les plastiques / Sustainable Development Goal 14 on the ocean. Some insights on fisheries subsidies, noise and plastics . Policy Brief , (6), 8p. Open Access version :
Garraud Loana, Beckensteiner Jennifer, Thébaud Olivier, Claudet Joachim (2023). Ecolabel certification in multi-zone marine protected areas can incentivize sustainable fishing practices and offset the costs of fishing effort displacement . Earth System Governance , 17, 100184 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dudouet Benjamin, Macher Claire, Thebaud Olivier (2023). Le rôle des organisations de producteurs dans l’allocation et la consommation des quotas de pêche en France : Étude de cas sur la sole du Golfe de Gascogne . Publications électroniques Amure Série Documents de Travail , D-45-2023, 20p. Open Access version :
Dudouet Benjamin, Macher Claire, Thebaud Olivier (2023). The role of producer organisations (POS) in the allocation and consuption of fishing quotas: Case study on Bay of Biscay common sole . Publications électroniques Amure Série Documents de Travail , D-46-2023, 20p. Open Access version :
Thébaud Olivier, Nielsen J R, Motova A, Curtis H, Bastardie F, Blomqvist G E, Daures Fabienne, Goti L, Holzer J, Innes J, Muench A, Murillas A, Nielsen R, Rosa R, Thunberg E, Villasante S, Virtanen J, Waldo S, Agnarsson S, Castilla espino D, Curtin R, Depiper G, Doering R, Ellefsen H, García del hoyo J J, Gourguet Sophie, Greene P, Hamon K G, Haynie A, Kellner J B, Kuikka S, Le gallic B, Macher Claire, Prellezo R, Santiago castro-Rial J, Sys K, Van oostenbrugge H, Vastenhoud B M J (2023). Integrating economics into fisheries science and advice: progress, needs, and future opportunities . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 80(4), 647-663 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Beckensteiner Jennifer, Boschetti Fabio, Thébaud Olivier (2023). Adaptive fisheries responses may lead to climate maladaptation in the absence of access regulations . npj Ocean Sustainability , 2(1), 3 (5p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Briton Florence, Thébaud Olivier, Macher Claire, Gardner Caleb, Little Lorne Richard (2023). Managing biological, economic and social trade-offs in the Australian Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery . Marine And Freshwater Research , 74(16), 1355-1369 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pérez Agúndez José A., Gourguet Sophie, Monge Sophie, Bas Adeline, Bellanger Manuel, Daures Fabienne, Guyader Olivier, Kalaydjian Regis, Le Gentil Eric, Le Grand Christelle, Leonardi Sophie, Macher Claire, Merzereaud Mathieu, Mongruel Remi, Scemama Pierre, Thebaud Olivier (2023). Unité d’Economie Maritime. Rapport d’activité 2022 .
Gaill Françoise, Brodie Rudolph Tanya, Lebleu Lara, Allemand Denis, Blasiak Robert, Cheung William W. L., Claudet Joachim, Gerhardinger Leopoldo Cavaleri, Le Bris Nadine, Levin Lisa, Pörtner Hans- Otto, Visbeck Martin, Zivian Anna, Bahurel Pierre, Bopp Laurent, Bowler Chris, Chlous Frédérique, Cury Philippe, Gascuel Didier, Goyet Sylvie, Hilmi Nathalie, Ménard Frédéric, Micheli Fiorenza, Mullineaux Lauren, Parmentier Rémi, Sicre Marie-Alexandrine, Speich Sabrina, Thébaud Olivier, Thiele Torsten, Bowler Martha, Charvis Philippe, Cuvelier Raphael, Houllier Francois, Palazot Sarah, Staub Francis, Poivre D’arvor Olivier (2022). An evolution towards scientific consensus for a sustainable ocean future . npj Ocean Sustainability , 1(1), 7 (7p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thebaud Olivier (2022). CIEM WGMPA. Groupe présidé par Ryan Stanley, Canada; Joachim Claudet, France; and Emma Sheehan, UK. 28 nov. – 2 déc. 2022, Paris & hybride. Compte-rendu de participation .
Thebaud Olivier, Daures Fabienne, Gourguet Sophie, Macher Claire (2022). CIEM WGECON. Groupe de travail sur les questions économiques. Groupe présidé par Arina Motova (UK), J.Rasmus Nielsen (Danemark) et Olivier Thébaud (France). 9-10 & 12, 17-20 Mai 2020, en visio. Compte-rendu de participation .
Blanchard Fabian, Chevalier Audrey, Cisse Abdoul, Clerc-Renaud Agnes, Cope Jason, Cuilleret Mathieu, de Bollardiere Alizée, Doyen Luc, Frangoudes Katia, Gardel Antoine, Gomes Helene, Guyader Olivier, Kelle Laurent, Kersulec Coralie, Le Grand Christelle, Leonardi Sophie, Nalovic Michel, Palisse Marianne, Rousseau Yann, Tagliarolo Morgana, Thebaud Olivier (2022). Addressing the dimensions of sustainability of small-scale fisheries in French Guiana through collaborative and multidisciplinary work. 4WSFC - 4th World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress in LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN. October 2022, Merida, Mexico .
Lagarde Adrien, Doyen Luc, Claudet Joachim, Thebaud Olivier (2022). Stochastic Multi-species MSY to Achieve Ecological-Economic Sustainability of a Coral Reef Fishery System in French Polynesia . Environmental Modeling & Assessment , 27(5), 771-789 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Masse Ugo, Bellanger Manuel, Scemama Pierre, Richard Joëlle, Thebaud Olivier, Bas Adeline, Bailly Denis (2022). Report of the DEEP-REST stakeholder workshop, 11 May 2022 .
Landru Sarah, Thebaud Olivier, Macher Claire, Gardner Caleb, Little Rich (2022). Evaluating the management of sole quotas in the Bay of Biscay . IIFET 2022 - 20th Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade "Managing a changing environment". 18-22 July 2022, Spain .
Alban Frederique, Le Floc h Pascal, Daurès Fabienne, Guyader Olivier, Thébaud Olivier (2022). L’impact économique de la Covid-19 sur les pêches maritimes françaises / The economic impact of Covid-19 on French fisheries . Économie rurale , (380), 27-39 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Comité Approche Ecosystémique de l’Halieutique (2022). Consultation européenne 2022 sur la Politique Commune de la Pêche. Note de synthèse . RBE/CAEH/2022 .
Scemama Pierre, Regnier Esther, Blanchard Fabian, Thebaud Olivier (2022). Ecosystem Services Assessment for the Conservation of Mangroves in French Guiana Using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping . Frontiers In Forests And Global Change , 4, 769182 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pérez Agúndez José A., Gourguet Sophie, Monge Sophie, Bas Adeline, Bellanger Manuel, Daures Fabienne, Girard Sophie, Guyader Olivier, Kalaydjian Regis, Le Gentil Eric, Le Grand Christelle, Leonardi Sophie, Macher Claire, Merzereaud Mathieu, Mongruel Remi, Scemama Pierre, Thebaud Olivier (2022). Rapport d’activité 2021. Unité d’Economie Maritime .
Tromeur Eric, Doyen Luc, Tarizzo Violaine, Little L. Richard, Jennings Sarah, Thébaud Olivier (2021). Risk averse policies foster bio-economic sustainability in mixed fisheries . Ecological Economics , 190, 107178 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Briton Florence, Thebaud Olivier, Macher Claire, Gardner Caleb, Richard Little Lorne (2021). Flexibility of joint production in mixed fisheries and implications for management . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 78(5), 1599-1613 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gourguet Sophie, Marzloff Martin, Bacher Cedric, Boudry Pierre, Cugier Philippe, Dambacher Jeffrey Mark, Desroy Nicolas, Gangnery Aline, Le Mao Patrick, Monnier Léa, Perez Jose, Thébaud Olivier (2021). Participatory Qualitative Modeling to Assess the Sustainability of a Coastal Socio-Ecological System . Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution , 9, 635857 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Nassiri A., Thébaud Olivier, Holbrook S.J., Lauer M., Rassweiler A., Schmitt R.J., Claudet Joachim (2021). Hedonic evaluation of coral reef fish prices on a direct sale market . Marine Policy , 129, 104525 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bellanger Manuel, Fonner Robert, Holland Daniel S., Libecap Gary D., Lipton Douglas W., Scemama Pierre, Speir Cameron, Thébaud Olivier (2021). Cross-sectoral externalities related to natural resources and ecosystem services . Ecological Economics , 184, 106990 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Macher Claire, Steins Nathalie A., Ballesteros Marta, Kraan Marloes, Frangoudes Katia, Bailly Denis, Bertignac Michel, Colloca Francesco, Fitzpatrick Mike, Garcia Dorleta, Little Rich, Mardle Simon, Murillas Arantza, Pawlowski Lionel, Philippe Manuelle, Prellezo Raul, Sabatella Evelina, Thébaud Olivier, Ulrich Clara (2021). Towards transdisciplinary decision-support processes in fisheries: experiences and recommendations from a multidisciplinary collective of researchers . Aquatic Living Resources , 34, 13 (21p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thebaud Olivier (2021). Economie bleue, biens communs et développement durable . Revue Maritime , (519), 22-28 . Open Access version :
Macher Claire, Bacher Cedric, Bertignac Michel, Burdallet Jade, Caill-Milly Nathalie, Cugier Philippe, Marty Lea, Marzloff Martin, Pomade Adélie, Levain Alix, Rollet Claire, Savina-Rolland Marie, Thebaud Olivier, Ulrich Clara (2021). Synthèse de l’Atelier PARTAGE. Partage d’expériences de collaborations Science-Société à l’Ifremer. 3 au 5 novembre 2020 .
Dépalle Maxime, Sanchirico James N., Thébaud Olivier, O’farrell Shay, Haynie Alan C., Perruso Larry (2021). Scale-dependency in discrete choice models: A fishery application . Journal Of Environmental Economics And Management , 105, 102388 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2021). Workshop on Stakeholder Engagement Strategy (WKSHOES) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(75), 49pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2021). Working Group on Economics (WGECON; outputs from 2020 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(4), 54pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2021). Report of the Science Committee (SCICOM), March 2021 . ICES Business Reports, 1:7. 48 pp.
ICES (2021). Scoping workshop on next generation of mixed fisheries advice (WKMIXFISH; outputs from 2020 meeting) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 3(54), 23pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thebaud Olivier, Daures Fabienne, Macher Claire (2021). Groupe d'experts du CIEM sur les questions économiques (WGECON). 14-18 juin 2021 en Vsioconférence. Compte rendu de participation . RBE/ederu/CRWG-2021-14 .
Thebaud Olivier, Macher Claire (2021). Atelier du CIEM consacré à la stratégie pour l'engagement des parties prenantes (WKSHOES). Visioconférence, 22-24/06/2021. Compte rendu de participation . RBE/ederu/CRWG-2021-13 .
ICES (2021). Report of the Science Committee (SCICOM), September 2021 . ICES Business Reports, 1:11. 44pp.
ICES (2021). Report from the Annual Meeting of Expert Group Chairs (WGCHAIRS) . ICES Business Reports, 1:5. 60 pp.
Lorance Pascal, Girardin Raphael, Thebaud Olivier (2021). Réunion des présidents des groupes d'experts du CIEM (WGCHAIRS). Visioconférence, 25-28/01/2021. Compte rendu de participation . RBE/ederu/CRWG-2021-7 .
Dépalle Maxime, Thébaud Olivier, Sanchirico James N. (2020). Accounting for Fleet Heterogeneity in Estimating the Impacts of Large-Scale Fishery Closures . Marine Resource Economics , 35(4), 361-378 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bellanger Manuel, Speir Cameron, Blanchard Fabian, Brooks Kate, Butler James R. A., Crosson Scott, Fonner Robert, Gourguet Sophie, Holland Daniel S., Kuikka Sakari, Le Gallic Bertrand, Lent Rebecca, Libecap Gary D., Lipton Douglas W., Nayak Prateep Kumar, Reid David, Scemama Pierre, Stephenson Robert, Thébaud Olivier, Young Juliette C. (2020). Addressing Marine and Coastal Governance Conflicts at the Interface of Multiple Sectors and Jurisdictions . Frontiers In Marine Science , 7(544440), 21p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Briton Florence, Thebaud Olivier, Macher Claire, Little Rich, Gardner Caleb, Merzereaud Mathieu, Le Grand Christelle, Mobsby David (2020). The eco-viability approach for integrated TAC advice in mixed fisheries . ICES MixFish Working Group. 22-26 June 2020 .
Briton Florence, Macher Claire, Merzereaud Mathieu, Le Grand Christelle, Fifas Spyros, Thebaud Olivier (2020). Providing Integrated Total Catch Advice for the Management of Mixed Fisheries with an Eco-viability Approach . Environmental Modeling & Assessment , 25(3), 307-325 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lagarde Adrien, Doyen Luc, Claudet Joachim, Thebaud Olivier (2020). Ecological-economic resilience of a fished coral reef through stochastic multi-species MSY . Bordeaux Economics Working Papers/ Cahiers d'économie de Bordeaux, BxWP2020-11 .
ICES (2020). Report from the Annual Meeting of Expert Group Chairs (WGCHAIRS). 28-30 January 2020, ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark . ICES CM 2020/ACOM/SCICOM:01. 63 pp .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Girardin Raphael, Vigneau Joel, Thebaud Olivier (2020). CIEM WGCHAIRS 2020. Groupe de travail rassemblant tous les présidents de groupe de travail du CIEM . Compte-rendu de participation. RBE/ederu/CRWG-1 .
ICES (2020). Workshop on Challenges, Opportunities, Needs and Successes for Including Human Dimen-sions in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (WKCONSERVE) . ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 2(10), 30p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Petitgas Pierre, Ulrich Clara, Auber Arnaud, Gourguet Sophie, Huret Martin, Mazurais David, Pernet Fabrice, Pouvreau Stephane, Richard Marion, Servili Arianna, Thebaud Olivier, Zambonino Infante Jose-Luis (2020). Conséquences du changement climatique sur les écosystèmes marins exploités par la pêche et la conchyliculture . Etudes Marines , (18), 40-53 . Open Access version :
Blanchard Fabian, Chaboud Christian, Thébaud Olivier (2019). Back to the future: A retrospective assessment of model‐based scenarios for the management of the shrimp fishery in French Guiana facing global change . Natural Resource Modeling , 32(4), e12232 (19p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Talidec Catherine, Petitgas Pierre (2019). Document stratégique pour l’approche écosystémique halieutique (AEH). Bilan et perspectives .
Doyen L., Armstrong C., Baumgärtner S., Béné Christophe, Blanchard Fabian, Cissé Abdoul, Cooper Rachel, Dutra L.X.C., Eide A., Freitas D., Gourguet Sophie, Gusmao F., Hardy P.-Y., Jarre A., Little L.R., Macher Claire, Quaas M., Regnier E., Sanz N., Thébaud Olivier (2019). From no whinge scenarios to viability tree . Ecological Economics , 163, 183-188 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Briton Florence, Macher Claire, Merzereaud Mathieu, Le Grand Christelle, Fifas Spyros, Thebaud Olivier (2019). Providing integrated total catch advice for the management of mixed fisheries with an ecoviability approach . 2019 Future Oceans2 IMBeR Open Science Conference, 17-21 June 2019, Brest, France.
Macher Claire, Bertignac Michel, Guyader Olivier, Frangoudes Katia, Fresard Marjolaine, Le Grand Christelle, Merzereaud Mathieu, Thebaud Olivier (2019). Developing a partnership bio-economic decision-support framework for fisheries management with stakeholders: challenges and opportunities towards trans-disciplinary approaches . 2019 Future Oceans2 IMBeR Open Science Conference, 17-21 June 2019, Brest, France .
Blanchard Fabian, Vallee Vincent, Diop Basirou, Thebaud Olivier (2019). Implementing the ecosystem approach for fisheries management: conflicting environmental and exploitation goals/objectives from European and national policies – the case of the shrimp trawling fishery in French Guiana . 2019 Future Oceans2 IMBeR Open Science Conference, 17-21 June 2019, Brest, France.
Macher Claire, Steins Nathalie A., Ballesteros Marta, Kraan Marloes, Frangoudes Katia, Bailly Denis, Bertignac Michel, Colloca Francesco, Fitzpatrick Mike, Garcia Dorleta, Little Rich, Mardle Simon, Murillas Arantza, Pawlowski Lionel, Philippe Manuelle, Prellezo Raul, Sabatella Evelina, Thebaud Olivier, Ulrich Clara (2019). Roles and impacts of science and interactions with stakeholders and decision makers in decision-support to fisheries management: sharing experiences and practices from an inter-disciplinary collective of researchers . 2019 Future Oceans2 IMBeR Open Science Conference, 17-21 June 2019, Brest, France .
Léopold Marc, Thébaud Olivier, Charles Anthony (2019). The dynamics of institutional innovation: Crafting co-management in small-scale fisheries through action research . Journal Of Environmental Management , 237, 187-199 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Planque Benjamin, Mullon Christian, Arneberg Per, Eide Arne, Fromentin Jean-Marc, Heymans Johanna Jacomina, Hoel Alf Håkon, Niiranen Susa, Ottersen Geir, Sandø Anne Britt, Sommerkorn Martin, Thébaud Olivier, Thorvik Thorbjørn (2019). A participatory scenario method to explore the future of marine social-ecological systems . Fish And Fisheries , 20(3), 434-451 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thebaud Olivier (2019). Atelier du CIEM sur la prise en compte des dimensions humaines dans les évaluations intégrées des écosystèmes (WKCONSERVE). Copenhague, 8-10 octobre 2019 . RBE/ederu/2019/CR22 .
Thebaud Olivier, Daures Fabienne (2019). Groupe d'experts du CIEM sur les questions économiques (WGECON). Paris, 11-14 juin 2019 . RBE/ederu/2019/CR20 .
ICES (2019). Report of the Working Group on Integrating Ecological and Economic Models (WGIMM). December 2017, via Correspondence . ICES CM 2017/IEASG:05. 16 pp.
Daures Fabienne, Le Grand Christelle, Guyader Olivier, Thebaud Olivier (2019). Evolution des capacités de pêche. Les enjeux autour du renouvellement de la flotte de pêche en France .
ICES (2019). Minutes from the Meeting of the ICES Science Committee (SCICOM), 8 and 13 September 2019 . ICES CM 2019/SCICOM:02. 36 pp.
ICES (2019). Report from the Annual Meeting of Expert Group Chairs (WGCHAIRS) 21-25 January 2019 ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark . ICES CM 2019/ACOM/SCICOM:01.
Ifremer (2019). Enquête économique Secteur Pêche – France. Données économiques locales .
Villanueva Ching-Maria, Vigneau Joel, Thebaud Olivier (2019). Compte rendu de participation au groupe de travail rassemblant tous les présidents de groupes de travail du CIEM (WGCHAIRS). Copenhague, 21-25 janvier 2019 . RBE/ederu/2019/CR1 .
Lagarde A., Doyen L., Ahad-Cisse A., Caill-Milly Nathalie, Gourguet Sophie, Le Pape Olivier, Macher Claire, Morandeau Gilles, Thebaud Olivier (2018). How Does MMEY Mitigate the Bioeconomic Effects of Climate Change for Mixed Fisheries . Ecological Economics , 154, 317-332 .
Macher Claire, Bertignac Michel, Guyader Olivier, Frangoudes Katia, Fresard Marjolaine, Le Grand Christelle, Merzereaud Mathieu, Thebaud Olivier (2018). The role of technical protocols and partnership engagement in developing a decision support framework for fisheries management . Journal Of Environmental Management , 223, 503-516 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Macher Claire, Bailly Denis, Ballesteros Marta, Bertignac Michel, Colloca Francesco, Fitzpatrick Mike, Frangoudes Katia, Garcia Dorleta, Kraan Marloes, Little Rich, Malvarosa Loretta, Mardle Simon, Murillas Arantza, Pawlowski Lionel, Philippe Manuelle, Prellezo Raul, Sabatella Evelina, Steins Nathalie, Thebaud Olivier, Ulrich Clara (2018). Science, participatory approaches and decision support processes in fisheries: sharing experiences and practices from an inter-disciplinary perspective . ASC 2018 - ICES Annual Science Conference 2018. 24-27 september 2018, Hamburg .
Briton Florence (2018). Reconciling TAC limits for mixed fisheries using a co-viability approach: the Bay of Biscay study-case . IIFET 2018 - International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade Conference. July 16-20, 2018, Seattle .
Gourguet Sophie, Monnier Léa, Dambacher Jeffrey, Marzloff Martin, Bacher Cedric, Boudry Pierre, Cugier Philippe, Desroy Nicolas, Gangnery Aline, Girard Sophie, Le Mao Patrick, Perez Jose, Thebaud Olivier (2018). Eliciting Stakeholder Representations of a Marine Socio-Ecosystem: Participatory Modelling of Shellfish Aquaculture in the Normand-Breton Gulf, France . Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, Mazdak Arabi, Olaf David, Jack Carlson, Daniel P. Ames (Eds.) 9p.
Tarizzo Violaine, Tromeur Eric, Thebaud Olivier, Little Richard, Jennings Sarah, Doyen Luc (2018). L'aversion au risque favorise la soutenabilité bio-économique des pêcheries mixtes / Risk averse policies foster bio-economic sustainability in mixed fisheries . Cahiers du GREThA , (2018-07), 26p. Open Access version :
Girardin Raphael, Fulton Elizabeth A., Lehuta Sigrid, Rolland Marie, Thebaud Olivier, Travers-Trolet Morgane, Vermard Youen, Marchal Paul (2018). Identification of the main processes underlying ecosystem functioning in the Eastern English Channel, with a focus on flatfish species, as revealed through the application of the Atlantis end-to-end model . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 201, 208-222 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Macher Claire, Bailly Denis, Ballesteros Marta, Bertignac Michel, Collocas Francesco, Fitzpatrick Mike, Frangoudes Katia, Garcia Dorleta, Kraan Marloes, Little Rich, Mardle Simon, Murillas Arantza, Pawlowski Lionel, Philippe Manuelle, Prellezo Raul, Sabatella Evelina, Steins Nathalie, Thebaud Olivier, Ulrich Clara (2018). Science, partnership and decision support processes in fisheries: sharing experiences and practices and identifying Lessons learnt from an interdisciplinary perspective .
Nielsen J. Rasmus, Thunberg Eric, Holland Daniel S., Schmidt Jorn O., Fulton Elizabeth A., Bastardie Francois, Punt Andre E., Allen Icarus, Bartelings Heleen, Bertignac Michel, Bethke Eckhard, Bossier Sieme, Buckworth Rik, Carpenter Griffin, Christensen Asbjorn, Christensen Villy, Da-Rocha Jose M., Deng Roy, Dichmont Catherine, Doering Ralf, Esteban Aniol, Fernandes Jose A., Frost Hans, Garcia Dorleta, Gasche Loic, Gascuel Didier, Gourguet Sophie, Groeneveld Rolf A., Guillen Jordi, Guyader Olivier, Hamon Katell, Hoff Ayoe, Horbowy Jan, Hutton Trevor, Lehuta Sigrid, Little L. Richard, Lleonart Jordi, Macher Claire, Mackinson Steven, Mahevas Stephanie, Marchal Paul, Mato-Amboage Rosa, Mapstone Bruce, Maynou Francesc, Merzereaud Mathieu, Palacz Artur, Pascoe Sean, Paulrud Anton, Plaganyi Eva, Prellezo Raul, Van Putten Elizabeth I., Quaas Martin, Ravn-Jonsen Lars, Sanchez Sonia, Simons Sarah, Thebaud Olivier, Tomczak Maciej T., Ulrich Clara, Van Dijk Diana, Vermard Youen, Voss Rudi, Waldo Staffan (2018). Integrated ecological-economic fisheries models-Evaluation, review and challenges for implementation . Fish And Fisheries , 19(1), 1-29 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gourguet Sophie, Thebaud Olivier, Bellanger Manuel (2018). Assessing the bio-economic impacts of marine biodiversity on commercial fisheries and aquaculture . CIESM workshop monographs , (50), 31-38 .
Gourguet Sophie, Briand Frédéric, Thebaud Olivier, Bellanger Manuel (2018). Marine species interfering with human activities . IIFET 2018 - International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade Conference. July 16-20, 2018, Seattle .
Gourguet Sophie, Marzloff Martin, Monnier Léa, Dambacher Jeffrey, Bacher Cedric, Boudry Pierre, Cugier Philippe, Desroy Nicolas, Gangnery Aline, Girard Sophie, Le Mao Patrick, Perez Jose, Thebaud Olivier (2018). Representations of a marine socioecosystem: participatory modeling of shellfish farming in the Normand-Breton Gulf, France . IIFET 2018 - International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade Conference. July 16-20, 2018, Seattle .
(2018) Interim Report of the Working Group on Economics (WGECON), 11–15 June 2018, ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark . ICES CM 2018/HAPISG:09. 45 pp.
Ifremer (2018). Sciences en société . Rapport du groupe 2d - Réflexion stratégique 2017-2018 .
Doyen Luc, Bene Christophe, Bertignac Michel, Blanchard Fabian, Cisse Abdoul, Dichmont Catherine, Gourguet Sophie, Guyader Olivier, Hardy Pierre-Yves, Jennings Sarah, Little Lorne Richard, Macher Claire, Mills David Jonathan, Noussair Ahmed, Pascoe Sean, Pereau Jean-Christophe, Sanz Nicolas, Schwarz Anne-Maree, Smith Tony, Thebaud Olivier (2017). Ecoviability for ecosystem-based fisheries management . Fish And Fisheries , 18(6), 1056-1072 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Link Jason S., Thebaud Olivier, Smith David C., Smith Anthony D. M., Schmidt Joern, Rice Jake, Poos Jan Jaap, Pita Cristina, Lipton Doug, Kraan Marloes, Frusher Stewart, Doyen Luc, Cudennec Annie, Criddle Keith, Bailly Denis (2017). Keeping Humans in the Ecosystem. Introduction to the Symposium: ‘Marine Socio-ecological Systems Symposium’ . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 74(7), 1947-1956 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thebaud Olivier, Link Jason S., Kohler Bas, Kraan Marloes, Lopez Romain, Poos Jan Jaap, Schmidt Joern O., Smith David C. (2017). Managing marine socio-ecological systems: picturing the future . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 74(7), 1965-1980 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Girardin Raphael, Hamon Katell, Pinnegar John, Poos Jan Jaap, Thebaud Olivier, Tidd Alex, Vermard Youen, Marchal Paul (2017). Thirty years of fleet dynamics modelling using discrete-choice models: What have we learned? Fish And Fisheries , 18(4), 638-655 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Rindorf Anna, Dichmont Catherine M., Thorson James, Charles Anthony, Clausen Lotte Worsoe, Degnbol Poul, Garcia Dorleta, Hintzen Niels T., Kempf Alexander, Levin Phillip, Mace Pamela, Maravelias Christos, Minto Coilin, Mumford John, Pascoe Sean, Prellezo Raul, Punt Andre E., Reid David G., Roeckmann Christine, Stephenson Robert L., Thebaud Olivier, Tserpes George, Voss Ruediger (2017). Inclusion of ecological, economic, social, and institutional considerations when setting targets and limits for multispecies fisheries . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 74(2), 453-463 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lagarde Adrien, Ahad-Cisse Abdoul, Gourguet Sophie, Le Pape Olivier, Thebaud Olivier, Caill-Milly Nathalie, Morandeau Gilles, Macher Claire, Doyen Luc (2017). Comment la stratégie MMEY atténue les effets bio-économiques du changement climatique dans les pêcheries mixtes / How MMEY mitigates bio-economic impacts of climate change on mixed . Cahiers du GREThA , (2017-22), 40p. Open Access version :
Ifremer (2017). Processus côtiers et littoraux . Rapport du groupe 1b - Réflexion stratégique 2017-2018 .
ICES (2017). Report of the ICES/PICES Workshop on Economic Modelling of the Effects of Climate Change on Fish and Fisheries (WKeconSICCME), 3-4 June 2016, Brest, France. ICES CM 2016/SSGEPI:23. 15 pp.
Hoyt Sarah P., Pendleton Linwood H., Thebaud Olivier, Dover Cindy Lee Van (2017). Addressing the Financial Consequences of Unknown Environmental Impacts in Deep-Sea Mining . Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement , N° 85(1), 43-48 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thebaud Olivier (2016). Developing model-based scenarios for marine socio-ecological systems . Workshop EETE "Ecological Economics for Tropical Ecosystems". An interdisciplinary approach of sustainable development. 01/12/2016, Cayenne, French Guyana.
Thebaud Olivier, Gourguet Sophie, Lelong Pierre, Doyen Luc, Little Rich, Smith Tony, Pascoe Sean (2016). Modeling the impacts of a discard ban in a mixed fishery under catch-quota management . Preliminary draft .
Dutra Leo X. C., Dichmont Catherine M., Van Putten Ingrid E., Thebaud Olivier, Deng Roy A., Pascual Ricardo, Owens Randall, Jebreen Eddie, Thompson Carolyn, Warne M. St J., Quinn R., Bennett J., Read M., Wachenfeld D., Collier Catherine, Waycott Michelle, Davies J., Garland A., Dunning M., Playford J. (2016). How important is the coast? A survey of coastal objectives in an Australian regional city . Marine Policy , 71, 229-241 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marre Jean-Baptiste, Thebaud Olivier, Pascoe Sean, Jennings Sarah, Boncoeur Jean, Coglan Louisa (2016). Is economic valuation of ecosystem services useful to decision-makers? Lessons learned from Australian coastal and marine management . Journal Of Environmental Management , 178, 52-62 .
Link Jason, Smith David C., Thebaud Olivier (2016). Understanding Marine Socio-EcologicAl Systems (MSEAS 2016): including the human dimension in integrated ecosystem assessment. Symposium brief, july 2016 .
Thebaud Olivier, Boschetti Fabio (2016). Social tipping points and environmental management decision-making: a biodiversity offsets example. MSEAS 2016 - Understanding marine socio-ecological systems Including the human dimension in integrated ecosystem assessment. May 30 – June 3, 2016, Brest, France .
Van Putten Ingrid Elizabeth, Dichmont Catherine Mary, Dutra Leo Ximenes Cabral, Thebaud Olivier, Deng Roy Aijun, Jebreen Eddie, Owens Randall, Pascual Ricardo, Read Mark, Thompson Carolyn (2016). Objectives for management of socio-ecological systems in the Great Barrier Reef region, Australia . Regional Environmental Change , 16(5), 1417-1431 .
Gourguet Sophie, Thebaud Olivier, Jennings Sarah, Little L. Richard, Dichmont Catherine M., Pascoe Sean, Deng Roy A., Doyen Luc (2016). The Cost of Co-viability in the Australian Northern Prawn Fishery . Environmental Modeling & Assessment , 21(3), 371-389 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Link Jason, Smith David C., Thebaud Olivier (2016). Understanding marine socio-ecological systems. Including the human dimension in integrated ecosystem assessment . MSEAS 2016 - Understanding marine socio-ecological systems Including the human dimension in integrated ecosystem assessment. May 30 – June 3, 2016, Brest, France .
Dichmont Catherine M., Dutra Leo X. C., Owens Randall, Jebreen Eddie, Thompson Carolyn, Deng Roy A., Van Putten Elizabeth I., Pascual Ricardo, Dambacher Jeffrey M., Warne Michael St J., Quinn Ross H., Thebaud Olivier, Bennett John, Read Mark, Wachenfeld David, Davies Julia, Garland Anna, Dunning Malcolm, Collier Catherine, Waycott Michelle, Playford Julia (2016). A generic method of engagement to elicit regional coastal management options . Ocean & Coastal Management , 124, 22-32 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer (2016). Rapportage annuel des unités Ifremer. Unité Economie Maritime. Année 2015 .
Marre Jean-Baptiste, Pascoe Sean, Thebaud Olivier, Jennings Sarah, Boncoeur Jean, Coglan Louisa (2016). Information preferences for the evaluation of coastal development impacts on ecosystem services: A multi-criteria assessment in the Australian context . Journal Of Environmental Management , 173, 141-150 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pendleton Linwood H., Thebaud Olivier, Mongruel Remi, Levrel Harold (2016). Has the value of global marine and coastal ecosystem services changed? Marine Policy , 64, 156-158 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
ICES (2016). Report of the Workshop on Activity Planning of SIHD (WKAPSIHD), 12– 13 January 2016, Ijmuiden, the Netherlands . ICES CM 2016/SSGEPI:01. 11 pp.
ICES (2016). Minutes from the Meeting of the ICES Science Committee (SCICOM), 18 and 24 September 2016 . ICES CM 2016/SCICOM:03. 38 pp.
ICES (2016). Minutes from the Meeting of the ICES Science Committee (SCICOM), 20 and 26 September 2015 . ICES CM 2011/SCICOM:03. 55 pp.
Blanchard Fabian, Chaboud Christian, Thebaud Olivier (2016). Bio-economic model-based scenarios for the management of the shrimp fishery in French Guiana facing global change . MSEAS 2016 - Understanding marine socio-ecological systems Including the human dimension in integrated ecosystem assessment. May 30 – June 3, 2016, Brest, France .
Gourguet Sophie, Thebaud Olivier, Jennings Sarah, Little Rich, Dichmont Cathy, Pascoe Sean, Doyen Luc (2015). Multiple management objectives within a mixed prawn fishery . MODSIM2015 - 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. 29 November to 4 December 2015, Broadbeach, Queensland, Australia .
Thebaud Olivier, Gourguet Sophie, Lelong Pierre, Doyen Luc, Little Rich, Smith Tony, Pascoe Sean (2015). Modeling catch-quota management in a multi-species fishery . MODSIM 2015 - The 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. 29 November to Friday 4 December 2015, Queensland, Australia .
Dutra Leo X. C., Thebaud Olivier, Boschetti Fabio, Smith Anthony D. M., Dichmont Catherine M. (2015). Key issues and drivers affecting coastal and marine resource decisions: Participatory management strategy evaluation to support adaptive management . Ocean & Coastal Management , 116, 382-395 .
Thebaud Olivier, Gourguet Sophie, Lelong Pierre, Doyen Luc, Little Rich, Smith Tony, Pascoe Sean (2015). Modeling catch-quota management in a multi-species fishery . ICES Annual Science Conference 2015. Theme Session M : Social, economic, and ecological impact assessment across marine sectors? ICES 2015/M:11 .
Gourguet Sophie, Thebaud Olivier, Jennings Sarah, Little Rich, Dichmont Cathy, Pascoe Sean, Doyen Luc (2015). Risk versus economic performance in a mixed fishery: the case of the Australian Northern Prawn Fishery . FAERE 2015 - 2nd FAERE (French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) Annual Conference. 10-11 September 2015, Toulouse, France .
Thebaud Olivier, Boschetti Fabio, Jennings Sarah, Smith Anthony D.M., Pascoe Sean (2015). Of sets of offsets: Cumulative impacts and strategies for compensatory restoration . Ecological Modelling , 312, 114-124 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thebaud Olivier, Boschetti Fabio, Jennings Sarah, Smith Anthony Dm, Pascoe Sean (2015). Of sets of offsets: cumulative impacts and strategies for compensatory restoration . FAERE 2015 - 2ème Conférence Annuelle de la French Association for Environmental and Resource Economics, 10-11 Septembre 2015, Toulouse .
Gourguet Sophie, Thebaud Olivier, Jennings Sarah, Little Rich, Dichmont Cathy, Pascoe Sean, Doyen Luc (2015). Multiple management objectives within a mixed prawn fishery : which win-win-win situations? Actes de colloque ICES ASC 2015. ICES 2015/ M:08 .
Link Jason, Smith David C, Thebaud Olivier (2015). Understanding marine socio-ecological systems: including the human dimension in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments . MSEAS 2016 - Understanding marine socio-ecological systems: including the human dimension in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments. 30 May - 3 June 2016 Brest, France .
Moeseneder Christian, Dutra Leo, Thebaud Olivier, Ellis Nick, Boschetti Fabio, Tickell Sharon, Dichmont Cathy, de La Mare William, Pascual Ricardo, Cannard Toni (2015). A simulation interface designed for improved user interaction and learning in water quality modelling software . Environmental Modelling & Software , 70, 86-96 .
Bentorcha Abdelkrim, Perez Agundez Jose A., Thebaud Olivier (2015). Modeling approaches for shellfish farming systems: state of the art and research challenges . RMA 2015 - Conférence mondiale 2015 sur la Modélisation des Ressources Naturelles : Modélisation et durabilité pour la biodiversité et les services ecosystémiques. 29 juin-1er juillet 2015, Bordeaux.
Marre Jean-Baptiste, Thebaud Olivier, Pascoe Sean, Jennings Sarah, Boncoeur Jean, Coglan Louisa (2015). The use of ecosystem services valuation in Australian coastal zone management . Marine Policy , 56, 117-124 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gourguet Sophie, Thebaud Olivier, Doyen Luc, Jennings Sarah, Dichmont Cathy, Pascoe Sean (2015). Sea snakes versus trawlers within a mixed prawn fishery: which win-win-win situations? World Conference 2015 on Natural Resource Modeling / Conférence mondiale 2015 sur la Modélisation des Ressources Naturelles. 29 June - 1st July 2015, Bordeaux .
Thebaud Olivier, Bischetti Fabio, Jennings Sarah, Smith Anthony Dm, Pascoe Sean (2015). Of sets of offsets: cumulative impacts and strategies for compensatory restoration . World Conference on Natural Resource Modelling,29th June-1st July 2015, Bordeaux .
Lim-Camacho Lilly, Hobday Alistair J., Bustamante Rodrigo H., Farmery Anna, Fleming Aysha, Frusher Stewart, Green Bridget S., Norman-Lopez Ana, Pecl Gretta T., Plaganyi Eva E., Schrobback Peggy, Thebaud Olivier, Thomas Linda, Van Putten Ingrid (2015). Facing the wave of change: stakeholder perspectives on climate adaptation for Australian seafood supply chains . Regional Environmental Change , 15(4), 595-606 .
Macher Claire, Arnaud Brice, Merzereaud Mathieu, Le Grand Christelle, Guyader Olivier, Thebaud Olivier, Biseau Alain (2015). Analyse de l'impact économique de la mise en place de l'obligation de débarquement pour les chalutiers de fond : amélioration de la sélectivité, traitement des captures indésirées. DPMA - Direction des Pêches Maritimes et de l'Aquaculture, Paris , Ref. Ifremer/PDG/AB/2015/054-2 , 37p., 2p., 37p.
Marre Jean-Baptiste, Brander Luke, Thebaud Olivier, Boncoeur Jean, Pascoe Sean, Coglan Louisa, Pascal Nicolas (2015). Non-market use and non-use values for preserving ecosystem services over time: A choice experiment application to coral reef ecosystems in New Caledonia . Ocean & Coastal Management , 105, 1-14 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Girardin Raphael, Vermard Youen, Thebaud Olivier, Tidd Alex, Marchal Paul (2015). Predicting fisher response to competition for space and resources in a mixed demersal fishery . Ocean & Coastal Management , 106, 124-135 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pascoe Sean, Vieira Simon, Thebaud Olivier (2015). Allocating repairs and maintenance costs to fixed or variable costs in fisheries bioeconomic models . Applied Economics Letters , 22(2), 127-131 .
ICES (2015). SCICOM Progress Report 2015, An annual report to the ICES Council to describe the development and implementation of the ICES Science Plan . CM 2015/SCICOM:04. 45 pp.
ICES (2015). First Interim Report of the Working Group on Integrating Ecological and Economic Models (WGIMM), 11-12 May 2015, Via WebEx conference call . ICES CM 2015/SSGIEA:05. 11 pp.
ICES (2015). Report of the Working Group on Integrative Physical - biological and Ecosystem Modelling (WGIPEM). 16–19 March 2015, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK . ICES CM 2015/SSGIEA:01 .
Thebaud Olivier, Ellis Nick, Little L. Richard, Doyen Luc, Marriott Ross J. (2014). Viability trade-offs in the evaluation of strategies to manage recreational fishing in a marine park . Ecological Indicators , 46, 59-69 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gourguet Sophie, Thebaud Olivier, Jennings Sarah, Little Rich, Dichmont Catherine, Pascoe Sean, Deng Roy, Doyen Luc (2014). Modelling the cost of sustainability in the Australian Northern Prawn Fishery . 16th Annual BIOECON Conference Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Sustainability. 21-23 September 2014, Cambridge, United Kingdom .
Marre Jean-Baptiste, Thebaud Olivier, Pascoe Sean, Boncoeur Jean, Jennings Sarah, Coglan Louisa (2014). Assessing the relative importance of economic valuation, ecological and socio-economic ecosystem indicators: a multi-criteria application to Australian coastal development . ICES CM 2014/G: 50 .
Thebaud Olivier, Boschetti Fabio, Jennings Sarah, Smith A. D.M., Pascoe Sean (2014). Of sets of offsets: cumulative impacts and strategies for compensatory restoration . ICES CM 2014 / N: 04 .
Pascoe Sean, Doshi Amar, Thebaud Olivier, Thomas Colette R., Schuttenberg Heidi Z., Heron Scott F., Setiasih Naneng, Tan James C. H., True James, Wallmo Kristy, Loper Christy, Calgaro Emma (2014). Estimating the potential impact of entry fees for marine parks on dive tourism in South East Asia . Marine Policy , 47, 147-152 .
Thebaud Olivier (2014). Building Ecological-Economic Models and Scenarios (workshop report) . IIFET 2014 - Conference of the International Institute for Fisheries Economics and Trade, July 2014, Brisbane .
Thebaud Olivier, Innes James, Holland Daniel S. (2014). Understanding responses to catch share systems in marine fisheries . IIFET 2014 - The Seventeenth International Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade : Towards ecosystem based management of fisheries: what role can economics play? 7 - 11 July 2014, Brisbane, Australia .
Hamon Katell, Frusher Stewart D., Little L. Richard, Thebaud Olivier, Punt Andre E. (2014). Adaptive behaviour of fishers to external perturbations: simulation of the Tasmanian rock lobster fishery . Reviews In Fish Biology And Fisheries , 24(2), 577-592 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Innes James, Thebaud Olivier, Norman-Lopez Ana, Little L. Richard, Kung John (2014). Evidence of package trading in a mature multi-species ITQ market . Marine Policy , 46, 68-71 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Plaganyi Eva E., Van Putten Ingrid, Thebaud Olivier, Hobday Alistair, Innes James, Lim-Camacho Lilly, Norman-Lopez Ana, Bustamante Rodrigo H., Farmery Anna, Fleming Aysha, Frusher Stewart, Green Bridget, Hoshino Eriko, Jennings Sarah, Pecl Gretta, Pascoe Sean, Schrobback Peggy, Thomas Linda (2014). A Quantitative Metric to Identify Critical Elements within Seafood Supply Networks . Plos One , 9(3), 1-15 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Plaganyi Eva E., Punt Andre E., Hillary Richard, Morello Elisabetta B., Thebaud Olivier, Hutton Trevor, Pillans Richard D., Thorson James T., Fulton Elizabeth A., Smith Anthony D.M., Smith Franz, Bayliss Peter, Haywood Michael, Lyne Vincent, Rothlisberg Peter C. (2014). Multispecies fisheries management and conservation: tactical applications using models of intermediate complexity . Fish And Fisheries , 15(1), 1-22 .
Gourguet Sophie, Thebaud Olivier, Dichmont C., Jennings S., Little L. R., Pascoe S., Deng R. A., Doyen L. (2014). Risk versus economic performance in a mixed fishery . Ecological Economics , 99, 110-120 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thebaud Olivier, Innes James, Doyen Luc, Lample Michel, Macher Claire, Mahevas Stephanie, Mullon Christian, Planque Benjamin, Quaas Martin, Smith Tony, Vermard Youen (2014). Building ecological-economic models and scenarios of marine resource systems: Workshop report . Marine Policy , 43, 382-386 .
Norman-Lopez Ana, Pascoe Sean, Thebaud Olivier, Van Putten Ingrid, Innes James, Jennings Sarah, Hobday Alistair, Green Bridget, Plaganyi Eva (2014). Price integration in the Australian rock lobster industry: implications for management and climate change adaptation . Australian Journal Of Agricultural And Resource Economics , 58(1), 43-59 .
Thebaud Olivier, Innes James, Norman-Lopez Ana, Slade Stephanie, Cameron Darren, Cannard Toni, Tickell Sharon, Kung John, Kerrigan Brigid, Williams Lew, Little L. Richard (2014). Micro-economic drivers of profitability in an ITQ-managed fishery: An analysis of the Queensland Coral Reef Fin-Fish Fishery . Marine Policy , 43, 200-207 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Innes James, Thebaud Olivier, Norman-Lopez Ana, Little L. Richard (2014). Does size matter? An assessment of quota market evolution and performance in the Great Barrier Reef fin-fish fishery . Ecology And Society , 19(3), 1-14 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Van Putten Ingrid, Boschetti Fabio, Fulton Elizabeth A., Smith Anthony D.M., Thebaud Olivier (2014). Individual transferable quota contribution to environmental stewardship: a theory in need of validation . Ecology And Society , 19(2), 1-13 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pascoe Sean, Thebaud Olivier, Vieira Simon (2014). Estimating proxy economic target reference points in data-poor single-species fisheries . Marine And Coastal Fisheries , 6(1), 247-259 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Biseau Alain, Gourguet Sophie, Lavialle Gael, Le Grand Christelle, Leonardi Sophie, Merzereaud Mathieu, Thebaud Olivier (2014). Evaluation des conséquences sociales et économiques de différents scenarii de mesures de gestion du stock de sole dans le golfe de Gascogne. DPMA - Direction des Pêches Maritimes et de l'Aquaculture , Ref. Ifremer PDG/14-127 - Saisine DPMA n°14-7048 , 2p., 1p., 28p., 175p.
Doyen Luc, Cisse Abdoul, Gourguet Sophie, Mouysset L., Hardy Pierre-Yves, Bene Christophe, Blanchard Fabian, Jiguet Frederic, Pereau J.-C., Thebaud Olivier (2013). Ecological-economic modelling for the sustainable management of biodiversity . Computational Management Science , 10(4), 353-364 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gibbs Mark T., Thebaud Olivier, Lorenz Donna (2013). A risk model to describe the behaviours of actors in the houses falling into the sea problem . Ocean & Coastal Management , 80, 73-79 .
Herfaut Johanna, Levrel Harold, Thebaud Olivier, Veron Gerard (2013). The nationwide assessment of marine recreational fishing: A French example . Ocean & Coastal Management , 78, 121-131 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gourguet S., Macher Claire, Doyen L., Thebaud Olivier, Bertignac Michel, Guyader Olivier (2013). Managing mixed fisheries for bio-economic viability . Fisheries Research , 140, 46-62 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Van Putten Ingrid E., Gorton Rebecca J., Fulton Elizabeth A., Thebaud Olivier (2013). The role of behavioural flexibility in a whole of ecosystem model . Ices Journal Of Marine Science , 70(1), 150-163 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Girardin Raphael, Vermard Youen, Thebaud Olivier, Tidd Alex, Marchal Paul (2013). Effort allocation in a demersal mixed fishery competing for space and resources with other users of the marine space . EAFE Conference 2013 "Securing the future ‐ Implementing reform in European Fisheries". 15th – 17th April 2013, Edinburgh, UK .
Gibbs Mark T., Thebaud Olivier (2012). Beyond Individual Transferrable Quotas: methodologies for integrating ecosystem impacts of fishing into fisheries catch rights . Fish And Fisheries , 13(4), 434-449 .
Mullon Christian, Field J. G., Thébaud Olivier, Cury Philippe, Chaboud Christian (2012). Keeping the big fish: Economic and ecological tradeoffs in size-based fisheries management . Journal of Bioeconomics , 14(3), 267-285 .
Thebaud Olivier, Innes James, Ellis Nick (2012). From anecdotes to scientific evidence? A review of recent literature on catch share systems in marine fisheries . Frontiers In Ecology And The Environment , 10(8), 433-437 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Van Putten Ingrid E., Kulmala Soile, Thebaud Olivier, Dowling Natalie, Hamon Katell, Hutton Trevor, Pascoe Sean (2012). Theories and behavioural drivers underlying fleet dynamics models . Fish And Fisheries , 13(2), 216-235 .
Pereau J. -C., Doyen L., Little L. R., Thebaud Olivier (2012). The triple bottom line: Meeting ecological, economic and social goals with individual transferable quotas . Journal Of Environmental Economics And Management , 63(3), 419-434 .
Doyen Luc, Thebaud Olivier, Bene Christopher, Martinet V., Gourguet S., Bertignac Michel, Fifas Spyros, Blanchard Fabian (2012). A stochastic viability approach to ecosystem-based fisheries management . Ecological Economics , 75, 32-42 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Vermard Youen, Lehuta Sigrid, Mahevas Stephanie, Thebaud Olivier, Marchal Paul, Gascuel Didier (2012). Combining fleet dynamics and population dynamics for a volatile fishery: the example of the anchovy fishery of the Bay of Biscay .
Le Floc'h Pascal, Daures Fabienne, Nourry Myriam, Thebaud Olivier, Travers Muriel, Van Iseghem Sylvie (2011). The influence of fiscal regulations on investment in marine fisheries: A French case study . Fisheries Research , 109(2-3), 257-264 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Boncoeur Jean, Alban Frederique, Thebaud Olivier (2011). 8 - BIOECONOMY – Bioeconomic analysis of marine protected area fisheries effects . In Marine Protected Areas A Multidisciplinary Approach. Edited by Joachim Claudet. 2011. Online ISBN:9781139049382 Hardback ISBN:9780521766050 Paperback ISBN:9780521141086. Chap.8, pp190-225. (Cambridge University Press (CUP)) .
Nostbakken Linda, Thebaud Olivier, Sorensen Lars-Christian (2011). Investment Behaviour and Capacity Adjustment in Fisheries: A Survey of the Literature . Marine Resource Economics , 26(2), 95-117 . Open Access version :
Martinet Vincent, Thebaud Olivier, Rapaport Alain (2010). Hare or Tortoise? Trade-offs in Recovering Sustainable Bioeconomic Systems . Environmental Modeling & Assessment , 15(6), 503-517 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Little Rich, Thebaud Olivier, Fulton Beth (2010). Evaluation of management strategies in Ningaloo marine park, Western Australia . IIFET 2010 Montpellier, 13-16 July 2010 .
Hamon Katell, Frusher Stewart, Little L. Richard, Thebaud Olivier (2010). The effect of quota trading limitation in a fishery managed through individual transferable quotas . 13-16 July 2010, Montpellier, France .
Mullon C., Mittaine J-F., Thebaud Olivier, Peron G., Merino G., Barange M. (2009). Modeling the global fishmeal and fish oil markets . Natural Resource Modeling , 22(4), 564-609 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hamon Katell, Thebaud Olivier, Frusher Stewart, Little L. Richard (2009). A retrospective analysis of the effects of adopting individual transferable quotas in the Tasmanian red rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, fishery . Aquatic Living Resources , 22(4), 549-558 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Marchal Paul, Lallemand Philippe, Stokes Kevin, Thebaud Olivier (2009). A comparative review of the fisheries resource management systems in New Zealand and in the European Union . Aquatic Living Resources , 22(4), 463-481 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Blanchard Fabian, Thebaud Olivier (2009). Changement global, dynamique de la biodiversité marine exploitée et viabilité des pêcheries (Rapport final du projet CHALOUPE) . RBE/BIODIVHAL 2009-03 .
Pelletier Dominique, Mahevas Stephanie, Drouineau Hilaire, Vermard Youen, Thebaud Olivier, Guyader Olivier, Poussind Benjamin (2009). Evaluation of the bioeconomic sustainability of multi-species multi-fleet fisheries under a wide range of policy options using ISIS-Fish . Ecological Modelling , 220(7), 1013-1033 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Drouot Bruno, Thebaud Olivier, Ramat Eric, Morizur Yvon, Boude Jean-Pierre (2009). Simulating bio-economic management scenarios for the sea bass (Dicentrachus labrax) fishery in France . In Anderssen, R.S., R.D. Braddock and L.T.H. Newham (eds) 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, July 2009, pp. 2101-2107. ISBN: 978-0-9758400-7-8.
Talidec Catherine, Boncoeur Jean, Boude Jean-Pierre (2009). Les pêches côtières bretonnes. Méthodes d'analyse et aménagement . Éditions Quae.
Chaboud Christian, Thebaud Olivier (2009). Bioeconomic model of the dynamics of fisheries facing global economic and environment changes: the French Guyana shrimp fishery . Anderssen, R.S., R.D. Braddock and L.T.H. Newham (eds) 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand and International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, July 2009, pp. 2078-2086. ISBN: 978-0-9758400-7-8 .
Vermard Youen, Marchal Paul, Mahevas Stephanie, Thebaud Olivier (2008). A dynamic model of the Bay of Biscay pelagic fleet simulating fishing trip choice: the response to the closure of the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) fishery in 2005 . Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences , 65(11), 2444-2453 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gros Philippe, Biseau Alain, Fromentin Jean-Marc, Thebaud Olivier (2008). Strategic research priorities to the Common fishery policy (CFP) with regard to global commitments (MSY, EAF, MFSD) . European Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries, PE 408.936, 34p .
Steinmetz Fabien, Thebaud Olivier, Blanchard Fabian, Le Floc h Pascal, Bihel J (2008). A bio-economic analysis of long term changes in the production of French fishing fleets operating in the Bay of Biscay . Aquatic Living Resources , 21(3), 317-327 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Floc' h P, Poulard Jean-Charles, Thebaud Olivier, Blanchard Fabian, Bihel J, Steinmetz Fabien (2008). Analyzing the market position of fish species subject to the impact of long-term changes: a case study of French fisheries in the Bay of Biscay . Aquatic Living Resources , 21(3), 307-316 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Prouzet Patrick (2008). Rapport de restitution du Programme : Démarche intégrée pour une gestion écosystémique des ressources halieutiques - DEMOSTEM .
Berthou Patrick, Dintheer Christian, Morizur Yvon, Thebaud Olivier, Levrel Harold, Herfaut Johanna, Guyader Olivier, Drouot B, Tranger H, Senac S, Le Guen C, Soulier L, Fossecave P, Popovsky J (2008). La pêche de loisir, récréative et sportive, en mer en France (métropole et DOM) .
Reynal Lionel, Marchal Paul, Baron Regis, Berge Jean-Pascal, Chopin Christine, Jerome Marc, Larnaud Pascal, Liorzou Bernard, Meillat Marc, Mongruel Remi, Pelletier Dominique, Priour Daniel, Sacchi Jacques, Taquet Marc, Thebaud Olivier, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Vincent Benoit (2008). Bilan du Projet GUAPA. Aide à la Gestion, Utilisation des Ressources Halieutiques. PGD0206 - DEMOSTEM/GUAPA .
Ernande Bruno, Blanchard Fabian, Bourjea Jerome, Brind'Amour Anik, Caill-Milly Nathalie, de Pontual Helene, Desaunay Yves, Fablet Ronan, Fromentin Jean-Marc, Grizel Henri, Huret Martin, Lobry Jeremy, Mahe Kelig, Petitgas Pierre, Planque Benjamin, Prouzet Patrick, Rochet Marie-Joelle, Taquet Marc, Thebaud Olivier, Vaz Sandrine, Vendeville Philippe (2008). Bilan du projet STRADA. Des STRAtégies aDAptatives des organismes à une approche écosystémique des pêches . PDG/DPCP/PGD02/PJD0207 2008-001 .
Berthou Patrick, Daures Fabienne, Biseau Alain, Bertignac Michel, Fifas Spyros, Guyader Olivier, Forest Andre, Herfaut Johanna, Laurans Martial, Leblond Emilie, Peronnet Isabelle, Rochet Marie-Joelle, Talidec Catherine, Macher Claire, Thebaud Olivier, Boncoeur J., Curtil O., Le Floch P., Le Gallic B., Boude Jp, Lesueur M., Mettouchi M. (2008). Scénarios d'aménagement des activités de pêche dans la bande cotière bretonne, rapport final : première partie . XII CONTRAT DE PLAN ETAT-RÉGION BRETAGNE .
Berthou Patrick, Bertignac Michel, Biseau Alain, Daures Fabienne, Fifas Spyros, Guyader Olivier, Forest Andre, Herfaut Johanna, Laurans Martial, Leblond Emilie, Peronnet Isabelle, Rochet Marie-Joelle, Talidec Catherine, Macher Claire, Thebaud Olivier, Boncoeur J., Curtil O., Le Floch P., Le Gallic B., Boude Jp., Lesueur M, Mettouchi M (2008). Scénarios d'aménagement des activités de pêche dans la bande cotière bretonne, Rapport final : 2 ème partie . XII PLAN ETAT-RÉGION BRETAGNE .
Herfaut Johanna, Levrel Harold, Thebaud Olivier, Tranger Hervé, Berthou Patrick, Dintheer Christian, Guyader Olivier, Morizur Yvon (2008). First results from a pilot survey of recreational fishing in France . 2008 ICES Annual Science Conference, 22-26 september 2008, Halifax, Canada. ICES CM 2008/K:3 .
Le Floc h Pascal, Thebaud Olivier, Boncoeur Jean, Daures Fabienne, Guyader Olivier (2008). Une évaluation des performances économiques de la pêche côtière : le cas de la région Bretagne . Revue d'Économie Régionale & Urbaine , (5), 753-771 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gerard Andre, Thouard Emmanuel, Veron Gerard, Denis Jacques, Thebaud Olivier (2008). Les récifs artificiels - Etat des connaissances et recommandations .
Reeves Stuart A., Marchal Paul, Mardle Simon, Pascoe Sean, Prellezo Raul, Thebaud Olivier, Travers Muriel (2008). From fish to fisheries: the changing focus of management advice . In Advances in fisheries science. 50 years on from Beverton and Holt (Blackwell Science Publ) .
Martinet Vincent, Thebaud Olivier, Doyen L (2007). Defining viable recovery paths toward sustainable fisheries . Ecological Economics , 64(2), 411-422 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fromentin Jean-Marc, Planque Benjamin, Thebaud Olivier (2007). L'approche écosystémique des pêches : quelles priorités pour la recherche ?
Versmisse D., Macher Claire, Ramat E., Soulie J. C., Thebaud Olivier (2007). Developing a bioeconomic simulation tool of fisheries dynamics: a case study . Oxley, L. and Kulasiri, D. (eds) MODSIM 2007 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2007, pp. 74-80. ISBN : 978-0-9758400-4-7. pp.2799-2805 .
Mongruel Remi, Thebaud Olivier (2006). Externalities, institutions and the location choices of shellfish producers: the case of blue mussel farming in the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay (France) . Aquaculture Economics & Management , 10(3), 163-181 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Berthou Patrick, Boncoeur J., Boude Jp, Mettouchi M., Le Gallic B., Thebaud Olivier (2006). Scénarios d'aménagment des activités de pêche dans la bande cotière bretonne, rapport 2005 . XIIE CPER, 2005 .
Soulie J, Thebaud Olivier (2006). Modeling fleet response in regulated fisheries: An agent-based approach . Mathematical and Computer Modelling , 44(5-6), 553-564 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Kalaydjian Regis, Daures Fabienne, Gaignon Jean-Louis, Girard Sophie, Guyader Olivier, Matte Isabelle, Mongruel Remi, Perez Jose, Thebaud Olivier (2006). Données économiques maritimes françaises 2005 . Ifremer.
Boncoeur Jean, Berthou Patrick, Boude Jean-Pierre, Curtil Olivier, Daures Fabienne, Guyader Olivier, Le Floc'h Pascal, Thebaud Olivier (2006). Quel avenir pour la pêche bretonne ? Bretagne[s] , (2), 26-35 . Open Access version :
Gerard Andre (2006). Pisciculture marine. Elements de prospective .
Blanchard Fabian, Thebaud Olivier, Guyader Olivier, Lorance Pascal, Boucher Jean, Chevaillier Pierre (2006). Effets de la pêche et du réchauffement climatique sur la coexistence spatiale des espèces de poissons du golfe de Gascogne. Conséquences pour les pêcheries . PROGRAMME DE RECHERCHE « BIODIVERSITÉ ET CHANGEMENT GLOBAL » .
Boncoeur Jean, Guyader Olivier, Thebaud Olivier (2006). A typology of fisheries management tools . Série Documents de travail Amure / Working Papers Series Amure , (D-16-2006), 1-11 . Open Access version :
Guyader Olivier, Berthou Patrick, Daures Fabienne, Jezequel Michele, Thebaud Olivier (2006). Marché des navires d'occasion et coût d'accès à la ressource : application à la Bretagne . Les Publications Amure. Série Document de Travail , (D-17-2006), 1-14 . Open Access version :
Guyader Olivier, Jezequel Michele, Daures Fabienne, Thebaud Olivier (2006). Structure et évolution du marché et des prix d'occasion . Les Publications Amure. Série Rapport , (R-07-2006), 35-38 . Open Access version :
Talidec Catherine, Daures Fabienne, Leblond Emilie, Berthou Patrick, Guyader Olivier, Thebaud Olivier, Peronnet Isabelle, Boncoeur J., Curtil O., Martin A., Le Floc'h P., Travers M., Le Lec G. (2005). Scénarios d'aménagement des activités de pêche dans la bande cotière bretonne : rapport 2004 . XIIE CPER, 2004 .
Thebaud Olivier, Veron Gerard, Fifas Spyros (2005). Incidences des épisodes d'efflorescences de micro algues toxiques sur les écosystèmes et sur les pêcheries de coquillages en baie de Douarnenez . R.INT.DCB/DEM - DCB/STH/UDPP 05-010 .
Clua Eric, Beliaeff Benoit, Chauvet Claude, David Gilbert, Ferraris Jocelyne, Kronen Mekhi, Kulbicki Michel, Labrosse Pierre, Letourneur Yves, Pelletier Dominique, Thebaud Olivier, Leopold Marc (2005). Towards multidisciplinary indicator dashboards for coral reef fisheries management . Aquatic Living Resources , 18(3), 199-213 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer (2005). Université d'été : Exploitation durable des ressources halieutiques. Résumé des exposés. 8 et 9 septembre 2005, Centre Ifremer de Nantes .
Daures Fabienne, Talidec Catherine, Berthou Patrick, Leblond Emilie, Guyader Olivier, Thebaud Olivier (2005). La flotte de pêche bretonne, ses caractéristiques, son activité et son évolution récente : synthèse . Les Publications AMURE - Série Rapport , (R-06-2005), 3-8 . Open Access version :
Boncoeur Jean, Daures Fabienne, Guyader Olivier, Martin Annaïck, Le Floc h Pascal, Thebaud Olivier (2005). Mesure des résultats économiques de la pêche profesionnelle bretonne : Comparaison des méthodes à base de données comptables et d'enquêtes de terrain . Les publications AMURE - Série rapport , (R-06-2005), 9-21 . Open Access version :
Boncoeur Jean (2005). Activités halieutiques et activités récréatives dans le cadre d’un espace à protéger : le cas du Parc National de la Mer d’Iroise. Rapport Final. Les Publications Amure - Série Rapport , (R-05-2005), 1-516 . Open Access version :
Pelletier Dominique, Garcia Charton Jose, Ferraris Jocelyne, David Gilbert, Thebaud Olivier, Letourneur Yves, Claudet Joachim, Amand Marion, Kulbicki Michel, Galzin René (2005). Designing indicators for assessing the effects of marine protected areas on coral reef ecosystems: A multidisciplinary standpoint . Aquatic Living Resources , 18(1), 15-33 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Talidec Catherine, Berthou Patrick, Peronnet Isabelle, Guyader Olivier, Daures Fabienne, Thebaud Olivier, Leblond Emilie, Bermell Sylvain (2004). Scénarios d'aménagement des activités de pêche dans la bande cotière bretonne, rapport 2002 . XIIE CPER .
Kalaydjian Regis, Bihet Guillaume, Daures Fabienne, Girard Sophie, Guyader Olivier, Perez Jose, Thebaud Olivier (2004). French marine - related economic data, 2003 . Editions Ifremer.
Kalaydjian Regis, Bihet Guillaume, Daures Fabienne, Girard Sophie, Guyader Olivier, Perez Jose, Thebaud Olivier, Dehez Jeoffrey (2004). Données économiques maritimes francaises 2003 . Editions Ifremer.
Thébaud Olivier, Cariou P., Hay J., Perez Jose (2003). Les pollutions marines accidentelles : évaluation économique et mécanismes incitatifs de prévention . Rapport final du projet. Programme national d'environnement cotier (ART6) .
Thebaud Olivier, Boncoeur Jean, Curtil Olivier, Guyader Olivier, Jezequel Michele, Martin A., Soulie Jean-Christophe, Tetard Alain (2003). Conséquences économiques de l'évolution de l'environnement dans l'estuaire de la Seine sur la pêche professionnelle - Rapport final du projet-Programme Seine Aval II .
Hay Julien, Thebaud Olivier (2002). Evaluation économique et indemnisation des dommages causés par les marées noires : enseignements tirés du cas de l'Amoco Cadiz . Economie Appliquée , 55(4), 159-195 . Open Access version :
Boncoeur Jean, Alban Frederique, Guyader Olivier, Thebaud Olivier (2002). Fish, fishers, seals and tourists: Economic consequences of creating a marine reserve in a multi-species, multi-activity context . Natural Resource Modeling , 15(4), 387–411 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Daures Fabienne, Girard Sophie, Guyader Olivier, Kalaydjian Regis, Kerautret S., Le Roux Johann, Perez Jose, Thebaud Olivier, Perez Jose (2002). Données économiques maritimes françaises 2001 . Editions Ifremer.
Marchal Paul (coord.) (2002). Technological developments and tactical adaptations of important EU fleets. TECTAC . EU project n° Q5RS-2002-01291 .
Lassus Patrick, Bardouil Michele, Beliaeff Benoit, Bougrier Serge, Gubbins M., Masselin Pierre, Mornet Francoise, Thebaud Olivier, Truquet Philippe (2002). Coquillages contaminés par des phycotoxines paralysantes. Vers une procédure de détoxication . Editions Ifremer.
Daures Fabienne, Girard Sophie, Guyader Olivier, Kalaydjian Regis, Kerautret Sylvie, Le Roux Johann, Perez Jose, Thebaud Olivier (2002). French marine - related economic data, 2001 . Editions Ifremer.
Daures Fabienne, Girard Sophie, Guyader Olivier, Kalaydjian Regis, Kerautret Sylvie, Le Roux Johann, Perez Jose, Thebaud Olivier (2002). Données économiques maritimes française. 2001 . Editions Ifremer.
Thebaud Olivier, Hay Julien (2001). Evaluation et indemnisation des dommages causés par les marées noires - Rapport de mission au FIPOL (Londres) et au CEMARE (Université de Portsmouth) . R.INT.DIR/SEM 2001-01 .
Thebaud Olivier, Locatelli Bruno (2001). Modelling the emergence of resource-sharing conventions: an agent-based approach . Jasss-the Journal Of Artificial Societies And Social Simulation , 4(2), U40-U53 . Open Access version :
Guyader Olivier, Thebaud Olivier (2001). Distributional issues in the operation of rights-based fisheries management systems . Marine Policy , 25(2), 103-112 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Thebaud Olivier, Alban Frederique, Boncoeur Jean, Guyader Olivier (2001). Modélisation bio-économique et évaluation des aires marines protégées . Halieutique: complexité et décision. 5ème Forum Halieumétrique. 26 juin - 28 juin 2001, Lorient .
Hatcher A, Jaffry S, Thebaud Olivier, Bennett E (2000). Normative and social influences affecting compliance with fishery regulations . Land Economics , 76(3), 448-461 .
Thébaud Olivier, Guyader Olivier (2000). Conférence internationale sur les aspects économiques de la gestion des aires marines protégées (The economics of marine protected areas). Vancouvert, Canada, 6-7 juillet 2000 . R.INT.DIR/SEM 2000-02 .
Thébaud Olivier, Guyader Olivier, Girard Sophie (2000). Dixième conférence internationale de l’International Institute of Fisheries Economiecs and Trade (IIFET). Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA, 10-14 juillet 2000 . Rapport de mission. R.INT.DIR/SEM 2000-03 .
Thébaud Olivier (2000). Conférence européenne sur les zones marines d’exclusion - Southampton, Royaume-Uni, 26-28 avril 2000 - Rapport de mission . R.INT.DRV/SEM 2000 .
Lacroix Denis, Buestel Dominique, Coves Denis, Dao Jean-Claude, Farrugio Henri, Lagardere Jean-Paul, Mellon Capucine, Veron Gerard (2000). Les aménagements physiques en zone côtière et leur gestion pour la pêche et l'aquaculture : rapport final . DRV/RA/RST/2000 .
Thebaud Olivier (1997). Transboundary marine fisheries management. Recent developments and elements of analysis . Marine Policy , 21(3), 237-253 .
Thebaud Olivier (1994). Les conflits d'usage de l'espace littoral martiniquais . RIDRV - 94.024 .