Sabrina Mace

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : Nantes

Adresse postale : Centre Atlantique - Rue de l'Ile d'Yeu - BP 21105 - 44311 Nantes Cedex 03


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0003-2007-4448

Jeux de données


Mace Sabrina, Delbarre Ladrat Christine (2022). Blue Crab Portunis Segnis Microbiome - 16S rDNA metabarcoding - Projet VALOPOLYMER. IFREMER.
Mace Sabrina (2022). Microbiome du saumon fumé - données de métagénomique et métabarcoding 16S - Projet SALMONICS, 2022-2022. IFREMER.



Carlino Niccolò, Blanco-Míguez Aitor, Punčochář Michal, Mengoni Claudia, Pinto Federica, Tatti Alessia, Manghi Paolo, Armanini Federica, Avagliano Michele, Barcenilla Coral, Breselge Samuel, Cabrera-Rubio Raul, Calvete-Torre Inés, Coakley Mairéad, Cobo-Díaz José F., de Filippis Francesca, Dey Hrituraj, Leech John, Klaassens Eline S., Knobloch Stephen, O’neil Dominic, Quijada Narciso M., Sabater Carlos, Skírnisdóttir Sigurlaug, Valentino Vincenzo, Walsh Liam, Master Eu Consortium , Alvarez-Ordonez Avelino, Asnicar Francesco, Fackelmann Gloria, Heidrich Vitor, Margolles Abelardo, Marteinsson Viggó Thór, Rota Stabelli Omar, Wagner Martin, Ercolini Danilo, Cotter Paul D., Segata Nicola, Pasolli Edoardo (2024). Unexplored microbial diversity from 2,500 food metagenomes and links with the human microbiome . Cell , 187(20), 5775–5795 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Macé Sabrina, Rannou Cécile, Donnay-Moreno Claire, Gigout Frederique, Passerini Delphine, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Jerome Marc, Cardinal Mireille, Noel Cyril, Leroi Francoise (2024). Exploring cold-smoked salmon spoilage through the signature microbiome of three different processing plants . FOOD MICRO 2024 - 28th International ICFMH ( International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene ) Conference. July 8-11 2024, Burgos, Spain .
Passerini Delphine, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Casanova Noemie, Macé Sabrina, Cormier Alexandre, Leroi Francoise (2024). Deciphering the bacterial interaction network within seafood microbiome to develop a sustainable biopreservation strategy . FOOD MICRO 2024 - 28th International ICFMH ( International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene ) Conference. July 8-11 2024, Burgos, Spain .
Migaou Mariem, Macé Sabrina, Maalej Hana, Marchand Laetitia, Bonnetot Sandrine, Noël Cyril, Sinquin Corinne, Jérôme Marc, Zykwinska Agata, Colliec-Jouault Sylvia, Maaroufi Raoui Mounir, Delbarre-Ladrat Christine (2024). Exploring the Exopolysaccharide Production Potential of Bacterial Strains Isolated from Tunisian Blue Crab Portunus segnis Microbiota . Molecules , 29(4), 774 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Macé Sabrina, Passerini Delphine, Leroi Francoise (2023). Bacterial Risks and Biopreservation of Seafood Products . In Current Challenges for the Aquatic Products Processing Industry. 2023. Véronique Verrez-Bagnis. Print ISBN:9781789451498 , Online ISBN:9781394264728, DOI:10.1002/9781394264728. Chap 5, pp.113-146 (Wiley. ISTE) .
Macé Sabrina, Chevalier Frederique, Jerome Marc, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Leroi Francoise, Passerini Delphine (2023). A joined approach to explore seafood microbiomes: from bacterial community structures towards functional insights . MICROBES 2023 - 18e Congrès National de la SFM ( Société Française de Microbiologie) « Un monde à explorer » . 4-6 octobre 2023, Rennes .
Migaou Mariem, Macé Sabrina, Maalej Hana, Colliec Jouault Sylvia, Maaroufi Raoui Mounir, Delbarre-Ladrat Christine (2023). Exploring The Blue Crab (Portunus Segnis) And Identification Microbiota : Metabarcoding And Bacterial Isolation . MICROBES 2023 - 18e Congrès National de la SFM ( Société Française de Microbiologie) « Un monde à explorer » . 4-6 octobre 2023, Rennes .
Passerini Delphine, Macé Sabrina (2023). Microbiote des produits de la mer . Journée du Microbiome. 29 juin 2023, Ifremer, Nantes.
Migaoo Mariem, Macé Sabrina, Maalej Hana, Colliec Jouault Sylvia, Maaroufi Raoui Mounir, Delbarre-Ladrat Christine (2023). Valorisation du crabe bleu : caractérisation de bactéries isolées de son microbiote et productrices d’exopolysaccharides, d'enzymes et de molécules antimicrobiennes d'intérêt biotechnologique . Journée scientifique de l’Ecole doctorale VAAME. 28 juin 2023, Angers .
Macé Sabrina, Passerini Delphine (2023). Exploring seafood microbiomes : from bacterial community structures towards functional insights . Environmental microbiology network of Nantes .


Leroi Francoise (2022). Antilisterial effect of Carnobacterium strains in cold-smoked salmon and impact on microbiome, chemical and sensory quality . WEFTA 2022 - 50th Western European Fish Technologists Association. 17-21 October 2022, Rotterdam, the Netherlands .
Kolypczuk Laetitia, Knobloch Stephen, Skírnisdóttir Sigurlaug, Macé Sabrina, Leroi Francoise, Passerini Delphine, Marteinsson Viggó Þór (2022). Selection of bacterial strains combining probiotic and bioprotective activities : from fish farm to consumer . FoodMicro 2022 "Next Generation Challenges in Food Microbiology". 28-31 August 2022, Athenes .
Abachi Soheila, Macé Sabrina, Lee Song, Rupasinghe H.P. Vasantha (2022). Cranberry and Sumac Extracts Exhibit Antibacterial and Anti-Adhesive Effects Against Streptococcus pyogenes . Journal Of Medicinal Food , 25(4), 426-434 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Jérôme Marc, Passerini Delphine, Chevalier Frederique, Marchand Laetitia, Leroi Francoise, Macé Sabrina (2022). Development of a rapid qPCR method to quantify lactic acid bacteria in cold-smoked salmon . International Journal Of Food Microbiology , 363, 109504 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Passerini Delphine, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Mace Sabrina, Pilet Marie-France, Leroi Francoise (2021). Biopréservation des produits de la mer avec des bactéries marines . Techniques de l'Ingénieur , BIO 9 240 (27p.) .
Migaou Mariem, Maaroufi Raoui, Mace Sabrina, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Maalej Hana, Colliec Jouault Sylvia (2021). Valorization of blue crab: isolation of bacteria from its microbiota which produce exopolysaccharides and Cazymes with high biotechnological potential . EPNOE 2021 - 7th International Polysaccharide Conference. 11-15 octobre 2021, Nantes, France .
Passerini Delphine, Daspet Clémence, Mace Sabrina, Leroi Francoise (2021). Utilisation de la bioluminescence pour sélectionner des souches inhibant la croissance de Photobacterium phosphoreum : Application pour la biopréservation des produits de la mer . SFM 2021 - 16e congrès national de la Société Française de Microbiologie « MICROBES ». 22 au 24 septembre 2021, Nantes.
Jerome Marc, Passerini Delphine, Gigout Frederique, Marchand Laetitia, Leroi Francoise, Mace Sabrina (2021). Development of a Rapid Real Time PCR Method to Quantify Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cold Smoked Salmon . SFM 2021 - 16e congrès national de la Société Française de Microbiologie « MICROBES ». 22 au 24 septembre 2021, Nantes.
Souillard Rozenn, Grosjean Daniel, Le Gratiet Thibault, Poezevara Typhaine, Rouxel Sandra, Balaine Loïc, Macé Sabrina, Martin Laure, Anniballi Fabrizio, Chemaly Marianne, Le Bouquin Sophie, Le Maréchal Caroline (2021). Asymptomatic Carriage of C. botulinum Type D/C in Broiler Flocks as the Source of Contamination of a Massive Botulism Outbreak on a Dairy Cattle Farm . Frontiers in Microbiology , 12, 679377 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Delaunay Louis, Cozien Emeline, Gehannin Pierre, Mouhali Nassim, Mace Sabrina, Postollec Florence, Leguerinel Ivan, Mathot Anne-Gabrielle (2021). Occurrence and diversity of thermophilic sporeformers in French dairy powders . International Dairy Journal , 113, 104889 (4p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Le Maréchal Caroline, Hulin Olivier, Macé Sabrina, Chuzeville Cécile, Rouxel Sandra, Poëzevara Typhaine, Mazuet Christelle, Pozet Françoise, Sellal Eric, Martin Laure, Viry Alain, Rubbens Christine, Chemaly Marianne (2019). A Case Report of a Botulism Outbreak in Beef Cattle Due to the Contamination of Wheat by a Roaming Cat Carcass: From the Suspicion to the Management of the Outbreak . Animals , 9(12), 1025 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Macé Sabrina, Truelstrup Hansen Lisbeth, Rupasinghe H. P. Vasantha (2017). Anti-Bacterial Activity of Phenolic Compounds against Streptococcus pyogenes . Medicines , 4(2), 25 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Jerome Marc, Mace Sabrina, Dousset Xavier, Pot Bruno, Joffraud Jean-Jacques (2016). Genetic diversity analysis of isolates belonging to the Photobacterium phosphoreum species group collected from salmon products using AFLP fingerprinting . International Journal Of Food Microbiology , 217, 101-109 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Mace Sabrina, Haddad Nabila, Zagorec Monique, Tresse Odile (2015). Influence of measurement and control of microaerobic gaseous atmospheres in methods for Campylobacter growth studies . Food Microbiology , 52, 169-176 .
Chaillou Stephane, Chaulot-Talmon Aurelie, Caekebeke Helene, Cardinal Mireille, Christieans Souad, Denis Catherine, Desmonts Marie Helene, Dousset Xavier, Feurer Carole, Hamon Erwann, Joffraud Jean-Jacques, La Carbona Stephanie, Leroi Francoise, Leroy Sabine, Lorre Sylvie, Mace Sabrina, Pilet Marie-France, Prevost Herve, Rivollier Marina, Roux Dephine, Talon Regine, Zagorec Monique, Champomier-Verges Marie-Christine (2015). Origin and ecological selection of core and food-specific bacterial communities associated with meat and seafood spoilage . Isme Journal , 9(5), 1105-1118 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Mace Sabrina, Cardinal Mireille, Jaffres Emmanuel, Cornet Josiane, Lalanne Valerie, Chevalier Frederique, Serot Thierry, Pilet Marie-France, Dousset Xavier, Joffraud Jean-Jacques (2014). Evaluation of the spoilage potential of bacteria isolated from spoiled cooked whole tropical shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) stored under modified atmosphere packaging . Food Microbiology , 40, 9-17 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Mace Sabrina, Cardinal Mireille, Jaffres Emmanuel, Cornet Josiane, Lalanne Valerie, Chevalier Frederique, Serot Thierry, Pilet Marie France, Dousset Xavier, Joffraud Jean-Jacques (2013). Evaluation of the spoilage potential of bacteria isolated from spoiled cooked whole tropical shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) stored under modified atmosphere packaging . Spoilers 2013 - Microbial Spoilers in Food. 1-3 July 2013, Quimper .
Mace Sabrina (2013). Caractérisation et quantification moléculaires de l’écosystème microbien d’altération du saumon cru et des crevettes cuites . PhD Thesis , Université Nantes Angers Le Mans .
Mace Sabrina, Mamlouk Kelthoum, Chipchakova Stoyka, Prevost Herve, Joffraud Jean-Jacques, Dalgaard Paw, Pilet Marie-France, Dousset Xavier (2013). Development of a Rapid Real-Time PCR Method as a Tool To Quantify Viable Photobacterium phosphoreum Bacteria in Salmon (Salmo salar) Steaks . Applied And Environmental Microbiology , 79(8), 2612-2619 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mace Sabrina, Joffraud Jean-Jacques, Cardinal Mireille, Malcheva Mariya, Cornet Josiane, Lalanne Valerie, Chevalier Frederique, Serot Thierry, Pilet Marie-France, Dousset Xavier (2013). Evaluation of the spoilage potential of bacteria isolated from spoiled raw salmon (Salmo salar) fillets stored under modified atmosphere packaging . International Journal Of Food Microbiology , 160(3), 227-238 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Mamlouk Kelthoum, Mace Sabrina, Guilbaud Morgan, Jaffres Emmanuel, Ferchichi Mounir, Prevost Herve, Pilet Marie-France, Dousset Xavier (2012). Quantification of viable Brochothrix thermosphacta in cooked shrimp and salmon by real-time PCR . Food Microbiology , 30(1), 173-179 .
Mace Sabrina, Cornet Josiane, Chevalier Frederique, Cardinal Mireille, Pilet Marie-France, Dousset Xavier, Joffraud Jean-Jacques (2012). Characterisation of the spoilage microbiota in raw salmon (Salmo salar) steaks stored under vacuum or modified atmosphere packaging combining conventional methods and PCR–TTGE . Food Microbiology , 30(1), 164-172 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Jaffres Emmanuel, Lalanne Valerie, Mace Sabrina, Cornet Josiane, Cardinal Mireille, Serot Thierry, Dousset Xavier, Joffraud Jean-Jacques (2011). Sensory characteristics of spoilage and volatile compounds associated with bacteria isolated from cooked and peeled tropical shrimps using SPME-GC-MS analysis . International Journal Of Food Microbiology , 147(3), 195-202 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :

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