Marc Jerome

Marc Jerome

Marc Jerome a quitté l'Ifremer en 2023.

Jeux de données


Jerome Marc (2019). WP5 SAFEFISHDISH - Metabarcoding Illumina MISeq 2 x 300 (16S). IFREMER.



Carlino Niccolò, Blanco-Míguez Aitor, Punčochář Michal, Mengoni Claudia, Pinto Federica, Tatti Alessia, Manghi Paolo, Armanini Federica, Avagliano Michele, Barcenilla Coral, Breselge Samuel, Cabrera-Rubio Raul, Calvete-Torre Inés, Coakley Mairéad, Cobo-Díaz José F., de Filippis Francesca, Dey Hrituraj, Leech John, Klaassens Eline S., Knobloch Stephen, O’neil Dominic, Quijada Narciso M., Sabater Carlos, Skírnisdóttir Sigurlaug, Valentino Vincenzo, Walsh Liam, Master Eu Consortium , Alvarez-Ordonez Avelino, Asnicar Francesco, Fackelmann Gloria, Heidrich Vitor, Margolles Abelardo, Marteinsson Viggó Thór, Rota Stabelli Omar, Wagner Martin, Ercolini Danilo, Cotter Paul D., Segata Nicola, Pasolli Edoardo (2024). Unexplored microbial diversity from 2,500 food metagenomes and links with the human microbiome . Cell , 187(20), 5775–5795 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Macé Sabrina, Rannou Cécile, Donnay-Moreno Claire, Gigout Frederique, Passerini Delphine, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Jerome Marc, Cardinal Mireille, Noel Cyril, Leroi Francoise (2024). Exploring cold-smoked salmon spoilage through the signature microbiome of three different processing plants . FOOD MICRO 2024 - 28th International ICFMH ( International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene ) Conference. July 8-11 2024, Burgos, Spain .
Migaou Mariem, Macé Sabrina, Maalej Hana, Marchand Laetitia, Bonnetot Sandrine, Noël Cyril, Sinquin Corinne, Jérôme Marc, Zykwinska Agata, Colliec-Jouault Sylvia, Maaroufi Raoui Mounir, Delbarre-Ladrat Christine (2024). Exploring the Exopolysaccharide Production Potential of Bacterial Strains Isolated from Tunisian Blue Crab Portunus segnis Microbiota . Molecules , 29(4), 774 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Macé Sabrina, Chevalier Frederique, Jerome Marc, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Leroi Francoise, Passerini Delphine (2023). A joined approach to explore seafood microbiomes: from bacterial community structures towards functional insights . MICROBES 2023 - 18e Congrès National de la SFM ( Société Française de Microbiologie) « Un monde à explorer » . 4-6 octobre 2023, Rennes .


Leroi Francoise (2022). Antilisterial effect of Carnobacterium strains in cold-smoked salmon and impact on microbiome, chemical and sensory quality . WEFTA 2022 - 50th Western European Fish Technologists Association. 17-21 October 2022, Rotterdam, the Netherlands .
Jérôme Marc, Passerini Delphine, Chevalier Frederique, Marchand Laetitia, Leroi Francoise, Macé Sabrina (2022). Development of a rapid qPCR method to quantify lactic acid bacteria in cold-smoked salmon . International Journal Of Food Microbiology , 363, 109504 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Jerome Marc, Passerini Delphine, Gigout Frederique, Marchand Laetitia, Leroi Francoise, Mace Sabrina (2021). Development of a Rapid Real Time PCR Method to Quantify Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cold Smoked Salmon . SFM 2021 - 16e congrès national de la Société Française de Microbiologie « MICROBES ». 22 au 24 septembre 2021, Nantes.
Begrem Simon, Jérôme Marc, Leroi Francoise, Delbarre-Ladrat Christine, Grovel Olivier, Passerini Delphine (2021). Genomic diversity of Serratia proteamaculans and Serratia liquefaciens predominant in seafood products and spoilage potential analyses . International Journal Of Food Microbiology , 354, 109326 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Wiernasz Norman, Chevalier Frederique, Cardinal Mireille, Cornet Josiane, Rohloff Jens, Jerome Marc, Chopin Christine, Donnay-Moreno Claire, Skirnisdottir S, Pilet Marie France, Passerini Delphine, Leroi Francoise (2018). Salmon Gravlax Biopreservation: Impact on organoleptic properties, microbial ecosystem and volatilome . FoodMicro Conference 2018 - 26th International ICFMH Conference. 3-6 September, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany .
Wiernasz Norman, Tareb Raouf, Brahamia Nabila, Chevalier Frederique, Cornet Josiane, Passerini Delphine, Jerome Marc, Cardinal Mireille, Chopin Christine, Donnay-Moreno Claire, Skirnisdottir Sigurlaug, Marteinsson Viggo Por, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Pilet Marie-France, Leroi Francoise (2018). Etude des écosystèmes bactériens du saumon (gravelax ou fumé) et sélection de souches bioprotectrices . 2èmes Journées Recherche-Industrie "Management des Ressources Microbiennes. Environnement, Santé, Biotechnologies, Biologie de synthèse, Agroalimentaire, Energie, Agrofourniture, Chimie Cosmétique/Pharmacie". 30 au 31 Mai 2018, Narbonne .
Sotelo Carmen G., Velasco Amaya, Perez-Martin Ricardo, I, Kappel Kristina, Schroeder Ute, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Jerome Marc, Mendes Rogerio, Silva Helena, Mariani Stefano, Griffiths Andrew (2018). Tuna labels matter in Europe: Mislabelling rates in different tuna products . Plos One , 13(5), e0196641 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Gay Mélanie, Seesao Yuwalee, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Thébault Anne, Aliouat-Denis Cécile Marie, Le Fur Bruno, Cuzzucoli Diane, Cos Isabelle, Jerome Marc, Audebert Christophe, Dupouy-Camet Jean, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Viscogliosi Eric, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2016). Anisakidae parasites in fish: prevalence and identification in most consumed fish species in France . EMOP XII - 12th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology. 20-24 juillet 2016, Turku, Finlande .
Seesao Yuwalee, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Thebault Anne, Gay Mélanie, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Le Fur Bruno, Cuzzucoli Diane, Cos Isabelle, Jerome Marc, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Bruzac Sandrine, Audebert Christophe, Viscogliosi Eric (2016). Characterization of nematodes (Anisakidae) and their prevalence in most consumed fish in France sampled in North East Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea . Oceanext. 8-10 juin 2016, Nantes, France .
Nikolic Natacha, Jerome Marc, Fonteneau Alain, Evano Hugues, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2016). Identification of skipjack tuna juveniles based on DNA control region sequences and potential spawning area around reunion island . Environmental Biology Of Fishes , 99(2-3), 171-178 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Jerome Marc, Mace Sabrina, Dousset Xavier, Pot Bruno, Joffraud Jean-Jacques (2016). Genetic diversity analysis of isolates belonging to the Photobacterium phosphoreum species group collected from salmon products using AFLP fingerprinting . International Journal Of Food Microbiology , 217, 101-109 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Mariani Stefano, Griffiths Andrew M., Velasco Amaya, Kappel Kristina, Jerome Marc, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Schroeder Ute, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Silva Helena, Vandamme Sara G., Boufana Belgees, Mendes Rogerio, Shorten Marc, Smith Cat, Hankard Elizabeth, Hook Samantha A., Weymer Alice S., Gunning Daryl, Sotelo Carmen G. (2015). Low mislabeling rates indicate marked improvements in European seafood market operations . Frontiers In Ecology And The Environment , 13(10), 536-540 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Passerini Delphine, Bonnetot Sandrine, Chevalier Frederique, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Chopin Christine, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Joffraud Jean-Jacques, Jerome Marc, Sinquin Corinne, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Zykwinska Agata, Colliec-Jouault Sylvia, Leroi Francoise (2015). Fishing for innovative active molecules from an original collection of marine bacteria . BioMicroWorld2015 -VI International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology. 28-30 October 2015, Barcelona .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Seesao Yuwalee, Thebault Anne, Gay Mélanie, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Le Fur Bruno, Cuzzucoli Diane, Cos Isabelle, Jerome Marc, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Bruzac Sandrine, Audebert Christophe, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Viscogliosi Eric, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2015). Prevalence of nematodes (Anisakidae) in fish species most consumed in France . TAFT 2015 - 5th Trans-Atlantic Fisheries Technology conference (45th WEFTA meeting). 12-15 octobre 2015, Nantes, France.
Seesao Yuwalee, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Thebault Anne, Gay Mélanie, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Le Fur Bruno, Cuzzucoli Diane, Cos Isabelle, Jerome Marc, Audebert Christophe, Dupouy-Camet Jean, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Viscogliosi Eric (2015). Prevalence and identification of Anisakidae Parasites in fish: the fish-parasites project . 9th International Symposium on Fish Parasites. 31 août - 4 septembre 2015, Valence, Espagne .
Seesao Yuwalee, Audebert Christophe, Gay Mélanie, Thébault Anne, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Merlin Sophie, Bourgau Odile, Jerome Marc, Cos Isabelle, Cuzzucoli Diane, Le Fur Bruno, Dupouy-Camet Jean, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Viscogliosi Eric, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie (2015). Development of a high-throughput sequencing method to identify Anisakidae species in fish . ICOPHAI 2015 - Third International Congress on the Pathogens at the Human-Animal interface. 6-8 août 2015, Chiang Mai, Thaïlande .
Besbes Nadia, Jerome Marc, Berge Jean-Pascal, Sadok Saloua (2015). Authenticating the origin of different shrimp products on the Tunisian markets by PCR/RFLP method . African Journal of Biotechnology , 14(29), 2273-2281 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gay Mélanie, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Thebault Anne, Seesao Yuwalee, Le Fur Bruno, Cuzzucoli Diane, Cos Isabelle, Jerome Marc, Certad Gabriella, Audebert Christophe, Dupouy-Camet Jean, Viscogliosi Eric, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2015). Prévalence et identification d'Anisakidae dans les produits de la mer: l'action Fish-Parasites . Colloque Qualité et Sécurité des Produits Aquatiques (QSPA), 17-19 juin 2015, Boulogne sur Mer, France.
Seesao Yuwalee, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Thebaud Anne, Gay Mélanie, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Le Fur Bruno, Cuzzucoli Diane, Cos Isabelle, Jerome Marc, Audebert Christophe, Dupuy-Camet Jean, Dei-Cas Eduardo, The ‘fish-Parasites’ Consortium (2015). Prevalence and identification of Anisakid parasites in fishery products : the Fish-Parasites Project . Congrès de la Société Française de Parasitologie et de Mycologie Médicale, 21-22 mai 2015, Bordeaux, France.
Gerard Claudia, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Jerome Marc, Lasne Emilien (2015). Petromyzon marinus (Petromyzontidae), an unusual host for helminth parasites in western Europe . Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms , 113(3), 263-267 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Mariani Stefano, Griffiths Andrew, Velasco Amaya, Kappel Kristina, Jerome Marc, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Schröder Ute, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Silva Helena, Boufana Belgees, Vandamme Sara, Mendes Rogerio, Shorten Marc, Sotelo Carmen (2014). Seafood authenticity in the European retail sector . Food fraud: advances in combating food and beverage crime. 05 November 2014, Birmingham, Grande-Bretagne .
Mariani Stefano, Griffiths Andrew M., Velasco Amaya, Kappel Kristina, Jerome Marc, Schroder Ute, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Silva Helena, Boufana Belgees, Mendes Rogerio, Shorten Marc, Vandamme Sara, Hankard E., Weymer A.S., Sotelo Carmen (2014). Europe-wide DNA assessment of retail fish products: label accuracy on the rise . ISLAS 2014 - International Symposium on Labelling and Authenticity of Seafood. 25-26 novembre 2014, Vigo, Espagne .
Griffiths Andrew M., Vandamme Sarah, Velasco Amaya, Kappel Kristina, Sotelo Carmen, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Jerome Marc, Schröder Ute, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Boufana Belgees, Smith Cat, Silva Helena, Mendes Rogério, Mariani Stefano (2014). Fisheries forensics: the development of a standardized DNA tools to improve food traceability and labelling . ISLAS 2014 - International Symposium on Labelling and Authenticity of Seafood. 25-26 novembre 2014, Vigo, Espagne .
Gay Melanie, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Thebault Anne, Bourgau Odile, Seesao Yuwalee, Cos Isabelle, Le Fur Bruno, Bruzac Sandrine, Jerome Marc, Dupouy-Camet Jean, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2014). Prevalence and identification of microsporidian parasites in monkfish (Lophius piscatorius) . ICOPA XIII - 13th International Congress of Parasitology. 10-15 août 2014, Mexico, Mexique .
Mariani Stefano, Griffiths Andrew, Velasco Amaya, Kappel Kristina, Jerome Marc, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Schröder Ute, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Silva Helena, Boufana Belgees, Mendes Rogerio, Shorten Marc, Sotelo Carmen (2014). DNA-Barcoding Europe’s seafood markets: a new hope? IMCC3 - International Marine Conservation Congress. 14-18 août 2014, Glasgow, Grande-Bretagne .
Seesao Yuwalee, Audebert Christophe, Gay Melanie, Thebault Anne, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Merlin Sophie, Bourgau Odile, Jerome Marc, Cos Isabelle, Cuzzucoli Diane, Le Fur Bruno, Viscogliosi Eric, Dupouy-Camet Jean, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie (2014). Prevalence of anisakid parasites in fishery products : development of identification methods . ICOPA XIII - 13th International Congress of Parasitology. 10-15 août 2014, Mexico, Mexique .
Seesao Y., Audebert C., Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Merlin S., Jerome Marc, Viscogliosi E., Dei-Cas E., Aliouat-Denis C. M., Gay Melanie (2014). Monitoring of four DNA extraction methods upstream of high-throughput sequencing of Anisakidae nematodes . Journal Of Microbiological Methods , 102, 69-72 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sotelo Carmen, Boufana Belgees, Calvo Dopico Domingo, Griffiths Andrew, Jerome Marc, Kappel Kristina, Maguire Julie A., Mariani Stefano, Mendes Rogerio, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Schröder Ute, Shorten Marc, Silva Helena, Smith Cat, Velasco Amaya, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2014). Labelfish – towards a universal methodology to combat seafood fraud? WEFTA 2014 - 44th West European Fish Technologists Association Meeting : Seafood science for a changing demand. 9-11 juin 2014, Bilbao, Espagne .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Gay Melanie, Thebault Anne, Cuzzucoli Diane, Jerome Marc, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Yuwalee Seesao, Bruzac Sandrine, Certad Gabriela, Standaert Annie, Follet Jérôme, Bourgau Odile, Le Fur Bruno, Gantois Nausicaa, Delplace Linda, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2014). Collecte et prévalence des parasites dans les poissons échantillonnés durant les campagnes en mer . Journée scientifique sur les parasites de poisson. 26 Mai 2014, Institu Pasteur, Lille .
Calvo Dopico Domingo, Mendes Rogerio, Silva Helena, Mariani Stefano, Griffiths Andrew, Boufana Belgees, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Jerome Marc, Schröder Ute, Kappel Kristina, Maguire Julie A., Shorten Marc, Velasco Amaya, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Sotelo Carmen (2014). Consumers' perception towards traceability of fishery products and its relationship with quality: A cross-national comparison . KFSS 2014 - 3rd Kiel Food Symposium. 20-21 mai 2014, Kiel, Germany .
Kappel Kristina, Boufana Belgees, Calvo Dopico Domingo, Griffiths Andrew, Jerome Marc, Maguire Julie A., Mariani Stefano, Mendes Rogerio, Perez-Bouzada Jorge, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Schroder Ute, Shorten Marc, Silva Helena, Velasco Amaya, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Sotelo Carmen (2014). LABELFISH, the Atlantic network on genetic control of fish and seafood labelling and traceability . KFSS 2014 - 3rd Kiel Food Symposium. 20-21 mai 2014, Kiel, Germany .
Gay Melanie, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Thebault Anne, Bourgau Odile, Seesao Yuwalee, Cos Isabelle, Le Fur Bruno, Bruzac Sandrine, Jerome Marc, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2014). Prévalence et identification de Microsporidies parasites de la lotte, Lophius piscatorius . Congrès SFP SFMM 2014 - Congrès de la Société Française de Parasitologie et de la Société Française de Mycologie Médicale. 21-22 mai 2014, Reims, France .
Gay Melanie, Bourgau Odile, Jerome Marc, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2014). La légine australe, Dissostichus eleginoides, un nouvel hôte pour Pseudoterranova cattani . Congrès SFP SFMM 2014 - Congrès de la Société Française de Parasitologie et de la Société Française de Mycologie Médicale. 21-22 mai 2014, Reims, France .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Gay Mélanie, Thebault Anne, Cuzzucoli Diane, Jerome Marc, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Seesao Yuwalee, Bruzac Sandrine, Certad Gabriela, Standaert Annie, Follet Jérôme, Bourgau Odile, Le Fur Bruno, Gantois Nausicaa, Delplace Linda, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2014). Preliminary results on the prevalence of parasites in fish sampled during French scientific surveys. KFSS14 - 3rd Kiel Food Symposium. 20-21 Mai 2014 Kiel, Germany .
Sotelo Carmen, Boufana Belgees, Griffiths Andrew, Jerome Marc, Kappel Kristina, Maguire Julie A., Mariani Stefano, Mendes Rogerio, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Schröder Ute, Shorten Marc, Silva Helena, Velasco Amaya, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2014). Labelfish – a European project to combat fraud in the fish industry . RME 2014 - 9th Conference "Rapid Methods Europe" : Food feed water analysis innovations and breakthroughs. 31 mars –2 avril 2014, Noordwijkerhout, Neherlands .


Stachowski-Haberkorn Sabine, Jerome Marc, Rouxel Julien, Khelifi Celia, Rince Maeva, Burgeot Thierry (2013). Multigenerational exposure of the microalga Tetraselmis suecica to diuron leads to spontaneous long-term strain adaptation. Aquatic Toxicology , 140-141, 380-388 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Carvalho Gary, Mac Aoidh Eoin, Martinsohn Jann (2013). Traceability of Fish Populations and Fish Products: Advances and Contribution to Sustainable Fisheries .


Boukouvala Evridiki, Cariani Alessia, Maes Gregory E., Sevilla Rafael G., Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Jerome Marc, Guarniero Ilaria, Monios Georgios, Tinti Fausto, Volckaert Filip A. M., Bautista Jose M., Krey Grigorios (2012). Restriction fragment length analysis of the cytochrome b gene and muscle fatty acid composition differentiate the cryptic flatfish species Solea solea and Solea aegyptiaca . Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry , 60(32), 7941-7948 .
Nielsen Einar E., Cariani Alessia, Mac Aoidh Eoin, Maes Gregory E., Milano Ilaria, Ogden Rob, Taylor Martin, Hemmer-Hansen Jakob, Babbucci Massimiliano, Bargelloni Luca, Bekkevold Dorte, Diopere Eveline, Grenfell Leonie, Helyar Sarah, Limborg Morten T., Martinsohn Jann T., McEwing Ross, Panitz Frank, Patarnello Tomaso, Tinti Fausto, Van Houdt Jeroen K. J., Volckaert Filip A. M., Waples Robin S., Carvalho Gary, Albin Jan Ej, Vieites Baptista Juan M, Barmintsev Vladimir, Bautista Jose M., Bendixen Christian, Berge Jean-Pascal, Blohm Dietmar, Cardazzo Barbara, Diez Amalia, Espineira Montserrat, Geffen Audrey J., Gonzalez Elena, Gonzalez-Lavin Nerea, Guaniero Ilaria, Jerome Marc, Kochzius Marc, Krey Grigorius, Mouchel Olivier, Negrisolo Enrico, Piccinetti Corrado, Puyet Antonio, Rastorguev Sergey, Smith Jane P, Trentini Massimo, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Volkov Alexander, Zanzi Antonella (2012). Gene-associated markers provide tools for tackling illegal fishing and false eco-certification . Nature Communications , 3, - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lelievre Stephanie, Jerome Marc, Maes Gregory E., Vaz Sandrine, Calaivany Sachidhanandam, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2012). Integrating molecular identification of pelagic eggs with geostatistical mapping to improve the delineation of North Sea fish spawning grounds . Marine Ecology-progress Series , 445, 161-172 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Lelievre Stephanie, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Jerome Marc, Vaz Sandrine (2010). PCR-RFLP analyses of formalin-fixed fish eggs for the mapping of spawning areas in the Eastern Channel and Southern North Sea . Journal Of Plankton Research , 32(11), 1527-1539 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Reynal Lionel, Marchal Paul, Baron Regis, Berge Jean-Pascal, Chopin Christine, Jerome Marc, Larnaud Pascal, Liorzou Bernard, Meillat Marc, Mongruel Remi, Pelletier Dominique, Priour Daniel, Sacchi Jacques, Taquet Marc, Thebaud Olivier, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Vincent Benoit (2008). Bilan du Projet GUAPA. Aide à la Gestion, Utilisation des Ressources Halieutiques. PGD0206 - DEMOSTEM/GUAPA .
Jerome Marc, Martinsohn Jann Thorsten, Ortega Delphine, Carreau Philippe, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Mouchel Olivier (2008). Toward fish and seafood traceability: Anchovy species determination in fish products by molecular markers and support through a public domain database . Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 56(10), 3460-3469 .


Sevilla Rafael G., Diez Amalia, Noren Michael, Mouchel Olivier, Jerome Marc, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Van Pelt Hilde, Favre Krey Laurence, Krey Grigorios, Bautista José M. (2007). Primers and polymerase chain reaction conditions for DNA barcoding teleost fish based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b and nuclear rhodopsin genes . Molecular Ecology Notes , 7(5), 730-734 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Jerome Marc, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Mouchel Olivier (2007). Development of new biological probes and algorithms to assure traceability of anchovies in food products: Provision of additional molecular biology tools for anchovy species identification . Contract number: N. 250413 Project acronym : BIOPRO Reporting period: 30/10/06 - 26/04/07 .


Jerome Marc, Lemaire Christophe, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Etienne Monique (2003). Direct sequencing method for species identification of canned sardine and sardine-type products . Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry , 51(25), 7326-7332 .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Etienne Monique, Jerome Marc, Lacombe Pauline, Delassalle Céline, Garren Francois, Delpech Jean-Paul, Morel Marc (2003). Halio-Authenticité. Mise au point et développement de méthodes d'électrophorèse, de génétique moléculaire et de protéomie pour la détermination de l'authenticité des produits de la mer. 1ère phase de l'étude du CPER Nord Pas de Calais .
Jerome Marc, Lemaire Christophe, Bautista Jm, Fleurence Joel, Etienne Monique (2003). Molecular phylogeny and species identification of sardines . Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry , 51(1), 43-50 .


Rouxel Catherine, Daniel Andre, Jerome Marc, Etienne Monique, Fleurence Joel (2001). Species identification by SDS-PAGE of red algae used as seafood or a food ingredient . Food Chemistry , 74(3), 349-353 .
Rouxel Catherine, Bonnabeze E, Daniel Andre, Jerome Marc, Etienne Monique, Fleurence Joel (2001). Identification by SDS PAGE of green seaweeds (Ulva and Enteromorpha) used in the food industry . Journal Of Applied Phycology , 13(3), 215-219 .
Etienne Monique, Jerome Marc, Fleurence Joel, Rehbein H, Kundiger R, Mendes R, Costa H, Martinez I (2001). Species identification of formed fishery products and high pressure-treated fish by electrophoresis: a collaborative study . Food Chemistry , 72(1), 105-112 .


Mackie I, Craig A, Etienne Monique, Jerome Marc, Fleurence Joel, Jessen F, Smelt A, Kruijt A, Yman Im, Ferm M, Martinez I, Perez-Martin R, Pineiro C, Rehbein H, Kundiger R (2000). Species identification of smoked and gravad fish products by sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, urea isoelectric focusing and native isoelectric focusing: a collaborative study . Food Chemistry , 71(1), 1-7 .
Etienne Monique, Jerome Marc, Fleurence Joel, Rehbein H, Kundiger R, Mendes R, Costa H, Perez-Martin R, Pineiro-Gonzalez C, Craig A, Mackie I, Yman Im, Ferm M, Martinez I, Jessen F, Smelt A, Luten J (2000). Identification of fish species after cooking by SDS-PAGE and urea IEF: A collaborative study . Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry , 48(7), 2653-2658 .
Etienne Monique, Jerome Marc, Fleurence Joel (2000). Species identification of raw and cooked bivalves using electrophoresis . Sciences Des Aliments , 20(3), 367-377 .


Rehbein H, Kundiger R, Yman Im, Ferm M, Etienne Monique, Jerome Marc, Craig A, Mackie I, Jessen F, Martinez I, Mendes R, Smelt A, Luten J, Pineiro C, Perez-Martin R (1999). Species identification of cooked fish by urea isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: a collaborative study . Food Chemistry , 67(4), 333-339 .
Etienne Monique, Jerome Marc, Fleurence Joel (1999). Species identification of raw and cooked bivalves by electrophoresis .
Etienne Monique, Jerome Marc, Fleurence Joel, Rehbein H, Kundiger R, Yman Im, Ferm M, Craig A, Mackie I, Jessen F, Smelt A, Luten J (1999). A standardized method of identification of raw and heat-processed fish by urea isoelectric focusing: A collaborative study . Electrophoresis , 20(10), 1923-1933 .<1923::AID-ELPS1923>3.0.CO;2-J
Fleurence Joel (1999). Programme Aliment 2002 - Aliment demain N°96/20 "Application des méthodes électrophorétiques à l'identification des algues marines autorisées en alimentation humaine" . Rapport final .
Pineiro C, Barros-Velazquez J, Perez-Martin Ri, Martinez I, Jacobsen T, Rehbein H, Kundiger R, Mendes R, Etienne Monique, Jerome Marc, Craig A, Mackie Im, Jessen F (1999). Development of a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reference method for the analysis and identification of fish species in raw and heat-processed samples: A collaborative study . Electrophoresis , 20(7), 1425-1432 .<1425::AID-ELPS1425>3.3.CO;2-I


Rehbein H, Etienne Monique, Jerome Marc, Hattula T, Knudsen Lb, Jessen F, Luten Jb, Bouquet W, Mackie Im, Ritchie Ah, Martin Raimana, Mendes R (1995). Influence of variation in methodology on the reliability of the isoelectric-focusing method of fish species identification . Food Chemistry , 52(2), 193-197 .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Jerome Marc (1995). Physicochemical properties and rheological behavior of Patella-caerula paramyosin . Zeitschrift Fur Lebensmittel-untersuchung Und-forschung , 201(3), 230-235 .


Leinot Alain, Jerome Marc (1993). Etude de l'allergénicité du surimi. Rapport d'activité .


Chopin Christine, Jerome Marc (1989). Capacité de rétention d'air dans un surimi de sardine .
Chopin Christine, Jerome Marc (1989). Capacié de rétention d'eau d'un surimi de sardine .

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