Veronique Verrez-Bagnis

Veronique Verrez-Bagnis a quitté l'Ifremer en 2025.



Sorée Marion, Lozach Solen, Kéomurdjian Natacha, Richard David, Hughes Alexandra, Delbarre-Ladrat Christine, Verrez-Bagnis Véronique, Rincé Alain, Passerini Delphine, Ritchie Jennifer M., Hervio Heath Dominique (2024). Virulence phenotypes differ between toxigenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from western coasts of Europe . Microbiological Research , 285, 127744 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Prache Sophie, Lebret Bénédicte, Baéza Élisabeth, Martin Bruno, Gautron Joël, Médale Françoise, Corraze Geneviève, Van Baelen Chloé, Raulet Mégane, Lefèvre Florence, Verrez-Bagnis Véronique, Sans Pierre (2024). Quality and authentication of organic vs conventional animal products . Inrae Productions Animales , 37(2), 8264 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Verrez-Bagnis Véronique, Silva Helena, Mendes Rogério (2024). Detection of Adulterations. Addition of Foreign Proteins . In Handbook of Seafood and Seafood Products Analysis. 2nd Ed. 2024. Fidel Toldrá, Leo Nollet (Eds). ISBN 9781003289401. DOI 10.1201/9781003289401 . Chap.37, pp.703-720 (CRC Press) .


Gay Mélanie, Verrez-Bagnis Véronique (2023). Fish Parasites and Associated Risks . In Current Challenges for the Aquatic Products Processing Industry. 2023. Véronique Verrez-Bagnis. Print ISBN:9781789451498 , Online ISBN:9781394264728, DOI:10.1002/9781394264728. Chap 6, pp.147-186 (Wiley. ISTE) .
Gonzalez Sotelo Carmen, Gunnlaugsson Valur, Schroder Ute, Mendes Rogerio, Kappel Kristina, Silva Helena, Verrez-Bagnis Véronique (2023). Fish Traceability and Authenticity . In Current Challenges for the Aquatic Products Processing Industry. 2023. Véronique Verrez-Bagnis. Print ISBN:9781789451498 , Online ISBN:9781394264728, DOI:10.1002/9781394264728. Chap 4, pp.63-111 (Wiley. ISTE) .
Delbarre-Ladrat Christine (2023). Production of bioactive marine bacterial exopolysaccharides and their low-molecular-weight derivatives . MICROBES 2023 - 18e Congrès National de la SFM ( Société Française de Microbiologie) « Un monde à explorer » . 4-6 octobre 2023, Rennes .
Delbarre-Ladrat Christine, Verrez-Bagnis Véronique, Donnay-Moreno Claire, Sinquin Corinne, Zykwinska Agata, Colliec Jouault Sylvia (2023). Enzymatic modifications of polysaccharides (EPS) derived from marine bacteria . Cosm'ing 2023 - Cosmetic ingredients and biotechnology, 10ème édition. 5 au 7 juillet 2023, Saint-Malo.
Soree Marion, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Hadjiev Emilie, Lozach Solen, Verrez-Bagnis Véronique, Delbarre-Ladrat Christine, Hervio Heath Dominique, Passerini Delphine (2023). Screening of marine lactic acid bacteria for Vibrio parahaemolyticus inhibition and application to depuration in Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) . Journal of Applied Microbiology , 134(2), 1-9 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doussin Margot (2023). Criblage d'une souchothèque de bactéries marines isolées des côtes libanaises pour la production d'exopolysaccharides . Rapport de stage de 1ère année de BTS Biotechnologies. Lycée Talensac, Nantes .


Leroi Francoise (2022). Antilisterial effect of Carnobacterium strains in cold-smoked salmon and impact on microbiome, chemical and sensory quality . WEFTA 2022 - 50th Western European Fish Technologists Association. 17-21 October 2022, Rotterdam, the Netherlands .
Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Sinquin Corinne, Marchand Laetitia, Bonnetot Sandrine, Zykwinska Agata, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Colliec Jouault Sylvia (2022). Influence of the Carbon and Nitrogen Sources on Diabolican Production by the Marine Vibrio diabolicus Strain CNCM I-1629 . Polymers , 14(10), 1994 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Prache S., Lebret B., Baéza E., Martin B., Gautron J., Feidt C., Médale F., Corraze G., Raulet M., Lefèvre F., Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Sans P. (2022). Review: Quality and authentication of organic animal products in Europe . Animal , 16(Suppl.1), 100405 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Schoina Eirini, Marchand Laetitia, Zykwinska Agata, Sinquin Corinne, Leroi Francoise, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Nychas George-John, Delbarre Ladrat Christine (2022). Characterization and composition analysis of biofilm and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) produced by seafood pathogen Tenacibaculum discolor . IAFP's European Symposium on Food Safety (International Association for Food Protection). 4-6 May 2022 in Munich, Germany .


Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Sinquin Corinne, Marchand Laetitia, Bonnetot Sandrine, Zykwinska Agata, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Colliec Jouault Sylvia (2021). Influence of Vibrio diabolicus cultivation conditions on the Exopolysaccharide produced . EPNOE 2021 -7th International Polysaccharide Conference. 11-15 octobre 2021, Nantes, France .
Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Marchand Laetitia, Donnay-Moreno Claire, Bonnetot Sandrine, Sinquin Corinne, Zykwinska Agata, Colliec Jouault Sylvia (2021). Expression of depolymerizing enzymes during the biosynthesis of EPS by Alteromonas Infernus . EPNOE 2021 - 7th International Polysaccharide Conference. 11-15 octobre 2021, Nantes, France .
Zonnequin Maëlle (2021). Characterization of enzymes for the depolymerization of an exopolysaccharide (EPS) produced by a marine bacterium isolated from hydrothermal sources . Session Poster Master 1 Biotechnologies. Juin 2021, UBS, Lorient .


Trenkel Verena, Boudry Pierre, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Lorance Pascal (2020). Methods for identifying and interpreting sex‐linked SNP markers and carrying out sex assignment: application to thornback ray ( Raja clavata ) . Molecular Ecology Resources , 20(6), 1610-1619 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fustemberg Sarah (2020). Recherche d’activités enzymatiques de dépolymérisation de polysaccharides marins chez Saccharophagus degradans. Etude d’activités sur un ulvane et l’EPS HE800 . Rapport de stage de 2ème année de BTS Biotechnologies. Lycée Talensac, Nantes.


Hervio Heath Dominique, Aujoulat Fabien, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Ivaniuk Flora, Lozach Solen, Hadjiev Emilie, Soree Marion, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Jumas-Bilak Estelle, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Passerini Delphine (2019). Lactic acid bacteria and Vibrio parahaemolyticus: growth inhibition and virulence attenuation - Application to shellfish products. ICBV 2019 - 8th biennial International Conference on the Biology of Vibrios “The Biology of Vibrios: Genomes to Biology” . 18-20 novembre 2019, Montréal QC, Canada .
Passerini Delphine, Fecamp Florian, Marchand Laetitia, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Bonnetot Sandrine, Sinquin Corinne, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Hervio Heath Dominique, Colliec Jouault Sylvia, Delbarre Ladrat Christine (2019). Characterization of biofilm extracts from two marine bacteria . Applied Sciences-basel , 9(22), 4971 (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Passerini Delphine, Aujoulat Fabien, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Ivaniuk Flora, Fecamp Florian, Lozach Solen, Hadjiev Emilie, Soree Marion, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Jumas-Bilak Estelle, Hervio Heath Dominique (2019). Inhibition de vibrions pathogènes humains par des bactéries lactiques et compréhension des mécanismes impliqués . CBL2019, 22ème Colloque du Club des Bactéries Lactiques. 12-14 juin 2019, Caen, France .
Certad Gabriela, Follet Jérôme, Gantois Nausicaa, Hammouma-Ghelboun Ourida, Guyot Karine, Benamrouz-Vanneste Sadia, Fréalle Emilie, Seesao Yuwalee, Delaire Baptiste, Creusy Colette, Even Gaël, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Ryan Una, Gay Mélanie, Aliouat-Denis Cécile, Viscogliosi Eric (2019). Prevalence, Molecular Identification, and Risk Factors for Cryptosporidium Infection in Edible Marine Fish: A Survey Across Sea Areas Surrounding France . Frontiers In Microbiology , 10(1037), 15p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Soree Marion, Passerini Delphine, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Marchand Laetitia, Bonnetot Sandrine, Fecamp Florian, Lozach Solen, Hervio Heath Dominique, Delbarre Ladrat Christine (2019). Mining of the biosynthetic mechanisms of Vibrio spp. polysaccharides and potential role in biofilm formation . CBM 13 - 13th Carbohydrate Bioengineering Meeting. 19-22 mai 2019, Toulouse .
Fustemberg Sarah (2019). Recherche d’activités hydrolases chez les bactéries marines: Fucoïdanase et ulvanase . Rapport de stage de 1ère année BTS Biotechnologies. Lycée Talensac, Nantes .


Passerini Delphine, Tareb Raouf, Saraoui Taous, Marche Laurent, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Zagorec Monique, Monnet Véronique, Haudebourg E, Leroi Francoise, Pilet Marie-France (2018). Compréhension du mécanisme dépendant du contact cellulaire utilisé par Lactococcus piscium (Lp) pour inhiber la croissance de Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) . 14ème Congrès National de la Société Française de Microbiologie. 1er au 3 octobre 2018, Paris.
Passerini Delphine, Saraoui Taous, Tareb Raouf, Zagorec Monique, Monnet V, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Leroi Francoise, Pilet Marie-France (2018). Inhibition de Listeria monocytogenes, responsable de la listériose par la bactérie lactique Lactococcus piscium . Congrès National de la SFM (Société Française de Microbiologie) 2018. 1-3 octobre 2018, Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris .
Passerini Delphine, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Colliec-Jouault Sylvia, Leroi Francoise (2018). Explorer la diversité des bactéries marines pour la recherche de métabolites d’intérêt . Journée Recherche-Industrie -Management des ressources microbiennes. 30 mai 2018, Narbonne .
Wiernasz Norman, Tareb Raouf, Brahamia Nabila, Chevalier Frederique, Cornet Josiane, Passerini Delphine, Jerome Marc, Cardinal Mireille, Chopin Christine, Donnay-Moreno Claire, Skirnisdottir Sigurlaug, Marteinsson Viggo Por, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Pilet Marie-France, Leroi Francoise (2018). Etude des écosystèmes bactériens du saumon (gravelax ou fumé) et sélection de souches bioprotectrices . 2èmes Journées Recherche-Industrie "Management des Ressources Microbiennes. Environnement, Santé, Biotechnologies, Biologie de synthèse, Agroalimentaire, Energie, Agrofourniture, Chimie Cosmétique/Pharmacie". 30 au 31 Mai 2018, Narbonne .
Sotelo Carmen G., Velasco Amaya, Perez-Martin Ricardo, I, Kappel Kristina, Schroeder Ute, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Jerome Marc, Mendes Rogerio, Silva Helena, Mariani Stefano, Griffiths Andrew (2018). Tuna labels matter in Europe: Mislabelling rates in different tuna products . Plos One , 13(5), e0196641 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Sotelo Carmen, Mendes Rogério, Silva Helena, Kappel Kristina, Schröder Ute (2018). Methods for Seafood Authenticity Testing in Europe . In Bioactive Molecules in Food. 2018. J.-M. Mérillon, K. G. Ramawat (eds.). Reference Series in Phytochemistry. ISBN 978-3-319-54528-8, ISSN 2511-834X. 55pp. (Springer, Cham) .
Lebellenger Lou, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Passerini Delphine, Delbarre Ladrat Christine (2018). Comparative genomics reveals a widespread distribution of an exopolysaccharide biosynthesis gene cluster among Vibrionaceae . BMC Research Notes , 11(102), 1-7 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Passerini Delphine, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Saraoui Taous, Marche Laurent, Remenant Benoît, Zagorec Monique, Tareb Raouf, Prevost Hervé, Chevalier Frederique, Bonnetot Sandrine, Leroi Francoise, Pilet Marie-France (2017). An integrated approach to investigate inhibition mechanisms of Listeria monocytogenes by Lactococcus piscium – focus on L. piscium plasmid composition biodiversity . 47th WEFTA (West European Fish Technologists Association ) conference "Innovative Technologies for Healthy and Sustainable Seafood production". 9-12 octobre 2017, Dublin, Irlande .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2017). Advances in Authentication Methods for Seafood Species Identification in Food Products . In Food Traceability and Authenticity: Analytical Techniques. Didier Montet et Ramesh C. Ray. 2017. ISBN 9781498788427. Series: Food Biology Series. Chap.11. pp.196-215 (CRC Press) .
Bojolly Daline, Doyen Perine, Le Fur Bruno, Christaki Urania, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Grard Thierry (2017). Development of a qPCR Method for the Identification and Quantification of Two Closely Related Tuna Species, Bigeye Tuna ( Thunnus obesus ) and Yellowfin Tuna ( Thunnus albacares ), in Canned Tuna . Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry , 65(4), 913-920 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


(2016) Le projet Fish-Parasites fait avancer la prévention des risques . ANR 10 ans - 10 ans de projets pour la science. 15-12-2016, MNHN, Paris .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Bojolly Daline, Cardineau Lea, Le Fur Bruno, Grard Thierry, Doyen Perine (2016). Preliminary study for the development of a probe-based fluorescence melting analysis for quick testing of the presence of more than one scombridae fish species in food products . 46th WEFTA conference : "From Local Fish to Global DISH - Diverse, Innovative, Sustainable and Healthy”. 12-14 october 2016, Split, Croatie .
Calvo Dopico D., Mendes R., Silva H.A., Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Pérez-Martín R., Sotelo C.G. (2016). Evaluation, signalling and willingness to pay for traceability. A cross-national comparison . Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC , 20(2), 93-103 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gay Mélanie, Seesao Yuwalee, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Thébault Anne, Aliouat-Denis Cécile Marie, Le Fur Bruno, Cuzzucoli Diane, Cos Isabelle, Jerome Marc, Audebert Christophe, Dupouy-Camet Jean, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Viscogliosi Eric, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2016). Anisakidae parasites in fish: prevalence and identification in most consumed fish species in France . EMOP XII - 12th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology. 20-24 juillet 2016, Turku, Finlande .
Seesao Yuwalee, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Thebault Anne, Gay Mélanie, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Le Fur Bruno, Cuzzucoli Diane, Cos Isabelle, Jerome Marc, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Bruzac Sandrine, Audebert Christophe, Viscogliosi Eric (2016). Characterization of nematodes (Anisakidae) and their prevalence in most consumed fish in France sampled in North East Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea . Oceanext. 8-10 juin 2016, Nantes, France .
Nikolic Natacha, Jerome Marc, Fonteneau Alain, Evano Hugues, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2016). Identification of skipjack tuna juveniles based on DNA control region sequences and potential spawning area around reunion island . Environmental Biology Of Fishes , 99(2-3), 171-178 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Bojolly Daline, Cardineau Lea, Le Fur B, Grard T, Doyen P (2016). Preliminary Development of a Probe-Based Fluorescence Melting Analysis for Quick Testing of the Presence of More Than One Scombridae Fish Species in Canned Tuna . PROCEEDINGS 46th WEFTA CONFERENCE "From Local Fish to Global DISH“. 12-14 October 2016, Split, Croatia. Sanja Vidaček (Ed). ISBN: 978-953-6893-10-2. pp.75-78 .
Lebellenger Lou, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Sinquin Corinne, Zykwinska Agata, Colliec-Jouault Sylvia, Dols-Lafargue Marguerite, Delbarre Ladrat Christine (2016). Heterologous production of an exopolysaccharide of interest for health industry . EXOBIO 2016 - Exo-polysaccharides Marins et Biotechnologies Bleues, Colloque 10 des Journées scientifiques de l’Université de Nantes. 10 juin 2016, Nantes .
Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Lebellenger Lou, Sinquin Corinne, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Passerini Delphine, Zykwinska Agata, Colliec-Jouault Sylvia (2016). Marine bacteria as sources of glycoaminoglycan-like polysaccharides. EXOBIO 2016 - Exo-polysaccharides Marins et Biotechnologies Bleues, Colloque 10 des Journées scientifiques de l'Université de Nantes. 10 juin 2016, Nantes.
Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Sinquin Corinne, Zykwinska Agata, Bonnetot Sandrine, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Colliec-Jouault Sylvia (2016). Heparin-like Entities from Marine Procaryotes. "100 years of Heparin : The success story of a carbohydrate". Journée scientifique de l'ITMO BMSV d'AVIESAN. 2016 October 10, Paris .


Mariani Stefano, Griffiths Andrew M., Velasco Amaya, Kappel Kristina, Jerome Marc, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Schroeder Ute, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Silva Helena, Vandamme Sara G., Boufana Belgees, Mendes Rogerio, Shorten Marc, Smith Cat, Hankard Elizabeth, Hook Samantha A., Weymer Alice S., Gunning Daryl, Sotelo Carmen G. (2015). Low mislabeling rates indicate marked improvements in European seafood market operations . Frontiers In Ecology And The Environment , 13(10), 536-540 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Passerini Delphine, Bonnetot Sandrine, Chevalier Frederique, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Chopin Christine, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Joffraud Jean-Jacques, Jerome Marc, Sinquin Corinne, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Zykwinska Agata, Colliec-Jouault Sylvia, Leroi Francoise (2015). Fishing for innovative active molecules from an original collection of marine bacteria . BioMicroWorld2015 -VI International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology. 28-30 October 2015, Barcelona .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Seesao Yuwalee, Thebault Anne, Gay Mélanie, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Le Fur Bruno, Cuzzucoli Diane, Cos Isabelle, Jerome Marc, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Bruzac Sandrine, Audebert Christophe, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Viscogliosi Eric, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2015). Prevalence of nematodes (Anisakidae) in fish species most consumed in France . TAFT 2015 - 5th Trans-Atlantic Fisheries Technology conference (45th WEFTA meeting). 12-15 octobre 2015, Nantes, France.
Bojolly Daline, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Le Fur Bruno, Christaki Uriana, Grard Thierry, Doyen Perrine (2015). Development of a qPCR method for the identification and quantification of Thunnus obesus, Thunnus albacares and Katsuwonus pelamis in canned tuna . TAFT 2015 - 5th Trans-Atlantic Fisheries Technology conference (45th WEFTA meeting). 12-15 octobre 2015, Nantes, France.
Seesao Yuwalee, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Thebault Anne, Gay Mélanie, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Le Fur Bruno, Cuzzucoli Diane, Cos Isabelle, Jerome Marc, Audebert Christophe, Dupouy-Camet Jean, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Viscogliosi Eric (2015). Prevalence and identification of Anisakidae Parasites in fish: the fish-parasites project . 9th International Symposium on Fish Parasites. 31 août - 4 septembre 2015, Valence, Espagne .
Seesao Yuwalee, Audebert Christophe, Gay Mélanie, Thébault Anne, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Merlin Sophie, Bourgau Odile, Jerome Marc, Cos Isabelle, Cuzzucoli Diane, Le Fur Bruno, Dupouy-Camet Jean, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Viscogliosi Eric, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie (2015). Development of a high-throughput sequencing method to identify Anisakidae species in fish . ICOPHAI 2015 - Third International Congress on the Pathogens at the Human-Animal interface. 6-8 août 2015, Chiang Mai, Thaïlande .
Gay Mélanie, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Thebault Anne, Seesao Yuwalee, Le Fur Bruno, Cuzzucoli Diane, Cos Isabelle, Jerome Marc, Certad Gabriella, Audebert Christophe, Dupouy-Camet Jean, Viscogliosi Eric, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2015). Prévalence et identification d'Anisakidae dans les produits de la mer: l'action Fish-Parasites . Colloque Qualité et Sécurité des Produits Aquatiques (QSPA), 17-19 juin 2015, Boulogne sur Mer, France.
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2015). Panorama des différentes méthodes d’authentification des produits aquatiques . Colloque Qualité et Sécurité des Produits Aquatiques (QSPA), 17-19 juin 2015, Boulogne sur Mer, France.
Seesao Yuwalee, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Thebaud Anne, Gay Mélanie, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Le Fur Bruno, Cuzzucoli Diane, Cos Isabelle, Jerome Marc, Audebert Christophe, Dupuy-Camet Jean, Dei-Cas Eduardo, The ‘fish-Parasites’ Consortium (2015). Prevalence and identification of Anisakid parasites in fishery products : the Fish-Parasites Project . Congrès de la Société Française de Parasitologie et de Mycologie Médicale, 21-22 mai 2015, Bordeaux, France.
Gerard Claudia, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Jerome Marc, Lasne Emilien (2015). Petromyzon marinus (Petromyzontidae), an unusual host for helminth parasites in western Europe . Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms , 113(3), 263-267 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mendes Rogerio, Griffiths Andrew, Mariani Stefano, Sotelo Carmen, Velasco Amaya, Smith Cat, Shorten Marc, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Silva Helena (2015). Traceability and labelling of seafood in Atlantic area regions . Relatorios cientificos e tecnicos , 3, 2-46 .


Mariani Stefano, Griffiths Andrew, Velasco Amaya, Kappel Kristina, Jerome Marc, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Schröder Ute, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Silva Helena, Boufana Belgees, Vandamme Sara, Mendes Rogerio, Shorten Marc, Sotelo Carmen (2014). Seafood authenticity in the European retail sector . Food fraud: advances in combating food and beverage crime. 05 November 2014, Birmingham, Grande-Bretagne .
Griffiths Andrew M., Sotelo Carmen G., Mendes Rogerio, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Schroeder Ute, Shorten Marc, Silva Helena A., Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Mariani Stefano (2014). Current Methods for Seafood Authenticity Testing in Europe: is there a Need for Harmonisation? Food Control , 45, 95-100 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mariani Stefano, Griffiths Andrew M., Velasco Amaya, Kappel Kristina, Jerome Marc, Schroder Ute, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Silva Helena, Boufana Belgees, Mendes Rogerio, Shorten Marc, Vandamme Sara, Hankard E., Weymer A.S., Sotelo Carmen (2014). Europe-wide DNA assessment of retail fish products: label accuracy on the rise . ISLAS 2014 - International Symposium on Labelling and Authenticity of Seafood. 25-26 novembre 2014, Vigo, Espagne .
Griffiths Andrew M., Vandamme Sarah, Velasco Amaya, Kappel Kristina, Sotelo Carmen, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Jerome Marc, Schröder Ute, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Boufana Belgees, Smith Cat, Silva Helena, Mendes Rogério, Mariani Stefano (2014). Fisheries forensics: the development of a standardized DNA tools to improve food traceability and labelling . ISLAS 2014 - International Symposium on Labelling and Authenticity of Seafood. 25-26 novembre 2014, Vigo, Espagne .
Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Colliec-Jouault Sylvia (2014). Enzymes for bacterial exopolysaccharide engineering . ENZINOV. Adebiotech – Enzymes Innovations Industries, 27-28 Octobre 2014, Romainville, France .
Seesao Yuwalee, Gay Melanie, Audebert Christophe, Thebault Anne, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Le Fur Bruno, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Viscogliosi Eric, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Dupouy-Camet Jean, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2014). Prevalence of anisakid parasites in fishery products: development of identification methods . FOOD MICRO 2014 - 24th International ICFMH conference, 1-4 september 2014, Nantes, France .
Mariani Stefano, Griffiths Andrew, Velasco Amaya, Kappel Kristina, Jerome Marc, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Schröder Ute, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Silva Helena, Boufana Belgees, Mendes Rogerio, Shorten Marc, Sotelo Carmen (2014). DNA-Barcoding Europe’s seafood markets: a new hope? IMCC3 - International Marine Conservation Congress. 14-18 août 2014, Glasgow, Grande-Bretagne .
Gay Melanie, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Thebault Anne, Bourgau Odile, Seesao Yuwalee, Cos Isabelle, Le Fur Bruno, Bruzac Sandrine, Jerome Marc, Dupouy-Camet Jean, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2014). Prevalence and identification of microsporidian parasites in monkfish (Lophius piscatorius) . ICOPA XIII - 13th International Congress of Parasitology. 10-15 août 2014, Mexico, Mexique .
Seesao Yuwalee, Audebert Christophe, Gay Melanie, Thebault Anne, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Merlin Sophie, Bourgau Odile, Jerome Marc, Cos Isabelle, Cuzzucoli Diane, Le Fur Bruno, Viscogliosi Eric, Dupouy-Camet Jean, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie (2014). Prevalence of anisakid parasites in fishery products : development of identification methods . ICOPA XIII - 13th International Congress of Parasitology. 10-15 août 2014, Mexico, Mexique .
Seesao Y., Audebert C., Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Merlin S., Jerome Marc, Viscogliosi E., Dei-Cas E., Aliouat-Denis C. M., Gay Melanie (2014). Monitoring of four DNA extraction methods upstream of high-throughput sequencing of Anisakidae nematodes . Journal Of Microbiological Methods , 102, 69-72 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sotelo Carmen, Boufana Belgees, Calvo Dopico Domingo, Griffiths Andrew, Jerome Marc, Kappel Kristina, Maguire Julie A., Mariani Stefano, Mendes Rogerio, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Schröder Ute, Shorten Marc, Silva Helena, Smith Cat, Velasco Amaya, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2014). Labelfish – towards a universal methodology to combat seafood fraud? WEFTA 2014 - 44th West European Fish Technologists Association Meeting : Seafood science for a changing demand. 9-11 juin 2014, Bilbao, Espagne .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Gay Melanie, Thebault Anne, Cuzzucoli Diane, Jerome Marc, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Yuwalee Seesao, Bruzac Sandrine, Certad Gabriela, Standaert Annie, Follet Jérôme, Bourgau Odile, Le Fur Bruno, Gantois Nausicaa, Delplace Linda, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2014). Collecte et prévalence des parasites dans les poissons échantillonnés durant les campagnes en mer . Journée scientifique sur les parasites de poisson. 26 Mai 2014, Institu Pasteur, Lille .
Kappel Kristina, Boufana Belgees, Calvo Dopico Domingo, Griffiths Andrew, Jerome Marc, Maguire Julie A., Mariani Stefano, Mendes Rogerio, Perez-Bouzada Jorge, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Schroder Ute, Shorten Marc, Silva Helena, Velasco Amaya, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Sotelo Carmen (2014). LABELFISH, the Atlantic network on genetic control of fish and seafood labelling and traceability . KFSS 2014 - 3rd Kiel Food Symposium. 20-21 mai 2014, Kiel, Germany .
Gay Melanie, Bourgau Odile, Jerome Marc, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2014). La légine australe, Dissostichus eleginoides, un nouvel hôte pour Pseudoterranova cattani . Congrès SFP SFMM 2014 - Congrès de la Société Française de Parasitologie et de la Société Française de Mycologie Médicale. 21-22 mai 2014, Reims, France .
Calvo Dopico Domingo, Mendes Rogerio, Silva Helena, Mariani Stefano, Griffiths Andrew, Boufana Belgees, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Jerome Marc, Schröder Ute, Kappel Kristina, Maguire Julie A., Shorten Marc, Velasco Amaya, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Sotelo Carmen (2014). Consumers' perception towards traceability of fishery products and its relationship with quality: A cross-national comparison . KFSS 2014 - 3rd Kiel Food Symposium. 20-21 mai 2014, Kiel, Germany .
Seesao Yuwalee, Gay Melanie, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Audebert Christophe, Thebault Anne, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Le Fur Bruno, Viscogliosi Eric, Dupouy-Camet Jean, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Fish-Parsites Consortium (2014). Caractérisation des parasites dans les produits de la pêche : développement de méthodes d’identification et prévalence . Congrès SFP SFMM 2014 - Congrès de la Société Française de Parasitologie et de la Société Française de Mycologie Médicale. 21-22 mai 2014, Reims, France .
Gay Melanie, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Thebault Anne, Bourgau Odile, Seesao Yuwalee, Cos Isabelle, Le Fur Bruno, Bruzac Sandrine, Jerome Marc, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2014). Prévalence et identification de Microsporidies parasites de la lotte, Lophius piscatorius . Congrès SFP SFMM 2014 - Congrès de la Société Française de Parasitologie et de la Société Française de Mycologie Médicale. 21-22 mai 2014, Reims, France .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Aliouat-Denis Cécile-Marie, Gay Mélanie, Thebault Anne, Cuzzucoli Diane, Jerome Marc, Kolypczuk Laetitia, Seesao Yuwalee, Bruzac Sandrine, Certad Gabriela, Standaert Annie, Follet Jérôme, Bourgau Odile, Le Fur Bruno, Gantois Nausicaa, Delplace Linda, Dei-Cas Eduardo, Fish-Parasites Consortium (2014). Preliminary results on the prevalence of parasites in fish sampled during French scientific surveys. KFSS14 - 3rd Kiel Food Symposium. 20-21 Mai 2014 Kiel, Germany .
Sotelo Carmen, Boufana Belgees, Griffiths Andrew, Jerome Marc, Kappel Kristina, Maguire Julie A., Mariani Stefano, Mendes Rogerio, Perez-Martin Ricardo I., Schröder Ute, Shorten Marc, Silva Helena, Velasco Amaya, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2014). Labelfish – a European project to combat fraud in the fish industry . RME 2014 - 9th Conference "Rapid Methods Europe" : Food feed water analysis innovations and breakthroughs. 31 mars –2 avril 2014, Noordwijkerhout, Neherlands .


Carvalho Gary, Mac Aoidh Eoin, Martinsohn Jann (2013). Traceability of Fish Populations and Fish Products: Advances and Contribution to Sustainable Fisheries .


Boukouvala Evridiki, Cariani Alessia, Maes Gregory E., Sevilla Rafael G., Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Jerome Marc, Guarniero Ilaria, Monios Georgios, Tinti Fausto, Volckaert Filip A. M., Bautista Jose M., Krey Grigorios (2012). Restriction fragment length analysis of the cytochrome b gene and muscle fatty acid composition differentiate the cryptic flatfish species Solea solea and Solea aegyptiaca . Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry , 60(32), 7941-7948 .
Nielsen Einar E., Cariani Alessia, Mac Aoidh Eoin, Maes Gregory E., Milano Ilaria, Ogden Rob, Taylor Martin, Hemmer-Hansen Jakob, Babbucci Massimiliano, Bargelloni Luca, Bekkevold Dorte, Diopere Eveline, Grenfell Leonie, Helyar Sarah, Limborg Morten T., Martinsohn Jann T., McEwing Ross, Panitz Frank, Patarnello Tomaso, Tinti Fausto, Van Houdt Jeroen K. J., Volckaert Filip A. M., Waples Robin S., Carvalho Gary, Albin Jan Ej, Vieites Baptista Juan M, Barmintsev Vladimir, Bautista Jose M., Bendixen Christian, Berge Jean-Pascal, Blohm Dietmar, Cardazzo Barbara, Diez Amalia, Espineira Montserrat, Geffen Audrey J., Gonzalez Elena, Gonzalez-Lavin Nerea, Guaniero Ilaria, Jerome Marc, Kochzius Marc, Krey Grigorius, Mouchel Olivier, Negrisolo Enrico, Piccinetti Corrado, Puyet Antonio, Rastorguev Sergey, Smith Jane P, Trentini Massimo, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Volkov Alexander, Zanzi Antonella (2012). Gene-associated markers provide tools for tackling illegal fishing and false eco-certification . Nature Communications , 3, - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Sotelo Carmen, Pérez-Martin Ricardo, Mendes Rogerio, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Maguire Julie, Mariani Stefano, Rehbein Hartmut (2012). LABEL FISH : The Atlantic Network on Genetic Control of Fish and Seafood Labeling and Traceability . TAFT 2012 - 4th Trans-Atlantic Fisheries Technology conference. 30 october-2 november 2012, Clearwater beach, Florida .
Lelievre Stephanie, Jerome Marc, Maes Gregory E., Vaz Sandrine, Calaivany Sachidhanandam, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2012). Integrating molecular identification of pelagic eggs with geostatistical mapping to improve the delineation of North Sea fish spawning grounds . Marine Ecology-progress Series , 445, 161-172 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2011). Detection of Adulterations : Addition of Foreign proteins . In Safety Analysis of Foods of Animal Origin. Leo M. L. Nollet, Fidel Toldra (Eds). Chap.20, pp.603-614 (CRC Press) .


Lelievre Stephanie, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Jerome Marc, Vaz Sandrine (2010). PCR-RFLP analyses of formalin-fixed fish eggs for the mapping of spawning areas in the Eastern Channel and Southern North Sea . Journal Of Plankton Research , 32(11), 1527-1539 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Reynal Lionel, Marchal Paul, Baron Regis, Berge Jean-Pascal, Chopin Christine, Jerome Marc, Larnaud Pascal, Liorzou Bernard, Meillat Marc, Mongruel Remi, Pelletier Dominique, Priour Daniel, Sacchi Jacques, Taquet Marc, Thebaud Olivier, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Vincent Benoit (2008). Bilan du Projet GUAPA. Aide à la Gestion, Utilisation des Ressources Halieutiques. PGD0206 - DEMOSTEM/GUAPA .
Jerome Marc, Martinsohn Jann Thorsten, Ortega Delphine, Carreau Philippe, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Mouchel Olivier (2008). Toward fish and seafood traceability: Anchovy species determination in fish products by molecular markers and support through a public domain database . Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 56(10), 3460-3469 .


Sevilla Rafael G., Diez Amalia, Noren Michael, Mouchel Olivier, Jerome Marc, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Van Pelt Hilde, Favre Krey Laurence, Krey Grigorios, Bautista José M. (2007). Primers and polymerase chain reaction conditions for DNA barcoding teleost fish based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b and nuclear rhodopsin genes . Molecular Ecology Notes , 7(5), 730-734 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cheret Romuald, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, de Lamballerie Marie (2007). Effect of high pressure on the calpain-calpastatin system in fish muscle . Journal of Food Science , 72(6), C313-C316 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Jerome Marc, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Mouchel Olivier (2007). Development of new biological probes and algorithms to assure traceability of anchovies in food products: Provision of additional molecular biology tools for anchovy species identification . Contract number: N. 250413 Project acronym : BIOPRO Reporting period: 30/10/06 - 26/04/07 .
Cheret Romuald, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, de Lamballerie Anton Marie, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2007). Calpain and cathepsin activities in post mortem fish and meat muscles . Food Chemistry , 101(4), 1474-1479 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Bautista José M., Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Kourti Naouma (2006). Genetic catalogue, biological reference collections and online database of European marine fishes .
Cheret Romuald, Hernandez Andres Aránzazu, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, de Lamballerie Marie, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2006). Proteins and proteolytic activity changes during refrigerated storage in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) muscle after high-pressure treatment . European Food Research and Technology , 222(5-6), 527-535 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Cheret Romuald, Taylor Romuald, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2006). Trends in postmortem aging in fish: Understanding of proteolysis and disorganization of the myofibrillar structure . Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition , 46(5), 409-421 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Cheret Romuald, Chapleau Nicolas, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, de Lamballerie Marie (2005). Effects of high pressure on texture and microstructure of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) fillets . Journal of Food Science , 70(8), E477-E483 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cheret Romuald, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, de Lamballerie-Anton Marie, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2005). High-pressure effects on the proteolytic enzymes of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) fillets . Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry , 53(10), 3969-3973 .


Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Noel Joelle, Fleurence Joel (2004). Relative contribution of calpain and cathepsins to protein degradation in muscle of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) . Food Chemistry , 88(3), 389-395 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Vallet Jean-Luc (2004). Compte rendu de mission au Centre spécialisé de Valorisation et de Technologie de Produits de la Mer. INRH - Agadir, 12-18 Decembre 2004 .
Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Noel Joelle, Fleurence Joel (2004). Proteolytic potential in white muscle of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) during post mortem storage on ice: time-dependent changes in the activity of the components of the calpain system . Food Chemistry , 84(3), 441-446 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Jerome Marc, Lemaire Christophe, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Etienne Monique (2003). Direct sequencing method for species identification of canned sardine and sardine-type products . Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry , 51(25), 7326-7332 .
Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Noel Joelle, Fleurence Joel (2003). In vitro proteolysis of myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins of white muscle of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.): effects of cathepsins B, D and L . Food Chemistry , 81(4), 517-525 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Etienne Monique, Jerome Marc, Lacombe Pauline, Delassalle Céline, Garren Francois, Delpech Jean-Paul, Morel Marc (2003). Halio-Authenticité. Mise au point et développement de méthodes d'électrophorèse, de génétique moléculaire et de protéomie pour la détermination de l'authenticité des produits de la mer. 1ère phase de l'étude du CPER Nord Pas de Calais .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (2003). Mémoire en vue de l'obtention du diplôme d'habilitation à diriger les recherches . HDR.
Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Noel Joelle, Fleurence Joel (2003). Postmortem proteolysis in sea bass muscle . Marine Biotechnology : An Overview Of Leading Field , 151-154 .


Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Noel Joelle, Fleurence Joel (2002). In vitro proteolysis of myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus Labrax L) by an endogenous m-calpain . Journal of the science of food and agriculture , 82(11), 1256-1262 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Noel Joelle, Fleurence Joel (2002). Milli-calpain from sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) white muscle: Purification, characterization of its activity and activation in vitro . Marine Biotechnology , 4(1), 51-62 .


Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Morzel Martine, Noel Joelle, Fleurence Joel (2001). Protein changes in post mortem sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) muscle monitored by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis . Electrophoresis , 22(8), 1539-1544 .<1539::AID-ELPS1539>3.0.CO;2-K


Morzel M, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Arendt Ek, Fleurence Joel (2000). Use of two-dimensional electrophoresis to evaluate proteolysis in salmon (Salmo salar) muscle as affected by a lactic fermentation . Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry , 48(2), 239-244 .
Delbarre Ladrat Christine, Chaplet Mickael, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Noel Joelle, Fleurence Joel (2000). Neutral calcium-activated proteases from European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) muscle: polymorphism and biochemical studies . Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology B Biochemistry And Molecular Biology , 125(1), 83-95 .


Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Noel Joelle, Sautereau Celine, Fleurence Joel (1999). Desmin degradation in postmortem fish muscle . Journal Of Food Science , 64(2), 240-242 .


Olafsdottir G, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Luten J.B., Dalgaard Paw, Careche M., Martinsdottir E., Heia K. (1997). Methods to determine the freshness of fish in research and industry . Actes de la réunion finale de l'Action Concertée "Evaluation of Fish Freshness" - AIR3 CT94 2283 .
(1997) Aiming at fast and objective analytical methods - methods to determine the freshness of fish in research and industry . Concerted action Evaluation of fish freshness - Nantes - 12 november 1997 .
(1997) Recherche de méthodes analytiques rapides et objectives - Méthodes pour déterminer la fraîcheur du poisson dans la recherche et l'industrie . Action concertée : évaluation de la fraîcheur du poisson - Séminaire pour les professionnels - 12 novembre 1997 .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (1997). Post mortem denaturation of fish muscle proteins - changes in some myofibrillar, intermediate filament and costameric proteins . Evaluation of Fish Freshness- AIR3CT94 2283- Nantes, France, Nov. 12-14, 1997 .


Papa Iris, Alvarez C, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Fleurence Joel, Benyamin Y (1996). Post mortem release of fish white muscle alpha-actinin as a marker of disorganisation . Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture , 72(1), 63-70 .<63::AID-JSFA623>3.0.CO;2-B


Papa Iris, Mejean C, Lebart Mc, Astier C, Roustan C, Benyamin Y, Alvarez C, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Fleurence Joel (1995). Isolation and properties of white skeletal-muscle alpha-actinin from sea-trout (Salmo-trutta) and bass (Dicentrarchus-labrax) . Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology B-biochemistry & Molecular Biology , 112(2), 271-282 .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Jerome Marc (1995). Physicochemical properties and rheological behavior of Patella-caerula paramyosin . Zeitschrift Fur Lebensmittel-untersuchung Und-forschung , 201(3), 230-235 .


Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Bouchet B, Gallant Dj, Hermansson Am, Kim Jm (1993). Relationship between the starch granule structure and the textural properties of heat-induced surimi gels . Food Structure , 12(3), 309-320 .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Escricheroberto I (1993). The performance of Elisa and dot-blot methods for the detection of crab flesh in heated and sterilized surimi-based products . Journal Of The Science Of Food And Agriculture , 63(4), 445-449 .


Gallant D. J., Bouchet B, Verrez Veronique (1991). Effet de l'amidon dans les gels de surimi - Relations propriétés rhéologiques / microstructure .
Verrez Veronique (1991). Mise au point d'une méthodologie pour la reconnaissance de chair de crustacé dans les produits à base de surimi . Contrat d’Étude CNRS - CRBM - IFREMER - Rapport final .


Han Ching Lucay, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (1990). Maîtrise de la texture des produits à base de surimi . Flash information , (27), 54-55 . Open Access version :
Han Ching Lucay, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (1990). Les nouveaux aliments : le surimi . Revue Française de Diététique , (134), 21-25 .


Gallant D.J., Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Bouchet B. (1988). Etudes cytochimiques et structurales de la texturation de chair d'animaux marins au cours de la fabrication. Code INRA n° 3993/B .
Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Chopin Christine, Han Ching Lucay (1988). Propriétés gélifiantes des protéines myofibrillaires du poisson (surimi). L'exemple du Tacaud (Trisopterus luscus) . Les cahiers de l'ENS.BANA , (6), 137-156 . Open Access version :


Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (1987). Surimi de chinchard ( Trachurus trachurus L. ) - Influence de conditions technologiques sur des caractéristiques de texture du produit après traitement thermique . PhD Thesis , Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc .


Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (1986). Suite de l'étude entreprise sur la texture du surimi et gel de surimi (Kamaboko) de chinchard (Trachurus trachurus) .


Verrez-Bagnis Veronique (1984). Essai de certaines combinaisons de cryoprotecteurs additionnées à la pulpe de cabillaud congelé, après récupération mécanique à partir des chutes de filetage .

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