Domaines de recherche
Taxinomie et systématique des microalgues marines (plus particulièrement dinoflagellés) / Taxonomy and systematics of marine microalgae (esp. dinoflagellates)
Jeux de données
Alric Benjamin, Lemoine Maud, Claquin Pascal, Abadie Eric, Arnaud Christophe, Artigas Felipe, Belin Catherine, Blondel Camille, Breton Elsa, Carpentier Liliane, Chomerat Nicolas, Christaki Urania, Conan Pascal, Cornet Véronique, Costes Laurence, Courtay Gaelle, Dagault Francoise, Del Amo Yolanda, Delebecq Gaspard, Doner Anne, Dupuy Christine, Fauchot Juliette, Francoise Sylvaine, Gabellec Raoul, Hernandez Farinas Tania, Klein Cécile, Lampert Luis, Le Roy Bertrand, Lebon Fabien, Lefebvre Alain, Legendre Aurelie, Lejolivet Aurore, Lemee Rodolphe, Leynaert Aude, Manach Soazig, Marro Sophie, Menet-Nedelec Florence, Meteigner Claire, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Neaud-Masson Nadine, Nezan Elisabeth, Perriere-Rumebe Myriam, Queguiner Bernard, Retho Michael, Rigaut-Jalabert Fabienne, Sauriau Pierre-Guy, Schapira Mathilde, Serais Ophelie, Simon Nathalie, Vidussi Francesca, Vuillemin Renaud, Auby Isabelle, Beker Beatriz, Breret Martine, Caillard Elise, Chabirand Jean-Michel, Chiantella Claude, Crispi Olivier, Deton-Cabanillas Anne-Flore, Duquesne Vincent, Duval Audrey, Fiandrino Annie, Genauzeau Sylvie, Gle Corine, Guesdon Stephane, Guilloux Loïc, Hebert Pascale, Hitier Benoist, Hubert Clarisse, Jolly Auriane, Labatut Paul, Leredde Yann, Malestroit Pascale, Maria Eric, Mas Sébastien, Mostajir Behzad, Olivesi Rene, Pineau Philippe, Piraud Aude, Ryckaert Mireille, Schmitt Anne, Thorel Maxime, Vaulot Daniel, Viprey Manon, Bergeret Julie, Foulon Elodie, Gourvil Priscilla, Le Gall Florence, Lebrun Luc, Not Fabrice, Ristori Stéphanie, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Hoebeke Mark, Rouilly Arnaud, Siltanen Jukka (2024). PHYTOBS-MARCOBOLO dataset - Phytoplankton time series in French coastal waters . SEANOE .
PHYTOBS (2024). PHYTOBS dataset - French National Service of Observation for Phytoplankton in coastal waters . SEANOE .
REPHY - French Observation and Monitoring program for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in coastal waters (2023). REPHY dataset - French Observation and Monitoring program for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in coastal waters. Metropolitan data . SEANOE .
Briand Enora, Lemée Rodolphe, Chomerat Nicolas, Noel Cyril (2023). Diversity of bacterial communities associated with Ostreopsis cf ovata bloom in NW Mediterranean. IFREMER.
Chomerat Nicolas (2020). Séquences environnementales TATOO (ONT). IFREMER.
Le Gac Mickael, Metegnier Gabriel, Chomerat Nicolas, Malestroit Pascale, Quere Julien, Bouchez Olivier, Siano Raffaele, Destombe Christophe, Guillou Laure, Chapelle Annie (2016). Evolutionary processes and cellular functions underlying divergence in Alexandrium minutum . SEANOE .
Gorse Léana, Plessis Loic, Wearne Stephen, Paradis Margaux, Pinilla Miriam, Chua Rae, Lim Seong Soo, Pelluz Elena, Toh Gee-Ann, Mazars Raoul, Bomfim Caio, Hervé Fabienne, Lhaute Korian, Réveillon Damien, Suire Bastien, Ravon-Katossky Léa, Benoist Thomas, Fromont Léa, Péricat David, Mertens Kenneth, Derrien Amelie, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Chomérat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Séchet Veronique, Carpentier Liliane, Fall Mamadou, Sonko Amidou, Hakim Hadi, Sadio Nfally, Bourdeaux Jessie, Cougoule Céline, Henras Anthony K, Perez-Oliva Ana Belen, Brehmer Patrice, Roca Francisco J, Zhong Franklin L, Common John, Meunier Etienne, Hess Philipp (2025). Portimine A toxin causes skin inflammation through ZAKα-dependent NLRP1 inflammasome activation . Embo Molecular Medicine , 17(3), 535-562 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bilien Gwenael, Boulben Sylviane, Chomerat Nicolas, Demeule Carole, Derrien Amelie, Doner Anne, Duval Audrey, Lassudrie Malwenn, Le Moigne Morgan, Lebrun Luc, Mertens Kenneth, Piquet Jean-Come, Terre Terrillon Aouregan (2024). Rapport d'activités 2023. Laboratoire Environnement Ressources de Bretagne Occidentale . R.DGDS/ODE/COAST/LER-BO/24-003 .
Duval Audrey, Cochet Ewenn, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Chomerat Nicolas, Lassudrie Malwenn, Bilien Gwenael, Piquet Jean-Come, Derrien Amelie, Mertens Kenneth, Iglesias Samuel (2024). Outbreak of an unknown flagellate and a massive European conger eel mortality event in late summer 2024 in La Forêt Bay (Brittany France) . Harmful Algae News. An IOC Newsletter on Toxic Algae and Algal Blooms , (77), 7-8 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gu Haifeng, Tian Qirui, Mertens Kenneth, Derrien Amelie, Chomérat Nicolas, Wang Na, He Haisong, Uttayarnmanee Praderm (2024). Biodiversity study of the genus Bysmatrum from the South China Sea and France reveals a new benthic dinoflagellate, Bysmatrum ingrilense sp. nov . (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae) . Phycologia , 63(5), 490-501 .
Nézan Elisabeth, Bilien Gwenael, Chomérat Nicolas, Derrien Amelie, Duval Audrey, Nicolau Elodie, Van De Vijver Bart, Zentz Frédéric, Mertens Kenneth (2024). Analysis of Amphora ostrearia var. minor Grunow, a blooming marine diatom (Bacillariophyceae) in French Atlantic coastal waters and its transfer to the genus Tetramphora . Diatom Research , 39(3), 107-122 .
Paradis Camille, Chomerat Nicolas, Vaucel Jules-Antoine, Antajan Elvire, Labes Patrice, Rappoport Marc, Labadie Magali (2024). Impacts on Human Health Potentially Caused by Exposure to an Unprecedented Ostreopsis spp Bloom in the Bay of Biscay, French Basque Coast . Wilderness & Environmental Medicine , 35(1), 13-21 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ibghi Mustapha, Rijal Leblad Benlahcen, L’bachir El Kbiach Mohammed, Aboualaalaa Hicham, Daoudi Mouna, Masseret Estelle, Le Floc'h Emilie, Hervé Fabienne, Bilien Gwenael, Chomerat Nicolas, Amzil Zouher, Laabir Mohamed (2024). Molecular Phylogeny, Morphology, Growth and Toxicity of Three Benthic Dinoflagellates Ostreopsis sp. 9, Prorocentrum lima and Coolia monotis Developing in Strait of Gibraltar, Southwestern Mediterranean . Toxins , 16(1), 49 (36p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Meriot V., Roussel Amelie, Brunet N., Chomerat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Le Déan Loic, Berteaux-Lecellier V., Coulombier N., Lebouvier N., Jauffrais Thierry (2024). Heterocapsa cf. bohaiensis (dinoflagellate): identification and response to nickel and iron stress revealed through chlorophyll a fluorescence . Photosynthetica , 62(1), 27-39 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gourmelon Michele (2023). Microbiomes dans les écosystèmes estuariens en France : ROME, le réseau d’ADN/ARN environnemental . Journées du réseau O-ADN environnemental. 29-30 Novembre 2023, Cestas .
Siano Raffaele, Arzul Isabelle, Gourmelon Michele, Le Guyader Soizick, Durand Patrick, Serghine Joelle, Parnaudeau Sylvain, Quere Julien, Schmitt Sophie, Francoise Sylvaine, Mary Charlotte, Hernandez Farinas Tania, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Lebrun Luc, Chomerat Nicolas, Seugnet Jean-Luc, Pepin Jean-Francois, Felix Christine, Serais Ophelie, Gobet Angélique, Chevalier Mathieu, Chevignon Germain, Lecadet Cyrielle, Morga Benjamin, Piquet Jean-Come, Lemoine Maud, Leroi Laura, Noel Cyril (2023). Coastal microbiomes in riverine ecosystems of the French coastline: the ROME project . ISEEMPD 2022 - International Symposium on Ecology and Evolution of Marine Parasites and Diseases. 15-18 November 2022 .
Plessis Loic, Gorse Leana, Lhaute Korian, Paradis Margaux, Pinilla Miriam, Hervé Fabienne, Mertens Kenneth, Derrien Amelie, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Chomerat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Henras Anthony, Reveillon Damien, Bredif Stephanie, Brehmer Patrice, Meunier Etienne, Hess Philipp (2023). Portimine from Vulcanodinium rugosum induces severe pyroptosis in primary skin cells through ribotoxic stress response (RSR) . ICHA 2023 - 20th International Conference on Harmful Algae. November 5-10, 2023, Hiroshima, Japan .
Gourmelon Michele (2023). Microbiomes côtiers dans les écosystèmes estuariens en France : le réseau d’ADN/ARN environnemental. ROME . MICROBES 2023 - 18e Congrès National de la SFM ( Société Française de Microbiologie) « Un monde à explorer » . 4-6 octobre 2023, Rennes .
Siano Raffaele, Arzul Isabelle, Gourmelon Michele, Le Guyader Soizick, Durand Patrick, The Rome Consortium (2023). Coastal microbiomes in estuarine ecosystems of France: the eDNA network ROME . ASC 2023 - ICES Annual Science Conference 2023. 11–14 September 2023 Bilbao, Spain .
Piquet Jean-Come, Demeule Carole, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Derrien Amelie, Duval Audrey, Doner Anne, Lebrun Luc, Boulben Sylviane, Lassudrie Malwenn, Mertens Kenneth, Chomerat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael (2023). Rapport d'activité 2022. Laboratoire Environnement Ressources de Bretagne Occidentale .
Siano Raffaele, Arzul Isabelle, Gourmelon Michele, Le Guyader Soizick, Durand Patrick, Serghine Joelle, Parnaudeau Sylvain, Quere Julien, Schmitt Sophie, Francoise Sylvaine, Mary Charlotte, Hernandez Farinas Tania, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Lebrun Luc, Chomerat Nicolas, Seugnet Jean-Luc, Pepin Jean-Francois, Felix Christine, Serais Ophelie, Gobet Angélique, Chevalier Mathieu, Chevignon Germain, Lecadet Cyrielle, Morga Benjamin, Piquet Jean-Come, Lemoine Maud, Leroi Laura, Noel Cyril (2023). Coastal microbiomes in estuarine ecosystems of France: the eDNA network ROME . ASLO - Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023 "Resilience and Recovery in Aquatic Systems". 4-9 June 2023, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Nguyen‐ngoc Lam, Larsen Jacob, Doan‐nhu Hai, Nguyen Xuan‐vy, Chomérat Nicolas, Lundholm Nina, Phan‐tan Luom, Dao Ha Viet, Nguyen Ngoc‐lan, Nguyen Huy‐hoang, Van Chu Thuoc (2023). Gambierdiscus (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae) diversity in Vietnamese waters with description of G. vietnamensis sp. nov . Journal Of Phycology , 59(3), 496-517 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer, ODE/VIGIES (2023). Journées REPHY 2022. Nantes, 1er et 2 décembre 2022. Compilation des interventions et résumés . ODE/VIGIES/23-08 .
Chomérat Nicolas, Saburova Maria, Bilien Gwenael, Zentz Frédéric, Hoppenrath Mona (2023). Morphology and molecular phylogeny of a widely distributed but little-known sand-dwelling phototrophic dinoflagellate, Coutea sabulosa gen. & sp. nov. (Dinophyceae, Alveolata) . Phycologia , 62(3), 244-258 .
Abadie Eric, Serais Ophelie, Rolland Jean-Luc, Amzil Zouher, Hubert Clarisse, Hervé Fabienne, Rovillon Georges-Augustin, Derrien Amelie, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Mertens Kenneth, Bilien Gwenael, Chomerat Nicolas, Felix Christine, Laabir Mohamed, Masseret Estelle (2023). Etude de la contamination par les phycotoxines (PST et lipophiles dont DST) des huîtres creuses et des moules de la lagune de Thau – Dynamique temporelle et spatiale de cette contamination dans l’optique d’une gestion sectorisée de la lagune (SECTOX). Rapport final du Projet SECTOX. . Ifremer/ODE/UL/LERLR 21.24- MARBEC .
Mertens Kenneth, Carbonell-Moore M. Consuelo, Chomérat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Boulben Sylviane, Guillou Laure, Romac Sarah, Probert Ian, Ishikawa Akira, Nézan Elisabeth (2023). Morpho-molecular analysis of podolampadacean dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae), with the description of two new genera . Phycologia , 62(2), 117-135 .
Chomerat Nicolas, Mertens Kenneth, Doner Anne, Duval Audrey, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Boulben Sylviane, Piquet Jean-Come (2023). Compte rendu d'expertise des échantillons prélevés au Rocher des victimes (Penmarc'h), les 17 et 18 février 2023 . Préfecture du Finistère , Ref. Ifremer-ODE/UL/LERBO/Expertise 23-007 , 3p.
Arteaga-Sogamoso Edgar, Rodríguez Francisco, Amato Alberto, Ben-Gigirey Begoña, Fraga Santiago, Mafra Luiz Laureno, Fernandes Luciano Felício, de Azevedo Tibiriçá Carlos Eduardo J., Chomérat Nicolas, Nishimura Tomohiro, Homma Chiho, Adachi Masao, Mancera-Pineda José Ernesto (2023). Morphology and phylogeny of Prorocentrum porosum sp. nov. (Dinophyceae): A new benthic toxic dinoflagellate from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans . Harmful Algae , 121, 102356 (17p.) .
Brehmer Patrice, Ndiaye Waly, Fricke Anna, Hess Philipp, Mertens Kenneth, Chomerat Nicolas, Sonko Amidou, Mbaye Adama, Ndour Ismaïla, Diedhiou Fulgence, Constantin De Magny Guillaume, Faye Saliou, Galgani Francois, Balde Bocar Sabali, Demarcq Hervé, Sechet Veronique, Hervé Fabienne, Plessis Loic, Reveillon Damien, Sow Ngom Fanbaye, Sadio Nfally, Derrien Amelie, Carpentier Liliane, Thiam Ndiaga (2022). Efflorescences toxiques et nuisibles au Sénégal : les cas d'Ostreopsis cf. ovata, Noctiluca scintillans et Vulcanodinium rugosum . International conference "Seaweed for blue economy, biodiversity and ecosystemic services an opportunity at sub regional level". 6-7 December, 2022. SRFC, Geomar, ISRA, IRD. Sub Regional Fisheries Commission, Dakar, Senegal .
Ifremer. Département Océanographie et Dynamique des Ecosystèmes, Unité Littoral (2022). Rapport d'activité 2021 Laboratoire Environnement Ressources de Bretagne Occidentale . RST/ODE/LITTORAL/LER/BO-22-003 .
Chomérat Nicolas, Antajan Elvire, Auby Isabelle, Bilien Gwenael, Carpentier Liliane, de Casamajor Marie-Noelle, Ganthy Florian, Hervé Fabienne, Labadie Magali, Méteigner Claire, Paradis Camille, Perrière-Rumèbe Myriam, Sanchez Florence, Séchet Veronique, Amzil Zouher (2022). First Characterization of Ostreopsis cf. ovata (Dinophyceae) and Detection of Ovatoxins during a Multispecific and Toxic Ostreopsis Bloom on French Atlantic Coast . Marine Drugs , 20(7), 461 (23p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Boisnoir Aurelie, Chomerat Nicolas (2022). Dans les Caraïbes, des microalgues qui engendrent des intoxications alimentaires . The Conversation , 183996 (5p.) . Open Access version :
Bouquet Aurelien, Laabir Mohamed, Rolland Jean-Luc, Chomérat Nicolas, Reynes Christelle, Sabatier Robert, Felix Christine, Berteaux Tom, Chiantella Claude, Abadie Eric (2022). Prediction of Alexandrium and Dinophysis algal blooms and shellfish contamination in French Mediterranean Lagoons using decision trees and linear regression: a result of 10 years of sanitary monitoring . Harmful Algae , 115, 102234 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Bouquet Aurelien, Perdrau Marie Anaïs, Laabir Mohamed, Foucault Elodie, Chomérat Nicolas, Rolland Jean-Luc, Abadie Eric (2022). Liza ramada Juveniles after Exposure to the Toxic Dinoflagellate Vulcanodinium rugosum: Effects on Fish Viability, Tissue Contamination and Microalgae Survival after Gut Passage . Toxins , 14(6), 401 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Boisnoir Aurelie, Bilien Gwenael, Lemée Rodolphe, Chomérat Nicolas (2022). First insights on the diversity of the genus Ostreopsis (Dinophyceae, Gonyaulacales) in Guadeloupe Island, with emphasis on the phylogenetic position of O. heptagona . European Journal Of Protistology , 83, 125875 (21p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Doner Anne, Lassudrie Duchesne Malwenn, Chomerat Nicolas, Demeule Carole (2022). Phenomer : mieux connaître la biodiversité phytoplanctonique côtière . Salon Terra Scientifica. 25-27 Mars 2022, Paris .
Borchhardt Nadine, Chomérat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Zentz Frederic, Rhodes Lesley, Murray Shauna A., Hoppenrath Mona (2021). Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Bindiferia gen. nov. (Dinophyceae), a new marine, sand-dwelling dinoflagellate genus formerly classified within Amphidinium . Phycologia , 60(6), 631-643 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Li Zhun, Park Joon Sang, Kang Nam Seon, Chomérat Nicolas, Mertens Kenneth, Gu Haifeng, Lee Kyun-Woo, Kim Ki Hyun, Baek Seung Ho, Shin Kyoungsoon, Han Kyong Ha, Son Moon Ho, Shin Hyeon Ho (2021). A new potentially toxic dinoflagellate Fukuyoa koreansis sp. nov. (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae) from Korean coastal waters: Morphology, phylogeny, and effects of temperature and salinity on growth . Harmful Algae , 109, 102107 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
M’rabet Charaf, Kéfi–daly Yahia Ons, Chomerat Nicolas, Zentz Frederic, Bilien Gwenael, Pringault Olivier (2021). Transient effect of bisphenol A (BPA) and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) on the cosmopolitan marine diatom Chaetoceros decipiens-lorenzianus . Environmental Pollution , 285, 117362 (11p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Séchet Veronique, Sibat Manoella, Bilien Gwenael, Carpentier Liliane, Rovillon Georges-Augustin, Raimbault Virginie, Malo Florent, Gaillard Sylvain, Perrière-Rumebe Myriam, Hess Philipp, Chomérat Nicolas (2021). Characterization of toxin-producing strains of Dinophysis spp. (Dinophyceae) isolated from French coastal waters, with a particular focus on the D. acuminata-complex . Harmful Algae , 107, 101974 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mertens Kenneth, Takano Yoshihito, Meyvisch Pjotr, Carbonell-Moore M. Consuelo, Chomerat Nicolas, Bogus Kara, Leitao Maria (2021). Morpho-molecular and spectroscopic characterization of the freshwater dinoflagellate Unruhdinium penardii var. robustum (Kryptoperidiniaceae, Peridiniales), blooming in the Loir River, France . Nova Hedwigia , 112(3-4), 283-306 .
Moreira-González Angel R., Comas-González Augusto, Valle-Pombrol Aimee, Seisdedo-Losa Mabel, Hernández-Leyva Olidia, Fernandes Luciano F., Chomérat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Hervé Fabienne, Rovillon Georges-Augustin, Hess Philipp, Alonso-Hernández Carlos M., Mafra Luiz L. (2021). Summer bloom of Vulcanodinium rugosum in Cienfuegos Bay (Cuba) associated to dermatitis in swimmers . Science Of The Total Environment , 757, 143782 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Brehmer Patrice, Ndiaye Waly, Mbaye Adama, Fricke Anna, Hess Philipp, Mertens Kenneth, Chomerat Nicolas, Ndour Ismaïla, Diedhiou Fulgence, Constantin De Magny Guillaume, Sonko Amidou, Faye Saliou, Galgani Francois (2021). Découverte de la présence d’une toxine ayant un effet sur la santé humaine, émise par une micro-algue marine sur la presqu’ile du Cap-Vert (Sénégal) . Pollution marine, dégradation des habitats marins et effets du changement climatique en Afrique de l’ouest . Note Politique AWA. 13p.
Lassudrie Malwenn, Beesoo Rima, Boucher Clemence, Mercier Eva, Jaffrezic Enora, Steiner Charlotte, Reveillon Damien, Chomerat Nicolas, Robinet Tony, Hegaret Helene, Fabioux Caroline, Le Goic Nelly, Hervé Fabienne, Bilien Gwenael, Duval Audrey, Malo Florent (2021). Ichthyotoxic microalgae from the French coasts: investigating links between biological toxicity, chemodiversity and genetic diversity within the genus Karlodinium . ICHA 2021 - 19th International Conference on Harmful Algae. October 10-15, Mexico .
Derrien Amelie, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Duval Audrey, Doner Anne, Chomerat Nicolas (2020). Record levels of Dinophysistoxin-2 in clams from Douarnenez Bay, France, after an unusual bloom of Dinophysis acuta . Harmful Algae News , (65), 6-7 . Open Access version :
Mertens Kenneth, Adachi Masao, Anderson Donald M., Band-Schmidt Christine J., Bravo Isabel, Brosnahan Michael L., Bolch Christopher J.S., Calado António J., Carbonell-Moore M. Consuelo, Chomérat Nicolas, Elbrächter Malte, Figueroa Rosa Isabel, Fraga Santiago, Gárate-Lizárraga Ismael, Garcés Esther, Gu Haifeng, Hallegraeff Gustaaf, Hess Philipp, Hoppenrath Mona, Horiguchi Takeo, Iwataki Mitsunori, John Uwe, Kremp Anke, Larsen Jacob, Leaw Chui Pin, Li Zhun, Lim Po Teen, Litaker Wayne, Mackenzie Lincoln, Masseret Estelle, Matsuoka Kazumi, Moestrup Øjvind, Montresor Marina, Nagai Satoshi, Nézan Elisabeth, Nishimura Tomohiro, Okolodkov Yuri B., Orlova Tatiana Yu., Reñé Albert, Sampedro Nagore, Satta Cecilia Teodora, Shin Hyeon Ho, Siano Raffaele, Smith Kirsty F., Steidinger Karen, Takano Yoshihito, Tillmann Urban, Wolny Jennifer, Yamaguchi Aika, Murray Shauna (2020). Morphological and phylogenetic data do not support the split of Alexandrium into four genera . Harmful Algae , 98, 101902 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chomérat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Viallon Jérôme, Hervé Fabienne, Réveillon Damien, Henry Kévin, Zubia Mayalen, Vieira Christophe, Ung André, Gatti Clémence Mahana Iti, Roué Mélanie, Derrien Amelie, Amzil Zouher, Darius Hélène Taiana, Chinain Mireille (2020). Taxonomy and toxicity of a bloom-forming Ostreopsis species (Dinophyceae, Gonyaulacales) in Tahiti island (South Pacific Ocean): one step further towards resolving the identity of O. siamensis. Harmful Algae , 98, 101888 (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Hadjadji Imen, Laabir Mohamed, Frihi Hocine, Collos Yves, Shao Zhao Jun, Berrebi Patrick, Abadie Eric, Amzil Zouher, Chomérat Nicolas, Rolland Jean-Luc, Rieuvilleneuve Fabien, Masseret Estelle (2020). Unsuspected intraspecific variability in the toxin production, growth and morphology of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium pacificum R.W. Litaker (Group IV) blooming in a South Western Mediterranean marine ecosystem, Annaba Bay (Algeria) . Toxicon , 180, 79-88 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tibiriçá Carlos Eduardo Junqueira De Azevedo, Sibat Manoella, Fernandes Luciano Felício, Bilien Gwenael, Chomérat Nicolas, Hess Philipp, Mafra Luiz L. (2020). Diversity and Toxicity of the Genus Coolia Meunier in Brazil, and Detection of 44-Methyl Gambierone in Coolia tropicalis . Toxins , 12(5), 327 (25p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Boisnoir Aurelie, Pascal Pierre Yves, Chomérat Nicolas, Lemée Rodolphe (2020). Distribution of Potentially Toxic Epiphytic Dinoflagellates in Saint Martin Island (Caribbean Sea, Lesser Antilles) . Cryptogamie Algologie , 41(7), 47-54 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer. ODE/VIGIES (2020). Journées REPHY 2020. Nantes, 5 et 6 février 2020. Compilation des interventions et résumés . ODE/VIGIES/20-04 .
Chomérat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Couté Alain, Quod Jean-Pascal (2020). Reinvestigation of Ostreopsis mascarenensis Quod (Dinophyceae, Gonyaulacales) from Réunion Island (SW Indian Ocean): molecular phylogeny and emended description . Phycologia , 59(2), 140-153 .
Chinain Mireille, Chomerat Nicolas (2020). Programme TATOO (2018-2020). Taxonomie et toxicité du genre Ostreopsis en Polynésie Française . Conv. n° 02400/MTF/REC du 09/04/2018. Rapport final .
Díaz-Asencio Lisbet, Clausing Rachel J., Vandersea Mark, Chamero-Lago Donaida, Gómez-Batista Miguel, Hernández-Albernas Joan I., Chomérat Nicolas, Rojas-Abrahantes Gabriel, Litaker Wayne, Tester Patricia, Diogène Jorge, Alonso-Hernández Carlos M., Dechraoui Bottein Marie-Yasmine (2019). Ciguatoxin Occurrence in Food-Web Components of a Cuban Coral Reef Ecosystem: Risk-Assessment Implications . Toxins , 11(12), 722 (20p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Moreira-González Angel R., Fernandes Luciano F., Uchida Hajime, Uesugi Aya, Suzuki Toshiyuki, Chomérat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Pereira Thiago Alves, Mafra Luiz (2019). Morphology, growth, toxin production, and toxicity of cultured marine benthic dinoflagellates from Brazil and Cuba . Journal Of Applied Phycology , 31(6), 3699-3719 .
Ifremer (2019). Journées Internes 2018 REPHY-HYDRO-REPHYTOX. Nantes, 27-28-29 novembre 2018. Compilation des présentations . ODE/VIGIES/19/18 .
Caruana Amandine, Ayache Nour, Raimbault Virginie, Rétho Michael, Hervé Fabienne, Bilien Gwenael, Amzil Zouher, Chomérat Nicolas (2019). Direct evidence for toxin production by Pseudo-nitzschia plurisecta (Bacillariophyceae) and extension of its distribution area . European Journal Of Phycology , 54(4), 585-594 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Tibiriçá Carlos Eduardo J. A., Leite Isabel P., Batista Talita V. V., Fernandes Luciano F., Chomérat Nicolas, Herve Fabienne, Hess Philipp, Mafra Luiz (2019). Ostreopsis cf. ovata Bloom in Currais, Brazil: Phylogeny, Toxin Profile and Contamination of Mussels and Marine Plastic Litter . Toxins , 11(8), 446 (22p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Brach-Papa Christophe (2019). Identification d'espèces phytoplanctoniques dans un prélèvement d'eau de mer suite à un épisode d'eau colorée au niveau de la Darse Castigneau (Base Navale de Toulon) . LASEM - Laboratoire d'Analyses et de la Surveillance et d'Expertises de la Marine (Site de Toulon) , Ref. CL/D/19-156 , 3p., 3p.
Chomérat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Zentz Frédéric (2019). A taxonomical study of benthic Prorocentrum species (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae) from Anse Dufour (Martinique Island, eastern Caribbean Sea) . Marine Biodiversity , 49(3), 1299-1319 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Díaz-Asencio Lisbet, Vandersea Mark, Chomérat Nicolas, Fraga Santiago, Clausing Rachel J., Litaker R.Wayne, Chamero-Lago Donaida, Gómez-Batista Miguel, Moreira-González Angel, Tester Patricia, Alonso-Hernández Carlos, Dechraoui Bottein Marie-Yasmine (2019). Morphology, toxicity and molecular characterization of Gambierdiscus spp. towards risk assessment of ciguatera in south central Cuba . Harmful Algae , 86, 119-127 .
Chomérat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Derrien Amelie, Henry Kévin, Ung André, Viallon Jérôme, Darius Hélène Taiana, Mahana Iti Gatti Clémence, Roué Mélanie, Hervé Fabienne, Réveillon Damien, Amzil Zouher, Chinain Mireille (2019). Ostreopsis lenticularis Y. Fukuyo (Dinophyceae, Gonyaulacales) from French Polynesia (South Pacific Ocean): A revisit of its morphology, molecular phylogeny and toxicity . Harmful Algae , 84, 95-111 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Li Zhun, Mertens Kenneth, Nézan Elisabeth, Chomérat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Iwataki Mitsunori, Shin Hyeon Ho (2019). Discovery of a New Clade Nested Within the Genus Alexandrium (Dinophyceae): Morpho-molecular Characterization of Centrodinium punctatum (Cleve) F.J.R. Taylor . Protist , 170(2), 168-186 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mertens Kenneth, Chomerat Nicolas, Nezan Elisabeth, Bruneau Audrey, Le Bec Claude (2019). Micro-algues des claires ostréicoles de Charente Maritime : focus sur les producteurs potentiels de toxines DSP, PSP et ASP et toxines émergentes (palytoxines, pinnatoxine...) . R.ODE/Littoral/LER-BO 19-04. Convention DGAL N° 2017-315 .
Lim Zhen Fei, Luo Zhaohe, Lee Li Keat, Hii Kieng Soon, Teng Sing Tung, Chan Leo Lai, Chomérat Nicolas, Krock Bernd, Gu Haifeng, Lim Po Teen, Leaw Chui Pin (2019). Taxonomy and toxicity of Prorocentrum from Perhentian Islands (Malaysia), with a description of a non-toxigenic species Prorocentrum malayense sp. nov. (Dinophyceae) . Harmful Algae , 83, 95-108 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Moreira-González Angel R., Fernandes Luciano F., Uchida Hajime, Uesugi Aya, Suzuki Toshiyuki, Chomérat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Mafra Luiz L. (2019). Variations in morphology, growth, and toxicity among strains of the Prorocentrum lima species complex isolated from Cuba and Brazil . Journal Of Applied Phycology , 31(1), 519-532 .
Saburova Maria, Chomérat Nicolas (2019). Laciniporus arabicus gen. et sp. nov. (Dinophyceae, Peridiniales), a new thecate, marine, sand-dwelling dinoflagellate from the northern Indian Ocean (Arabian Sea) . Journal Of Phycology , 55(1), 84-103 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dumont Emile, Malo Florent, Rovillon Georges-Augustin, Chomerat Nicolas, Hervio Heath Dominique, Gourmelon Michele, Durand Patrick, Quintric Laure, Siano Raffaele, Briand Enora (2019). Bacterial communities associated with Alexandrium strains: study of their structure and composition by a 16S metabarcoding approach . Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins "Risk and Regulation in a Multi-Toxin Exposure World" - Gordon Research Conference. 16-21 juin 2019, Easton, MA, USA .
Van Nieuwenhove Nicolas, Potvin Eric, Heikkila Maija, Pospelova Vera, Mertens Kenneth, Masure Edwige, Kucharska Malgorzata, Yang Eun Jin, Chomerat Nicolas, Zajaczkowski Marek (2018). Taxonomic revision of Spiniferites elongatus (the resting stage of Gonyaulax elongata ) based on morphological and molecular analyses . Palynology , 42(Supl.1), 111-134 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gurdebeke Pieter R., Mertens Kenneth, Bogus Kara, Marret Fabienne, Chomerat Nicolas, Vrielinck Henk, Louwye Stephen (2018). Taxonomic Re-Investigation and Geochemical Characterization of Reid’s (1974) Species of Spiniferites from Holotype and Topotype Material . Palynology , 42(Supl.1), 93-110 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Neaud-Masson Nadine, Brun Melanie, Chomerat Nicolas (2018). Essai d'aptitude par comparaison Inter-analystes pour l'évaluation des performances en identification et dénombrement du phytoplancton marin. Rapport d'évaluation des compétences des analystes du phytoplancton dans le cadre du réseau d'observation et de surveillance du phytoplancton et de l'hydrologie (REPHY) mis en oeuvre par l'Ifremer . Rapport AQUAREF 2018 .
Gu Haifeng, Li Xintian, Chomerat Nicolas, Luo Zhaohe, Sarno Diana, Gourvil Priscilla, Balzano Sergio, Siano Raffaele (2018). Adenoides sinensis , a new sand-dwelling dinoflagellate species from China and reexamination of Adenoides eludens from an Atlantic strain . Phycologia , 57(2), 179-190 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Luo Zhaohe, Lim Zhen Fei, Mertens Kenneth, Gurdebeke Pieter, Bogus Kara, Carbonell-Moore Maria Consuelo, Vrielinck Henk, Leaw Chui Pin, Lim Po Teen, Chomerat Nicolas, Li Xintian, Gu Haifeng (2018). Morpho-molecular diversity and phylogeny of Bysmatrum (Dinophyceae) from the South China Sea and France . European Journal Of Phycology , 53(3), 318-335 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Nezan Elisabeth, Bilien Gwenael, Boulben Sylviane, Mertens Kenneth, Chomerat Nicolas (2018). Description and phylogenetic position of Plagiolemma distortum sp. nov., a new raphid diatom (Bacillariophyceae) from French coastal waters . Diatom Research , 33(1), 13-24 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mertens Kenneth, Gu Haifeng, Pospelova Vera, Chomerat Nicolas, Nezan Elisabeth, Gurdebeke Pieter, Bogus Kara, Vrielinck Henk, Rumebe Myriam, Meteigner Claire (2017). First record of resting cysts of the benthic dinoflagellate Prorocentrum leve in a natural reservoir in Gujan-Mestras, Gironde, France . Journal Of Phycology , 53(6), 1193-1205 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Luo Zhaohe, Krock Bernd, Mertens Kenneth, Nezan Elisabeth, Chomerat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Tillmann Urban, Gu Haifeng (2017). Adding new pieces to the Azadinium (Dinophyceae) diversity and biogeography puzzle: Non-toxigenic Azadinium zhuanum sp. nov. from China, toxigenic A. poporum from the Mediterranean, and a non-toxigenic A. dalianense from the French Atlantic . Harmful Algae , 66, 65-78 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Neaud-Masson Nadine, Brun Melanie, Chomerat Nicolas (2017). Essai d'aptitude par comparaison Inter-Analystes pour l'évaluation des performances en identification et dénombrement du phytoplancton marin dans le cadre du REPHY. Résultats exercice 2016 . ODE/VIGIES/17-12 .
IFREMER (2017). Journées REPHY 2016. Nantes, 30 novembre et 1er décembre 2016. Tome 1/2. Compilation des interventions pour la session environnementale, surveillance et recherche . ODE/VIGIES/17-05 .
Chomerat Nicolas, Gatti Clemence Mahana Iti, Nezan Elisabeth, Chinain Mireille (2017). Studies on the benthic genus Sinophysis (Dinophysales, Dinophyceae) II. S. canaliculata from Rapa Island (French Polynesia) . Phycologia , 56(2), 193-203 .
Hameed Hameed A., Saburova Maria, Chomérat Nicolas (2016). Taxonomic characterization of a brackish water, bloom-forming Peridiniopsis species (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae) from Iraq . Marine Biodiversity Records , 9(1), 40 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Manach Soazig (2016). Compte rendu de l'atelier Phytoplancton à la Trinité sur Mer - Les 3 et 4 mars 2016 . RST/LER/MPL/16.13 .
Le Gac Mickael, Metegnier Gabriel, Chomerat Nicolas, Malestroit Pascale, Quere Julien, Bouchez Olivier, Siano Raffaele, Destombe Christophe, Guillou Laure, Chapelle Annie (2016). Evolutionary processes and cellular functions underlying divergence in Alexandrium minutum . Molecular Ecology , 25(20), 5129-5143 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ben-Gharbia Hela, Yahia Ons Kefi-Daly, Amzil Zouher, Chomerat Nicolas, Abadie Eric, Masseret Estelle, Sibat Manoella, Triki Habiba Zmerli, Nouri Habiba, Laabir Mohamed (2016). Toxicity and Growth Assessments of Three Thermophilic Benthic Dinoflagellates (Ostreopsis cf. ovata, Prorocentrum lima and Coolia monotis) Developing in the Southern Mediterranean Basin . Toxins , 8(10), 297 (1-8) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lemonnier Hugues, Lantoine Francois, Courties Claude, Guillebault Delphine, Nezan Elisabeth, Chomerat Nicolas, Escoubeyrou Karine, Galinie Christian, Blockmans Bernard, Laugier Thierry (2016). Dynamics of phytoplankton communities in eutrophying tropical shrimp ponds affected by vibriosis . Marine Pollution Bulletin , 110(1), 449-459 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Abadie Eric, Muguet Alexia, Berteaux Tom, Chomerat Nicolas, Hess Philipp, Roque D'Orbcastel Emmanuelle, Masseret Estelle, Laabir Mohamed (2016). Toxin and Growth Responses of the Neurotoxic Dinoflagellate Vulcanodinium rugosum to Varying Temperature and Salinity . Toxins , 8(5), 136 (1-18) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Triki Habiba Zmerli, Laabir Mohamed, Moeller Peter, Chomerat Nicolas, Daly-Yahia Ons Kefi (2016). First report of goniodomin A production by the dinoflagellate Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax developing in southern Mediterranean (Bizerte Lagoon, Tunisia) . Toxicon , 111, 91-99 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Saburova Maria, Chomerat Nicolas (2016). An emended description and phylogeny of the little-known Prorocentrum sipadanense Mohammad-Noor, Daugbjerg & Moestrup (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae) from the Indian Ocean, Oman . European Journal Of Phycology , 51(3), 270-281 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lassus Patrick, Chomerat Nicolas, Hess Philipp, Nezan Elisabeth (2016). Micro-algues toxiques et nuisibles de l’océan mondial. COI Manuels et Guides, 68 / Toxic and Harmful Microalgae of the World Ocean. IOC Manuals and Guides, 68 .
Abadie Eric, Muguet Alexia, Berteaux Tom, Chomerat Nicolas, Hess Philipp, Masseret Estelle, Laabir Mohamed (2016). A study of Vulcanodinium rugosum (dinoflagellate producer of pinnatoxins) developping in the Mediterranean lagoon of Ingril . ICHA2016 - The 17th International Conference on Harmful Algae. 09–14 October 2016, Brazil .
Chomerat Nicolas (2016). Studies on the benthic genus Sinophysis (Dinophysales, Dinophyceae): I. a taxonomic investigation from Martinique Island, including two new species and elucidation of the epithecal plate pattern . Phycologia , 55(4), 445-461 .
Fertouna-Bellakhal Mouna, Dhib Amel, Fathalli Afef, Bellakhal Meher, Chomerat Nicolas, Masseret Estelle, Laabir Mohamed, Turki Souad, Aleya Lotfi (2015). Alexandrium pacificum Litaker sp. nov (Group IV): Resting cyst distribution and toxin profile of vegetative cells in Bizerte Lagoon (Tunisia, Southern Mediterranean Sea) . Harmful Algae , 48, 69-82 .
Le Bec Claude, Bechemin Christian, Ameziane Nadia, Nezan Elisabeth, Chomerat Nicolas, Gallut Cyril, Le Gall Christian, Derrien Amelie, Terre-Terrillon Aouregan, Gouriou Jeremie, Schmitt Anne, Genauzeau Sylvie, Demeule Carole, Even Francoise (2015). Projet pédagogique HERMIONA .
Ifremer (2015). Revue de direction du LER/BO. Revue de direction du 26 février 2015. Revue du système de management de la qualité et des activités d’essais .
Selina Marina S., Chomerat Nicolas, Hoppenrath Mona (2015). Morphology and spatial distribution of Cabra species (Dinophyceae, Peridiniales) from Peter the Great Bay (northwestern Sea of Japan), including the description of C-levis sp nov. European Journal Of Phycology , 50(1), 80-91 .
Nezan Elisabeth, Siano Raffaele, Boulben Sylviane, Six Christophe, Bilien Gwenael, Cheze Karine, Duval Audrey, Le Panse Sophie, Quere Julien, Chomerat Nicolas (2014). Genetic diversity of the harmful family Kareniaceae (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) in France, with the description of Karlodinium gentienii sp. nov.: A new potentially toxic dinoflagellate . Harmful Algae , 40, 75-91 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Saburova Maria, Chomerat Nicolas (2014). Ailadinium reticulatum gen. et sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a New Thecate, Marine, Sand-Dwelling Dinoflagellate from the Northern Red Sea . Journal Of Phycology , 50(6), 1120-1136 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer. Océanographie et Dynamique des Ecosystèmes. Unité Littoral. Laboratoire Environnement Ressources de Concarneau (2014). Qualité du Milieu Marin Littoral. Bulletin de la surveillance 2013. Département du Finistère . ODE/LITTORAL/LER/BO/14-005 .
Brissard Charline, Herrenknecht Christine, Sechet Veronique, Herve Fabienne, Pisapia Francesco, Harcouet Jocelyn, Lemee Rodolphe, Chomerat Nicolas, Hess Philipp, Amzil Zouher (2014). Complex Toxin Profile of French Mediterranean Ostreopsis cf. ovata Strains, Seafood Accumulation and Ovatoxins Prepurification . Marine Drugs , 12(5), 2851-2876 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chomerat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael (2014). Madanidinium loirii gen. et sp nov. (Dinophyceae), a new marine benthic dinoflagellate from Martinique Island, Eastern Caribbean . European Journal Of Phycology , 49(2), 165-178 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Nezan Elisabeth, Chomerat Nicolas, Lemonnier Hugues, Goraguer Herle, Bilien Gwenael, Boulben Sylviane, Cheze Karine (2013). Micro-algues ichtyotoxiques et aquaculture durable . Journées RBE, 5-6 novembre 2013, Nantes .
Hoppenrath Mona, Chomerat Nicolas, Horiguchi Takeo, Schweikert Michael, Nagahama Yukio, Murray Shauna (2013). Taxonomy and phylogeny of the benthic Prorocentrum species (Dinophyceae)-A proposal and review . Harmful Algae , 27, 1-28 .
Rumebe Myriam, Auby Isabelle, Chomerat Nicolas, Amzil Zouher, Costa Magali, Arrue François (2013). Cyanobactéries dans le Lac d’Hossegor en 2013 . Coordination REPHY , Ref. ODE/UL/LERAR/13-002 , 13p.
Ifremer (2013). Revue de direction du LER/FBN. Revue de direction du 08 février 2013. Revue du système de management de la qualité et des activités d’essais .
Nezan Elisabeth, Tillmann Urban, Bilien Gwenael, Boulben Sylviane, Cheze Karine, Zentz Frederic, Salas Rafael, Chomerat Nicolas (2012). Taxonomic revision of the Dinoflagellate Amphidoma Caudata : transfer to the Genus Azadinium (DINOPHYCEAE) and proposal of two varieties, based on morphological and molecular phylogenetic anaIyses . Journal Of Phycology , 48(4), 925-939 .
Saburova Maria, Chomerat Nicolas, Hoppenrath Mona (2012). Morphology and SSU rDNA phylogeny of Durinskia agilis (Kofoid & Swezy) comb. nov (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae), a thecate, marine, sand-dwelling dinoflagellate formerly classified within Gymnodinium . Phycologia , 51(3), 287-302 .
Lemee Rodolphe, Mangialajo Luisa, Cohu Stephanie, Amzil Zouher, Blanfune Aurelie, Chomerat Nicolas, Ganzin Nicolas, Gasparini Stephane, Grossel Hubert, Guidi-Guivard Laurence, Hoareau Laurent, Le Duff Franck, Marro Sophie, Simon Nathalie, Nezan Elisabeth, Pedrotti Maria-Luiza, Sechet Veronique, Soliveres Odile, Thibaut Thierry (2012). Interactions between scientists, managers and policy makers in the framework of the French MediOs project on Ostreopsis (2008-2010) . Cryptogamie Algologie , 33(2), 137-142 .
Sechet Veronique, Sibat Manoella, Chomerat Nicolas, Nezan Elisabeth, Grossel Hubert, Lehebel-Peron Jean-Brieuc, Jauffrais Thierry, Ganzin Nicolas, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Lemee Rodolphe, Amzil Zouher (2012). Ostreopsis cf. ovata in the French Mediterranean coast: molecular characterisation and toxin profile . Cryptogamie Algologie , 33(2), 89-98 .
Ifremer (2012). Revue de direction du LER/FBN-CC. Revue de direction du 24 février 2012. Revue du système de management de la qualité et des activités d’essais .
Chomerat Nicolas, Saburova Maria, Bilien Gwenael, Al-Yamani Faiza (2012). Prorocentrum bimaculatum sp nov (Dinophyceae, prorocentrales), a new benthic dinoflagellate species from Kuwait (Arabian gulf) . Journal Of Phycology , 48(1), 211-221 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Amzil Zouher, Sibat Manoella, Chomerat Nicolas, Grossel Hubert, Marco-Miralles Francoise, Lemee Rodolphe, Nezan Elisabeth, Sechet Veronique (2012). Ovatoxin-a and Palytoxin Accumulation in Seafood in Relation to Ostreopsis cf. ovata Blooms on the French Mediterranean Coast . Marine Drugs , 10(2), 477-496 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Coute Alain, Perrette Catherine, Chomerat Nicolas (2012). Three Dinophyceae from Clipperton Island lagoon (eastern Pacific Ocean), including a description of Peridiniopsis cristata var. tubulifera var. nov. Botanica Marina , 55(1), 59-71 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chomerat Nicolas, Zentz Frederic, Boulben Sylviane, Bilien Gwenael, Van Wormhoudt Alain, Nezan Elisabeth (2011). Prorocentrum glenanicum sp nov and Prorocentrum pseudopanamense sp nov (Prorocentrales, Dinophyceae), two new benthic dinoflagellate species from South Brittany (northwestern France) . Phycologia , 50(2), 202-214 .
Nezan Elisabeth, Chomerat Nicolas (2011). Vulcanodinium rugosum gen. et sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), un nouveau dinoflagellé marin de la côte méditerranéenne française . Cryptogamie Algologie , 32(1), 3-18 . Open Access version :
Amzil Zouher, Sechet Veronique, Nezan Elisabeth, Chomerat Nicolas, Grossel Hubert, Kantin Roger (2010). Le développement des dinoflagellés toxiques du genre Ostreopsis sur le littoral de la Méditerranée nord occidentale : mise en évidence des zones à risque et première évaluation des impacts écologiques, sanitaires et socio-économiques. Liteau II .
Chomerat Nicolas, Coute Alain, Nezan Elisabeth (2010). Further investigations on the sand-dwelling genus Cabra (Dinophyceae, Peridiniales) in South Brittany (northwestern France), including the description of C. aremorica sp. nov. Marine Biodiversity , 40(2), 131-142 .
Chomerat Nicolas, Nezan Elisabeth (2010). Diversity of benthic dinoflagellates in south brittany (NW France), with emphasis on the genus prorocentrum . Open Science Meeting on Harmful Algal Blooms in Benthic Systems, Honolulu, 21-23 june 2010 .
Nezan Elisabeth, Chomerat Nicolas, Bilien Gwenael, Boulben Sylviane, Duval Audrey, Ryckaert Mireille (2010). Pseudo-nitzschia australis on French Atlantic coast - an unusual toxic bloom . Harmful Algae News , (41), 1-2 . Open Access version :
Gaignon Jean-Louis, Ryckaert Mireille, Hess Philipp, Nezan Elisabeth, Chomerat Nicolas (2010). Opportunité d'autoriser le transfert de juvéniles d'huîtres creuses au départ du littoral du département de Charente-Maritime . DDTM 17 - Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer de Charente Maritime, La Rochelle , Ref. D/CN - 2010.67 , 1p., 2p.
Chomerat Nicolas, Sellos Daniel Y., Zentz Frederic, Nezan Elisabeth (2010). Morphology and molecular phylogeny of prorocentrum consutum sp. nov. (dinophyceae), a new benthic dinoflagellate from south Brittany (northwestern France) . Journal of Phycology , 46(1), 183-194 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Nezan Elisabeth, Bilien Gwenael, Boulben Sylviane, Zentz Frederic, Cheze Karine, Chomerat Nicolas (2010). Diversity of the dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium along the French coasts, based on morphological and phylogenetic analyses . ICES annual science conference 20-24 september 2010, Nantes (France) .
Chomerat Nicolas (2009). Report of the Phycological Conference of the France Phycological Society, Concarneau, 9 and 10 December 2008 . Cryptogamie Algologie , 30(4), 311-311 .
Chomerat Nicolas, Nezan Elisabeth (2009). Cabra reticulata sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a new sand-dwelling dinoflagellate from the Atlantic Ocean . European journal of phycology , 44(3), 415-423 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chomerat Nicolas, Loir Maurice, Nezan Elisabeth (2009). Sinophysis verruculosa sp nov (Dinophysiales, Dinophyceae), a new sand-dwelling dinoflagellate from South Brittany, northwestern France . Botanica marina , 52(1), 69-79 .
Nezan Elisabeth, Chomerat Nicolas (2009). Fragilidium duplocampanaeforme sp nov (Dinophyceae): A new phagotrophic dinoflagellate from the French Atlantic coast . European Journal of Protistology , 45(1), 2-12 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chomerat Nicolas, Coute A (2008). Protoperidinium bolmonense sp nov (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae), a small dinoflagellate from a brackish hypereutrophic lagoon (South of France) . Phycologia , 47(4), 392-403 .
Chomerat Nicolas, Garnier Robert, Bertrand Céline, Cazaubon Arlette (2007). Seasonal succession of cyanoprokaryotes in a hypereutrophic oligo-mesohaline lagoon from the South of France . Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 72(4), 591-602 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :