Isabelle Arzul

Contact par courriel

Employeur : Ifremer

Site : La Tremblade

Adresse postale : Station de La Tremblade - Avenue de Mus de Loup - Ronce les Bains - 17390 La Tremblade


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0001-5436-5927


Preventing and mitigating farmed bivalve diseases [...]

Jeux de données



Arzul Isabelle (2020). Données métabarcoding eau 16S et huîtres 18S- projet ENVICOPAS. IFREMER.



Caill-Milly Nathalie, Sanchez Florence, Lissardy Muriel, Bru Noëlle, Kermorvant Claire, de Montaudouin Xavier, Lapègue Sylvie, Riquet Florentine, Bouché Ludovic, D'Hardivillé Céline, Lagarde Franck, Chambouvet Aurélie, Mayot Nicolas, Dauvin Jean-Claude, Pezy Jean-Philippe, Basuyaux Olivier, Guéguen Anthony, Weiller Yohan, Arzul Isabelle, Paillard Christine, Carter Caitriona (2025). Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) in France: Fishing activity, governance and present knowledge challenges regarding its biology and ecology . Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science , 317, 109206 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dotto-Maurel Aurelie, Pelletier Camille, Degremont Lionel, Heurtebise Serge, Arzul Isabelle, Morga Benjamin, Chevignon Germain (2025). Evaluation of long-read sequencing for Ostreid herpesvirus type 1 genome characterization from Magallana gigas infected tissues . Microbiology Spectrum , 13(3), 25p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Wegner K. Mathias, Morga Benjamin, Guillou Laure, Strittmatter Martina, Lecadet Cyrielle, Travers Agnes, Tourbiez Delphine, Gervais Ophelie, Arzul Isabelle (2025). Prokaryotic microbiota outperform eukaryotic microbiota in differentiating between infection states of iconic diseases of two commercial oyster species . Aquaculture , 594, 741363 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Canier Lydie, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Noyer Mathilde, Nadeau Aurelie, Serpin Delphine, Kergaravat Cedric (2024). Rapport de caractérisation et de validation d’une méthode. PCR en temps-réel pour la détection du parasites Perkinsus marinus chez les huitres . RBE/ASIM/LRUE & LNR 24-057 .
Canier Lydie, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Noyer Mathilde, Nadeau Aurelie, Serpin Delphine, Kergaravat Cedric (2024). Rapport de caractérisation et de validation d’une méthode. PCR en temps-réel pour la détection du parasites Mikrocytos mackini chez les huitres . RBE/ASIM/LRUE & LNR 24-056 .
Gueguen Yannick, Arzul Isabelle, Goulletquer Philippe (2024). Rapport Final GT HUITRE .
Arzul Isabelle, Travers Agnes (2024). Vibrio aestuarianus and Magallana (Crassostrea) gigas. Infection trials with bivalves . AQUAEXCEL 3.0 Training course 3 - Conducting Experimental Infection Trials In Fish And Shellfish.
Arzul Isabelle, Morga Benjamin (2024). OsHV-1 and Magallana (Crassostrea) gigas. Infection trials with bivalves . AQUAEXCEL 3.0 Training course 3 - Conducting Experimental Infection Trials In Fish And Shellfish.
Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie (2024). Overview of main bivalve diseases. Infection trials with bivalves . AQUAEXCEL 3.0 Training course 3 - Conducting Experimental Infection Trials In Fish And Shellfish .
Arzul Isabelle (2024). Bonamia ostreae and Ostrea edulis. Infection trials with bivalves . AQUAEXCEL 3.0 Training course 3 - Conducting Experimental Infection Trials In Fish And Shellfish.
Canier Lydie, Garcia Celine, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Arzul Isabelle (2024). Validation of histological analyses for the diagnosis of mollusc diseases . Workshop - Introduction to validation of Diagnostic methods for Aquatic animal diseases. 7-9th October 2024, Lyngby, Denmark .
Canier Lydie, Noyer Mathilde, Nadeau Aurelie, Serpin Delphine, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle (2024). PCR Validation according to the French standard NF-U47-600-2. Real-time PCR assays for the detection of B. ostreae, B.exitiosa and M.refringens . Workshop - Introduction to validation of Diagnostic methods for Aquatic animal diseases. 7-9th October 2024, Lyngby, Denmark.
Lapègue Sylvie, Cornette Florence, Heurtebise Serge, Lecadet Cyrielle, Arzul Isabelle, Carpentier Cynthia (2024). Diversité génétique des populations résiduelles d'huîtres plates de Nouvelle-Aquitaine (REFONA septembre 2024) .
Canier Lydie, Garcia Celine, Jacquot Maude, Chevignon Germain, Arzul Isabelle (2024). Report of the 2024 Annual Meeting of National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc Diseases. Nantes, France, 26-27th of March 2024.
Canier Lydie, Arzul Isabelle (2024). Health situation of European farmed molluscs . Workshop ECM "Health issues of wild and farmed shellfish populations in the Mediterranean". 27th June 2024, Cesenatico, Italy .
Arzul Isabelle, Lecadet Cyrielle, Chollet Bruno, Merou Nicolas, Canier Lydie (2024). Distribution environnementale des parasites protozoaires de bivalves marins . Congrès des Sociétés Françaises de Parasitologie (SFP) et de Mycologie Médicale (SFMM). 3 au 5 Juin 2024, Angers .
Garcia Celine, Canier Lydie, Arzul Isabelle (2024). Les maladies des coquillages : Agents pathogènes réglementés et émergents . Commission sanitaire du CNPMEM, 30 mai 2024 .
Carpentier Cynthia, Vieira Johan, Bernard Laetitia, Lecler Auriane, Barbier Pierrick, Arzul Isabelle, Oudot Gaël, Bodin Paul, Weiller Yohan, Leleu Kevin (2024). Inventaire et caractérisation des populations résiduelles d’huîtres plates . Rapport d'étude CAPENA. 97p.
Arzul Isabelle, Engeslma Marc (2024). Species which may act as vectors or reservoirs of mollusc diseases covered by the Animal Health Law . 2024 Annual Meeting & Workshop of NRLs for Mollusc Diseases. 26-27th of March 2024, Nantes, France.
Arzul Isabelle, Furones Dolors, Cheslett Deborah, Gennari Lorenzo, Delangle Estelle, Enez Florian, Lupo Coralie, Mortensen Stein, Pernet Fabrice, Peeler Edmund (2024). Pouvons nous prévenir et limiter l'impact des maladies des bivalves marins? Conseil de filière conchylicole. 18 & 19 mars 2024, Nantes .
Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Noyer Mathilde, Nadeau Aurelie, Lecadet Cyrielle, Jacquot Maude, Chevignon Germain, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle (2024). EURL for mollusc diseases : 2023 activities & perspectives . 2024 Annual Meeting of National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc Diseases. 26-27th of March2024, La Tremblade, France .
Canier Lydie, Cano Irene, Wood Gareth, Stone David, Noyer Mathilde, Arzul Isabelle (2024). Loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for the rapid detection of mollusc pathogens on the field? 2024 Annual Meeting of National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc Diseases. 26-27th of March 2024, La Tremblade, France .
Cano Irene, Wood Gareth, Stone David, Noyer Mathilde, Canier Lydie, Arzul Isabelle (2024). Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification for the Fast Detection of Bonamia ostreae and Bonamia exitiosa in Flat Oysters . Pathogens , 13(2), 132 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Itoïz Sarah, Mouronvalle Clara, Perennou Morgan, Chailler Elisa, Smits Morgan, Derelle Evelyne, Metz Sebastian, Le Goïc Nelly, Bidault Adeline, de Montaudouin Xavier, Arzul Isabelle, Soudant Philippe, Chambouvet Aurélie (2024). Co-infection of two eukaryotic pathogens within clam populations in Arcachon Bay . Frontiers In Microbiology , 14, 1250947 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer, Laboratoire Génétique et Pathologie des Mollusques Marins (LGPMM), Ifremer, Direction de la communication (DCOM) (2024). Les agents pathogènes affectant les mollusques marins. Fiches pédagogiques .
Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Garcia Celine (2024). Bonamia spp. infections of oysters . In Diseases of Bivalves. Historical and Current Perspectives. 2024. Smolowitz Roxanna (Ed.). ISBN 978-0-12-820339-2 , DOI 10.1016/C2019-0-01464-1. Chap.1 pp.1-14 (Academic Press) .
Ubiqus , Certain Gregoire, Hattab Tarek, Brind'Amour Anik, Schull Quentin, Chouvelon Tiphaine, Lassudrie Malwenn, Pérez Agúndez José A., Le Pivert Olivier, Petitgas Pierre (2024). Journées scientifiques sur les réseaux trophiques 10-11 janvier 2024 .
Arzul Isabelle, Lecadet Cyrielle, Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, de Montaudouin Xavier (2024). Exploring the Environmental Distribution of the Oyster Parasite Haplosporidium Costale . Preprint Open Access version :
Bruneau Audrey, Guesdon Stephane, Garcia Celine, Blanchet-Aurigny Aline, Cugier Philippe, Pouvreau Stephane, Gueux Aurore, Le Fur Ines, Piraud Aude, Pepin Jean-Francois, Arzul Isabelle (2024). Expertise de recherche des conditions particulières associées aux fortes mortalités de pétoncles noirs dans les Pertuis Charentais . DDTM 17 - Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer de la Charente-Maritime, Pôle zoo-sanitaire Services des activités maritimes, La Rochelle , Ref. ODE/ LITTORAL/LER/PC-23-102, Ref Avis P9 : 23-102 - Lettre du 5 décembre 2023 , 23p., 22p.


Gourmelon Michele (2023). Microbiomes dans les écosystèmes estuariens en France : ROME, le réseau d’ADN/ARN environnemental . Journées du réseau O-ADN environnemental. 29-30 Novembre 2023, Cestas .
Siano Raffaele, Arzul Isabelle, Gourmelon Michele, Le Guyader Soizick, Durand Patrick, Serghine Joelle, Parnaudeau Sylvain, Quere Julien, Schmitt Sophie, Francoise Sylvaine, Mary Charlotte, Hernandez Farinas Tania, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Lebrun Luc, Chomerat Nicolas, Seugnet Jean-Luc, Pepin Jean-Francois, Felix Christine, Serais Ophelie, Gobet Angélique, Chevalier Mathieu, Chevignon Germain, Lecadet Cyrielle, Morga Benjamin, Piquet Jean-Come, Lemoine Maud, Leroi Laura, Noel Cyril (2023). Coastal microbiomes in riverine ecosystems of the French coastline: the ROME project . ISEEMPD 2022 - International Symposium on Ecology and Evolution of Marine Parasites and Diseases. 15-18 November 2022 .
Arzul Isabelle, Lecadet Cyrielle, Marzari Adeline, Chollet Bruno, Merou Nicolas, Canier Lydie (2023). Evaluating the potential of eDNA-based approach to monitor flat oyster parasites . NORA 5 "Scaling-up European Oyster Reef Restoration". 6- 8 November 2023, Middelburg, The Netherlands .
Gourmelon Michele (2023). Microbiomes côtiers dans les écosystèmes estuariens en France : le réseau d’ADN/ARN environnemental. ROME . MICROBES 2023 - 18e Congrès National de la SFM ( Société Française de Microbiologie) « Un monde à explorer » . 4-6 octobre 2023, Rennes .
Arzul Isabelle, Lecadet Cyrielle, Chollet Bruno, Merou Nicolas, Canier Lydie (2023). Using eDNA-based approach to improve knowledge of bivalve parasite life cycles . EAFP2023 - 21st International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 11th-14th September 2023, Aberdeen, Scotland .
Siano Raffaele, Arzul Isabelle, Gourmelon Michele, Le Guyader Soizick, Durand Patrick, The Rome Consortium (2023). Coastal microbiomes in estuarine ecosystems of France: the eDNA network ROME . ASC 2023 - ICES Annual Science Conference 2023. 11–14 September 2023 Bilbao, Spain .
Arzul Isabelle (2023). Huître plate et parasites : une histoire durable . Ostrea 2023. 1ère édition : L'huître plate, un modèle au coeur de la transformation écologique ?. 08 septembre 2023, Brest .
Garcia Celine, Degremont Lionel, Tourbiez Delphine, Kalaidji Samia, Guesdon Stephane, Maurouard Elise, Girardin Frederic, Lupo Coralie, Arzul Isabelle, Treilles Michaël (2023). Preliminary Study On Potential Impact Of Antibiotic Use In Oyster Hatchery . 21st EAFP International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 11th-14th September 2023, Aberdeen, UK .
Treilles Michaël, Tourbiez Delphine, Kalaidji Samia, Degremont Lionel, Guesdon Stephane, Maurouard Elise, Girardin Frederic, Lupo Coralie, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine (2023). Antibiotic Resistance In The Pacific Oyster Industry In France: A First Picture In A Local Production Area, The Charente Maritime. 21st EAFP International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 11th-14th September 2023, Aberdeen, UK.
Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Arzul Isabelle (2023). Specificity Of In Situ Hybridisation Assays Used For The Diagnosis Of Mollusc Parasites Of The Genus Marteilia And Bonamia . EAFP2023 - 21st International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 11th-14th September 2023, Aberdeen, Scotland .
Canier Lydie, Noyer Mathilde, Nadeau Aurelie, Serpin Delphine, Chollet Bruno, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle (2023). PCR Diagnosis Of Regulated Mollusc Diseases Present In Europe . EAFP2023 - 21st International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 11th-14th September 2023, Aberdeen, Scotland .
Efsa Panel On Animal Health And Welfare (ahaw) , Nielsen Søren Saxmose, Alvarez Julio, Bicout Dominique, Calistri Paolo, Canali Elisabetta, Drewe Julian Ashley, Garin‐bastuji Bruno, Gonzales Rojas José Louis, Smith Christian Gortazar, Herskin Mette, Michel Virginie, Miranda Chueca Miguel Angel, Padalino Barbara, Roberts Helen, Spoolder Hans, Ståhl Karl, Velarde Antonio, Viltrop Arvo, Winckler Christoph, Arzul Isabelle, Dharmaveer Shetty, Olesen Niels Jørgen, Schiøtt Morten, Sindre Hilde, Stone David, Vendramin Niccoló, Antoniou Sotiria‐eleni, Dhollander Sofie, Karagianni Anna Eleonora, Kero Linnea Lindgren, Gnocchi Marzia, Aznar Inma, Barizzone Fulvio, Munoz Guajardo Irene Pilar, Roberts Helen (2023). Species which may act as vectors or reservoirs of diseases covered by the Animal Health Law: Listed pathogens of molluscs . Efsa Journal , 21(8), e08173 (34p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
European Food Safety Authority (efsa) , Kero Linnea Lindgren, Alemu Selam, Alvarez Julio, Arzul Isabelle, Aznar Inma, Caumette Elea Bailly, Bicout Dominique, Drewe Julian Ashley, Dharmaveer Shetty, Bastuji Bruno Garin, Kohnle Lisa, Meroc Estelle, Chueca Miguel Ángel Miranda, Olesen Niels Jørgen, Roberts Helen, Nielsen Søren Saxmose, Schiøtt Morten, Sindre Helen, Stone David, Rusina Alessia, Vendramin Niccolo, Dhollander Sofie (2023). Extensive literature review on vectors and reservoirs of AHL‐listed pathogens of crustaceans . EFSA Supporting Publications , 20(8), 8122E (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Efsa Panel On Animal Health And Welfare (ahaw) , Nielsen Søren Saxmose, Alvarez Julio, Bicout Dominique, Calistri Paolo, Canali Elisabetta, Drewe Julian Ashley, Garin‐bastuji Bruno, Gonzales Rojas José Louis, Smith Christian Gortazar, Herskin Mette, Michel Virginie, Miranda Chueca Miguel Angel, Padalino Barbara, Spoolder Hans, Ståhl Karl, Velarde Antonio, Viltrop Arvo, Winckler Christoph, Arzul Isabelle, Dharmaveer Shetty, Olesen Niels Jørgen, Schiøtt Morten, Sindre Hilde, Stone David, Vendramin Niccoló, Alemu Selam, Antoniou Sotiria‐eleni, Aznar Inma, Barizzone Fulvio, Dhollander Sofie, Gnocchi Marzia, Karagianni Anna Eleonora, Kero Linnea Lindgren, Munoz Guajardo Irene Pilar, Roberts Helen (2023). Species which may act as vectors or reservoirs of diseases covered by the Animal Health Law: Listed pathogens of crustaceans . Efsa Journal , 21(8), e08172 (33p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer. Laboratoire de Génétique et Pathologie des Mollusques (2023). Report of the 2023 Annual Meeting and 14th Technical Workshop of National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc Diseases. La Tremblade, France, 3rd-5th of May 2023 .
European Food Safety Authority (efsa) , Gnocchi Marzia, Aires Mariana, Alvarez Julio, Arzul Isabelle, Aznar Inma, Bicout Dominique, Carmosino Ilaria, Drewe Julian Ashley, Dharmaveer Shetty, Bastuji Bruno Garin, Karagianni Anna Eleonora, Chueca Miguel Ángel Miranda, Olesen Niels Jørgen, Palaiokostas Christos, Roberts Helen, Nielsen Søren Saxmose, Schiøtt Morten, Sindre Helen, Stone David, Rusina Alessia, Vendramin Niccolo, Dhollander Sofie (2023). Extensive literature review on vectors and reservoirs of AHL‐listed pathogens of fish . EFSA Supporting Publications , 20(8), 8123E (22p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Efsa Panel On Animal Health And Welfare (ahaw) , Nielsen Søren Saxmose, Alvarez Julio, Bicout Dominique, Calistri Paolo, Canali Elisabetta, Drewe Julian Ashley, Garin‐bastuji Bruno, Gonzales Rojas José Louis, Smith Christian Gortazar, Herskin Mette, Michel Virginie, Miranda Chueca Miguel Angel, Padalino Barbara, Spoolder Hans, Ståhl Karl, Velarde Antonio, Viltrop Arvo, Winckler Christoph, Arzul Isabelle, Dharmaveer Shetty, Olesen Niels Jørgen, Schiøtt Morten, Sindre Hilde, Stone David, Vendramin Niccoló, Aires Mariana, Asensio Inmaculada Aznar, Antoniou Sotiria‐eleni, Barizzone Fulvio, Dhollander Sofie, Gnocchi Marzia, Karagianni Anna Eleonora, Kero Linnea Lindgren, Munoz Guajardo Irene Pilar, Rusina Alessia, Roberts Helen (2023). Species which may act as vectors or reservoirs of diseases covered by the Animal Health Law: Listed pathogens of fish . Efsa Journal , 21(8), e08174 (45p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Battistel Clementine, Mouren Jean Christophe, Morga Benjamin, Pelletier Camille, Canier Lydie, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Leroi Laura, Durand Patrick, Chevignon Germain, Jacquot Maude (2023). MoPSeq-DB. Molluscs Pathogen Sequences DataBase . JOBIM 2023 - Journées Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques. 27 au 30 juin 2023, Nancy .
Arzul Isabelle (2023). Dynamique des interactions entre parasites protozoaires et bivalves marins . Séminaire Recherche de la Société Française de Parasitologie. 13 juin 2023 .
Siano Raffaele, Arzul Isabelle, Gourmelon Michele, Le Guyader Soizick, Durand Patrick, Serghine Joelle, Parnaudeau Sylvain, Quere Julien, Schmitt Sophie, Francoise Sylvaine, Mary Charlotte, Hernandez Farinas Tania, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Lebrun Luc, Chomerat Nicolas, Seugnet Jean-Luc, Pepin Jean-Francois, Felix Christine, Serais Ophelie, Gobet Angélique, Chevalier Mathieu, Chevignon Germain, Lecadet Cyrielle, Morga Benjamin, Piquet Jean-Come, Lemoine Maud, Leroi Laura, Noel Cyril (2023). Coastal microbiomes in estuarine ecosystems of France: the eDNA network ROME . ASLO - Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023 "Resilience and Recovery in Aquatic Systems". 4-9 June 2023, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Mérou Nicolas, Lecadet Cyrielle, Ubertini Martin, Pouvreau Stephane, Arzul Isabelle (2023). Environmental distribution and seasonal dynamics of Marteilia refringens and Bonamia ostreae, two protozoan parasites of the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis . Frontiers In Cellular And Infection Microbiology , 13, 1154484 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mesnil Aurelie, Jacquot Maude, Garcia Celine, Tourbiez Delphine, Canier Lydie, Bidois Audrey, Dégremont Lionel, Cheslett Deborah, Geary Michelle, Vetri Alessia, Roque Ana, Furones Dolors, Garden Alison, Orozova Petya, Arzul Isabelle, Sicard Mathieu, Charriere Guillaume, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine, Travers Agnes (2023). Emergence and clonal expansion of Vibrio aestuarianus lineages pathogenic for oysters in Europe . Molecular Ecology , 32(11), 2869-2883 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Canier Lydie, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Noyer Mathilde, Nadeau Aurelie (2023). Surveillance and diagnosis of mollusc diseases. From oysters to insects, what we can learn . Insect Doctors and Stakeholder Symposium. May 25th 2023, Tours .
Arzul Isabelle, Lecadet Cyrielle, Canier Lydie (2023). eDNA-based methods to detect bivalve pathogens . Annual Meeting of NRLs for Mollusc Diseases. 3-4 May 2023, La Tremblade, France .
Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Nadeau Aurelie, Noyer Mathilde, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle (2023). Workshop Mollusc Sampling And Processing In The Context Of Mortality Events . EURL Annual Meeting of National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc Diseases. 3-5 Mai 2023, La Tremblade .
Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Noyer Mathilde, Nadeau Aurelie, Lecadet Cyrielle, Jacquot Maude, Chevignon Germain, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle (2023). EURL for mollusc diseases : 2022 activities & perspectives . 2023 Annual Meeting of National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc Diseases, La Tremblade, France, 3-5th of May 2023 .
Canier Lydie, Nadeau Aurelie, Chollet Bruno, Arzul Isabelle (2023). Inter Laboratory Comparison tests. 2022-ILC-01 & 2023-ILC-01 . 2023 Annual Meeting of National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc Diseases, La Tremblade, France, 3-5th of May 2023 .
Pouvreau Stephane, Lapègue Sylvie, Arzul Isabelle, Boudry Pierre (2023). Fifty years of research to counter the decline of the European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis): a review of French achievements and prospects for the restoration of remaining beds and revival of aquaculture production . Aquatic Living Resources , 36, 13 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chollet Bruno, Canier Lydie, Arzul Isabelle (2023). Specificity of ISH probes targeting Marteilia and Bonamia parasites . 2023 Annual Meeting of National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc Diseases, La Tremblade, France, 3-5th of May 2023 .
Canier Lydie, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine (2023). Tour d'horizon de la surveillance des maladies des coquillages . Comité de pilotage du réseau REPAMO 2023. , visioconférence, 19 avril 2023 .
Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Thieltges David, Wegner Mathias, de Montaudouin Xavier (2023). International Symposium on Ecology and Evolution of Marine Parasites & Diseases. 15th-18th of November 2022, La Rochelle, France. Book of Abstracts .


Jacquot Maude, Mouren Jean Christophe, Battistel Clementine, Morga Benjamin, Pelletier Camille, Canier Lydie, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Leroi Laura, Durand Patrick, Chevignon Germain (2022). MoPSeq-DB: a web platform to share, visualise and analyse sequence data of mollusc pathogens . ISEEMPD 2022 - International Symposium on Ecology and Evolution of Marine Parasites and Diseases. 15-18 November 2022, La Rochelle, France .
Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Lupo Coralie, Noyer Mathilde, Tourbiez Delphine, Berland Chloe, Degremont Lionel, Travers Marie-Agnes (2022). First characterization of the parasite Haplosporidium costale in France and development of a real‐time PCR assay for its rapid detection in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas . Transboundary And Emerging Diseases , 69(5), E2041-E2058 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Boulben Sylviane, Arzul Isabelle, Laugier Thierry (2022). Avis de l’Ifremer concernant le projet d’expérimentation de stabulation d'Holothuries en bassin insubmersible . DDTM 29 - Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer du Finistère, Service Littoral, Délégation à la mer et au littoral, Unité des Cultures Marines, Quimper , Ref. Ifremer-ODE/UL/LERBO/Avis 22-038 - courriel DDTM/29SL/UCM du 09/06/2022 , 1p., 4p.
Canier Lydie, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Noyer Mathilde, Nadeau Aurelie, Serpin Delphine, Kergaravat Cedric (2022). Rapport de caractérisation et de validation d’une méthode. PCR en temps-réel Taqman® pour la détection et la discrimination des parasites Bonamia ostreae et Bonamia exitiosa chez les huitres . RBE/ASIM/LRUE & LNR 22-019 .
Chevignon Germain, Dotto-Maurel Aurelie, Serpin Delphine, Chollet Bruno, Arzul Isabelle (2022). De Novo Transcriptome Assembly and Analysis of the Flat Oyster Pathogenic Protozoa Bonamia Ostreae . Frontiers In Cellular And Infection Microbiology , 12, 921136 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle (2022). Rapport de mission. Projet REVEZO-Pmarg. Polynésie Française - 29 avril-19 mai 2022 .
Canier Lydie, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Noyer Mathilde, Nadeau Aurelie, Serpin Delphine, Kergaravat Cedric (2022). Rapport de caractérisation et de validation d’une méthode. PCR en temps-réel pour la détection et le typage des parasites Marteilia refringens chez les huitres et les moules . RBE/ASIM/LRUE & LNR 22-018 .
Canier Lydie, Garcia Celine (2022). Bilan 2021 Transmo. Préparation du transfert des activités de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins . Convention relative aux actions de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins - Ifremer-DGAL 21/1002311. RBE/SG2M/ASIM Référence Ifremer Convention: 21/1002311 .
Picot Sandy, Faury Nicole, Pelletier Camille, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Dégremont Lionel, Renault Tristan, Morga Benjamin, Picot (2022). Monitoring Autophagy at Cellular and Molecular Level in Crassostrea gigas During an Experimental Ostreid Herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) Infection . Frontiers In Cellular And Infection Microbiology , 12, 858311 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Canier Lydie, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Grizon James, Seugnet Jean-Luc, Lagarde Franck (2022). Formation préleveurs. Transfert du réseau REPAMO . Formation Transfert réseau REPAMO. 26 & 28 avril 2022, à distance .
Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Noyer Mathilde, Serpin Delphine, Nadeau Aurelie, Lecadet Cyrielle, Travers Agnes, Jacquot Maude, Chevignon Germain, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle (2022). EURL for mollusc diseases : 2021 activities & perspectives . 2022 Annual Meeting of National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc Diseases. 28-29th of March 2022, online meeting .
Paillard Christine, Gueguen Yannick, Wegner K Mathias, Bass David, Pallavicini Alberto, Vezzulli Luigi, Arzul Isabelle (2022). Recent advances in bivalve-microbiota interactions for disease prevention in aquaculture . Current Opinion In Biotechnology , 73, 225-232 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Merou Nicolas, Lecadet Cyrielle, Billon Tom, Chollet Bruno, Pouvreau Stephane, Arzul Isabelle (2022). Investigating the Environmental Survival of Marteilia refringens, a Marine Protozoan Parasite of the Flat Oyster Ostrea edulis, Through an Environmental DNA and Microscopy-Based Approach . Frontiers In Marine Science , 9, 811284 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mouren Jean Christophe (2022). MoPSeq-DB: une plateforme web pour partager, visualiser et analyser des données de séquences d'agents pathogènes de mollusques . Rapport d'alternance de Master 2, parcours Ingénierie Bioinformatique. Université de Nantes .


Fernández-Boo Sergio, Provot Clément, Lecadet Cyrielle, Stavrakakis Christophe, Papin Mathias, Chollet Bruno, Auvray Jean-François, Arzul Isabelle (2021). Inactivation of marine bivalve parasites using UV-C irradiation: Examples of Perkinsus olseni and Bonamia ostreae . Aquaculture Reports , 21, 100859 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Itoïz Sarah, Perennou Morgan, Mouronvalle Clara, Derelle Evelyne, Le Goïc Nelly, Bidault Adeline, de Montaudouin Xavier, Arzul Isabelle, Soudant Philippe, Chambouvet Aurélie (2021). Development of duplex TaqMan-based real-time PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of Perkinsus olseni and P. chesapeaki in host Manila clam tissue samples . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 184, 107603 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gustafson Lori, Arzul Isabelle, Burge Colleen A., Carnegie Ryan B., Caceres-Martinez Jorge, Creekmore Lynn, Dewey Bill, Elston Ralph, Friedman Caroline S., Hick Paul, Hudson Karen, Lupo Coralie, Rheault Bob, Spiegel Kevin, Vásquez-Yeomans Rebeca (2021). Optimizing surveillance for early disease detection: Expert guidance for Ostreid herpesvirus surveillance design and system sensitivity calculation . Preventive Veterinary Medicine , 194, 105419 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Colsoul Bérenger, Boudry Pierre, Pérez‐parallé María Luz, Bratoš Cetinić Ana, Hugh‐jones Tristan, Arzul Isabelle, Mérou Nicolas, Wegner Karl Mathias, Peter Corina, Merk Verena, Pogoda Bernadette (2021). Sustainable large‐scale production of European flat oyster ( Ostrea edulis ) seed for ecological restoration and aquaculture: a review . Reviews In Aquaculture , 13(3), 1423-1468 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Boulben Sylviane, Arzul Isabelle, Laugier Thierry, Terre Terrillon Aouregan (2021). Avis sur le projet d’expérimentation d’élevage de juvéniles de l’holothurie Holothuria (Panningothuria) forskali en co-culture avec l’huître plate Ostrea edulis . DDTM 29 - Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer du Finistère, Service Cultures Marines, Quimper , Ref. Ifremer-ODE/LITTORAL/LER-BO/Avis N° 21-019 - votre courrier 023-UCM du 02/02/21 , 8p., 1p.
Arzul Isabelle, Berland Chloe, Chollet Bruno, Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie, Serpin Delphine, Noyer Mathilde, Lecadet Cyrielle, Person Pauline, Degremont Lionel, Travers Agnes, Tourbiez Delphine, Nadeau Aurelie, Canier Lydie, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Mege Mickael, Gueguen Yannick (2021). Geographic Distribution of Haplosporidium costale in France . Technical Workshop on Parasites of the Genus Haplosporidium. 18 march 2021 .
Merou Nicolas, Lecadet Cyrielle, Pouvreau Stephane, Arzul Isabelle (2021). Investigation on the environmental distribution of Bonamia ostreae and Marteilia refringens, two parasites of the flat oyster, Ostrea edulis . 2021 - Annual Meeting of NRLs for Mollusc disease. 16 mars 2021, On line meeting .
de Montaudouin Xavier, Arzul Isabelle, Cao Asuncion, Carballal Maria Jesus, Chollet Bruno, Correira Simao, Cuesta Jose, Culloty Sarah, Daffe Guillemine, Darriba Susana, Diaz Seila, Engelsma Marc, Freitas Rosa, Garcia Celine, Goedknegt Anouk, Gonzalez Patrice, Grade Ana, Groves Emily, Iglesias David, Jensen Kurt T, Joaquim Sandra, Lynch Sharon, Magalhaes Luisa, Mahony Kate, Maia Francisco, Malham Shelag, Matias Domitilia, Nowaczyk Antoine, Ruano Francisco, Thieltges David, Villalba Antonio (2021). Catalogue of parasites and diseases of the common cockle Cerastoderma edule . UA Editora-Universidade de Aveiro.
Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Noyer Mathilde, Serpin Delphine, Nadeau Aurelie, Travers Agnes, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle (2021). EURL for mollusc diseases : 2020 activities & perspectives . 2021 Annual Meeting and the 13th Technical Workshop of National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc Diseases.16-19th of March 2021, online meeting .
Arzul Isabelle (2021). Diversity of bivalve pathogens and risks of emergence in connection with climate change and the loss of marine biodiversity . Aquaculture Advisory Council. Working Group meetings : WG2 « Shellfish » . 03 February 2021 .
Pouvreau Stephane, Cochet Hélène, Fabien Aurélie, Arzul Isabelle, Lapegue Sylvie, Gachelin Sonia, Salaun Benoit (2021). Inventaire, diagnostic écologique et restauration des principaux bancs d’huitres plates en Bretagne : le projet FOREVER . Rapport final. Contrat FEAMP 17/2215675 .
Arzul Isabelle, Furones Dolors, Cheslett Deborah, Gennari Lorenzo, Delangle Estelle, Enez Florian, Lupo Coralie, Mortensen Stein, Pernet Fabrice, Peeler Edmund (2021). Manual for bivalve disease management and biosecurity . H2020 VIVALDI Project - 44p .
Arzul Isabelle (2021). Rapports des Laboratoires de référence de l'OIE. Activités de l'année 2020. Infection à Bonamia ostreae & Bonamia existiosa .
Arzul Isabelle (2021). Rapports des Laboratoires de référence de l'OIE. Activités de l'année 2020. Infection à Marteilia refringens et M. sydneyi .
Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Morga Benjamin, Moussa Pouly Mirna, Toldra A, Pallavicini A (2021). Perspectives of diagnostic approaches for mollusc diseases . European Association of Fish Pathologists Bulletin (EAFP Bulletin) , 41(2), 50-58 .


Boulben Sylviane, Arzul Isabelle, Laugier Thierry (2020). Avis sur le projet d’expérimentation d’élevage de juvéniles de l’holothurie Holothuria (Panningothuria) forskali en co-culture avec l’ormeau Haliotis turberculata . DDTM 29 - Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer du Finistère, Service Cultures Marines, Quimper , Ref. Ifremer-ODE/UL/LER-BO/Avis N° 20-075 - votre courrier 101 UCM du 11/09/20 , 8p., 1p.
Sas Hein, Deden Brenda, Kamermans Pauline, Zu Ermgassen Philine S.E., Pogoda Bernadette, Preston Joanne, Helmer Luke, Holbrook Zoë, Arzul Isabelle, Have Tom, Villalba Antonio, Colsoul Bérenger, Lown Alice, Merk Verena, Zwerschke Nadescha, Reuchlin Emilie (2020). Bonamia infection in native oysters ( Ostrea edulis ) in relation to European restoration projects . Aquatic Conservation-marine And Freshwater Ecosystems , 30(11), 2150-2162 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Picot Sandy, Faury Nicole, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Renault Tristan, Morga Benjamin (2020). Identification of the autophagy pathway in a mollusk bivalve, Crassostrea gigas . Autophagy , 16(11), 2017-2035 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mérou Nicolas, Lecadet Cyrielle, Pouvreau Stephane, Arzul Isabelle (2020). An eDNA/eRNA‐based approach to investigate the life cycle of non‐cultivable shellfish micro‐parasites: the case of Bonamia ostreae , a parasite of the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis . Microbial Biotechnology , 13(6), 1807-1818 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle (2020). Main marine bivalve diseases . WAVMA - World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association. Webinar, 9 October 2020 .
Cano Irene, Ryder David, Webb Steve C., Jones Brian J., Brosnahan Cara L., Carrasco Noelia, Bodinier Barbara, Furones Dolors, Pretto Tobia, Carella Francesca, Chollet Bruno, Arzul Isabelle, Cheslett Deborah, Collins Evelyn, Lohrmann Karin B., Valdivia Ana L., Ward Georgia, Carballal María J., Villalba Antonio, Marigómez Ionan, Mortensen Stein, Christison Kevin, Kevin Wakeman C., Bustos Eduardo, Christie Lyndsay, Green Matthew, Feist Stephen W. (2020). Cosmopolitan Distribution of Endozoicomonas-Like Organisms and Other Intracellular Microcolonies of Bacteria Causing Infection in Marine Mollusks . Frontiers In Microbiology , 11, 577481 (22p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Canier Lydie, Dubreuil Christine, Noyer Mathilde, Serpin Delphine, Chollet Bruno, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle (2020). A new multiplex real-time pcr assay to improve the diagnosis of shellfish regulated parasites of the genus marteilia and bonamia . Preventive Veterinary Medicine , 183, 105126 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Noyer Mathilde, Serpin Delphine, Nadeau Aurelie, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle (2020). EURL for mollusc diseases: 2019 activities & perspectives . 2020 Annual Meeting of NRLs for Mollusc diseases. 7th of July 2020 – online meeting .
Fleury Elodie, Montagnani Caroline, Morga Benjamin, Richard Marion (2020). Compte-rendu des journées Mollusques Marins et Conchylicultures .
Treilles Michaël, Lupo Coralie, Degremont Lionel, Tourbiez Delphine, Guesdon Stephane, Girardin Frederic, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine (2020). Projet Résistance aux antibiotiques en filière ostréicole (REGIS) . Rencontre avec le SENC. 28 Janvier 2020, Beauvoir sur Mer (85) .
Arzul Isabelle (2020). Rapports des Laboratoires de référence de l'OIE. Activités de l'année 2019. Infection à Bonamia exitiosa et à Bonamia ostreae .
Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Bechemin Christian (2020). Avis sur la détection d’agents infectieux réglementés chez les mollusques marins en France au cours du second semestre 2019 . DGAL, Direction Générale de l’Alimentation, Bureau de la Santé Animale, Paris , Ref. Ifremer 20-003 LGPMM/PAT/LNR/CG/IA/LC/CB , 10p., 10p.
Fernández-Boo Sergio, Gervais Ophelie, Prado-Alvarez Maria, Chollet Bruno, Claverol Stéphane, Lecadet Cyrielle, Dubreuil Christine, Arzul Isabelle (2020). Is pallial mucus involved in Ostrea edulis defenses against the parasite Bonamia ostreae? Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 169, 107259 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle (2020). Rapports des Laboratoires de référence de l'OIE. Activités de l'année 2019. Infections à Marteilia refringens et à Marteilia sydneyi.


Arzul Isabelle, Bass David, Figueras Antonio, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Paillard Christine, Furones Dolors (2019). Key outcomes from VIVALDI on preventing and mitigating bivalve diseases . Vivaldi - Final conference. 26-28 November 2019, Brest .
Arzul Isabelle (2019). VIVALDI. Preventing and mitigating farmed bivalve diseases . Aquacuture Europe 2019 "Our Future - GROWING from WATER". October 7-10 2019, Berlin .
Picot Sandy, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Chollet Bruno, Dégremont Lionel, Travers Marie-Agnes, Renault Tristan, Arzul Isabelle (2019). A study of autophagy in hemocytes of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas . Autophagy , 15(10), 1801-1809 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gervais Ophelie, Chollet Bruno, Dubreuil Christine, Durante Serena, Feng Chunyan, Hénard Cyril, Lecadet Cyrielle, Serpin Delphine, Renault Tristan, Arzul Isabelle (2019). Involvement of apoptosis in the dialogue between the parasite Bonamia ostreae and the flat oyster Ostrea edulis . Fish & Shellfish Immunology , 93, 958-964 .
Feis Marieke E., Goedknegt M. Anouk, Arzul Isabelle, Chenuil Anne, Den Boon Onno, Gottschalck Leo, Kondo Yusuke, Ohtsuka Susumu, Shama Lisa N. S., Thieltges David W., Wegner K. Mathias, Luttikhuizen Pieternella C. (2019). Global invasion genetics of two parasitic copepods infecting marine bivalves . Scientific Reports , 9(12730), 16p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Combette Agnes, Bechemin Christian (2019). Avis sur la détection d’agents infectieux réglementés chez les mollusques marins en France au cours du premier semestre 2019 . DGAL, Direction Générale de l’Alimentation, Bureau de la Santé Animale, Paris , Ref. 19-079 LGPMM/PAT/LNR/CG/IA/LC/AC/CB , 9p., 9p.
Rodgers Chris, Arzul Isabelle, Carrasco Noèlia, Furones Nozal Dolores (2019). A literature review as an aid to identify strategies for mitigating ostreid herpesvirus 1 in Crassostrea gigas hatchery and nursery systems . Reviews In Aquaculture , 11(3), 565-585 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Noyer Mathilde, Canier Lydie, Bechemin Christian (2019). Avis sur la détection de parasites du genre Marteilia proche de l’espèce Marteilia cochillia chez les coques . DGAL, Direction Générale de l’Alimentation, Bureau de la Santé Animale, Paris , Ref. 19-081 LGPMM/PAT/LNR/CG/IA/BC/DS/MN/LC/CB , 9p., 9p.
Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie (2019). Technical Report of EURL for Mollusc diseases. Period 2018 .
Pouvreau Stephane, Cochet Hélène, Gachelin Sonia, Chaudemanche Samuel, Fabien Aurélie (2019). Inventaire, diagnostic écologique et restauration des principaux bancs d’huitres plates en Bretagne : le projet FOREVER . Rapport Intermédiaire 2018. RBE/PFOM/PI 2019-3 .
Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Noyer Mathilde, Serpin Delphine (2019). EURL for mollusc diseases: 2018 activities . 2019 Annual meeting & workshop of NRLs for mollusc diseases and COCKLES project. 19-21 mars 2019, Arcachon, France .
Arzul Isabelle (2019). What's new in VIVALDI ? 2019 Annual meeting & workshop of NRLs for mollusc diseases and COCKLES project. 19-21 mars 2019, Arcachon, France .
Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Combette Agnes, Bechemin Christian (2019). Avis sur la détection d'agents infectieux réglementés chez les mollusques marins en France au cours du second semestre 2018 . DGAL - Direction Générale de l'Alimentation Santé Animale, Paris , Ref. Ifremer 19-003 LGPMM/PAT/LNR/CG/IA/LC/AC/CB , 8p., 8p.
Gueguen Yannick, Arzul Isabelle, Goulletquer Philippe (2019). Groupe de Travail « Huîtres » - Plan d’Action 2020-2023. Comprendre et prévoir l’évolution du socio-écosystème ostréicole dans le cadre du changement global .
Arzul Isabelle (2019). OIE Refence Laboratory Reports Activities 2018. Infection with Bonamia ostreae & Bonamia existiosa . RBE-SG2M-LGPMM .
Garcia Celine, Canier Lydie, Arzul Isabelle, Hubert Francoise, Travers Marie-Agnes, Moussa Pouly Mirna, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Noyer Mathilde, Lupo Coralie (2019). Synthèse de la journée des laboratoire agréés et reconnus .
ICES (2019). Workshop on Emerging Mollusc Pathogens (WKEMOP). ICES Scientific Reports/Rapports scientifiques du CIEM , 1(57), 19p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Noyer Mathilde, Serpin Delphine, Lecadet Cyrielle, Garcia Celine (2019). Survey of pathological conditions in two french cockle beds . 2019 Annual meeting & workshop of NRLs for mollusc diseases and COCKLES project. 19-21 mars 2019, Arcachon, France .
Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Noyer Mathilde, Serpin Delphine, Garcia Celine (2019). Mortality of giant clam species in the Mediterranean Sea . 2019 Annual meeting & workshop of NRLs for mollusc diseases and COCKLES project. 19-21 mars 2019, Arcachon, France .
Arzul Isabelle (2019). OIE Refence Laboratory Reports Activities 2018. Infection with Marteilia refringens & Marteilia Sydneyi . RBE-SG2M-LGPMM .


Chollet Bruno, Morga Benjamin, Degremont Lionel, Noyer Mathilde, Dubreuil Christine, Serpin Delphine, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine (2018). Les lésions tissulaires induites par le virus OsHV-1, µVar et leur évolution dans le temps . VIVALDI : Journées de restitution interne-Ifremer, 27 au 29 novembre 2018, Île de Tatihou, France .
Arzul Isabelle (2018). Situation zoosanitaria de la produccion de bivalvos en Europa . Reunion anual del laboratorio de referencia espanol para las enfermedades de moluscos. 23 Noviembre 2018, Vigo, Spain .
Arzul Isabelle, Lecadet Cyrielle, Merou Nicolas (2018). Contribution à la caractérisation de l’état de santé des populations d’huîtres plates. Volet parasitaire . COPIL FOREVER. 12 novembre 2018, Auray, France .
Canier Lydie, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Bechemin Christian, Renault Tristan (2018). Marine mollusc pathogens - Fact sheets .
Kerr R., Ward G. M., Stentiford G. D., Alfjorden A., Mortensen S., Bignell J. P., Feist S. W., Villalba A., Carballal M. J., Cao A., Arzul Isabelle, Ryder D., Bass D. (2018). Marteilia refringens and Marteilia pararefringens sp. nov. are distinct parasites of bivalves and have different European distributions . Parasitology , 145(11), 1483-1492 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Serpin Delphine, Chollet Bruno, Gaillard Juliette, Dubreuil Christine, Noyer Mathilde, Canier Lydie, Garcia Celine (2018). Diversity of the protozoan parasite Marteilia refringens in marine bivalves in Europe . AQUA 2018 - World Aquaculture Society Meetings. August 25-29 2018, Montpellier, France .
Arzul Isabelle, Provot Clément, Lecadet Cyrielle, Fernandez Boo Sergio, Stavrakakis Christophe, Papin Mathias, Chollet Bruno, Auvray Jean-François (2018). UV-Inactivation of the protozoan parasite Perkinsus olseni . AQUA 2018 - World Aquaculture Society Meetings. August 25-29 2018, Montpellier, France .
Arzul Isabelle (2018). Can we prevent and control shellfish diseases? AQUA 2018 - World Aquaculture Society Meetings. August 25-29 2018, Montpellier, France .
Canier Lydie, Dubreuil Christine, Noyer Mathilde, Serpin Delphine, Couraleau Yann, Chollet Bruno, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle (2018). Development of a new multiplex PCR for the concomitant detection of endemic listed pathogens of flat oysters : Marteilia refringens & Bonamia sp. AQUA 2018 - World Aquaculture Society Meetings. August 25-29 2018, Montpellier, France .
Gervais Ophelie, Renault Tristan, Arzul Isabelle (2018). Molecular and cellular characterization of apoptosis in flat oyster a key mechanisms at the heart of host-parasite interactions . Scientific Reports , 8(1), 12494 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Combette Agnes, Bechemin Christian (2018). Avis sur la détection d'agents infectieux réglementés chez les mollusques marins en France au cours du premier semestre 2018 . DGAL 75 - Direction Générale de l'Alimentation Bureau de la Santé Animale, Paris , Ref. Ifremer 18-088 LGPMM/PAT/LNR/CG/IA/LC/AC/CB , 8p., 8p.
Lapegue Sylvie, Bechemin Christian, Le Guyader Soizick, Stavrakakis Christophe, Rivet Florence (2018). Rapport d’activités 2017 de l’unité SG2M, Santé Génétique et Microbiologie des Mollusques . R.RBE/SG2M/2018-01 .
Garcia Celine, Chollet Bruno, Noyer Mathilde, Serpin Delphine, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle, Tourbiez Delphine, Lupo Coralie, Canier Lydie (2018). Le Laboratoire National de Référence des maladies des mollusques marins. Bilan 2017 . Journée de restitution des conventions DGAL/DPMA. 28 Mai 2018, Nantes .
Arzul Isabelle, Lupo Coralie, Engelsma Marc, Garcia Celine (2018). Parasites du genre Mikrocytos: La situation en Europe . Journée des Laboratoires agréés et reconnus. 29 mars 2018, Nantes, France .
Garcia Celine, Fleury Elodie, Normand Julien, Lupo Coralie, Canier Lydie (2018). Epidemiological report. France - 2017 . Annual Meeting of the National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc Diseases, La Rochelle 14-15 March 2018, France .
Canier Lydie, Fleury Elodie, Normand Julien (2018). Bilan 2017 du dispositif national de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins . Convention relative aux actions de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins Ifremer-DGAL 16/1212709. RBE/SG2M/LGPMM .
Arzul Isabelle, Feist Steve, Figueras Antonio, Lapegue Sylvie, Paillard Christine, Furones Dolors (2018). Vivaldi. One year of research for preventing and mitigating farmed bivalve diseases . National Shellfisheries Association (NSA) - 110th Annual Meeting. March 18 - 22, 2018, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Arzul Isabelle, Lupo Coralie, Engelsma Marc, Garcia Celine (2018). Do parasites of the genus Mikrocytos present a risk for the production of shellfish in Europe ? National Shellfisheries Association (NSA) - 110th Annual Meeting. March 18 - 22, 2018, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Arzul Isabelle, Prou Jean, Delangle Estelle, Venier Paola, Cheslett Deborah, Furones Dolors, Moreira Rebeca, Ventura Romania, Figueras Antonio, Feist Steve, Lupo Coralie (2018). Shellfish industry in EU: an exercise of Stakeholders Mapping . National Shellfisheries Association (NSA) - 110th Annual Meeting. March 18 - 22, 2018, Seattle, Washington, USA .
Matozzo Valerio, Ercolini Carlo, Serracca Laura, Battistini Roberta, Rossini Irene, Granato Giulia, Quaglieri Elisabetta, Perolo Alberto, Finos Livio, Arcangeli Giuseppe, Bertotto Daniela, Radaelli Giuseppe, Chollet Bruno, Arzul Isabelle, Quaglio Francesco (2018). Assessing the health status of farmed mussels ( Mytilus galloprovincialis ) through histological, microbiological and biomarker analyses . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 153, 165-179 .
Garcia Celine, Haond Christophe, Chollet Bruno, Nerac Mirella, Omnes Emmanuelle, Joly Jean-Pierre, Dubreuil Christine, Serpin Delphine, Langlade Aime, Le Gal Dominique, Terre-Terrillon Aouregan, Courtois Olivier, Guichard Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle (2018). Descriptions of Mikrocytos veneroïdes n. sp. and Mikrocytos donaxi n. sp. (Ascetosporea: Mikrocytida: Mikrocytiidae), detected during important mortality events of the wedge clam Donax trunculus Linnaeus (Veneroida: Donacidae), in France between 2008 and 2011 . Parasites & Vectors , 11(1), 119 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Elgharsalli Refka, Seguineau Catherine, Arzul Isabelle, Aloui-Bejaoui Nejla, Quere Claudie, Moal Jeanne (2018). Effect of infection by the protistan parasite Marteilia refringens on the enzyme activity and energy reserves of oyster Ostrea stentina (Payraudeau, 1826) in Tunisia . Journal Of The Marine Biological Association Of The United Kingdom , 98(1), 161-170 .
Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Fleury Elodie, Normand Julien, Bechemin Christian (2018). Détection d'agents infectieux réglementés chez les mollusques marins en France au cours du second semestre 2017 . DGAL 75 - Direction Générale de l'Alimentation Bureau de la Santé Animale, Paris , Ref. Ifremer 18-010 LGPMM/PAT/LNR/CG/IA/LC/EF/JN/CB , 8p., 8p.
Arzul Isabelle (2018). Situation of European mollusc production regarding diseases . Bulletin Of The European Association Of Fish Pathologists , 38(3), 130-139 . Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle (2018). Rapport des Laboratoires de Référence de l'OIE. Activités de l'année 2017. Infections à Bonamia ostreae et Bonamia existiosa .
Arzul Isabelle (2018). Rapport des Laboratoires de Référence de l'OIE. Activités de l'année 2017. Infections à Marteilia refringens et Marteilia sydneyi .
Arzul Isabelle (2018). REPAMO 2003. Bulletins de la surveillance. Juin à septembre 2003 . R.RBE/SG2M/LGPMM 2018 .
Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Noyer Mathilde, Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Serpin Delphine, Tourbiez Delphine, Faury Nicole, Bechemin Christian, Lapegue Sylvie (2018). European Union Reference Laboratory for Mollusc Diseases. Technical Report 2017 .


Arzul Isabelle (2017). La conchyliculture française: une production durable mais vulnérable . Aquaculture marine française : atouts, risques et perspective. Académie d'Agriculture de France, Paris, 12 décembre 2017 .
Arzul Isabelle, Delangle Estelle (2017). VIVALDI, Preventing and mitigating farmed bivalve diseases, HORIZON2020 . Impact , 2017(11), 89-91 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Lupo Coralie, Engelsma Marc, Garcia Celine (2017). Les parasites du genre Mikrocytos: un risque pour la conchyliculture française? Conseil de filière coquillages. 13-14 novembre 2017, Nantes, France .
Garcia Celine, Canier Lydie, Francois Cyrille, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Noyer Mathilde, Verin Francoise, Hebert Pascale, Robert Maeva, Omnes Emmanuelle, Ferrand Sylvie, Lupo Coralie, Miossec Laurence, Joly Jean-Pierre, Arzul Isabelle (2017). Détection de Marteilia refringens dans une zone considérée comme indemne . Conseil de filière coquillages. 13-14 novembre 2017 Nantes, France .
Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie, Canier Lydie, Arzul Isabelle, Bechemin Christian (2017). Information sur Mikrocytos mimicus . DGAL - Direction Générale de l 'Alimentation, Bureau de la Santé Animale, Paris , Ref. Ifremer 17-088 LGPMM/PAT/LNR/CG/CL/LC/IA/SL , 3p., 3p.
Morga Benjamin, Renault Tristan, Faury Nicole, Lerond Sophie, Garcia Celine, Chollet Bruno, Joly Jean-Pierre, Lapegue Sylvie, Harrang Estelle, Arzul Isabelle (2017). Contribution of in Vivo Experimental Challenges to Understanding Flat Oyster Ostrea edulis Resistance to Bonamia ostreae . Frontiers In Cellular And Infection Microbiology , 7(433), 1-13 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Gervais Ophelie, Fernandez Boo Sergio, Prado Alvarez Maria, Chollet Bruno (2017). How does Crassostrea gigas resist to Bonamia ostreae? EAFP - 18th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 4-8 September 2017, Belfast, UK .
Arzul Isabelle (2017). Situation of European mollusc production regarding diseases . EAFP - 18th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 4-8 September 2017, Belfast, UK .
Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Chollet Bruno, Englesma Marc (2017). New perspectives on the parasites of the genus Mikrocytos in Europe . EAFP - 18th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 4-8 September 2017, Belfast, UK .
Picot Sandy, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Pelletier Camille, Degremont Lionel, Arzul Isabelle, Renault Tristan (2017). Monitoring of the autophagy pathway in C. gigas haemocytes during an experimental OsHV-1 infection . EAFP - 18th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 4-8 September 2017, Belfast, UK .
Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Fleury Elodie, Normand Julien, Bechemin Christian (2017). Détection d'agents infectieux réglementés chez les mollusques marins en France au cours du premier semestre 2017 . DGAL 75 - Direction Générale de l'Alimentation, Bureau de la Santé Animale, Paris , Ref. Ifremer 17-081 LGPMM/PAT/LNR/CG/IA/LC/EF/JN/CB , 8p., 8p.
Arzul Isabelle, Corbeil Serge, Morga Benjamin, Renault Tristan (2017). Viruses infecting marine molluscs . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 147, 118-135 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Bechemin Christian (2017). Commentaire sur le compte-rendu de la commission OIE Aquatic animal health . DGAL 75 - Direction Générale de l'Alimentation, Bureau de la Santé Animale, Paris , Ref. Ifremer 17-034 LGPMMIPATILNRlCG/WLC/CB , 3p., 3p.
Lapegue Sylvie, Arzul Isabelle (2017). Genetic selection for disease tolerance/resistance: Vivaldi's expected input . 2017 Annual Meeting & Technical Workshop of NRLs for Mollusc diseases. 28-30 March 2017 Oranmore, Ireland .
Arzul Isabelle (2017). VIVALDI Information day . 2017 Annual Meeting & Technical Workshop of NRLs for Mollusc diseases. 28-30 March 2017 Oranmore, Ireland .
Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Dubreuil Christine, Noyer Mathilde, Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie, Osta Amigo Axel, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Tourbiez Delphine, Faury Nicole, Bechemin Christian, Lapegue Sylvie (2017). European Union Reference Laboratory for Mollusc Diseases. Technical Report 2016 .
Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Bechemin Christian (2017). Détection d'agents infectieux réglementés chez les mollusques marins en France au cours du second semestre 2016 . DGAL 75 - Direction Générale de l' Alimentation Bureau de la Santé Animale, Paris , Ref. Ifremer 17-011 LGPMM/PAT/ILNR/CG/AI/LC/CB , 8p., 8p.
Arzul Isabelle (2017). Rapports des Laboratoires de Référence de l'OIE. Activités de l'année 2016. Infections à Marteilia refringens et Marteilia sydneyi . 2017-01-25 17:58:42 .
Arzul Isabelle (2017). Rapports des Laboratoires de Référence de l'OIE. Activités de l'année 2016. Infections à Bonamia ostreae et Bonamia exitiosa . 2017-01-25 17:26:58 .
Lupo Coralie, Fleury Elodie, Normand Julien, Osta Amigo Axel, Robert Stephane, Canier Lydie, Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine (2017). Bilan 2016 du dispositif national de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins . Convention DGAL/IFREMER 16/1212709 .


Vazquez Nuria, Fiori Sandra, Arzul Isabelle, Carcedo Cecilia, Cremonte Florencia (2016). Mass Mortalities Affecting Populations of the Yellow Clam Amarilladesma mactroides Along Its Geographic Range . Journal Of Shellfish Research , 35(4), 739-745 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gervais Ophelie, Chollet Bruno, Renault Tristan, Arzul Isabelle (2016). Flat oyster follows the apoptosis pathway to defend against the protozoan parasite Bonamia ostreae . Fish & Shellfish Immunology , 56, 322-329 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Feist Steve, Figueras Antonio, Lapegue Sylvie, Paillard Christine, Furones Dolors (2016). VIVALDI, A H2020 European Project aiming at preventing and mitigating farmed bivalve diseases . AquaEpi I-2016 - 1st scientific conference in Aquatic Animal Epidemiology, September 20-22, 2016, Oslo, Norway .
Garcia Celine, Osta Amigo Axel, Lupo Coralie, Chollet Bruno, Dubreuil Christine, Noyer Mathilde, Arzul Isabelle, Bechemin Christian (2016). Avis 2016 de l'Ifremer sur la détection d'agents infectieux réglementés chez les mollusques marins en France au cours du premier semestre 2016 . MAAF - DGAL 75 - Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et de la Forêt. Direction Générale de l'ALimentation. Bureau de la Santé Animale, Paris , Ref. Ifremer 16-119 LGPMM/PAT/LNR/AOA/CL/BC/CD/MN/IA/CG/CB , 7p., 7p.
Lupo Coralie, Garcia Celine (2016). Synthèse des journées de la santé des mollusques marins 2016. Journée générale du mardi 02 février 2016 .
Sierra Roberto, Canas-Duarte Silvia J., Burki Fabien, Schwelm Arne, Fogelqvist Johan, Dixelius Christina, Gonzalez-Garcia Laura N., Gile Gillian H., Slamovits Claudio H., Klopp Christophe, Restrepo Silvia, Arzul Isabelle, Pawlowski Jan (2016). Evolutionary Origins of Rhizarian Parasites . Molecular Biology And Evolution , 33(4), 980-983 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Carnegie Ryan B., Arzul Isabelle, Bushek David (2016). Managing marine mollusc diseases in the context of regional and international commerce: policy issues and emerging concerns . Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B-biological Sciences , 371(1689), - . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lapegue Sylvie, Renault Tristan, Bechemin Christian, Le Guyader Soizick, Stavrakakis Christophe, Rivet Florence (2016). Rapport d'activités 2015 de l'Unité SG2M : Santé, Génétique et Microbiologie des Mollusques .
Garcia Celine, Canier Lydie, Dubreuil Christine, Chollet Bruno, Baillon Laury, Arzul Isabelle, Travers Marie-Agnes, Godfrin Yoann, Dechamps Lucie, Lupo Coralie, Tourbiez Delphine, Degremont Lionel, Maurouard Elise, Haffner Philippe, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Billy Jean-Christophe, Brun Aurelien, Bodin Stephane, Phelipot Pascal, Laclau Tom, Schwerdtle Pascal, Girardin Frederic, Lamy Pierre, Lapegue Sylvie, Bechemin Christian (2016). Laboratoire National de Référence pour les maladies des mollusques marins. Bilan 2015 . Journée de la Santé des mollusques marins et Journées de l'Observation conchylicole, 02 au 04 février 2016, Ifremer, Nantes, France .
Gardner Ian A., Whittington Richard J., Caraguel Charles G. B., Hick Paul, Moody Nicholas J. G., Corbeil Serge, Garver Kyle A., Warg Janet V., Arzul Isabelle, Purcell Maureen K., Crane Mark St J., Waltzek Thomas B., Olesen Niels J., Gallardo Lagno Alicia (2016). Recommended reporting standards for test accuracy studies of infectious diseases of finfish, amphibians, molluscs and crustaceans: the STRADAS-aquatic checklist . Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms , 118(2), 91-111 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
de Montaudouin Xavier, Arzul Isabelle, Caill-Milly Nathalie, Khayati Alice, Labrousse Jean-Michel, Lafitte Céline, Paillard Christine, Soudant Philippe, Goulletquer Philippe (2016). Asari clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) in France: history of an exotic species 1972 – 2015 . Bulletin of Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency. , (42), 35-42 . Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Chollet Bruno, Dubreuil Christine, Noyer Mathilde, Arzul Isabelle, Osta Amigo Axel, Lupo Coralie (2016). Synthèse des journées de la surveillance des maladies des mollusques marin 2016 - Journée technique des laboratoires agréés et reconnus du mercredi 3 février 2016 .


Harrang Estelle, Heurtebise Serge, Faury Nicole, Robert Maeva, Arzul Isabelle, Lapegue Sylvie (2015). Can survival of European flat oysters following experimental infection with Bonamia ostreae be predicted using QTLs? Aquaculture , 448, 521-530 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Prado-Alvarez Maria, Couraleau Yann, Chollet Bruno, Tourbiez Delphine, Arzul Isabelle (2015). Whole-genome amplification: a useful approach to characterize new genes in unculturable protozoan parasites such as Bonamia exitiosa . Parasitology , 142(12), 1523-1534 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gervais Ophelie, Renault Tristan, Arzul Isabelle (2015). Induction of apoptosis by UV in the flat oyster, Ostrea edulis . Fish & Shellfish Immunology , 46(2), 232-242 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Carnegie Ryan B. (2015). New Perspective On The Haplosporidian Parasites Of Molluscs . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 131, 32-42 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Baillon Laury, Chollet Bruno, Dubreuil Christine, Garcia Celine, Heloury Purotu, Hussenot Mathieu, Serpin Delphine, Pouvreau Stephane (2015). Two protozoan parasites take up residence in a same flate oyster (Ostrea edulis) population . EAFP2015 - 17th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish, Las Palmas, September 7-11, 2015 .
Garcia Celine, Canier Lydie, Lupo Coralie, Arzul Isabelle, Lapegue Sylvie (2015). Avis 2015 de l'Ifremer sur la détection d'agents infectieux réglementés chez les mollusques marins en France . DGAL 75 - Direction Générale de l'Alimentation, Paris , Ref. Réf. 15-103 LGPMM/PAT/LNR/CG/LC/CL/IA/SL , 7p., 7p.
Renault Tristan, Lapegue Sylvie, Le Guyader Soizick, Hatt Philippe-Jacques, Rivet Florence (2015). Rapport d'activités 2014 de l'Unité SG2M. Santé, Génétique et Microbiologie des mollusques .
Lupo Coralie, Osta Amigo Axel, Mandard Yann-Vari, Peroz Carole, Arzul Isabelle, Renault Tristan (2015). Improving farmer reporting of oyster disease outbreaks : a French study . Regional Seminar for OIE National Focal Points for Aquatic Animals, 01-03 July 2015 , Bergen, Norway .
Escobedo-Fregoso C., Arzul Isabelle, Carrasco Noelia, Gutierrez-Rivera J. N., Llera-Herrera Raul, Vazquez-Juarez R. (2015). Polymorphism at the ITS and NTS Loci of Perkinsus marinus isolated from cultivated oyster Crassostrea corteziensis in Nayarit, Mexico and Phylogentic relationship to P. marinus along the Atlantic Coast . Transboundary And Emerging Diseases , 62(2), 137-147 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Francois Cyrille, Lupo Coralie, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Dubreuil Christine, Serpin Delphine, Baillon Laury, Travers Marie-Agnes, Tourbiez Delphine, Haffner Philippe, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Garrigues Manon (2015). Epidemiologic Al report 2014 France . 2015 Annual Meeting & Technical Workshop of NRLs for Mollusc Diseases, 16-19 March 2015, Saintes, France .
Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Dubreuil Christine, Lupo Coralie, Garcia Celine, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Tourbiez Delphine, Haffner Philippe, Faury Nicole, Lapegue Sylvie (2015). EURL for mollusc diseases: activities 2014 and perspectives for 2015 . 2015 Annual Meeting & Technical Workshop of NRLs for Mollusc Diseases, 16-19 March 2015, Saintes, France .
Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie (2015). Synthèse des journées de la surveillance des maladies des mollusques marins 2014. Journée générale du mardi 16 décembre 2014 . Rapport Interne Ifremer .
Arzul Isabelle, Boyer Séverine, Gaillard Juliette, Carrasco Noelia, Chollet Bruno, Bonnet Delphine, Garcia Celine, Joly Jean-Pierre, Bouchoucha Marc (2015). What we (don’t) know about life cycle of Marteilia refringens . 1st Working Group Meeting on Paramyxean parasites San Carles de La Rapita, Spain, 25‐26 february 2015 .


Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie, Travers Marie-Agnes, Arzul Isabelle, Tourbiez Delphine, Haffner Philippe, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Omnes Emmanuelle, Joly Jean-Pierre, Dubreuil Christine, Serpin Delphine, Francois Cyrille (2014). Vibrio aestuarianus et les huîtres creuses : bilan de 10 années de surveillance . Journées de la Surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins, 15-17 décembre 2014, Nantes, France .
Garcia Celine, Travers Marie-Agnes, Lupo Coralie, Arzul Isabelle, Dubreuil Christine, Chollet Bruno, Baillon Laury, Serpin Delphine, Bazet Mathilde, Tourbiez Delphine, Haffner Philippe, Morga Benjamin, Francois Cyrille, Tchaleu-Danic Gwenaelle, Faury Nicole, Segarra Amelie, Moreau Pierrick, Lapegue Sylvie, Renault Tristan (2014). Laboratoire National de Référence pour les maladies des mollusques marins. Bilan 2014 . Journées de la Surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins, 15-17 décembre 2014, Nantes, France .
Hussenot Mathieu, Pouvreau Stephane, Duchene Julie, Freulon Henry, Arzul Isabelle, Lapegue Sylvie (2014). Synthèse PERLE. Programme d’Expérimentation et de recherche sur L’huître plate ostrea Edulis .
Arzul Isabelle (2014). Interactions bivalves-protozoaires parasites : un équilibre dynamique . HDR.
Anonyme (2014). PERLE. Programme d'expérimentation et de recherche sur l'huître plate Ostrea edulis. Rapport final de l'ensemble du projet 2011-2014.
Gombac Mitja, Kusar D., Ocepek M., Pogacnik M., Arzul Isabelle, Couraleau Yann, Jencic V. (2014). Marteiliosis in mussels: a rare disease? Journal Of Fish Diseases , 37(9), 805-814 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Engelsma Marc, Culloty Sarah C., Lynch Sharon A., Arzul Isabelle, Carnegie Ryan B. (2014). Bonamia parasites: a rapidly changing perspective on a genus of important mollusc pathogens . Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms , 110(1-2), 5-23 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Baillon Laury, Boudry Pierre, Bouget Jean-Francois, Chollet Bruno, Cochet Helene, Couraleau Yann, Dubreuil Christine, Duchene Julie, Dutartre Julie, Garcia Celine, Heloury Purotu, Heurtebise Serge, Huchet Eve, Hussenot Mathieu, Langlade Aime, Ollier Simon, Omnes Emmanuelle, Pouvreau Stephane, Roby Charlotte, Serpin Delphine, Viard Frederique, Wacrenier Candice, Lapegue Sylvie (2014). PERLE - Programme d'expérimentation et de recherche sur l'huître plate Ostrea edulis - Rapport final des sous-programmes 2 et 3 .
Lapegue Sylvie, Arzul Isabelle, Boudry Pierre, Corporeau Charlotte, Gagnaire Pierre-Alexandre, Haffray Pierrick, Huvet Arnaud, Renault Tristan (2014). Les "omiques" pour mieux comprendre et améliorer la robustesse des huîtres face aux mortalités de juvéniles et d'adultes . Xe Colloque AGENAE "Génétique et génomique animale", 12 et 13 Mai 2014, Nantes .
Arzul Isabelle, Boyer Séverine, Chollet Bruno, Bonnet Delphine (2014). Marteilia refringens (Paramyxea) dynamics in bivalves and zooplancton . International symposium 'Ecology and Evolution of Marine Parasites and Diseases', 10-14 March 2014, TEXEL, The Netherlands .
Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie, Travers Marie-Agnes, Arzul Isabelle, Tourbiez Delphine, Haffner Philippe, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Omnes Emmanuelle, Joly Jean-Pierre, Dubreuil Christine, Serpin Delphine, Francois Cyrille (2014). Vibrio aestuarianus and Pacific oyster in France : a review of 10 years of surveillance . National Shellfisheries Association 106th Annual Meeting, March 29 - April 2 2014, Jacksonville, United States .
Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Boyer S., Bonnet D., Gaillard Juliette, Baldi Yoann, Robert Maeva, Joly Jean-Pierre, Garcia Celine, Bouchoucha Marc (2014). Contribution to the understanding of the cycle of the protozoan parasite Marteilia refringens . Parasitology , 141(2), 227-240 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Boyer S., Chollet Bruno, Bonnet D., Arzul Isabelle (2013). New evidence for the involvement of Paracartia grani (Copepoda, Calanoida) in the life cycle of Marteilia refringens (Paramyxea) . International Journal For Parasitology , 43(14), 1089-1099 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lapegue Sylvie, Flahauw Emilie, Harrang Estelle, Heurtebise Serge, Hatt Philippe-Jacques, Arzul Isabelle, Cornette Florence, Gagnaire Pierre-Alexandre, Boudry Pierre, Azema Patrick, Chapuis Herve, Haffray Pierrick (2013). Detection of QTLs and eQTLs in oysters and their potential use in selective breeding programs . Aquaculture 2013 Conference. 03-06 Novembre 2013, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain .
Hwang J. Y., Park J. J., Yu H. J., Hur Y. B., Arzul Isabelle, Couraleau Yann, Park M. A. (2013). Ostreid herpesvirus 1 infection in farmed Pacific oyster larvae Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) in Korea . Journal Of Fish Diseases , 36(11), 969-972 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Lapegue Sylvie, Renault Tristan (2013). Observations histologiques et analyses en hybridation in situ de bénitiers Tridacna maxima . Direction des Ressources Marines, Papeete, Tahiti , Ref. LTPMM/PAT/OIE/IA 13-220 , 2p., 2p.
Prado-Alvarez Maria, Chollet Bruno, Couraleau Yann, Morga Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle (2013). Heat shock protein 90 of Bonamia ostreae: characterization and possible correlation with infection of the flat oyster, Ostrea edulis . Journal Of Eukaryotic Microbiology , 60(3), 257-266 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gombac Mitja, Sitar Rosvita, Pogacnik Milan, Arzul Isabelle, Jencic Vlasta (2013). Haemocytic neoplasia in Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in the Slovene Adriatic Sea . Marine And Freshwater Behaviour And Physiology , 46(2), 135-143 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Elgharsalli Refka, Aloui-Bejaoui Nejla, Salah Hedi, Chollet Bruno, Joly Jean-Pierre, Robert Maeva, Couraleau Yann, Arzul Isabelle (2013). Characterization of the protozoan parasite Marteilia refringens infecting the dwarf oyster Ostrea stentina in Tunisia . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 112(2), 175-183 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Lallias Delphine, Boudry Pierre, Arzul Isabelle, Robert Rene, Lapegue Sylvie (2012). Genetics insights into flat oyster restauration programmes . International workshop : Feasibility of the restoration of the European flat oyster in the German Bight by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) at the International Academy for Nature Conservation organised by the Institute of Applied Ecology (IfAÖ), Neu Broderstorf , 15th to 16th November 2012, Isle of Vilm .
Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Michel J, Robert Mill Hugh, Garcia Celine, Joly Jean-Pierre, Francois Cyrille, Miossec Laurence (2012). One Perkinsus species may hide another: characterization of Perkinsus species present in clam production areas of France . Parasitology , 139(13), 1757-1771 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Boyer Séverine, Arzul Isabelle, Bonnet Delphine (2012). Some like it hot: Paracartia grani (Copepoda: Calanoida) arrival in the Thau lagoon (south of France—Mediterranean Sea) . Marine Biodiversity Records , 5, 6 pp. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lupo Coralie, Osta Amigo Axel, Mandard Y. V., Peroz C., Arzul Isabelle, Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Renault Tristan (2012). Sensitivity of mortality reporting by the French oyster farmers . 13th Conference of the International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE XIII), 20-24 august 2012 , Maastricht - The Netherlands .
Lupo Coralie, Francois Cyrille, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Joly Jean-Pierre, Renault Tristan (2012). Défis de la surveillance des maladies chez les coquillages marins en France . Epidémiologie et santé animale, 62, pp. 27-42 .
Morga Benjamin, Renault Tristan, Faury Nicole, Arzul Isabelle (2012). New insights in flat oyster Ostrea edulis resistance against the parasite Bonamia ostreae . Fish & Shellfish Immunology , 32(6), 958-968 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Robert Rene, Bedier Edouard, Petton Bruno, Barret Jean, Renault Tristan, Arzul Isabelle, Boudry Pierre (2012). Oyster farming in France (2012) . Workshop sur l'huître plate, Program Nord-Orström meeting, Strömstadt (Suède), 24-25th April 2012 .
Comesana Pilar, Casas Sandra M., Cao Asuncion, Abollo Elvira, Arzul Isabelle, Morga Benjamin, Villalba Antonio (2012). Comparison of haemocytic parameters among flat oyster Ostrea edulis stocks with different susceptibility to bonamiosis and the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 109(3), 274-286 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Morga Benjamin, Renault Tristan, Faury Nicole, Chollet Bruno, Arzul Isabelle (2011). Cellular and molecular responses of haemocytes from Ostrea edulis during in vitro infection by the parasite Bonamia ostreae . International Journal For Parasitology , 41(7), 755-764 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Thebault Anne, Degremont Lionel, Arzul Isabelle, Miossec Laurence, Robert Maeva, Chollet Bruno, Francois Cyrille, Joly Jean-Pierre, Ferrand Sylvie, Kerdudou Nolwenn, Renault Tristan (2011). Ostreid herpesvirus 1 detection and relationship with Crassostrea gigas spat mortality in France between 1998 and 2006 . Veterinary Research , 42(73), 11 p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Langlade Aime, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Ferrand Sylvie, Omnes Emmanuelle, Lerond Sophie, Couraleau Yann, Joly Jean-Pierre, Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine (2011). Can the protozoan parasite Bonamia ostreae infect larvae of flat oysters Ostrea edulis? Veterinary Parasitology , 179(1-3), 69-76 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lupo Coralie, Mandard Yann-Vari, Arzul Isabelle, Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Renault Tristan, Bareille Nathalie (2011). Space-time clustering of mortality notifications in Pacific oysters of Charente sluices, France, 2008-2010 . Epidémiologie et Santé Animale , 59-60, 166-168 .
Lupo Coralie, Mandard Yann-Vari, Arzul Isabelle, Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Renault Tristan, Bareille Nathalie (2011). Poster Space-time clustering of mortality notifications in Pacific oysters of Charente sluices, France, 2008-2010 . International Conference on Animal Health Surveillance - Lyon, 17th-20th May 2011 .
Guichard Benjamin, Garcia Celine, Joly Jean-Pierre, Lupo Coralie, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Omnes Emmanuelle, Arzul Isabelle (2011). REPAMO : a French network for the surveillance of molluscs health . Proceedings of the International Conference on Animal Health Surveillance (ICAHS), 17-20 May 2011, Lyon .
Cochennec-Laureau Nathalie, Baud Jean-Pierre, Pepin Jean-Francois, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Soletchnik Patrick, Lupo Coralie, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Boudry Pierre, Huvet Arnaud, Pernet Fabrice, Bachere Evelyne, Bedier Edouard, Petton Bruno, Gaussem Florian, Stanisiere Jean-Yves, Degremont Lionel (2011). Les surmortalités des naissains d’huîtres creuses, Crassostrea gigas : acquis des recherches en 2010 . RST/LER/MPL/11.07 .
Dundon William G., Arzul Isabelle, Omnes Emmanuelle, Robert Maeva, Magnabosco Cristian, Zambon Michela, Gennari Lorenzo, Toffan Anna, Terregino Calogero, Capua Ilaria, Arcangeli Giuseppe (2011). Detection of Type 1 Ostreid Herpes variant (OsHV-1 mu var) with no associated mortality in French-origin Pacific cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas farmed in Italy . Aquaculture , 314(1-4), 49-52 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Morga Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle, Faury Nicole, Segarra Amelie, Chollet Bruno, Renault Tristan (2011). Molecular responses of Ostrea edulis haemocytes to an in vitro infection with Bonamia ostreae . Developmental And Comparative Immunology , 35(3), 323-333 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bang Jeansen B., Olesen N. J., Arzul Isabelle, Stentiford G. D., Brun E. (2011). Challenges regarding implementation of the new legislation on Aquatic Animal Health Surveillance in Europe . Epidémiologie et Santé Animale , 59-60, 266-268 .
Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Miossec Laurence, Joly Jean-Pierre, Lupo Coralie, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Omnes Emmanuelle, Arzul Isabelle (2011). REPAMO: A French network for the surveillance of mollusc health . Epidémiologie et Santé animale , 59-60, 386-388 .
Guichard Benjamin, Francois Cyrille, Joly Jean-Pierre, Garcia Celine, Saulnier Denis, Pepin Jean-Francois, Arzul Isabelle, Omnes Emmanuelle, Tourbiez Delphine, Faury Nicole, Haffner Philippe, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Renault Tristan, Rauflet Fabienne, Le Gagneur Eric, Ropert Michel, Mouillard Gilbert, Gerla Daniel, Annezo Jean-Pierre, Le Gal Dominique, Langlade Aime, Bedier Edouard, Brerette Stéphane, Chabirand Jean-Michel, Grizon James, Robert Stephane, Courtois Olivier, Rumebe Myriam, Cantin Christian (2011). Bilan 2010 du réseau Repamo - Réseau national de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins .


Morga Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle, Faury Nicole, Renault Tristan (2010). Identification of genes from flat oyster Ostrea edulis as suitable housekeeping genes for quantitative real time PCR . Fish & Shellfish Immunology , 29(6), 937-945 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Segarra Amelie, Pepin Jean-Francois, Arzul Isabelle, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Renault Tristan (2010). Detection and description of a particular Ostreid herpesvirus 1 genotype associated with massive mortality outbreaks of Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, in France in 2008 . Virus Research , 153(1), 92-99 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Renault Tristan (2010). Information concerning Marteilia refringens . European Commission, SANCO, Bruxelles, Belgique , Ref. 10-142/IA/TR , 2p., 2p.
Nardsi V., Arzul Isabelle, Cargini D., Mosca F., Calzetta A., Traversa D., Robert Maeva, Joly Jean-Pierre, Chollet Bruno, Renault Tristan, Tiscar P. G. (2010). Detection of Bonamia ostreae and B. exitiosa (Haplosporidia) in Ostrea edulis from the Adriatic Sea (Italy) . Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms , 89(1), 79-85 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Francois Cyrille, Joly Jean-Pierre, Garcia Celine, Miossec Laurence, Saulnier Denis, Pepin Jean-Francois, Arzul Isabelle, Omnes Emmanuelle, Tourbiez Delphine, Faury Nicole, Haffner Philippe, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Cobret Laetitia, Renault Tristan, Rauflet Fabienne, Le Gagneur Eric, Ropert Michel, Mouillard Gilbert, Gerla Daniel, Annezo Jean-Pierre, Le Gal Dominique, Langlade Aime, Bedier Edouard, Breerette Stephane, Chabirand Jean-Michel, Grizon James, Robert Stephane, Courtois Olivier, Rumebe Myriam (2010). Bilan 2009 du réseau REPAMO - Réseau national de surveillace de la santé des mollusques marins .


Robert Maeva, Garcia Celine, Chollet Bruno, Lopez-Flores Inmaculada, Ferrand Sylvie, Francois Cyrille, Joly Jean-Pierre, Arzul Isabelle (2009). Molecular detection and quantification of the protozoan Bonamia ostreae in the flat oyster, Ostrea edulis . Molecular and Cellular Probes , 23(6), 264-271 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lallias Delphine, Gomez-Raya L., Haley C. S., Arzul Isabelle, Heurtebise Serge, Beaumont A. R., Boudry Pierre, Lapegue Sylvie (2009). Combining Two-Stage Testing and Interval Mapping Strategies to Detect QTL for Resistance to Bonamiosis in the European Flat Oyster Ostrea edulis . Marine Biotechnology , 11(5), 570-584 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Renault Tristan, Allain Gwenhael, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Cobret Laetitia, de Decker Sophie, Faury Nicole, Ferrand Sylvie, Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Haffner Philippe, Joly Jean-Pierre, Miossec Laurence, Morga Benjamin, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Omnes Emmanuelle, Pepin Jean-Francois, Saulnier Denis, Schikorski David, Segarra Amelie (2009). Summer mortality outbreaks of French Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas in 2008 and 2009 . 14th EAFP International Conference, Diseases of Fish and Shellfish, 14th to 17th September 2009, Prague, Czech Republic .
Miossec Laurence, Allain Gwenhael, Arzul Isabelle, Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Cameron Angus (2009). First results of an epidemiological study on oyster (Crassostrea gigas) mortality events in France during summer 2008 . Présentation 12th ISVEE, 10-14 August 2009, Durban, South Africa .
Miossec Laurence, Allain Gwenhael, Arzul Isabelle, Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Cameron Angus (2009). Etude épidémiologique descriptive des mortalités exceptionnelles d'huîtres creuses enregistrées sur le littoral français en 2008 . Présentation Journées Scientifiques Association pour l'Etude de l'Epidémiologie des Maladies Animales, 3-5 juin 2009, Maison-Alfort .
Morga Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Renault Tristan (2009). Infection with the protozoan parasite Bonamia ostreae modifies in vitro haemocyte activities of flat oyster Ostrea edulis . Fish & Shellfish Immunology , 26(6), 836-842 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Gagnaire Beatrice, Bond Celine, Chollet Bruno, Morga Benjamin, Ferrand Sylvie, Robert Maeva, Renault Tristan (2009). Effects of temperature and salinity on the survival of Bonamia ostreae, a parasite infecting flat oysters Ostrea edulis . Diseases of aquatic organisms , 85(1), 67-75 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Michel Justine, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Miossec Laurence, Garcia Celine, Francois Cyrille (2009). Molecular characterization of parasites of the genus Perkinsus present in clams from French producing areas . Presentation 101st Annual Meeting National Shellfisheries Association (NSA), Savannah, Georgia, March 22-26, 2009 .
Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Francois Cyrille, Renault Tristan (2009). Caractérisation de Bonamia sp. en France (09-008) . Ministère de l'Alimentation, de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche, Direction Générale de l'Alimentation, Paris 75 , Ref. 09-008/CG/IA/CF/TR , 6p., 6p.
Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Robert Maeva, Chollet Bruno, Joly Jean-Pierre, Miossec Laurence, Francois Cyrille (2009). Detection of atypical Marteilia refringens in mussels, Mytilus edulis in France . 101st Annual Meetingof the National Shellfisheries Association (NSA). March 22-26, 2009, Savannah , Georgia .
Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Joly Jean-Pierre, Miossec Laurence, Chollet Bruno, Ferrand Sylvie, Robert Maeva, Tourbiez Delphine, Omnes Emmanuelle, Cobret Laetitia, Faury Nicole, Haffner Philippe, Saulnier Denis, Pepin Jean-Francois, Renault Tristan, Antajan Elvire, Rauflet Fabienne, Ropert Michel, Mouillard Gilbert, Gerla Daniel, Annezo Jean-Pierre, Le Gal Dominique, Langlade Aime, Bedier Edouard, Nourry Max, Chabirand Jean-Michel, Fillon Alain, Robert Stephane, Courtois Olivier (2009). Bilan 2008 du réseau REPAMO - Réseau national de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins .
Francois Cyrille, Joly Jean-Pierre, Garcia Celine, Miossec Laurence, Arzul Isabelle, Robert Maeva, Omnes Emmanuelle, Chollet Bruno, Renault Tristan (2009). Le Réseau REPAMO : un outil de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins élevés et sauvages . Epidemiologie Et Sante Animale , (55), 51-58 . Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Robert Maeva, Garcia Celine, Chollet Bruno, Langlade Aime (2009). Can Bonamia ostreae infect larvae of flat oysters Ostrea edulis ? 14th EAFP International Conference "Diseases of fish and shellfish ". 14 to 19 September 2009, Prague, Czech Republic .


Lallias Delphine, Arzul Isabelle, Heurtebise Serge, Ferrand Sylvie, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Beaumon Andy, Boudry Pierre, Morga Benjamin, Lapegue Sylvie (2008). Bonamia ostreae-induced mortalities in one-year old European flat oysters Ostrea edulis: experimental infection by cohabitation challenge . Aquatic Living Resources , 21, 423-439 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lallias Delphine, Arzul Isabelle, Heurtebise Serge, Ferrand Sylvie, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Beaumont Andrew, Boudry Pierre, Morga Benjamin, Lapegue Sylvie (2008). Bonamia-ostreae induced mortalities in one-year old European flat oysters Ostrea edulis: experimental infection by cohabitation challenge . Physiomar 08 Physilogical aspects of reproduction, nutrition and growth "Marine molluscs in a changing environment" .
Carrasco N., Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Joly Jean-Pierre, Furones M. D., Berthe F. C. J. (2008). Comparative experimental infection of the copepod Paracartia grani with Marteilia refringens and Marteilia maurini . Journal Of Fish Diseases , 31(7), 497-504 .
Francois Cyrille, Miossec Laurence, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Joly Jean-Pierre, Robert Maeva, Ferrand Sylvie, Chollet Bruno, Renault Tristan (2008). Le réseau Repamo : un outil de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins élevés et sauvages (acte) . Présentation - Colloque ASPS Impact des organismes pathogènes et des micropolluants sur l'état de santé des poissons, mollusques et crustacés des milieux naturesl : de l'individu au peuplement, Ifremer, Nantes, 11-12 mars 2008 .
Garcia Celine, Francois Cyrille, Arzul Isabelle, Miossec Laurence, Joly Jean-Pierre, Robert Maeva, Chollet Bruno, Ferrand Sylvie (2008). Suivi des gisements naturels de mollusques dans le cadre du réseau Repamo . Présentation - Colloque ASPS Impact des organismes pathogènes et des micropolluants sur l'état de santé des poissons, mollusques et crustacés des milieux naturesl : de l'individu au peuplement, Ifremer, Nantes, 11-12 mars 2008 .
Carrasco N, Arzul Isabelle, Berthe Franck, Fernandez Tejedor M, Durfort M, Furones M (2008). Delta de l'Ebre is a natural bay model for Marteilia spp. (Paramyxea) dynamics and life-cycle studies . Diseases of aquatic organisms , 79(1), 65-73 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Carrasco N, Arzul Isabelle, Berthe Franck, Furones M (2008). In situ hybridization detection of initial infective stages of Marteilia refringens (Paramyxea) in its host Mytilus galloprovincialis . Journal of Fish Diseases , 31(2), 153-157 . Open Access version :
Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Labrut Sophie, Miossec Laurence, Arzul Isabelle, Joly Jean-Pierre, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Ferrand Sylvie (2008). Bilan 2006 du réseau Repamo. Réseau national de surveillance zoosanitaire des mollusques marins . DCN-AGSAE-LGP .
Arzul Isabelle, Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Miossec Laurence, Joly Jean-Pierre, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Ferrand Sylvie (2008). Bonamia exitiosa : un agent pathogène en Europe ? Journée REPAMO, 30-31 Janvier 2008, Nantes, France .
Arzul Isabelle, Bouchoucha Marc (2008). Journées REPAMO 30-31 Janvier 2008. Présentation de l'action REMCO . Journée REPAMO, 30-31 Janvier 2008, Nantes, France .
Renault Tristan, Francois Cyrille, Pepin Jean-Francois, Saulnier Denis, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Garcia Celine, Joly Jean-Pierre, Arzul Isabelle, Miossec Laurence, Ferrand Sylvie, Robert Maeva, Chollet Bruno, Faury Nicole, Haffner Philippe (2008). Mortalités anormales en écloseries/nurseries . Journée REPAMO, 30-31 Janvier 2008, Nantes, France .
Arzul Isabelle, Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Miossec Laurence, Joly Jean-Pierre, Robert Maeva, Ferrand Sylvie, Chollet Bruno (2008). Recherche de Candidatus Xenohaliotis californiens en France . Journée REPAMO, 30-31 Janvier 2008, Nantes, France .
Miossec Laurence, Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Joly Jean-Pierre, Robert Maeva, Ferrand Sylvie, Chollet Bruno, Arzul Isabelle, Labrut Sophie (2008). Suivi 2006-2007 de la marteiliose chez la moule . Journée REPAMO, 30-31 Janvier 2008, Nantes, France .
Joly Jean-Pierre, Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Miossec Laurence, Robert Maeva, Ferrand Sylvie, Chollet Bruno, Saulnier Denis, Pepin Jean-Francois, Haffner Philippe, de Decker Sophie (2008). Mortalités anormales en 2007 . Journée REPAMO, 30-31 Janvier 2008, Nantes, France .
Francois Cyrille, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Miossec Laurence, Joly Jean-Pierre, Robert Maeva, Ferrand Sylvie, Chollet Bruno (2008). Statut de la France à l'égard de Bonamia ostreae et Marteilia refringens chez l'huître plate . Journée REPAMO, 30-31 Janvier 2008, Nantes, France .
Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Ferrand Sylvie, Joly Jean-Pierre, Miossec Laurence, Robert Maeva, Cuvelier Nicolas, Le Gagneur Eric, Ropert Michel, Mouillard Gilbert, Gerla Daniel, Annezo Jean-Pierre, Le Gal Dominique, Langlade Aime, Bedier Edouard, Nourry Max, Martin Jean-Louis, Chabirand Jean-Michel, Fillon Alain, Robert Stephane, Courtois Olivier, D'Amico Florence, Rumebe Myriam, Pichot Yves, Le Gall Patrik, Bouchoucha Marc, Baldi Yoann, Ravel Christophe (2008). Bilan 2007 du réseau REPAMO - Réseau national de surveillace de la santé des mollusques marins .


Lopez Flores L, Suarez Santiago V, Longet D, Saulnier Denis, Chollet Bruno, Arzul Isabelle (2007). Characterization of actin genes in Bonamia ostreae and their application to phylogeny of the Haplosporidia . Parasitology , 134(14), 1941-1948 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Bond Celine, Gagnaire Beatrice, Morga Benjamin, Chollet Bruno, Ferrand Sylvie, Robert Maeva, Renault Tristan (2007). Flow cytometry to measure impact of temperature and salinity on the survival of Bonamia ostreae, parasite infecting flat oyster Ostrea edulis, in seawater . 13th International Conference of fish and Shellfish diseaes, European Assoaciation of Fish Pathologists EAFP .
Morga Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle, Faury Nicole, Gagnaire Beatrice, Chollet Bruno, Renault Tristan (2007). Study of interactions between flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, and the parasite Bonamia ostreae using flow cytometry and suppression subtractrive hybridization (SSH) . 13th EAFP - International Conference of Fish and Shellfish Diseases. 17-21 September 2007, Grado, Italy .
Carrasco Noelia, Lopez Immaculada, Alcaraz M, Furones M. Dolores, Berthe Franck, Arzul Isabelle (2007). First record of a Marteilia parasite (Paramyxea) in zooplankton populations from a natural estuarine environment . Aquaculture , 269(1-4), 63-70 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Saulnier Denis, Reynaud Yann, Arzul Isabelle, Miossec Laurence, Le Roux Frederique, Goarant Cyrille (2007). Emergence de maladies chez les organismes d'intérêt aquacole : quelques scénarios illustrés d'exemples . Productions Animales , 20(3), 207-211 . Open Access version :
Carrasco Noelia, Lopez Flores I., Alcaraz M., Furones M. D., Berthe Franck, Arzul Isabelle (2007). Dynamics of the parasite Marteilia refringens (Paramyxea) in Mytilus galloprovincialis and zooplankton populations in Alfacs Bay (Catalonia, Spain) . Parasitology , 134, 1541-1550 .
Morga Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Gagnaire Beatrice, Renault Tristan (2007). Etude des intéractions entre le parasite Bonamia ostreae et son hôte, huître plate Ostrea edulis in vitro . 45ème Colloque du GPLF - Groupement des Protistologues de Langue Française. 29 mai 2007, Station Biologique Roscoff .
Arzul Isabelle, Bond Celine, Gagnaire Beatrice, Chollet Bruno, Morga Benjamin, Ferrand Sylvie, Robert Maeva, Renault Tristan (2007). Effects of temperature and salinity on the survival of Bonamia ostreae parasite infecting falt oyster Ostrea edulis in sea water . Aquaculture 2007 - World Aquaculture Society. February 26-March 2, 2007 San Antonio, Texas, USA .
Batista Frederico, Arzul Isabelle, Pepin Jean-Francois, Ruano Francisco, Friedman Carolyn S., Boudry Pierre, Renault Tristan (2007). Detection of ostreid herpesvirus 1 DNA by PCR in bivalve molluscs: A critical review . Journal of Virological Methods , 139(1), 1-11 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Joly Jean-Pierre, Miossec Laurence, Chollet Bruno, Ferrand Sylvie, Robert Maeva (2006). REPAMO: a surveillance tool for mollusc health . OIE Global Conference on Aquatic Animal Health "Defining rôles and responsaibilites". 9-12 october 2006, Bergen, Norway .
Miossec Laurence, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Francois Cyrille, Joly Jean-Pierre, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, de Blas Isabelle (2006). Infection of clams by Perkinsus olseni as an example of the new French Surveillance Programme . Présentation Proceedings of the 11th Sympoisum of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Cairns, Australia, 6-11 August 2006 .
Arzul Isabelle, Miossec Laurence, Blanchet Estelle, Garcia Celine, Francois Cyrille, Joly Jean-Pierre (2006). Bonamia ostreae and Ostrea edulis : a stable host-parasite system in France? Presentation - XI International Symposium for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 6 - 11 August 2006.
Corbeil Serge, Arzul Isabelle, Diggles Ben, Heasman Mike, Chollet Bruno, Berthe Franck, Crane Mark St. J. (2006). Development of a TaqMan PCR assay for the detection of Bonamia species . Diseases of aquatic organisms , 71(1), 75-80 . Open Access version :
Corbeil Serge, Arzul Isabelle, Robert Maeva, Berthe Franck, Cochennec Nathalie, Crane m Mark (2006). Molecular characterisation of an Australian isolate of Bonamia exitiosa . Diseases of aquatic organisms , 71(1), 81-85 . Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Robert Maeva, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Joly Jean-Pierre, Miossec Laurence, Comtet Thierry, Berthe Franck (2006). Viral gametocytic hypertrophy of Crassostrea gigas in France: from occasional records to disease emergence? Diseases of aquatic organisms , 70(3), 193-199 . Open Access version :
Nicolas Jean-Louis, Renault Tristan, Gagnaire Beatrice, Garcia Celine, Le Roux F, Miossec Laurence, Pepin Jean-Francois, Saulnier Denis (2006). Défi MOREST - Mortalités estivales de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas - Caractérisation des facteurs de risques associés aux mortalités estivales - Synthèse du thème 5 - Risque associé aux pathogènes. (La Rochelle 14-15 mars 2006) .
Arzul Isabelle, Miossec Laurence, Blanchet Estelle, Garcia Celine, Joly Jean-Pierre, Francois Cyrille, Berthe Franck (2006). Huître plate, bonamiose et marteiliose : un bilan des données du recensement conchylicole 2001 et du REPAMO .
Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Ferrand Sylvie, Francois Cyrille, Joly Jean-Pierre, Miossec Laurence, Robert Maeva, Cuvelier Nicolas, Lefebvre Alain, Le Gagneur Eric, Ropert Michel, Mouillard Gilbert, Gerla Daniel, Le Gal Dominique, Rocher Gregory, Langlade Aime, Bedier Edouard, Nourry Max, Martin Jean-Louis, Chabirand Jean-Michel, Fillon Alain, Robert Stephane, Courtois Olivier, D'Amico Florence, Rumebe Myriam, Pichot Yves, Le Gall Patrik (2006). Bilan 2005 du réseau REPAMO - Réseau national de surveillance zoosanitaire des mollusques marins . Rapport Ifremer DCN-AGSAE-LGP .
Garcia Celine, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Joly Jean-Pierre, Arzul Isabelle, Ferrand Sylvie, Francois Cyrille, Miossec Laurence, Renault Tristan (2006). Synthesis of a 15 year record for Haplosporidium nelsoni in Crassostrea gigas in France . 98th Annual meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association. 26-30 mars 2006, Nouvelles-Orléans, Monterey, USA .
Arzul Isabelle (2006). Technical Report from the Community Reference Laboratory for Mollusc Diseases 2006 .


Arzul Isabelle, Miossec Laurence, Blanchet Estelle, Garcia Celine, Joly Jean-Pierre, Francois Cyrille, Berthe Franck (2005). A long term study of bonamiosis in Quiberon bay, France . Actes International Coneference on Shellifsh Restoration, Brest, France 2-5 Octobre 2005, 16 p.
Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Francois Cyrille, Joly Jean-Pierre, Miossec Laurence, Robert Maeva (2005). Repamo network : a surveillance tool for mollusc health . Actes International Coneference on Shellifsh Restoration, Brest, France 2-5 Octobre 2005, 18 p.
Arzul Isabelle, Ariel E., Hill B. (2005). Permanent Advisory Network for Diseases in Aquaculture (PANDA) . 8th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration .
Miossec Laurence, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Soudant Philippe, Francois Cyrille, Leite R. B., Cancela M. L., de Blas I. (2005). Recommendations for evaluation of the health status in cultured and wild shellfish: Perkinsus olseni infestation in clams as an example . 8th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration .
Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Francois Cyrille, Goubet Anne, Joly Jean-Pierre, Miossec Laurence, Robert Maeva, Cuvelier Nicolas, Lefebvre Alain, Le Gagneur Eric, Ropert Michel, Mouillard Gilbert, Gerla Daniel, Le Gal Dominique, Rocher Gregory, Langlade Aime, Bedier Edouard, Nourry Max, Martin Jean-Louis, Costantini Louis, Masson Jean-Claude, Martin Anne-Genevieve (2005). Bilan 2004 du réseau REPAMO - Réseau national de surveillance zoosanitaire des mollusques marins .
Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Garcia Celine, Robert Maeva, Joly Jean-Pierre, Miossec Laurence, Berthe Franck (2005). Ostrea conchaphila : a natural host of Bonamia ostreae ? 97th Annual Meeting National Shellfisheries Association. April 10-14, 2005, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Kroeck Marina, Arzul Isabelle, Robert Maeva, Carrasco Noelia (2005). Detection of Bonamia sp., infecting flat oysters, Ostrea puelchana (d’Orbigny, 1842) in San Matias Gulf (NW Patagonia, Argentina) based on 18S Small sub-unit and ITS Segment sequence . 12th EAFP International Conference "Diseases of Fish and Shellfish". 11- 16 September 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark .


Renault Tristan, Arzul Isabelle, Lipart Cecile (2004). Development and use of an internal standard for oyster herpesvirus 1 detection by PCR . Journal of Virological Methods , 121(1), 17-23 .
Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Joly Jean-Pierre, Miossec Laurence, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Cuvelier Nicolas, Lefebvre Alain, Le Gagneur Eric, Kopp Joel, Mouillard Gilbert, Gerla Daniel, Le Saux Jean-Claude, Raguenes Pierre, Le Gal Dominique, Langlade Aime, Bedier Edouard, Nourry Max, Martin Jean-Louis, Fillon Alain (2004). Bilan 2003 du réseau REPAMO - Réseau national de surveillance zoosanitaire des mollusques marins . DRV/RST/RA/LGP-2004-01 .
Soletchnik Patrick, Ropert Michel (2004). Caractérisation des mortalités de C. gigas dans leurs écosystèmes. Rapport du thème I du projet Morest en 2004 . DRV/RA/LCPC & LCN/2004 .


Thebault Anne, Cochennec Nathalie, Arzul Isabelle, Renault Tristan (2003). Establishing causal link between an infectious agent and mortalities in marine molluscan aquaculture on the example of Bonamia ostreae and Herpèsvirosis in oysters : proposal of a causal grid analysis . Actes Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Vin del Mar, Chili 17-21 novembre 2003 .
Renault Tristan, Le Roux Frederique, Berthe Franck, Arzul Isabelle, Miossec Laurence, Robert Maeva, Chollet Bruno (2003). Epidémiologie analytique et descriptive des agents pathogènes, étude de la diversité des virus de type herpès (action 1). Etude des relations hôtes/agents pathogènes, pathogénèse des infections à virus de type herpèsvirus (action 2) - Contrat Région Poitou-Charentes 2000-2006 .


Arzul Isabelle, Renault Tristan (2002). Herpès virus et bivalves marins . Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Virologie , 6(3), 169-174 .
Arzul Isabelle, Renault Tristan, Thebault Anne, Gerard Andre (2002). Detection of oyster herpesvirus DNA and proteins in asymptomatic Crassostrea gigas adults . Virus Research , 84(1-2), 151-160 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Arzul Isabelle (2001). Herpèsvirus infectant les bivalves marins : détection, génome et transmission / Herpesviruses infecting marine bivalves : detection, genome and transmission . PhD Thesis , Université de Montpellier II .
Arzul Isabelle, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Davison Andrew J., Renault Tristan (2001). French scallops: A new host for ostreid herpesvirus-1 . Virology , 290(2), 342-349 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Renault Tristan, Lipart Cecile (2001). Experimental herpes-like viral infections in marine bivalves: demonstration of interspecies transmission . Diseases of aquatic organisms , 46(1), 1-6 . Open Access version :
Renault Tristan, Lipart Cecile, Arzul Isabelle (2001). A herpes-like virus infecting Crassostrea gigas and Ruditapes philippinarum larvae in France . Journal of Fish Diseases , 24(6), 369-376 .
Renault Tristan, Lipart Cecile, Arzul Isabelle (2001). A herpes-like virus infects a non-ostreid bivalve species: virus replication in Ruditapes philippinarum larvae . Diseases of aquatic organisms , 45(1), 1-7 . Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Renault Tristan (2001). Infections à virus de type herpes chez les bivalves : large spectre d'hôte et détection au stade adulte . Actes Journées Conchylicoles, Ifremer Nantes, 3-4 avril 2001 .
Arzul Isabelle, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Renault Tristan (2001). Infection à virus de type herpès chez les larves de coquilles Saint-Jacques . Actes Journées Conchylicoles, Ifremer Nantes, 3-4 avril 2001 .
Arzul Isabelle, Renault Tristan, Lipart Cécile, Davison Andrew (2001). Evidence for interspecies transmission of oyster herpesvirus in marine bivalves . Journal of General Virology , 82(4), 865-870 . Open Access version :
Renault Tristan, Arzul Isabelle (2001). Herpes-like virus infections in hatchery-reared bivalve larvae in Europe: specific viral DNA detection by PCR . Journal of Fish Diseases , 24(3), 161-167 .


Renault Tristan, Arzul Isabelle (2000). Project ROMEO : E. C. n° FA-S2 9052 - Research objectives : Mortality in European Oysters - Final Report . European Commission - Project ROMEO N° FA-S2 9052 .


Arzul Isabelle (1998). Infection à virus de type Herpes chez les bivalves : transmission expérimentale et induction de l'infection . PhD Thesis , Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Nantes .
Arzul Isabelle (1998). Transmission expérimentale du virus de type herpes chez l'huître creuse, Crassostrea gigas . Mémoire DEA - Océanologie Biologique, Option Ressources Vivantes et Ecosystèmes Côtiers. Université de Bretagne Occidentale. Institut Européen de la Mer .


Arzul Isabelle (1997). Essais de transmission de l'infection à virus de type Herpes chez les huîtres creuses, Crassostrea gigas .

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