Benjamin Morga

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Employer : Ifremer

Site : La Tremblade

Postal address : Station de La Tremblade - Avenue de Mus de Loup - Ronce les Bains - 17390 La Tremblade


ORCID orcid icon : 0000-0002-3196-4537



Dotto-Maurel Aurélie, Pelletier Camille, Degremont Lionel, Heurtebise Serge, Morga Benjamin, Chevignon Germain (2024). Evaluation of long-read sequencing for Ostreid herpesvirus type 1 genome characterization from host infected tissues, 2024. IFREMER.
Mege Mickael, Pelletier Camille, Morga Benjamin, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie (2024). DNA sequencing of Crassostrea gigas Pacific oyster spat experimentally infected with OsHV-1 virus. IFREMER.


Gawra Janan, De Lorgeril Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Escoubas Jean Michel, Petton Bruno, Morga Benjamin, Destoumieux-Garzon Delphine, Mitta Guillaume, Degremont Lionel, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie (2023). Genetic and epigenetic variations underpin rapid adaptation of oyster populations (Crassostrea gigas) to Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome (POMS). IFREMER.



Pelletier Camille, Faury Nicole, Mege Mickael, Degremont Lionel, Hattinguais Maele, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, Chevignon Germain, Jacquot Maude, Morga Benjamin . Experimentally mimicking 30 years of Magallana gigas infections with the OsHV-1 virus reveals evolution through positive selection . bioRxiv IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dotto-Maurel Aurelie, Pelletier Camille, Degremont Lionel, Heurtebise Serge, Arzul Isabelle, Morga Benjamin, Chevignon Germain . Evaluation of long-read sequencing for Ostreid herpesvirus type 1 genome characterization from Magallana gigas infected tissues . Microbiology Spectrum IN PRESS . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Wegner K. Mathias, Morga Benjamin, Guillou Laure, Strittmatter Martina, Lecadet Cyrielle, Travers Agnes, Tourbiez Delphine, Gervais Ophelie, Arzul Isabelle (2025). Prokaryotic microbiota outperform eukaryotic microbiota in differentiating between infection states of iconic diseases of two commercial oyster species . Aquaculture , 594, 741363 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Valdivieso Munoz Alejandro, Morga Benjamin, Dégremont Lionel, Mege Mickael, Dorant Yann, Escoubas Jean Michel, Gawra Janan, de Lorgeril Julien, Mitta Guillaume, Cosseau Céline, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie (2025). DNA methylation landscapes before and after Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome are different within and between resistant and susceptible Magallana gigas . Science of The Total Environment , 962, 178385 (15p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Arzul Isabelle, Morga Benjamin (2024). OsHV-1 and Magallana (Crassostrea) gigas. Infection trials with bivalves . AQUAEXCEL 3.0 Training course 3 - Conducting Experimental Infection Trials In Fish And Shellfish.
Dantan Luc, Carcassonne Prunelle, Degrémont Lionel, Morga Benjamin, Travers Marie-Agnès, Petton Bruno, Mege Mickael, Maurouard Elise, Allienne Francois, Courtay Gaelle, Romatif Oceane, Pouzadoux Juliette, Lami Raphaël, Intertaglia Laurent, Gueguen Yannick, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, Toulza Eve, Cosseau Céline (2024). Microbial education plays a crucial role in harnessing the beneficial properties of microbiota for infectious disease protection in Crassostrea gigas . Scientific Reports , 14(1), 26914 (21p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Le Gall Sarah (2024). Optimisation de l'élevage larvaire expérimental d'huîtres creuses, Magallana (ex Crassostrea) gigas, en vue de limiter le développement de communautés bactériennes pathogènes . Mémoire de fin d’études en Sciences halieutiques et aquacoles. Option Aquaculture. Institut Agro Rennes-Angers .
Montagnani Caroline, Morga Benjamin, Novoa Beatriz, Gourbal Benjamin, Saco Amaro, Rey‐campos Magali, Bourhis Marion, Riera Fabien, Vignal Emmanuel, Corporeau Charlotte, Charriere Guillaume, Travers Agnes, Dégremont Lionel, Gueguen Yannick, Cosseau Céline, Figueras Antonio (2024). Trained immunity: Perspectives for disease control strategy in marine mollusc aquaculture . Reviews in Aquaculture , 16(4), 1472-1498 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dupoué Andreaz, Koechlin Hugo, Huber Matthias, Merrien Pauline, Le Grand Jacqueline, Corporeau Charlotte, Fleury Elodie, Bernay Benoît, de Villemereuil Pierre, Morga Benjamin, Le Luyer Jeremy (2024). Reproductive aging weakens offspring survival and constrains the telomerase response to herpesvirus in Pacific oysters . Science Advances , 10(37), eadq2311 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dantan Luc, Toulza Eve, Petton Bruno, Montagnani Caroline, Degremont Lionel, Morga Benjamin, Fleury Yannick, Mitta Guillaume, Gueguen Yannick, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, Cosseau Céline (2024). Microbial education for marine invertebrate disease prevention in aquaculture . Reviews In Aquaculture , 16(3), 1229-1243 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Morga Benjamin, Mege Mickael, Faury Nicole, Dégremont Lionel, Petton Bruno, Pépin Jean-Francois, Renault Tristan, Montagnani Caroline (2024). Antiviral protection in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea (Magallana) gigas against OsHV-1 infection using UV-inactivated virus . Frontiers In Marine Science , 11, 1378511 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Renault Tristan, Faury Nicole, Morga Benjamin (2024). Propidium monoazide PCR, a method to determine OsHV-1 undamaged capsids and to estimate virus Lethal Dose 50 . Virus Research , 340, 199307 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ifremer, Laboratoire Génétique et Pathologie des Mollusques Marins (LGPMM), Ifremer, Direction de la communication (DCOM) (2024). Les agents pathogènes affectant les mollusques marins. Fiches pédagogiques .


Siano Raffaele, Arzul Isabelle, Gourmelon Michele, Le Guyader Soizick, Durand Patrick, Serghine Joelle, Parnaudeau Sylvain, Quere Julien, Schmitt Sophie, Francoise Sylvaine, Mary Charlotte, Hernandez Farinas Tania, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Lebrun Luc, Chomerat Nicolas, Seugnet Jean-Luc, Pepin Jean-Francois, Felix Christine, Serais Ophelie, Gobet Angélique, Chevalier Mathieu, Chevignon Germain, Lecadet Cyrielle, Morga Benjamin, Piquet Jean-Come, Lemoine Maud, Leroi Laura, Noel Cyril (2023). Coastal microbiomes in riverine ecosystems of the French coastline: the ROME project . ISEEMPD 2022 - International Symposium on Ecology and Evolution of Marine Parasites and Diseases. 15-18 November 2022 .
Oyanedel Daniel, Lagorce Arnaud, Bruto Maxime, Haffner Philippe, Morot Amandine, Dorant Yann, de La Forest Divonne Sebastien, Delavat François, Inguimbert Nicolas, Montagnani Caroline, Morga Benjamin, Toulza Eve, Chaparro Cristian, Escoubas Jean-Michel, Labreuche Yannick, Gueguen Yannick, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, de Lorgeril Julien, Petton Bruno, Degremont Lionel, Tourbiez Delphine, Pimparé Léa-Lou, Leroy Marc, Romatif Oceane, Pouzadoux Juliette, Mitta Guillaume, Roux Frédérique Le, Charrière Guillaume M., Travers Agnes, Destoumieux-Garzón Delphine (2023). Cooperation and cheating orchestrate Vibrio assemblages and polymicrobial synergy in oysters infected with OsHV-1 virus . Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America , 120(40), e23051951 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Siano Raffaele, Arzul Isabelle, Gourmelon Michele, Le Guyader Soizick, Durand Patrick, The Rome Consortium (2023). Coastal microbiomes in estuarine ecosystems of France: the eDNA network ROME . ASC 2023 - ICES Annual Science Conference 2023. 11–14 September 2023 Bilbao, Spain .
Gawra Janan, Valdivieso Munoz Alejandro, Roux Fabrice, Laporte Martin, de Lorgeril Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Saccas Mathilde, Escoubas Jean-Michel, Montagnani Caroline, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine, Lagarde Franck, Leroy Marc A., Haffner Philippe, Petton Bruno, Cosseau Céline, Morga Benjamin, Dégremont Lionel, Mitta Guillaume, Grunau Christoph, Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie (2023). Epigenetic variations are more substantial than genetic variations in rapid adaptation of oyster to Pacific oyster mortality syndrome . Science Advances , 9(36), eadh8990 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Battistel Clementine, Mouren Jean Christophe, Morga Benjamin, Pelletier Camille, Canier Lydie, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Leroi Laura, Durand Patrick, Chevignon Germain, Jacquot Maude (2023). MoPSeq-DB. Molluscs Pathogen Sequences DataBase . JOBIM 2023 - Journées Ouvertes en Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques. 27 au 30 juin 2023, Nancy .
Siano Raffaele, Arzul Isabelle, Gourmelon Michele, Le Guyader Soizick, Durand Patrick, Serghine Joelle, Parnaudeau Sylvain, Quere Julien, Schmitt Sophie, Francoise Sylvaine, Mary Charlotte, Hernandez Farinas Tania, Terre Terrillon Aouregan, Lebrun Luc, Chomerat Nicolas, Seugnet Jean-Luc, Pepin Jean-Francois, Felix Christine, Serais Ophelie, Gobet Angélique, Chevalier Mathieu, Chevignon Germain, Lecadet Cyrielle, Morga Benjamin, Piquet Jean-Come, Lemoine Maud, Leroi Laura, Noel Cyril (2023). Coastal microbiomes in estuarine ecosystems of France: the eDNA network ROME . ASLO - Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023 "Resilience and Recovery in Aquatic Systems". 4-9 June 2023, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.


Jacquot Maude, Mouren Jean Christophe, Battistel Clementine, Morga Benjamin, Pelletier Camille, Canier Lydie, Garcia Celine, Arzul Isabelle, Leroi Laura, Durand Patrick, Chevignon Germain (2022). MoPSeq-DB: a web platform to share, visualise and analyse sequence data of mollusc pathogens . ISEEMPD 2022 - International Symposium on Ecology and Evolution of Marine Parasites and Diseases. 15-18 November 2022, La Rochelle, France .
Dotto-Maurel Aurelie, Pelletier Camille, Morga Benjamin, Jacquot Maude, Faury Nicole, Dégremont Lionel, Bereszczynki Maëlis, Delmotte Jean, Escoubas Jean-Michel, Chevignon Germain (2022). Evaluation of tangential flow filtration coupled to long-read sequencing for ostreid herpesvirus type 1 genome assembly . Microbial Genomics , 8(11), 000895 (17p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ruyssen Maria, Grillon-Gaborit Fabrice, Richard Marion, Montagnani Caroline, Morga Benjamin, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie, Cosseau Celine (2022). Table Ronde Recherche & Conchyliculture #3 2022 . Quelles solutions face aux pathogènes détectés dans l’environnement ? IFREMER- CRCM, Bouzigues, 2022, 10p.
Delmotte Jean, Pelletier Camille, Morga Benjamin, Galinier Richard, Petton Bruno, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Kaltz Oliver, Avarre Jean-Christophe, Jacquot Maude, Montagnani Caroline, Escoubas Jean Michel (2022). Genetic Diversity and Connectivity of the Ostreid Herpesvirus 1 Populations in France: A First Attempt to Phylogeographic Inference for a Marine Mollusc Disease . Virus Evolution , 8(1), veac039 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Picot Sandy, Faury Nicole, Pelletier Camille, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Dégremont Lionel, Renault Tristan, Morga Benjamin, Picot (2022). Monitoring Autophagy at Cellular and Molecular Level in Crassostrea gigas During an Experimental Ostreid Herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) Infection . Frontiers In Cellular And Infection Microbiology , 12, 858311 (14p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Mouren Jean Christophe (2022). MoPSeq-DB: une plateforme web pour partager, visualiser et analyser des données de séquences d'agents pathogènes de mollusques . Rapport d'alternance de Master 2, parcours Ingénierie Bioinformatique. Université de Nantes .


Broquard Coralie, Saowaros Suwansa-Ard, Lepoittevin Mélanie, Degremont Lionel, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Morga Benjamin, Elizur Abigail, Martinez Anne-Sophie (2021). Gonadal transcriptomes associated with sex phenotypes provide potential male and female candidate genes of sex determination or early differentiation in Crassostrea gigas, a sequential hermaphrodite mollusc . Bmc Genomics , 22(1), 609 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Prado-Alvarez Maria, García-Fernández Pablo, Faury Nicole, Azevedo Carlos, Morga Benjamin, Gestal Camino (2021). First detection of OsHV-1 in the cephalopod Octopus vulgaris. Is the octopus a dead-end for OsHV-1? Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 183, 107553 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Morga Benjamin, Jacquot Maude, Pelletier Camille, Chevignon Germain, Dégremont Lionel, Biétry Antoine, Pepin Jean-Francois, Heurtebise Serge, Escoubas Jean Michel, Bean Tim P., Rosani Umberto, Bai Chang-Ming, Renault Tristan, Lamy Jean-Baptiste (2021). Genomic Diversity of the Ostreid Herpesvirus Type 1 Across Time and Location and Among Host Species . Frontiers In Microbiology , 12, 711377 (13p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Dégremont Lionel, Morga Benjamin, Maurouard Elise, Travers Marie-Agnes (2021). Susceptibility variation to the main pathogens of Crassostrea gigas at the larval, spat and juvenile stages using unselected and selected oysters to OsHV-1 and/or V. aestuarianus . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 183, 107601 (10p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Oyanedel Daniel, Lagorce Arnaud, Bruto Maxime, Haffner Philippe, Travers Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Toulza Eve, Chaparro Cristian, Pimparé Léa-Lou, Montagnani Caroline, Escoubas Jean Michel, Gueguen Yannick, Tourbiez Delphine, Le Roy Marc, Pouzadoux Juliette, Romatif Oceane, Mitta Guillaume, Le Roux Frederique, Charriere Guillaume, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine (2021). Killing or Cheating: two strategies to colonize an oyster . EEID 2021 - 18th Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases meeting. 11-14 june 2021, Montpellier, France .
Gawra Janan, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Saccas Mathilde, de Lorgeril Julien, Gueguen Yannick, Escoubas Jean Michel, Destoumieux Garzon Delphine, Leroy Marc A., Haffner Philippe, Morga Benjamin, Degremont Lionel, Petton Bruno, Grunau Christoph, Mitta Guillaume, Vidal Dupiol Jeremie (2021). Epigenetic and genetic determinants of resistance in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas : A case study in natural population . EEID 2021 - 18th Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases meeting. 11-14 june 2021, Montpellier, France .
Arzul Isabelle, Berland Chloe, Chollet Bruno, Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie, Serpin Delphine, Noyer Mathilde, Lecadet Cyrielle, Person Pauline, Degremont Lionel, Travers Agnes, Tourbiez Delphine, Nadeau Aurelie, Canier Lydie, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Mege Mickael, Gueguen Yannick (2021). Geographic Distribution of Haplosporidium costale in France . Technical Workshop on Parasites of the Genus Haplosporidium. 18 march 2021 .
Vincent Hubert Francoise, Wacrenier Candice, Morga Benjamin, Lozach Solen, Quenot Emmanuelle, Mege Mickael, Lecadet Cyrielle, Gourmelon Michele, Hervio-Heath Dominique, Le Guyader Soizick (2021). Passive Samplers, a Powerful Tool to Detect Viruses and Bacteria in Marine Coastal Areas . Frontiers In Microbiology , 12, 631174 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Leprêtre Maxime, Faury Nicole, Segarra Amelie, Claverol Stéphane, Degremont Lionel, Palos-Ladeiro Mélissa, Armengaud Jean, Renault Tristan, Morga Benjamin (2021). Comparative Proteomics of Ostreid Herpesvirus 1 and Pacific Oyster Interactions With Two Families Exhibiting Contrasted Susceptibility to Viral Infection . Frontiers In Immunology , 11, 621994 (16p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Morga Benjamin, Moussa Pouly Mirna, Toldra A, Pallavicini A (2021). Perspectives of diagnostic approaches for mollusc diseases . European Association of Fish Pathologists Bulletin (EAFP Bulletin) , 41(2), 50-58 .


Agnew M. Victoria, Friedman Carolyn S., Langdon Christopher, Divilov Konstantin, Schoolfield Blaine, Morga Benjamin, Degremont Lionel, Dhar Arun K., Kirkland Peter, Dumbauld Brett, Burge Colleen A. (2020). Differential Mortality and High Viral Load in Naive Pacific Oyster Families Exposed to OsHV-1 Suggests Tolerance Rather than Resistance to Infection . Pathogens , 9(12), 1057 (18p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Picot Sandy, Faury Nicole, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Renault Tristan, Morga Benjamin (2020). Identification of the autophagy pathway in a mollusk bivalve, Crassostrea gigas . Autophagy , 16(11), 2017-2035 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle (2020). Main marine bivalve diseases . WAVMA - World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association. Webinar, 9 October 2020 .
Friedman Carolyn S., Reece Kimberly S., Wippel Bryanda J.T., Agnew M. Victoria, Dégremont Lionel, Dhar Arun K., Kirkland Peter, Macintyre Alanna, Morga Benjamin, Robison Clara, Burge Colleen A. (2020). Unraveling concordant and varying responses of oyster species to Ostreid Herpesvirus 1 variants . Science Of The Total Environment , 739, 139752 (8p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Cordier Clémence, Stavrakakis Christophe, Morga Benjamin, Degrémont Lionel, Voulgaris Alexandra, Bacchi Alessia, Sauvade Patrick, Coelho Franz, Moulin Philippe (2020). Removal of pathogens by ultrafiltration from sea water . Environment International , 142, 105809 (12p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fleury Elodie, Montagnani Caroline, Morga Benjamin, Richard Marion (2020). Compte-rendu des journées Mollusques Marins et Conchylicultures .
Burge Colleen A., Reecez Kimberly S., Dhar Arun K., Kirkland Peter, Morga Benjamin, Degremont Lionel, Faury Nicole, Wippel Bryanda J. T., Macintyre Alanna, Friedman Carolyn S. (2020). First comparison of French and Australian OsHV-1 mu vars by bath exposure . Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms , 138, 137-144 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Divilov Konstantin, Schoolfield Blaine, Morga Benjamin, Dégremont Lionel, Burge Colleen A., Mancilla Cortez Daniel, Friedman Carolyn S., Fleener Gary B., Dumbauld Brett R., Langdon Chris (2019). First evaluation of resistance to both a California OsHV-1 variant and a French OsHV-1 microvariant in Pacific oysters . Bmc Genetics , 20(1), 96 (9p.) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Picot Sandy, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Chollet Bruno, Dégremont Lionel, Travers Marie-Agnes, Renault Tristan, Arzul Isabelle (2019). A study of autophagy in hemocytes of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas . Autophagy , 15(10), 1801-1809 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Barbieri Elena S., Medina Cintia D., Vázquez Nuria, Fiorito Carla, Martelli Antonela, Wigdorovitz Andrés, Schwindt Evangelina, Morga Benjamin, Renault Tristan, Parreño Viviana, Barón Pedro J (2019). First detection of Ostreid herpesvirus 1 in wild Crassostrea gigas in Argentina . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 166, 107222 (6p.) .
Martenot Claire, Faury Nicole, Morga Benjamin, Degremont Lionel, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Houssin Maryline, Renault Tristan (2019). Exploring First Interactions Between Ostreid Herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) and Its Host, Crassostrea gigas: Effects of Specific Antiviral Antibodies and Dextran Sulfate . Frontiers In Microbiology , 10(1128), 13p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie (2019). Technical Report of EURL for Mollusc diseases. Period 2018 .
Pepin Jean-Francois, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Bierne Nicolas, Chasselin Leo, Degremont Lionel, Guesdon Stephane, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Le Moine Olivier, Normand Julien, Robert Stephane, Soletchnik Patrick (2019). Mortalités de moules bleues dans les secteurs mytilicoles : description et étude des facteurs liés, action – MORBLEU-2018 . RBE/SG2M-LGPMM-2019 .
Bai Chang-Ming, Morga Benjamin, Rosani Umberto, Shi Jie, Li Chen, Xin Lu-Sheng, Wang Chong-Ming (2019). Long-range PCR and high-throughput sequencing of Ostreid herpesvirus 1 indicate high genetic diversity and complex evolution process . Virology , 526, 81-90 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Gueguen Yannick, Arzul Isabelle, Goulletquer Philippe (2019). Groupe de Travail « Huîtres » - Plan d’Action 2020-2023. Comprendre et prévoir l’évolution du socio-écosystème ostréicole dans le cadre du changement global .


Bertiaux Eloise, Morga Benjamin, Blisnick Thierry, Rotureau Brice, Bastin Philippe (2018). A Grow-and-Lock Model for the Control of Flagellum Length in Trypanosomes . Current Biology , 28(23), 3802-3814.e3 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Chollet Bruno, Morga Benjamin, Degremont Lionel, Noyer Mathilde, Dubreuil Christine, Serpin Delphine, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine (2018). Les lésions tissulaires induites par le virus OsHV-1, µVar et leur évolution dans le temps . VIVALDI : Journées de restitution interne-Ifremer, 27 au 29 novembre 2018, Île de Tatihou, France .
Canier Lydie, Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Bechemin Christian, Renault Tristan (2018). Marine mollusc pathogens - Fact sheets .
de Lorgeril Julien, Lucasson Aude, Petton Bruno, Toulza Eve, Montagnani Caroline, Clerissi Camille, Vidal-Dupiol Jeremie, Chaparro Cristian, Galinier Richard, Escoubas Jean Michel, Haffner Philippe, Degremont Lionel, Charriere Guillaume, Lafont Maxime, Delort Abigail, Vergnes Agnes, Chiarello Marlene, Faury Nicole, Rubio Tristan, Leroy Marc, Perignon Adeline, Regler Denis, Morga Benjamin, Alunno-Bruscia Marianne, Boudry Pierre, Le Roux Frederique, Destoumieux-Garzon Delphine, Gueguen Yannick, Mitta Guillaume (2018). Immune-suppression by OsHV-1 viral infection causes fatal bacteraemia in Pacific oysters . Nature Communications , 9(4215), 14p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Delisle Lizenn, Petton Bruno, Burguin Jean Francois, Morga Benjamin, Corporeau Charlotte, Pernet Fabrice (2018). Temperature modulate disease susceptibility of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and virulence of the Ostreid herpesvirus type 1 . Fish & Shellfish Immunology , 80, 71-79 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Saunier Alice, Ledu Christophe, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin (2018). Genomic abnormalities affecting mussels (Mytilus edulis-galloprovincialis) in France are related to ongoing neoplastic processes, evidenced by dual flow cytometry and cell monolayer analyses . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 157, 45-52 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lapegue Sylvie, Bechemin Christian, Le Guyader Soizick, Stavrakakis Christophe, Rivet Florence (2018). Rapport d’activités 2017 de l’unité SG2M, Santé Génétique et Microbiologie des Mollusques . R.RBE/SG2M/2018-01 .
Garcia Celine, Chollet Bruno, Noyer Mathilde, Serpin Delphine, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle, Tourbiez Delphine, Lupo Coralie, Canier Lydie (2018). Le Laboratoire National de Référence des maladies des mollusques marins. Bilan 2017 . Journée de restitution des conventions DGAL/DPMA. 28 Mai 2018, Nantes .
Garcia Celine, Fleury Elodie, Normand Julien, Lupo Coralie, Canier Lydie (2018). Epidemiological report. France - 2017 . Annual Meeting of the National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc Diseases, La Rochelle 14-15 March 2018, France .
Pepin Jean-Francois, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Bierne Nicolas, Costes Louis, Degremont Lionel, Garcia Celine, Guesdon Stephane, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Le Moine Olivier, Morga Benjamin, Normand Julien, Robert Stephane, Saunier Alice, Soletchnik Patrick, Travers Marie-Agnes (2018). Mortalités de moules bleues dans les secteurs mytilicoles : description et étude des facteurs liés, action –MORBLEU-2017 . R.INT.RBE/SG2M-LGPMM-2018 .
Canier Lydie, Fleury Elodie, Normand Julien (2018). Bilan 2017 du dispositif national de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins . Convention relative aux actions de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins Ifremer-DGAL 16/1212709. RBE/SG2M/LGPMM .
Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Noyer Mathilde, Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Serpin Delphine, Tourbiez Delphine, Faury Nicole, Bechemin Christian, Lapegue Sylvie (2018). European Union Reference Laboratory for Mollusc Diseases. Technical Report 2017 .


Azema Patrick, Maurouard Elise, Brun Aurelien, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Morga Benjamin, Travers Marie-Agnes, Degremont Lionel (2017). Paramètres génétiques de la résistance à Vibrio aestuarianus et de la résistance à OsHV-1 . Journées techniques Sysaaf. 7 et 8 décembre 2017, Rennes .
Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Renault Tristan, Bietry Antoine, Faury Nicole, Webb Steeve, Pepin Jean-Francois, Morga Benjamin (2017). Unsuspected OsHV-1 genomic diversity at inter and intra-host level . Journées internes du projet européen Vivaldi. 6-7 décembre 2017, Ifremer Bouin, France .
Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Guesdon Stephane, Chollet Bruno, Renault Tristan (2017). Haemocytes from Crassostrea gigas and OsHV-1: A promising in vitro system to study host/virus interactions . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 150, 45-53 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Morga Benjamin, Renault Tristan, Faury Nicole, Lerond Sophie, Garcia Celine, Chollet Bruno, Joly Jean-Pierre, Lapegue Sylvie, Harrang Estelle, Arzul Isabelle (2017). Contribution of in Vivo Experimental Challenges to Understanding Flat Oyster Ostrea edulis Resistance to Bonamia ostreae . Frontiers In Cellular And Infection Microbiology , 7(433), 1-13 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Morga Benjamin, Picot Sandy, Faury Nicole, Degremont Lionel, Renault Tristan, Lupo Coralie, Travers Marie-Agnes (2017). Does first barrier passage shunt matter in disease reproduction? Update from OsHV-1 infection in Pacific oyster,Crassostrea gigas . EAFP - 18th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 4-8 September 2017, Belfast, UK .
Picot Sandy, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Pelletier Camille, Degremont Lionel, Arzul Isabelle, Renault Tristan (2017). Monitoring of the autophagy pathway in C. gigas haemocytes during an experimental OsHV-1 infection . EAFP - 18th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 4-8 September 2017, Belfast, UK .
Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Guesdon Stephane, Chollet Bruno, Renault Tristan (2017). Haemocytes from Crassostrea gigas and OsHV-1: a promising in vitro model to study host/virus interactions . EAFP - 18th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 4-8 September 2017, Belfast, UK .
Arzul Isabelle, Corbeil Serge, Morga Benjamin, Renault Tristan (2017). Viruses infecting marine molluscs . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 147, 118-135 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Garcia Celine, Chollet Bruno, Noyer Mathilde, Serpin Delphine, Morga Benjamin, Parizadeh Leila, Canier Lydie, Lupo Coralie (2017). Synthèse des journées des laboratoires agréés et reconnus. Jeudi 16 mars 2017 .
Hubert Francoise, Morga Benjamin, Renault Tristan, Le Guyader Soizick (2017). Adsorption of norovirus and ostreid herpesvirus type 1 to polymer membranes for the development of passive samplers . Journal Of Applied Microbiology , 122(4), 1039-1047 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pernet Fabrice (2017). Traitement à haute température des huîtres infectées par l’ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1). TEMPO - Rapport 2016 . Convention DPMA 2016 16/1212569 .
Stavrakakis Christophe, Papin Mathias, Dupuy Beatrice, Riou Karen, Penisson Christian, Nourry Max, Hatt Philippe-Jacques, Buchet Vincent, Palvadeau Hubert (2017). Désinfection de l’eau de mer – DESIMER Etude des sous-produits de désinfection . R. INT. RBE/SG2M-LSPC 2017 .
Arzul Isabelle, Canier Lydie, Chollet Bruno, Dubreuil Christine, Noyer Mathilde, Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie, Osta Amigo Axel, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Tourbiez Delphine, Faury Nicole, Bechemin Christian, Lapegue Sylvie (2017). European Union Reference Laboratory for Mollusc Diseases. Technical Report 2016 .
Bai Chang-Ming, Wang Qing-Chen, Morga Benjamin, Shi Jie, Wang Chong-Ming (2017). Experimental infection of adult Scapharca broughtonii with Ostreid herpesvirus SB strain . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 143, 79-82 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Pepin Jean-Francois, Benabdelmouna Abdellah, Degremont Lionel, Guesdon Stephane, Le Moine Olivier, Morga Benjamin, Bierne Nicolas, Travers Marie-Agnes, Robert Stephane, Soletchnik Patrick (2017). Mortalités de moules bleues dans les secteurs mytilicoles charentais et vendéens : description et facteurs liés – MORBLEU . R.INT.RBE/SG2M-LGPMM .
Lupo Coralie, Fleury Elodie, Normand Julien, Osta Amigo Axel, Robert Stephane, Canier Lydie, Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine (2017). Bilan 2016 du dispositif national de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins . Convention DGAL/IFREMER 16/1212709 .
Degremont Lionel, Maurouard Elise, Godfrin Yoann, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Lamy Jean-Baptiste, Benabdelmouna Abdellah (2017). Double résistance aux infections dues aux organismes pathogènes Vibrio aestuarianus et OsHV-1 chez l’huître creuse Crassostrea gigas – DORE. Rapport scientifique final de l’étude DORE, convention DPMA-Ifremer 2016 . RBE/SG2M-LGPMM .


Falaise Charlotte, Francois Cyrille, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Haure Joel, Tremblay Rejean, Turcotte Francois, Pasetto Pamela, Gastineau Romain, Hardivillier Yann, Leignel Vincent, Mouget Jean-Luc (2016). Antimicrobial Compounds from Eukaryotic Microalgae against Human Pathogens and Diseases in Aquaculture . Marine Drugs , 14(9), 159 (1-27) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Ben Cheikh Yosra, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Godfrin Yoann, Rioult Damien, Le Foll Franck (2016). First evidence for a Vibrio strain pathogenic to Mytilus edulis altering hemocyte immune capacities . Developmental And Comparative Immunology , 57, 107-119 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lapegue Sylvie, Renault Tristan, Bechemin Christian, Le Guyader Soizick, Stavrakakis Christophe, Rivet Florence (2016). Rapport d'activités 2015 de l'Unité SG2M : Santé, Génétique et Microbiologie des Mollusques .
Travers Marie-Agnes, Pepin Jean-Francois, Soletchnik Patrick, Guesdon Stephane, Le Moine Olivier (2016). Mortalités de moules bleues dans les Pertuis Charentais: description et facteurs liés – MORBLEU . R.INT.RBE/SG2M-LGPMM .
Garcia Celine, Canier Lydie, Dubreuil Christine, Chollet Bruno, Baillon Laury, Arzul Isabelle, Travers Marie-Agnes, Godfrin Yoann, Dechamps Lucie, Lupo Coralie, Tourbiez Delphine, Degremont Lionel, Maurouard Elise, Haffner Philippe, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Billy Jean-Christophe, Brun Aurelien, Bodin Stephane, Phelipot Pascal, Laclau Tom, Schwerdtle Pascal, Girardin Frederic, Lamy Pierre, Lapegue Sylvie, Bechemin Christian (2016). Laboratoire National de Référence pour les maladies des mollusques marins. Bilan 2015 . Journée de la Santé des mollusques marins et Journées de l'Observation conchylicole, 02 au 04 février 2016, Ifremer, Nantes, France .
Dégremont Lionel, Morga Benjamin, Trancart Suzanne, Pépin Jean-Francois (2016). Resistance to OsHV-1 Infection in Crassostrea gigas Larvae . Frontiers in Marine Science , 3(15), 12p. Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Fuhrmann Marine, Petton Bruno, Quillien Virgile, Faury Nicole, Morga Benjamin, Pernet Fabrice (2016). Salinity influences disease-induced mortality of the oyster Crassostrea gigas and infectivity of the ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) . Aquaculture Environment Interactions , 8, 543-552 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Renault Tristan, Lapegue Sylvie, Le Guyader Soizick, Hatt Philippe-Jacques, Rivet Florence (2015). Rapport d'activités 2014 de l'Unité SG2M. Santé, Génétique et Microbiologie des mollusques .
Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie, Travers Marie-Agnes, Arzul Isabelle, Dubreuil Christine, Chollet Bruno, Baillon Laury, Serpin Delphine, Bazet Mathilde, Tourbiez Delphine, Haffner Philippe, Morga Benjamin, Francois Cyrille, Tchaleu-Danic Gwenaelle, Faury Nicole, Segarra Amelie, Moreau Pierrick, Lapegue Sylvie, Renault Tristan (2015). Laboratoire National de Référence pour les maladies des mollusques marins. Faits marquants 2014 et perspectives . Journées de restitutions auprès des partenaires institutionnelles : DPMA & DGAL, 20 mai 2015, Nantes, France.
Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Garcia Celine, Garrigues Manon, Baillon Laury, Renault Tristan, Dubreuil Christine, Bechemin Christian, Pernet Fabrice, Corporeau Charlotte (2015). Mortalités de moules bleues . Journée de restitution convention 2014 Ifremer/DPMA. 20 mai 2015, Nantes .
Garcia Celine, Francois Cyrille, Lupo Coralie, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Dubreuil Christine, Serpin Delphine, Baillon Laury, Travers Marie-Agnes, Tourbiez Delphine, Haffner Philippe, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Garrigues Manon (2015). Epidemiologic Al report 2014 France . 2015 Annual Meeting & Technical Workshop of NRLs for Mollusc Diseases, 16-19 March 2015, Saintes, France .
Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Garrigues Manon, Garcia Celine, Haffner Philippe, Dubreuil Christine, Faury Nicole, Baillon Laury, Renault Tristan, Lapegue Sylvie (2015). Mortalités et Agents infectieux de moules en 2014 . 43ème Salon National du matériel ostréicole, mytilicole, cultures marines et pêche loisirs de mer, 12 avril 2015, La Tremblade, France .
Bechemin Christian, Soletchnik Patrick, Polsenaere Pierre, Le Moine Olivier, Pernet Fabrice, Protat Martin, Fuhrmann Marine, Quere Claudie, Goulitquer Sophie, Corporeau Charlotte, Lapegue Sylvie, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Garrigues Manon, Garcia Celine, Haffner Philippe, Dubreuil Christine, Faury Nicole, Baillon Laury, Baud Jean-Pierre, Renault Tristan (2015). Episodes de mortalité massive de moules bleues observés en 2014 dans les Pertuis charentais . Bulletin Epidémiologie, Santé animale et alimentaion , (67), 6-9 . Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Dubreuil Christine, Lupo Coralie, Garcia Celine, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Tourbiez Delphine, Haffner Philippe, Faury Nicole, Lapegue Sylvie (2015). EURL for mollusc diseases: activities 2014 and perspectives for 2015 . 2015 Annual Meeting & Technical Workshop of NRLs for Mollusc Diseases, 16-19 March 2015, Saintes, France .
Garcia Celine, Travers Marie-Agnes, Arzul Isabelle, Dubreuil Christine, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Baillon Laury, Tourbiez Delphine, Bazet Mathilde, Haffner Philippe, Morga Benjamin, Garrigues Manon, Francois Cyrille, Lupo Coralie, Faury Nicole, Moreau Pierrick, Segarra Amelie, Lapegue Sylvie, Renault Tristan (2015). Rapport annuel 2014 du Laboratoire National de Référence pour les maladies des mollusques marins .
Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Serpin Delphine, Dubreuil Christine, Lupo Coralie, Garcia Celine, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Tourbiez Delphine, Haffner Philippe, Faury Nicole, Lapegue Sylvie (2015). Technical Report for the European Union Laboratory for Mollusc Diseases 2014 .
Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie (2015). Synthèse des journées de la surveillance des maladies des mollusques marins 2014. Journée générale du mardi 16 décembre 2014 . Rapport Interne Ifremer .
Garcia Celine, Lupo Coralie (2015). Synthèse des journées de la surveillance des maladies des mollusques marins 2014. Journée technique des laboratoires agréés et reconnus du mercredi 17 décembre 2014 . Rapport Interne Ifremer .
Arzul Isabelle, Garcia Celine, Morga Benjamin, Lupo Coralie, Travers Marie-Agnes (2015). Report of the 2015 Annual Meeting and 10th Technical Workshop of the National Reference Laboratories for Mollusc Diseases, Saintes & La Tremblade, 16-19 March 2015 .
Francois Cyrille (2015). Bilan 2014 du réseau Repamo - Réseau national de surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins .


Francois Cyrille (2014). Surveillance de la santé des coquillages pêchés 1992-2014 . Journées de la Surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins, 15-17 décembre 2014, Nantes, France .
Garcia Celine, Travers Marie-Agnes, Lupo Coralie, Arzul Isabelle, Dubreuil Christine, Chollet Bruno, Baillon Laury, Serpin Delphine, Bazet Mathilde, Tourbiez Delphine, Haffner Philippe, Morga Benjamin, Francois Cyrille, Tchaleu-Danic Gwenaelle, Faury Nicole, Segarra Amelie, Moreau Pierrick, Lapegue Sylvie, Renault Tristan (2014). Laboratoire National de Référence pour les maladies des mollusques marins. Bilan 2014 . Journées de la Surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins, 15-17 décembre 2014, Nantes, France .
Francois Cyrille (2014). Prélèvements et expédition d'échantillons pour la réalisation d’analyses en pathologie . Journées de la Surveillance de la santé des mollusques marins, 15-17 décembre 2014, Nantes, France .
Travers Marie-Agnes, Mersni Achour Rachida, Haffner Philippe, Tourbiez Delphine, Cassone Anne-Laure, Morga Benjamin, Doghri Ibtissem, Garcia Celine, Renault Tristan, Fruitier-Arnaudin Ingrid, Saulnier Denis (2014). First description of French V. tubiashii strains pathogenic to mollusk: I. Characterization of isolates and detection during mortality events . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 123, 38-48 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Moreau Pierrick, Moreau Kevin, Morga Benjamin, Tourbiez Delphine, Travers Marie-Agnes, Rubinsztein David, Renault Tristan (2014). Autophagy in Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas . Nordic, Spanish & French (NSF) Autophagy Networks, 15-18 September 2014, Toulouse, France .
Bechemin Christian, Soletchnik Patrick, Polsenaere Pierre, Le Moine Olivier, Pernet Fabrice, Protat Martin, Fuhrmann Marine, Quere Claudie, Goulitquer Sophie, Corporeau Charlotte, Renault Tristan, Lapegue Sylvie, Travers Marie-Agnes, Morga Benjamin, Garriques Manon, Garcia Celine, Haffner Philippe, Dubreuil Christine, Faury Nicole, Baillon Laury, Baud Jean-Pierre (2014). Surmortalités de la moule bleue Mytilus edulis dans les Pertuis Charentais (mars 2014) . Rapport d'expertise sous convention DGAL n°14/1211521 et DPAM n°14/1211522 .


Prado-Alvarez Maria, Chollet Bruno, Couraleau Yann, Morga Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle (2013). Heat shock protein 90 of Bonamia ostreae: characterization and possible correlation with infection of the flat oyster, Ostrea edulis . Journal Of Eukaryotic Microbiology , 60(3), 257-266 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Harrang Estelle, Lapegue Sylvie, Morga Benjamin, Bierne Nicolas (2013). A high load of non-neutral amino-acid polymorphisms explains high protein diversity despite moderate effective population size in a marine bivalve with sweepstakes reproduction . G3-genes Genomes Genetics , 3(2), 333-341 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Lapegue Sylvie, Li Ronghua, Cornette Florence, Heurtebise Serge, Harrang Estelle, Morga Benjamin, Flahauw Emilie, Rohfritsch Audrey, Degremont Lionel, Haffray Pierrick, Bierne Nicolas, Boudry Pierre (2012). Recent advances in the developpement and use of molecular markers in oysters . World Aquaculture Society - Aqua 2012 - Prague, Czech Republic "Oysters, Pearl Oysters, Scallops, Clams, Abalone" - Monday, September 03, 2012 .
Morga Benjamin, Renault Tristan, Faury Nicole, Arzul Isabelle (2012). New insights in flat oyster Ostrea edulis resistance against the parasite Bonamia ostreae . Fish & Shellfish Immunology , 32(6), 958-968 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Comesana Pilar, Casas Sandra M., Cao Asuncion, Abollo Elvira, Arzul Isabelle, Morga Benjamin, Villalba Antonio (2012). Comparison of haemocytic parameters among flat oyster Ostrea edulis stocks with different susceptibility to bonamiosis and the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas . Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology , 109(3), 274-286 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Danic-Tchaleu Gwenaelle, Heurtebise Serge, Morga Benjamin, Lapegue Sylvie (2011). Complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis confirms Ostreidae classification . BMC Research Notes , 4(400) . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Morga Benjamin, Renault Tristan, Faury Nicole, Chollet Bruno, Arzul Isabelle (2011). Cellular and molecular responses of haemocytes from Ostrea edulis during in vitro infection by the parasite Bonamia ostreae . International Journal For Parasitology , 41(7), 755-764 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Morga Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle, Faury Nicole, Segarra Amelie, Chollet Bruno, Renault Tristan (2011). Molecular responses of Ostrea edulis haemocytes to an in vitro infection with Bonamia ostreae . Developmental And Comparative Immunology , 35(3), 323-333 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Morga Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle, Faury Nicole, Renault Tristan (2010). Identification of genes from flat oyster Ostrea edulis as suitable housekeeping genes for quantitative real time PCR . Fish & Shellfish Immunology , 29(6), 937-945 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Segarra Amelie, Pepin Jean-Francois, Arzul Isabelle, Morga Benjamin, Faury Nicole, Renault Tristan (2010). Detection and description of a particular Ostreid herpesvirus 1 genotype associated with massive mortality outbreaks of Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, in France in 2008 . Virus Research , 153(1), 92-99 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lapegue Sylvie, Heurtebise Serge, Harrang Estelle, Morga Benjamin, Flahauw Emilie, Sauvage Christopher, Boudry Pierre (2010). The use of SNPs in characterizing oysters genomes and their resistance to pathogens . Aquaculture Europe - The annual meeting of the European Aquaculture Society, Porto, Portugal October 5-8, 2010 .
Morga Benjamin (2010). Etude des interactions hôte/parasite chez l'huître plate Ostrea edulis et son parasite Bonamia ostreae / Study of host/parasite interactions in the flat oyster Ostrea edulis and the parasite Bonamia ostreae . PhD Thesis , Université de La Rochelle .
Harrang Estelle, Bierne Nicolas, Heurtebise Serge, Morga Benjamin, Lapegue Sylvie (2010). Fragmentation des populations naturelles d'Ostrea edulis: une adaptation locale de l'huître plate européenne . Colloque "Ecologie 2010", INRA - CNRS - Premier colloque national d'écologie scientifique, 2-4 septembre 2010, Montpellier .


Pepin Jean-Francois, Segarra Amelie, Faury Nicole, Morga Benjamin, Tourbiez Delphine, Aubert Magalie, Renault Tristan (2009). Summer oyster mortalities in 2008 in France and characterization of a new genotype in isolates of Ostreid Herpesvirus . EAFP 2009 - 14th International EAFP Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish. 14 - 19 September 2009, Prague, Czech Republic .
Renault Tristan, Allain Gwenhael, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Cobret Laetitia, de Decker Sophie, Faury Nicole, Ferrand Sylvie, Francois Cyrille, Garcia Celine, Haffner Philippe, Joly Jean-Pierre, Miossec Laurence, Morga Benjamin, Nicolas Jean-Louis, Omnes Emmanuelle, Pepin Jean-Francois, Saulnier Denis, Schikorski David, Segarra Amelie (2009). Summer mortality outbreaks of French Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas in 2008 and 2009 . 14th EAFP International Conference, Diseases of Fish and Shellfish, 14th to 17th September 2009, Prague, Czech Republic .
Morga Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Renault Tristan (2009). Infection with the protozoan parasite Bonamia ostreae modifies in vitro haemocyte activities of flat oyster Ostrea edulis . Fish & Shellfish Immunology , 26(6), 836-842 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Arzul Isabelle, Gagnaire Beatrice, Bond Celine, Chollet Bruno, Morga Benjamin, Ferrand Sylvie, Robert Maeva, Renault Tristan (2009). Effects of temperature and salinity on the survival of Bonamia ostreae, a parasite infecting flat oysters Ostrea edulis . Diseases of aquatic organisms , 85(1), 67-75 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :


Lallias Delphine, Arzul Isabelle, Heurtebise Serge, Ferrand Sylvie, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Beaumon Andy, Boudry Pierre, Morga Benjamin, Lapegue Sylvie (2008). Bonamia ostreae-induced mortalities in one-year old European flat oysters Ostrea edulis: experimental infection by cohabitation challenge . Aquatic Living Resources , 21, 423-439 . Publisher's official version : , Open Access version :
Lallias Delphine, Arzul Isabelle, Heurtebise Serge, Ferrand Sylvie, Chollet Bruno, Robert Maeva, Beaumont Andrew, Boudry Pierre, Morga Benjamin, Lapegue Sylvie (2008). Bonamia-ostreae induced mortalities in one-year old European flat oysters Ostrea edulis: experimental infection by cohabitation challenge . Physiomar 08 Physilogical aspects of reproduction, nutrition and growth "Marine molluscs in a changing environment" .


Arzul Isabelle, Bond Celine, Gagnaire Beatrice, Morga Benjamin, Chollet Bruno, Ferrand Sylvie, Robert Maeva, Renault Tristan (2007). Flow cytometry to measure impact of temperature and salinity on the survival of Bonamia ostreae, parasite infecting flat oyster Ostrea edulis, in seawater . 13th International Conference of fish and Shellfish diseaes, European Assoaciation of Fish Pathologists EAFP .
Morga Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle, Faury Nicole, Gagnaire Beatrice, Chollet Bruno, Renault Tristan (2007). Study of interactions between flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, and the parasite Bonamia ostreae using flow cytometry and suppression subtractrive hybridization (SSH) . 13th EAFP - International Conference of Fish and Shellfish Diseases. 17-21 September 2007, Grado, Italy .
Morga Benjamin (2007). La bonamiose un fléau de l'huître plate.... Journées Doctoriales Université de Poitiers .
Morga Benjamin, Arzul Isabelle, Chollet Bruno, Gagnaire Beatrice, Renault Tristan (2007). Etude des intéractions entre le parasite Bonamia ostreae et son hôte, huître plate Ostrea edulis in vitro . 45ème Colloque du GPLF - Groupement des Protistologues de Langue Française. 29 mai 2007, Station Biologique Roscoff .
Arzul Isabelle, Bond Celine, Gagnaire Beatrice, Chollet Bruno, Morga Benjamin, Ferrand Sylvie, Robert Maeva, Renault Tristan (2007). Effects of temperature and salinity on the survival of Bonamia ostreae parasite infecting falt oyster Ostrea edulis in sea water . Aquaculture 2007 - World Aquaculture Society. February 26-March 2, 2007 San Antonio, Texas, USA .


Morga Benjamin (2006). Etude des interactions entre l'huître plate Ostrea edulis et le parasite Bonamia ostreae en cytométrie en flux et en hybridation soustractive suppressive (SSH) .
